m.tech. computer science and engineering (full … (cse 2003 - 2005... · m.tech. computer science...

S.R.M INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) S.R.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING M.Tech. COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (FULL TIME) BATCH 2003 - 2005 CURRICULUM I SEMESTER SUB CODE SUBJECT NAME L T P C Theory MA510 Mathematical foundations of Computer Science 3 1 0 4 CS501 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 1 0 4 CS503 Operating systems design 3 1 0 4 CS505 Advanced Data structures & Algorithms Analysis 3 0 2 4 CS507 Software Engineering Methodologies 3 0 0 3 Practical CS511 Computer Lab - I 0 0 3 2 Total 15 3 5 21 II SEMESTER SUBCODE SUBJECT L T P C Theory CS502 Database Technology 3 0 0 3 CS504 Computer Networking 3 1 0 4 CS506 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3 0 0 3 CS508 Advanced System Software 3 0 2 4 Elective – I 3 0 0 3 CS512 Seminar 0 0 2 1 Practical CS514 Computer Lab – II 0 0 3 2 Total 15 1 7 20

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BATCH 2003 - 2005


I SEMESTER SUB CODE SUBJECT NAME L T P C Theory MA510 Mathematical foundations of Computer

Science 3 1 0 4

CS501 Computer Organization and

Architecture 3 1 0 4

CS503 Operating systems design 3 1 0 4 CS505 Advanced Data structures &

Algorithms Analysis 3 0 2 4

CS507 Software Engineering Methodologies 3 0 0 3 Practical CS511 Computer Lab - I 0 0 3 2 Total 15 3 5 21 II SEMESTER SUBCODE SUBJECT L T P C Theory CS502 Database Technology 3 0 0 3 CS504 Computer Networking 3 1 0 4 CS506 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3 0 0 3 CS508 Advanced System Software 3 0 2 4 Elective – I 3 0 0 3 CS512 Seminar 0 0 2 1 Practical CS514 Computer Lab – II 0 0 3 2 Total 15 1 7 20

III SEMESTER SUBCODE SUBJECT L T P C Theory CS601 Wireless & Mobile computing 3 1 0 4 Elective – II 3 0 0 3 Elective – III 3 0 0 3 Elective – IV 3 0 0 3 Project CS611 Project Phase – I 0 0 12 6 Toal 12 1 12 19 IV SEMESTER SUBCODE SUBJECT L T P C CS612 Project Phase – II 0 0 24 12 Total 0 0 24 12


LIST OF ELECTIVES FOR SECOND SEMESTER SUBCODE SUBJECT NAME L T P C CS552 Parallel Computing 3 0 0 3 CS554 Component Based Development 3 0 0 3 CS556 Soft Computing 3 0 0 3 CS558 Distributed Computing 3 0 0 3 LIST OF ELECTIVES FOR THIRD SEMESTER SUBCODE SUBJECT NAME L T P C CS651 Neural Networks 3 0 0 3 CS653 Computer Performance Evaluation

& Maintenance 3 0 0 3

CS655 Data Warehousing & Data Mining 3 0 0 3 CS657 Natural Language Processing 3 0 0 3 CS659 Robotics 3 0 0 3 CS661 Internet Protocols 3 0 0 3 CS663 MicroProcessor Based System

Design 3 0 0 3

CS665 Digital Speech and Image Processing

3 0 0 3

CS667 Real Time Systems 3 0 0 3 CS669 Network Security 3 0 0 3


33 11 00 44 PPuurrppoossee TToo iimmppaarrtt ttoo tthhee ssttuuddeennttss ooff EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg,, tthhee rruuddiimmeennttss ooff MMaatthheemmaattiiccss ssoo aass ttoo eennaabbllee tthheemm ttoo aappppllyy tthhee ssaammee ffoorr tthheeiirr oowwnn bbrraanncchh.. IInnssttrruuccttiioonnaall OObbjjeeccttiivveess TToo eeqquuiipp tthhee ssttuuddeennttss ooff EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg,, tthhee kknnoowwlleeddggee ooff MMaatthheemmaattiiccss aanndd iittss aapppplliiccaattiioonnss ssoo aass ttoo eennaabbllee tthheemm ttoo aappppllyy tthheemm ffoorr tthhee bbrraanncchh iinn wwhhiicchh tthheeyy aarree aaddmmiitttteedd.. UUNNIITT II –– LLOOGGIICC 99 SSttaatteemmeennttss –– CCoonnnneeccttiivveess –– TTrruutthh ttaabblleess –– NNoorrmmaall ffoorrmmss –– PPrreeddiiccaattee ccaallccuulluuss –– IInnffeerreennccee TThheeoorryy ffoorr SSttaatteemmeenntt ccaallccuulluuss aanndd pprreeddiiccaattee ccaallccuulluuss –– AAuuttoommaattiicc tthheeoorreemm pprroovviinngg.. UUNNIITT IIII –– CCOOMMBBIINNAATTOORRIICCSS 99 RReevviieeww ooff PPeerrmmuuttaattiioonn aanndd CCoommbbiinnaattiioonn –– MMaatthheemmaattiiccaall IInndduuccttiioonn –– PPiiggeeoonn hhoollee pprriinncciippllee –– PPrriinncciippllee ooff iinncclluussiioonn aanndd eexxcclluussiioonn –– GGeenneerraattiinngg ffuunnccttiioonn –– RReeccuurrrreennccee rreellaattiioonnss..

UUNNIITT IIIIII –– AALLGGEEBBRRAAIICC SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREESS 99 SSeemmii ggrroouupp –– MMoonnooiidd –– GGrroouuppss ((DDeeffiinniittiioonn aanndd eexxaammpplleess oonnllyy)) CCyycclliicc ggrroouuppss –– PPeerrmmuuttaattiioonn ggrroouupp ((SSnn aanndd DDnn)) –– SSuubbssttrruuccttuurreess –– HHoommoommoorrpphhiissmm ooff sseemmii ggrroouupp,, mmoonnooiidd aanndd ggrroouuppss –– CCoosseettss aanndd LLaaggrraannggee TThheeoorreemm –– NNoorrmmaall ssuubbggrroouuppss –– RRiinnggss aanndd FFiieellddss ((DDeeffiinniittiioonn aanndd eexxaammpplleess oonnllyy))

UUNNIITT IIVV –– RREECCUURRSSIIVVEE FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNSS 99 RReeccuurrssiivvee ffuunnccttiioonnss –– PPrriimmiittiivvee rreeccuurrssiivvee ffuunnccttiioonnss –– LLaanngguuaaggeess –– RReeccooggnniittiioonn aanndd ggeenneerraattiioonn.. PPhhaassee ssttrruuccttuurree ggrraammmmaarrss aanndd llaanngguuaaggeess –– FFiinniittee ssttaattee mmaacchhiinnee –– RReeccooggnniittiioonn iinn rreegguullaarr llaanngguuaaggeess –– TTuurriinngg mmaacchhiinnee..

UUNNIITT VV –– LLAATTTTIICCEESS 99 PPaarrttiiaall oorrddeerr rreellaattiioonn,, ppoosseett –– LLaattttiicceess,, HHaassssee ddiiaaggrraamm –– BBoooolleeaann aallggeebbrraa..

TTuuttoorriiaall 1155 TToottaall 6600

RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS 1.1. Tremblay J.P. and Manohar R., Discrete Mathematical Structures with

applications to Computer Science, TMH.,1997 Tremblay J.P. and Manohar R., Discrete Mathematical Structures withapplications to Computer Science, TMH.,1997

2.2. Venkataraman M.K. etal. Discrete Mathematics, National Publishing Co.,2000 Venkataraman M.K. etal. Discrete Mathematics, National Publishing Co.,20003.3. Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur, Applied Discrete Structures for Computer

Science, Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd.,1992 Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur, Applied Discrete Structures for ComputerScience, Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd.,1992

4.4. N.Ch.S.N. Iyengar etal. Discrete Mathematics, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. N.Ch.S.N. Iyengar etal. Discrete Mathematics, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd.5.5. Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson, Discrete Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill. Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson, Discrete Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill.



