mozleys grocery · 2009. 8. 3. · the...

THE GAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 11 1906 5 y NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Britf Happenings From Various Sections of State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring in The Land of Flowers Things Boiled Down to Suit the Busy Render Item of Interest to All Classes The Senate in p d th MM np l oO for a governmiit- biiildinit at Fernandina The Madison nhoni are in re d nf teachers There nine Irxdn in the school and only live tench r Live O k is dnin grand work in drive j hut out th objectionable eharacters that len hiingiiu aroin 1 that city Lakf Hutler granted S II Mil lory of that eity a t entyv r fUll shire to establish a telephone change The report that Jacksonville pitup a good Ural to H mention in Town Topics i denied byieopl who CAIMI to be posted Kraiiitovn oil ri mad a rid a few night ago captured a Florida diFpennary and two men running a gambling outfit One day last uvek lJSO quarts of strawberries were shipped from PInt City at priers which netted shin Seen about The Hoynton Hotel at lioyntnri nn the Kit Cost owned by Major Horn ton the King has accommo- dations for Itrt gusts i Sara ilernhardt will appear in Key West When he her French at that Cubtn nidivnet there will great applause j J F Milieu of Punta liordi ha planted another cucumber crop and liOiri llr M ill do MB v eii nn lit did ml year when he cleared acre Two prisoners in the Manatee county jail found the door unlocked one even- ing and desiring to change I place walked out The next d y bloodhound could not track thm The street railway condntor aid motormen of Ky Wet have orcan- izd a union aiSlifttiiig wits the Amerj can Federation f Labor Injmnin- iu ll was srkMed a pre idvttt of the AVniuiti John rurney a nvilatto was rtruck j in the head with a stick of atove wool by ane l ilr colored partner in j a restaurant buine at Mayport W dne day night snit died four hour afterwirtlj from effect of the bow I According to th plans of the t rmat rkeneral the army recently j made public it is proposed to build a new guard home to tot ITw and administration building at a of f T at the Key V t barrak during the coming year A kruiene oil famine struck M- iami and unless the situation is re lievid within tlie n it twentyfour hours many of it resident will be in j the dark and living at night either by mnanltsht or sanlle light 7ri their meals will be prepared the yard j Jar Klein of of Kfiu it Campbell nji hat n doen tramp i have struck ilu week ak inn for apitatif They were ail pivti thrmarMf herrt Jake turn all down now He was driven ti it by cirttitiiitane A onebgged bit robut ablelHuiied whitt nUll np proaihed n t i long ng and h l l i out hi card Juke refused him Tin man Itun biVtf litter on and iVHtited to buy n fur of jiunt and Juke rv- letitid enough to them M him vry- ilo e lilili when the pour fellow1 went to them Ie pulled nut a roll of bill of nt than and r with a grin They are gi ir lly f easy down here und jant all up like you Aint you from my mr home New York And Jilfcej said that h w 4 Ouala tar Health Mt uni the ability to do a co day worms without undue fntigue and rind lif worth living You cannot have indigestion or ciiitipitmn with f oat it upeiting fiver and pol Inting the bl id S eh tuny be bret and i iicke t relieved tiy- Herbine the bft liver regulntor thu the world ha ever known Mr 1 j W Smith write April 3 itf I oar Herbtne and tint it the best nudicm for constipation and regulating the liver I ever Jt rd 5 ftHt RoIJ by W M Johnson i t Xo t and that J i b on an I boarding t I hi i f rust I has 1 t I c It I rill I 0 th111 thin ill I I Ii I pray for Its Hid i oil I I to i t th I I a propriat Inc are i n Dare has I 81 Marts slings r the usr a- new i i tit their tnre t ne y nln t a eundlnnn t > ¬ > + + + + + + + ± + + + MOZLEYS LEMON ELIXIRTh- e Ideal Laxative Three no unjiK ant