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Page 1: Mr. Johnnie To
Page 2: Mr. Johnnie To

THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOONThe Apollo 8 astronauts were the first people to see the dark side of the moon with their own eyes. The black ceramic [ZrO2] Co-Axial Speedmaster salutes the pioneering spirit that took them to a place no human had ever been and it pays homage to the Speedmaster Professional chronographs worn by every Apollo astronaut. OMEGA is a proud partner in mankind’s greatest dreams.




HK ifc mall • Queen‘s Rd C • Russell St • Lan Fong Rd • Sogo • Canton Rd • The One • Empire Centre • K11 Art Mall • HK Int‘l Airport MACAU The Venetian® • Shoppes Cotai Central • Macau Square • The Landmark Macau +852 2504 0266 +853 2871 6601

KEYPAD Magazine SP12_235x370_2013 Jan-Feb.indd 1 13年12月13日 上午11:19

Page 3: Mr. Johnnie To

THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOONThe Apollo 8 astronauts were the first people to see the dark side of the moon with their own eyes. The black ceramic [ZrO2] Co-Axial Speedmaster salutes the pioneering spirit that took them to a place no human had ever been and it pays homage to the Speedmaster Professional chronographs worn by every Apollo astronaut. OMEGA is a proud partner in mankind’s greatest dreams.




HK ifc mall • Queen‘s Rd C • Russell St • Lan Fong Rd • Sogo • Canton Rd • The One • Empire Centre • K11 Art Mall • HK Int‘l Airport MACAU The Venetian® • Shoppes Cotai Central • Macau Square • The Landmark Macau +852 2504 0266 +853 2871 6601

KEYPAD Magazine SP12_235x370_2013 Jan-Feb.indd 1 13年12月13日 上午11:19

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CONTENTS014 Credits & Partners

016 Expert Contributors

018 Foreword

020 Bulletin

VOGUE030 JETSET / Lunch on the Lawn

032 JETSET / Honouring the Excellence

034 JETSET / Rocking at the Harbour

036 COVER STORY / The Commander on the Battlefield

044 FEATURE / The Horse Totem

056 FASHION / Dreams of the Orient

064 LIFESTYLE ACADEMY / The Diamond as Big as the Ritz

072 TRAVEL / The Pleasure Principle at Melbourne





078 GOURMET / Over the Moon

080 GOURMET / Auspicious Blessings / Romantic Bubbles

084 ARCHITALK / After 911






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A NEW ADDRESSHutchison House Shop No 31, 10 Harcourt Road, Central


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JOURNAL110 Christmas Carolling

111 Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

112 2014: A Year of Significance

113 Where are Our Tough Smartphones?

114 Step into Others’ Shoes and Think

115 The Internet of Things

116 Tracking More on Liquidity Issues in the Year of 2014

117 Protecting the Family Property

118 The Business of Motorsport

120 Index

LIFE098 ART / A Feast for the Soul

102 CHARITY / Voices from Africa

106 MOVIE / The World at a Glance





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FLAGSHIP MEDIA COMPANY LIMITEDRoom i, 3/F, Yue Cheong Centre,1-3 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, Hong Kong SARe : [email protected] : + 852 2730 5555f : + 852 3568 0184

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Johnnie To wears black double-breasted suit jacket in pied-de-poule pattern and black pocket square in “dot art” pattern from the

50th Wool Trophy Capsule Collection by Ermenegildo Zegna and white shirt from Hugo Boss

Photography / Franklin Lau . Videography / Jimmy Li, Yvonne Chen. Assistant / Yvonne Chen


Mr. Johnnie To / Mr. Maurice Kwan / Norah G.


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M i c h a e l 曾 修 讀 時 裝、市 場 學 及 法 律,也曾 擔 任 海 外 電 視 新 聞 記 者及 撰 稿 員,現 職 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 公 務 員。他 希 望 透 過 參 與 扶 輪 社 協 助 世 界 各地有 需 要 的人 士,以 生 命改 變 生 命。Michae l , a m idd le -aged, who had s tud ied fash ion and c loth ing, market ing and law, p rev ious l y an ove rseas T V news wr i te r and repor te r, M ichae l i s now a c i v i l se r vant of the HKSAR and member of the Rota r y C lub. He a ims to br ing pos i t i ve changes to peop le’s l i ves th rough the c lub and devotes h imse l f to he lp ing the needy.


自五 歲 時 因 把手 指 插 入 插 座而 觸 電 之 後,R i c h a r d 就 迷 上了電 子產 品,不 過 他 也 繼 續 摧 毀了幾 台 電 腦 和 電 話。現 在他 在 香 港 為 E n g a d g e t 效 力。Richa rd’s love fo r gadgets was t r i gge red by an e lec t r i c shock wh i l e pok ing h i s f i nge r i n to sockets a t the age o f f i ve. S ince then he has managed to des t roy a few more compute rs and phones unt i l he was sent to a B r i t i sh boa rd ing schoo l . He i s now back in Hong Kong and wr i tes fo r Engadget.


曾 任 G o o g l e 工 程 師 的 K e n L a w 於 2 0 0 7 年 掌 領 了智 能 手 機 應 用 程 式 的 潮 流,開 立 M o t h e r A p p。創 業目的 為貢 獻 社 會。Ken Law, a fo rmer eng inee r o f Goog le, makes money w i thou t be ing ev i l . He s ta r ted Mothe rApp in 2007. As the s tee r o f the Mothe rsh ip, he l eads the t rend in deve lop ing mob i l e apps.


D a n W e l l s,來自英 國 的 2 2 歲 賽 車手,於 2 0 1 2 年 4月來 到 香 港 尋 求 發 展,期 望 能 躋 身 一 級 方 程 式 車手之 列。Dan We l l s i s a 22 yea r-o ld B r i t i sh rac ing d r i ve r who moved to Hong Kong in Apr i l 2012 in o rde r to c reate new oppor tun i t i es that w i l l he lp h im reach the p innac le o f wor ld moto rspor t , Fo rmu la One.


馬 小 姐 致 力 確 保 新 城 電 台 的 政 策 及 執行 秉 持 宗旨,繼 續 以 高 回 報、高 成 本 效 益、優 越 的 客戶服 務以 及一 個 熱 誠 的 工作 團 隊,讓 股 東 受 惠。Ms Ma’s focus i s to ensure that the Met ro B roadcas t ’s s t ra tegy and execu t ion cont inues to de l i ve r sha reho lde r va lue unde rp inned by the ob jec t i ves o f h igh va lue, cos t e f fec t i ve, cus tomer se r v ice exce l l ence and an engaged work fo rce fo r a l l .


百本 集 團 主 席,香 港 醫 護 學會 會長。曾 獲 美 國 哈 佛 大學 獎 學金 全 數 資 助 學 費 食 宿,攻 讀 領 袖 管 理 深 造 課 程。廣 東省 衛 生 廳 屬 下廣 東食品 藥 品 職 業 學院 客座 教 授,香 港 大學中藥 藥 劑 學 學 士 課 程 兼 任 講 師。Jack y Kwan i s the cha i rman of Bamboos Profess iona l Nurs ing Se r v ices L im i ted and Hong Kong Hea l th Ca re Fede ra t ion. He obta ined fu l l sponsorsh ip to s tudy l eade rsh ip management i n Ha r va rd Un i ve rs i t y. He i s now v i s i t i ng p ro fessor o f Guangdong Food and Drug Vocat iona l Co l l ege unde r Depar tment o f Hea l th o f Guangdong Prov ince, and pa r t- t ime l ec tu re r o f Bache lo r o f Pha rmacy in Ch inese Med ic ine p rogramme.


李 文傑 是 瑞 士 域 寶 資 產 管 理(亞 洲)有 限 公司 的 董 事 總 經 理,於投 資 管 理 和 銀 行界 擁 有 超 過 2 0 年 的豐富 經 驗,更 於2 0 1 3 年更 擔 任 澳 洲 會 計 師 公會大中 華 分會 會長 及 財 經 事 務 委 員會 主 席。Pete r Lee i s the Manag ing D i rec to r o f Veco Inves t (As ia ) L im i ted and has ove r 20 yea rs o f expe r i ence in i nves tment management and bank ing. He was the Pres ident o f CPA Aust ra l i a G reate r Ch ina D i v i s ion and Cha i rman of the F inanc ia l Se r v ices Commi t tee o f CPA Aust ra l i a i n 2013.


M i c h a e l W a n 是 一 個 來自英 國 的 汽 車 狂 迷。他 熱 愛 所有 車 輛,包 括 現 代 或 古典 的。他 最 喜愛 的 賽 車 是 M c L a r e n F 1。Michae l Wan i s a pet ro l add ic t f rom the Un i ted K ingdom. He loves a l l k inds o f ca rs whethe r modern o r c lass ic. H is favour i te spor ts ca r i s the McLaren F1.


骨 科 專 科 醫 生,離 開 手 術 室 後,覺 得 要 從 生 活 中 體 現 真 我,對 當中 的 細 節 一 絲 不 苟。Richa rd i s an o r thoped ic spec ia l i s t who dec ides to f u l f i l l h imse l f by l i v i ng a qua l i t y l i f e and pay ing met icu lous a t tent ion to the f i ne r th ings in l i fe when he’s ou t o f the ope ra t ing room.


D a n i e l N g,香 港 出 生,曾居 多 倫 多、上 海 及 紐 約,對 每 一 個 地 方也 有 特別 的 感情 和 觸 覺。現 居 紐 約,從 事 建 築 設 計,閒 時 喜 歡 湊 女、寫 b l o g、攝影 和 旅 行。Da n i e l Ng wa s bo r n i n Hong Kong a nd ha s re s i d e d i n To ron to, Sha ngha i a nd N ew Yo r k . E ac h c i t y ho lds s p e c i a l m e mor i e s a nd sent iments fo r h im. He cu r rent l y l i ves in New York as an a rch i tec t who spends h i s spa re t ime en joy ing fa the rhood, b logg ing, t rave l l i ng and exp lo r ing the a r t o f photography.


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Jimmy Li Editor In Chief

踏入新一年,剛滿兩歲的KEYPAD繼續和各位讀者一起成長,今期新增Archita lk和Lifesty le Academy兩個欄目,前者帶大家從建築師的眼裏看世界,後者則每期選定不同主題,教讀者於不同範疇中品味生活。

藉此特別鳴謝本人的良師益友—新城廣播有限公司的董事總經理馬健生女士。感謝Bianca昔日用心提攜,去年還接受了本人的邀請,成為KEYPAD的Exper t Contributor,一年六期分享她在傳媒業打拼的經歷,令KEYPAD和讀者們得到很大的鼓舞。祝新城電台與您繼續步步高陞。



Year 2014 marks a b ig mi lestone for KEYPAD as i t turns two years o ld. To mark the occas ion, two new columns, “Arch i ta lk” and “L i festy le Academy”, are added to our magaz ine – the former a l lows us to see mat ters of l i fe through the eyes of an arch i tect , whi le the la t ter teaches on one speci f ic l i festy le top ic per issue.

Hereby I would l ike to thank Ms Bianca Ma, Managing Di rector at Metro Broadcast Corporat ion L imi ted, my former superv isor, mentor and good f r iend at Metro Broadcast who was so k ind as to accept my inv i ta t ion as the Exper t Contr ibutor of KEYPAD. As a seasoned bat t le r in the media indust r y, B ianca has shared wi th us the ups and downs of her career. Her encourag ing words dur ing the past s ix issues have insp i red both the KEYPAD team and our readers t remendously. May I w ish Metro Broadcast and Bianca every success in the future.

Count less memorable events have happened dur ing the prev ious year. Among a l l , we’ re pr iv i leged to have renowned f i lm d i rector Mr Johnnie To grac ing the cover of th is issue. A d inner wi th Mr Johnnie To and in terv iew led by Professor Pat r ick Wong unfo lded the minds of the two heroes as they ming led on top ics st retch ing f rom f inancia l investments, wine and c igar to re laxat ions and profess iona l ism. Amidst the s ight and smel l o f de lectab le cu is ines and a l l the wi t ty jokes, I was l ike s i t t ing in the middle of a documentary.

Last but not least , may I w ish a l l o f you great success in the Year of the Horse.

Correction Notice

In the article Passing the Torch on page 96 of KEYPAD’s November/ December issue, Professor Patrick Wong’s website should

be instead of We regret for the error and sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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Loewe隆重推出2014春夏Made To Order頂級訂製系列,整組訂製系列以顧客的需求為核心:由最初在輕







Loewe presents its Made To Order Collection 2014, shaped the entire bespoke experience around the

customer, from the initial consultation and tai loring in a and private space, the sampling to the delivery

of the sealed items within three months. The garments to choose from include a classic aviator jacket, a

pleated dress, a classic-cut blazer, a hooded jacket and a baseball jacket. These can be made in eight

dif ferent materials: suede, napa, ostr ich, crocodile, novak, shearl ing, fox and mink, with l inings in printed

napa. Also available are two Loewe napa classics, the quilted coat and the parka. The choice of f ive

colours is greater than ever, including denim blue, hot paprika, bright candy, dark brown and dusty suede.


BESPOKE FASH IONLoewe Made To Order Col lect ion



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Burberr y風衣一向是潮人型人的象徵。倫敦著名的Maybourne Hotel Group正式宣佈與標誌性英國時裝

品牌Burberr y成為合作夥伴,特別在旗下三間酒店:Claridge’s、The Connaught及The Berkeley提供

經典Burberr y風衣,供套房賓客於下榻期間借用。賓客到埗前,男女裝的Burberr y風衣(附有不同顏色的




Burberry’s iconic trench coat is the epitome of Br it ish qual i ty, par ticular ly suitable for the weather in

London. Come rain or shine, you can now enjoy complimentary use of the weather-beating Burberry

trench coat in the city’s leading luxury hotels – Clar idge’s, the Connaught and the Berkeley – al l managed

by the Maybourne Hotel Group. Burberry trench coats can be found in the suites of the hotels, ready to

be worn and enjoyed. Men’s and women’s versions (with di f ferently coloured cuf f l inks) are hung in the

wardrobes pr ior to arr ival. I f a lternative sizes are required, or indeed i f guests wish to purchase a trench

coat, hotel staf f can arrange for a new one to be brought to the suite in a personal ised bag. Each trench

features a unique ser ia l number inside, identi f y ing i t as a Clar idge’s Burberry trench.

H o t e l

L O N D O N F E V E RMaybourne Hotel Group crossover Burberr y


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Taiwan is one of the most popular hol iday dest inat ions of Hong Kong people. Apar t f rom i ts food and

shopping, i t is a lso wel l known as a space for l iv ing, re laxat ion and fun. With numerous boutique hote ls

popping up, Humble House Group is introducing i ts f i rst se l f-owned brand hote l wi th the launch of Humble

House Taipe i. I t is located in X iny i D istr ict of Ta ipe i, a per fect geographic locat ion with convenient traf f ic. The

hote l introduces ar t, cu l ture and l i fe in a new sty le. The ar t col lect ion in the hote l inc ludes 600 ar t p ieces by

wor ld famous ar t ists f rom the UK, Poland, I ta ly, Israe l, China, Japan and Taiwan. The hote l presents a s imple

and re laxed sty le featur ing the theme of a c i t y garden by creat ing an e legant and sophist icated atmosphere.

With d isplays of c lass ica l ar t ist ic work f rom a l l over the g lobe, ar t is de l icate ly b lended in the set t ing to

demonstrate the aesthet ic va lues of the Group and the phi losophy of “ar t is l i fe, l i fe is ar t ”, of fer ing you a

p lace to rest in the urban c i ty. Humble House Taipe i has of f ic ia l ly opened in December 2013.

H o t e l

L I F E I S A R THumble House Taipei



Page 25: Mr. Johnnie To

著名英國香氛品牌Penhal igon’s進佔中環國際金融中心,成為香港首間旗艦店。全新旗艦店的裝潢古典優




找至愛的香氣。品牌同時推出與英國國家芭蕾舞蹈團合作的全新創意香氛Iris Prima,完美融合香氛與舞蹈,


Renowned f ragrance brand Penhal igon’s recently opened i ts f lagship store in IFC in Hong Kong. The

new store design was created by the renowned Fabled Studio f rom London, embodying Penhal igon’s

unique her i tage with contemporary touches ref lect ing i ts t imeless approach to per fumery. True to

i ts eccentr ic her i tage, the boutique is set to be a r iot of tex tures, colours and f in ishes to create an

interact ive and theatr ica l env ironment. The store showcases over 30 f ragrances f rom seven dist inct ive

fami l ies set on wooden shelves to resemble an old Engl ish l ibrar y. I t a lso featuresa scent prof i l ing

room to create unique ol factor y memor ies for i ts va lued customers.


I N L O V E W I T H S C E N TPenhal igon’s Flapship S tore in IFC


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侈。NAIL NAIL引入來自美國殿堂級美甲護甲品牌JESSICA Fusion 2.5.2的首創專利趾甲油系統,只須5分鐘




NAIL NAIL prov ides a comprehensive JESSICA Fusion 2.5.2 Express Pedicure, which inc ludes

intensive pedicure and appl icat ion of Fusion 2.5.2 colour act ivator, a l lowing you to have f lawless and

beauti fu l toenai ls in just one hour.

JESSICA®, the wor ld-renowned exper t in natura l na i l care, has introduced a revolut ionary patented

nai l color system - the only ge l system in the market without the need to cure with LED or UV l ights.

The two-step se l f-cur ing system dr ies in only f ive minutes, can be removed in two minutes and

prov ides a shiny, sexy, long-last ing gel- l ike colour for four weeks.


B L I N G I N A F L A S HJESSICA Fusion 2.5.2 Express Pedicure exclusively at NAIL NAIL



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籃球是男人的至愛之一,有甚麼比新球鞋登場更令人興奮?Nike首次將其Nike Flyknit技術應用於籃球鞋,

推出專為籃球巨星高比拜恩(Kobe)而設計的Kobe 9 Elite,其設計綜合考慮了Kobe對球鞋科技的需求以


但極致輕盈,韌性極高,更通過Nike Flyknit飛線技術勾勒出具有視覺衝擊感的迷人圖案,腳跟處擁有9條紅



NBA welcomes Kobe Bryant back af ter an eight month layof f f rom Achi l les injury. Nike tops it up with

the unvei l ing of Kobe’s latest signature model Kobe 9 El i te. It is one with Nike’s most preeminent

per formance technologies and Kobe’s inspiration. The hightop cut is a signif icant depar ture from

previous Kobe’s signature shoes. The Flyknit technology of fers a l ight, f lexible f i t whi le the weave al lows

for di f ferent per formance zones. The Flywire technology is a strong yet dynamic lockdown through

the midfoot. Beneath, a lunar lon inser t cushions the foot whi le keeping it connected to the cour t. The

outsole is designed with Kobe’s pressure-mapped anatomical pattern to provide both a v isual pattern

and del iver durable traction. The nine red embroidered l ines down the back of the shoe is a nod to the

sti tches Kobe received af ter his Achi l les surgery.


K O B E I S B A C KNike Kobe 9 El i te



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Dan Wells & Investors Ltd provides the most comprehensive and complete corporate track day events available in Hong Kong.Incorporating its extensive amount of motorsport knowledge to create unique bespoke packages, DWI Ltd can include catering, activities and the use of conference facilities on site. Having gained a reputation for our relationships with corporate businesses on a global scale, DWI Ltd provides professional and safe activities for all involved.All of our corporate track day events are professionally run with expert coaching from Japanese Formula 3 title protagonist Dan Wells, as well as industry recognised personnel who strive in the quality of work that they provide.

Contact InformationFor all DWI Ltd corporate track day service enquiriesor a quote, please contact:Will Fewkes, Chief Operating Officer, DWI LtdE: [email protected]: +852 5491 1147

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The tea-themed exhibition aims to take visitors on a cultural journey with a great variety of symbolic relics of

historical importance. The tribute tea balls, appealing teawares, Chinese paintings and unique utensils can

be dated back from the Jin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, demonstrating the evolution of Chinese tea

culture since the f if th century. The cultural characteristics of each era in Chinese history are also reflected

in the methods of preparing tea. With its introduction to the West in the 17th century, Chinese tea culture

has also shaped people’s dietary habits in many countries. Almost 170 sets of teaware and paintings from

the collection of the Palace Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum will be showcased until 9 March,

2014. Most of the items provided by the Palace Museum are making their debut outside the Forbidden City.


T A S T E A N D E S S E N C EExhibition of Chinese and Western Historical Tea Pieces in Macao Museum of Art



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LUNCH ON THE LAWNA Centenary Celebration by Aston Martin Owners Club

為 慶 祝 A s t o n M a r t i n 誕 生 1 0 0 週 年 , A s t o n M a r t i n 車 主 俱 樂 部 特 意 於 2 0 1 3 年 1 1 月 2 日 舉 辦 L u n c h o n t h e L a w n聚 會 。 會 員 先 於 香 港 遊 艇 會 享 用 早 餐 , 再 駕 駛 愛 驅 前 往 西 貢 的 O n e T h i r t y - O n e 餐 廳 , 於 優 美 的 天 然 環 境 下 享 用B o u j i s 的 美 酒 小 食 及 Re l i s h K i t c h e n 四 道 菜 午 餐 , 度 過 悠 閒 的 上 午 時 光 。

Aston Mar t in celebrates i ts 100th anniversary with a specia l event on 2 November 2013. The rendezvous k icked of f

with a break fast at the Hong Kong Yacht Club, fo l lowed by a ra l ly to One Thir ty-One in Sai Kung, where members

of the Aston Mar t in Owners Club were welcomed by a pop-up cock ta i l bar by Bouj is and a four-course lunch on the

lawn catered by Rel ish K itchen.