PPuurrppoossee TToo lleeaarrnn tthhee ffuunnddaammeennttaall aanndd aaddvvaanncceedd ccoonncceeppttss ooff CCoommppuutteerr AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree aanndd iittss AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree LLeeaarrnniinngg OObbjjeeccttiivveess

•• To learn the Input , output , memory operations in a system To learn the Input , output , memory operations in a system•• To learn the interrupts , ALU unit , Microprogramming To learn the interrupts , ALU unit , Microprogramming•• To learn the pipelining processors and its applications To learn the pipelining processors and its applications

UNIT – I Introduction 9 Evolution of Computers - Basic Structure of a Computer - Hardware & Software - Functional units - Basic operational concepts - Bus Structures - Software performance- Memory operations - Addressing modes - Basic Input /output operations -Stacks and queues - Instructions - Instructions execution and sequencing - System buses. UNIT – II Fundamental Concepts 9 Execution of a floating point complete Instruction - ALU - Integer Arithmetic-Control unit - Hardware Arithmetic Control - Microprogramming - Nano programming. UNIT - III Memory 9 Some Basic concepts-Memory Hierarchy-semiconductor RAM memories - static, dynamic - read only memories - cache memories-Mapping Functions-Memory replacement policies-cache coherence-Example of on chip caches-performance consideration-virtual memory. UNIT - IV I/O Organization 9 Accessing I/O devices - Programmed I/O-I/O interrupts-direct memory access-I/O Hardware-Standard I/O Interfaces-I/O processors- Computer peripherals. UNIT – V Pipelining 9 Classification Of Pipelines Design-Issues of pipelining-Multiprocessing- Functional structures-Interconnection network-interleaved memory organization-Instruction level parallelism-Processor Examples-Vector processors- CISC versus RISC. Tutorial 15 Total 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. J.L.Hennessy & D.A.Patterson , "Computer Architecture - A Quantitative

Approach"-, 2nd Edition,1996. 2. Kai Hwang, Faye A.Briggs, "Computer Architecture and Parallel

Processing",McGraw- Hill International Editions.

REFERENCES 1. V.Carl Hamacher, Zuonro.G.Vranesic, Safwatg.Zak, "Computer Organization" ,Fifth

Edition, McGraw-Hill.,1996 2. Vincent P.Heuring Harry F.Jordan ,"Computer Systems Design & Architecture" -

Addison - Wesley.,1999 3. John P.Hayes ,"Computer Architecture & Organization", III Edition, McGraw Hill

International Edition, 1998. 4. William Stallings , “Computer Organisation and Architecture – Designing for

Performance”, Prentice – Hall of India, 2000.


33 11 00 44 PPuurrppoossee TThhiiss ccoouurrssee wwiillll eennaabbllee ttoo lleeaarrnn tthhee ddeessiiggnn aassppeeccttss iinn ooppeerraattiinngg ssyysstteemmss LLeeaarrnniinngg OObbjjeeccttiivveess

•• LLeeaarrnniinngg tthhee ffuunnddaammeennttaallss ooff ooppeerraattiinngg ssyysstteemmss lliikkee LLiinnuuxx ,, ssoollaarriiss aanndd WWiinnddoowwss

•• To learn the processes and scheduling To learn the processes and scheduling•• To learn the File systems and memory management techniques To learn the File systems and memory management techniques

UUNNIITT –– II FFuunnddaammeennttaallss 99 NNeeeedd ffoorr aann OOSS –– RReessoouurrcceess –– FFuunnccttiioonnaalliittiieess –– MMuullttiipprrooggrraammmmiinngg –– MMuullttiitthhrreeaaddiinngg –– MMuullttii uusseerr –– MMuullttiipprroocceessssiinngg –– EEmmbbeeddddeedd OOSS –– RReeaall ttiimmee OOSS –– PPrroocceessssoorr ddeeppeennddeennccyy –– HHaarrddwwaarree –– FFiirrmmwwaarree –– HHaarrddwwaarree aabbssttrraaccttiioonn llaayyeerr –– KKeerrnneell –– SShheellll –– UUsseerr ssppaaccee –– KKeerrnneell ssppaaccee –– PPrriivviilleeggeess –– RRuunn lleevveellss –– SSeerrvviicceess –– DDaaeemmoonnss –– PPrroocceesssseess –– TThhrreeaaddss –– IInnttrroodduucciinngg OOSS:: LLiinnuuxx –– QQNNXX –– WWiinnddoowwss UUNNIITT –– IIII PPrroocceesssseess 99 PPrroocceessss ddeessccrriippttiioonn –– SSttaatteess –– CCoonnttrrooll –– PPCCBB –– AAddddrreessss ssppaaccee –– IInntteell AAddddrreessss TTrraannssllaattiioonn –– MMoottoorroollaa AAddddrreessssiinngg –– TThhrreeaaddss –– SSMMPP –– MMiiccrroo,, NNaannoo,, PPiiccoo KKeerrnneellss –– WWiinnNNTT TThhrreeaadd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt –– CCoonnccuurrrreennccyy:: PPrriinncciipplleess –– MMuuttuuaall EExxcclluussiioonn –– SSeemmaapphhoorreess –– MMoonniittoorrss –– MMeessssaaggee PPaassssiinngg –– DDeeaaddlloocckk –– AAllggoorriitthhmmss –– SSttaarrvvaattiioonn –– PPrreeeemmppttiioonn –– SSoollaarriiss SSyynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonn

UUNNIITT –– IIIIII MMeemmoorryy 99 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss –– PPaarrttiittiioonniinngg –– PPaaggiinngg –– SSeeggmmeennttaattiioonn –– AAllllooccaattiioonn && DDee--aallllooccaattiioonn –– AAllggoorriitthhmmss –– DDyynnaammiicc rreellooccaattiioonn –– VViirrttuuaall mmeemmoorryy –– MMaappppiinngg –– TTLLBB –– PPaaggee ffaauullttss –– AAddddrreessss TTrraannssllaattiioonn –– PPrrootteeccttiioonn –– LLiinnuuxx kkccoorree –– WWiinnddoowwss wwiinn338866..sswwpp –– UUNNIIXX,, WWiinnNNTT MMeemmoorryy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

UUNNIITT –– IIVV SScchheedduulliinngg 99 UUnnii--pprroocceessssoorr sscchheedduulliinngg –– ttyyppeess –– AAllggoorriitthhmmss –– LLIINNUUXX,, WWiinnddoowwss SScchheedduulliinngg –– MMuullttiipprroocceessssoorr sscchheedduulliinngg aallggoorriitthhmmss –– RReeaall ttiimmee sscchheedduulliinngg –– PPrriioorriittiieess –– IInntteerrrruuppttss ––

SSeerrvviicceess –– PPrreeeemmppttiioonn –– QQuueeuuiinngg aannaallyyssiiss –– DDiissttrriibbuutteedd SSyysstteemmss:: MMeessssaaggee ppaassssiinngg –– RRPPCC –– CClluusstteerrss ––WWiinnddoowwss NNTT WWoollffppaacckk

UUNNIITT –– VV II//OO aanndd FFiillee SSyysstteemm 99 DDeevviicceess –– II//OO ffuunnccttiioonnss –– DDeevviiccee ddrriivveerrss –– BBuuffffeerriinngg –– DDiisskk sscchheedduulliinngg –– CCaacchhiinngg –– RRAAIIDD –– LLiinnuuxx,, WWiinnNNTT II//OO –– FFiillee SSyysstteemm:: FFiillee oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn –– DDiirreeccttoorriieess –– SShhaarriinngg –– RReeccoorrdd lloocckkiinngg –– UUNNIIXX FFiillee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt –– ii--nnooddeess –– SSuuppeerr bblloocckk –– NNTTFFSS –– AAcccceessss rriigghhttss –– FFAATT,, FFAATT3322 –– EEXXTT22 –– JJoouurrnnaalliinngg FFSS –– AAttoommiicciittyy

TTuuttoorriiaall 1155 TToottaall 6600

TTEEXXTT BBOOOOKKSS 11.. WWiilllliiaamm SSttaalllliinnggss ,,””OOppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteemmss:: IInntteerrnnaallss && DDeessiiggnn PPrriinncciipplleess,, 33rrdd EEddiittiioonn 2.2. Andrew Tanenbaum , Albert Woodhull – Operating System: Design and

Implementation, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education , 2002 Andrew Tanenbaum , Albert Woodhull – Operating System: Design andImplementation, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education , 2002


11.. TTaanneennbbaauumm,, ““MMooddeerrnn OOppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteemmss””,, PPHHII ,, 9988 2.2. M J Bach – Design of the UNIX Operating System,1986 M J Bach – Design of the UNIX Operating System,19863.3. H.M. Dietel, “ Operating Systems”,2nd Ed. , Addison Wesley 1990 H.M. Dietel, “ Operating Systems”,2nd Ed. , Addison Wesley 19904.4. Gary Nutt – Operating System: A Modern Perspective – 2nd Edition,2000 Gary Nutt – Operating System: A Modern Perspective – 2nd Edition,20005.5. Silberschatz , Galvin, GAGNE “Operating System Concepts” , Sixth edition,

John wile & Sons, INC, 2002. Silberschatz , Galvin, GAGNE “Operating System Concepts” , Sixth edition,



(Common to CSE and Software Engg.) PPuurrppoossee TToo ssttuuddyy tthhee aaddvvaanncceedd rreepprreesseennttaattiioonnss iinn DDaattaa ssttrruuccttuurreess aanndd aallggoorriitthhmm aannaallyyssiiss LLeeaarrnniinngg OObbjjeeccttiivveess