clcct f m Moii V J II M N J UMH but lt net n it ttinrMuWv rUctlvc It i ttitc the li t tvici- M U i f imj unit t K r ji l u tr 1 ur je inti M i N J IMXik like i r I i rjit j k ic 1 I n- cvrn U r it 50 ccul ui SI 00 I T wale T MI VtMf STOKJX DRIFTED 800 MILES Was Fer Priod of Thirty Days at the Mercy of the Waves SeaM t 1 tan oi drittin iiiuitlnd nabs at ti mercy of HH i eovcrliirf a period ol over thinly da tb told by Nre Juoi a CM e boatrwain resciied liotn till wivIud steam r Marie Chan in riN HH mi the Alaskau tuna Th Tact Chan ncotinter d hrr- tirst illtlietiliy about loo miles off Cape Ila when she suddenly pruii a KIK Work on the pumps w- atrniptf i li cJouglni and fur da ttont irineij while tilt crew worM- dnlht and day with hand buckets to kep the afloat From Jc LI to Jan 20 this work wai ktpt up and the engineer virv- h H n able to MSI the upper boilers Small headway was made and the avmnts te ewed together in a lam This gave almost enough headway for xtttrage but to keep the Marie Chan from trikiim In Chatham straits in a noiti west untp Thirty ramp members of the crew stKTetdtd In making the shore where they lay fur four days almost perish Jr rniS final hrlng rvrrd- b the JcorRla awl taken to Junn From luniiia ihr rcfimees were tak on to this city where they were not allowed to land luist night thy left for Port Town- send on the st nmcr loldc Sentenced One Minute New Orleans n Feb 9 Jtulp- Willl m Iiai of the sate district court at Crowley a broke the record on hurt iit nces Melan ruin ai d tear was Indicted for creatlnv a dlturlianeo at a hall Me- pleailed jjullij I he pivscuilm attar n r iimiikd the jndi thnt a jut sen- t w must be iidminlstiTcit Judge rush then Mntenctd the bo to pay small tine and to spend one nilniitn Jitil The tin was paid and the hhtrliT took the buy t a cell closed door on him for tdxty seconds mid turned him loose The novel errata consldorrble nirnt In the Luckest Man in Arkansas Im the luckiest niHti in Arkano II L Stanley of Kruno inr r torntion of my wifeN health af lire years of continuous from the lung and I my god fortune to till worlds t m dicine r Kintj New i for n wliiih I krow ri rience will cure ctiiriimptiim tHken in Unto wife unproved rlr t hot tie and twelve the cire Cur the wortl Forced to Suspend Operation in il th t iv nu4fall during th nlsh- tlr r Is ri riiilitfly tlcd lip lain ate from t three Tcmrv- i rin I h diile tine A rk trnti n tr Mh n t url FJolrrnji dlrlnloii the I hith Vily ntllrfmd U tied iu ft MI a short diMtuH e ran ihlx Tb un v b ws fflm ui s P stioned- Wa JiittLt n trial of or V MittTn form r t n nr K tr n of HiiistiRin N V VV R I tiweio ii ou In alt ffliif rand In f nnc with ti I of postal ron whl h wa et for Mnmiav 1 until Mnndiv- W hlnpfii I JI 1 I w r In b hip mill IlItfI tent In I flan ri h r ill I I r111 ly ith hot ollioh and rlfllfllIL ail Tri uul frI la1II Iu Ih r001 ielnlt to t II oil I q IlaO u TriAl I f Th < 0E t I r n I I tl1 ere d Crtn y Ihr < met < t t s Ihe u rash not g l hurl rmnnr cough lutz g we rat Con f s eiId t nrnnley drugrnre f er ttul Ii titc 1 rilt t Nr fire- d f ad p ratoh 1iIJt Ito t n I tat and ntw ring hoe 1 Crjot r rah < > > > > > < ¬ > > > > > > < > < > < ± + + + + + + + + ULLCT WAS FIRED BY HUSBAND Awatelnation of Goebel Had Nothing- To Do with Shooting of Ehler San Francisco Feb It A dls patch to tile Kainlti r from Kels sa s tlut Chirlo who was hof In Hukerstield ha arrived there un 1 that he hat ln kin hN Alienee llnu the shiiiln ai uadc tilt t lov itm stateiix tit itiiil now I lit r fn to ay who hut me It ha a uiii i- tlioott 1 ijHi liiin wleher It i done l y M me iiae Interested In the fSoebel- li rase of K In- v lilcii i am eietllttil UntitK b iinMirtunt nf Slate Sen- ator V 1 Kmmoit of HnkerlleM- tlun oes on to declare lUK- tiimnns shot him for nn alleueil in suit to Mrs Kmrnons llmmons Is now rvlii a term in the stat peii- itetMiy been ronvirted of