mozart summer 2012

Summer 2012 Mozart Academy Bulletin In This Issue: Principal Director Parents Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 Kinder Photos Mozart Academy 718.344.0002 (Korean) View the bulletin in color online at

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This is our moemory book of summer 2012!


Summer 2012

Mozart Academy Bulletin

In This Issue:




Grade 7

Grade 6

Grade 5

Grade 4

Grade 3

Grade 2

Grade 1



Mozart Academy ★ 718.344.0002 (Korean)

View the bulletin in color online at

This Yearbook

Belongs To


Participant of

Mozart Summer 2012

39-14 210st Bayside NY 11361 ☆ 718-344-0002 (Korean) ☆ 917-797-7017 (English)

Test Prep (Grade 1 – 8)

Incorporate & Apply Key Concepts

Critical Thinking & Writing

One to One Instruction Available

아침마다 아이들을 마중하는 것은,

나에게는 하루의 시작이면서 또 행복을 준비하는 준비운동이기도 하다.

아이들과 눈빛교환을 하면서 그리고 서로 마음을 전하면서 하루를 시작한다는 것이 멋진일이 아니겠는가?

나는 이때에 아이들이 무엇이 필요한지 생각하곤한다.

자신감이 필요한 아이, 진중함이 필요한 아이, 게으름을 이겨낼 수 있는자극이 필요한 아이,

노력이 남보다 훨씬 많이 필요한 아이, 음악, art, 사교에 재능있는 아이들.

많은 아이들이 각기 다른 것들을 필요로 하지만 그들을 이끌어 줄수 있는 방법은

역시 사랑 하나라고 생각한다.

아이들에게 사랑이란 무엇일까?

우리아이들은 이제 공부를 시작한다.

긴 공부의 여정을 지금 출발하는 아이들에게 제일 필요한 것은 첫째로 격려의 사랑이다.

격려는 아이들에게 새로운 여행에 대한 흥미와 견디는 힘을 줄것이다.

격려는 좌절할때도 당당한 모습으로 다시 일어설수 있는 힘을 줄 것이다.

두번째로 우리 아이들에게 필요한 것은 눈높이의 사랑이라 말하고 싶다.

우리는 분주히 아이들의 눈높이를 가늠해야한다.

그래서 우리는 아이들의 눈높이에서 아이들을 바라볼 수 있어야한다.

그런데 우리자신의 잣대로 아이들을 평가하고 아이들을 몰고 갈때를 종종본다.

이것은 우리가 너무 흔히 범하는 사랑의 실수이다.

세번째의 사랑은 leadership의 사랑이라 말하고 싶다. 우리는 아이들에게 큰 꿈을 심어주고,

그것을 위해 노력하는 것이 얼마나 행복한 것인지 보여주여야한다.

우리가 아이들에게 꿈을 심어주지 못하고 목표를 갖게하지 못한다면

그것은 우리스스로가 아이들을 포기하는 것이다.

이 세상에는 대충해서 얻어지는 것은 아무것도 없으며,

소중한 것일 수록 그것을 얻기위해 우리를 피나는 노력을 해야한다는 것을 일깨워주어야한다.

하는둥마는둥 것이 얼마나 뼈져린 결과를 가져다 줄수 있음을 일깨워 주어야하는

사랑도 필요하다고 말하고 싶다.

그리고 이사랑의 최종의 종착지는 Mozart가 추구하는 행복한 공부가 될것이다.

7주간의 Mozart에서의 여행으로 아이들이 이런 사랑을 느끼고

아이들 마음에 조금이라도 사랑의 변화가 있었다면,

그것은 나에게는 행복한 무더운 여름이었다고 스스로에게 자랑하고 싶다.

7주간의 행복한 공부를 느낀 우리 아이들 모두가 자랑스럽고,

7주간 사랑으로 행복한 가르침을 주신 우리 선생님들 모두에게 사랑과 감사를 전하고 싶다.

2012년 8월 20일

모짜르트 원장 김원정드림

2012 년 여름,

모짜르트에서 애니매이션을 만들다… 스토리보드, 캐릭터 디자인부터, 배경, 세트 작업..

클레이 애니메이션 기법을 사용한 작품촬영및 편집 완성!

