mswm25c 111451616

Financial Professional to Client LifeFolio Kit Prospecting Letter (For use with the general public) Note to Financial Professional: This letter is for use without a prospectus. Reproduce this letter on your appropriate letterhead and send it to clients and prospects. The content below has been approved by Compliance and cannot be changed. To use this with your letterhead, copy text and paste into new document. (Date) Dear (Client or Prospect), In the event of an emergency, would you be able to locate and secure your most important documents? If something happened to you, would your family know where to find key financial information? Having the foresight to gather and organize these documents can help ease a major life event and protect the estate you’ve worked hard to build. I can provide you with a simple tool that will help you (and your family) get organized and increase your confidence regarding the location of key documents. If you’re interested in further organizing your personal and financial information, please give me a call at [insert phone number] to request a complimentary “Organize Your Life” kit. It contains all of the resources you need to get started LifeFolio Checklist, pre-printed file folders, tips on securing your documents, etc. After all, when it comes to your finances, you can never be too organized. I look forward to talking to you soon. Sincerely, (Your Name and Approved Title)

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Mswm25c 111451616

Financial Professional to Client LifeFolio Kit Prospecting Letter (For use with the general public)

Note to Financial Professional:

This letter is for use without a prospectus. Reproduce this letter on your appropriate letterhead and send it to clients and prospects. The content below has been approved by Compliance and cannot be changed. To use this with your letterhead, copy text and paste into new document.


Dear (Client or Prospect),

In the event of an emergency, would you be able to locate and secure your most important documents? If something happened to you, would your family know where to find key financial information? Having the foresight to gather and organize these documents can help ease a major life event and protect the estate you’ve worked hard to build.

I can provide you with a simple tool that will help you (and your family) get organized and increase your confidence regarding the location of key documents.

If you’re interested in further organizing your personal and financial information, please give me a call at [insert phone number] to request a complimentary “Organize Your Life” kit. It contains all of the resources you need to get started LifeFolio Checklist, pre-printed file folders, tips on securing your documents, etc. After all, when it comes to your finances, you can never be too organized.

I look forward to talking to you soon.


(Your Name and Approved Title)

MainStay Investments® is a registered service mark and name under which New York Life Investment Management LLC does business. MainStay Investments, an indirect subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, New York NY 10010, provides investment advisory products and services. Securities are distributed by NYLIFE Distributors LLC, 169 Lackawanna Avenue, Parsippany New Jersey 07054.

Not FDIC/NCUA Insured | Not a Deposit | May Lose Value | No Bank Guarantee | Not Insured by Any Government Agency

Securities products and services are offered through [insert name and address of broker/dealer].

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