iMiinllliiK at tilt last Mtslon of till state It tslature Mutes Cheer Miss Roosevelt Net York Feb iu Vith water hot tlfs randelabras lit Id hiili in thi air member of the flat Mut s- Inlon leiiiie club at their nil eth annual meeting toasted Miss Alice lto sevi It Marcus Kenner toast- master win n the dinner was complete ed spram to his chair and lifting his glass toad the following toast with his left band To Miss Alice Koose veil etve Mrs Lnu worih Our conuratulatlons In an Instant the scores ot hands were in the air K eT- TIng out the enthusiasm of their own- ers while some of till 71 diners nimlu more noisy demonstrations Three Employee Killed- St Petersburg Feb 10 Three em ployes of the iullloff works belonK to the party active In the struggle aualn t revolution by anarchy the KO called niack Hundred were surprised and killed by n party of revolutionary workmen They were accused of fur Dishing the police with lists of revolu- tionary workmen and with assisting In making arrests and searches Tho terrorists campaign has been vigorous iroMflllfii ill Die pltivlluVr uf late From two to attempts on the lives of olHclals and police arc re- ported tlsiv- t tch Ringworm E T Lucas Wingo Ky write April J5 ir For 10 to 12 years I had been alllicted with a malady known an the iiat The itching most unbearable I had tried for years to tint relief having tried nil rem di I could hear of be idcs a number of doctors I with to tate that one single application of Ballard Snow Liniment cured me completely and permanently Sine then I have u ed the liniment on two separate oc- ca ions for ring worm and it cured completely 25e 60c and tl Sold by V M Jdim on Helen Keller Ic III V rent ham Maa el 10 The physical and iit utal strain of Tier course at colU e and the situ si qilent nk which lloNn Keller hal dumb and Mind woman has been doing to ltd those similarly affllcled hay caused Illtus on till part of Mlii Keller ll r physician has ordered a lung p rlod of complt te rrst anti acconlancc with his directions work whir Ml s Kelbr hal In hand nnd ii monionts to appear at public meiiliiKs In nld of the blind have been plvtn up A Card Tlii i n card to certify that all ilrucLi t nre atthorized to refund your money if Foleys Money and Tar fjiiN to cure your or cold It top the Iniiijh heal the lungs and prevents riom reitults from n cold Cures la grippe anti prevent pniMHiionjji riid ennui tiaii on trains no opint i The genuine 14 in n yellow package ItHfute itubsiititen j J V MoColltisn Cu Federal Control of Insurance V tllllK tl Kli 111 tllldT- I ant ruction f t the judiciary r miml wan an in t may r i irt whether or n fmir the p iwer to vide frd rnl ml of in uranct thus I not exist wan main- tained by It V H kenrldge of Oroa hM Ne nf the InKtinitlce cnmrnNliti f Ntnerknn liar asso- ciation Are You Restless at Night nd harry l by H hal cotiRh1 lii Italian Mor hInd Syrup it will t ir4 you wind le t effeet a IMinpt nrl rHli eure Sold by W- M J lli iiri n r I < t rIll II I Irr tih II t 1 iy f 0 f tilt wrist cough I hull I i order that I outhorl y 11 t h i and I Los FIb oral r car r n n- an wit is curving glasses pro ten was Inn laiiT inc I cough in t log I has pro i r hrs rmIn al > > > > > > ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > < < + + + + the Full Njme axative Rrorao j 2 Days on every wnme I X30 tuber t9 ea Cold inOneDaYCr p i ° I MOORE ENDS LIFE WITH PISTOL Americus Man Found Dead in His Room Atwrliim tii IVS 9 MiHir years ot aw inrnutm h it for V Co rot ton 4eri shot out hi iKfni in uiuirttntntH at the Hut I WlndKor- AliMin vis n native of AlSimy ntrl- runie to AMI ri H le han a month ti o Ill w nt in tits orfiee und at- tended to matters of business return lui later to hotel No on heard the ihot and a II buy uoln to the ro ii lilt r upon an eitind dlscovered the dy I Imllet unit entered the brawl iitvl Uaih WH oils Nn cause run be assigned for his ueiton Only ti n minutes