mr. dodson. objectives what are the three types of government? what are the main characteristics of...

Mr. Dodson

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Mr. Dodson

ObjectivesWhat are the three types of government?What are the main characteristics of a


Major Types of GovernmentGovernments may be classified according

to who governs the state:In an autocracy, such as a dictatorship or

absolute monarchy, power and authority reside in a single individual. (rule by one)

In an oligarchy, such as a communist country, a small group holds power in the government. (rule by a few persons)

In a democracy, such as the United States, the people hold the sovereign power of government. (rule by many)

AutocracyThis is probably the oldest type of government. The

power and authority to rule are in the hands of a single individual.

Totalitarian dictatorship - the government tries to control all aspects of social and economic life. Nazi Germany was an example of a totalitarian dictatorship.

Monarchy - A king, queen, or emperor who exercises the supreme powers of government is an absolute monarch. An example of an absolute monarch is the king of Saudi

Arabia. In a constitutional monarchy, a monarch shares

governmental powers with an elected legislature or acts mainly as a ceremonial head of state. Great Britain, Sweden, Japan, and the Netherlands have

constitutional monarchies.

OligarchyThis is any system of government in which a

small group holds power. The government of China is an oligarchy

since the Communist Party and the armed forces control the government.

DemocracyThis is any system of government in which the

people rule. There are two basic type:In a direct democracy, the citizens govern

themselves by voting on issues individually. New England town meetings and some cantons, or

states, in Switzerland still practice direct democracy. In a representative democracy, the people

elect representatives and give them the power to make laws and run the government. In a republic, elected representatives are responsible to

the people. Representative democracy, republic, and constitutional republic mean the same thing to most Americans. However, not every democracy is a republic. For example, Great Britain is a democracy but not a republic.

Characteristics of DemocracyIndividual Liberty - Government works to secure

an equal opportunity for people to develop their own abilities.

Majority Rule with Minority Rights - Government is based on majority rule through the people’s elected representatives, but respects the rights of minorities.

Free Elections - Government is based on free and open elections in which every citizen has the right to vote, every vote has equal weight, and candidates for office can freely express their views.

Competing Political Parties - Political parties choose candidates for office, respect the voters’ decisions in elections, and act as loyal opposition.

Discussion QuestionWhy do you think that nations with wide

gaps between the rich and the poor are less likely to have successful democracies?

Where there are wide gaps between rich and poor there is less agreement on basic issues.

The Soil of DemocracyCertain conditions or environments favor the development of the democratic system of government.Active Citizen Participation - Countries where citizens participate fully in civic life are more likely to maintain a strong democracy.A Favorable Economy - Stable, growing economies with a large middle class help strengthen democracies. Widespread Education - A public school system open to all people helps promote democracy.

The Soil of DemocracyCertain conditions or environments favor the

development of the democratic system of government.

Strong Civil Society - A strong civil society in which a network of voluntary organizations (including economic groups, religious groups, and many others) exists independent of government helps democracy to flourish.

A Social Consensus - The people accept democratic values such as individual liberty and equality for all in a social consensus.