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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100 Question: What was the language of the Byzantine Empire? Check Your Answer


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Ms. Broome’s Choice

Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Question: What was the language of the Byzantine Empire?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Answer: Greek

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Question: What new pope wanted to give the church their power back?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Answer: Gregory VII

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Question: How did the Romans gain support for their empire? (2 reasons)

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Answer: They were good diplomats. They extended Roman citizenship to the vast areas they conquered. Back to the Game Board

Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Question: What dynasty built the Great Wall of China?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Answer: Qin Dynasty

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Question: Why did feudalism develop?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Answer: Invaders posed a threat to the safety of the people due to a weak government. Back to the Game Board

Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Question: What was one of the responsibilities the vassal had in the feudal system?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Answer: Military service for 40-60 days

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Question: What Russian prince married the sister of the Byzantine emperor helping unify the two empires?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Answer: Vladimir

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Question: What group named the area we presently know as Russia, Rus?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Answer: Vikings

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Question: What was the code of Roman laws that was the basis of imperial law in the Eastern Roman Empire until its end in 1453?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Answer: Justinian’s Code

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Question: What impact did the Crusades have on Southwest Asia?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Answer: They had little impact, except to breed centuries of mistrust between Christians & Muslims. Back to the Game Board

Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Question: Who responded to Alexius I request to liberate Jerusalem & Palestine, beginning the first crusade?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Answer: Pope Urban II

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Question: Who destroyed the Christian forces at Jerusalem in 1187?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Answer: Saladin

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Question: What are the two branches of Islam?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Answer: Shia and Sunni

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Question: What two groups were considered infidels or non believers?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Answer: Muslims & Jews

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Question: What led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Answer:•Rise of Christianity• Invasion of Germanic Tribes• Plague wiped out 1/10 of the population. • (Just to name a few)

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Question: What is one word that describes Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Sumerian, religion?Check Your Answer

Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Answer: polytheistic

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Question: People are evil by nature is part of what Chinese philosophy?

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Answer: Legalism

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Question: I was originally named Octavian and was part of the Second Triumvirate, who am I?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Answer: Augustus Caesar

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Question: What dynasty established the civil service exam as a way to get into the government?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Answer: Han Dynasty

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Question: What are three ways Alexander the Great diffused Greek culture?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500Answer:• By encouraging the spread of Greek culture as his armies conquered new areas• By building cities ruled by Greek generals• By encouraging the migration of Greeks throughout the empire

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Question: Why did the Roman government persecute Christians?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 100

Answer: They were afraid of the religion and the equality it gave all men. Back to the Game Board

Ms. Broome's Choice for 200Question: Who created the most ancient law code, which consisted of 282 laws based on strict justice?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 200

Answer: Hammurabi

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Question: Who founded the religion of Buddhism?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 300

Answer: Siddhartha Gautama

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Question: What religion’s holy book is the Zend Avesta?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 400

Answer: Zoroastrianism

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Question: What group of people created a trade empire which included the cities of Byblos, Tyre, and the colony of Carthage?

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Ms. Broome's Choice for 500

Answer: Phoenicians

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