•• TToo lleeaarrnn aabboouutt LLiinneeaarr aanndd NNoonn lliinneeaarr ddaattaa ssttrruuccttuurreess •• To learn the representations and notations used in data structures To learn the representations and notations used in data structures•• To learn the various analysis of algorithms To learn the various analysis of algorithms•• Study of memory management schemes Study of memory management schemes

UUNNIITT –– II IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 99 AAbbssttrraacctt DDaattaa TTyyppeess -- TTiimmee aanndd SSppaaccee AAnnaallyyssiiss ooff AAllggoorriitthhmmss -- BBiigg OOhh aanndd TThheettaa NNoottaattiioonnss -- AAvveerraaggee,, bbeesstt aanndd wwoorrsstt ccaassee aannaallyyssiiss -- SSiimmppllee rreeccuurrrreennccee rreellaattiioonnss aanndd uussee iinn aallggoorriitthhmm aannaallyyssiiss –– MMaappppiinnggss UUNNIITT –– IIII LLiinneeaarr DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess 99 AArrrraayyss,, LLiissttss,, SSttaacckkss,, QQuueeuueess

AArrrraayy aanndd LLiinnkkeedd SSttrruuccttuurree IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff LLiissttss,, SSttaacckkss aanndd QQuueeuueess -- AApppplliiccaattiioonnss -- AArrrraayy ooff NNooddeess aanndd DDyynnaammiicc PPooiinntteerr IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff LLiinnkkeedd SSttrruuccttuurreess -- CCuurrssoorrss –– SSeettss,, AApppplliiccaattiioonnss ooff lliinneeaarr ddaattaa ssttrruuccttuurreess.. UUNNIITT –– IIIIII NNoonn--LLiinneeaarr DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess 99 TTrreeeess -- BBiinnaarryy ttrreeeess -- SSeeaarrcchh ttrreeeess -- BBaallaanncceedd ttrreeeess -- AAddvvaanncceedd ttrreeee ssttrruuccttuurreess -- BB ttrreeeess -- AAVVLL ttrreeeess,, 22--33 ttrreeeess,, SSppllaayy ttrreeeess –– aapppplliiccaattiioonnss ooff ttrreeeess -- GGrraapphhss -- DDiirreecctteedd -- SShhoorrtteesstt ppaatthh -- UUnnddiirreecctteedd ggrraapphh -- MMiinniimmaall ssppaannnniinngg ttrreeee -- TTrreeee ttrraavveerrssaallss -- AArrttiiccuullaattiioonn ppooiinnttss aanndd bbiiccoonnnneecctteedd ccoommppoonneennttss -- AAddvvaanncceedd DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess -- PPrriioorriittyy QQuueeuueess -- HHaasshhiinngg –– DDiiccttiioonnaarryy -- AApppplliiccaattiioonnss ooff GGrraapphhss.. UUNNIITT –– IIVV AAllggoorriitthhmm AAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd DDeessiiggnn 99 AAllggoorriitthhmmss AAnnaallyyssiiss -- SSoorrttiinngg -- SSeeaarrcchhiinngg -- DDeessiiggnn TTeecchhnniiqquueess -- GGrreeeeddyy MMeetthhooddss -- DDyynnaammiicc PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg -- DDiivviiddee aanndd CCoonnqquuoorr -- BBaacckk TTrraacckkiinngg --AApplliiccaattiioonnss

UUNNIITT –– VV MMeemmoorryy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt 99 IIssssuueess -- GGaarrbbaaggee CCoolllleeccttiioonn -- SSttoorraaggee AAllllooccaattiioonn -- CCoommppaaccttiioonn -- BBuuddddyy SSyysstteemm -- MMeemmoorryy LLeeaakkaaggee && IIssssuueess iinn iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonnss.. PPrraaccttiiccaallss 3300

TToottaall 7755 TTEEXXTT BBOOOOKKSS 11.. AAllffrreedd ..VV.. AAhhoo,, JJoohhnn ..EE.. HHooppccrroofftt,, JJeeffffrreeyy ..DD.. UUllllmmaann,, ""DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess aanndd

AAllggoorriitthhmmss"",, AAddddiissoonn--WWeesslleeyy PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss..,,11998855 22.. MMaarrkk AAlllleenn WWeeiissss,, ""DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess aanndd AAllggoorriitthhmm AAnnaallyyssiiss iinn CC"",, SSeeccoonndd

EEddiittiioonn,, PPeeaarrssoonn EEdduuccaattiioonn,, AAssiiaa..11999944 RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS 11.. JJeeaann--PPaauull TTrreemmbbllaayy,, PPaauull ..GG.. SSoorreennssoonn,, ""AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess wwiitthh

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss"",, TTaattaa MMcc GGrraaww HHiillll sseeccoonndd eeddiittiioonn ,, 11999911.. 22.. TThhoommaass ..HH.. CCoorrmmeenn,, CChhaarrlleess ..EE.. LLeeiisseerrssoonn,, RRoonnaalldd ..LL.. RRiivveesstt,, ""IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo

AAllggoorriitthhmmss"",, PPHHII 11999988.. 33.. EElllliiss HHoorroowwiittzz,, SSaarrttaajj SSaahhnnii,, SSoonngguutthheevvaann RRaajjaasseekkaarraann,, ""FFuunnddaammeennttaallss ooff

CCoommppuutteerr aallggoorriitthhmmss"",, GGaallggoottiiaall PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss PPvvtt.. LLttdd,, 11999999..


3 0 0 3 PPuurrppoossee TToo lleeaarrnn tthhee ssooffttwwaarree eennggiinnnneerriinngg pprriinncciipplleess aanndd mmeetthhooddoollooggiieess ffoorr eeffffeeccttiivvee ssooffttwwaarree ddeevveellooppmmeenntt IInnssttrruuccttiioonnaall OObbjjeeccttiivveess

•• TToo lleeaarrnn aabboouutt ssooffttwwaarree pprroottoottyyppiinngg,, aannaallyyssiiss aanndd ddeessiiggnn •• TToo lleeaarrnn tthhee uusseerr iinntteerrffaaccee ddeessiiggnn aanndd qquuaalliittyy aassssuurraannccee •• Learning the software testing methods Learning the software testing methods

UUNIT – I Introduction 8 NIT – I Introduction 8SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg PPaarraaddiiggmmss -- SSooffttwwaarree DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPrroocceessss MMooddeellss -- FFoouurrtthh GGeenneerraattiioonn TTeecchhnniiqquueess -- PPrroojjeecctt aanndd PPrroocceessss -- PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt -- PPrroocceessss aanndd PPrroojjeecctt MMeettrriiccss.. UUNNIITT –– IIII PPllaannnniinngg && SScchheedduulliinngg 99 SSooffttwwaarree PPrroottoottyyppiinngg -- SSooffttwwaarree PPrroojjeecctt PPllaannnniinngg -- SSccooppee -- RReessoouurrcceess -- SSooffttwwaarree EEssttiimmaattiioonn -- EEmmppiirriiccaall EEssttiimmaattiioonn MMooddeellss -- PPllaannnniinngg --RRiisskk MMaannaaggeemmeenntt -- SSooffttwwaarree PPrroojjeecctt SScchheedduulliinngg -- SSooffttwwaarree RRee--eennggiinneeeerriinngg.. UUNNIITT –– IIIIII AAnnaallyyssiiss && DDeessiiggnn 99 AAnnaallyyssiiss MMooddeelliinngg -- SSttrruuccttuurreedd AAnnaallyyssiiss -- FFuunnccttiioonnaall MMooddeelliinngg aanndd IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn FFllooww -- DDaattaa DDiiccttiioonnaarryy -- SSooffttwwaarree DDeessiiggnn -- DDeessiiggnn PPrriinncciipplleess aanndd CCoonncceeppttss -- EEffffeeccttiivvee MMoodduullaarr DDeessiiggnn -- AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall DDeessiiggnn aanndd PPrroocceedduurraall DDeessiiggnn -- DDaattaa FFllooww OOrriieenntteedd DDeessiiggnn.. UUNNIITT –– IIVV HHuummaann CCoommppuutteerr IInntteerraaccttiioonn 99 UUsseerr IInntteerrffaaccee DDeessiiggnn -- HHuummaann FFaaccttoorrss -- HHuummaann -- CCoommppuutteerr IInntteerrffaaccee DDeessiiggnn -- RReeaall TTiimmee SSyysstteemm DDeessiiggnn -- SSyysstteemm PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg LLaanngguuaaggeess aanndd CCooddiinngg -- LLaanngguuaaggee CCllaasssseess -- CCooddee DDooccuummeennttaaiioonn -- CCooddee EEffffiicciieennccyy.. UUNNIITT –– VV SSQQAA aanndd SSooffttwwaarree TTeessttiinngg 1100 SSooffttwwaarree QQuuaalliittyy AAssssuurraannccee -- QQuuaalliittyy MMeettrriiccss -- SSooffttwwaarree TTeessttiinngg MMeetthhooddss -- WWhhiittee BBooxx TTeessttiinngg -- PPaatthh TTeessttiinngg -- CCoonnttrrooll SSttrruuccttuurree TTeessttiinngg -- BBllaacckk BBooxx TTeessttiinngg -- IInntteeggrraattiioonn,, VVaalliiddaattiioonn aanndd SSyysstteemm TTeessttiinngg -- SSooffttwwaarree MMaaiinntteennaannccee -- RReevveerrssee EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg aanndd RRee--EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg -- DDeessiiggnn TToooollss -- PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg TToooollss -- IInntteeggrraattiioonn TTeessttiinngg TToooollss.. TToottaall 4455 TTEEXXTT BBOOOOKKSS 11.. RRooggeerr ..SS.. PPrreessssmmaann,, ““SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg,, AA pprraaccttiittiioonneerr''ss AApppprrooaacchh”” 55hhtt

