mpfa october 2008 newsletter - missionpeakflyanglers...spent 12 weeks fly fishing for the large...

1 October 2008 Club Meeting PLACE: Silliman Community Activity Center 6800 Mowry Avenue, Newark CA 94560 (510) 742-4400 DATE: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 TIME: 7:00 PM PROGRAM: Ron Rabun, World Bonefish Locations COMING EVENTS Wed. Oct 22 CLUB MEETING 7:00 PM Silliman Community Activity Center, 6800 Mowry Avenue, Newark CA 94560 Sat Nov 1 STRIPERFEST, BBQ AND FUND RAISER , SUGAR BARGE RESORT See Dan Blanton Bulletin Board, Wed. Nov 5 BOARD MEETING 7:00 PM Fremont Adult School Room N-9 Sat. Nov 8 CLUB BREAKFAST: At the Denny’s in Hayward on Whipple – 9:00 AM Thur. Nov 13 FLY TYING - 7:00 PM Fremont Adult School Room N-9 Wed. Nov 19 CLUB MEETING 7:00 PM ( This is one week earlier) Silliman Community Activity Center, 6800 Mowry Avenue, Newark CA 94560 Wed. Dec 3 BOARD MEETING 7:00 PM Fremont Adult School Room N-9 Thur. Dec 11 SWAP MEET 7:00pm - Fremont Adult School Room N-9

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Page 1: MPFA October 2008 Newsletter - MissionPeakFlyAnglers...spent 12 weeks fly fishing for the large Bonefish located in the Cook Islands. STUFF FOR SALE CONTACT RICH LOB STRIPER OUTFIT:


October 2008

Club Meeting

PLACE: Silliman Community Activity Center6800 Mowry Avenue, Newark CA 94560

(510) 742-4400DATE: Wednesday, October 22, 2008TIME: 7:00 PM

PROGRAM: Ron Rabun, World Bonefish Locations


Wed. Oct 22 CLUB MEETING 7:00 PMSilliman Community Activity Center, 6800 Mowry Avenue, Newark CA 94560


Wed. Nov 5 BOARD MEETING 7:00 PM – Fremont Adult School Room N-9

Sat. Nov8 CLUB BREAKFAST: At the Denny’s in Hayward on Whipple – 9:00 AM

Thur. Nov 13 FLY TYING -7:00 PM Fremont Adult School Room N-9

Wed. Nov 19 CLUB MEETING 7:00 PM ( This is one week earlier)Silliman Community Activity Center, 6800 Mowry Avenue, Newark CA 94560

Wed. Dec 3 BOARD MEETING 7:00 PM – Fremont Adult School Room N-9

Thur. Dec 11 SWAP MEET 7:00pm - Fremont Adult School Room N-9

Page 2: MPFA October 2008 Newsletter - MissionPeakFlyAnglers...spent 12 weeks fly fishing for the large Bonefish located in the Cook Islands. STUFF FOR SALE CONTACT RICH LOB STRIPER OUTFIT:


MAINSTREAM is the monthly newsletter of the Mission Peak Fly Anglers’, P.O. Box 7263, Fremont California. 94537.


President Craig Gittings Board Member Douglas Fear 1/20/10

Vice President Wayne Culp Board Member Harold Whitmore 1/2010Secretary Dean Lewis Board Member Lyndin Nickson 1/2009Treasurer Bill Peakes Board Member Ray Gauthier 1/2009

Past President Malcolm Dunn

ChairpersonsAnnual Dinner Malcolm Dunn Conservation Larry Dennis

Distribution Malcolm Dunn Editor Malcolm DunnFFF Rep. Gene Kaczmarek Fish-Outs Jeff LorelliFly Casting Jerry Reynolds Fly Tying August AbellarFund Raising Stephen Culp Graphic Design Ed HuffHistorian Don Lee Hospitality Kay HeyesLibrary Dave Heyes Picnic Malcolm DunnPrograms Rich Lobrovich Raffle Chairman Dave HeyesVideo Library Ken Brunskill Trout Bum Award Ken Brunskill

Web Master Douglas Fear Fukumoto Award Larry DennisTrout in The Classroom Ken Brunskill

MPFA Web Site

Opinions expressed in articles appearing in Mainstream are those of the writer / author, and do notnecessarily represent the opinions or view of Mission Peak Fly Angler’s or its official representatives.Permission is granted for parts of this newsletter to be reproduced. Credit should be given to the authors andMission Peak Fly Anglers.

