mtsboa all midstate jazz auditions - cycle 1 - use in odd ... · pdf filefor a really swinging...

& # 4 4 œ k p q = 120 Swing œ . œ . j œ œ b - œ v œ œ œ œ œ œ b ^ œ - F œ b ^ œ œ œ k œ . p Ó J œ œ œ n & # 5 œ œ œ b œ - œ ^ œ œ œ œ œ b - œ œ ˙ œ v œ n œ > w J œ n œ œ b œ - œ b ^ & # 10 œ œ b œ œ œ - œ b œ > ˙ œ n œ œ ^ . ˙ n œ ^ Œ œ b F œ œ œ n ^ Œ œ n œ œ œ ^ & # 15 Œ œ œ b > œ œ œ b > ß w œ f œ j œ œ b - œ v œ n œ œ œ œ œ ^ œ ^ ƒ œ b ^ œ œ œ œ > & # 20 w J œ ƒ œ b ^ œ œ œ - œ . Œ j œ > Ó Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP Walk the Walk Jamey Simmons Some notes to the performer: 1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don't recognize? If not, consult your fingering chart. 2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those and try to tap a few notes at a time. 3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve at this "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent with the tongue while still keeping the line LEGATO. 4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have fun!!!! MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition years Alto Sax

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




10 download


Page 1: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& # 44 œkpq = 120Swing

œ. ‰ œ. jœ œb- œv œ œ œ œ œ œb^ œ-F œb^ œ œ œk œ.p Ó ‰ Jœ œ œn

& #5

œ œ œb œ- œ œ œ œ œ œb- œ œ ˙ œv œn œ> w ‰ Jœn œ œb œ- œb^

& #10

œ œb œ œ œ- œb œ> ˙ œn œ œ .˙n œ Œ œbF

œ œ œn^ Œ œn œ œ œ

& #15

Œ œ œb> œ œ œb>ß w œfœ ‰ jœ œb- œv œn œ œ œ œ œ œ

ƒœb^ œ œ œ œ>

& #20

w ‰ Jœƒœb^ œ œ œ- œ. Œ ‰ jœ>≤Ó

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

Walk the WalkJamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent with thetongue while still keeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsAlto Sax

Page 2: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

&# cAlto Sax


Latinq = 140

œ œ œ-œ. ‰ jœ œ œ œ œ œ œb⁄ œ œ œ œ

-œ. Œ œ œb .˙ œn



5œpœ œk œ.

Œ œ œ œ œ œnvÓ ‰



˙ ˙ .œ jœ>wU

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Gentle WaveJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsAlto Sax

Page 3: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& ## 44 œkfq = 120

œ. ‰ œ Jœ œ- œ œ œ œn œ ˙ ‰ Jœn œ œn- œ. ‰ jœ> w

& ##5

.œpjœ ˙ .œn jœ ˙ Œ œ œn œk œ. ‰ Jœ ˙ œ œ œ Œ œn>

Fœ œ#> œ

& ##10

œ- œ- ‰ Jœ# œ œ œ- œ œn œ- œ. ‰ Jœ œ œn œ ˙ Œ œPœ œ- œ œ œ œn œ ˙

& ##15

‰ Jœ œ œ œ œ œnF

w w œ-ƒœ. ‰ Jœ- œ. œ- œ. ‰ Jœ- œ. œ œn> œ

& ##20

œ Œ œv Œ œv ‰ jœv Ó

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

Jamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature, dynamics, and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent with thetongue while still keeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

Swing AheadMTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsTenor Sax

Page 4: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& bb cTenor Sax



q = 140

œ œ œ œ œ œ œb>


œ> œ ‰ Jœ œ œ Ó œ

Pœ œ œn>

& bb


œ œ œ œ œ- œ- œ œ œb> œ œ œ œ œ œ

> œœ œ œ œ

> œœb œ œ œb



& bb


w œn-


œ. ‰ Jœ Œ œ

- úwU

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Sand WalkerJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsTenor Sax

Page 5: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& # 44 œnfq = 120Swing

œ œb œ œv œ- œ. ‰ Jœn> œ œ œb œ œn^ œ- œ. ‰ Jœ> w

& #4

Œ œpœ œ œv Ó œ œ œv Œ œ œ œ œ œn w Œ œ

Pœ œ œv

& #9

Œ œ œ# œ œ> œ Œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ ‰ jœ#> œ Œ œF

œ œn œ œ œ

& #13

œn œ œ œ œb  œ œ ˙ œnv œ> ˙ ‰ Jœfœ œn œ œ œb œ- œv œ-

ƒœ. ‰ Jœn> ˙

& #18

‰ Jœ œn œ œ œ œ# œ3

œ œ# œn œb œnß ˙ w Œ œ>≤ƒÓ

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

Jamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature, dynamics, and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent with thetongue while still keeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

Blues CruiseMTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsBari Sax

Page 6: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& bb cBaritone




q = 140

œ œ œ œ œ œ œb>


œ> œ ‰ Jœ œ œ Ó œ

Pœ œ œn>

& bb


œ œ œ œ œ- œ- œ œ œb> œ œ œ œ œ œ

> œœ œ œ œ

> œœb œ œ œb>


& bb


‰ Jœ-


œ^œv œ œ> w


Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Sun TuneJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsBari Sax