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HONOURING THE EXCELLENCEHong Kong Interior Design Association Gala Dinnercum 21st Asia Pacif ic Interior Design Award (APIDA)

香 港 室 內 設 計 協 會 ( H K I D A ) 於 1 1 月 2 9 日 晚 上 舉 行 週 年 晚 宴 暨 第 二 十 一 屆 亞 太 區 室 內 設 計 大 獎 頒 獎 典 禮 , 公 佈 並 頒 發 本年 度 十 大 室 內 設 計 獎 項 , 同 時 將 首 屆 終 身 成 就 大 獎 頒 予 室 內 設 計 大 師 高 文 安 先 生 , 以 表 揚 他 對 本 地 室 內 設 計 領 域 所 作 出的 貢 獻 。

Hong Kong Inter ior Design Associat ion (HKIDA) held i ts annual gala dinner on 29 November at the Hong Kong

Convention and Exhibi t ion Centre, dur ing which the ten categor ies of the 21st Asia Paci f ic Inter ior Design Award

(APIDA) were presented. The very f i rst “L i fet ime Achievement Award” was awarded to inter ior design guru Mr. Kenneth

Ko to honour his contr ibution in the f ie ld of inter ior design in Hong Kong.

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P h o t o s / K i t m i n L e e

ROCKING AT THE HARBOURClockenflap Mult imedia Arts & Music Festival

香 港 最 大 型 音 樂 和 藝 術 節 C l o c k e n f l a p 已 於 2 0 1 3 年 1 1 月 2 9 日 至 1 2 月 1 日連 續 三 天 於 西 九 龍 海 濱 長 廊 舉 行 , 共 吸 引 3 3 , 5 0 0 人 入 場 , 破 大 會 過 去 入場 人 次 紀 錄 。 演 出 單 位 包 括 頂 尖 國 際 組 合 F o u r Te t 、 T h e 1 9 7 5 、 F r a n z F e r d i n a n d 及 E f t e r k l a n g , 加 上 本 地 歌 手 盧 凱 彤 及 G . E . M , 並 由 中 國 搖 滾 之父 崔 健 作 尾 場 壓 軸 嘉 賓 , 將 氣 氛 推 向 最 高 峰 。

Hong Kong’s largest music and ar ts fest iva l Clockenf lap drew a record-

break ing 33,500 fans for i ts three-day event held at the West Kowloon Cultura l

Distr ict Promenade f rom 29 November to 1 December 2013, featur ing top

international acts such as Four Tet, The 1975, Franz Ferdinand, Ef terk lang

a longside local favour i tes El len Lo, G.E.M. and Chinese rock legend Cui J ian.

Let’s rock on next year!

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It ’s no exaggeration to say that Johnnie To is a totalitar ian at his f i lm studio, be it

during the f i lming process or at the post-production stage. For he’s the commander

of his own f i lms — each shot, each glance and each exploding sound is under his

control. Capabil ity and charisma are undoubtedly two crucial factors for him to

become a successful leader, but it ’s his passion and cherishment on the movie

industry that keeps him going.

A r t d i r e c t i o n & s t y l i n g / F r a n k i e Yu e n . P h o t o g r a p h y / F r a n k l i n L a u

V i d e o g r a p h y / J i m m y L i , Y v o n n e C h e n . A s s i s t a n t / Y v o n n e C h e n

Te x t / M a u r e e n N g . S p e c i a l T h a n k s / To K e i C h i

Mr. Johnnie To




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The Hong Kong Asian Fi lm Festiva l was tak ing place dur ing the t ime of the inter v iew. Among the l ist of f i lms

shown was Boundless, a documentary on Johnnie To made by Ferr is L in f rom Bei j ing - a postgraduate at

the Hong Kong Academy of Per forming Ar ts who spent over two years f i lming his idol. The f i lm begins with

a por trayal of To as a ferocious dictator, look ing ser ious, shouting and swear ing merci lessly at the crew with

a c igar between his f ingers. I t ’s just hard to imagine how his loyal crew and al l the renowned movie stars

would obey and admire him wholehear tedly.

The seasoned commanderI ronical ly, i t is To’s aggressive personal i ty that leads him to become an international ly accla imed f i lm director

and helps Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Sean Lau and Simon Yam win their best actor awards. As To admits,

“The director is the essence and the soul of the movie. He should have the r ight to decide every thing, down

to the smal lest tr i f les as in what to eat and who should be the f i rst to get onto the vehic le.” As he bel ieves

that most th ings which appear on the screen is f rom the director, one who doesn’t know how to dictate his

crew simply doesn’t know what he wants to achieve f rom his own movie. He says, “The director must real ise

that h is personal perusal is in fact the sole perusal of the team. The f i lm is in h is mind a lone. Only he knows

what is needed.”

On the leftBlack double-breasted suit jacket in pied-de-poule pattern and black pocket square in “dot art” pattern from the 50th Wool Trophy Capsule Collection by Ermenegildo ZegnaWhite shirt from Hugo Boss


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Johnnie To learns how to direct f rom his ear ly exposure in the TV industr y. Graduated f rom the TVB actor’s

tra in ing programme, To has promoted f rom production assistant to choreographer and producer, gain ing

concrete exper iences in di f ferent ro les dur ing the process. He recal ls, “We carr ied our amenit ies to the

studio dur ing the bat t les (the t imes when they’ve to rush for the f i lming). I t ’s adrenal ine pumping and

exhi larat ing despite that I could only s leep no more than 40 hours a month. There’s a f i re ins ide, te l l ing

me that I must win. Only top-notch screenwr i ters, directors, actors, gaf fers and cameramen are a l lowed to

the bat t lef ie ld. Actors memor ise seven to e ight pages of scr ipts in one go and wi l l never walk to the wrong

posit ions. Only by bat t l ing can we tra in up new el i tes. A f ree te lev is ion l icense is therefore crucia l in creating

a bat t le scene.”

The principles of survivalApar t f rom exper iences on the bat t lef ie ld, i t is a lso essentia l for the commander to get the r ight person

for the r ight job and adapt ef fective mi l i tar y strategies. Johnnie To f i lmed his f i rst co-production movie

with mainland China, Don’t Go Breaking My Hear t, in 2010. He then ventured into the gangster genre and

co-produced Drug War, which reaped over HK$100 mi l l ion at the Chinese box of f ice. Whi le everyone was

say ing that To has f ina l ly grabbed the at tention of the mainland audience, he personal ly did not deny the

oppor tunit ies that Chinese market has brought to Hong Kong movies, “The audience play a v i ta l ro le, be

i t for the investors, the f i lmmakers or the stars-to-be. To play the game we must fo l low the ru les. Besides,

local f i lmmakers a lways have the f reedom to choose. I t ’s just business – i f your movie goes in l ine with the

Chinese cr i ter ia, fee l f ree to choose but i f i t doesn’t, there’s no use forc ing i t through. Censorship is for

instance one big hindrance for Hong Kong movies to go nor th.”

On the r ightNavy blue suit and white shirt f rom Hugo Boss



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Johnn ie To be l ieves that loca l mov ies shou ld not be bound by the cur rent industr y env i ronment – in

fac t, the resources and demand f rom ma in land Ch ina sha l l b r ing loca l mov ies to a new e ra. In h is nex t

f i lm – an adaptat ion of the Hong Kong mus ica l Des ign for L iv ing - To t r ies to make the best out of a l l

resources ava i lab le: ma in land actress Tang We i i s casted in add i t ion to seasoned f i lm s ta rs Chow Yun-

fat and Cheung Nga i-ga. Wi l l i am Cheung Shuk-p ing (a r t i s t ic d i rec tor of The Grandmaster ), A lbe r t Leung

(aka L in X i , renowned l y r ic is t ), Lo Ta-yu and Ke i th Chan Fa i -young (renowned songwr i te rs) w i l l meanwhi le

contr ibu te to the songs in the mov ie to make the f i lm both loca l and f la t te r ing.

Hope and fear for the f i lm industr yCapab le d i rec tors come and go jus t l i ke eve r y success fu l m i l i ta r y leader. Johnn ie To is about to reach h is

60s and open ly announced Yau Na i -ho i , the f i lmmaker who has co l laborated w i th h im fo r ove r ten years, as

h is successor at M i lk y way Image. The Fresh Wave In te rnat iona l Shor t F i lm Fest i va l in i t i a ted by To in 2005

meanwh i le he lps to se r ve as a gateway fo r asp i r ing f i lm d i rec tors. As To admi ts, “The fu tu re of Hong Kong

mov ies re l i es on profess iona l ta lents. Sad ly, what I obser ve f rom the nex t generat ion i s that they a re too harsh

on othe rs but too loose on themse lves. Somet imes they’d jus t t r y the i r luck and a re unwi l l i ng to sacr i f i ce o r

su f fe r. M is takes a re acceptab le but repeated mis takes a re not. You expect th ings to improve and that ’s why I ’d

apprec iate someone who t r i es ha rd to f i x the i r m is takes and move fo r ward.”

He continues, “ I’m harsh on my crew because I cher ish them. I’d have asked them to leave i f I d idn’t care about them.

Hope is the source of motivat ion. Who’d invest in local movies i f the qual i t ies are not good enough? This would ru in the

enti re industr y.” What we see in Johnnie To is not only the abi l i t y to dictate and manage, but a lso an open mind and

cher ishment for h is crew.

杜琪峰專訪全紀錄,請瀏覽 i l the exc lus ive Johnn ie To’s in te r v iew at


Page 46: Mr. Johnnie To



Page 47: Mr. Johnnie To

Te x t / M a u r e e n N g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

O p e n i n g p h o t o / C o u r t e s y o f T h e L o n g i n e s H o n g K o n g M a s t e r s

2 0 1 4年正好是馬年。馬向來是權力、優雅、美麗、高








According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, 2014 is the Year of the Horse. Horses have long been a symbol of power, grace, beauty, nobility, strength and freedom, enjoying a prestigious position in human society. As its history becomes more and more inter twined with humans, the status of horses has r isen from domestic animals to spor ts companions and a status symbol of high society. Thanks to its long association with humans, horses have appeared in numerous myths and works of ar t across the world, from ancient murals to modern paintings and sculptures. In this issue’s KEYPAD, we pay tr ibute to this beautiful animal that has inspired us in many dif ferent ways, and will continue to be an essential par t of our lives.



Page 48: Mr. Johnnie To

Equus由 Pe te r S h a f f e r 於 1 9 7 3 年 寫 成 的 舞 台 劇 , 講 述 一

名 於 馬 廄 工 作 的 少 師 將 馬 匹 奉 若 神 靈 , 需 由 心 理 醫

生 開 解 。 該 劇 於 2 0 0 7 年 搬 到 紐 約 公 演 , 由 D a n i e l

R a d c l i f f e 飾 演 少 年 一 角 。

The 1973 play by Peter Shaf fer speaks of a

psychiatr ist who at tempts to treat a stable lad

with pathologica l re l ig ious fascinat ion with

horses. Danie l Radcl i f fe p layed the ro le of the

stable lad in the 2007 West End production.

Napoleon Crossing the Alps法 國 畫 家 J a c q u e s - L o u i s D a v i d 一

共 為 這 幅 油 畫 畫 下 五 個 版 本 , 將 拿 破

崙 於 1 8 0 0 年 率 領 軍 隊 走 過 G r e a t St .

Bernard Pass的英姿表露無違。

This oi l painting by French ar tist

Jacques-Louis David por trays an

ideal ised view of the real crossing

made by Napoleon and his troops at

the Great St. Bernard Pass in 1800. It

has f ive versions.




The late modern Chinese painter Xu

Beihong is famous for his Chinese

ink paintings on horses. His horse paintings, with i ts power ful strokes and

precise del ineation, of ten fetch high pr ices at auction sales.





According to Romance of the Three

Kingdoms, the Red Hare is of uniform ashen red and is capable of travell ing

1,000 l i a day. It belonged to Lu Bu before Cao Cao gave it to Guan Yu. The

horse starved itself to death af ter Guan Yu’s death.






Owing to its elegant appearance,

responsiveness, agility and mild

temperament, horses are normally

portrayed in a positive way in arts,

film and literature. Here’re some

of the better-known works of art

related to horses.





Page 49: Mr. Johnnie To

The Horse Whisperer由 N i c o l a s E va n s 所 作 的 小 說 , 講 述

小 女 孩 G r a c e 經 歷 一 次 嚴 重 墜 馬 後 身

心 受 創 , 母 親 遂 將 女 兒 及 其 愛 駒 帶 到

馴 馬 師 To m 身 邊 , 希 望 能 解 開 女 兒 的

心結。1998年的電影版本由Scar let t


Nicolas Evans’s novel tel ls the story

of Tom, the horse whisperer, who was

hired to restore teenage Grace and her horse back to health

af ter a serious r iding accident. Scarlett Johansson played

Grace in the 1998 f i lm adaptation.

SeabiscuitSeabiscui t 是一匹身形嬌小卻獲獎無數的美國賽馬,後來成為了大蕭條下民眾的勵志象徵。L aura


Seabiscuit is an undersized but over looked champion racehorse from the US and a

symbol of hope dur ing the Great Depression. Laura Hi l lenbrand wrote a book on the

legendary horse which was adapted into the Oscar-nominated f i lm Seabiscuit.

The Houyhnhnms《格列 佛遊 記》筆 下的 慧 駰 外形 如馬


被牠 們 統 治 的 野胡 外形 如 人 類,卻 是


These are intel l igent horses in

Gulliver’s Travels. In contrast

to the primitive humanoid slaves

named Yahoos, the houyhnhnms

are well-mannered, reasonable and sophisticated.

Trojan Horse在 荷馬 的《奧德 賽》中記 載著木馬屠城

記 的故事:三十名希臘士兵 及兩名監視

者分別 藏於巨 形木馬 的腹部及口腔,最


This famous wooden horse f rom

the Trojan War h ide 30 soldiers

in i ts be l ly and two spies in i ts

mouth, a l lowing the Greeks to

break into the c i ty of Troy. The ta le was mentioned in

Homer’s Odyssey.

Black Beauty由Anna Sewel l所著的《Black Beauty》是一部膾炙人口的兒童文學作品,以第一人稱講述名為Black


As one of the most celebrated children’s l iterature of al l time, Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty is an

autobiography of the titular horse from his upbringing, career as a London taxi-horse to its love l i fe

and twil ight years.

War Horse此 兒 童 小 說 於 2 0 1 1 年 被 史 提 芬 . 史

匹 堡 改 編 成 同 名 電 影 , 故 事 講 述 馬 匹

J o e y 於 一 次 大 戰 前 期 被 出 售 作 軍 用 馬

匹 , 小 主 人 A l b e r t 決 定 把 牠 找 回 , 踏

上 危 險 征 途 。

The chi ldren’s novel was turned into

f i lm by Steven Spie lberg in 2011. I t

te l ls the stor y of Joey, a horse sold to the calvar y in Wor ld

War I and his owner A lber t who embarks on a dangerous

miss ion to f ind his be loved horse.


Page 50: Mr. Johnnie To



01. Cr ista l de Par is’s cr ysta l bowl with three horses

02. Galop Hermès PM bracelet in s i lver

03. Piaget A l t ip lano with c lo isonné enamel f rom A My thica l Journey by Piaget

04. Chopard L.U.C XP Urushi 2014 “Year of the Horse” specia l edi t ion

05. Loewe red ostr ich sk in Amazona bag with golden horse padlock

06. Ralph Lauren red crocodi le cuf f bracelet with pavé diamond horsehead

07. S.T.Dupont’s L igne 2 l ighter f rom the Horse Premium Col lect ion

08. Shanghai Tang s i lver horse bookends

09. Ronde Louis Car t ier watch with horse moti f in gr isa i l le enamel

10. Carrera y Carrera Ecuestre r ing in yel low gold, with amethyst and diamonds



牌 標 誌 , 又 或 將 之 與 市 場 推 廣 掛



Horses are almost the synonym of

elegance and vitality. Many fashion

and automobile brands have their

logos or market ing campaigns

associated with horses as such.

The launch of horse-themed items

are, of course, an essential part to

celebrate the Year of the Horse.




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馬球比賽馬 球 的 起 源 可 追 塑 至 兩 千 年 前 的

波 斯 , 它 最 初 是 國 王 守 衛 的 玩

意 , 崇 尚 榮 耀 與 互 重 。 任 何 欣 賞

過 四 蹄 狂 奔 、 球 槌 相 擊 的 人 , 都

會 同 意 馬 球 是 最 觸 目 、 最 刺 激 的



四 年 均 會 舉 辦 世 界 馬 球 錦 標 賽 ,

是 為 全 球 最 大 型 的 國 際 性 馬 球 賽

事 之 一 。 其 他 較 為 人 熟 悉 的 馬 球

比 賽 包 括 阿 根 廷 馬 球 公 開 錦 標

賽 、 美 國 馬 球 公 開 錦 標 賽 、 英 國

馬 球 公 開 金 盃 賽 、 聖 莫 里 茨 國 際



不 少 奢 侈 品 牌 均 與 馬 球 比 賽 關 係

密 切 。 尊 貴 蘇 格 蘭 威 士 忌 品 牌

R o y a l S a l u t e 最 近 就 贊 助 了 於

2 0 1 3 年 1 2 月 1 9 至 2 2 日 在 印 度

拉賈斯坦邦舉行的Royal Sa lute焦特布爾王室紀念盃馬球賽。比賽由焦特布爾

王 公 加 伊 辛 格 二 世 主 持 , 參 賽 者 包 括 於 蘇 格 蘭 出 生 的 六 分 級 馬 球 猛 將 M a l c o l m

B o r w i c k 。 最 後 一 夜 更 於 梅 蘭 加 爾 堡 舉 行 了 盛 大 的 舞 會 , 邀 得 各 地 名 人 及 國 際


The Game of PoloDat ing back more than two mi l lenn ia to Pers ia, where i t was f i rs t p layed

by the k ing’s guards, po lo is a game that champions honour and respect.

I t is a lso one of the most thr i l l ing spectator spor ts, as anyone who has

wi tnessed the thunder of hooves and crack of a po lo mal let f ind ing i ts

ta rget can at test.

One of the b iggest internat iona l po lo tournaments is the Wor ld Po lo

Championsh ip, he ld ever y three to four years by the spor t 's govern ing

body, the Federat ion of Internat iona l Po lo (F IP). Other famous po lo

tournaments inc lude the Argent ine Open Polo Championsh ip, US Open

Polo Championsh ip, Br i t ish Open Polo Gold Cup, St. Mor i t z Po lo Wor ld

Cup on Snow and FIP Ambassadors Cup Polo Open.

Numerous luxur y brands are a lso known to be strongly assoc iated wi th

the game of po lo. Luxur y Scotch whisky brand Roya l Sa lute, for instance,

is the sponsor for the recent Roya l Sa lute Mahara ja of Jodhpur Golden

Jubi lee Cup he ld f rom 19 to 22 December 2013 in Ra jasthan, Ind ia. The

tournament was hosted by h is h ighness the Mahara ja of Jodhpur, Ga j

S ingh I I and featured Scot t ish-born s ix-goa ler Malco lm Borwick, one of

the UK’s top p layers. The event ended by a spectacu lar ba l l at Mehrangarh

For t graced by ce lebr i t ies, soc ia l i tes and po lo cognoscent i f rom around

the wor ld.





Horses are most beautiful when set

in motion. Equestrian sports are,

as such, the best way to witness

the beauty and behaviour of

horses as well as their interaction

with humans.




Page 53: Mr. Johnnie To





Horse Riding in Hong KongDespite the fact that polo is current ly unavai lable in Hong Kong, horse-lovers in the

c i ty can st i l l get to interact with horses through horse r id ing.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) operates three publ ic r id ing schools in Tuen

Mun in the New Terr i tor ies and Pok Fu Lam and Lei Yue Mun Park on Hong Kong

Is land. There’re a lso a number of pr ivate r id ing schools, inc luding the Clearwater

Bay Equestr ian & Education Centre (CEEC). The school holds the Br i t ish Horse

Society Approved Riding School accreditat ion, which proves that the c lubs’ horse

care, leve l of instruct ion and safety standards are exemplar y.

CEEC is predominantly a members’ only faci l i t y but there are severa l options

avai lable to non-members. Non-members can tr y out a 60-minute r id ing exper ience

which of fers ground leve l interact ion with the horses as wel l as a mounted lesson.

Clearwater Bay Equestr ian & Educat ion Centre (CEEC)


Page 54: Mr. Johnnie To





項 比 賽 為 浪 琴 表 大 獎 賽 : 參 賽 者 需 越 過 1 . 6 米 高 的 障 礙 , 以 最 短 時 間 完 成 賽 事 。 除 比 賽


The Longines Hong Kong MastersFor horse-lovers who prefer to sit back and enjoy the show, the Longines Hong Kong

Masters to be held at AsiaWorld-Expo from 21 to 23 February 2014 would be an ideal

oppor tunity to exper ience the social and l i festy le aspects of equestr ian spor ts. Af ter

the 2008 Olympics, the Longines Hong Kong Masters was the f irst CSI 5* equestr ian

event to return to Asia and is the region’s largest show jumping event.

This year’s competit ion features 25 el i te r iders from across the globe, competing for

an impressive cash pr ize of USD 1 mil l ion. The cl imax of the event is the Longines

Grand Pr ix where r iders face obstacles 1.6 m high to achieve the best t ime. Apar t

f rom the competit ions, the show is also a destination for world-class cuisine,

exquisite luxury shopping and non-stop enter tainment.