E-mail address listThe club is compiling an e-mail address list for the use of club members. If you want your address included or wish to havea copy of the list, send an e-mail to Craig Gittings.

~~~~~ Notice ~~~~~Members

The Newsletter will be coming out on the 15th of each month. Send your articles or information tothe editor by the 12th of each month.


Here is your chance to gain some experience writing about your fabulous fly fishing trips to places near and far. The clubnewsletter is seriously lacking in members written and photographic accounts of our fishouts. Of course you may not thinka trip to Putah Creek is worthy of such notoriety, but remember, many members have never been there and would welcome adescription of how your fishout went And as for a trip to Alaska or Baja, a story of your adventure would be mostappreciated. Send articles to the editor

NOTE FROM TREASURER, BILL PEAKES – Mission Peak Fly Angler’s patches and pins are available from Bill at anominal price. New members should have received either a pin or a patch when they joined; if not, call Bill Peakes.

Bill Peakes

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The President’s Message

After some prodding and nudging on Doug Fear’s part (for how many years Doug?) the Northern CaliforniaCouncil Federation of Fly Fishers (NCCFFF) finally recognized the club newsletter and email alerts for theCommunications Award. The tough part was locating the application, which we thought was supposed to bemailed out. Come to find out, it is on the NCCFFF website, but who goes there anyway? When it wasnoticed that time was running out, the application was filled out, and sent in accompanied by three of theclub’s newsletters, along with Fly Tying announcements and some of Larry Dennis’ email alerts related toconservation and water issues. An application for Education Outreach was also applied for with the

clubs’ efforts in Trout in the Classroom, the Boy Scout Fly Fishing Merit Badge, and quarterly “Intro to FlyFishing” classes at the Silliman Center. One out of two is not bad. My apologies to Doug for not doing itsooner, but good things happen to those that wait. Congratulations to all that were instrumental in beingrecognized for the award- Doug Fear and Malcolm Dunn for their newsletter editorship, Larry Dennis forConservation Alerts and Gene Kaczmerak and Doug Fear for keeping the club on top of NCCFFF andnational Federation issues. Thank you all for taking on the thankless task of keeping the club abreast withcurrent issues.

Craig Gittings

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Mission Peak Fly Anglers Board Meeting – OCTOBER 1, 2008

President Craig Gittings brought the meeting to order at 6:55pm. Present were VP Wayne Culp, Treasurer Bill Peakes, SecretaryDean Lewis, Past President Malcolm Dunn, Board Members Doug Fear, Harold Whitmore and Ray Gauthier and Committee ChairStephen Culp.

Old Business:

501c(3): Stephen Culp is still trying to get copies of other clubs application for when they applied. Tracy club has been slow torespond.

Election Committee: We discussed the coming election with the Board acting as the committee. Bill and Dean indicated theywould continue with their positions. Malcolm indicated he would be available for one of the Director positions and StephenCulp indicated he would be available for the other one. Ray indicated he would consider the VP position. That leavessomeone needed for the President position.

Letter Writing: Stephen will start sending out letters for the January Installation dinner donations. We discussed if we needany materials from “Crystal Springs” for the raffle. Craig and Doug indicated they will go out and see what he still has forsale.

New Business:

Treasurer’s Report: Bill reported that we are healthy.

Name Tags: Dean made up sample name tags for use at the last general meeting. The Board liked them and Craig moved andDoug seconded that Dean make the expenditures to create laminated name badges with clip on fasteners. He will bereimbursed for his costs. Motion passed.

Programs: Rich Lobrovich has Ron Rabun on fishing Christmas Island bonefish for the October meeting and Bill Peakes willmake a “Trout Bum” presentation in November..

Fly Tying: Doug Fear is tying in October and George or Mitch in November. Dean will make a short presentation in Octoberfor the Fukumoto award. The Board also voted on making sure that the club purchased the dinner for the guest doing thetying. Doug moved, Ray seconded and the motion passed.