Page 7: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& b c Jœf

Swingq = 120

œ œb œb œ œb œ œv œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> œ œ œb œ œn^ œ- œ. ‰ Jœ> w

& b5

Œ œpœ œ œv Ó œ œ œv Œ œ œ œ œ œb w Œ œ œ œ œv

& b10

Œ œ œ# œ œ> œ Œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ ‰ jœ#> œ Œ œF

œ œb œ œ œ

& b14

œb œ œ œ œb  œ œ ˙ œbv œ> ˙ ‰ Jœfœ œb œ œ œb œ- œv œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> ˙

& b19

‰ Jœ œb œ œ œ œ# œ3

œ œn œb œb œbß ˙ w Œ œ>≤Ó

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

The Wind UpJamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent with thetongue while still keeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsTrumpet

Page 8: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

&# cTrumpet in Bb


Latinq = 140

œ œ œ-œ. ‰ jœ œ œ œ œ œ œb⁄ œ œ œ œ

-œ. Œ œ œb .˙ œn



5œpœ œk œ.

Œ œ œ œ œ œnvÓ ‰



˙ ˙ .œ jœ>wU

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

On the BeachJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsTrumpet

Page 9: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

? bbb cTrombone Jœf

Swingq = 120

œ œb œb œ œb œ œ œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> œ œ œb œ œn^ œ- œ. ‰ Jœ> w

? bbb5

Œ œpœ œ œ Ó œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œb w Œ œ œ œ œ

? bbb10

Œ œ œn œ œ> œ Œ œ œb œ œ œ œ œ- œ- œ. ‰ Jœn> œ Œ œF

œ œb œ œ œ

? bbb14

œb œ œ œ œb  œ œ ˙ œb^ œ> ˙ ‰ Jœfœ œb œ œ œb œ- œ œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> ˙

? bbb19

‰ Jœ œb œ œ œ œ# œ œ œb œb ˙ w Œ œ>≤ƒ


Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

The Blue ZoneJamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent with thetongue while still keeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsTrombone

Page 10: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

? b cTrombone Jœ


Latinq = 140

œ œ œ- œ. ‰ Jœ œ œ œ œ œ œb⁄ œ

œ œ œ- œ. Œ œ œb .˙ œb^

? b5



œ œ- œ. Œ œ œ œ œ œb^Ó ‰



˙ ˙ .œJœ> wU

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

On the BeachJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsTrombone

Page 11: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have




Swingq = 120


˙> ˙>˙b ˙b

œ# œ œ œœœb> œœœ œœœvœ# œ œ œœnn œœ œœbn

œ œ œ œ- œ. ‰ Jœœœ>œ œ œ œ- œ. ‰ œœœn>




comp in any rhythm5

‰ JœPœ œ œ œ’ ’ ’œœœb

œ œb œ œ> ˙’ ’ ’œœb

‰ Jœ œ œ œ œ

’ ’ ’œœœbœ#- œ. ‰ Jœ> ˙

’ ’ ’ ’




‰ Jœ œ œ œ- œ’ ’ ’œœœb

œ œb œ œ> ˙Œ ‰ Jœœœnb > ˙˙

Œ œF

œ œ œ œ>

Ó Œ ‰ Jœœœn˙ ˙˙ ˙bn

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

Hittin' ItJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsPiano

Page 12: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have





œb œ- œb œ œbk∑

œ œb œk œœk œœk œœ.Ó œœk œœnn k œœbb .

Œ ‰ Jœœn ˙UŒ ‰ jœœœbb ˙Ó Œ œU

2 Hittin' It

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to play those with the correct rythm.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent while stillkeeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsPiano

Page 13: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have







Sambaq = 180



œ œœ œ#jœœœ jœn

.œ Jœ .œ J


jœœœ jœ# œœœ

.œJœ ˙

œ œœ œ#jœœœ jœn

.œ Jœ .œ J







jœœœ jœ# œ


.œJœ œ œ

œ œœb œnjœœœ jœb

.œjœ .œ J


jœœœb jœn œœœ

.œ jœ ˙



œ œ œ œ œœ

œ œ œ œ œ œœ






.ÛJÛ |

Eb7(13) D 7(#9)



Û^Œ ˙#U


Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

SambaJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsPiano

Page 14: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& b cGuitar Jœf

Swingq = 120

œ œb œb œ œb œ œv œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> œ œ œb œ œn^ œ- œ. ‰ Jœ> w

& b5

Œ œpœ œ œv Ó œ œ œv Œ œ œ œ œ œb w Œ œ œ œ œv

& b10

Œ œ œ# œ œ> œ ’ ’ ’ ’F 7 Bb7

’ ’ ’ ’A-7 D 7

’ ’ ’ ’FC7(9)

& b14

œb œ œ œ œb  Û ÛF 7

| Û Û>Eb7 F 7

| ‰ Jœfœ œb œ œ œb œ- œv

& b18

œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> ˙ ‰ Jœ œb œ œ œ œ# œ œ œb Û |Eb7(#9)


& b22

Œ œ>≤ Ó

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Wound UpJamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent while still

keeping the line LEGATO. 4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsGuitar

Page 15: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

&# cGuitar


Latinq = 140

œ œ œ-œ. ‰ jœ œ œ œ œ œ œb⁄ œ ’ ’ ’ ’

B-7 E 7

’ ’ ’ ’A-7


5œpœ œk œ.

