movement to abolish new bills based on unsolved cr

Movement to Abolish New Bills Based on Unsolved Crimes Resolution to take ill gains and place sufficiently necessary. Written By Law abiding citizen Salli Castillo of California.

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Page 1: Movement to abolish new bills based on unsolved cr

Movement to Abolish NewBills Based on Unsolved


Resolution to take ill gains and place sufficiently necessary.

Written By Law abiding citizen Salli Castillo ofCalifornia.

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When all or any subjects of crimes and or victims that areinvolved in past, present, and future to be false by no proof of

death or still living should or shall be determined inapplicable forNew Bill or Law that alters or ends any constitutional rights.

By such this movement to end the USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The title of the act is a ten-letter acronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.[1]

An to end the May 26, 2011, President Barrack Obama the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011,[2] a four-year extension of three key provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act:[3] roving wiretaps, searches of business records (the "library records provision"), and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves"—individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups.[4]

When Based on the destruction of evidence on U.S. soil and over seas. These acts should be claimed as Invalid.

N.S.A. To be abolish along with prior Presidency offspring Should never from this day forward be eligible for future elections.

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Third generations or any there for after to be left on the decision to the people. Let’s break this vicious cycle against freedoms.

All other parties an or organizations that I’ve forgotten and orwas unaware of that is unmentioned to be included that were created by September 11th 2001 tragedy.

Sandy Hook’s false shooting with not 1 death certificate to beseen. Neither Blood nor biohazard clean up crew for a horrific mass murder of 26 people in Connecticut. Ever since December 14, 2013 when we learned of the Sandy Hook school shooting and independent researchers went wild over the dozens of impossibilities and anomalies brought to us by our official media, people have wondered what really took place and if it was all abouttightening gun control. In this 90-minute presentation, Sofia Smallstorm looks at the event and the reported inconsistencies in a new and different way. Based on this full documentary I located these documents that desperately need more attention by main stream media. An more attention by the average U.S. citizen.

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TO BE CLEAR: It is the Soetoro-Obama’s Constitutionally ILLEGALadministration, including Attorney General Eric Holder (held in Contempt-of-Congressfor withholding gun-running operations information from Congress, regarding firearmsshipments to Mexican cartel organizations), that is the authorization and perpetration

behind Sandy Hook Elementary School criminal activities....which are directlylinked...via Laura the Aurora, Colorado shootings at Century 16 Theater (20July 2012)...and he Sikh Temple on (05 August 2012). The 2nd (and 22nd) Amendmentsof the US Constitution are included in the national target set of Osama. - BSM Research


“A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason fromWithin. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his bannerOpenly. But traitors like Soetoro-Obama, Rohm Emanuel and the Clintons, move against

Those within the gates of Washington DC and the nation freely, their sly whispersrustling

Through all the halls of the nation’s capitol, heard in the very halls of Congress itself.For the traitors appear not as traitors; they speak in accents familiar to their victims,And they wear their faces and their arguments, their appeals to the baseness that lies

Deep in the hearts of all men and women. They rot the soul of a nation; they workSecretly and unknown in the night, to undermine the pillars of the nation and its capitol,

They infect the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to beFeared..." – Roman statesman and political theorist Marcus Tullius Cicero

PURPOSE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT: Whereas civil rulers, not havingtheir duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military

forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert theirowner to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article intheir right to keep and bear their private arms. -“Remarks on the First Part of the

Amendments to the Federal Constitution," under the pseudonym ‘APennsylvanian’; Tenche Coxe [Philadelphia Federal Gazette; (18 June 1789)]

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

– The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (15 December 1791) bin/ampage?collId=llac&fileName=001/llac001.db&recNum=227

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I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.-George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3; (16 June 1788)]

Militias, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves…and include all menCapable of bearing arms. – Richard Henry Lee Letters from The Federal Farmer; 169; (1788) AGAIN:THE PURPOSE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT: Whereas civil rulers, not having

Their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as themilitary

January 30, 2014 Salli Castillo

Now this to be my last request to the readers, signers, congress of every state, senators, of all parties I ask you this is there a statue of limitations on Murder in any state? Why haven’t the accused suicide terrorist alive been interviewed for the average U.S. citizen in order to prevent hate crimes?

Who financially benefited from September 11th 2001?

I suggest they give the definable profitable income that was originally to go towards the taxes. However I do suggest that gain is made to the investigated services, police, and detectives to solve this crime. Or the families of victims or the victims that are to this day dieing from the asbestos from the clean up receive those gains.

Or benefactor serves 25 years to life for each person murdered on September 11th 2001. This includes George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald H. Rumsfeld, & Alberto Gonzales and all other members that are not mentioned here that I do not have knowledge of responsible parties of Murder, Mayhem, & terrorism on the American people and the attempt to abolish U.S. Constitution.

As well as Sandy Hook’s False fund sites to take them down get all donations back to be paid to police, homicide detectives, investigators from the show “The First 48” or an offilation of any other state perhaps from the west coast. To conduct a proper

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investigation since all victims are alive an well 1 in the U.K. they nor their families need any compensation. Or a sutiable amount of jail time.

These people have takin the responsibilities, and willingly allowed mass death for financial

and political gain. Please allow them to do as they were sworn to do when they took the jobs to serve us as a whole. I would be willing to do that if I could trade shoes. I wouldn’t just do time for mass murder I would be willing to sacrifice my life even for 1 person. If they were evil, or if they were good, if they were my enemy and it were them or I, I would chose I every time.

No limitations for murder, Not for us then not for them who we depended on voted for because we belived in them.

An no more , I want a real American President. I want some one who has served in the military not some one who takes pictures at the military. I want a real person who isn’t afraid to admit when there is wrong, realize being wrong is ok if the wrongis willing to right it, correct it. I want another Lincon or a member of the Black Panther Party. I want a President from the Bronx or Downey. I want the readers to this your son, or my cousin. I want Freedom to really BE FREE. The way it was meant to be.

Thank You for all your time It Is greatly appreciated

Salli Castillo, California