before the tragedy Mooiv had cmversed pleasantly with T IIMI i f li InII twiwlMl Mire letters ne to his wife In A- tlanta with whom It Is said he has not lived IT MIIIH time It Is salt hts biilnes stairs nre straight and correct A i l atlon of Odd Fellows from Albany arrived here to escort tin leinuln Iii that cttv Mr burial Croup I egin4 with the yitiptnmii of a coin mutt cold There in n chillineM fneez inn ore throat hot kin quick puUe- hoarfeiie and r piratif Jive fr small of Ballard llon hound Syrup the could will cry for it and at th tint of a croupy cough apply frequently Snow Liniment to the throat Mr A flirt w CastleXe Colo writes March 19 1W I think Horehound Syrup a wonderful remedy and so pleasant to take Sold by W M Johnson Prize for Mill Stones Faith N C Feb 10 A large bronze mrdal nrrlvod by mall here from th universal exposition of St of 1904 It was awarded for a pair of mill stone that Mr Wyatt had on exhibition there He received the diploma several months ago and ha had It framed and prize his med- al very hlahlv The Best Physic When yoo want a physic that is mild and gentle easy to take and certain to act always use Chamberlains Stom- ach and Liver Tablets For tale by all druggist 1 lark lib I h j 1 1 I I I I I qunl Ballads It I Iucrur s tit h Ira ins a titan t doses pig Ballads owls > > > ¬ ¬ + I Offers for the next 30 the following goods at prices nam- ed below Ihirkee Salad 5j Three bottlc a5o Three cans Corn 25o Three le 2Bo One 3lb can Klberta iVaclie 20a Two e nn IVaches 25o Bon of jiifen olivfii jr- hV t Lump Smrch per Ib Three llb eau Corned or toast Bert 35- lle i Compound Lard per lb rsdra of Hams and Brrakf it Bacon and everything Cheap GIVE US A CALL We can you both in quality and TElKiHttXE- lf ve your our ixxtruJts aada In a faotorr by i who B- Oreputmlon to uMam In your comBntd- tr When you wont LA KGB FOR I TRAIT lit or o H le that wBl nrtl tlo llr to Mke- B fi and livalBK i ie ur to you civ- jr uronl r to JAMES F SMITH Mikrr of FINE FADELESS FOTO I OKAFS from Locket lo Lance Portrait la Colors or Wee I obrone TIle sad anlMlf- laounu and folders for work HlRdU EsUMMKd te I8- f7iiii Mans Mme LIliES NKLTKS WATCH MY WISBOff It may pay jwu II The Grocery Co d pressing nil Ib 5o B- ent tor Cub unary I ole hue I a be a I I I FAUST aS t 2 Il eta price e Iti U- NPONTI loved y row anI heed petted I v Life Sac d latest meat peso ems Iliad SINS t Y ¬ > < > > > > + + > + E E VOYLE MGR Abstract of Title and full information raratohed rwinliBf kdl to Is thoroughly conversant with FIRE ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INBDRANCI J we venting n cumber of prominent EBd eoaptuilM REAL AND CITY LOAl- TSGhalJQesxr He a WLoxAQj TUB ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO IKK- STAIILJSUEt IWC The question Render rejatjH service of every tort lIe of of Title the Land Titles in the State of Florida particularly Alaohaa ooontj tint contid SPKCIALTIEHi AMnutH TltlM Tax Sale Kr rrkf for AKtlN fur MltPrnl Und Owner I UI f Ceaatkitj the investor TII HS Ktr- Kffertfiices First National Bank of Gainesville H F Dutton A Co Hankers IAS M President Gao W Hrna Preiident II K TAYLOR Cashier LKK UIUIIAM Asst Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONLY NATIONAL RANK IN ALACHUA CO Capital 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 30000 00 eiiiUMTeiT tuxCPM wltti to soy batik to Itc Stale SoUeil ibe iccojrt f V rurr Mercb tw Corporttilont etc Interest snowed br a rr tcrf neci All bukloeutr o cie l promptly Cashier OFF On Drinking Any Hut the BEST SODA VATEK- Ve laiin that our Mottled Soda Water Ginger Ale Etc are jre t i drink thon made by the BOTTLING WORKS REALTY COMPANY Our manager hat lived in E E va Y LE American EII the eraon GUlf OF GAINEBVILLE 50000 0 Iel a Dar It tschttlei equal eo J t- Ioorporaltt d1 y Illis county ski seen held toad titles a a 3 a Vice r 0 HE TAYLOR S l E N ESVI LLE ± > > < + °