EEddiittiioonn,, MMcc GGrraaww HHiillll,, 11999999.. 22.. IIaann SSoommmmeerrvviillllee,, ““SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg””,, VV EEddiittiioonn,, AAddddiissiioonn--WWeesslleeyy,, 11999966.. RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS 11.. PPaannkkaajj JJaalloottee,, ""AAnn IInntteeggrraatteedd AApppprrooaacchh ttoo SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg"",, NNaarroossaa PPuubblliisshhiinngg HHoouussee..,,22000011

22.. CCaarrlloo GGhheezzzzii .. MMeehhddii JJaazzaayyeerrii .. DDiinnoo MMaannddrriioollii,, ""FFuunnddaammeennttaallss ooff SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg"",, PPrreennttiiccee HHaallll ooff IInnddiiaa..,,11999911

33.. PPfflleeeeddggeerr ..SS..LL,, ""SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg :: TThhee PPrroodduuccttiioonn ooff QQuuaalliittyy SSooffttwwaarree"",, SSeeccoonndd EEddiittiioonn MMaaccmmiillllaann PPuubblliisshhiinngg CCoommppaannyy..,,11999999

44.. FFaaiirrlleeyy,, ““SSooffttwwaarree EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg CCoonncceeppttss””,, MMccGGrraaww HHiillll,, 11998855 CS511 COMPUTER LAB- I L T P C

0 0 3 2 PPuurrppoossee TThhiiss llaabboorraattoorryy ccoouurrssee ggiivveess aa ccoommpplleettee uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff tthhee tthheeoorryy ccoonncceeppttss iinn DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess aanndd iittss aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. IItt aallssoo ggiivveess aa ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff tthhee vvaarriioouuss aallggoorriitthhmmss uusseedd iinn ssoollvviinngg pprroobblleemmss IInnssttrruuccttiioonnaall OObbjjeeccttiivveess

•• IImmpplleemmeennttiinngg SSttaacckk,, QQuueeuuee ,, LLiinnkkeedd LLiisstt ,, BBiinnaarryy ttrreeee •• SSoorrttiinngg aanndd SSeeaarrcchhiinngg TTeecchhnniiqquueess •• Dynamic Programming , Greedy methods & Traversals Dynamic Programming , Greedy methods & Traversals

LILIST OF EXPERIMENTS ST OF EXPERIMENTS CCYYCCLLEE-- II (( 2244 )) 11.. SSttaacckk iimmpplleemmeennttiioonnss uussiinngg aarrrraayyss aanndd ppooiinntteerrss

–– CCrreeaattiioonn ,, IInnsseerrttiioonn ,, DDeelleettiioonn wwiitthh ccoonnddiittiioonnss 33 –– Queue implementions using arrays and pointers Queue implementions using arrays and pointers–– Creation , Insertion , Deletion with conditions 3 Creation , Insertion , Deletion with conditions 3–– Singly Linked Lists and Circular Linked List implementations 6 Singly Linked Lists and Circular Linked List implementations 6

-- Creation, Insertion and Deletion Creation, Insertion and Deletion22. Doubly Linked Lists implementations 3 . Doubly Linked Lists implementations 3

- C- Creation, Insertion and Deletion reation, Insertion and Deletion33. Binary tree - Implementations and traversals. 3 . Binary tree - Implementations and traversals. 34.4. Bubble Sorting , Insertion Sorting , Selection Sorting 3 Bubble Sorting , Insertion Sorting , Selection Sorting 35.5. Linear and Binary Searching 3 Linear and Binary Searching 3 CYCYCLE – II ( 15 ) CLE – II ( 15 ) 66.. SSppaarrssee MMaattrriixx mmuullttiipplliiccaattiioonn uussiinngg aarrrrrraayyss 33 77.. DDeepptthh FFiirrsstt SSeeaarrcchh ((DDFFSS)) aanndd BBrreeaaddtthh FFiirrsstt SSeeaarrcchh ((BBFFSS)) iinn GGrraapphhss 33 8.8. Minimum Cost Spanning Trees 3 Minimum Cost Spanning Trees 39.9. Dynamic Programming - Travelling Salesman Problem 3 Dynamic Programming - Travelling Salesman Problem 31010. Greedy Method – Implementation of Knapsack Problem 3 . Greedy Method – Implementation of Knapsack Problem 3

TTest ( Midterm and Model Exam) 6 est ( Midterm and Model Exam) 6RReeff:: LLaabboorraattoorryy MMaannuuaall TToottaall :: 4455


Purpose This course will provide a comprehensive study of Relational, Distributed and Advanced Database technologies Instructional Objectives

• To learn about ER diagrams, their representation in RDBMS • To learn the various storage structures for Database • To study Distributed and Parallel databases • To learn about Object Oriented databases and Web DB’s

UNIT – I Database Concepts 9 Introduction- Overview of file systems and database systems-Software architecture of a typical DBMS-Data Models,Schemas and Instances- ER and EER diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams. Database administration and control

UNIT – II Relational Concepts 9 Introduction to Relational Model, Relational Algebra, Commercial query languages-Case studies-Normalisation Techniques.

UNIT – III Database storage and system design 9 Storage Structures, Indexing and multi dimensional indexes, Query Processing Algorithms, External Sorting, Query Optimization- Heuristic based optimization- cost based optimization, Buffer Management, Concurrency Control, Recovery.

UNIT – IV Distrubuted databases 9 Distributed Databases: Query processing, semi-joins, query optimization, distributed and client/server architecture-distributed transactions – Locking and commit protocols-Concurrency control, transaction and recovery Heterogeneity issues

Parallel databases - Parallel Architectures, performance measures, shared nothing/shared disk/shared memory based architectures

UNIT – V Advanced database systems 9 Semi-structured and Web databases - The World Wide Web- HTML- Architecture -XML, XML/QL - Database Connectivity OODBMS - ORDBMS- Deductive databases- data mining and warehousing-temporal and spatial databases-mobile databases. Total 45 TEXT BOOKS

1. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley,2000

2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry. F. Korth, S.Sudharsan, “Database System Concepts”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002

REFERENCES 1. Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter, “Transaction Processing : Concepts and

Techniques”, Moragan Kauffman Publishers, 1993. 2. W. Kim., “Introduction to Object Oriented Databases “, MIT Press, 1992. 3. Stefano Ceri & Giuesppe Pelagatti, “Distributed Databases - Principles and

Systems”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1987. CS504 COMPUTER NETWORKING L T P C

3 1 0 4 (Common to CSE and Software Engineering) Purpose This course provides an understanding of the various layer in Computer Networking and its Protocol design Learning Objectives

• To study the various topologies, Physical and MAC layers • To learn the Transport ,Session and Presentation layers and its protocols • To learn the various applications of each layers

UNIT – I Fundamentals 9 Communication Architecture – Topology – LAN – WAN – MAN – Simplex – Duplex – Uni, Multi, Broadcasting – ISO-OSI Model – Layers and functionalities – Application layer: HTTP – SMTP – POP – IMAP – FTP – DNS – Commands & Responses – Telnet – Internetworking – ISP – Dial up connection – Leased lines – ISDN – VSAT – T1 Cable UNIT – II Physical Layer 9 Analog & Digital Data – Wired & Wireless Media – Impairments – Sampling theorem – Asynchronous & Synchronous Transmission – Multiplexing – Hubs – Data Link Layer: Framing – Stuffing – Configurations – Error control – Flow control – Error Detection & Correction Codes – Link Protocols – Switches UNIT – III MAC Layer 9 Medium access – Random access – MAC Addressing – ARP – Aloha – Slotted Aloha – CSMA/CD – Collision Avoidance – Performance equations – Network layer: Addressing – Switching – Routing – Algorithms – Virtual Circuits – Datagram – IP – X.25 – ATM – Introduction to MPLS – Bridges – Routers UNIT – IV Transport Layer 9 Connectionless & Connection Oriented Services – Port Number – Connection Setup, Release & Maintenance – TCP – UDP – SAP – Lightweight Protocols – Routing Protocols – Multimedia: Streaming Protocols – RTP – RTSP – VoIP – Video Conferencing UNIT – V Session Layer 9