Page 55: Mr. Johnnie To





過七匹競賽馬,包括「理直氣壯」、「從心所願」、「暢所欲言」、「逍遙自在」等。受父親影響 ,陳湛全、陳湛文、陳湛偉三兄弟



Owning a Horse

For a true equine lover, what’s more exci t ing than hav ing a horse of your own?

For Char les Chan, the newly onboard president of the Hong Kong Racehorse Owners Associat ion (HKROA), no bigger joy

would a horse owner receive than seeing one’s own horse racing on the track. “My hear t begins to race faster the moment

my horse is unleashed f rom the gates – i t can only beat increasingly faster unt i l the horse dashes the f in ishing l ine. I be l ieve

most horse owners would fee l the same – i t ’s not the pr ize money but the joy of winning that mat ters the most.”

The fact that Char le’s father Chan Iu Seng was president of HKROA ten years ago only adds to the family’s close relation with

racehorses. Mr Chan Iu Seng used to own seven racehorses, including Unbreakable, Sure Desire, Straight Shooter and Sure

Joy. Inf luenced by their father, the three brothers Char les Chan, Chan Cham Man and Vincent Chan have co-purchased a

number of racehorses, from Step Forward and Sure Forward to the latest Smar t Forward. Char les explains, “We named the f irst

horse ‘Step Forward’ so that i t’d step forward and win the game. Lucki ly, al l our horses have been champion for at least once.”

Becoming a racehorse owner is no easy task. The f i rst th ing is to become a member of HKJC. Racehorses are normal ly

c lass i f ied into PP (Pr ivate ly Purchased Horse) and PPG (Pr ivate ly Purchased Gr i f f ins). A PP is a prev iously raced horse. There

are over 1,000 appl icat ions for PPs per year but only 200 wi l l get the quota. PPG is an unraced horse. Admit tance quota is

set at 100 per year but the horse must have a rat ing of 65 or h igher f rom HKJC.


Page 56: Mr. Johnnie To


稱「馬會」)的會員。競賽馬主要分為PP(Privately Purchased Horse/自購馬)和

PPG(Privately Purchased Griffins/自購新馬)兩種,PPG即從未出賽的馬匹,每年




證,但評分要求會較高;另一種則為ISG (International Sale Griff in),即馬會每年會























Page 57: Mr. Johnnie To

There’re two other ways of get t ing a racehorse: one is with a replacement permit, issued when the old horse ret i res and a

new horse is brought as replacement. Horses admit ted through th is method require a comparat ive ly h igher rat ing. The f ina l

method is through bidding on an ISG ( International Sale Gr i f f in). Every year HKJC would purchase 25 to 30 new horses for

auction. However, only those l isted on the reserve and tender / auction l ist wi l l be enter ta ined, and the cost is normal ly

h igher. I t takes at least s ix to n ine months for the newly purchased horse to adapt to the new env ironment and race mode

before i t enters the f i rst race. I t costs HK$40,000 to HK$50,000 per year to ra ise a horse, and horse owners have to pay for

the horse’s insurance whose va lue is decided by the owner.

Char les bel ieves that genetics contr ibutes to 70% of a horse’s potency. “But the most impor tant th ing is to consul t a vet to

make sure that the horse’s skeleta l and cardiorespirator y systems are in heal thy condit ions. The same appl ies to PPs, which

can be overstra ined by races,” he adds, “HKJC sets a re lat ive ly h igh standard for racehorses – those that have nose-bled or

have suf fered f rom arrhy thmia twice or more are obl iged to ret i re.” Char les a lso urges horse owners to take the ir ownership

as a hobby instead of an investment, for i t is more impor tant to keep the horse heal thy than to win the race. There are t imes

when a racehorse has to be euthanized - th is would be the most unwanted scenar io for any horse owner. “ I a lways emphasise

that one should demand nothing more than seeing one’s horse on the track.”

Talk ing about horse ownership, Char les has had an unwanted exper ience back in 1995, when the horse owned by his father

died dur ing a race. The insurance company refused to pay on fu l l terms, so in the end his father had to seek help f rom

HKROA to resolve the problem. “That was when we real ise the impor tance of HKROA as the br idge between horse owners

and other par t ies.”

Coincidenta l ly, HKROA was formed due to a str ike by the horse servants. Dur ing the str ike, some of the horse owners

volunteered to look af ter the horses themselves, whi le others acted as negotiators between the horse servants and HKJC.

These horse owners then decided to set up HKROA with the object ive to protect the interests of horse owners.

One of the most essentia l functions of HKROA is to ref lect the demands of horse owners such as the pr ize amount and

faci l i t ies at the stable to HKJC. The associat ion a lso organises seminars to educate members on horseracing and racehorse

ownership. Socia l gather ings and char i ty work are aplenty, benef i t ing non-prof i t organisat ions such as the Riding for the

Disabled Associat ion L imited and other horse-re lated or educational char i ty organisat ions. Apar t f rom hosting exchanges

and tr ips to the l ikes of France, Melbourne, New Zealand and Dubai, the associat ion is a lso hosting an increasing number of

fami ly act iv i t ies to show the socia l aspects of horse racing to members’ fami l ies. As Char les notes, “Horse racing is an ideal

act iv i t y for l ike-minders to meet up. I a lways regard my horse-racing fe l lows as l i fe long f r iends.”


Page 58: Mr. Johnnie To

Art D i rect ion / Maureen Ng, J immy L i . Photography / Moses Ng . V ideography / J immy L i , Yvonne Chen . Coord inat ion / Br ian Chu

Makeup / Kather ine at fm workshop . Ha i r dress ing / Oscan Ngan at Pr ivate I Sa lon . Model / August Zhang at Starzpeople

Wardrobe / Shanghai Tang . Locat ion / Mira Moon Hote l



Page 59: Mr. Johnnie To

Cotton floral embroidered 3/4 sleeve cardigan, Floral embroidered

cotton skirt and Corset belt from Shanghai Tang

Couture Yu Yi necklace in 18K white gold with diamonds; together

with Perle de Lotus ring in 18K white gold with diamonds and

moonstones from Qeelin

Page 60: Mr. Johnnie To



Page 61: Mr. Johnnie To

Night blooming print wrap dress from Shanghai Tang

Yu Yi necklace set in 18K white gold with diamonds

from Qeelin


Page 62: Mr. Johnnie To

Lace jacquard cotton spandex dress from Shanghai Tang

Couture Wulu necklace with diamonds and a dark amethyst

pendant; Couture Wulu watch with diamonds and an oval ruby

and Wulu r ing with diamonds, al l in 18K white gold, from Qeelin

Page 63: Mr. Johnnie To

Bamboo jacquard qipao top, Bamboo metal l ic jacquard skirt and

Flower beaded hard clutch from Shanghai Tang

Limited edit ion King & Queen bracelet in 18K rose gold with

diamonds and rubies; together with Corol le de Lotus r ing in 18K

white gold with diamonds, pink sapphire and a ruby from Qeelin

Page 64: Mr. Johnnie To

Exotic shadows jacquard pleated dress, Knot l izard belt and Jade

bamboo water snake satchel from Shanghai Tang

Limited edit ion Wulu pendant and Wulu earring in 18K white gold with

diamonds from Qeelin

如 欲 觀 看 我 們 的 時 裝 攝 影 花 絮 片 段 , 請 瀏 覽 k e y p a d . c o m . h k

Please visit for our fashion editorial footages



Page 65: Mr. Johnnie To


Page 66: Mr. Johnnie To

Te x t / M a u r e e n N g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

美 藉 作 家 F. S c o t t F i t z g e r a l d 以 《 大 亨 小 傳 》 最 為 人 熟 悉 , 但 其 實 他 的 其 餘 作 品 於 文 壇 中 亦 擁 有 相 當 的

知 名 度 , 《 T h e D i a m o n d a s B i g a s t h e R i t z 》 就 是 一 例 。 故 事 主 角 是 一 名 青 年 , 被 同 學 帶 到 私 人 城

堡 渡 假 , 不 過 城 堡 原 來 建 立 於 一 座 跟 麗 池 酒 店 一 樣 大 的 無 瑕 鑽 石 之 上 , 同 學 家 族 一 直 努 力 保 守 這 個 秘 密 ,

以 免 它 的 出 現 影 響 鑽 石 的 市 場 價 值 。 然 而 現 實 世 界 中 , 名 貴 鑽 石 還 是 很 少 能 避 得 過 世 人 艷 羨 的 目 光 , 畢 竟

發 放 光 芒 , 是 鑽 石 的 使 命 。 讓 我 們 帶 領 你 經 歷 一 趟 鑽 石 之 旅 , 尋 找 世 上 最 稀 有 的 鑽 石 。

Many people might have learned about American author F. Scott Fitzgerald through his celebrated novel The Great Gatsby, but the lesser-known The Diamond as Big as the Ritz is also a true classic for Fitzgerald fans. The story revolves around a teenager who spends his vacation at his wealthy schoolmate’s chateau built on one solid, f lawless diamond the size of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The existence of the enormous diamond is concealed by the family to prevent it from f looding the diamond market. Back in reality, however, diamonds are unlikely to stay hidden – for they are born to shine. KEYPAD takes a detour on diamond appreciation and discovers some of the rarest diamonds in the world.


The 101.73 carat Winston Legacy © Christie’s Images Limited



Page 67: Mr. Johnnie To


美國寶石學院(GIA)於二十世紀中期定下了4C標準(即成色Colour、切工Cut、淨度Clarity及卡重量Carat Weight),用以鑑別






GIA創立了 D-Z 的成色等級系統,D級代表完全無色,成色從D到Z逐漸加深,Z級代表淺黃或淺啡色。









The 4Cs

GIA (Gemological Inst i tute of Amer ica) created the 4Cs (Colour, Cut, Clar i t y and Carat Weight) of d iamond qual i t y in the

1950’s as a way to descr ibe and c lassi f y d iamonds.


Diamonds are weighed in metr ic carats; one carat is equal to 0.20 grams. The name carat comes f rom the carob seed, which

was used by ear ly gem traders as counterweights. A carat is d iv ided into 100 points, and diamonds weighing under a carat

are usual ly referred to in points.


GIA’s colour grading scale begins with the let ter D, representing colour less, and continues with increasing presence of

colour to the let ter Z, or l ight ye l low or brown.


Because diamonds are formed deep within the ear th, they of ten contain unique bir thmarks, either internal ( inclusions) or external

(blemishes). Diamond clarity refers to the absence of these inclusions and blemishes. Using the GIA International Diamond

Grading System™, diamonds are assigned a clarity grade that ranges from f lawless (FL) to diamonds with obvious inclusions (I3).

There are 11 grades in total, with most diamonds fal l ing into the VS (very sl ightly included) or SI (sl ightly included) categories.


The cut of any diamond has three at tr ibutes: br i l l iance (the tota l l ight ref lected f rom a diamond), f i re (the dispers ion of l ight

into the colours of the spectrum), and scint i l lat ion (the pat tern of l ight and dark areas and the f lashes of l ight, or spark le,

when a diamond is moved). Round is the shape used in most diamond jewel ler y. A l l other shapes are known as fancy shapes.

Tradi t ional fancy shapes include the marquise, pear, oval and rectangle.


Page 68: Mr. Johnnie To

Coloured diamonds

Whi ls t pure d iamonds a re pe r fec t l y t ransparent and co lour less, co loured d iamonds conta in in te rs t i t i a l impur i t i es o r

s t ruc tu ra l defec ts that cause the co lourat ion. Ye l low or b rown co lour d iamonds hav ing co lours more in tense than “Z”, as

we l l as d iamonds exh ib i t ing co lours othe r than ye l low or b rown a re cons ide red fancy co loured d iamonds.

Fancy co loured d iamonds a re a lot ra re r than wh i te d iamonds and a re se ldom found w i th f l aw less c la r i t y. When the

co lour i s ra re, the more in tense ly co loured a d iamond is , the more va luab le i t becomes. Ins tead of the D to Z sca le,

the hue satu rat ion i s descr ibed w i th one of n ine descr ipto rs: Fa in t, Ve r y L ight, L ight, Fancy L ight, Fancy, Fancy Dark,

Fancy In tense, Fancy Deep, Fancy V iv id. Among a l l co loured d iamonds, red d iamonds a re the ra rest wh i le in tense p ink

o r b lue d iamonds a re a lso great l y sought a f te r. Many of the wor ld’s ra res t d iamonds fa l l under the categor y of fancy

co lour d iamonds.


純 鑽 石 是 完 全 透 明 的 , 而 彩 鑽 則 因 含 有 雜 質 或 結 構 上 的 缺 陷 , 而 令 鑽 石 變 成 不 同 的 顏 色 。 所 有 色 澤 比 Z 還 要 深 的 黃 鑽 及 啡 鑽 , 以

及 所 有 非 白 色 、 黃 色 或 啡 色 的 鑽 石 , 均 被 列 入 彩 鑽 的 範 圍 。

彩 鑽 比 白 鑽 來 得 更 稀 有 , 而 且 很 少 能 發 現 無 瑕 的 彩 鑽 。 當 鑽 石 的 顏 色 屬 於 較 罕 見 的 類 型 時 , 越 深 色 的 就 越 珍 貴 。 有 別 於 白

鑽 的 D - Z , 彩 鑽 的 色 彩 飽 和 度 乃 以 不 同 的 形 容 詞 區 分 , 包 括 F a i n t 、 Ve r y L i g h t 、 L i g h t 、 F a n c y L i g h t 、 F a n c y 、 F a n c y

D a r k 、 Fa n c y I n te n s e 、 Fa n c y D e e p 和 Fa n c y V i v i d 。 紅 鑽 是 所 有 彩 鑽 之 中 最 稀 有 的 , 而 深 粉 紅 及 深 藍 色 鑽 石 亦 普 遍 較 受 歡

迎 。 世 上 不 少 最 稀 珍 的 鑽 石 , 均 屬 於 彩 鑽 類 別 。

Colour: E, K, and Z graded d iamonds Cut: the h igher the cut grade, the br ighter the d iamond

A round br i l l iant showing the 8 ar rows pat ternClar i t y: gem diamonds normal ly range f rom IF to VS2

© GIA. Repr inted by permiss ion



Page 69: Mr. Johnnie To







01. The De la i re Sunr ise, we igh ing 118.08 carats, is the largest fancy v iv id square emera ld cut d iamond in the wor ld. © Graf f D iamonds

02. The 118.28-carat ova l D-colour f lawless d iamond auct ioned at Sotheby’s set a new wor ld auct ion record for any whi te d iamond

03. The Orange, we igh ing 14.82 carats, is the largest fancy v iv id orange d iamond in the wor ld. © Chr ist ie’s Images L imi ted

04. A r ing set wi th a 12.85 carat ova l-shaped fancy intense orangy p ink d iamond. © Chr ist ie’s Images L imi ted

05. Spi r i t of de Gr isogono, weigh ing 312.3 carats, is the wor ld’s la rgest b lack d iamond.

06. The Pink Dream now holds the wor ld auct ion record for a d iamond. © Sotheby’s


Page 70: Mr. Johnnie To

World’s rarest diamonds

On 13 November 2013, the P ink Sta r - renamed the P ink Dream by i ts new owner Issac Wol f – was so ld fo r US$83,187,381

at Sotheby’s Geneva, es tab l i sh ing a wor ld auct ion record fo r a d iamond and any gemstone or jewe l .

Th is 59.60-carat ova l cu t p ink d iamond, m ined as a 132.5-carat rough in 1999 by De Beers and subsequent l y cu t by

Ste inmetz D iamonds, i s the la rgest in te rna l l y f l aw less fancy v i v id p ink d iamond that the GIA has eve r g raded. I t has a lso

been found to be par t of the ra re subgroup compr is ing less than 2% of a l l gem d iamonds - known as Type I Ia . S tones in

th is g roup a re chemica l l y the purest of a l l d iamond c r ys ta ls and of ten have ex t raord ina r y opt ica l t ransparency.

The prev ious record pr ice eve r pa id at auct ion fo r a d iamond, o r any gemstone, was the Graf f P ink, a superb 24.76-carat,

fancy in tense p ink s tep-cut d iamond, wh ich was so ld at Sotheby’s Geneva in November 2010 fo r US$46.16 mi l l i on.

In the summer of 2003, the P ink Dream was exh ib i ted at “The Sp lendor of D iamonds” exh ib i t ion at the Smi thson ian

Nat iona l Museum of Natura l H is to r y in Wash ington, DC. O ther exh ib i ts inc lude the 45.52-carat b lue Hope D iamond, the

203.04-carat De Beers Mi l l enn ium Sta r, one of the la rgest d iamonds in the wor ld; the Hear t of Ete rn i t y b lue d iamond;

the Moussa ie f f Red, the la rgest known red d iamond in the wor ld; the Har r y Winston Pumpk in D iamond; the A l lnat t, one

of the wor ld’s la rgest ye l low d iamonds at 101.29 carats; and the Ocean Dream, the wor ld’s la rgest natu ra l l y occur r ing

b luegreen d iamond.

Ear l ie r in 2013, Sotheby’s Hong Kong set a new wor ld auct ion record for any whi te d iamond when i t so ld a magni f icent

118.28-carat ova l D-co lour f lawless d iamond for US$30.6 mi l l ion. So far, on ly four other whi te d iamonds of th is qua l i t y w i th

over 100 carats had been so ld at auct ion. Three were so ld by Sotheby’s and one by Chr is t ie’s - Winston Legacy, a pear-

shaped D co lour, f lawless d iamond of 101.73 carats, was so ld for US$26,737,913 at Chr is t ie’s Geneva on 15 May 2013.


2 0 1 3 年 1 1 月 1 3 日 , P i n k St a r 於 日 內 瓦 蘇 富 比 拍 賣 會 上 由 I s s a c W o l f 以 8 3 , 1 8 7 , 3 8 1 美 元 購 得 , 刷 新 寶 石 拍 賣 價 最 高 世 界 紀

錄 。 新 主 人 已 將 該 鑽 石 易 名 為 P i n k D re a m 。

這 顆 橢 圓 形 切 割 粉 紅 鑽 石 重 5 9 . 6 0 卡 , 原 石 重 1 3 2 . 5 卡 , 於 1 9 9 9 年 被 D e B e e r s 發 掘 出 來 , 後 經 Ste i n m e t z D i a m o n d s 切 割 成 現

在 的 模 樣 。 它 是 經 G I A 所 鑑 定 過 最 大 的 天 然 f a n c y v i v i d 粉 紅 色 無 瑕 鑽 石 , 而 且 被 界 定 為 鑽 石 中 的 I I a 級 別 。 I I a 級 別 的 鑽 石 擁 有 最

純 淨 的 物 理 淨 度 , 份 外 精 瑩 剔 透 。 全 球 鑽 石 中 僅 有 2 % 能 達 此 級 別 , 其 稀 珍 程 度 可 想 而 知 。

此 前 的 寶 石 拍 賣 價 紀 錄 保 持 者 為 G r a f f P i n k , 是 一 顆 重 2 4 . 7 6 卡 的 階 梯 形 切 割 f a n c y i n te n s e 粉 紅 鑽 石 , 於 2 0 1 0 年 1 1 月 的 日 內

瓦 蘇 富 比 拍 賣 會 上 以 4 , 6 1 6 萬 美 元 賣 出 。

P i n k D re a m 曾 於 2 0 0 3 年 夏 季 在 美 國 首 都 華 盛 頓 史 密 森 國 家 自 然 歷 史 博 物 館 的 「 世 紀 璀 璨 鑽 石 展 覽 」 上 展 出 。 其 他 珍 貴 展 品 還 包

括 舉 世 聞 名 的 4 5 . 5 4 卡 藍 鑽 H o p e D i a m o n d ; 重 2 0 3 . 0 4 卡 的 D e B e e r s M i l l e n n i u m St a r ; H e a r t of E te r n i t y 藍 鑽 ; 世 上 已

知 最 大 紅 鑽 M o u s s a i e f f Re d ; 世 上 最 大 橙 鑽 之 一 H a r r y W i n s to n P u m p k i n D i a m o n d ; 世 上 最 大 黃 鑽 之 一 、 重 達 1 0 1 . 2 9 卡

的 T h e A l l n a t t ; 以 及 世 上 最 大 的 天 然 藍 綠 色 鑽 石 O c e a n D re a m 。

去 年 , 香 港 蘇 富 比 亦 刷 新 了 白 鑽 拍 賣 價 最 高 世 界 紀 錄 、 以 3 , 0 6 0 萬 美 元 售 出 重 達 1 1 8 . 2 8 卡 的 橢 圓 形 D 色 無 瑕 鑽 石 。 拍 賣 史 上 迄 今

只 出 現 過 其 餘 四 顆 重 達 1 0 0 卡 以 上 的 D 色 無 瑕 白 鑽 , 其 中 三 顆 均 由 蘇 富 比 賣 出 , 一 顆 由 佳 士 得 於 2 0 1 3 年 5 月 1 5 日 舉 行 的 日 內 瓦 拍

賣 會 上 賣 出 , 這 顆 名 為 W i n s to n L e g a c y 的 梨 形 D 色 無 瑕 白 鑽 重 1 0 1 . 7 3 卡 , 成 交 價 為 2 6 , 7 3 7 , 9 1 3 美 元 。

On the r ight: The redes igned Hope Diamond neck lace



Page 71: Mr. Johnnie To


Page 72: Mr. Johnnie To

Diamonds’ hall of fame

The rar i t y of a diamond, however, would in no way guarantee i ts perceived va lue. In of ten t imes i t ’s the legacy that spel ls

magic to the gem.