* 완성된 작품은 모짜르트 홈페이지의 유튜브 링크를 참조하세요!

* Visit our website ( to view the completed animation project done by our students! Enjoy~

2012 년 8월,

모짜르트 학원에서 보낸 첫 여름학교를 마친 후…

Ryan, Rachael, and Rebecca 엄마


어느 여름과 다름 없이 올 여름도 방학이 시작됨과 동시에 이 무더위 속 아이들과 보낼

시간에 대해 많은 계획과 더불어 많은 걱정 또한 했습니다. 매년 똑 같은 박물관을 데리고 가자니

아이들은 이미 이름만 말해도 벌써 시큰둥하고 동물원도 이미 학교에서 다녀온 터라 그다지

반가워하지 않고 수족관도 해마다 데리고 다녀 어디에 어떤 바다 동물들이 있는지 까지도 기억하고

있어 정말로 고민이었습니다. 게다가 또 학년이 올라가니 다음 학년을 어떻게 준비해야 하는지에

대해서도 큰 걱정이었습니다. 특히나 큰 아이는 가을엔 3 학년이 되어 말로만 듣던 시티와이드

테스트를 볼 텐데 뭘 어떻게 준비하고 도와줘야 하는지 참으로 난감 했었습니다. 엄마인 저도 처음

맞이하는 일이라 말입니다.

그러던 차에 지인분으로부터 모짜르트 학원을 소개받아 아이 셋의 여름을 모짜르트에서

시작했습니다. 단 한 번도 공부를 오랜시간동안 그리고 많은 양을 해보지 않아 처음엔 많이 힘들어

했었습니다. 게다가 다음 학년의 내용을 배우니 또 어렵기 까지 합니다. 처음 시작한지 두주 동안은

수십가지의 이유와 불평으로 가기 싫다 하더니 목요일 마다 가는 짧은 소풍을 두번정도 다녀오더니

불평이 조금씩 줄어들었습니다.

정말 신기하게도 한 달째 되는 즈음서 부터는 너무나 자연스럽게 공부하는 습관이

들었습니다. 새로운 학습내용을 받아들이는 속도도 처음보다는 빨라지고 조금씩 적응을 해 나가는

아이들이 대견하기도 했습니다. 분명 다음 학년에 많은 도움이 되리라고 생각합니다. 처음 두주는

힘들어 하는 아이들이 보면서 안타까웠지만 천천히 적응을 잘 해나가는 저희 아이들의 새로운 면을

발견할 수 있어서 좋았고 목요일에 가는 소풍 또한 친구들과 선생님들과 함께 해 더욱더 재미있었고

엄마 아빠가 데리고 가보지 못한 여러곳을 다녀 좋은 추억을 만든 것 같습니다. 이렇게 안전하고

즐거운 여름을 보낼 수 있었던 것은 담임선생님이신 Ms. Alice 선생님과 Ms. Julia 선생님을 비록한

Ms. Grace 선생님 그리고 원장님께서 수고하신 덕분이라 생각하고 감사의 말씀을 전하고 싶습니다.

Dear Ryan, Rachael, and Rebecca,

It was hard and tough to do all the work that you were supposed to do in summer school. I

know that sometimes you were too tired to do all the homework and sometimes they were little

hard for you. However, all three of you did finish them every day. I know that all of you did

your best. You have never said that you wouldn’t do them. All of you have never given up. Mom

and dad are very proud of all of you and give you a lot of credits for that! We will have a great

time for the rest of summer vacation with mom and dad. I always say this, but one more time I

want to tell all three of you,

I love you, Ryan! I love you, Rachael! I love you, Rebecca! I love all of you!


Mom and Dad


Dear Mozart

다양한 프로그램으로 더없이 즐거운 Summer school 이 아니었나 싶습니다.

특히 2박 3일의 summer camp 는 아이와 부모가 서로의 소중함과

아이가 성숙했음을 깨닫는 좋은 계기였습니다.


Lauren Jeon 엄마 드림

Dear Mozart 원장 선생님께-

엊그제 여름이 시작 한 것 같더니, 벌써 가을

기운이 느껴지네요.