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Post on 20-Jan-2021




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Britf Happenings From VariousSections of State


Transpiring in The Land of FlowersThings Boiled Down to Suit theBusy Render Item of Interest toAll Classes

The Senate in p d th MM npl oO for a governmiit-

biiildinit at FernandinaThe Madison nhoni are in re d nf

teachers There nine Irxdn inthe school and only live tench r

Live O k is dnin grand work in drive j

hut out th objectionable eharactersthat len hiingiiu aroin 1 thatcity

Lakf Hutler granted S II Millory of that eity a t entyv r fUllshire to establish a telephonechange

The report that Jacksonville pitupa good Ural to H mention in TownTopics i denied byieopl who CAIMIto be posted

Kraiiitovn oil ri mad a rid afew night ago captured a FloridadiFpennary and two men running agambling outfit

One day last uvek lJSO quarts ofstrawberries were shipped from PIntCity at priers which netted shinSeen about

The Hoynton Hotel at lioyntnri nnthe Kit Cost owned by Major Hornton the King has accommo-dations for Itrt gusts i

Sara ilernhardt will appear inKey West When he herFrench at that Cubtn nidivnet therewill great applause j

J F Milieu of Punta liordi haplanted another cucumber crop andliOiri llr M ill do MB v eii nn lit did mlyear when he cleared acre

Two prisoners in the Manatee countyjail found the door unlocked one even-ing and desiring to change I

place walked out The next d ybloodhound could not track thm

The street railway condntor aidmotormen of Ky Wet have orcan-izd a union aiSlifttiiig wits the Amerjcan Federation f Labor Injmnin-iu ll was srkMed a pre idvttt ofthe AVniuiti

John rurney a nvilatto was rtruck j

in the head with a stick of atove woolby ane l ilr colored partner in j

a restaurant buine at MayportW dne day night snit died four hourafterwirtlj from effect of thebow I

According to th plans of thet rmat rkeneral the army recently j

made public it is proposed to build anew guard home to tot ITw and

administration building at aof f T at the Key V t barrakduring the coming year

A kruiene oil famine struck M-

iami and unless the situation is relievid within tlie n it twentyfourhours many of it resident will be in j

the dark and living at night either by

mnanltsht or sanlle light 7ri theirmeals will be prepared the yard j

Jar Klein of of Kfiu itCampbell nji hat n doen tramp i

have struck ilu week akinn for apitatif They were ail pivtithrmarMf herrt Jake turnall down now He was driven ti it by

cirttitiiitane A onebgged bitrobut ablelHuiied whitt nUll npproaihed n t i long ng and h l l i

out hi card Juke refused him Tinman Itun biVtf litter on and iVHtited

to buy n fur of jiunt and Juke rv-letitid enough to them M him vry-ilo e lilili when the pour fellow1went to them Ie pulled nut aroll of bill of nt than and r

with a grin They are gi ir lly feasy down here und jant allup like you Aint you from mymr home New York And Jilfcejsaid that h w 4 Ouala tar

HealthMt uni the ability to do a co day

worms without undue fntigue andrind lif worth living You cannothave indigestion or ciiitipitmn with f

oat it upeiting fiver and polInting the bl id S ehtuny be bret and i iicke t relieved tiy-