Session Layer Services – Transport layer Multiplexing – Load Balancing – Presentation Layer: Concepts – ASN – Introduction to Security Protocols – SSL – IPSec – Introducing SNMP – High Speed Networks – ISDN Protocols – Broadband –Frame Relay Tutorial 15


1. William Stallings, “Data & Computer Communication” , PHI 2001 2. Andrew Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, 4th edition , PHI,2001


1. Douglas E. Comer,”InterNetworking with TCP/IP Vol I & II “ , PHI, 2003 2. Richard Stevens, “UNIX Network Programming Volume 1.2002 3. Kurose Rose ,”Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach toward the


3 0 0 3 Purpose This course gives a comprehensive idea about Object Oriented Analysis & Design with concepts of UML Instructional Objectives

• To learn the fundamentals of OOSD , Analysis models • UML Diagrams and notations • To learn the various OO Design models and testing Objects • Case studies in OOSD

UNIT – I Object Oriented Architecture 9 System Development Model Architecture, Requirement Model, Analysis Model, Design Model, Implementation Model, Test Model, Requirement Model, Design Model. UNIT – II Object Oriented Analysis 9 OMT Methodology, Structured Analysis/Structured Design, Jackson Structured Development, Object Oriented Analysis (OOA/Coad- Yourdon), Booch , Shaler / Mellor, Rumbaugh , Hierarchical Object Oriented Design (HOOD). UNIT – III UML 9 UML Diagrams - Notation and Data Models, Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition, Use Case - Class Diagrams , Links , Associations, Aggregation , Attributes, Operations, Generalization, Constraints Rules, Abstract class , Meta data , Object Diagram , Interaction Diagram , Module Diagram, Process Diagram UNIT – IV Object Oriented Design 8

Object Type, Attribute Type, Relationship Type, Object Behavioral Approach, Booch Methodology, Chen and Chen Methodology, Design Modeling, System Design Life Cycle, Model Type, Iteration Hierarchy, Packaging strategy, Checkpointing Strategy. Design patterns and Frameworks UNIT – V Case Studies 9 Telecom and ATM, Design of foundation class libraries , OODBMS , Managing the Object Oriented Systems Total 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented System Development”, Mc Graw Hill International Edition, 1999. 2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Addison - Wesley Longman, 1999. REFERENCES 1 Craig Larman, “ Applying UML and patterns” , Addison Wesley, 2000. 2. Erich Gamna, “Design Patterns”, Addision Wesley, 1994. CS508 ADVANCED SYSTEM SOFTWARE L T P C

3 0 2 4 Purpose To learn the Design aspects of a Compiler Instructional Objectives

• To study the features of various phases in the design of a compiler • To learn the various techniques for design of a translator • To learn how to optimize and effectively generate machine codes

UNIT – I Introduction 6 Basic concepts – Programming languages , Grammar – Language - Parts of a compiler - Compiler construction tools, Bootstrapping UNIT-II Lexical Analyzer 10 Role of a lexical analyzer - Specification and recognition of tokens - Finite automata - Regular expression to finite automation – Minimization of DFA , Use of a tool for generating lexical analyzer. LEX language specifications and representations UNIT-III Syntax Analyzer 9 Role of a parser - Context-free grammars - Top-down parsing – Left Recursion , Recursive Descent, Predictive Parsing, Bottom-up parsing – Shift Reduce, Operator Precedence, FIRST, FOLLOW, LR Parsers, LR(0) items , Use of a tool to generate parsers, error recovery in various parsing methods- Yacc specification. UNIT- IV Intermediate Code Generation 10

Intermediate languages - Declaration - Assignment statements - Boolean expressions - Flow control statements – CASE statements , Back patching, Symbol tables, Data structures in symbol tables UNIT-V Code Generation 10 Introduction to optimization techniques – Loop optimization , DAG , Data flow analysis , Issues in the design of a code generator , Design of a simple Code Generator , Peephole optimization, Run-time storage management. Practicals 30


1. A.V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, J.D. Ullman, “Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1988.

2. Allen I. Holub,”Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hall of India, 1993. REFERENCES

1. A.V.Aho , J.D.Ullman , “ Principles of Compiler Design” , Narosa Publishing,1985

2. Fischer Leblanc, “Crafting a Compiler”, Benjamin Cummings, Menlo Park, 1988.

3. Tremblay, “Compiler Writing” , McGraw Hill,1985 4. D.M.Dhamdhere , “Compiler Construction Principles and Practice” , Macmillan

India 1995 CS514 COMPUTER LAB – II L T P C

0 0 3 2 Purpose This laboratory course will provide a better understanding of the implantations of various algorithms and methods in the Design of Compilers Instructional Objectives

• Conversions from Regular Expressions • Lexical Analyzer implementation • Implementation of Syntax analyzer Techniques

• Implementing Intermediate Code Generator and Code optimization techniques List of Experiments 1. Program to convert a Regular Expression to DFA 3 2. Program to develop an Lexical Analyzer for recognizing few patterns in C language (Ex: identifiers, constants, comments, operators, etc.,). 6 3. Program to parse using Brute force technique 6 4. Program to develop an LL(1) parser. 6 5. Program to develop an operator precedence parser 6 6. Program to develop a recursive descent parser 6

7. Program for generating various intermediate code forms like 6 Three address code and Polish notation Tests ( Midterm and Model Exam ) 6 Ref: Laboratory Manual Total 45 ELECTIVE – I L T P C

3 0 0 3

One Elective paper should be chosen from the list of subject codes given below CS552 , CS554 , CS556 , CS558 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CS512 SEMINAR L T P C

0 0 2 1 Students shall be encouraged to choose any latest research topics related to their specialization and present them in the seminar hours. The seminar shall be evaluated to 100 marks (Internal) by the co-ordinator and subsequent credit may be given on satisfactory completion of the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3 1 0 4 PURPOSE To learn the standards and issues in Wireless and Mobile Computing INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• To study the standards of Wireless LAN , Sensor and ADHOC networks • To learn about Mobile nodes and IP • To study the latest protocols and applications of wireless and Mobile standards

UNIT – I WIRELESS TRANSMISSION FUNDAMENTALS 9 Introduction to wireless transmission –signal propagation –Multiplexing-Modulation-Spread Spectrum-Fading-Coding and Error control.


Tele communication systems- GSM-DECT and TETRA.

Satellite Systems- Routing, Localization and hand over.

UNIT – III WIRELESS LANS 9 Wireless LAN Technology-IEEE 802.11 Standards-HIPER LAN and Bluetooth-Role of Wireless local loops..


WATM Services-Reference Model-Handover-Location Management- Mobile QOS-Access Point Control Protocol., Mobile IP-DHCP- Adhoc Networks.

UNIT – V MOBILE TRANSPORT LAYER AND SUPPORT FOR MOBILITY 9 Mobile transport layer – Traditional TCP-Indirect Snooping-Mobile TCP -Support for Mobility-WWW-Wireless Application Protocol. Tutorial 15

Total 60

TEXT BOOK 1. J.Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addition Wesley, 2000

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Williams Stallings, “Wireless Communication and Networks”, Pearson Education. 2. Raj Pandya,” Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services”, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 3. Uwe Hansmann, Lother Merk, Martin Nicklous, Thomas Stober, “ Principles of

Mobile Computing” , Springer International Edition, 2nd edition , 2003


3 0 0 3 ELECTIVE – III L T P C

3 0 0 3 ELECTIVE – IV L T P C

3 0 0 3 Electives should be chosen from the list of subject codes given below CS651 , CS653 , CS655 , CS657 , CS659 , CS661 , CS663 , CS665 , CS667 or CS669 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS611 PROJECT PHASE – I L T P C

0 0 12 6 CS612 PROJECT PHASE - II L T P C

0 0 24 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3 0 0 3 PURPOSE This course deals with the Parallel Organization, pipeline processing and problem solving In those architectures INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Parallel Organization and Pipeline Processing • Problem solving in parallel systems • Synchronous parallel processing

UNIT – I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction – Need for Parallel computers – Computer organization for parallel computing – Communication and Computer networks – Operating System for parallel computing – Granularity of parallelism – Parallel programming languages – Features of parallel computers. UNIT – II COMPUTER ORGANISATION FOR PARALLEL COMPUTERS 9 Parallel architectures – Pipeline architectures – Synchronous Multiprocessors – Asynchronous Multiprocessors – Data flow computers – Systolic Architectures – Neural Networks – Architectural classification schemes – Performance of parallel computing – Amdahl’s Law – Minskys conjecture – Parallel algorithms – Generalized structure of a parallel computer. UNIT – III – SOLVING PROBLEMS IN PARALLEL 9 Utilizing temporal parallelism – Utilizing Data Parallelism – Comparison of Temporal and Data Parallel processing – Data Parallel processing with specialized processors – Inter task dependency – Programming message passing Multicomputers – Programming a shared memory parallel computer – Programming vector computers. UNIT – IV - PIPELINE PROCESS 9 Introduction – steady state analysis of pipelines-Arithmetic pipelines – pipelined Instruction processing – Pipeline stage design – Interlocks – Data Driven Execution through Internal forwarding – Memory systems used in Pipeline scheduling theory. UNIT – V - SYNCHRONOUS PARALLEL PROCESSING 9 Introduction – Example SIMD Architecture and programming principles – SIMD parallel algorithms – Data Mapping and Memory in Array Processors – Case studies of SIMD parallel processors – Interconnection networks:- Introduction to permutations – Elementary permutations used in Interconnection networks – Network classification – Complete networks – Commonly used Interconnection Networks. Total 45


1. Moreshwar R.Bhujade, “Parallel Computing” New Age International publishers. 2. V.Rajaraman, “Elements of Parallel computing”, PHI.