긴 여름 방학을 덕분에 알차게

잘 보낸 것 같아 마음이 뿌듯합니다. 더운

여름 내내 너무 수고 하셨고, 앞으로도 좋은

인연 계속 되길 기도합니다.

남은 여름 건강하게 잘 보내시길 바라며

가을에 더 건강한 모습으로 만나뵙길


저의 호준이 잘 돌봐 주셔서 너무 감사하구요.

다른 선생님께도 감사하다고 안부


감사함을 모아-.

호준 엄마 올림.

소중한 내 딸 Julie 에게

Julie 야! 더운 여름날 열심히 공부하느라고 많이 힘들었지?

방학이라 많이 놀고 싶었을텐데도 열심히 공부하는 Julie 의 모습이 너무 이쁘고 고마웠어.

어려운 공부하느라고 많이 힘들어 하는 Julie 의 모습을 보면서 엄마 마음도 같이 아팠는데

요즘은 조금씩 알아가면서 기뻐하는 모습을 보니까 엄마도 같이 기쁘단다.

Julie 야! 뭐든지 노력하면 안되는게 없는거야. 우리 앞으로 서로 노력하자.

엄마는 Julie 에게 좋은 엄마가 되도록 노력하고 Julie 도 지금처럼 열심히 공부하고,

건강하고, 착한 딸, 이쁜딸이 되도록 노력하자. 사랑한다… Julie 야. 엄마가

Dear 6th and 7th grade,

I am proud of all of you—

for your effort, discipline, and improvement—

and I am lucky to have met such a bright group of kids.

Keep up the hard work, and good luck in your endeavors!


Mr. Edward

Mozart classroom drawn by Ryan Lee

Meet our 6th Graders

My Special Moment at Mozart by 6th Grade

Alex: My favorite Mozart class is English class. My favorite moment was when we went on the

2 nights and 3 days camp. It was so fun. I want to go there again. I liked the hiking with Mr. Mark

and playing games with Mr. Anthony.

Anna: My favorite class in Mozart is math. It is my favorite class because my teacher, Ms. Suzana,

pushed me to do my best and it actually makes me learn something. One example that I really didn’t

know but learned is Pythagorean Theorem (a.k.a Dinosaur Way).

Chewon: In Mozart my favorite classes are reading with Ms. Liz and math with Ms. Suzana. They are

both really nice and explain everything to us well. Mozart Camp was really fun. I really liked swimming

and the food. The indoor swimming pool was really clean and big. Also, there were a lot of foods to

choose from.

Grace: Mom and Dad, thank you for sending me to Mozart and helping me study for upcoming tests

and school. Ms. Suzana, Mr. Edward, Ms. Liz, Ms. Grace, and Mrs. Kim, thank you. I will remember your

help for teaching me and spending time together in Mozart!

Jennifer: Dear Ms. Liz, you’ve been my favorite teacher! You helped me improve in vocabulary. Thank

you so much for helping me this summer. I will remember you!

Kaitlyn: My favorite classes are ELA and Math. The teachers have helped me so much so I would like

to thank them. My favorite moment at Mozart is when I met new friends.

Matthew: I enjoyed Mozart very much. My favorite class was English. All the teachers here are very

nice. I learned a lot here and had so much fun on all the field trips. I hope I will come back next year!

Sam J: I enjoyed having paired work with my partner in my writing class. One of the best time I had

was the trips and Mozart camp.

Sunwoo: I liked both math and English class because I improved a lot. My favorite moment in Mozart

was when I played in the Gong Gi Tournament. It’s my first time playing Gong Gi and I am very good!

My Special Moment at Mozart by 7th Grade

Darby: My favorite class is English class. Ms. Liz always makes the class fun and entertaining

while still teaching us the right material. My favorite moment in Mozart was when Eujin,

Whitney and I would do the most outrageous things together and have a great laugh.

Dennis: My favorite class was math because a lot of the problems were fun to solve. My

favorite moment in Mozart was Mozart Camp. We did lots of fun things such as swimming,

games, and hiking. I got to play with my friends and get very competitive in late night

gaming sessions.

Eujin: I would like to thank all the teachers. The advanced Friday class was a little challenging.