Herbine the bft liver regulntor thuthe world ha ever known Mr 1 j

W Smith write April 3 itf I oarHerbtne and tint it the best nudicmfor constipation and regulating theliver I ever Jt rd 5 ftHt RoIJ byW M Johnson






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Three no unjiK ant clcctf m Moii V J II M N J UMH butlt net n it ttinrMuWv rUctlvcIt i ttitc the li t tvici-

M U i f imj unit t

K r ji l u tr 1 urje inti M i N J

IMXik like i rI i rjit j k ic 1 I n-

cvrn U r it 50 ccul uiSI 00 I T wale



Was Fer Priod of Thirty Days at theMercy of the Waves

SeaM t 1 tan oidrittin iiiuitlnd nabs at timercy of HH i eovcrliirf a period olover thinly da tb told by Nre Juoia CM e boatrwain resciied liotntill wivIud steam r Marie Chan inriN HH mi the Alaskau tuna

Th Tact Chan ncotinter d hrr-tirst illtlietiliy about loo miles off CapeIla when she suddenly pruii aKIK Work on the pumps w-atrniptf i li cJouglni and fur dattont irineij while tilt crew worM-dnlht and day with hand buckets tokep the afloat

From Jc LI to Jan 20 this workwai ktpt up and the engineer virv-h H n able to MSI the upper boilers

Small headway was made and theavmnts te ewed together in alam This gave almost enoughheadway for xtttrage but

to keep the Marie Chan fromtrikiim In Chatham straits in a noiti

west untpThirty ramp members of the crew

stKTetdtd In making the shore wherethey lay fur four days almost perish

Jr rniS final hrlng rvrrd-b the JcorRla awl taken to Junn

From luniiia ihr rcfimees were takon to this city where they were notallowed to land

luist night thy left for Port Town-send on the st nmcr loldc

Sentenced One MinuteNew Orleans n Feb 9 Jtulp-

Willl m Iiai of the sate districtcourt at Crowley a broke the recordon hurt iit nces Melanruin ai d tear was Indicted forcreatlnv a dlturlianeo at a hall Me-

pleailed jjullij I he pivscuilm attarn r iimiikd the jndi thnt a jut sen-t w must be iidminlstiTcit Judgerush then Mntenctd the bo to pay

small tine and to spend one nilniitnJitil The tin was paid and the

hhtrliT took the buy t a cell closeddoor on him for tdxty seconds mid

turned him loose The novelerrata consldorrble

nirnt In the

Luckest Man in ArkansasIm the luckiest niHti in Arkano

II L Stanley of Kruno inrr torntion of my wifeN health aflire years of continuous

from the lung and I

my god fortune to till worldst m dicine r Kintj New i

for n wliiih I krowri rience will cure ctiiriimptiim

tHken in Unto wife unprovedrlr t hot tie and twelve

the cire Cur the wortl

Forced to Suspend Operation

in il

th t iv nu4fall during th nlsh-tlr r Is ri riiilitfly tlcd lip

lain ate from t three Tcmrv-

i rin I h diile tine A rk trntin tr Mh n t url FJolrrnji dlrlnloii

the I hith Vily ntllrfmd U tiediu ft MI a short diMtuH e ran ihlx

Tb un v b ws fflm ui

s P stioned-Wa JiittLt n trial ofor V MittTn form r t n

nr K tr n of HiiistiRinN V VV R I tiweio ii ou In

alt ffliif rand In f nncwith ti I of postal ron

whl h wa et for Mnmiav1 until Mnndiv-

W hlnpfii







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+ +






Awatelnation of Goebel Had Nothing-To Do with Shooting of Ehler

San Francisco Feb It A dlspatch to tile Kainlti r fromKels sa s tlut Chirlo who was

hof In Hukerstield ha arrived thereun 1 that he hat ln kin hN Alienee

llnu the shiiiln ai uadc tiltt lov itm stateiix tit

itiiil now I lit r fn to aywho hut me It ha a uiii i-

tlioott 1 ijHi liiin wleher It i donel y M me iiae Interested In the fSoebel-li rase of K In-

v lilcii i am eietllttil UntitK biinMirtunt nf Slate Sen-

ator V 1 Kmmoit of HnkerlleM-tlun oes on to declare lUK-

tiimnns shot him for nn alleueil insuit to Mrs Kmrnons llmmons Isnow rvlii a term in the stat peii-itetMiy been ronvirted ofiMiinllliiK at tilt last Mtslon of tillstate It tslature