Œ œ œ œ œ œnvÓ ‰



˙ ˙ .œ jœ>wU

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

On the BeachJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsGuitar

Page 16: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

? bbb c Jœf

Swingq = 120

œ œb œb œ œb œ œ œk œ. ‰ Jœb> œ œ œ œ œb œ œ œn .˙? bbb


’ ’ ’ ’walk


’ ’ ’ ’Ab7

’ ’ ’ ’Eb7

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’Ab7

? bbb10

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’EbMaj7 F-7 œ- œ- œ. ‰ Jœn> œ Œ œ

Fœb œ œ œ

? bbb14

œb œ œ œb  œ œ ˙ œb^ œ> ˙ ‰ Jœfœ œb œ œ œb œ- œ œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> ˙

? bbb19

‰ Jœb œ- œb- œ œn œb- œb œb> ˙ œ œb œ œ Œ œ>≤ƒ


Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Blue FoundationJamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to play those with the correct rythm.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent while stillkeeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsBass

Page 17: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

? # cBass Jœ


Latinq = 140

œ œ œ- œ.‰ Jœ œ œ œ œ œ œb⁄ œ

œ œ œ- œ.Œ œ œb .˙ œn^

? #5

’ ’ ’ ’p


’ ’ ’ ’Eb7



˙ ˙ .œJœ> wU

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

On the BeachJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsBass

Page 18: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

ã c œ

Swingq = 170

œ œy

ŒF ‰ JœŒ œ œ œ œ œ

yŒ œ œ ‰ Jœ

Œ œ œ œ œ œyŒ œ œ ‰ Jœ


xstick shot

x ‰ jx x∑ ’ ’yœ yœ fill

œ œ



.Ûp JÛ Ó .Û JÛ Ó .Û JÛ Ó ’ ’Û Û Û Û fill


y y y y y yŒP

Ride Cym.

y Œ yy y y y y yŒ y Œ y «2


.Û JÛ Ó ’ ’Û Û Û Û fill .Û JÛ Ó ’ ’Û Û Û Û fill



yœ yœ yœ


yœ yœœf Œ œ Œ3

yœ yœ yœ


yœ yœœ Œ œ Œsolo

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’


œœpœœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœŒ œ ‰ Jœ Œ

‰ jœœ œœ œ œ œy

ƒœ Œ œ ‰ Jœ |

U short solo

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

Taking a Swing at It

Jamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsDrum Set

Page 19: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

ã cDrum Set Û^


’ ’.ÛJÛ> fill y

Closed Hi Hat+Cross stick

yx y y x y yœ ‰ Jœ œ ‰ J

œyx y yx y yx yœ ‰ Jœ œ ‰ Jœ

’ ’Û-Û. ‰ Û> fill


’ ’Û-Û. ‰ Û> fill y yx y y x y y

œ ‰ Jœ œ ‰ J

œyx y yx y yx yœ ‰ J

œ œ ‰ Jœ .Û>



| Û^Û^ .Û>

JÛ>Û Û>’ ’ ’ ’fill yœ


yœ yœ Œ yœ yœœ œ œ Œ œ œyœ Œ Óœ Œ Ó

Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons ASCAP

SambaJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsDrum Set

Page 20: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

& b c Jœf

Swingq = 120

œ œb œb œ œb œ œv œ- œ. ‰ Jœb> œ œ œb œ œn ^ œ œ ‰ jœÓ Œ ‰ Jœ wœ .˙

& b5

Œ œpœ œ œv Ó œ œ œv

Œ œ œ œ œ œbÓ Œ ‰ Jœ w ˙ Œ œ œ œ œv& b


Œ œ œ# œ œ> œ Œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ ‰ jœ#> œ Œ œF

œ œb œ œ œ

& b14

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Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Keep 0n Keepin' OnJamey Simmons

Some notes to the performer:

1. Before playing this song look at the key signature and time signature. Are there any notes you don'trecognize? If not, consult your fingering chart.

2. Next sing or tap through just the rhythms. If there are some you don't understand, isolate those andtry to tap a few notes at a time.

3. Remember in the swing style the underlying rhythm is a triplet. Your teacher can help you improve atthis "swing feel" in your playing. Remember that the "AND" of the beats get a slight accent while stillkeeping the line LEGATO.

4. For a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY".

Have fun!!!!

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsVibes

Page 21: MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd ... · PDF fileFor a really swinging example of this swing style listen to the Count Basie big band's song "SPLANKY". Have

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Copyright 2007 Jamey Simmons

Bossa NovaJamey Simmons

MTSBOA All Midstate Jazz Auditions - Cycle 1 - use in odd-numbered audition yearsVibes