“Histor ic jewels and jewels with s igni f icant provenance can command big pr ices and are l ike ly to hold or increase in va lue.

In fact, an impor tant coloured diamond wi l l a lways fetch market pr ice; but that, p lus a notewor thy provenance, could change

the va lue of a jewel ten-fo ld or more. So, to the ru le of the 4Cs, now always add a ‘P’ - for Provenance,” remarks V ick ie Sek,

Director of Jewel ler y and Jadeite Depar tment, Chr ist ie’s Asia.

The Hope Diamond, for instance, is notor ious for br inging curse on i ts owner. Though there was no sol id fact to suppor t

such my th, the stor y has nonetheless made i t one of the most mysti f ied diamonds in the wor ld. Discovered in India’s Kol lur

Mine in the mid-1600s, the diamond has had a long l ist of d ist inguished owners, inc luding Louis XIV and Mar ie Antoinet te

and socia l i te Evalyn Walsh McLean.

In 1958, Harry Winston donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institute as a gif t to the world. The diamond was redesigned

into a necklace called “Embracing Hope” in 2010 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute. Once and again, diamonds

should never be kept in low prof i le - they are meant to appear under the l ight for the world to behold.


然 而 一 顆 鑽 石 再 稀 有 , 亦 未 必 能 保 證 世 人 對 它 的 感 知 價 值 。 一 段 歷 史 、 一 個 傳 說 , 往 往 能 令 該 鑽 石 身 價 暴 升 。

佳 士 得 亞 洲 區 珠 寶 玉 石 部 總 監 石 麗 華 指 出 : 「 擁 有 歷 史 色 彩 或 特 殊 出 處 的 寶 石 , 通 常 都 能 保 值 甚 至 升 值 。 優 質 彩 鑽 固 然 有 市 有

價 , 但 如 果 出 身 顯 赫 , 就 更 容 易 升 價 十 倍 。 因 此 除 了 4 C 外 , 我 們 還 得 多 衡 量 一 個 因 素 , 那 就 是 P f o r P ro ve n a n c e 。 」

H o p e D i a m o n d 就 是 很 好 的 例 子 。 相 傳 它 是 一 顆 被 詛 咒 的 鑽 石 , 會 為 擁 有 者 帶 來 厄 運 。 雖 然 該 傳 說 欠 缺 實 例 支 持 , 卻 為 H o p e

D i a m o n d 蒙 上 了 一 層 神 秘 色 彩 。 自 該 鑽 石 於 十 七 世 紀 中 期 在 印 度 K o l l u r 礦 場 被 發 掘 後 , 它 就 輾 轉 落 入 不 同 權 貴 的 手 中 , 當 中 包

括 路 易 十 四 、 瑪 麗 皇 后 和 名 媛 E va l y n Wa l s h M c L e a n 。

1 9 5 8 年 , H a r r y W i n s to n 將 H o p e D i a m o n d 捐 贈 史 密 森 機 構 , 供 世 人 鑑 賞 。 為 慶 祝 史 密 森 機 構 成 立 5 0 週 年 , 該 寶 石 於 2 0 1 0 年

獲 重 新 設 計 成 E m b r a c i n g H o p e 項 鍊 。 或 許 鑽 石 的 光 芒 從 來 都 不 應 被 獨 佔 , 它 的 誕 生 , 就 是 為 了 教 世 人 驚 艷 。

The d iamond-studded Chaumet Bourbon-Parma T iara



Page 73: Mr. Johnnie To

01. The Ste inmetz Forevermark Jubi lee Pink D iamond marks Queen El izabeth I I ’s D iamond Jubi lee in 2012

02. Shi r ley Temple wi th the 726-carat Jonker D iamond rough ( lef t ). The Jonker D iamond was cut into 1 ova l and 11 emera ld cut d iamonds. The b iggest one was named Jonker, we igh ing 125.35 carats (r ight). © Harr y Winston

03. E l i zabeth Tay lor w i th her 69.42-carat Tay lor-Bur ton d iamond © Har r y Winston





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O p e n i n g p h o t o / To u r i s m V i c t o r i a . Te x t & P h o t o g r a p h y / B r a d K w o k

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s / To u r i s m A u s t r a l i a & To u r i s m V i c t o r i a

A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

前 往 這 個 連 續 三 年 榮 獲 全 球 最 適 宜 居 住 的 城 市 一 趟 , 你 很 容 易

便 會 愛 上 她 。 愛 上 她 的 文 化 藝 術 氣 息 , 愛 上 她 現 代 與 古 典 建 築

的 完 美 交 融 , 愛 上 她 恬 靜 同 時 充 滿 活 力 的 獨 特 生 活 韻 律 , 也 會

愛 上 她 得 天 獨 厚 的 美 食 佳 餚 。

你 可 以 在 市 內 小 巷 中 尋 幽 探 秘 , 品 嚐 一 口 精 品 咖 啡 ; 可 以 遊 走

在 維 多 利 亞 式 建 築 群 中 , 然 後 駐 足 公 園 湖 邊 細 味 寧 靜 ; 可 以 在

河 岸 跑 步 騎 單 車 , 坐 上 直 升 機 或 熱 氣 球 衝 上 雲 霄 ; 也 可 以 驅 車

避 世 , 在 葡 萄 酒 莊 品 嚐 佳 釀 。

說 的 是 哪 裡 ? 正 是 澳 洲 第 二 大 城 市 墨 爾 本 。

Crowned the globe’s most liveable city for the third time in a row in The Economist Intelligence Unit Survey, it ’s easy to see why so many fall in love with her upon visiting. As a city full of ar t and cultural characters, Melbourne has a per fect combination of classic and modern architecture. You will f ind yourself smitten with f ine restaurants and casual hangouts everywhere as you breathe within the contemporary and classic ambience.

You can wander through the city’s hidden laneways and try a sip of specialty coffee as you appreciate the blocks of Victorian style buildings. Experience the quiet and peaceful environments that surround its lakes and gardens; take a jog or r ide along the r iver, or see it from above in a helicopter or hot-air balloon which grants you a dif ferent perspective and experience of the city. You can even escape from the busy life in just a minute for the taste of the finest wine and other delights.

Where is it? It ’s the second largest city of Australia – Melbourne.





Page 76: Mr. Johnnie To


若要體驗墨爾本,必須參與她的大型活動。除澳洲格蘭披治大賽及澳洲網球公開賽外,不得不提每年春季在弗萊明頓賽馬場(Flemington Racecourse)舉行的墨爾本盃(Melbourne Cup Carnival)。在這為期一週的盛會,你未必需要對賽馬有認識,但每個人都會悉心打扮參與這項集賽馬、時裝及社交娛樂於一身的盛事。橡樹日(Crown Oaks Day)是女士們展現她們獨有的時裝風格的日子。在三歲小雌馬的襯托下,女士們花枝招展,盛裝參與全澳洲最大型的戶外時裝比賽Myer Fashions on the Field。即使不是名模,你也可以走上天橋貓步一番。

Enjoying the Carnival

No one would deny that par tic ipating in the carnivals held in Melbourne is one of the best ways to exper ience the city. Apar t

f rom the Austral ian Grand Pr ix and the Austral ian Open, the Melbourne Cup Carnival held every spr ing at the Flemington

Racecourse is absolutely one of the most magnif icent

events of Melbourne. The Carnival lasts for a week and

doesn’t require famil iar i ty with horse racing for at tendees

to have a good time. The publ ic dress up elegantly for this

celebration which consists of racing, fashion, and other

social e lements.

Crown Oaks Day is an occasion for the ladies to express

their ult imate signature sty le, amid a spectacular racing

backdrop. Ladies come together in their pret tiest ensembles

to par tic ipate in the elegant Myer Fashions on the Fie ld, the

largest outdoor fashion event in Austral ia. The guests may

not be professional models but can sti l l have a chance to

have a show of f their out f i ts on the catwalk.



Page 77: Mr. Johnnie To


離開墨爾本市,向東北驅車不到一小時,便會進入雅拉河谷(Yarra Valley)。這裡有超過80間葡萄酒莊,因盛產最頂級的黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)及汽酒而聞名。在這裡,你不單可以了解葡萄酒及汽酒的釀製過程,更可以在美麗的葡萄園風景下品嚐各式佳釀。

A feast of the f inest

The Yarra Val ley is located only an hour f rom Melbourne’s CBD at nor th-east. I t is home to more than 80 winer ies, producing

Austra l ia’s f inest p inot noir and spark l ing wine. In a day tr ip to Yarra Val ley, you can learn the process of producing wine and

have wine tast ing in the stunning wineyards.

01. 坐在The Rose Room貴賓廳內,一邊用餐,一邊居高臨下看著騎師策馬奔馳。

02. D o m a i n e C h a n d o n 是 汽 酒 巨 擘 M o e t & Chandon位於澳洲的酒莊,其釀製的汽酒當然屬於澳洲最頂級。

03. 最佳的汽酒,汽泡應從酒杯中央慢慢向上升。04. Domaine Chandon的品酒室曾被選為澳洲最美的


05. Yering Station擁有超過150年的歷史,是維多利亞省最古老的酒莊。在這裡品酒,定能讓你的味覺提升至另一層次。

01. S i t t ing in the VIP Rose Room, you can have your meal whi le watching the race f rom the top v iew.

02. Be ing the Austra l ian winer y of French Champagne g iant Moet & Chandon, Domaine Chandon in Yarra Va l ley produces some of the countr y’s f inest spark l ing wines.

03. To be the f inest spark l ing w ine, bubb les shou ld s lowly come up f rom the midd le of the w ineg lass.

04. The enjoyment of both taste and v is ion is incomparable when tast ing the spark l ing wine at Domaine Chandon, the most beaut i fu l ce l la r in Austra l ia.

05. Tast ing the wine at Yer ing Stat ion - V ictor ia’s f i rst v ineyard establ ished over 150 years ago - leads the taste to another leve l.


04 05



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到了位於Daylesford的豪華酒店Lake House,所感受到的不單是奢華。在酒店主人Alla and Allan Wolf-Tasker的身上,你會感受到他們為酒店親力親為的誠意,由一磚一瓦,以至滿佈酒店的油畫及晚上的菜單,都是他們為夢想而建構出來的。難怪Lake House屢獲獎項,包括全球百大酒店殊榮 (The Top 101 Hotels in the World)。

Utmost hospitality

When arr iv ing at Lake House, a luxury hote l located in Daylesford, you wi l l not be get t ing just any luxury exper ience. From

the owners A l la and Al lan Wolf-Tasker, guests wi l l see how they put for th the ef for t into achiev ing the ir dream. In every deta i l

of the hote l, f rom the se lect ion of paint ings a l l the way to i ts choices of d ishes, the care and love for th is hote l is a lmost

tangible. As such, you won’t be surpr ised that Lake House has garnered many awards, inc luding a place amongst The Top

101 Hote ls in the Wor ld.

01. 墨爾本的食物,不論是食材的質素,還是餐廳對待食物的心思,都能讓食客有非凡的餐飲體驗。

02. 一杯濃郁芳香的Koko Black比利時巧克力,絕對讓你驚嘆!

03. 酒店內的每一幅油畫,都是Allan親手所繪。04. 坐上直升機,你可俯瞰整個大洋路的景色,欣賞十

二門徒石的壯麗。05. 湖畔酒店的外觀活像歐洲湖區美景小城,青翠的湖

光山色美景敎人甘願長留。06. 在中途的Great Otway國家公園中,隨處可見可愛


01. I t is a lways an enjoyable moment when d in ing in Melbourne because of the qua l i t y ingredients and the presentat ion of the d ishes.

02. You wi l l be surpr ised by th is cup of r ich Be lg ium hot chocolate by Koko Black!

03. Each and ever y pa int ing hung up in the hote l is drawn by A l lan.

04. The he l icopter r ide takes you to a panoramic v iew of the Great Ocean Road and the Twelve Apost les.

05. Lake House is bare ly the same as smal l lake town in Europe, I t ’s ent i re ly d i f f icu l t to get yourse l f out f rom the beaut i fu l verdant scene.

06. Koalas can eas i ly be spot ted in the Great Otway Nat iona l Park.

05 06

Melbourne Cup Carn iva l: | Domaine Chandon: ing Stat ion: www.yer | Ko ko B l a c k : w w w.ko ko b l a c k .c o m | Lake House:


Page 80: Mr. Johnnie To

今 個 情 人 節 與 愛 侶 入 住 位 於 灣 仔 的 新 開 幕 酒 店 M i r a M o o n 。 該 精 品 酒 店 以 嫦 娥 奔 月 為 主

題 , 裝 潢 浪 漫 別 緻 , 加 上 主 題 雞 尾 酒 及 瑰 麗 寬 敞 的 月 光 套 房 , 定 能 贏 得 愛 侶 歡 心 。

Spoil your beloved this Valentine’s Day at the newly-opened Mira Moon Hotel in Wan Chai, with décor and cocktails themed on the Mood Festival to impress and the ultra-romantic Moonshine Suite to spend the night in.


Te x t / M a u r e e n N g . O p e n i n g p h o t o / M o s e s N g . P h o t o s / C o u r t e s y o f M i r a M o o n H o t e l . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n



Page 81: Mr. Johnnie To

Mira Moon的室內設計乃由荷蘭籍設計師Marcel Wandaers及建築設計事務所yoo包辦,充滿時尚氣息之餘又覺詩情畫意,令愛侶們一見傾心。

步 進 酒 店 大 堂 , 恍 如 置 身 《 愛 麗 絲 夢 遊 仙境》與《紅樓夢》的場景之中,三個大燈籠高掛於天花,分別描繪了酒店三位主角—嫦娥、玉兔及月亮的神韻。從這裡乘坐電梯可到達五樓登記入住,寬敞的空間被木雕刻板包圍,襯以大膽的亮漆白及富麗的中國紅,散發濃厚的現代中國風。


三樓是Super Giant餐廳及酒廊,這裡隱藏著一個戶外花園,四面綠茵,讓你能好好享受 大 自 然 氣 息 。 酒 吧 共 設 有 1 2 款 獨 一 無 二的雞尾酒,不妨跟愛侶點上一杯「嫦娥」或「后翌」,慢慢品嚐,一邊看著明月緩緩上升。可別忘了試嚐這裡馳名的西班牙配中式混合tapas或拼盤,份量足夠二人共享。




Conceived by renowned Dutch designer Marcel Wandaers and design

company yoo, Mira Moon boasts a fashion-forward but poetic att itude to

enchant any lovers.

Upon entrance you’l l discover a world quite different from real ity – the

place looks as if i t’s a blend of Alice in Wonderland and Dream of the Red

Chamber. You’l l be greeted by three big lanterns cascading from the cei l ing,

each representing a key character of the hotel, namely Chang’e (the Moon

Goddess), the Jade Rabbit and the Moon. The l i ft leads you to the f i fth

f loor, where the spacious lobby of carved woodwork panels accentuated

with lacquered whites and rich China reds awaits.

The Goddess’s hidden garden

Two stories below the lobby sits the design-led Bar & Restaurant Super

Giant, where an outdoor secret garden with vert ical green wall provides

respite amongst nature. Here you can sip over one of the twelve custom

made cocktai ls such as the Chang’e and Houyi signature cocktai ls. As you

and your beloved sit back to watch the moonrise, do not forget to try out the

bar’s Spanish/Chinese fusion tapas and platters, which are made in larger

portions for sharing.

As the night descends, move indoors to savour over the restaurant’s

signature dishes including Duck Cigar in Havana style (which are actual ly

spring rol ls), Crispy Slow Cooked Suckling Pig, Che Che Raviol i and the

local street snack - Waff le with Serrano Ham, reinterpreted in a playful way.

A romantic overnight stay

After a fulfil l ing dinner, it’s time to get back to the hotel room. The Moonshine

Suite, in particular, is designed to wow you and your partner. Situated on the

36th floor with 1,247 sq ft at your disposal, the Moonshine Suite consists of a

picturesque living room and dining area, a master bedroom hosting a super king

size bed, and ensuite marble bathroom with free-standing bathtub and walk-in

rain shower. Your Valentine’s Night cannot be more memorable than this.

有 關 情 人 節 優 惠 詳 情 , 請 瀏 覽 M i r a M o o n 網 址 | Check out Mira Moon’s website for Valentine’s Day offers:


Page 82: Mr. Johnnie To

送 禮 的 季 節 從 聖 誕 持 續 至 農 曆 新 年 。 跟 親 友 見 面 時 , 不 忘 帶 上 美 酒 一 支 , 以 表 心 意 。

The season of gif t ing continues from Christmas to Lunar New Year. As you visit your relatives and fr iends, do not forget to br ing along a bottle of good wine as a gesture of goodwil l .


L a G i b r y o t t e G e v r e y - C h a m b e r t i n 2 0 0 8

產區 Region: G e v r e y - C h a m b e r t i n , F r a n c e 價錢 Pr ice: HK$420 /瓶 bott le (750毫升ml )

現 於 city’super有 售 , 售 完 即 止 。 Available at city’super from now till stock lasts.

梵団純米大吟釀 B o r n D a n J u n m a i D a i g i n j y o

產區 Region: 福井縣 F u k u i P r e f e c t u r e 價錢 Pr ice: HK$1650 /瓶 bott le (1 .8公升L)

2 0 1 4 年 1 月 3 日 至 2 月 3 日 期 間 , 於 city’super有 售 。 Available at city’super on 3 Jan - 3 Feb 2014.

玉川純米吟釀福袋初榨生原酒 Ta m a g a w a F u k u b u k u r o J m g i n j y o N a m a

產區 Region: 京都府 K y o t o 價錢 Pr ice: HK$205 /瓶 bott le (720毫升ml)

2 0 1 4 年 1 月 3 日 至 2 月 3 日 期 間 , 於 city’super有 售 。 Available at city’super on 3 Jan - 3 Feb 2014.




Intense red colour. In the bouquet, berr ies, leather, spices and a hint of wood. In addition to the

beauti ful red fruits, the wine displays a lovely freshness and f ine tannins. A del ic ious and very

successful Gevrey-Chamber tin.

梵 B O R N

梵 的 限 量 版 作 品 , 亦 是 該 酒 莊 最 暢 銷 的 純 米 大 吟 釀 。 味 道 圓 潤 , 配 以 日 本 松 葉 蟹 享 用 最 能 發 揮 出

其 獨 特 的 香 氣 。

An ultra-l imited edition of Born’s best-sell ing Junmai Daiginjo. Smooth and round on the palate. Its

unique aroma shall ful ly develop when it is paired with snow crabs.

玉 川 TA M A G A W A

「 福 袋 」 是 日 本 新 年 的 賀 節 佳 品 。 顧 客 購 買 福 袋 時 , 通 常 不 知 道 袋 中 所 載 何 物 , 所 以 往 往 充 滿 期 待

與 驚 喜 。 此 乃 日 本 每 年 十 二 月 所 推 出 之 「 新 酒 」 。 其 風 味 與 釀 造 年 的 氣 候 有 著 緊 密 關 連 ; 出 品 年 份

不 同 , 使 清 酒 風 格 各 異 。 發 掘 此 般 差 別 , 感 覺 有 如 打 開 「 福 袋 」 那 一 刻 般 有 趣 。

“Fukubukuro”, which means lucky bag, is a grab bag f i l led with unknown random contents that can

amaze every customer. This sake is a shinshu (new sake) released every December in Japan. By styl ing

the sake according to climate, it is fascinating to discover the nuances across dif ferent vintages. Like

fukubukuro, this sake shall impress you when the bottle is opened.



Page 83: Mr. Johnnie To

有 甚 麼 比 醉 人 氣 泡 酒 更 適 合 慶 祝 情 人 節 之 用 ?

What would make Valentine’s Day more indulging than a bottle of seductive sparkling wine?


左 L e f t :J a i l l a n c e C u v é e I m p é r i a l e Tr a d i t i o n N V

價錢 Pr ice: HK$188 /瓶 bott le (750毫升ml)

右 R i g h t :J a i l l a n c e C u v é e B l a n c h e I c ô n e 2 0 1 0 / 1 1

價錢 Pr ice: HK$268 /瓶 bott le (750毫升ml)

左 L e f t :J a i l l a n c e C u v é e d e L ' A b b a y e B r u t N V價錢 Pr ice: HK$188 /瓶 bott le (750毫升ml)

右 R i g h t :J a i l l a n c e C u v é e I c ô n e B l a n c d e N o i r s 2 0 0 7

價錢 Pr ice: HK$268 /瓶 bott le (750毫升ml)


J a i l l a n c e 是 法 國 非 常 著 名 的 氣 酒 品 牌 , 其 頂 級 氣 酒 源 自 法 國 南 部 D i e 及 波 爾 多 區 。 喜 歡 甜 氣 泡 酒 的 話 , 可 選 C l a i r e t t e d e

D i e 。 此 區 採 用 完 全 成 熟 的 葡 萄 , 增 添 口 感 的 豐 滿 度 , 以 M é t h o d e A n c e s t r a l e 的 獨 特 釀 造 法 , 釀 造 出 果 香 豐 富 、 微 甜 的

優 質 氣 酒 。 C r é m a n t d e B o r d e a u x 則 採 用 傳 統 的 香 檳 釀 造 法 , 口 感 乾 身 而 優 雅 。

Jai l lance is renowned for i ts qual i ty bottle-fermented sparkl ing wines from Die and Bordeaux of Southern France. Try sparking

wines from Chairet te de Die i f you prefer sweet sty le. By al lowing the grapes to ful ly mature and give of f i ts ful l f lavours in the

wine, the Clairet te de Die, produced through Méthode Ancestrale, has a sweet and fruity taste. On the other hand, Crémant de

Bordeaux is developed through Méthode Tradit ionnel le. It has a brut and elegant taste.

