mpub 600: defining your audience

What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Marketing 60 min: Introduction 15 min: break 90 min: In-class assignment Presented September 5, 2012 Pub 600 1 of 4

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Principles of effective communication messages. 1. Know your audience 2. Tell an authentically true story 3. Positive in tone 4. Minimalist 5. Contrasts the status quo vs. the reward is the call to action is taken Includes: * How Jane Goodall became the woman who redefined Man. * How technology changed how businesses interact online. * What neuroscience and the study of chimps can tell us about behaviour, motivations and persuasion. * Class dates and general overview * Readings * Publishing process and marketing communications touchpoints * Assignment details


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What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Marketing

60 min: Introduction15 min: break90 min: In-class assignment

Presented September 5, 2012Pub 600 1 of 4

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photo by Jussi Mononen

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Who am I?

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Raincoast Is Against the Right to Read

JK Rowling Seeks InjunctionHuman Rights Under Threat

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164,000 Google results for “Enbridge removes islands”

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The Big Six Publishers Are Dead

6 Critical Factors for the Future

Sadly, the six big houses of traditional publishing are fatally wounded, but have yet to realize they are the living dead. Inertia will drive them forward until the life force leaves them and they become dust. Their history will reside with the buggy whip maker, the horse drawn carriage manufacturer, and the outhouse builder. Unfortunately, their glorious names will only live in the pantheon of companies like Packard and Polaroid. Why are these companies the living dead? They lack leadership.

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photo by Netzanette

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1. Audience2. Truth3. Positive Tone4. Minimalist

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Welcome to Pub 600

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Do me one favour

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Pub 600: Marketing

1. Sept 5: Defining Your Audience (Persona)

2. Sept 12: Marketing Playbook (Mini-Plan)

3. Sept 18: Measuring Success (KPIs)

4. Sept 25: Wrap-Up (Test)

* Class is not always in this room.

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Read before Next Class Wed, Sept 12

• The Cluetrain Manifesto: Just read homepage, in particular the 95 Theses

• Eloqua Social Media Playbook: It’s not the tools, it’s how you use them. Some are outdated (2009), read it anyway.

• Boxcar Marketing, "Defining Your Target Audience with Personas,"

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Friday: Technology

• Room TBC

• Is everyone ok walking?

• If yes, bring comfortable walking shoes and a camera

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Ok, Part II

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Marketing Trade Books

Author Publisher Community


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Reviewed by Agent/Publisher

Reviewed by Editorial Board

Presented to Sales & Marketing

MS to Design

Galleys or review copies to Sales & Marketing, Key Buyers, Media

Final book to Stores

MS b/w ED and AU

Cover & Layout to ED, AU, Sales & Marketing

Cover & Layout, Catalogue Copy presented to Reps, Key Buyers

Cover, cat copy to vendors, pub www

Reviewed by Media, Stores

Reviewed by Readers: GoodReads, Amazon, www

Reviewed by Award Boards

WOM (Author to Reader, Reader to Reader, Bookstore to Reader, Book Clubs, SMM, Email)

Recommendation Engines

If yes, then ...


Community Discussion, UGC, FanFiction

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Marketing Is ...

I just read this great book ...

What makes it great?

Do I like that?

Do we share the same tastes?

Do I like this enough to do X?

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Principles of an Effective Communications Message

1. Audience

2. Truth

3. Positive Tone

4. Minimalist

5.Contrast (What is, What could be)

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Planning Your Marketing Message

I just read this great book ...


1. Audience: Who is it for?2. Hook: What makes it great? (elevator pitch)3. So What: Why should people care?4. Goals: Will they care enough to do X? 5. Strategy: How will I nudge them to do X?6. Tools: What tactics, technology or tools will I use? 7. Metrics: How will I know if it is working?

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Assignments: email to [email protected]

1. In groups: Review the persona worksheet and create a persona for Louise Penny’s new novel The Beautiful Mystery.

2.Remember to look at the copy for this title and Louise Penny’s website. DUE end of class

3.Individually: Based on your persona worksheet, a) pitch this title to Monique at Imagine I do not already know about this book, but have read A Trick of Light, the previous title in this series. b) Provide a list of 5 other Canadian literary bloggers who you’d pitch. Include their website, URL and 1 sentence about how you’d pitch them, what’s the angle? Why should they check out this title? DUE 5 pm Sunday