NCCFFF: The club will not have a table at the Lodi conclave. All registrations need to go in together to get a table, however,Doug will be grabbing tables for our club members.

Fishouts: Jeff Lorelli is going the first of October on his annual Eastern Sierra Trips.

December Fly Tying: The December meeting will be for all members and will be a Sale/Trade/or Give Away session wheremembers can come and attempt to find home for stuff they no longer want, need or have room for. Start getting your stufftogether for this fun session.

Elections: Board members had a lengthy discussion on “how to get more members involved with becoming officers orcommittee chairman”. No workable ideas or motions came out of the discussion.

Annual Dinner: Our Reservations are confirmed. Dinner will be $35 per person.

Tie Along: Ken Hanley will be tying his furled flies at a tie along on March 21. $15 per person limited to 8 persons. Harold isgetting the room.

Tying Videos: Doug moved and Craig seconded that we reimburse Ray for copies and expenses of the fly tying videos he isrecording on Fly Tying night. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45

Respectively submitted, Dean Lewis, Secretary.

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Annual MPFA Club Awards & Officers Installation Dinner

Held at Spin A Yarn Restaurant

Located on

45915 Warm Springs Blvd. Fremont, CA 94539 (510) 656-9141

Saturday, January 31, 2009

5:30 pm to 6:30 pm No Host Bar & check out raffle items

6:30 pm Dinner


include California Mixed Green Salad, Herbed Rice or Roasted New Potatoes,

Fresh Seasonal Vegetables, Fresh Rolls, Coffee or Iced Tea and a glass of table wine

And choice of the following entree:

London Broil

Chicken Piccata

Grilled Salmon


Annual MPFA Club Officers Installation Dinner

Turn in before Dec 31st for 1 ticket in the early bird drawing

and if you pay your dues at the same time you get another early bird ticket

Member Name Number of Dinners X $35.00 = Total Amount.

London Broil Chicken Piccata Grilled Pacific Salmon

Return to: Bill Peakes

Please make all checks out to Mission Peak Fly Anglers

(If you make the check out to Bill Peakes, ear mark those funds for his one way Tahitian airline ticket.)

Then make another check out to Mission Peak Fly Anglers


Member Name: ____________________________________________

Amount Enclosed @ $40 per member-family/$35 If you are a current member of FFF

$20 per member under 18 or living outside a 100 mi radius Amount $ ___________FFFMember Number PLEASE DETACH AND MAIL FORMS WITH CHECKS TO:

Bill Peakes

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Monthly Programs


Oct 22, 2008 Ron Rabun Bonefish on Christmas Island

Nov 19, 2008 Bill Peakes ( one week early) Fishing many different waters

Dec 24, 2008 No Meeting Merry Christmas


I created this program for the fly angler who has never fished for Bonefish or has become a Bonefish addict like myself. Myprogram is not represented by any fly shop or travel service but is just being presented by another angler like you. I’ll discuss theintrigue; world Bonefish locations; places to go; techniques; gear; flies; costs related to locations; other fishes to catch; finally, howthis all enters your bloodstream.

We will travel to Christmas Island atoll, probably the first stop for any first time Bonefish angler; Los Roques, Venezuela, apopular destination and unique archipelago; then, Aitutaki Island Manuae atolls of the Cook and unique archipelago; then, AitutakiIsland Manuae atolls of the Cook Islands, where Bonefish are large but extremely difficult with the potential of catching a worldrecord (38 inch, 16 lb+) on the fly rod

Ron Rabun

About the Presenter:

A lifelong resident of California, Ron Rabun has been fly fishing Northern California waters for over 33 years. During this time,the Shasta Area has been home waters to his trout fishing. After 18 years of docent fly fishing education and clinics, Ron beganguiding professionally in 1994. Ron can be found tying at the International Sportsman’s Expositions and Federation of Fly Fishersconclaves and events in Northern California. Ron has been an active participant as a Director and Conclave organizer with theNorthern California Council Federation of Fly Fishers since 1980. Articles written on Ron’s specialty approach to Short LineNymphing have appeared in both California and English fly fishing publications.