1. Joel M.Grichlow, “An Introduction to Distributed and parallel computing”, Prentice Hall.


3 0 0 3 (Common to CSE and Software Engineering) PURPOSE This course enable us to understand the concept of Component and its representation in languages and packages INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Fundamentals of Component Based Development • CORBA and COM technologies and its models • Implementation issues

UNIT – I INTRODUCTION 9 What is CDB?-Industrialization of software development, CBD drivers and benefits, technology evolution, components and network computing. UNIT – II FUNDAMENTALS 9 Basic concepts of CBD, Scenarios of CBD, evolution or revolution?, build, find and use components and objects. UNIT – III MODELS 9 Basic concepts of object models Components and interfaces, working with interfaces, component and interface modeling, describing classes, patterns and frameworks, Categorizing & deploying components. UNIT – IV CORBA 9 Introduction, Interface Definition Language, The CORBA 2 Standard, CORBA services, CORBA facilities and CORBA domains, Relationships with other technologies, The CORBA Migration Process, CORBA Migration Case Study. UNIT- V COM 9 Components, The Interface, QueryInterface, Reference counting, Dynamic Linking, HRESULTs, GUIDs, the Registry, The Class Factory, Component Reuse: Containment

and Aggregation, Client and Server side simplifications, Servers in EXEs, Dispatch Interfaces and Automation, Multiple Threads. Total 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Kuth Short, “Component Based Development and Object Modeling”, Sterling Software, 1997. 2. Clemens Szyperski, “Component Software – Beyond object oriented programming”, Addison – Wesley, 1998. REFERENCES 1 .Thomas J..Mowbray, William A.Ruh, “Inside CORBA Distributed Object Standards and Applications”, Addison – Wesley, 2001. 2. Dale Rojerson, “Inside COM”, Microsoft Press, 2001. 3. Andreas Vogel, Keith Duddy “Java Programming with CORBA” John Wiley & Sons. 1998. CS556 SOFT COMPUTING L T P C

3 0 0 3 PURPOSE This course provides a way to understand the concepts of Artificial Intelligence , ANN , Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy systems and its applications INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Basics of AI and ANN • Neuro fuzzy systems and its applications • Genetics algorithms and its applications

UNIT-I ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 9 Some Applications of AI-Production Systems and AI-Different types of Production Systems-Search Strategies for AI-Backtracking-Graph-search, Ununiformed and Heuristic Graph-Search Procedures-Related Algorithms-Applications. UNIT-II INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL COMPUTING 9 Differences between Human Brain and ANN - Knowledge Based Information Processing-Neural Information Processing - Hybrid Intelligence - Basic Concepts of Neural Networks - Inference and Learning - Classification, Association, Optimization and Self-Organization Models-Learning-Supervised And Unsupervised. UNIT-III FUZZY SYSTEMS 9

Crisp sets and Fuzzy sets-Notion of Fuzzy Sets - Basic Concepts - Operations on Fuzzy sets-Uncertainty and Information – Types of Uncertainty –Principles of Uncertainty and Information -Applications UNIT-IV NEURO-FUZZY SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to Neuro - Fuzzy Systems -Fuzzy System Design Procedures – Fuzzy Sets and Logic Background - Fuzzy / ANN Design and Implementation UNIT-V GENETIC ALGORITHMS 9 Introduction-Robustness of Traditional Optimization and Search Techniques-The goals of optimization-Computer Implementation-Applications

Total 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Limin Fu , “Neural Network in computer intelligence”, McGraw-Hill

International Editions,1994. 2. Timoothy J. Ross , “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”,

McGraw-Hill International Editions,1997 REFERENCES 1. -Nils J.Nilsson ,“Principles of Artificial Intelligence”, Narosa Publishing

House.,1980 2. Elaine Rich and Kelvin knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill

Edition.1991 3. David E. Goldberg , “Genetic Algorithms-In Search, optimization and

Machine Learning”, Pearson Education. 4. George.J.Klin / Bo Yuan , “Fuzzy Systems & Fuzzy Logic – Theory and

Applications” , Prentice, Hall of India,1995. CS558 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING L T P C

3 0 0 3

PURPOSE This course provides an in-depth knowledge on Distributed systems and their applications in real time systems


• Design issues in Distributed systems • RPC model, synchronization • Distributed File systems and Databases

UNIT- I HARDWARE CONCEPTS 9 Introduction to distributed computing system – Evolution – Different models – Issues in design- Broad band transmission facilities – Connectivity – Local area network – wide area network - Open interconnection standards – Time distributed systems – Cluster computers.

UNIT -II SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES 9 Client -Server architectures – Design methodology – Implementation – Intranets and groupware – RPC model – Stub generation – Communication protocols for RPC- Exception handling – security – special types of RPC – Open systems – Concepts and reality.


SYSTEM ISSUES 9 Distributed Operating systems – Inter process communication – Mutual exclusion – Election algorithms – Atomic transactions- Deadlock distributed system – Threads – Implementation – processor allocation –General architecture of DSM systems – Design and implementation issues of DSM –Clock synchronization. UNIT–IV DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING ASPECTS 9 Theoretical foundations – logical clocks- Vector clocks – Global state – termination – Correctness – Consensus Algorithms – Byzantine agreement – agreement protocols – Interactive consistency. UNIT –V DISTRIBUTED DATA BASE 9 Distributed DBMS architecture – Distributed database design – Query processing – Distributed catalog management – transaction management – Concurrency control- Recovery – Data warehousing – Mobile data base.- object –oriented data base

                               Total  45   TEXT BOOKS

1. Sape Mullender , “Distributed systems”, Addison – Wesley ,1993 2. Tannenbaum , “Distributed Operating systems”, Prentice hall.,1991

REFERENCES 1. G.R.Andrews, “Distributed systems”.,2000 2. Pradeep K. Sinha, “Distributed operating system “– PHI,1991 3. Mukesh Singal and Shivaratu N.G., “Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems”,

McGraw Hill, Newyork 1994. 4. George Coulouris , Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg , “ Distributed Systems ,

Concepts and Design” , 2nd edition , Pearson Education, 2000 5. Albert Fleishman, “Distributed Systems – Software design and implementation“,

Springer – Verlag, 1994.


CS651 NEURAL NETWORKS L T P C 3 0 0 3 PURPOSE To study the Artificial Neural Networks and its applications in computer field INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• To learn the basics of ANN and comparing with Human brain • To learn the various architectures of building an ANN and its applications • To learn the pattern classification techniques , advanced methods of

representing information in ANN

UNIT—I INTRODUCTIONTO ANS TECHNOLOGY 9 Elementary Neurophysiology—From Neuron to ANS—ANS Simulation Adaline and Madaline - review of Signal Processing - Adaline and Adaptive Linear Combiner—Applications of Adaptive Signal Processing—The Madaline—Simulating the Adaline. UNIT—II BACK PROPAGATION 9 Back Propagation Network—The Generalized Delta Rule—Practical Considerations—Applications—The Back Propagation Simulator— BAM and Hopfield Memory—simulating the BAM. UNIT—III SIMULATED ANNEALING 9 Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics—The Boltzmann Machine –Simulation using Boltzmann Simulator - The Counter Propagation Network: CPN Building Blocks—CPN Data Processing—The CPN simulator—An Image Classification Example. UNIT—IV SELF—ORGANIZING MAP 9 SOM Data Processing—Applications of Self—Organizing Maps—Simulating the SOM. Adaptive Resonance Theory : ART Network Description—ART1—ART2 - ART1 and ART2 Simulator. UNIT—V SPATIOTEMPORAL PATTERN CLASSIFICATION 9 Formal Avalanche—Architecture of Spatiotemporal Networks—STN Simulation & Applications of STNS. The Neocognitron: Neocognitron Architecture—Neocognitron in Data Processing—Performance—Addition of Lateral Inhibition -- Feed Back to Neocognitron. Total 45 TEXT BOOK 1. James. A.Freeman and David.M.Skapura, "Neural Networks Algorithms,