However, I learned a lot and overcome many challenges. My favorite moment in Mozart was

meeting and making old and new friends.

Jaewoo: I enjoyed all classes and although we were constantly working hard, there were

certain points of the classes where we actually had fun. My favorite moment at Mozart was

when we went to Mozart Camp. At that time, all of us got to have fun together as friends,

which made my visit there incredible.

Sam K: I thank all of the teachers for teaching me new skills and challenging us. I thank

everyone who has been part of this great summer.

Terry: The math class in Mozart was very helpful. Ms. Suzana reviewed every single thing that

we learned. She teaches in a concise manner. The special moment is when I went to Mozart

camp. Alex and I were watching the Olympics together. We had so much fun cheering for

team USA.

Whitney: Ms. Suzana taught me a lot of things. I learned a lot about math for upcoming

years. My favorite moment in Mozart was at Camp. We had a campfire, went swimming,

hiking, and we also played many games. Mozart Summer 2012 was a great summer!

Personal writing – A Descriptive Journey Jennifer Yim (Grade 6)

On an ordinary day when the sunshine glides through your window and the birds sing sweetly, I went on a walk to

Kissena Park. I heard trees talking to me, nature surrounding me and welcoming me. All of a sudden, I found myself

dancing and the flowers were dancing with me. Swaying side by side and smiling at me. The sun punched my face with a

grin. I never knew that a short walk could be so happy.

Walking in the park and meeting new friends can change your feelings. If I feel like yelling at the top of my lungs

and giving my time at the park can make me hum cheerful songs. When you look at the pretty flowers, the colors make my

eyes get all the attention to it. Smelling the wondrous flowers freshen my lungs with the beautiful smell. Touching the soft

snow in the winter makes me feel the park is mine. Giving my time to myself is best for me, better than being with my


I can feel more joyous at the park than at home and any place else. I want to jump up and down and soar through

the sky. I always feel outrageous things at the park. I always feel so happy when I am at the park. Excitement always makes

me run around and prevents me from sitting in my seat.

I love New York City’s parks because you can always have fun and good memories there. For example, I can

remember having P.s 107’s Field Day at Kissena Park. When I remember that exciting moment, my heart feels cheerful.

Having fun moments with your friends and families is always the best moments of your life. I can think back to running

around and playing Tag with your friends. It can be the best dream you have when you wake up from your sleep. Field Day

was never a nightmare for me.

The Kissena Park is like my second home. I can do everything there that sometimes you can’t do indoors. You can

always run around crazily at the park, exercise, have fun and talk a lot with your friends and play sports. For example, you

can play baseball, soccer, and basketball and other activities that you can do. I love the park!

The park has the best memories of my life. It brings me the thought of being free. The park: my freedom

Personal writing – A Descriptive Journey Dennis Ahn (Grade 7)