Although, his prowess for trout angling has extended throughout the West, British Columbia and Alaska, his angling has extendedto salt water angling in Mexico, Hawaii, Christmas Island, Venesuela, Cook Islands, Coastal California and the Osa Peninsula ofSouthern Costa Rica. Over a Coastal California and the Osa Peninsula of Southern Costa Rica. Over a three year period, Ron hasspent 12 weeks fly fishing for the large Bonefish located in the Cook Islands.








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PROJECT HEALING WATERS.............Attention Mission Peak Members.................PROJECT HEALING WATERS

Who among you would like to join me and be part of helping our veterans through this worthwhile program?

What you might ask is involved? It can be as little as a group of us going out to Livermore and and/or Palo Alto once amonth to teach fly casting and fly tying to our wounded veterans. It could go as far as accompanying a group of veteranson a fishing trip to be their 'gillie' and personal assistant on that trip.

I have made the initial contact at Livermore VA Nursing unit and their seems to be an interest, but I cannot do it alone.

I'd bet we can get funding help from the FFF, NCCFFF, the Elks Lodge, Kiwanis, VFW, and other service organizations,all we need to do is give a little of our own time to those who have given so much for us.

If interested please contact me, Thanks Ken Brunskill .

Awarded by MPFA Board of Directors at December board meeting


Candidates must:

Have fished 10 or more waters during the calendar year (no private pay to play waters) This means that the general public have unrestricted

access at all times, without any special fees to the waters fished .

Waters may be tributaries of any river or lakes domestic or international Meaning any named stream, river, or section of river (As in

Upper Sacramento R. or Lower Sacramento R. - would be two waters) in any country.

Used fly fishing tackle only Simply that!

Have fished for trout (This is a Trout Bum Award) Simply that!

The award generally will go to the person who fly fished for trout in the most public waters

Have reported to the club and shown photos to the club at a regular meeting

Reporting means informing the membership-simple as that - Does not mean that the person must give a slide show presentation, just tell the club

where you fished, how you did, what you used - show some pictures.

The purpose of the award is to encourage members to explore, fish as many new waters as they can, tell the membership about the experience there-

fore encouraging others to do likewise.

Chairperson: Ken Brunskill

Starts Jan 1, 2008

Annual Trout Bum Award

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This month’s newsletter has a new column called “Tips and Ideas” . If any member have any tips or ideas thatthey want to share with others, this is the place to do it.

The “Recipes” column is also another place to share your favorite recipes. This month’s recipe is from VennaRamicone. Her corn chowder was a big hit at the Clark’s Fork fishout and potluck dinner; just ask Don Lee. Nextmonth’s recipe will be “Pasta and Tagioli” by Merlin Johnson.

Our club was well represented at the Northern California Council Federation of Fly Fishers (NCCFFF) that tookplace in Lodi, CA. Doug Fear was the co-chairman of the fly tying event and he had a large staff to make his job asuccess.

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Oct 20-21 Trinity River Steelhead Calvin Chin Calvin’s staying at theLewiston Valley Motel 530-

Nov American River Steelhead

Nov Feather River Steelhead

The above fishout calendar is tentative and subject to change. Always contact the fishmaster the week of thefishout to be notified of changes due to weather and unforeseen circumstances. Also check the newsletter fordetailed information on fishing tackle, flies, directions and accommodations, as recommended by the fishmaster.

Note that only the fishouts shown in BOLD on this calendar are actually confirmed at this time; all others aretentative.

The actual dates of wintertime fishouts are highly dependent upon the weather conditions and will be confirmedby the fishmaster the week of the fishout.

Your ideas for fishout locations are always welcomed by the club. Phone Jeff Lorelli to volunteer as afishmaster. The qualifications for a fishmaster are that you have a place in mind, know how to get there, andwould welcome some fishing companions. That is it, so sign up now!