產區 Region: C r é m a n t d e B o r d e a u x , F r a n c e產區 Region: C l a i r e t t e d e D i e , F r a n c e

即 日 起 至 2 0 1 4 年 2 月 2 8 日 於 city’super有 售 。 Available at city’super from now till 28 Feb 2014.


Page 84: Mr. Johnnie To

左 L e f t :

竹林花泡泡酒STRIPE C h i k u r i n H a n a H o u h o u s h u S T R I P E

產區 Region: 岡山縣 O k a y a m a P r e f e c t u r e 價錢 Pr ice: HK$80 /瓶 bott le (300毫升ml)

右 R i g h t :

竹林泡泡酒STRIPE C h i k u r i n H o u h o u s h u S T R I P E 產區 Region: 岡山縣 O k a y a m a P r e f e c t u r e 價錢 Pr ice: HK$65 /瓶 bott le (300毫升ml)

2 0 1 4 年 2 月 4 日 至 2 月 1 4 日 期 間 , 於 city’super有 售 。 Available at city’super on 4 Feb - 14 Feb 2014.


除 葡 萄 酒 外 , 還 有 甜 甜 的 竹 林 有 氣 清 酒 系 列 ! 以 香 檳 釀 造 法 生 產 的 泡 泡 酒 , 擁 有 細 緻 的 氣 泡 和 低 至 5 - 6 % 的 酒 精 度 。 藍 色 瓶 身 的

竹 林 泡 泡 酒 淡 麗 輕 身 , 與 抺 茶 口 味 的 甜 品 一 起 享 用 , 能 提 昇 雙 方 的 口 感 。 而 粉 紅 色 的 花 泡 泡 酒 更 帶 野 玫 瑰 果 和 木 槿 精 華 , 甜 中

帶 酸 , 可 配 生 果 撻 等 美 點 。

Besides sparkl ing wines, tr y also the sweet sparkl ing sake! Brewed with simi lar method as champagne, Houhoushu has

del icate bubbles and low alcohol content of only 5-6%. Houhoushu in blue bottle is l ight and mildly sweet, making it the per fect

complement with green tea f lavoured desser t. Hana Houhoushu in pink bottle is brewed with rose hip and hibiscus; i t is f resh

and sl ightly sour, suitable for desser ts l ike fruit tar ts.

Patisserie Yamakawa X Jail lance Promotion

2 0 1 4 年 1 月 2 8 日 至 2 月 2 8 日 , 凡 於 city’super惠 顧 指 定 的 J a i l l a n c e 氣 酒 兩 瓶 , 即 可 於 Pa t i s s e r i e Ya m a k a w a 專 櫃 換 領 特 選 的 精 美 蛋 糕 乙 件 , 送 完 即 止 。( 須 出 示 購 酒 收 據 正 本 , 而 每 張 收 據 最 多 可 換 領 蛋 糕 3 件 , 其 他 細 則 請 向 Pa t i s s e r i e Ya m a k a w a 專 櫃 職 員 查 詢 。 )

From 28 January to 28 February 2014, any purchase of TWO bottles of selected Jaillance wines in city’super is entitled to 1 piece of selected cut cake redeemable from Patisserie Yamakawa counter, while stock lasts. (Original receipt must be presented to redeem maxmum 3 pieces of cut cake. Other terms and conditions apply, please refer to staffs in Yamakawa counter for details.)

city’super 客 戶 服 務 熱 線 Customer Service Hotline: 2736 3866

Pat i sser ie Yamakawa的始創人山川良廣先生曾在法國磨練甜點廚藝,山川師傅的甜品風格自成一派,除了在選料上份外嚴謹及


Mr Yoshih i ro Yamakawa, founder of Patisser ie Yamakawa, has under taken professional desser t tra in ing in France. Besides

of the str ict qual i t y contro l of ingredients, Mr Yamakawa is a lso wel l-known for us ing the best seasonal f ru i ts for d i f ferent

de l ic ious desser ts.

P a s s i o n L o v e價錢 Pr ice: HK$48 /件 p iece

R i c h C h o c o l a t e價錢 Pr ice: HK$50 /件 p iece

S t r a w b e r r y c r e a m c a k e價錢 Pr ice: HK$50 /件 p iece

A taste of Patisserie Yamakawa



Page 85: Mr. Johnnie To
Page 86: Mr. Johnnie To


Te x t & P h o t o g r a p h y / D a n i e l N g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

如 果 有 一 個 項 目 , 將 一 群 世 界 頂 級 建 築 師 通 通 放 在 一 起 , 結 果 到 底 會 是 擦 出 火 花 ,還 是 互 相 抵 銷 呢 ?

Imagine a development featuring works from the world's most renowned architects including Norman Foster, Daniel Libeskind and Frank Gehry. Would this be a smashing success, or are there too many chefs in the kitchen?



Page 87: Mr. Johnnie To


首先出場的明星建築師是Daniel Libeskind,這位美籍猶太裔建築師的作品包括柏林猶太博物館和城大邵逸夫創意媒體中心。他在世貿中心規劃比賽中勝出,設計概念是騰出原雙子塔的位置作為紀念公園,將所有商業用地都擠在基地的東北面,組成五座寫字樓。

紀念公園則由新人Michael Arad設計,雙子塔原址的兩個大洞造成了三十呎深的大瀑布水池,用龐大的空洞來表達災難的悼念,頗具深度。

重建項目還包括一個大型地鐵站,由西班牙建築師Santiago Calatrava設計,造型模仿一隻飛鳥,鋼骨組成的飛鳥翅膀讓自然光照射到地底六十呎深的月台,是他一貫的結構表現風格。


Af ter a lmost th i r teen years, New York’s One Wor ld Trade Center is f ina l ly topped out. The redevelopment was colossal in

scale and involved many di f ferent bui ld ings. With the many “Starchi tects” work ing on the project, the f ina l outcome was

bound to be highly ant ic ipated.

Among the many ce lebr i ty archi tects is Danie l L ibesk ind, an Amer ican archi tect of Jewish ancestr y who designed the Jewish

Museum in Ber l in and the City Univers i ty Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre in Hong Kong. L ibesk ind beat down other

contestants to win the Wor ld Trade Center masterplan competi t ion. His design concept was to turn the or ig ina l s i te of the

Twin Towers into a memor ia l. A l l f ive of the of f ice bui ld ings were to be located on the nor theast.

The Memor ia l was designed by the young Michael Arad. His concept of “Ref lect ing Absence” features two th i r ty-feet voids,

symbol is ing the absence of the fa l len Twin Towers. The emptiness profoundly expresses the tragedy of the 911 at tack.

The redeve lopment a lso inc ludes a t ranspor tat ion

hub des igned by Spanish arch i tect Sant iago

Ca latrava. The insp i rat ion for h is des ign is

a “b i rd in f l ight ”. The bu i ld ing, a t rademark

Ca latrava brand of structura l express ion ism,

features g lass-and-stee l w ings that a l low natura l

sun l ight to penetrate down to the s ix t y-feet t ra in

p lat form be low.

The most eye-catching among the var ious

structures is One Wor ld Trade Center. The

104-stor y skyscraper is co-designed by Danie l

L ibesk ind and SOM, a leading global archi tecture

f i rm whose works includes the Hong Kong

Convention and Exhib i t ion Centre. The iconic

tower wi l l soar 1,776 feet, s igni f y ing the year when

the Declarat ion of Independence was s igned.

The skyscraper was or ig ina l ly named “Freedom

Tower” to symbol ise Amer ica’s resolut ion to stand

up against terror ism. However, the structure was

later renamed One Wor ld Trade Center for fear of

scar ing of f tenants.


Page 88: Mr. Johnnie To

然 而 將 一 群 明 星 建 築 師 放 在 一 起 , 也 產 生 不 少 問 題 , 首 先 是 世 貿 一 號 : 一 座建 築 , 兩 個 設 計 師 , 結 果 是 災 難 性 的 。 雙 方 爭 執 不 已 , 早 已 成 傳 媒 焦 點 。 據報Libesk ind曾經派人夜闖SOM的辦公室搶圖則和強行拍照,傳媒稱為水門事件翻版。





Never the less, when you put severa l Starchi tects in the mix, chal lenges are sure to

ar ise. The f i rst problem was the bat t le between the two Pr ima Donnas designing

One Wor ld Trade Center. L ibesk ind and SOM could not agree on any thing. Their

publ ic feud at tracted a lot of unwanted media at tent ion. At one point, L ibesk ind

ordered his staf f to ra id SOM of f ice. They repor tedly snatched drawings and took

photographs of models over the protest of SOM. The New York Post ca l led i t the

“Watergate break-in”.

The odd couple came to an agreement in 2003 and construct ion was f ina l ly able

to begin. Then, the New York Pol ice Depar tment suddenly issued a repor t c i t ing

that the new design fa i led to comply with the anti-terror ism secur i ty standard,

thereby sending the design team back to drawing board. Even the ceremonia l

cornerstone la id by the New York State Governor George Patak i had to be quiet ly

removed f rom the s i te.

The f ina l design of One Wor ld Trade Center is the bui ld ing we see today, a modern

re interpretat ion of an obel isk. The problem is, th is k ind of symmetr ica l bui ld ing is

sui ted to be placed on a common ax is which is absent f rom the or ig ina l master

p lan. With the tower located at the nor theast corner, the new bui ld ing form is now

somewhat incompatib le with the rest of the e lements at the overa l l s i te.

The other four of f ice bui ld ings have the ir own unique sty les but they do not seem

to communicate with each other. The lack of d ia logue among them makes them,

at best, a c luster of interest ing bui ld ings which happen to be nex t to each other.

The transpor tat ion hub designed by Calatrava has a unique and e legant b ird- l ike

form. However, i ts proverbia l wings are squeezed between two skyscrapers, The

structure looks l ike a caged bird as a resul t.

Whi le each indiv idual bui ld ing is convincing in i ts own r ight, there is a lack of

coherence among them. Severa l d isconnected structures are now l ined up

nex t to one another, making the overa l l project look more l ike a Wor ld Expo of

Archi tecture. This lack of uni ty can only be put down to a poor ly-coordinated plan.

One Wor ld Trade Center



Page 89: Mr. Johnnie To



After thought

The Wor ld Trade Center redevelopment has been a miss ion impossib le

f rom the beginning. The project has to fu l f i l l many purposes. I t needs to

demonstrate New York's res i l ience in the face of terror ism without making

i tse l f an open target. I t needs to commemorate the tragedy of September

11, whi le restor ing the area’s status as a f inancia l centre and reconstruct ing

the wor ld’s most famous sky l ine. Not only does i t need to rev i ta l ise lower

Manhat tan, i t a lso needs to be a commercia l success. With so much baggage

to carr y, i t is not surpr is ing that th i r teen years af ter the at tack, the project

is st i l l not completed. No doubt cr i t ic ism and maintenance headaches wi l l

continue to beset the Wor ld Trade Center s i te in years to come.

South pool of the Nat iona l 911 Memor ia l


Page 90: Mr. Johnnie To

C a r s

o v e r

C o f f e e

“CARS OVER COFFEE”是一個關於汽車愛好者的生活 品 味 專 欄 。 在 這 裡 , 透 過 與 汽 車 狂 迷 的 訪 問 , 他 們 將娓娓道出鍾情於汽車的種種因由。今次我們很高興跟英國德倫市Beamish鎮Aston Workshop的負責人RobertFountain見面。

“Cars over Coffee” is a lifestyle column about car enthusiasts. We find out what it is they are passionately crazy about and why. Today we meet Robert Fountain, the owner of Aston Workshop in Beamish, Durham, UK.

Te x t / M i c h a e l W a n . Tr a n s l a t i o n / M a u r e e n N g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

P h o t o / M o s e s N g . S p e c i a l T h a n k s / R o b e r t F o u n t a i n



Page 91: Mr. Johnnie To

M: 你是甚麼時候開始愛上Aston Martin汽車的呢?

R: 有 一 次 我 的 朋 友 駕 著 A s t o n M a r t i n D B 5 到 訪

我 家 , 這 是 我 跟 A s to n M a r t i n 汽 車 的 第 一 次 相

遇 。 自 此 我 便 知 道 A s to n M a r t i n 將 會 在 我 的 生


M: 你有沒有一些Aston Mar tin的私人珍藏?

R: 我的私人珍藏包括1936年限量推出22部的2公升

Speed Model,以及1934年由倫敦Lancefield

Coachworks生產、擁有Sedanca de Vi l le車

身的Lagonda Lancefield M45 Tourer。我在


挑戰賽」(Peking to Paris Rally),近來則因



M: Aston Workshop是怎樣演變成現在這個模樣的?

R: 我 於 2 7 歲 起 家 , 當 時 我 擁 有 一 間 3 0 0 年 歷 史 的

平 房 、 兩 畝 地 和 1 0 0 隻 羊 。 三 年 後 我 將 羊 欄 改 造

成 車 房 , 作 改 裝 D B 5 和 D B 6 之 用 。 隨 著 業 務 不


今 日 , w o r k s h o p 已 擁 有 4 萬 多 平 方 尺 的 面 積 ,

任 何 時 候 都 能 在 w o r k s h o p 內 找 到 3 5 至 4 0 部

Aston Mar tin。不經不覺,Aston Workshop


M: 維修服務是香港古董車愛好者必需面對的難題之





R: 我們的客戶遍佈世界各地,亞洲方面的版圖無疑

正 在 擴 展 。 我 只 可 以 說 我 們 正 積 極 觀 察 亞 洲 市



M: 我知道你很喜歡香港,經常到亞洲公幹。今次你


R: 當 然 是 為 了 跟 本 地 朋 友 一 同 慶 祝 A s to n M a r t i n

百 週 年 壽 辰 。 我 們 贊 助 了 1 1 月 2 日 的 百 週 年 慶 祝

活 動 , 此 前 我 則 駕 著 D B 2 / 4 完 成 世 界 老 式 汽 車

中國巡禮(Class ic Car s Cha l lenge China


M: When was your love at f i rst s ight wi th Aston Mart in cars?

R : M y f i r s t e n c o u n t e r w i t h t h e A s t o n m a r q u e c a m e w h e n a

f r i e n d d r o v e u p t o m y h o u s e i n a n A s t o n M a r t i n D B 5 a n d

t h a t w a s w h e n I k n e w A s t o n M a r t i n w o u l d b e c o m e a m a j o r

p a r t o f m y l i f e .

M: Do you have a personal col lect ion of Aston Mart ins?

R: Yes, my personal col lect ion inc ludes a 1936 2- l i t re Speed Model ,

ra re because on ly 22 were made. I a lso own a 1934 Lagonda

Lancef ie ld M45 Tourer c lo thed by Sedanca de V i l l e body and

const ructed by Lancef ie ld Coachworks o f London. In 2007, I

successfu l ly completed the gruesome Peking to Par is Ral ly in the

Lancef ie ld. These days, I tend to dr ive pro ject cars such as the

DB2/4. They are cars that we have acqu i red to be restored or

improved. So lucki ly, I get to be the chief test dr iver.

M: How did Aston Workshop evolve?

R: When I was 27, I s tar ted off w i th a 300 year o ld cot tage, two

acres of land and 100 sheep. After three years of sheep farming, I

converted the sheep shed into a garage to restore DB5s and DB6s.

As the business grew, the sheep made way for the workshop and

hence more bui ld ings were constructed. Today, the workshop is

more than 40,000 sq f t featur ing average of 35 to 40 Aston Mart ins

at any g iven one t ime. This year, we are ce lebrat ing 25 years of

Aston Workshop.

M: One of the challenges that face classic car enthusiasts in Hong Kong

is service and maintenance. Many of us are longing for a professional

company that can look after our classic cars properly instead of having to

part with them for a year while they are shipped abroad to get refurbished.

Do you think it is conceivable to extend your services to Asia?

R: Our customer base is now wor ldwide and our As ia presence is

certa in ly growing. So I can say that i t is on the radar and i f the r ight

c i rcumstances appear, I would consider establ ish ing a dealership

and serv ice centre in Asia.

M: I know you love Hong Kong and you f requent ly t ravel to Asia. What

br ings you here th is t ime?

R: Obviously to ce lebrate Aston Mart in's 100 years wi th my f r iends

in Hong Kong by sponsor ing the Centenary Celebrat ion he ld on

2nd November 2013. Before then, I took part in the Class ic Cars

Chal lenge China Ral ly in a DB2/4. We proudly won the award for

the most technica l ly ref ined vehic le.

M : M i c h a e l , R : R o b e r t F o u n t a i n


Page 92: Mr. Johnnie To

M: 香港的AMOC百週年慶典舉辦得十分成功,我

非常享受協助AMOC香港代表James Ogilvy

Stuar t籌備這次活動。今年你還有沒有加入其

他Aston Mar tin百週年慶典?

R: 世 界 各 地 於 整 個 2 0 1 3 年 都 充 斥 著 A s t o n

Mar tin的百週年活動慶祝。今年7月,我參加


向公眾展示一系列Aston Martin古董車,從現

存最古老的A3到現代的Vanquish Centenary

Celebration Edition,教人大開眼界。

M: 能跟我們分享更多參加古董車賽事的經驗嗎?

R: 我曾於阿根廷、歐洲、非洲和亞洲等地參加古







M: DB5被稱為「占士邦之車」,過去十年已升至

天價。你對Aston Mar t in古董車的投資價值


R: 你得到的第一個投資回報是你可以擁有它,跟


直是Aston Martin的皇牌型號,難怪它的價值


為 了 讓 你 更 了 解 它 的 升 值 速 度 , 請 聽 以 下 例

子:一部DB5 Volante於1990年價值110,000


是DB5,就連其他型號的Aston Martin也在漲



M: The AMOC Centenary Celebrat ion in Hong Kong was a b ig success

and I thorough ly en joyed tak ing par t in organ is ing th is event wi th

James Ogi lvy Stuart , the AMOC Hong Kong representat ive. Have you

jo ined other Aston Mart in Centenary Celebrat ion events th is year?

R: Throughout 2013, events to ce lebrate Aston Mart in 's 100 years of

h is tory have taken p lace across the g lobe. In Ju ly, I a t tended the

centenary fest iv i t ies in London inc lud ing the grand d isp lay o f the

long l ine-up of cars f rom the rarest A3, the o ldest surv iv ing car to

the modern day Vanquish Centenary Celebrat ion Edi t ion. They were

shown at Kensington Gardens for the publ ic's p leasure.

M: Can you te l l us some of your past exper iences in par t ic ipat ing in

c lass ic car ra l l ies?

R: I have attended a few c lass ic car ra l l ies in p laces such as Argent ina,

Europe, A f r ica and As ia . A l l o f them have le f t me w i th lo ts o f

memorable exper iences. I would say the f i rst th ing is to have a bomb

proof car and off you go with a set of spanner and good luck. You

need to prepare the car and yoursel f as wel l because you wi l l be on

the road for many days. A good co-dr iver wi th lots of humour would

add to the enjoyment. In these ra l l ies, you get to see the wor ld and

meet lots of f r iends whi le on the road.

M: The DB5, known to many as the “James Bond” car, has seen i ts va lue

appreciate into stratospher ic leve ls over the past 10 years. How do

you see Aston Mart in c lass ic cars as an investment?

R: The f i rst investment return you get is a great pr ide of ownership and

enjoyment in use for you and your fami ly. The DB5 with i ts associat ion

to James Bond has always been the iconic Aston Mart in and therefore

not surprising to see its value r ise. It was never cheap in the f irst place.

To give you an example of i ts increase in value, a DB5 Volante was

worth around GBP110,000 in 1990 but recent ly, you could spot them

in magazines with a pr ice tag of GBP950,000! I t 's not just the DB5

that has shot up in value but a lso the other models too. I f proper ly

maintained, you not only enjoy the use of your classic car but you can

pass them on to the next generat ion for their enjoyment.

Lagonda Lancef ie ld M45 Tourer



Page 93: Mr. Johnnie To

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The McLaren 12C Spider. Every part tells a story.


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Page 94: Mr. Johnnie To

LIFETIME INVESTMENTS投資不應只追求金錢上的增值,更應追求智慧及世界見識上的增長。“Lifetime Investments”由知名財經評論員王冠一


Investments are not only about money. It ’s also about gaining wisdom and seeing the world with a broader aspect. “Lifetime Investments” is a column of which renowned f inancial commentator Professor Patr ick Wong invites inf luentials to talk on investments in and above monetary terms. We meet up the acclaimed director Johnnie To for a chat today.

I n t e r v i e w e r / P r o f e s s o r P a t r i c k W o n g . Te x t / M a u r e e n N g . P h o t o / J i m m y L i . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n



Page 95: Mr. Johnnie To

P: 你的理財或投資理念是甚麼?