I had to walk home from the bus stop in sixth grade. At first, I wasn’t too psyched about it. I would prefer sitting on a couch at home, relaxing like there’s no tomorrow. However, the walk opened my eyes so that I could see New York in a completely different way! I always thought of New York as a polluted place, plagued with filth, poverty, and money hungry businessmen who wanted to monopolize the whole economic world. These little walks proved me wrong. During these trips, I would stop many times just to sense the world around me. The combined feelings of nature and civilization together made it wonderful. Seeing the modernized world mixing with the natural world gave me a sense of being in a fantasy. In open areas, I would see fresh, green, shining grass dotted with wildflowers of all different colors. Red, blue, purple, white, yellow – it was always like nature’s own fireworks show. The variety of trees stood tall and strong, short and crooked, and small and fragile. The trees would sometimes be flower trees: their delicate blossoms were pinkish-white or white. The petals would occasionally come off and float in the wind. The sight of these petals falling and floating reminded me of snowflakes swirling around in the winter. In shaded areas, the dappled sunlight shining through the constantly moving leaves on the trees created a beautiful dotted pattern on the shining rocks in the cement of the sidewalk. The variety of cars on the always bustling expressway would sometimes be blurs of color. I would stand on the bridge over the expressway and wave at the cars. Even though most drivers were in a hurry, some of them had time to wave back at me. While I was walking, I noticed that the air was filled with the sound of cars honking, which blocked out a lot of other noise. Once in a while, a motorcycle would drive by and make a harsh, loud sound similar to that of a machine gun firing. There were the “hffffff ” of the car tires on the road and the “du-dun” of trucks hitting bumps in the road. There was the occasional “whoosh” of a breeze, the happy, chirpy tune of birdsong, and the rather loud, shrill song of cicadas in the spring or summer. The leaves on the trees rustled, and sometimes a lawnmower would roar across the park. The tapping sound of my footsteps was very faint over all of the noise. On clear days, I would feel the hot rays of the sun beating down on me. A breeze would sometimes come by, refreshing the almost painful, hot feeling on my arms. Sometimes it would unexpectedly start raining while I was on the bus. Without an umbrella, the cold rain would fall onto my skin, making me shiver. Other times, before the rain started, the air was thick with humidity. Breathing it in made me feel as though I’d breathed in smoke. My lungs would feel heavy, and my nostrils would feel clogged. My legs would have a burning sensation that almost made me fall face down. During these times, I wanted to quit. However, I concentrated on the good aspects of this place, and focused on getting home. As I walked, the wind brought the sweet perfume of flowers to my nose. Breathing it in relaxed me, and I was filled with a sense of energy that kept me going all the way home. Sometimes there would be the strong, bittersweet aroma of freshly mown grass. The disgusting smell of hot, fresh asphalt on the road and the hot, musty, noxious gas that cars gave out filled my nostrils. During this trip, the stinky car fumes would leave a nasty salty-bitter taste in my mouth. As though it was helping me, the wind brought a kind of sweet taste to my tongue, washing off the taste of the car fumes. Sometimes, I would have a candy or some mint gum in my mouth. The sweet candy would make me a little hyperactive, which made me walk faster. The mint gum would cool my whole body down, and the sun’s rays would not feel so hot anymore. The tiring aspects of the walk would make me want to sit down and stop walking, but the world around me calmed me down in its own way. The senses of nature and civilization gave me the energy to continue. I sensed lots of things in the world. Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting New York made me realize that every place has some good traits. I think that it’s amazing how a short journey can change someone’s overall view of the world. After those walks, I felt that the world was perfect in its own way.

Dear 4th and 5th grade students,

Congratulations on completing your summer with Mozart!

Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?

Thank you for working hard

and giving your best during all of our classes together.

May you continue to persevere

and develop an appreciation for learning.

Ms. Liz

Mozart kitchen drawn by Ryan Lee

Sea Animals drawn by Ryan Lee

My Special Moment at Mozart by 4 & 5th Grade

Alvin: Ms. Suzana and Ms. Liz helped me a lot. I also liked trips because we went to ice skating, park, and

movie theater. I made some friends and we played Gong Gi.

Andrew: The best part of Mozart was writing. I liked it because I needed help with persuasive essay. And I got

help. It was also fun. I also liked the trips especially bowling because it was exciting.

Ben: One of my special moment at Mozart is when I was in writing class. My second special moment was when

I saw the Kongi tournament.

Hanna C: I want to thank to my teachers and parents for helping me and giving me courage to do things. I

want to thank my parents for being there when I needed them. Ms. Liz and Ms. Suzana helped me a lot and

they helped me on the things I got wrong. I also want to thank Ms. Grace and Mrs. Kim for guiding me all the

way to the end of Mozart Summer 2012!

Hannah G: My favorite classes are writing and math class. Ms. Liz explained everything very clearly and easily so

that I understood so quickly. Ms. Suzana’s lessons were always fun and helpful.

Ludia: My favorite class is ELA. In ELA, Ms. Liz is very nice. She explains everything so well that I could

understand it. In ELA, we learn many new things like homographs and homophones. ELA is so fun!

Maryann: One of my special moments was the first day of school. I met all of my teachers and friends. It was

great. I learned a lot that day and I will never lose this perfect memory.

Richard: Writing class was very fun. In writing I like when we did peer editing. I also remember when I went to

the movies. The movie was very funny. The best part was when Andrew all of a sudden grabbed me when they

were talking about the muddy hand.

Christian: My favorite trip was Mozart Camp. In class I learned many new things. It is sure to help me in school.