Applications and Programming Techniques " ,Pearson Education , 2002.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. B.Yegnanarayana, "Artificial Neural Networks",Prentice - Hall, of India, 2001. 2. J.M.Zurada, " Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks “, Jaico Publishing

House.,1997 3. M.H.Hassoun, "Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks",Prentice-Hall of

India.,1998 4. Simon Haykin, "Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation’,Pearson

Education - 2001


3 0 0 3           PURPOSE This course enable us to understand the concepts of peripheral devices and maintenance of computer systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Computer peripherals and their interfacing • 8088 and its operation, motherboard and its fabrication parts • Installation and maintenance of systems

UNIT­I    INTRODUCTION              9 Microcomputer system-peripheral devices-keyboard-CRT Display--Printer-Floppy Disk Drive—Hard Disk Drive—Mouse –Modem—CD ROM Drive—Scanner—Digital Camera—Special Peripherals—PC Hardware overview—Hardware—Bios—Dos Interaction—PC Family—PC Hardware—Inside the system box –memory space –IO port addresses –Post Sequence. UNIT-II HARDWARE COMPONENTS 9 Combinational and Sequential Circuits—Memory types—Microprocessors in PC—Intel 8088—Internal Organization—Bus cycle—8088 Operation-I/O addressing—Interrupt Handling –Coprocessor—Support Chips in Motherboard—Dumb and Smart Chips—Clock generator 8284—Bus Controller—Interrupt controller 8259—Programmable interval timer 8253 – Programmable peripheral Interface 8255—DMA Controller 8237—Overview of Pentium Microprocessors. UNIT-III MOTHERBOARD CIRCUITS 9 Buses—Local Bus, System Bus and I/O Bus--Motherboard Circuits-Motherboard functions-Reset Logic –CPU Nucleus logic-Wait state logic –Bus Arbitration logic –RAM logic –ROM logic –Time delay(TOD)Logic-Dynamic Memory refresh Logic –Speaker logic--keyboard interface –coprocessor unit-control bus logic-address bus logic –

data bus logic-I/O slot signals-new generation mother board-SMPS-Overview of Chip Sets and Pentium Motherboard. UNIT-IV CONTROLLERS 9 Printer Controller—Centronics Interface—Programming Sequence—Printer Basic—DMP—FDC—Write Pre—Compensation—Data Separation—HDC—Device interface—IDE—SCSI—Display Adapter—CRT Controller—Motorola 6845—Serial interface—RS232--UART. UNIT-V MAINTENANCE 9 Installation and Preventive maintenance –pre-installation planning-practice-Routine checks-special configurations-Memory, Hard disk up gradation-DOS and software-Preventive maintenance--Trouble shooting-Nature and types of faults-Trouble-Shooting tools-Fault Elimination process-Systematic Trouble-Shooting –POST-motherboard problems-Diagnosis-FDC,FDD,HDC,HDD problems-PC Diagnostic Software—Sample Problems. Total 45 TEXT BOOK

1. B.GovindaRajulu, “IBM PC and Clones Hardware,Trouble Shooting and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill Pub,Ltd.,2nd Edition .


L T P C 3 0 0 3

PURPOSE This course enable us to understand the concepts of Data Warehousing and Data Mining And its applications INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• OLTP and Developing a Data Warehouse • Data mining techniques and algorithms • Data Mining environments and applications

UNIT-I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction – Data warehouse delivery method – system process – typical process flow within a data ware house – query management process – process architecture – meta data data marting. UNIT-II DESIGN ASPECTS 9 Design aspects – Designing dimension tables – Designing starflake scheme – Multi dimensional scheme – partitioning strategy aggregations – Data marting- Meta data – System Data warehouse process manager.

UNIT-III HARDWARE 9 Hardware and operational design – server hardware, network hardware – parallel technology – security input on design of Hardware – backup and recovery – Service level agreement – Operating the data warehouse. UNIT-IV PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 9 Capacity planning – Estimating the load – Tuning the data warehouse – Assessing performance – Tuning the data load and queries – Testing data warehouse – Development of test plan – Testing the data base and operational environment. UNIT-V MINING ENVIRONMENT 9 Data Mining Environment: Case studies in building business environment, Application of data ware housing and Data mining in Government, National Data ware houses and case studies. Total 45 TEXT BOOK

1. Sam Anabory & Dennis Murray , “Data Warehousing in the real world”, Addison Wesley, 1997.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. C.S.R. Prabhu , “Data Ware housing: Concepts, Techniques, Products and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 2. J.Han, M.Kamber , “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Academic

Press, Morgan Kanf man Publishers, 2001.

3. Pieter Adrians, Dolf Zantinge, “Data Mining”, Addison Wesley,2000. 4. Seidman,, “Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server”, Prentice Hall of


5. Berry and Lin off , “Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship Management”, John Wiley and Sons, 2001 6. David Hand, Heikki Mannila, Padhraic Smyth, “Principles of Data Mining”,

PHI, 2004


3 0 0 3 PURPOSE This course on Natural language Processing gives a better understanding of the machine translation of natural languages INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Understanding of NLP with respect to English language syntax and semantics • Context and world knowledge • Approaches to machine translation

UNIT – I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to NLP – Computational Models of Language – Organization of NLP Systems UNIT – II PARSING 9 Syntax – Linguistic Background – Elements of Simple Sentences – Parsing Techniques – Features and Augmented Grammars – Deterministic Parsing UNIT – III SEMANTICS 9 Semantic – Logical Form – Case Relations – Semantic Networks – Basic Operations for Semantic Interpretation – Strategic and Issues UNIT – IV KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION 9 Context & World Knowledge – Knowledge Representation – Question – Answering Systems – Natural Language Generation – Typical NLP Systems and their Architectures – Cognitive Aspects of Natural Languages UNIT – V CASE STUDY 9 Indian Language Processing – Approach to Machine Translation – Typical Case Studies Total 45 TEXT BOOK

1. James Allen – “Natural Language Understanding “, Benjamin cummings publishing company, INC

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Ronald Hausser “ Foundations of Computational Linguistics”, Springer- Verlog, 1999. 2. Winograd , “ Language as a cognitive process- syntax” , Addison Wesley 3. Popov , “ Talking with computer in Natural language” springer verlog,1986 4. Akshar Bharathi, Vineet Chaitanya, Rajeev Sangal , “Natural Language Processing – A Paninian Perspective” , PHI , 2000


3 0 0 3 PURPOSE This course gives an in-depth knowledge of designing and implementing industrial robots INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Anatomy of Industrial robots • Robot Programming and languages • Advanced robotics and technical developments

UNIT – I ROBOTS 9 Basic Components – Classification – Performance Characteristics – Drives and Control Systems – Electric, hydraulic, Pneumatic Actuators – Control loops using Current and Voltage Amplifiers – Computer Interfaces for Robots – Simple Programming Examples for Actuating UNIT – II SENSORS AND VISION SYSTEM 9 Transducers and Sensors – Tactile sensors – Proximity and Range Sensors – Acoustic Sensors – Vision Systems – Image processing and Analysis – Image data reduction – Segmentation and Feature Extraction – Object Recognition – Object Classification – Handling Transparency – Data Acquisition Systems for Computer Interfacing UNIT – III END EFFECTORS 9 Types – Mechanical Grippers – Vacuum Cups – Magnetic grippers – Robot/End Effectors Interface – Software for Industrial Robots – Positive Stop Program – Point to Point Program – Continuous Path Program – Manipulator Motion Planning – Thinking Robots: AI for Robots – Knowledge Computing – Representation – Decision Making UNIT – IV ROBOT MOTION ANALYSIS & CONTROL 9 Manipulator Kinematics – Homogenous Transformations and Robot Kinematics – Robot Dynamics – Configuration of a Robot Controller – Motion Planning: Algorithms – Static and Dynamic obstacles – Single and Multiple Obstacle – Transparency Conditions – Terrain Constraints UNIT – V INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS 9 Robots for Welding, Painting and Assembly – Remote Controlled Robots – AI Languages: Characteristics – PROLOG – LISP – Symbol Manipulation – LISP function, Predicates, Conditions – Recursion – Iteration – Lists, Arrays – I/O – Statements – Search, Sort, Hill Climbing methods – Perception & Learning

Total 45


1. Yoran Koren,” Robotics for Engineers”, McGraw Hill 1980 2. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N.Nagel, Nicholas G. Odrey,

“Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming And Applications”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1986.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Barry Leatham Jones, “Elements of Industrial Robotics” Pitman Publishing, 1987. 2. IIvan Bratko,” PROLOG Programming for AI”, Addison Wesley 3. Winston and Horn,” LISP”, Addison Wesley 4. Nillson ,” AI: A New Synthesis “,Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 5. Fu K.S., Gonzalez R.C and Lee C.S.G., “Robotics – Control, Sensing, Vision and

Applications”, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1987. 6. Bernard Hodges and Paul Hallam, “Industrial Robotics”, British Library

Cataloging in Publication, 1990.