J: 有 多 餘 金 錢 的 話 , 我 通 常 都 會 添 置 物 業 。很 幸 運 , 從 購 入 第 一 幢 物 業 開 始 , 我 買 的物 業 都 能 賺 錢 。 我 買 的 第 一 幢 物 業 位 於 第一 城 , 當 時 正 值 中 英 會 談 , 樓 價 從 1 0 0 萬1 , 0 0 0 呎 跌 至 4 7 萬 1 , 0 0 0 呎 。 我 現 在 住 的這 幢 價 值 3 , 0 0 0 萬 的 物 業 , 都 是 來 自 這 筆錢 。 後 來 到 了 8 7 股 災 , 我 將 全 部 本 地 物業 套 現 , 於 加 拿 大 置 業 。 但 加 拿 大 地 大 物博 , 物 業 炒 不 起 價 錢 。 直 至 9 4 年 政 府 出招 抑 壓 樓 市 , 於 是 我 又 以 9 0 0 萬 買 了 一 幢物 業 , 半 年 後 以 1 , 9 0 0 萬 轉 手 。 最 近 一 次置 業 是 0 2 、 0 3 年 沙 士 期 間 , 當 時 呎 價 為1 6 0 元 一 呎 。

以 往 也 會 買 一 些 股 票 , 不 過 聽 多 了 王 教 授的 財 經 頻 道 後 就 不 會 再 這 麼 「 盲 毛 」 , 不要 跟 大 眾 鬥 搶 , 遲 了 入 市 的 話 寧 願 不 買 。以 前 我 也 買 過 基 金 和 a c c u m u l a t o r , 後者 蝕 了 過 百 萬 , 最 後 惟 有 接 貨 即 沽 , 才 能止 蝕 。

P: 我 知 道 你 有 不 少 紅 酒 和 雪 茄 珍 藏 。 你 會視 它 們 為 一 種 投 資 嗎 ? 如 果 是 , 那 是 屬於一種怎樣的投資?

J: 我 的 雪 茄 和 紅 酒 都 是 「 買 定 先 」 。 工 會 每年 都 會 規 限 紅 酒 的 供 應 , 雪 茄 亦 是 從 來 沒有 減 過 價 , 經 濟 再 差 , 雪 茄 售 價 依 然 是 每年 上 升 2 至 3 % , 可 說 是 「 有 買 貴 , 沒 有 買錯 」 。 即 使 日 後 沒 有 機 會 再 喝 , 還 能 賣 出去 。 當 然 , 買 雪 茄 和 紅 酒 還 是 主 要 因 為 興趣 、 為 享 受 , 不 能 猛 喝 。 有 美 酒 但 找 不 到知 己 共 飲 , 不 如 留 著 。 買 一 支 一 萬 元 的 酒沒 甚 麼 了 不 起 ; 能 用 兩 、 三 千 元 買 一 支 年份好的佳釀,才算成功。

P: What are your concepts in wealth management and investment?

J: I started off invest ing into propert ies when I had the extra money.

I t was quite lucky that al l the propert ies I bought were prof i table.

My f i rst premise was located in City One of Shat in, bought dur ing

the Sino-Brit ish Joint Declarat ion when the property price dropped

from HK$1 mi l l ion per 1,000 square feet to HK$470,000 per 1,000

square feet. My current home, valued now at HK$30 mi l l ion, was

actual ly der ived from this in i t ia l purchase. Then came the stock

market crash in 1987, causing me to cash back al l my premise in

Hong Kong and acquire a f lat in Canada. The value of the premise

had, of course, hardly appreciated. I t was unt i l 1994, when the

government f inal ly interfered with the surging property pr ice that

I decided to get another premise in Hong Kong at HK$9 mi l l ion,

which I sold at HK$19 mi l l ion in hal f a year. The latest premise I

got was during SARS, from 2002 to 2003, when the property pr ice

was HK$160 per square feet.

I used to invest in the stock market as well, but not as blind-sided as

I used to be after learning from your wealth channel. I shall no longer

follow what others are chasing after – I’d rather not get involved if

it’s too late to get in. I used to purchase funds and accumulator too,

the latter of which led to me lose over a mill ion dollars. I could only

minimise my loss by sell ing immediately after receiving the stock.

P: I know you’ve a huge collection of wines and cigars. Do you consider

them as investment?

J: My cigars and wines are “prel iminary purchases”. Wines are l imited

in supply and cigars just never depreciates – i ts values always

increases two to three percent per year, even at t imes of economic

downturn. Things l ike these can only be overpr iced but never

undervalued. You can sti l l sel l them even when you can't consume

them al l. I enjoy tasting cigars and wines but wil l never “overdose”.

Good wines should be stored for and shared among fr iends. It ’s

more sat isfy ing to get a good bott le of wine at a few thousand

dollars than to taste a bottle worth ten thousand dollars.

P : P ro f e s s o r Wo n g , J : J o h n n i e To

「有美酒但找不到知己共飲,不如留著。」“Good wines should be stored for and shared among friends.”


Page 96: Mr. Johnnie To

P: 喝紅酒、吃雪茄,都是我倆放鬆心情的方法。說到減壓,我會找志趣相投的人傾訴,以排解心中的鬱悶。你的減壓方法又是甚麼?

J: 我減壓的方法是買一張期指!錢都放到一邊了,就不緊張。不然就是到馬場,讓思緒從日常生活中 抽 離 。 另 外 跟 王 教 授 交 談 也 是 很 好 的 減 壓 方法,教授給予的不只是投資上的知識,更是生活上的智慧和對世界的認知。聽了你的財經頻道後我才知道,能移動世上資金的人原來不在香港,而在別處。每件事物的起源、上落及週期,都可以從一些蛛絲馬跡中看出來。這些蛛絲馬跡不但反映出事物的特性,更反映了一個國家的經濟,從而構成世界經濟的寫照。

P: 看 通 了 、 想 通 了 , 自 然 就 能 放 開 懷 抱 。 有 時在 主 持 完 電 視 節 目 後 , 我 會 特 意 走 遠 一 點 ,坐 一 程 歷 時 4 5 分 鐘 的 小 巴 回 家 , 沿 途 甚 麼 都不想,也不跟任何人說話。

J: 我也喜歡走路減壓。我會走一段路,約一個多小時,有時從西貢走到觀塘一共四個多小時,沿途可以想好多事情,不知不覺就走完了一段路。走到某一段時間,可能已被催眠了,連自己為甚麼走到那裡去了,也不知道。

P: 工作時的你如此嚴謹認真,是否性格使然?

J: 不是每個人對同一樣事物都有同樣程度的著緊,有時也不一定是著緊就等於有成效,如果「皇帝急,太監不急」,也是徒然。從事電影業非一般人所能勝任,我們必須執著,才算專業。大家都說 不 可 行 , 而 你 卻 說 可 行 , 這 種 堅 持 即 使 有 多細微,最後卻能令成果繆以千里。從我的觀察所得,成功的人要不就是天才,像莫扎特能耳聽不忘;要不就是執重細節,於工序上成長,從起箸的方式、夾菜的方式到如何放到嘴邊,都一絲不苟。跟行醫一樣,程序不能出錯,這就是專業。

P: Wines and cigars help to relax our minds. Talking about stress

rel ief, I do bel ieve quality conversations help to rel ieve stress

a lot. What’re your relaxation methods?

J: I just buy a Futures contract so that my cash wil l be put away!

Or I ’d bet on a horse to pul l myself away from my worr ies.

Talking with you is a good way to rel ieve my stress. What I

learned from you is more then investment knowledge – i t ’s

also about l iv ing wisely and knowing the world. Only then

did I real ise the world’s capital is shifted around by people

elsewhere of our hometown. Every or igin and cycle can be

traced back with observable hints, which ref lect not only the

nature of things but also the economic composition of different

nations and eventual ly a ful l picture of the world economy.

P: We can let go when we see things through. Sometimes after

host ing a TV episode, I ’d intent ional ly take a 45-minute

minibus r ide home. I’d sit there, think of nothing and speak

with no one.

J: I enjoy strol l ing around too. I’d walk an hour, sometimes four

hours from Sai Kung to Kwun Tong, and I’d think of a lot of

things. Sometimes I simply get hypnotised by the walking and

forget how I got there.

P: Is it a natural-born instinct for you to be so rigorous at work?

J: Not all people would care about the same thing, and sometimes

it just doesn’t help even when you worry about it. Persistence

is an important factor working as a professional in the movie

industry. Persistence in the sl ightest detai l would br ing out

immense achievement in the end – even if i t means bel ieving

in the unachievable. It came to my observation that successful

people are either a genius l ike Mozart, or they are attentive

enough to care for the t iniest detai l , from the way the actor

takes up the chopsticks, the way he uses them to the way he

puts the food into his mouth. Similar to every doctor or lawyer,

being a professional means there’s no room for mistakes.

「說到減壓,我會找志趣相投的人傾訴,以排解心中的鬱悶。」“Talking about stress relief, I do believe quality conversations help to relieve stress a lot.”



Page 97: Mr. Johnnie To

Art has long been considered as an 'investment of passion' that not only offers aesthetic utility but also the potential of economic benefit.

Contemporary art is a modern investment. Although the art market is always dominated by the veterans, Forbes Francis Chung has broken

the new ground in the past few years. He is a 19 year old artist of real quality, who specializes in colour and ink painting and abstract art.

More importantly, earlier this year, he represented Hong Kong and participated in the 'Asia Invitation Art Exhibition' in Seoul, whereby his

'quart angle artworks' were exhibited. He is now regarded as the most up-and-coming contemporary painting artist.

Left: City(78)-Mahjong(10), Right: City(74)-Classical Poetry(13)

Show Room Address : J2, 6/F, Block 4, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre, 182–190 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Fong, N.T.Contact No : (852) 9133 8470Website : www.forbesart.orgEnquiry : [email protected]









Forbes Art Adv.pdf 1 31/12/13 11:44 AM

Page 98: Mr. Johnnie To

人 生 的 依 歸 不 應 只 在 工 作 , 而 是 要 從 生 活 中 體 現 真 我 。“ P r i va te Pa s s i o n s ”專 訪 成 功 人 士 , 揭 示 他 們 背 後 鮮 為 人 知 的 興

趣及喜好。Edfeel向展傑是向氏家族的第三代傳人,現時負責打理楊其龍先生旗下的Tazmania Bal l room及Dragon-i

等 , 想 必 對 酒 精 飲 品 無 不 通 曉 。 較 少 人 知 道 的 是 原 來 他 對 日 本 清 酒 情 有 獨 鍾 : 十 歲 那 年 發 生 了 一 樁 「 意 外 」 , 令 他 從 此 對


Humans are not born to labour, but to fulfill themselves by living a quality life. “Private Passions” is a column dedicated to successful people, revealing their hidden interests and hobbies. Coming from the third generation of the Heung’s family, Edfeel Heung is now manager at Gilbert Yeung’s Tazmania Ballroom and Dragon-i. Surely Heung would have a great knowledge on most alcoholic drinks, but it was Japanese sake that fascinates him the most. His affair with sake began with an accident that happened when he was ten.

Te x t / R i c h a r d W o n g . Tr a n s l a t i o n / M a u r e e n N g . P h o t o / M o s e s N g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n



Page 99: Mr. Johnnie To

R : R i c h a r d , E : E d f e e l










在香港的city 'super工作過,那裡也有很多很






R: As the manager of d i f ferent bars and c lubs, you should be surrounded by

Western wines instead of Japanese sakes. What br ings you to develop an

interest in sake?

E: Our family meals are never in lack of table wines. One day we’re at

Tomokazu Japanese Restaurant – I was only ten years old back then – I

accidental ly drank down a glass of sake in front of me which I thought was

water. It was so intense and pure. It was the moment I fe l l in love with sake.

R: Where do you f ind your favour i te sake?

E: The best are undoubtedly in Japan. I normal ly re ly on my best f r iends in

Japan to introduce the latest and greatest sake to me. I used to work in

c i ty’super and they’ve some great sakes to del iver as wel l.

R: You must have tasted a lot of dif ferent sakes. Which one impresses you most?

E: I t ’s probably the Dassai Migak i 23% Junmai Daig in jyo. The r ice in th is

sake has been pol ished to 23% of i ts or ig ina l s ize. Using Yamadanishik i

as the sake-r ice and brewed for 168 hours, th is sake of fers a superb and

e legant bouquet.

尚品薈 Le Pinac le


Page 100: Mr. Johnnie To

第 4 2 屆 香 港 藝 術 節 邀 請 到 5 5 個 來 自 海 外 及 本 地 頂 尖 表 演 團 體 及 獨 立 藝 術 家 , 將

於 2 0 1 4 年 2 月 1 8 日 至 3 月 2 3 日 期 間 , 在 1 5 個 場 地 為 觀 眾 帶 來 1 3 8 場 演 出 。 在 琳

琅 滿 目 的 歌 劇 、 音 樂 、 戲 劇 及 舞 蹈 表 演 中 , 一 定 能 找 到 給 你 意 的 心 靈 滋 潤 。 詳 情

請 瀏 覽 網 址 h k . a r t s f e s t i v a l . o r g 。

The 42nd Hong Kong Ar t Festival wil l be staged in 15 venues from 18 February to 23 March, featur ing a total of 138 per formances by 55 international and local ensembles or solo ar t ists. You’l l cer tainly f ind nourishments in this fantastic roster of operas, music, theatre and dance per formances. For details, please visit

Te x t / M a u r e e n N g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

A Feast for the Soul{ T H E 4 2 N D H O N G K O N G A R T S F E S T I V A L }



Page 101: Mr. Johnnie To

{ Theatre and Music}

Mies Julie


Relocated to her nat ive homeland, award-winning South

Afr ican director Yael Farber’s Mies Jul ie is 90 minutes

of constantly mounting tension, as the deadly at tract ion

between a black farm labourer and his white master’s

daughter spira ls out of contro l. An explosive n ight of

tenderness and bruta l i t y reveals a l l too c lear ly the rea l i t y

of what can never be recovered. Erot ic, int imate and

epic, the per formance thrums with menace and passion.

18-23, 25-27 Feb | Mon-Fri: 7:45 pm / Sat & Sun: 3pm, 7:45pmDrama Theatre, HK APA

Magic Piano & The Chopin Shor ts


From the producers of Oscar-winning Peter & the Wolf

— the del ight fu l Magic Piano animation te l ls the stor y

of young Anna and her cousin Chip-Chip, who set of f on

an adventure in search of Anna’s dad aboard a magic,

f ly ing piano. Complet ing the enjoyable programme, The

Chopin Shor ts are a ser ies of animation features fu l l of

lovable characters and s lapstick humour.

7-9 Mar, 8pm / 8 Mar , 3pm, 8pm | Concert Hall, HK City Hall9 Mar 2:30pm | Auditor ium, Tuen Mun Town Hall

Mies Jul ie

Magic Piano & The Chopin Shor ts


Page 102: Mr. Johnnie To

{ Opera}

Ta n z t h e a t e r W u p p e r t a l P i n a B a u s c h — Iphigenia in Tauris


With the luxur ious, combined forces of Pina Bausch’s

wor ld famous dance company, superb s ingers and

the Hong Kong Sinfoniet ta, the grandeur and pur i ty of

Gluck’s score is conveyed through dance images of

ex traordinary force and beauty in th is Greek tragedy f i l led

with profound emotion. Unquestionably an accla imed

treasure of the legendary Pina Bausch reper to ire.

12-15 Mar, 7:30pm | Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

Savonlinna Opera Festival — Lohengrin


Containing some of Wagner’s most beguiling and beautiful

music, including the famous Bridal Chorus  played at

weddings the world over, this is the romantic drama of

Elsa, a woman falsely accused of murder whose dream of

a rescuing knight turned into reality. But just as Elsa f inds

happiness, dark forces conspire against her. The production

alludes the medieval period of its setting, the Romantic era

of its creation, and our present day yearning for heroes.

21 Mar, 7pm / 23 Mar, 3pm | Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

Tanztheater Wupper ta l Pina Bausch – Iphigenia in Taur is

Savonl inna Opera Fest iva l – Lohengr in



Page 103: Mr. Johnnie To

{ Dance}

Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance (Russia)


Honoured as the People’s Artist of the Soviet Union,

Igor Moiseyev single-handedly created a new form of

national dance with ballet trained dancers. Moiseyev

drew upon folklore and ritual of Bessarabian gypsies,

Cossacks, Kalmyks, Crimean Tartars and more, as he

embraces into his choreography spectacular images

such as eagles in f l ight and horses racing over the

plains. The result is a per formance of warmth, joy,

vigour, and good humour.

27, 28 Feb, 7:30pm / 1 Mar, 7:30pm / 2 Mar, 2:30pmGrand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

Scottish Ballet — Highland Fling


Tony Award, Drama Desk and f ive-time Olivier Award

winner, Matthew Bourne is a f ive-star Broadway

and West End celebrity, a genius at tell ing stories

in dance. Upbeat, full-on and witti ly tar tan-themed,

this dynamic and resurgent Scottish Ballet with

thri l l ing moves and gorgeous music is undoubtedly a

treat for ballet lovers, modern thinkers and everyone

with a taste for dance.

21-22 Feb, 7:30 pm / 23 Feb 2:30pm, 7:30 pmAuditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall

Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance (Russia)

Scot t ish Bal let - Highland Fl ing


Page 104: Mr. Johnnie To

Text / Watoto . Art / Timothy Chan

由 非 洲 烏 干 達 遠 道 而 來 的 W a t o t o 兒 童 合 唱 團 於 9 至 1 2 月 先 後 在 新

加 坡 、 馬 來 西 亞 和 香 港 舉 行 巡 迴 音 樂 會 。 孩 子 們 四 處 散 播 祝 福 和 希

望 , 以 生 命 影 響 生 命 。

All the way from Uganda, Afr ica , Watoto Chi ldren’s Choir k icked of f i ts concer t tour in Asia in September and lasted to December. The tour covered three dest inat ions, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. The chi ldren have sent blessings and hopes, shar ing their l i fe-changing stor ies across the region.




Page 105: Mr. Johnnie To





This is the seventh t ime for Watoto Chi ldren’s Choir to v is i t Asia. The brand new programme themed as “Beauti fu l

Afr ica: A New Generation” tour fo l lows the per formance pat tern which is f i l led with l ive ly and energetic contemporary

gospel and tradit ional Afr ican music and dance. I t a lso has been orchestrated as a musical to showcase a ser ies

of l i fe- impacting stor ies by means of personal test imonies and documentary v ideo. The Choir has acted as an

ambassador to voice out the pl ight of the chi ldren lef t vulnerable by pover ty, war and HIV/AIDS. They a lso have

presented Watoto’s v is ion and mission in rescuing and ra is ing the chi ldren.

Al l the chi ldren on stage are lef t orphaned, were in dire situation and got desperate. Everyone of them is no longer alone

and has got a dream to l ive with. The dream may be to be a doctor, a nurse or a teacher, so that they wil l in turn rebui ld

the nation which has been ravaged by war, HIV/AIDS and corruption. The dif ference is made by Watoto and Jesus’ love.

The concer t tour in Hong Kong was stunningly wel l-received. Two phases of over ten thousand f ree t ickets launched

onl ine were a l l downloaded in less than twelve hours. A lmost a l l concer ts recorded fu l l house, making the tour reach

over 30,000 people.

The Choir was pr iv i leged to par tner with the Chinese University of Hong Hong (CUHK) and Hong Kong Federation

of Women Lawyers to host a concer t and a fundraising dinner. The choir was as wel l honoured to have dinner with

Professor Joseph Sung, the Vice-Chancel lor and President of CUHK, at his house together with some of other university

heads. Honarary General Secretary of Breakthrough, Dr. Choi Yuen Wan came to join a concer t. He was personal ly

touched by the testimonies shared by the chi ldren and in turn he has encouraged them to pursue for their dreams.


Page 106: Mr. Johnnie To




Shedding l ight on l ives through music

Watoto is a ho l is t ic care programme that was in i t iated as a response to the overwhe lming number of orphaned ch i ldren and

vu lnerab le women in Uganda. I t is pos i t ioned to rescue an ind iv idua l, ra ise each one as a leader in the i r chosen sphere of

l i fe so that they in turn wi l l rebu i ld the i r nat ion. The Watoto mode l invo lves phys ica l care, medica l inte r vent ion inc lud ing

HIV/AIDS treatment, educat ion – formal and techn ica l, t rauma counse l l ing and sp i r i tua l d isc ip lesh ip. In Swahi l i , an Af r ican

language, Watoto means “Chi ldren”.

Watoto Chi ldren’s Choi rs have trave l led internat iona l l y s ince 1994 as advocates for the est imated 50 mi l l ion ch i ldren in

Af r ica, orphaned as a resu l t of HIV/AIDS, war, pover t y and d isease. The cho i r is a leadersh ip tra in ing programme a iming

at g iv ing the ch i ldren exposure to other cu l tures, broadening the i r wor ldv iew. I t a lso g ives them conf idence and bo ldness

and he lps them r ise up out of the i r own s i tuat ions of sadness and despa i r. T i l l today, more than 1,100 ch i ldren have jo ined

tours to d i f fe rent countr ies. The i r audiences have inc luded roya l fami l ies and nat ion leaders.



Page 107: Mr. Johnnie To

助養孩子 讓他們夢想成真

Fred Er isata的父親在他五歲時去世,他唯一的兄弟和媽媽也在隨後兩年相繼過世。所有親人均死於愛滋病後,留下Fred由以耕作為生的祖母照顧。她沒有穩定的收入,在掙扎中照顧孫兒。




Together, we can make children’s dreams come true

Fred Er isata‘s fa the r passed away when he was on ly f i ve. H is on ly b rothe r and mother a lso d ied in the fo l low ing two years

one a f te r anothe r. W i th a l l h is c losest fami l y gone as a resu l t o f H IV/A IDS, Fred was le f t in the ca re of h is g randmother,

a peasant fa rmer. She had no s tab le source of income and s t rugg led to take care of h im.

A new chapte r of Fred’s l i fe began when he was reg is te red to Watoto in 1993. He was ab le to go to schoo l and he had a

mother and new brothe rs and s is te rs. “Watoto i s my fami l y, my home. I don’t th ink I wou ld be who I am today, i f i t wasn’t

fo r Watoto. I was rescued f rom an unfor tunate l i fe and my hope was res tored.”