Joshua: I felt like Ms. Liz and Ms. Suzana were good teachers. My favorite moment was when we ate smores and

ate melos at camp. We made up a thing called a flame-melo, a marshmallow that’s on fire.

Julie: The most important things I learned were math and English because teachers taught me very well. I was

very thankful to Ms. Suzana for spending time with me.

Sarah: Thank you for everything teachers. You helped me improve a lot during summer.

Hyeran: I didn’t like math before but Ms. Suzanna taught me that math can be fun. I also want to thank Ms.

Alice for helping me with ELA.

4th Grade

Word Problem…

Persuasive Essay

Should Dodgeball be Banned from the School?

Christian Ahn (Grade 5)

Dodgeball can be good and bad in many different ways but I think it is good. Many schools in multiple

states want to ban dodgeball in schools and some states have already banned dodgeball in schools. But dodgeball isn’t

all bad. It can help you improve in many different ways, and I will name a few examples.

Some people say it can encourage bullies to bully others by throwing the ball hard and aiming hard at the

head on purpose. But that is easy to prevent. Adults can supervise the game and make sure kids don’t throw balls hard

at each other at the head. Even if they do, that person will get caught, and he/she will probably get detention and that

person will learn his/her lesson. In the article, “Should Dodgeball be Banned in School?” Rick Hanetho argues

that it teaches hand-eye coordination, concentration and the ability to think and draw quick conclusions. So, kids can

either dodge the ball or catch it.

My second reason why dodgeball should be kept in school is because it can help improve kids’ sportsmanship.

Sometimes, when kids lose games, they get all upset and complain. But in dodgeball, they probably won’t because it’s

not a very big sport. The kids on the two teams can shake hands with each other and they can say encouraging things.

The winning team can say something like, “I hope you win next time!” and the losing team can say “Wow! You

guys were really good.” So the next time they play a game, they will feel encouraged and more confident.

My last reason why dodgeball should not be banned in school is because it gives bad athletes a chance to play.

Dodgeball does not have many rules like basketball and baseball. You just need to learn the basics, which include

catching, dodging, and throwing. As you get better and better, you can learn more detailed rules, if there are any.

Learning too much at once can be difficult to do. You will make many mistakes and it will be hard to correct them

with hardly any experience. Also, it will be hard to memorize all those rules at once. Learning little bits at a time can

sometimes be better, and dodgeball can teach you that.

People sometimes say dodgeball can make kids hurt others to win. Adults can supervise the game and kids can

dodge the ball. People also want to ban dodgeball because it can encourage kids to bully others and can make bullies

more aggressive. But people always seem to forget the fact that kids can dodge and catch balls. Many reasons why

people want to ban dodgeball can be prevented.

Dodgeball can help kids stand up to bullies. Dodgeball can also help kids learn about sportsmanship.

Dodgeball can also help children who are bad at many sports by giving them a chance to play. All of these reasons are

why I want to keep dodgeball in schools.

Persuasive Essay

Do Boys and Girls learn better together or apart?

Hannah Goo (Grade 4)

Girls and boys learn better together and there are many reasons, too! The article that I read is

about how some students think boys and girls learn better together and some don’t. At single-gender

schools, they reduce opportunities, reinforce gender stereotypes, and boys may become aggressive. However,

at co-ed schools, they could help each other and learn from each other. Now, let me tell you why girls and

boys learn better together.

My first reason is that girls and boys have to get used to working with each other in jobs. When

they grow up, they have to work with one another and if they don’t get used to being with each other, they

would have a hard time getting along when working on the same job.

My second reason is that boys and girls who have different thoughts can learn and share new

things together. Maybe a boy doesn’t understand something and a girl might be able to help that boy.

For example, in our writing class, my partner Joshua and I exchanged our first drafts and we proofread

each other’s essay. Then, we gave each other good comments. After that, we both improved.

My third reason is that just because the girl ’s and the boy’s style is different, it doesn’t mean

that they shouldn’t learn with each other. Even though they wear different clothes and play with different

toys, that doesn’t mean that they can’t learn with each other. Also, they could tell their own style and

share their personality. This will make them more confident with who they are.

