msea: ensuring access through udl

MSEA Convention Fall 2014 Equalizing the Playing Field: Access Through Universal Design for Learning

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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MSEA Convention 2014


  • 1. Equalizing the Playing Field:Access Through UniversalDesign for LearningMSEA ConventionFall 2014

2. Welcome Rebecca PerosioSpecial Educator, [email protected] Elizabeth LuceSpecial Educator, [email protected] Nicole ZimmermanSpecial Educator, [email protected] 3. Outcomes:Participants will: Engage in discussion of the effectiveimplementation of inclusive practices asa means for ensuring access to thegeneral education curriculum bystudents with disabilities 4. YOUR BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE 5. Take-aways from the Video? 6. Defining Universal Design for Learning a scientifically valid framework forguiding educational practice that:provides flexibility in the ways information is presented; In the ways students respond ordemonstrate knowledge and skills; and in the ways students are engaged. 7. Defining Universal Design for Learning a scientifically valid framework forguiding educational practice that: reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports and challenges, and maintainshigh achievement expectations for allstudents, including students with disabilities andstudents who are limited English proficient. 8. Critical Elements of UDL Instruction Clear goals Intentional planning for learner variability Flexible methods and materials Timely progress monitoring 9. UDL at a 10. Universal Design For Learning (UDL)-proposes that children with disabilities do notconstitute a separate category, but fall along acontinuum of learning differencescontinuum learning preferences-leads us to make adjustments for learnerdifferences for all students, not just thosewith disabilities 11. Universal Design For LearningCurriculum materials Varied, diverse, and multiple Includes digital and onlineresources, rather than centeringinstruction on a single text book 12. 12 13. What if we dont consider LearnerVariability? Some will learn and some wont We may mistakenly think we have beensuccessful We wont know why we are successfulwith some learners and not othersUDL Series at National Center for Universal Design for Learning 14. 15. UDL Resources 16. CAST UDL Curriculum Self-Check 17. ProcessS.I.Content ProductCurriculumDifferentiated InstructionUniversal Design for Learning 18. InstructionLearner PreferenceDifferentiationGood TeachingMAKING THEINSTRUCTIONALCONNECTION 19. Instruction and Universal Design for LearningBlending, Collaboration, CoordinationInstruction Multiple choices Process ProductUDL Multiple means Representation Engagement Action andExpression 20. 21. Content/ MD College and Career Ready Standards:UDL Embedded Objective:Description of lesson including UDL strategies and those identifiedto meet the students individual needs.Task UDLPrinciplesCurrent Teaching Strategies(H/L)Proposed Teaching Strategies(H/L)R E A 22. Starting from Scratch 23. 24. Putting UDL into PracticeUsing your lesson to reflect on newinformation: Add tools/strategies to be used for supportPrinciples:1. Multiple means of representation2. Multiple means of engagement-process3. Multiple means of action and expression24 25. Final Thought 26. Contacts: Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services Paul Dunford, Branch ChiefProgrammatic Support and Technical [email protected] Marsye Kaplan, Section [email protected] Karla Marty, Section [email protected] Fran Sorin, Coordinator of Professional [email protected]