ms dynamics crm module-4(customizing entities and customizing relationships and mappings)

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  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    Getting Started with MS Dynamics CRM

    Working With Microsoft Dynamics CRM Module-4

    Description:BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and

    advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to

    end Hands-on Beginners Gide !or "icroso!t #$namics %&". The

    docment !ocses on basic 'e$words, terminolog$ and de(nitions one

    shold 'now be!ore starting "icroso!t #$namics %&")oin or pro!essional

    training program and learn !rom e*perts.

    History:Version Description Change Author u!lishDate"#$ %nitial Draft Chandra rakash &harma"#$ Re'ie()$ &umit *oyal www.h$periongr.comPage +
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    ContentsIntrodction to entities in "icroso!t #$namics %&".........................................................

    Entit$ T$pes ................................................................................................................

    ctions on entit$ records ............................................................................................

    How to %reating %stom Entities in "icroso!t #$namics %&" /nline.............................0

    How to "odi!$ing %stom Entities in "icroso!t #$namics %&" /nline...........................1

    &elationship #e(nition ...................................................................................................2

    %reating Entit$ &elationships.......................................................................................2

    Entit$ "apping ........................................................................................................ 3

    %reate a "apping .................................................................................................. +4 www.h$periongr.comPage 5
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    %ntroduction to entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

    The entities are sed to model and manage bsiness data in "icroso!t #$namics %&".

    Entities are the heart o! "icroso!t #$namics %&". The abilit$ to cstomi6e entities and

    create new entities pla$s an important role in (ne-tning #$namics %&" to wor' the

    wa$ $or sales, mar'eting and service organi6ations wor'.

    "oreover, this !nctionalit$ enables $o to create entirel$ new applications in

    #$namics %&".

    In #$namics %&", entities are the containers that hold all o! the data, !orms, views,

    charts, and other in!ormation associated with managing and presenting in!ormation to


    +ntity ,ypes :

    &ystem entities:S$stem entities that are inclded with #$namics %&", 7acconts,

    contacts, and etc8 and secondar$ entities that are less obvios 79ote prodcts, price

    list items, and addresses8.

    Custom entities:%stom entities that were not inclded with #$namics %&". Itcreated b$ ser, others in $or organi6ation, or b$ third parties.

    Customia!le entities:%stomi6able entities that $o are allowed to cstomi6e.

    Some s$stem entities do not allow cstomi6ations, there are some limits to how $o

    can cstomi6e certain entities.

    Customer composite entity:The concept o! a :cstomer: in #$namics %&" incldes

    either the accont entit$ or the contact entit$. This is also re!erred to as a composite

    entit$ becase it allows records !rom either o! these two di;erent entities to be sed in

    the cstomer (eld.

    Acti'ity entities:ctivit$ entities inclde phone calls, tas's, e-mails, and a nmber

    o! other entities !or trac'ing ser activities.

    Actions on entity records :

    Action Description

    Create %reates a record !or speci(c entit$ t$pe and cstom entities.

    Delete #eletes a record.

    .pdate "odi(es the contents o! a record.

    Retrie'e &etrieves a record.



    &etrieves a collection o! records.

    &hare Grants, modi(es or revo'es access to a record to another ser or


    Assign %hanges ownership o! a record.

    Associate %reates lin's between a record and a collection o! records where there

    is a relationship between the entities.

    Disassociate &emoves lin's between a record and a collection o! records where

    there is a relationship between the entities.

    &et &tate Set the state o! a record. www.h$periongr.comPage
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    Ho( to Creating Custom +ntities in Microsoft

    Dynamics CRM /nline:

    &tep $ :

  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    &tep 2 :Enter the displa$ name, plral name select displa$ entit$ and select other

    (elds according re9irement , then clic' on &a'ebtton. www.h$periongr.comPage =
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    &tep 4 :!ter save $o can see here all lin' are enable, here $o can create !orms,

    >iews, charts, ?ields, relationship and bsiness rles it available le!t side in panel. and

    also $o can (nd dependencies, pblish this entit$, pdate icon, #elete Entit$ and

    managed properties it available in pper side in panel. clic' on pblish a!ter then clic'

    on &a'a and closebtton.