On the other side, some people think boys and girls may interrupt each other. However, if they

help one another by not interrupting each other, that shouldn’t be a problem. For example, in my class, a

boy name Deep was having trouble with doing a math problem. I helped him and when he was asking me

a question, I didn’t interrupt him. When I was explaining, he didn’t interrupt me. After that, he knew

how to solve that problem.

These are the reasons why girls and boys could learn better together. My first reason was that

they should get used to working together in jobs. My second reason was that boys and girls who have

different thoughts can learn and share new things together. My third reason was that they learn from

each other because they have different style. So if you think girls and boys learn better apart, I wish

you change your mind!

By Joshua Moon

Dear 3rd grade class,

Congratulations on completing your summer session at Mozart.

Every single one of you worked so hard towards achieving your goals.

As you continue to embark onto third grade

I wish you only the best of luck on all your future endeavors.

Best, Ms. Julia

Mozart picture drawn by Ryan Lee








My Special Moment at Mozart by 3rd Grade

Johann: My favorite moment at Mozart is going to the camp because I

didn’t have to worry about studying time. I could stay in the water, swim

and play ball in the water for an hour. I liked the food so much that instead

of being full I was hungrier. I also like camp because I got to play Wii until

late night. I don’t want to brag but camp was awesome!

Joshua: My favorite moment at Mozart is when we went to the movie

theater to watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid because the movie was very funny. I

liked the movie theater because we got to eat popcorn and drink fruit

punch while we are watching a movie.

Lauren Khim: My favorite moment at Mozart is Writing Workshop. I like Writing

Workshop because I like writing. I also like making up my own stories and we

sometimes did that in the class. We did lots of different topics and I am

learned lots of new things about writing.

Matthias: My favorite moment in Mozart is doing Writing Workshop because

writing is fun. Sometimes when you are good or win a contest, you get a

snack like gummy. My favorite topic was about ants because I researched

about ants before and knew a lot about ants.

Ryan L: My favorite moment in Mozart is when we do math. We learned a

lot of things in math like the times table, division, weight, length, how to

regroup and money. We also played fun math game called Multiplication

War. I also write a lot in writing class. The topic is sometimes easy or hard.

The hard ones are fun because I am learning new things and I will know a

lot of things about it.

Seeon: My favorite moment at Mozart is doing Writing Workshop. The reason

why is that it is very important to learn how to write well. I learned to express

and write about anything I think and do.

Siohn: My favorite moment at Mozart is when we do writing class and math

class too! I also love lunchtime because we have a short free time.

My Goals by Lauren Khim

My first goal is to try to read more books. I

will go to the library and read there. I will focus on

reading and understanding the story by reading lots

of books. I would like to read more non-fiction books

than a fiction books.

My second goal is to concentrate on working,

listen to the teacher so I know what to do. I won’t

look at others. If something is too hard, I will just

ask for help from the teacher.

My third goal is to get better in piano. I will

play piano for a long time and do it over and over

again. I will keep practicing until I get all the notes

right without looking.

My fourth goal is to help friends. I can help

my friends if they need help. I will only give them

good ideas, not the answers.

My fifth goal is to write neater. I am going to

write neater by taking my time. I can also write

neater by writing the perfect size. I can also do

handwriting practice.

Dear 2nd grade class,

Congratulations for all of your accomplishments.

I will miss each of you!

Dream big, always.

Ms. Alice

The Zoo drawn by Ryan Lee

Dear my 1st grade class,

Thank you so much for your hard work and effort!

All of you made me smile during this summer.

I wish you a best of luck!!!

Love, Ms. Kellie

Mozart Classroom drawn by Ryan Lee

Dear Ryan, Joseph and Jake,

What a great time it’s been!

Am I the only one who felt like summer flew by?

Congratulations for your great effort to moving forward toward your goals.

I am very proud of you for all your hard works and accomplishments at Mozart.

You should feel very proud of yourself too!!

I will never forget all the great times we shared with each other.

Good luck to you on the exciting journey through kindergarten

and I really wish you a happy and healthy upcoming school year.

Love, Ms. Christina

By Matthew Harwood

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After School

Make a Difference with Mozart