One of Fred’s fondest memor ies i s the suppor t he rece ived f rom h is sponsors. “Rece iv ing le t te rs f rom my sponsors made

me fee l so spec ia l . I remember ta lk ing to one of my sponsors wh i le on cho i r tour. I t was the best fee l ing, jus t to know

that the re was someone who be l ieved in me enough to suppor t me f rom a l l the way across the wor ld.”

Wh i le in h igh schoo l , Fred s ta r ted to contemplate be ing a law yer, d r i ven by the des i re to s ide w i th the minor i t y, be a vo ice

fo r the vo ice less and s tand fo r jus t ice. Today, Fred is a pract is ing law yer. Someday he hopes to run h is own law f i rm.

坐 言 起 行 今 日 就 登 記 成 為 助 養 者 | Sign up today to join Watoto Sponsorhsip Programme


Page 108: Mr. Johnnie To

Te x t / M O V i E M O V i E . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n

柯 德 利 夏 萍 曾 說 過 : 「 我 的 所 有 知 識 都 是 從 電 影 中 學 回 來 的 。 」 從 世 界 歷

史 及 宗 教 到 人 際 關 係 及 人 的 天 性 , 都 能 於 電 影 中 一 一 呈 現 。 電 影 讓 我 們 看

清 這 個 世 界 , 這 個 重 構 出 來 的 電 影 世 界 , 有 時 甚 至 比 現 實 還 要 真 實 。 以 下

是 M O V i E M O V i E 的 最 新 推 介 。

“Everything I learned I learned from the movies,” said Audrey Hepburn. From world history and rel igion to relationships and human nature, movies have provided us with so much knowledge of the world that it may even look realer than the world in which we’re l iving. Here’re the latest picks from MOViE MOViE.


Me & You 折翼小天使



Page 109: Mr. Johnnie To


貝 托 魯 奇 上 一 套 作 品 已 經 是 2 0 0 3 年 的 《 戲 夢 巴 黎 》 ( T h e D re a m e r s ) , 十 年 後 的 今 天 他 坐 上 輪 椅 再 次 執 導 。 他 偏 愛 青春故事,今次讓青春自我隔離。十四歲宅男向母親撒謊說去宿營,其實早有部署,打算躲在地牢與世隔絕一星期。然而,同父異母的吸毒姐姐突然闖入,發現弟弟在地牢裡的秘密世界,便乘機避世戒毒,二人從而在密室中展開一段微妙的關係。大師重新掌鏡,精心安排把密室拍得千變萬化,展示出在幽閉中自由釋放的可能。

Me & You

Four teen-year-old loner Lorenzo te l ls h is mother he's going

on a school sk i ing tr ip, but instead hides out in the unused

basement f lat under the fami ly home – where he plans to l ive in

per fect iso lat ion with h is favour i te music, books and ant farm –

only to f ind out later that he has to share i t wi th h is o lder hal f-

s ister, Ol iv ia. This wor ld ly 25-year-old beauty who he is not

ver y fami l iar with is going to stay as she needs a place to come

of f heroin. A pecul iar re lat ionship blooms. This “c laustrophi l ic”

f i lm, as Ber to lucci put i t, creates an entrapment that is v isual ly

dynamic and is far f rom pessimism and despair.

導演 Director: 貝托魯奇 Bernardo Bertolucci

意大利金球獎最佳原創音樂 Best Original Score, the Golden Globes, Italy


Cinema co-release on 18/1(Sat) 20:00, 26/1(Sun) 20:00 & 31/1(Fr i ) 20:00

MOViE MOViE一月焦點導演:貝托魯奇


MOViE MOViE Director In Focus for January: Bernardo BertolucciAlongside his provocative explorat ions of sexual i t y and ideology, the I ta l ian director

Bernardo Ber to lucci’s (Last Tango In Par is, The Last Emperor ) h ighly k inet ic v isual

sty le has inf luenced severa l generat ions of f i lmmakers. Af ter a decade, Ber to lucci has

come to terms with being conf ined to a wheelchair and has successfu l ly de l ivered a

f resh and accla imed work, Me & You. Catch Ber to lucci’s most ce lebrated works on

MOViE MOViE th is January!

《圍城》Besieged* 17/1(星期五, Fri) 22:15

《末代皇帝溥儀》The Last Emperor* 24/1(星期五, Fri) 22:00

《折翼小天使》Me & You 31/1(星期五, Fri) 20:00

《情陷撒哈拉》The Shelter ing Sky* 31/1(星期五, Fri) 22:00

同時於自選服務播出 | Also avai lable on MOViE MOViE On Demand


The Last Emperor

The She l ter ing Sky


Page 110: Mr. Johnnie To



We Have a Pope

《活地阿倫: 人生編導演》(足本)




Woody A l len: A Documentar y

Woody A l len: A Documentar y (Fu l l vers ion)

Beginning with Woody A l len’s chi ldhood and his f i rst

professional g igs as a teen furn ishing jokes for comics and

publ ic ists, Woody Al len: A Documentary chronic les the

tra jector y and longevi ty of A l len’s career: f rom his work

in the 1950s-60s as a TV scr ibe for Sid Caesar, standup

comedian and f requent TV ta lk show guest, to a wr i ter-

director averaging one f i lm per year for more than 40 years.

Weide covers A l len’s ear l iest f i lm works in Take the Money

and Run, Bananas, Sleeper, and Love and Death; Oscar

favour i tes Annie Hal l, Manhat tan, Zel ig, Broadway Danny

Rose, Purple Rose of Cairo, Crimes and Misdemeanors,

Husbands & Wives, Bul lets Over Broadway, and Mighty

Aphrodite; h is recent g lobetrot t ing with Match Point,

Vicky Cr ist ina Barcelona, and 2011’s commercia l success

Midnight in Par is.

We Have a Pope

The newly elected Pope suf fers a panic at tack just as he

is due to appear on St Peter’s balcony to greet the faithful,

who have been patiently awaiting the conclave’s decision. His

advisors, unable to convince him he is the r ight man for the

job, seek help from a renowned psychoanalyst (and atheist).

But fear of the responsibi l i ty suddenly thrust upon him is one

that he must face on his own.

導演 Director:羅拔韋迪 Nanni Moretti

19/1(星期日, Sun) 22:00 | 同時於MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Also avai lable on MOViE MOViE On Demand

導演 Director: 蘭尼摩列提 Nanni Moretti | 主演 Cast: Michel Piccoli, Nanni Moretti, Jerzy Stuhr

意大利金球獎最佳電影 Best Film, the Golden Globes, Italy

25/1(星期六, Sun) 22:00 | 同時於MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Also available on MOViE MOViE On Demand



Page 111: Mr. Johnnie To

焦點導演:小津安二郎 (12/12/1903-12/12/1963)

小津安二郎是日本電影史上最具影響力的導演之一,尤以戰後的作品最為經典:《東京物語》、《秋日和》、《秋刀魚之味》等,均以小巿民的日常生活、家庭倫理關係作為電影題材。適逢大導誕辰110週年,MOViE MOViE將播放數碼復修版本的《東京物語》以及大師其他電影,敬請期待!

Director in Focus: Yasujiro Ozu (12 Dec 1903 – 12 Dec 1963)

Yasuj i ro Ozu is one of the most inf luentia l d i rectors in the h istor y of Japan. His

works, especia l ly h is post-war productions l ike Tokyo Story, Late Autumn and

An Autumn Af ternoon, are best known for the deta i led por trayal of the Japanese

fami ly, and the tension among the fami ly members tr y ing to reconci le modern and

tradi t ional va lues. With 2013 mark ing the 110th anniversary of the director’s b ir th,

MOViE MOViE is presenting the newly restored dig i ta l vers ion of Tokyo Story and

more coming up th is January.

《東京物語》(數碼復修版本) Tokyo Story (Digital ly restored)

於MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Available on MOViE MOViE On Demand

《秋刀魚之味》(數碼復修版本) An Autumn Afternoon (Digitally restored)

於MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Available on MOViE MOViE On Demand

《彼岸花》(數碼復修版本) Equinox Flower (Digital ly restored)

於MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Available on MOViE MOViE On Demand

《早安》(數碼復修版本) Good Morning (Digital ly restored) 3/1(星期五, Fri) 22:00

同時在MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Also available on MOViE MOViE On Demand


立即申請即有機會獲得agnès b. VOYAGE行李牌一個*Subscribe now and get an agnès b. VOYAGE luggage tag*

*客戶須由2014年1月10日至1月24日期間承諾訂購MOViE MOViE星級組合最少24個月合約計劃,方可獲享此優惠。數量有限(名額200套),

先到先得,送完即止。須受有關條款及條件約束。有關所有MOViE MOViE星級組合或其他計劃及優惠詳情,請聯絡銷售人員。

*Customers must subscribe to MOViE MOViE Super Combo for 24 months or more from 10/1/2014 to 24/1/2014 to be eligible for the offer.

Limited to 200 sets. First come first served while stocks last. Please contact now TV sales staff for information on the MOViE MOViE Super

Combo, or other service plan and promotion details.

請即致電2888-1888後按2或親臨任何PCCW-HKT專門店申請Please cal l sale hotl ine 2888-0008 then press 2 or visit any PCCW-HKT shop in person

Tokyo Stor y

Yasuj i ro Ozu


由百老匯中心全力打造,國際電影頻道MOViE MOViE現已登陸now TV 132頻道!MOViE MOViE頻道精選全球叫好叫座的人氣猛

片、風靡全球橫掃國際影展的得獎佳作、以至影迷心中不朽的經典,MOViE MOViE 及免費附送的On Demand自選服務為全港的電



Presented by Broadway Cinematheque, MOViE MOViE (now TV ch132) is an international movie channel exclusively of fer ing

the best movies from around the globe. Along with i ts free MOViE MOViE On Demand service, MOViE MOViE of fers

handpicked, top-notch international blockbusters, award-winning f i lms, festival gems and fan favour ites from around the

world that are sure to enter tain, engage and excite al l movie lovers!

《秋日和》(數碼復修版本) Late Autumn (Digital ly restored) 10/1(星期五, Fri) 22:00

同時在MOViE MOViE自選服務播出 | Also available on MOViE MOViE On Demand


Page 112: Mr. Johnnie To



President of Rotary Club of Hong Kong South (2012-13)Outstanding President, Rotary District 3450 (2012-13)

Un l ike the usua l even ing, when I wa lked passed Phase 3 of the Pac i f ic P lace in the even ing of 24th las t month,

the atmosphere was so unusua l where you wou ld fee l the peace and joy a round………..

Peace on Ear th and mer- cy mi ld, God and s in – ners re – con – c i led ! Joy – fu l , a l l ye na t ions r ise,….

A ve r y fami l i a r Chr is tmas caro l wh ich we have lea rnt in our ch i ldhood. A group of par ish ioners of d i f fe rent

nat iona l i t i es and cu l tu res f rom “Our Lady of Mount Carme l Church” was shar ing the peace and joy w i th the

passers-by……… Joy to the Wor ld ! the Lord …. is come; Let ea r th rece ive her K ing ;….

Si l ..- …ent n ight ! Ho..- l y n ight ! A l l i s ca lm, a l l i s br ight .. wi l l be wi th you and your fami l ies .

No mat te r whether you were a Catho l ic o r not, you wou ld immediate l y fee l the happ iness and peace a round you.

A re you look ing fo r peace, happ iness and a s i l ent n ight?



Page 113: Mr. Johnnie To


上次提 到我在 新城的歲月並非順 風順水,我 也有遇 上挑 戰和衝擊的時刻。就趁 這個機會與大家分享一下,我如何克服困難的歲月。

20 03年沙士肆虐,3月至6月期間市面一片死寂,經濟非常差,廣告 公司幾 乎完全 沒有生意,很多人都因而失業。為了減省開支 以及避免感染,很多公司實行了長期休假,員工不用上班,轉用h o m e of f i ce 模式工作。在那段日子,根本沒有客戶願意見面談生意。市面上大部分健康食品、藥物等都被搶購一空,社會陷入一片恐慌。

眼 見 生 意停滯不前,要 渡 過 這個 難關,談 何容 易呢?情 急 智 生下,我 利 用 o p e n d e c k 巴士,把節目及 廣 告 流 動化,用上新城節目和客戶的廣告訊息,配上出名的DJ,跟著廣告車到處走,除宣揚健康訊息外,也同時宣傳客戶的產品。這使得新城於4至6月期間獲得可觀的收 入,亦為新城這個品牌添上 正 能量。這種創 新的做 法,在當時可以說是一時無兩。憑著員工上下齊心,我們達到了公司的指標。


隨著經濟改善,新城幾經努力在 20 0 4 年達 到了b r e a k e ve n,而在 20 05年更開始轉虧為盈。同年,新城的廣告收益佔有率正式超越友台,踏出成功第一步。

As mentioned ear l ier, my days at Metro Broadcast did not always go smooth. Let me share with you my experience in

coping with the gloomier days.

I could sti l l remember when SARS stroke Hong Kong in 2003. The disease brought about disastrous impacts on the

city’s economy. Businesses were down for many adver tis ing agencies, causing many to lose their jobs. To prevent the

deadly disease from spreading and to lower the operating cost, many companies have asked their employees to take

no-pay leave or to work from home. Cl ients were reluctant to make face-to-face appointments. Health supplements and

medicine were greatly sought af ter as the city went into panic.

To survive this chal lenge is no easy task for us. Back then, I was rather spontaneous in my marketing strategies: I

decided to hire an open-top bus to broadcast radio programmes and encouraging words from our DJs alongside

commercials from our cl ients. The innovative campaign brought about considerable income for us from Apri l to June

while creating a positive image for the company. We eventual ly met our sales target through untir ing ef for ts. Then the

sentiment got better in June and July and the worse was f inal ly over.

As the economy slowly recovered, Metro Broadcast f inal ly reached its break-even point in 2004 and began having

surplus the year af ter. Its adver tis ing income surpassed its competitors within the same year, screaming success for

the company.


Managing Director at Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited


Page 114: Mr. Johnnie To


Happy New Year! 2013 is leg i t imate ly done. I f "Wonder fu l" is the word for the past year, "Fabulous" wi l l rep lace i t for

2014. Many readers have been ask ing about my nex t dest inat ion s ince I shared my exper ience at Antarct ica, which

is never an easy quest ion to answer. Yet, I am so g lad that they are hoping for a step forward and th is prov ides me

wi th the mot ivat ion to keep search ing my road to save our Ear th.

I a lways bel ieve each of us is in i tse l f a brand, that is your identi ty is bui l t up f rom var ious t iny incidents, and most

impor tantly, continui ty def ines your s igni f icance. For renowned brands, the unfa i l ing qual i ty and trust f rom loyal

customers usual ly speaks for themselves; however, to increase their popular i ty among the younger t ier, they st i l l

at tach their products to fami l iar local ce lebs or s ingers. Readers know me f rom my exper ience to the land of ex treme,

they have an expectation of adventures - the word "ADVENTURE" is metaphor ical ly engraved on my forehead. Whi le

not to forget the Green in i t iat ive behind, I need to make sense of my every move, the every l i t t le bi t. A l though the

pathetic l iv ing condit ions of the polar bears and ice-melt ing suggest that Nor th Pole is a logical choice for my next

destination, the c i ty has a lready been f i l led with posters and campaigns f rom environmental organisations. Therefore,

i t touches on the second stone: continui ty. A mission-on-f i re is not only about the mission i tse l f, but about i ts abi l i t y

to re late the message to greater publ ic. Prov ided the l imited resources, you are r ight that the Antarctic Candy has to

make her move counts and i t means a di f ferent way out of the campaigns on cl imate change.

Engaging Power Shi f t Japan is my f i rst stat ion of 2014. Japan is a lways on the top of Hongkongers' t rave l l ing l is ts

and moreover, i t ’s by far the c losest p lace to achieve power sh i f t due to the i r surmount ing needs for susta inable

energy. G loba l Power Shi f t, the p lat form, is in i t ia l l y for c l imate campaign leaders to converge and mobi l ise fur ther

c l imate act ions. Wi th the resources pooled by the Government and corporat ions, Japan's green threshold can

suppor t i ts own Power Shi f t event and look to communi t ies in address ing c l imate change problems. L iang-y i f rom

Ta iwan and I w i l l pa i r up on v ideo repor t ing to br ing the treasurable exper ience to l ight for our own soc iety. In your

expectat ion not?

Mov ing on, there would be someth ing b ig i f b ig l i te ra l l y means far. The dest inat ion is not a secret, i t 's in the Nor th

Amer ica, just that the dest inat ion is not a s ing le one. At the moment a Japanese brand photographer is gear ing

up and we are search ing for sponsors on spor tswear and any into-the-wi ld suppor t, so you know I am not k idd ing,

2014 is go ing to be just F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.


Only 2013 Antarctic Youth Ambassador from Hong Kong — Accomplished <2041> International Antarctic Expedition



Page 115: Mr. Johnnie To



Editor in Chief at Engadget Chinese


事實上,某些手機設計的耐用性正出現倒退,這個不合邏輯的趨勢實在令人費解。以iPhone為例:iPhone 4和4S是蘋果旗艦手機的黃金年代,其不銹鋼外殼可謂無堅不摧。不過自從iPhone 5面世,蘋果開始轉用鋁質外殼,硬度較低,令手機更容易出現划痕甚至彎曲。奇怪在手機屏幕也莫名其妙地變得更脆弱了。

Samsung Galaxy S4也是出了名弱不襟風。有幾個科玩記者朋友曾就於試用期間跌破屏幕,其中有一個還得換 三 次 屏 幕 。 罪 魁 禍 首 是 傳 說 中 的 屏 幕 應 力 點 受 壓 , 有 些 則 是 墮 地 時 的 角 度 剛 好 屬 於 最 易 受 損 的 情 況 : 水 平下墮,就最容易令手機受損。近來S4更出現可拆式電池爆炸噴火的案例,令該手機的形象大打折扣。

即 使 廠 商 要 趕 著 推 出 新 型 號 , 也 不 應 影 響 消 費 者 的 體 驗 和 安 全 , 我 們 亦 沒 有 理 由 被 迫 使 用 保 護 殼 或 者 買 一 部堅固的手機(這些堅固的手機性能通常較差)。幸而蘋果已開始投資藍寶石屏幕﹣即Ver tu現時使用的屏幕。日後推出的iPhone型號,屏幕可望能變得更加堅固。

Once upon a t ime, we could easi ly buy rock-sol id mobi le phones that could double as se l f-defense weapons; but

that’s no longer the case today. As the screens on our phones become bigger, they are more susceptib le to damages.

I can’t remember when was the last t ime I dropped and cracked a device, but I’ve def in i te ly noticed an increasing

number of v ict ims around me.

This i l logical trend is baf f l ing; cer ta in phone designs have gone backwards in terms of durabi l i t y. Take the iPhone, for

example: Apple’s f lagship phone was at i ts peak dur ing the iPhone 4 and 4S era thanks to i ts strong sta in less steel

construction. But f rom the iPhone 5 onwards Apple switched to a luminium, the sof ter nature of which made the device

more prone to scratches and even bending. At the same t ime, the screen has a lso somehow become more f ragi le.

Samsung’s Galaxy S4 is a lso notor ious for i ts f ragi l i t y. A few fe l low tech repor ters had cracked screens on their rev iew

units, and I know one person who had to replace his uni t three t imes. The culpr i t for some is bel ieved to be stress

points on the screen, whi le other v ict ims were s imply unfor tunate enough to drop their dev ices at just the r ight angles

– fa l l ing f lat on the face does the damage the easiest. Then there are a lso a worr y ing number of recent cases where

the S 4’s removable bat ter y burst into f lames.

As manufacturers have to punch out phones faster than ever, they should never jeopardize consumers’ exper ience

and safety. There is no reason for us to be forced to use a protection case or buy a rugged phone (which is of ten of

lower per formance, anyway). On the br ight s ide, Apple is a lready investing in sapphire production faci l i t ies, so at least

there is hope for stronger screens – as used by Ver tu devices - on future iPhones.


Page 116: Mr. Johnnie To


最近有幸參與香港商業獎(DHL /SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards)的評審工作,讓我大開眼界,得以從另一個角度了解企業家成功之道。





人去找機會 很累,機會跑來找你,你的發 展就容易了。如何才能讓機會多來找你?那就要靠朋友。善 待身邊的人,充分考慮到對方的利益,你的朋友一定多。


從前有一對夫 婦逛百貨公司,太 太看中了一套十 分昂貴的高級餐具,想即時付款 購買,丈 夫卻覺得太奢侈,拒絕了太 太,不肯掏錢出來。




I was in the judging panel of DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards 2013 recently. I t impressed me a lot by br inging me to another point of v iew for entrepreneurship.

There is a common character ist ic among successful entrepreneurs - they a lways step into other’s shoes and think.

Treat an e lder with respect. Save face for a man. Be empathetic with a lady. Preserve the dignity of your superv isor. Understand the innocence of your new col leagues.

Our serv ices shal l a lways prov ide warmth but not worr ies. You wi l l never succeed i f you communicate in only one way. A lways th ink in the other way - i f you were the c l ient, wi l l you be satisf ied with your own serv ices? I f you were Jesus Chr ist, is your decis ion just i f ied?

Why do oppor tunit ies come to others but you can hardly f ind one? Oppor tunit ies come with connections. Be considerate, treat your f r iends as i f they’re your fami ly members, and more oppor tunit ies wi l l arr ive at your door.

Most fai lures or iginate from self-centredness. We tend to focus too much on our own benef its but forget cl ients’ needs.