Mutes Cheer Miss RooseveltNet York Feb iu Vith water hot

tlfs randelabras lit Id hiiliin thi air member of the flat Mut s-

Inlon leiiiie club at their nileth annual meeting toasted Miss Alicelto sevi It Marcus Kenner toast-master win n the dinner was completeed spram to his chair and lifting hisglass toad the following toast withhis left band To Miss Alice Kooseveil etve Mrs Lnu worih Ourconuratulatlons In an Instant thescores ot hands were in the air K eT-TIng out the enthusiasm of their own-ers while some of till 71 diners nimlumore noisy demonstrations

Three Employee Killed-St Petersburg Feb 10 Three em

ployes of the iullloff works belonKto the party active In the struggleaualn t revolution by anarchy the KO

called niack Hundred were surprisedand killed by n party of revolutionaryworkmen They were accused of furDishing the police with lists of revolu-tionary workmen and with assistingIn making arrests and searches Thoterrorists campaign has been vigorous

iroMflllfii ill Die pltivlluVr uflate From two to attempts onthe lives of olHclals and police arc re-ported tlsiv-

t tch RingwormE T Lucas Wingo Ky write

April J5 ir For 10 to 12 years I

had been alllicted with a maladyknown an the iiat The itchingmost unbearable I had tried foryears to tint relief having tried nilrem di I could hear of be idcs anumber of doctors I with to tatethat one single application of BallardSnow Liniment cured me completelyand permanently Sine then I haveu ed the liniment on two separate oc-

ca ions for ring worm and it curedcompletely 25e 60c and tl Sold by

V M Jdim on

Helen Keller Ic IIIV rent ham Maa el 10 The

physical and iit utal strain of Tiercourse at colU e and the situsi qilent nk which lloNn Kellerhal dumb and Mind woman has beendoing to ltd those similarly affllcledhay caused Illtus on till part of MliiKeller ll r physician has ordereda lung p rlod of complt te rrst antiacconlancc with his directionswork whir Ml s Kelbr hal In handnnd ii monionts to appear atpublic meiiliiKs In nld of the blindhave been plvtn up

A CardTlii i n card to certify that all

ilrucLi t nre atthorized to refundyour money if Foleys Money and TarfjiiN to cure your or cold Ittop the Iniiijh heal the lungs andprevents riom reitults from n coldCures la grippe anti preventpniMHiionjji riid ennui tiaii ontrains no opint i The genuine 14 in nyellow package ItHfute itubsiititen j

J V MoColltisn Cu

Federal Control of InsuranceV tllllK tl Kli 111 tllldT-

I ant ruction f t the judiciaryr miml wan anin t may r i irt whetheror n fmir the p iwer tovide frd rnl ml of in uranctthus I not exist wan main-tained by It V H kenrldge of OroahM Ne nf the InKtinitlcecnmrnNliti f Ntnerknn liar asso-ciation

Are You Restless at Night

nd harry l by H hal cotiRh1 liiItalian Mor hInd Syrup it will

t ir4 you wind le t effeet aIMinpt nrl rHli eure Sold by W-

M J lli iiri



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rIll II I Irrtih











IhullI i

order that

Iouthorl y


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oralr car



an wit is






Inn laiiT




t logI

has proi

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> >














the Full Njmeaxative Rrorao

j 2 Days

on everywnme I



t9ea Cold inOneDaYCr p i



Americus Man Found Dead in HisRoom

Atwrliim tii IVS 9MiHir years ot aw inrnutm h itfor V Co rot ton 4eri shotout hi iKfni in uiuirttntntH at theHut I WlndKor-