By Calvin Chin

After responding correctly to a sipping or nibbling trout by not jerking to set the hook, you feelready for the next move. How do you know? Well, you will within a few seconds feel short pulls orwill realize that the hook has come out. When you feel the pulling, you can start to play or retrieve thisfish by reeling in.

A good way to reel in without adding undue tension is by using the parallel-to-the-waterapproach; that is, holding the rod sideway parallel to the water while reeling in toward your bank orbeach. Do not hold the rod tip high, as you will be lifting the fish and thus adding its weight to theresistance. If the fish were lip-hooked you would risk a rip-off.

Now, to land the fish without a net, maneuver it toward the bank or beach, maintaining theparallel rod position steady and smooth but with firm tension. In a give and take battle, reel and pullyour catch up onto the beach, still maintaining the parallel rod. Even a very heavy fish can be pulled farup the beach by this pressure; as it lies sideways on the slope, each flip it makes it will inch him up a littlebit farther up onto the beach.

Many a large fish has been lost during this last critical moment of its landing. What with nicks in

the monofilament leader, lip hooking, and underwater rocks, you need all the help you can get.

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2008 Events


Oct 22 Silliman Community Activity Center Monthly Club Meeting Craig Gittings 7:00 pm

Nov. 5 Fremont Adult School Rm N-9 Board Meeting Craig Gittings 7:00 pm

Nov 8 Denny’s in Hayward Club Breakfast Bill Peakes 9:00 am

Nov 13 Fremont Adult School Rm N-9 Fly Tying August Abellar 7:00 pm

Nov 19 Silliman Community Activity Center Monthly Club Meeting Craig Gittings 7:00 pm(one week early)

Dec 3 Fremont Adult School Rm N-9 Board Meeting Craig Gittings 7:00 pm

Dec 11 Fremont Adult School Rm N-9 Swap Meet Craig Gittings 7:00 pm

Dec 13 Denny’s in Hayward Club Breakfast Bill Peakes 9:00 am



1 LB bacon

3 cans cream corn

1 large onion, chopped

4 to 6 large potatoes, diced

4 cups whole milk

Salt & pepper to taste

Crisp fry the bacon, & remove to paper towels to abs orb extra fat. Add onion to some of the bacon drippings and fry for afew minutes, then add the potatoes & crumbled bacon. Simmer in 1 to 1 1/2 cups water for about 1/2 hour, until potatoes arefirmly cooked. Add the milk and simmer on low, stirring occasionally, for about another 1/2 hour. Thicken as desired withflour, corn starch, or arrowroot.

NOTE: For thickener I like to take out some of the potatoes, mash them and put them back into the chowder.


Submitted by Venna Ramicone Enjoyed by MPFA members at the Clark’s Fork Fishout

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Mr. Rod McInnis, the Regional Director for NMFS responded to each of these requests and indicated the agency will try to be respon11sive within the limits of its authority. A follow up meeting will be held in December .

Conservation NewsLarry Dennis, October 2008

"I fish because I love to. Because I love the environs were trout are found. Which are in everyway beautiful. Because, in aworld were most men seem to spend their lives doing things they hate, my fishing, is a one and endless source of delight, andan act of small rebellion. Because, I suspect that men are going along this way for the last time. And I for one don’t want towaste the trip. Because, only in the woods can I find solitude without loneliness. Because, bourbon out of and old tin cupalways taste better out there.Because, maybe one day I would catch a mermaid. And finally, not because I regard fishing as been so terribly important, butbecause I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant and not nearly so much fun."

--Mel Krieger (RIP)

All, following are three excerpts from the October, 2008 Newsletter. This organization, along with a fewothers, is doing an outstanding job in protecting and preserving our fisheries. They deserve our support, so go to their website and

join up! Larry Dennis, Conservation Chairman

October 2008 Newsletter

2009 Salmon Season Outlook