    Ho( to Modifying Custom +ntities in Microsoft

    Dynamics CRM /nline:

    &tep $ :

  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    &tep 0 :E*pend Entities, then select $or entit$ t$pe7Bisp ccont8 a!ter $o can

    modi!$ which (eld $o want to modi!$, then clic' on save and pblish the entit$.

    Relationship De3nition :Entit$ relationship model, representation o! entities and their relationships to each

    other. Entit$ relationships represent how entities are related to each other within the

    "icroso!t #$namics %&" plat!orm.

    Entit$ relationships de(ne the data relationship between two entities in the s$stem.

    "icroso!t #$namic %&" ses entit$ relationships to manage how data interacts in the

    s$stem metadata.

    ,here is four types of relationship in Microsoft Dynamics CRM :

    +. one-to-man$.

    5. man$-to-one.

    . man$-to-man$.0. Sel!-&e!erential &elationships.

    $# $:1 one-to-many5 Relationship :

    /ne-to-man$ &elationship is a hierarchical relationship created or viewed !rom the

    primar$ entit$. www.h$periongr.comPage 2
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    n$ one entit$ instance !rom the primar$ entit$ can be re!erenced b$ man$ entit$

    instances !rom the related entit$.

    0# 1:$ many-to-one5 Relationship :

    "an$-to-one &elationship is a hierarchical relationship created or viewed !rom the

    related entit$.

    "an$ entit$ instances !rom the related entit$ can re!erence an$ one entit$ instance

    !rom the primar$ entit$.

    2# 1:1 many-to-many5 Relationships :

    man$-to-man$ relationship lets sers relate one or more entit$ instances !rom

    another entit$ to an entit$ instance o! the crrent entit$.

    man$-to-man$ relationship ma$ also be sel!-re!erential.

    4# &elf-Referential Relationships :

    In a sel!-re!erential relationship, an entit$ has a relationship with itsel!.

    Both hierarchical relationships and man$-to-man$ relationships can be sel!-re!erential.

    This allows entit$ instances to be directl$ associated with other entit$ instances o! the

    same t$pe.

    Creating +ntity Relationships:

    &tep $ :

  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    &tep 2 :%lic' on Aew Many-to-Many Relationship, !or creating relationship.

    &tep 4 :Enter here crrent entit$ name, then select other entit$ name7%ontact8, a!ter

    then clic' on &a'e and Closebtton. www.h$periongr.comPage 3
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    +ntity Mapping :

    o can map attribtes between entities that have an entit$ relationship. This lets $o

    set de!alt vales !or a record that is created in the conte*t o! another record. Cse the

    cstomi6ation tools in the application to map attribtes.

    "apping in "icroso!t #$namics %&" streamlines data entr$ when $o create new

    records that are associated with another record. Dhen an entit$ has an entit$

    relationship with another entit$, $o can create new related entit$ records b$ sing the

    %reate &elated tab in the ribbon. Dhen $o create a new record in this manner,

    mapped data !rom the primar$ entit$ record is copied to the !orm !or the new related

    entit$ record.

    Create a Mapping : www.h$periongr.comPage +4
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    &tep 7 :Here $o can see AA relationship is available, a!ter create relationship we

    need to map this relationship. !or map this relationship clic' on ?orms. see below.

    &tep 8 :%lic' on "ain !orm t$pe.

    &tep 9 :%lic' on 1a'igationin toolbar, then drag and drop Contactto common

    place, then clic' on &a'ebtton, then clic' on u!lish, a!ter then clic' on &a'e and

    Closebtton. www.h$periongr.comPage ++
  • 8/9/2019 MS Dynamics CRM Module-4(Customizing Entities and Customizing Relationships and Mappings)


    &tep :!ter then clic' on Pblish ll %stomi6ations lin'. and close all e*isting page.

    and go home page.

    &tep ; : Here nder the services, select $or entit$ name7Bisp cconts8, then select

    record, here $o can (nd contacts. www.h$periongr.comPage +5