movie poster codes & conventions


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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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Page 2: Movie Poster Codes & Conventions

HOW IS A MOVIE POSTER MADE?The first thing you must remember when creating a movie poster is what genre

your film is. It is important that you follow the code & conventions of a movie poster and remember the rules you must adhere to, which are mostly based around connotations and denotations which are basically as followed:

Connotation idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or

primary meaning.

Denotation is...the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that

the word suggests. (e.g. a symbol which represents the connotation.

The cinematographer will begin shooting for a poster, while letting the photographer stand the actor up ready to take a photo shoot, which will end up being the main image on the poster. The actor will then be asked to make pose that represents the genre of the movie e.g. comedy - smiling, winking, happiness, depending on what style of comedy it is. As the editing process begins the editor may decide to use CGI to create a historical background depending on the genre e.g. Sci-Fi. However, if your chosen genre is horror you may want to leave the background empty to uphold the potential spookiness of your film. Much cheaper productions may choose to use Adobe Photoshop because of their limited budget. Others may even decide to draw their posters, such as Napoleon Dynamite, which you can tell by the humour of the drawings and scenery on, is a comedy.

The final parts of the movie poster creation is to make sure all main actors, directors and other people who helped along with the film are on the poster. This will allow us to recognise the people who have worked hard on both the poster and the movie itself. Of course, after the movie poster is completed in its editing points, it is then distributed to billboards, cinemas and wall posters all over the world which will be seen by all movie-lovers who attend the cinema on a regular basis. It also shared with food companies such as McDonalds and maybe even sports brands or events such as the Super Bowl which is also being connected with product placement.

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Movie Poster Analysis

The title for Wolf of Wall Street, as shown is a black block capital style font which sits on top of a pale yellow background. It displays both the title of the film and the man who directed it, Martin Scorsese. The reasoning behind the colours of black & yellow are to make both the title and the name of the director stand out, because of Scorsese’s work on other films and him being regarded as one of the greatest directors of this generation and last.The flamboyant background of what seemingly are business men jumping around show the genre of the film perhaps being in a comedy film.It also highlights the profound humour of mocking these types of jobs because they are taken seriously those in todays society by showing hookers, monkeys, confetty and small men dressed in pilot gear.

Through his facial expression it is easy to see he is laidback and happy with his role in the film perhaps being seen as him becoming an intriguing character.

Main actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) shown on cover to highlight once again a top actor being in the film. Fans on Leo will be inspired to watch because he is in the film, despite what genre or style the movie is. It also highlights who and what type of person the main character is. You can tell through his body language and clothing that he is cocky, brash and stylish.

The variety of colours are fantastic to look at which is important for any movie poster that comes in the happier genres such as Comedy, Romance or even the pair joined (Romcom)

The use of ‘Coming Soon’ instead of announcing the date of the film release will allow the audience to realise that the film isn't out for another while. However, it lets them feel the excitement for the film and give them something to look forward to.

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CODES & CONVENTIONSUsually the name of the actors are at the top. The reason this is so important because there are many actors out there who are high profile and there are those who would watch literally any film if their favourite actor was involved.

Main character(s) image. Showing off/ posing, which does tend to tell a lot about the role they have in the film.

Release date, or if the movie is to be released at a much later date, it will show ‘Coming Soon’

Objects/characters that also have roles, but much smaller ones can be shown in the background.

Main title, larger font, different colour. Should usually stick out the most when looked at.

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MOVIE POSTER CLICHÉSA movie poster cliché is basically the general type or

style of poster that a specific genre will follow in order to get across to their target audience. Examples are the likes of comedy, were the lighting is mostly bright and the characters seem to be always smiling on their covers. In comparison to horror, their posters will follow a much stricter rule, with the a stranger outlook or a sad one.

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Over 18’s Action

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