Most of the fall run salmon have now returned from the ocean to the Sacramento River and its tributaries. The news is mixed but ismainly bad for a 2009 fishing season. At the end of September, 2,700 fall run salmon had passed through the weir counter at theentrance to Battle Creek in the upper Sacramento River. Last year at the same date 6,500 had passed and as recently as 2003, 25,000had passed. Hopefully, the run is just late but the figures are disturbing particularly since there was no fishing season this year. Jackcounts are also low. As of October 6th, Coleman hatchery had 3,000 fish in its holding pond. They will immediately start spawningthese fish. Coleman needs approximately 10,000 fish to make its egg quota. More data on the final run size will be available by theend of October.

Salmon Fishery Groups Meet with the National Marine Fishery Service

In September, recreational and commercial fishery groups met with leaders of the National Marine Fishery Service (NMFS) inSacramento to discuss the California salmon crisis and actions the agency is taking to restore the salmon and steelhead runs. Thestakeholder group included commercial and recreational fishermen, fishery conservation groups and fishing businesses. Theyrepresented over 250,000 fishermen and supporters and over 1,000 businesses with a California economic contribution of over $1billion.

NMFS has the federal authority and responsibility to protect and recover all marine species that are listed under the EndangeredSpecies Act. It is the agency that has the most authority to protect endangered salmon and steelhead. It has failed to do this in the lastseveral years and the federal court has rejected their biological opinions on delta pumping as inadequate to protect salmon. Pumpinghas been reduced and NMFS has been ordered to produce new biological opinions. In addition, the agency has the responsibility toproduce a salmon recovery plan. These opinions and plans were the subject of the meeting.

Following the NMFS presentations, a number of the fishery participants expressed serious concerns that the agency's actions would betoo little and too late to restore the salmon runs. The stakeholders requested several actions by the agency.

1. Adopt the salmon doubling goals required by state and federal law and lay plans to achieve them. In salmon production terms, dou-bling means laying plans that will allow 15 to 20 million pounds of commercial catch along with a parallel recreational catch.

2. Change their current salmon recovery project list to a full plan with priorities and steps along with a financing proposal that thestakeholders can support.

3. Focus more on the real causes of the decline. Set plans that will reduce the amount of water taken out of the delta and reduce itspollution.

4. Improve enforcement of illegal water movements and diversions.

5. Stop focusing on compromises and bring the agency’s full focus on the needs of fish. Use the unique position of the agency and itsbully pulpit ability to get positive results for fish.

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Flies of the Month

(Conservation, continue from page 10)

Please Help, We Are Gaining but Need More Angler Support

Thank you for your Water4Fish support. 62,000 supporters have already gone on line at Water4Fish and asked for water policychanges but we need thousands more before we can move the political needle firmly in our direction. Unfortunately, fish in Califor-nia continue to get the short end of the stick in water policy decisions. The drought and the emergency water declarations by theGovernor are taking a huge toll on the runs of salmon, steelhead and striped bass. In the past year, almost nothing positive has takenplace that will help these species recover other than court actions. We are being ignored by the Governor, the Legislature and theBush Administration. Water4Fish is the only place where all fishermen and supporters can unite to demand change. Please ask yourfriends and associates to go online to and send letters to the politicians and give us their proxy as a constituent.Forward this email to others or send an email to [email protected] and ask us to send you one of our email flyers you can thenforward to others.

Thanks for your continuing support

Dick Pool - Editor

Thread: Black 0/6

Outer Body: Black 2mm Craft Form hook gap wide

Inter Body: Small Speckled Chenille color Midnight orBlack

Legs: Small Round Black Rubber

Strike Ind.: Pink 2mm Craft Form 1/8th wide

Hook: TMC 5263 Size 6 or equivalent

Hook: TMC 200R Size 12 or equivalent

Thread: 0/8 Olive

Body: Med. Olive Antron Yarn

Eyes: melted Maxima Chameleon 40lb Leader or smallred eyes

Doug’s Damselfly Nymph

Doug’s Black Beetle

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