PURPOSE This course explains the various Internet protocols , addressing , routing and Sub netting

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES • Internet Addressing and sub networking • Internet Multicasting • Routing protocols


Introduction – IP – LAN – WAN – MAN – communicating over LANs and WANs – Internetworking Concept and Architectural Model. – Uses of Internet – Internet Application. UNIT – II - INTERNET ADDRESSESING ROUTING &

ERROR CONTROL 9 Internet Addresses—Mapping to Physical address—RARP—IP—Connectionless Delivery System—Routing IP datagram—Error and Control Messages Protocol.

UNIT – III PROTOCOL LAYERING AND TCP , ROUTING 9 Functionality — Principle—OSI Protocols—UDP—Reliability in Streaming – TCP - Kaun’s Algorithms. Routing: Algorithms—Autonomous systems—Exterior and Interior gateway Protocols- RIP- BGP – OSPF UNIT – IV -MULTICAST ADDRESSING 9

Internet Multicasting—Concept of Multicast-IGMP—Implementation –Multicast Routing—Core based Trees-- Client Server Model of Interaction—Boot strap Protocols — DNS. UNIT – V SOCKETS AND APPLICATIONS 9 Socket interface—Connections—Applications—Remote Login—File Transfer and Access—Electronic Mail—Internet Management- Voice and Video over IP. Total 45

TEXT BOOK 1. Douglas E.Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP’ PHI, Vol1, 4th edition, 2003 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Douglas E.Comer, “The Internet”, PHI, 2nd edition


3 0 0 3 PURPOSE This course provides a foundation on design aspects of microprocessor based systems


• Intel and Motorola Processors and functions • Peripherals and its interfacing with processors • Troubleshooting and design problems

UNIT – I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to microprocessor and micro computer based design: Evolution of microprocessor- Micro computer H/w- Micro computer systems S/w & Programming concepts addressing modes & instructions- System development advantages of microprocessor systems. UNIT – II 8086 9 Architecture of 8086- Signal description of 8086- Minimum mode- Maximum mode- Addressing modes- Instruction set of 8086- Assembler directives- Assesmbly language programming in 8086- Stack structure of 8086- Interrupts- MACROS UNIT – III INTERFACING WITH PERIPHERALS 9 Basic peripherals and their interfacing with 8086 – Memory interfacing- 8255 (PPI)- Timer 8253- Interrupt controller 8259A- Keyboard / Display controller (8279)- USART- DMA controller- CRT controller- Printer controller- Floppy disk controller- Hard disk controller.

UNIT – IV ADVANCED MICROPROCESSORS 9 Description of advanced microprocessors – 16 bit, 32 bit- Intel processors- Pentium- Pentium II- Pentium III- Pentium PRO- MMX architectures. UNIT – V MICROCONTROLLER 9 Microcontroller and its applications – Bus standards- Types of buses- Need for buses- coprocessors. Total 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. A.K.Ray, K.M.Bhurchani , “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherials”, Tata

McGraw Hill,2000. 2. Mohammed Rafiquzzaman, “Microprocessor and Microcomputer Based Systems

Design”-,University Book Stall, 2002 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kenneth .J. Ayata, Penram “8086 Microprocessor – Programming and Interfacing the

PC”- International Publishing (India).,1995 2. Gillmore ,“Microprocessor, Principles & Applications”- 2nd Edition,.,1995 3. Govindarajulu,”The IBM PC and its clones,hardware-Trouble shooting & Maintenance”,Tata Mc Graw Hill-Fourteenth reprint 1998. 4. Douglas,V.Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing,Programming and Hardware”


L T P C 3 0 0 3

PURPOSE This course provides a complete understanding of the various image processing and speech processing techniques INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Image fundamentals and speech recognition techniques • Edge Detection , Restoration ,enhancement , compression, segmentation of

images • Morphological operations

UNIT-I INTRODUCTION 9 The image model and image acquisition image shape, sampling, intensify images, color images, range images, image capture, scanners, satellite imagery. UNIT-II TRANSFORMATIONS TECHNIQUES 9

Statistical and spatial operations Grey Level transformations, histogram equilization, multi image operations. Spatially dependent transformations, templates and convolution window operations, Directional smoothing, other smoothing techniques. UNIT-III SEGMENTATION AND EDGE DETECTION 9 Segmentation and Edge detection region operations, Basic edge detection, second order detection, crack edge detection edge following, gradient operators, compass & laplace operators. UNIT-IV MORPHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS 9 Morphological and other area operations, basic morphological operations, opening and closing operations, area operations morphological transforms. UNIT-V IMAGE COMPRESSION 9 Image compression: Types and requirements, statistical compression, spatial compression, contour coding, quantizing compression. Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Andrion Low-“Introductory computer Vision and Image Processing” , MCGraw Hill International Edition. 2. Gonzales, Rafael and Windzp, “Digital Image Processing”, Addison-Wesley.,1998 REFERENCE BOOKS

1. Maner Sid-Ahmed A., “Image Processing”, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1995.

2. Rabiner and Schaeffeer, “ Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, PHI, 1995. 3. Anil Jain K. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI, 1999.

CS667 REAL TIME SYSTEMS L T P C (Common to CSE and S/W Engg.) 3 0 0 3

UNIT – I INTRODUCTION 6 Architecture of Real time Systems / Embedded Systems – Operating Systems issues –

Performance Measures – Estimating Program runtimes. UNIT – II TASK ASSIGNMENT AND SCHEDULING 10 Uniprocessor Scheduling – IRIS Tasks – Tasks Assignment Mode charges – Fault

tolerant scheduling.

UNIT- III PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND TOOLS 6 Desired characteristics based on ADA – Data typing – Control Structures – Packages –

Exception Handling – Overloading – Multitasking – Timing specification – Task Scheduling – Just-in-time Compilation – Runtime support.

UNIT- IV REAL TIME DATABASES 12 Basic Networking principles – Real time databases – Transaction processing –

Concurrency control – Disk scheduling algorithms – Serialization and Consistency.


Fault types – Fault detection and containment – Redundancy – Data diversity – Reversal checks – Obtaining parameter values – Reliability models for hardware redundancy – Software error models – Clocks – Fault tolerant synchronization – Synchronization in software.

Total 45 TEXT BOOK 1. C.M. Krishna, Kang G.Shin, “Real Time Systems”, McGraw-Hill, 1997. REFERENCES

1. Raymond J.A. Buhr, Donald L. Bailey, “An Introduction To Real Time Systems”, Prentice Hall International, 1999. 2. Raymond J.A. Buhr, “ An Introduction to Real Time System from Design to

Networking C and C++”, Prentice Hall, 1999. 3. K.V.K.K.Prasad, “Embedded, Real-Time Systems, concepts, Design and

Programming” , DreamTeach, 2003

CS669 NETWORK SECURITY L T P C (Common to CSE ,S/W Engg. and IT) 3 0 0 3 PURPOSE This course provides a way to understand the various security techniques in networks INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

• Encryption techniques and key generation techniques • Authentication and security measures • Intrusion and filtering analysis

UNIT – I CONVENTIONAL AND MODERN ENCRYPTION 9 Services – Attacks – Steganography – Classical Encryption Techniques – SDES – DES – Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis – Modes of operation – Encryption Algorithms—Triple DES – Blowfish – CAST128 – RC5 – Traffic Confidentiality

UNIT – II PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION 9 Uniqueness – Number Theory concepts – Primality – Modular Arithmetic – Fermet & Euler Theorem – Euclid Algorithm – RSA – Elliptic Curve Cryptography – Diffie Hellman Key Exchange UNIT – III AUTHENTICATION 9 Digests – Requirements – MAC – Hash function – Security of Hash and MAC – Birthday Attack – MD5 – SHA – RIPEMD – Digital Signature Standard – Proof of DSS UNIT – IV SECURITY PRACTICE 9 Authentication applications – Kerberos – Kerberos Encryption Techniques – PGP – Radix64 – IP Security Architecture – Payload – Key management – Web security requirements – SSL – TLS – SET UNIT – V SYSTEM SECURITY 9 Resources – Intruders and Intrusion – Viruses and Worms – OS Security – Firewalls – Design Principles – Packet Filtering – Application gateways – Trusted systems – Counter Measures

Total: 45 TEXT BOOK

1. William Stallings , “Cryptography & Network Security” , Pearson Education, 3rd Edition 2003

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, “ Network Security, Private communication in a public world”, PHI, 2nd edition, 2002 2. Douglas R.Stinson, “Cryptography – Theory and Practice “ , CRC Press ,

1995 3. Bruce Schneier , Niels Ferguson , “Practical Cryptography”, Wiley

Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, 2003