Once there was a couple shopping in a mal l. A set of luxur ious tableware at tracted the wi fe’s at tention, but the husband refused to buy i t for was too expensive. But then the shopkeeper whispered to the husband, “Your wi fe wi l l never let you wash the dishes s ince they are so precious.” The husband bought the tableware immediate ly.

Step into others’ shoes, and more oppor tunit ies wi l l come to you.


Chairman at Bamboos Professional Nursing Services Limited



Page 117: Mr. Johnnie To


The Internet of Th ings, by def in i t ion, means that the phys ica l wor ld i tse l f has become a t ype of informat ion system,

in which sensors and actuators are embedded in phys ica l objects. The Nike+ Spor tWatch GPS, a new dev ice by

Nike, and Jawbone UP24, an act iv i t y t racker wi th wi re less sync ing technology, are two power fu l examples.

Nike+ Spor tWatch GPS does not on ly track bas ic informat ion l ike d istance covered, hear t rate and ca lor ies burnt,

but i t a lso prov ides other va luable informat ion l ike automat ic run-reminders and persona l records. As Nike has

stated on i ts of f ic ia l webs i te, " i t 's l ike hav ing your own persona l running coach, r ight on your waist". For Jawbone

UP24, the wr istband uses a prec is ion mot ion sensor and power fu l a lgor i thm to pass ive ly t rack and quant i f y one's

steps, d istance, ca lor ies, act ive t ime and id le t ime, etc. In addi t ion, the UP/UP24 wr istbands c la ims to be able to

moni tor micro movements to track s leeping pat tern and determine whether one is as leep or awake.

Whi le these d ig i ta l gadgets can prov ide usefu l and re levant informat ion to he lp our phys ica l l i ves, they he lp us in

a pass ive way. Recent ly, I have come across a d ig i ta l too l named Roadie Tuner that may be integrated into our

phys ica l act iv i t ies even fur ther. I t is a dev ice that gu i tar is ts may use to not on ly tune the i r gu i tars, but a lso to create

a por t fo l io for the i r instrument, which keeps tracks of str ing qua l i t y and adv ises on appropr iate dates to restr ing. I t

may a lso he lp a gu i tar is t to unwind and wind str ings qu ick ly. Roadie Tuner, a long wi th i ts mobi le app, takes up an

act ive ro le in mak ing a music ian's l i fe eas ier. In my opin ion, the power that the smal l p iece of dev ice ho lds ind icates

the future of technology.

I t is a lso notewor thy that for I .T. to prov ide the most va lue and benef i t, the trend is for the hardware and sof tware

to work together and communicate wi th each other. Let's look forward to the launch of more groundbreak ing d ig i ta l

products that may bet ter our phys ica l wor ld for the coming year!


Chief Executive Off icer of MotherApp


Page 118: Mr. Johnnie To


踏 入 2 0 1 4 年 投 資 者面 對 的 挑 戰,是 美 國 及 歐 洲 經 濟 復 甦 步 伐 是 否如 預 期中 持 續 改 善。同 時,自去年中國 的 新領 導 班 子 公 布 一系 列 政 策,由 社 會 民 生 到 金 融 市 場 深 化 改 革 的 措 施 之 後,還 需 要 緊 密 研 究 內 地 貨 幣及 利 率 政策 關 係。這 都 是 審度 流 通 量有否 改 善 的 指 標。

預 測 2 0 1 4 年 市 場 不會 太 過 悲 觀。2 0 1 3 年 結 束 之 前,量 化 寬 鬆 亦 因 為 美 聯 儲 開 展 退 市 計 劃,逐 漸 成 為 外 間 接受 資 金 供 應 放 慢 的 事 實,並 料 市 場 運 作 慢 慢 返 回 正 常 節 奏。內 地 財 金 單 位 執行 的 資 金 操 作,亦 不 如 過 去 一 年定 期 寬 鬆 地 釋 放 資 金,投 資 者 要 留 意 機 構 的 資 金 成 本 因 此 高 企,影 響 企 業 盈 利 質 素。此 外,預 期 人 民 幣 繼 續升 值,中國中央 政 府 定 必 密 切 監 視 通 脹 壓 力,避 免 影 響 個 人 消 費 和 企 業 採 購。

投 資 者 今 年 有 機會 遇 到 股市大 升下的 賺 錢 機會,動力來自炒 作 環 球 經 濟 復 甦。2 0 1 3 年主 流 歐 洲 國 家 經 濟 環 境已 經 改 善,美 國 的 問 題 除了經 濟 數 據 之 外,還 要 看就 業 情 況,以 及華府 的 財政 壓 力問 題。

A chal lenge for investors in 2014 is whether the US and European economies wi l l continue to recover as expected.

Meanwhi le in China, af ter the new leadership announced revolut ionary pol ic ies concerning both general publ ic’s

l iv ing and f inancia l market’s fur ther reforms, i t's t ime to look into the re lat ionship between mainland monetary supply

and interest rate pol icy. These are a l l measures to see i f there is improvement in money circulat ion.

The 2014 market is not look ing too pessimist ic. The Fed has announced that i t would star t pul l ing back i ts st imulus

f rom quanti tat ive easing. This decis ion was general ly accepted as a way of s lowing down money supply, and market

operations are then expected to resume i ts normal pace. In China, money operations of f inancia l inst i tut ions are

not expected to be loosening up in 2014, in contrast to 2013. Investors should therefore be aware of the incl in ing

cost of capita l and i ts consequences in companies’ prof i tabi l i t y. In addit ion, RMB’s expected appreciat ion wi l l push

the Chinese government to c losely monitor inf lat ionary pressure in order to stop spoi l ing consumption appeti te and

corporate purchases.

There are oppor tunit ies for investors to prof i t amidst the market booming sentiment in 2014, with the recovery of

g lobal economy being a cata lyst. Mainstream European countr ies have a lready improved their economies in 2013.

Key issues of the US market are the employment s i tuation and i ts budgetary burden, in addit ion to economic f igures

and stat ist ics.


Controller - Metro Finance Digital at Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited



Page 119: Mr. Johnnie To


As a wea l th manager, I a lways encounte r c l i ents f rom d i f fe rent backgrounds in d i f fe rent persona l s i tuat ions

f rom d i f fe rent countr ies. Recent l y I met a c l i ent f rom Europe, a fa the r and son, who a re manag ing the i r fami l y

bus iness wh ich has been qu i te successfu l . I was over whe lmed when they to ld me the i r fami l y bus iness was

founded in 1890s, over 100 years ago. What is even more fasc inat ing is that the i r bus iness is s t i l l 100% owned

by the i r fami l y. Dur ing our conversat ion, I cannot he lp th ink ing how such bus iness can be kept pr i vate and have

i ts ownersh ip reta ined w i th in the fami l y s ince day one. I can imag ine an As ian company l i ke th is wou ld have gone

pub l ic o r so ld to a la rger cong lomerate, o r even worse, get in to fami l y d isputes.

Recent l y more and more fami l y d ispute s tor ies have been w ide ly pub l ic ised in the med ia, be i t b ig or sma l l . Why

is the re such a t rend? The s imp le answer is that most of these fami l i es have not used the r ight too ls to imp lement

a proper asset protect ion and wea l th p lann ing. The success of th is European c l ient comes f rom an ear l y p lann ing

and execut ion of a comprehens ive success ion p lann ing. We he lped them to c reate, s t ructure and imp lement a

comprehens ive and fo r ward th ink ing fami l y t rust and asset management, together w i th an in t roduct ion of a set

of fami l y governance.

In As ia , the genera l pub l ic of ten has a misconcept ion that wea l th p lann ing is on ly a f inanc ia l investment. Creat ing

wea l th is ce r ta in l y impor tant espec ia l l y in emerg ing markets such as Ch ina, but the a r t of p reser v ing wea l th is

of ten over looked and underest imated. How wou ld you fee l i f the bus iness and wea l th you c reated in the past 20

or 30 years van ishes as i t reaches your fu tu re generat ion? Wou ld you l i ke your bus iness and wea l th to prosper in

the fu tu re? Wea l th and asset preser vat ion can be ach ieved by the imp lementat ion of pr i vate t rusts.

A pr i vate t rust invo lves r ing-fenc ing and protect ion of assets, admin is t rated by a profess iona l t rustee. A l l k inds

of assets can be put in a t rust - th ings such as your own bus iness, proper t y, your Ro lex co l lec t ion, go ld co ins,

jewe l le r ies, investments and cash. The t rustee w i l l admin is t rate the t rust accord ing to your ins t ruct ions and

ob ject i ves. For example, you can set up a separate educat ion t rust fo r your ch i ld ren to f inance the i r te r t ia r y

educat ion expenses. Un l ike a w i l l , a t rust can be perpetua l and can las t fo r many fu tu re generat ions. Some of the

most successfu l fami l y bus inesses wor ldw ide a l ready have pr i vate t rusts in p lace.


Managing Director at Veco Invest (Asia) Limited


Page 120: Mr. Johnnie To


Motorspor t has long been a r ich man's spor t. From the days of wealthy gentleman dr ivers racing their motor vehic les

around in the ear ly 20th century, to today where anyone with the funding can jump in the Ferrar i Chal lenge, Audi

R8 ser ies, or the Porsche Carrera Cup. Formula One has a lways required a lot of funding - to c l imb the motorspor t

ladder as I am doing takes a fa i r few mi l l ion euros - but there were a lways cases of dr ivers coming f rom re lat ive ly low

backgrounds and making i t to the very top; af ter a l l, the ir hunger, dedication and perseverance sometimes overcame

the odds which were stacked against them.

A f ine example of th is is Mark Webber, who af ter tak ing 9 Formula One v ictor ies has just ret i red f rom Formula One to

go and race in Le Mans with Porsche who are returning to the top endurance category; LMP1. In 1997, he had just

completed a successful Formula Ford season and had made the step up to Formula 3. Mark had always struggled

for funding, and he made the move f rom his native Austra l ia to Br i ta in, a gamble that paid of f for h im. He secured a

sponsorship deal f rom Yel lowPages, suf f ic iently impressed the manufactur ing giant Mercedes - and he was handed

a contract for the fo l lowing years which saw him move into Formula One in 2002. This s impl i f ies his struggles on the

way up the ladder, but the reason he made i t against the odds was for h is trademark "Aussie Gr i t". He never gave up,

a lways kept bel iev ing, and things did work out for h im. He is an amazingly ta lented dr iver whose only faul t was having

a wor ld championship winning car when Sebastian Vet te l was his team-mate.

I of ten take hear t f rom stor ies such as Mark's. Af ter a l l, many ex tremely successful dr ivers had to struggle on their

way up the ladder - the dr ivers who are given every thing "on a plate" too ear ly never exper ience what i t is l ike to have

to give your a l l and make something work without there being a safety net behind you.

Whereas Mark moved East to West to pursue his racing ambit ions, I d id the opposite. At the end of 2011, I had just

completed the Formula Renault UK Finals Ser ies, a category that F1 champions Lewis Hamil ton and Kimi Raikonnen

competed, and I took 2nd place, beating many more exper ienced and bet ter funded r iva ls, even the recently s igned

Toro Rosso F1 dr iver Dani i l Kyvat. However, I raced on about a 3rd of a budget of the other dr ivers, and we had

nothing lef t in the UK. I worked for months in the UK tr y ing to ra ise sponsorship but to no avai l. Prev ious to racing,

I was Top 10 in the UK for Economics and Pol i t ics - and i t was these subjects that helped me to understand that I

should be going East where motorspor t is growing, manufacturers are put t ing more money into the spor t, and the

economy is strong. Fur thermore, I found the network ing environment is much more open to new ideas as opposed

to the UK.

In Apr i l 2012, I moved to Hong Kong knowing one person, and I had 10,000HKD to my name. Just over a year and a

hal f later, I have ra ised more than 2.5m HKD, formed my own company where investors wi l l make a percentage of my

and the company's earnings over the nex t 15 years, my chairman and manager is a 27 year veteran of Formula One;

responsible of br inging more than 50 dr ivers to the pinnacle of the spor t and have sponsors and par tners in var ious

industr ies throughout Asia and wor ldwide. A l l th is whi le dr iv ing a car too! I've won 3 races, taken 10 podiums, stood

on the podium of the Macau Grand Pr ix and we are look ing to step up to Japanese F3 next in 2014.

Now I am let t ing my fa i th, ta lent and hard work do the work, and look forward to get t ing that big sponsor, manufacturer

or investor on board to continue winning races and reach the pinnacle of motorspor t...


Principal Owner at Dan Wells and Investors Limited



Page 121: Mr. Johnnie To

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Aberdeen Boat ClubAmer ican ClubChar iot ClubChina ClubChinese Recreat ion ClubClearwater Bay Gol f & Country ClubClub Bel-Ai r Bay WingClub de Recre ioDiscovery Bay Gol f ClubDiscovery Bay Mar ina ClubFi l ip ino Club Gold Coast Yacht & Country ClubHarbour PlaceHi l l top Country ClubHong  Lok Yuen Country ClubHong Kong Country ClubHong Kong Cr icket ClubHong Kong Direct Market ing Associat ionHong Kong Footbal l ClubHong Kong Gol f ClubHong Lok Yuen Country ClubHong Yip Serv ice Co. Ltd. / Wonder land ClubHor izon ClubIndian Recreat ion Club


Gateway Hote lGloucester Luk Kwok Hong KongGrand Hyatt Hong KongGuangdong Hote l Hong KongHarbour Grand KowloonHarbour Plaza 8 DegreesHarbour Plaza Metropol isHarbour Plaza North PointHarbour Plaza Resort Ci ty Hong KongHarbourv iewHol iday Inn Express Hong Kong Kowloon EastHol iday Inn Golden Mi leHong Kong Cosco Hote lHong Kong Disney land Hote lHong Kong Gold Coast Hote lHong Kong SkyCity Marr iot t Hote lHote l de EDGE by RhombusHote l ICONHotel Indigo Hong Kong Is landHote l LBPHotel LKF By RhombusHote l Nikko HongkongHote l Panorama by RhombusHul let t House,1881 Her i tageHyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha T inHyatt Regency Hong Kong, Ts im Sha TsuiIb is North Point Hote l Hong KongImper ia l Hote l Hong KongInterCont inenta l Grand Stanford Hong KongInterCont inenta l Hong KongIs land Paci f ic Hote lIs land Shangr i-La Hong KongJW Marr iot t Hote l Hong KongKings De NathanKowloon Shangr i-La Hong KongL'hote l Nina et Convent ion Centre Hong KongLan Kwai Fong Hote lLangHam PlaceLanson Place Hote l

Admira l ty Business CentreAl l iance Business Serv ice CentreAzure Business CentreBr idges Execut ive CentreCapito l Business CentresCEO Business CentreCowork CHMDynamic Dragons Internat ional Business CenterDynamic Dragons Internat ional Business CentreEast Point Business CentreGold jet Business CentreHarbour Internat ional Business CentreInternat ional Business CenterJumpstart Business CentreMauI Business Centre - Radio Ci tyNathan Business CentreRegus Business CentreServcorp - Two Internat ional F inance CentreSky Business CentreSolo Off icesSpr ing Board - Business CentreTexMark Business CentreThe Execut ive CentreUE Serv iced Off ices and Convent ion Centre

Air France Hong Kong Cathay Paci f ic CargoChina Ai r l ines LoungeChina Mobi le GoTone VIP CentreEmirates LoungeHong Kong Sales Off ice(Hong Kong Air l ine)KAL LoungePLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGE (ARRIVAL HALL)Qantas Business LoungeQantas F i rst LoungeRoyal Orchid LoungeUnited Club




Lanson Place Hote l Hong KongLargos Hote lLe Mer id ien CyberportLe Mér id ien CyberportMandar in Or ienta l , Hong KongMarco Polo Hongkong Hote lMarco Polo Hote lsMetropark Hote l Causeway Bay Hong KongMetropark Hote l KowloonMetropark Hote l MongkokMingle Place Hote lMin i Hote lNathan Hote lNathan Hote l Hong KongNewton Hote l Hong KongNewton Place Hote lNoah's Ark ResortNovote l Century Hong KongNovote l Ci tygate Hong KongOvolo Hote l (head off ice)OZO Wesley Hong Kong Panda Hote lPark Hote l Hong KongPark Hote l HongKongPentahote l Hong Kong, KowloonPrudent ia l Hote l Ramada Kowloon Hote l Hong KongRambler Garden Hote l Hong KongRambler Oasis Hote lRegal A i rport Hote lRegal Hongkong Hote lRegal iC lub Hote lRegal Rivers ide Hote lRhombus Internat ional Hote l groupRitz-Car l ton Hong KongRoyal P laza Hong Kong Hote lRoyal V iew Hote lShama Causeway BayShamrock Hote l Hong Kong

Sheraton Hong Kong Hote l and TowersSi lka Far East Hote l Hong KongSi lka Seaview Hote lS i lka West Kowloon Hote l Hong KongSi lvermine Beach Hote l Hong KongSohote lStanford Hi l lv iew Hote l Hong KongStanford Hote l HongKongSunny Day Hote lSunny Day Hote l (Ts im Sha Tsui )The Bauhin ia Hote l (Centra l )The Bauhin ia Hote l (Ts im Sha Tsui )The Ci tyv iewThe Excels ior, Hong KongThe F leming Hong KongThe Garden V iew - YWCAThe Imper ia l Hote lThe Kimber ley Hote lThe Kowloon Hote lThe Landmark Mandar in Or ienta l Hote lThe Luxe ManorThe MercerThe Mira Hong KongTHE PARK LANE HONG KONGThe Peninsula Hong KongThe Royal Garden,Kowloon,Hong KongThe Royal Paci f ic Hote l & TowersThe Sal isbury - YMCA of Hong KongThe Vela Hong Kong Causeway BayThe Wharney Guang Dong Hote l Hong KongTraders Hote l , Hong KongW Hong KongWest Hote lWharney Guang Dong Hote l Hong KongWing Sing Hote l


PRIVATE i SALONi fc mal l leve l 1, Shops 1041-1049,Centra lT imes Square Basemen 1,Causeway BayHarbour Ci ty Level3,Ts im Sha TsuiNew Town Plaza 1, Level 2, Shops 204-214,Shat in**a l l locat ions for e-gold members only

CIT Y’SUPERAMC Paci f ic P lace(For iu members only )Broadway The ONE(For iu members only )Broadway Cinematheque(For bc VIP member)


Jardines Lookout Residents' Associat ion Jockey ClubKornhi l l Recreat ion Club Kowloon Cr icket ClubKowloon Tong ClubKowloon Tsai Home Owners' Associat ionLadies' Recreat ion ClubRotary ClubShek O Gol f Country ClubSouth China Ath let ic Associat ionSpot l ight Recreat ion ClubThe Banker's ClubThe Butter f ie ld's ClubThe c lub manager's associat ion of Hong KongThe Fore ign Correspondents ClubThe Hong Kong ClubUnited Serv ices Recreat ion ClubVictor ia Recreat ion ClubVTC Staff Recreat ion ClubWor ld Trade Centre ClubYau Yat Chuen Garden Ci ty ClubYau Yat Chuen Garden Ci ty ClubYMCA Tennis Club

UQ Place Prest ig ious Business CentreVantage Business CentreVP Business CentreWingate Business CentreWorkSmart Off ices


Page 122: Mr. Johnnie To

Aston Mar t inas tonmar t in .com2366 2017

Aston Mar t in Owner 's C

Burber ryburber ry.com2868 3511

Car re ra y Car re racar re raycar re ra .com

Car t ie rca r t i e r.com8105 500

Chaumetchaumet .com2536 9338

Chopardchopard .com2918 9390

Chr i s t i e 'schr i s t i es .com2521 5396

Ci ty 'superc i t 3866

Clearwate r Bay Eques t r i an Cent receec .hk6398 6241

De Beersdebeers .com2118 2321

De Gr i sogonodegr i sogono.com2522 8368

Ermeneg i ldo Zegnazegna.com2330 6889

Exc lus i v i t i essh iamas.com2521 8626

Forevermarkfo revermark

GIAg ia .edu3166 7000

G io rg io Arman i Beautya rman ibeauty.com2532 7733

Gra f fg ra f fd iamonds.com2735 7666

Har ry W ins tonhar ryw ins ton .com2301 2131

Hermèshermes.com2522 6229

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Hong Kong In te r io r Des ign Assoc ia t ionhk ida .o rg2866 2039

Hong Kong Racehorse Owners Assoc ia t ionhkroa .o rg2877 2807

Hugo Bosshugoboss .com3188 1171

Humble House Hote lshumblehousehote ls .com

Loeweloewe.com2522 0996

Macau Museum o f A r

Maybourne Hote l Groupmaybourne .com

Mi ra Moon Hote lm i ramoonhote l .com2643 8888

MOV iE MOV iE by Broadway C inemathequemov iemov ie .com.hk2888 1888

Nat iona l September 11 Memor ia l & Museum911memor ia l .o rg

N iken ike .com2506 0522

Penha l igonspenha l igons .com2359 3001

P iagetp iaget .com2918 1823

Qee l inqee l in .com2389 8863

Ra lph Laurenra lph lau ren .com2871 9338

Roya l Sa lu teroya lsa lu te .com

S.T. Duponts t -dupont .com2877 4138

Shangha i Tangshangha i tang .com2525 7333

Sotheby 'ssothebys .com2524 8121

The Long ines Hong Kong Maste rslong ineshkmaste rs .com2111 5333

Tour i sm Aust ra l i atour i sm.aus t ra l i a .com

Tour i sm V ic to r iatour i smv ic to r ia .com

Watotowato to .as ia2639 9797





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