AliMin vis n native of AlSimy ntrl-runie to AMI ri H le han a monthti o Ill w nt in tits orfiee und at-

tended to matters of business returnlui later to hotel No on heardthe ihot and a II buy uoln to thero ii lilt r upon an eitind dlscoveredthe dy I Imllet unit enteredthe brawl iitvl Uaih WH

oils Nn cause run be assigned forhis ueiton

Only ti n minutes before the tragedyMooiv had cmversed pleasantly withT IIMI i f li InII twiwlMl

Mire letters ne to his wife In A-tlanta with whom It Is said he hasnot lived IT MIIIH time It Is salthts biilnes stairs nre straight andcorrect A i l atlon of Odd Fellowsfrom Albany arrived here to escort tinleinuln Iii that cttv Mr burial

CroupI egin4 with the yitiptnmii of a coin

mutt cold There in n chillineM fneezinn ore throat hot kin quick puUe-hoarfeiie and r piratif Jive fr

small of Ballard llonhound Syrup the could will cry forit and at th tint of a croupycough apply frequently SnowLiniment to the throat Mr A flirtw CastleXe Colo writes March 19

1W I think HorehoundSyrup a wonderful remedy and sopleasant to take Sold by W M


Prize for Mill StonesFaith N C Feb 10 A large

bronze mrdal nrrlvod by mall herefrom th universal exposition of St

of 1904 It was awarded fora pair of mill stone that Mr Wyatthad on exhibition there He receivedthe diploma several months ago andha had It framed and prize his med-

al very hlahlv

The Best PhysicWhen yoo want a physic that is mild

and gentle easy to take and certain toact always use Chamberlains Stom-ach and Liver Tablets For tale byall druggist






1 1













Irains a titan







> >





Offers for the next 30 thefollowing goods at prices nam-ed below

Ihirkee Salad 5 jThree bottlc a5oThree cans Corn 25oThree le 2BoOne 3lb can Klberta iVaclie 20aTwo e nn IVaches 25oBon of jiifen olivfii jr-hV t Lump Smrch per IbThree llb eau Corned or toast

Bert 35-

lle i Compound Lard per lb

rsdra of Hams and Brrakf itBacon and everything Cheap

GIVE US A CALLWe can you both in quality and


lf ve your our ixxtruJts aadaIn a faotorr by i who B-Oreputmlon to uMam In your comBntd-tr When you wont LA KGB FOR

I TRAIT lit or o H le that wBlnrtl tlo llr to Mke-

B fi and livalBK i ie ur to you civ-jr uronl r to


I OKAFS from Locket loLance Portrait la Colors or Wee

I obrone TIle sad anlMlf-laounu and folders for work

HlRdU EsUMMKd te I8-

f7iiii Mans Mme


WATCH MY WISBOff It maypay jwu



Grocery Co







enttor Cub



ole hue









2 Il eta


Iti U-



rowanI heed petted I


Life Sac d

latest meatpeso







> >







E E VOYLE MGRAbstract of Title and full information raratohed rwinliBf kdl to

Is thoroughly conversant with

FIRE ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INBDRANCI J weventing n cumber of prominent EBd eoaptuilM




The question Render rejatjH service of every tort lIe ofof Title the Land Titles in the State of Florida particularly

Alaohaa ooontjtint contid

SPKCIALTIEHi AMnutH TltlM Tax Sale Kr rrkffor AKtlN fur MltPrnl Und Owner I UI f Ceaatkitj

the investor TII HS Ktr-

Kffertfiices First National Bank of Gainesville H FDutton A Co Hankers

IAS M PresidentGao W Hrna Preiident




Capital 00Surplus and Undivided Profits 30000 00

eiiiUMTeiT tuxCPM wltti to soy batik to Itc Stale SoUeilibe iccojrt f V rurr Mercb tw Corporttilont etc Interest snowed

br a rr tcrf neci All bukloeutr o cie l promptlyCashier

OFF On Drinking AnyHut the BEST SODAVATEK-

Ve laiin that our Mottled Soda Water Ginger Ale Etc

are jre t i drink thon made by the



Our manager hat lived in

E E va Y LEAmerican EII






Iel a Dar It tschttlei equal




Ioorporaltt d1 y

Illiscounty ski seen held

toad titles








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