m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1r~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them...

. ,.., •• f 1-·_ · · · m;tt _:,. . .... ,' . . - "' , . " ' . . . . " ,.. ' ' ; .. \. J.. ·· . ·,. . . . r · · ·· .. · A Jotar.-.ttl: ·t«> tbt}' ot · ' . · · r ·-··-·- . ,._ .;_:··· .··· __ - .. _____ : __ ".: .. 0. ... :, . .:: .. ,.;:.· ...... , ______ :: ___ __ .,, __ ._ _ __ _, _________ - __ ., _____ --- ______________ __,_ ________ _ ... ... .... ... . · Our- deedS. determine JJ$ as m\lcb a., we ·determine our Eli.ot: · -: . . !f.•' . .·.. . ' •· . • : . . . . ' • . . . • • f.. ·<.. ' ' . ,._ . . ' . : ' . . . . . r. f ,-, ,. Message ... . nrat to c;:ongJ.:ess _ _ _p, . ·, .-. The._:O 'EVlSjON of tbetad!f . . _______ ___ ____ _ -n . 'WIJlt or I $1 rang ati-dto tui -tli'e .. . . 7. --Unless the . ' • . . . be"uxt in .. ,- 6c per r tuc assembled meinliGrs'of both houses-- government at an .:arly $1,057, Mexican honnl Capital: President wn,. C!lpa.city of barrels or · · "tnus breaking a of more tb!lt1 a antl bQilds are ownetl tQ _sun bas · . · ]Qhn J'i$t preaiqent to read bis mes• treated by the se.:ecliujt the. of 7"1 per; cent by congress. 'Yhicb met in $,l)ecial anihn bulk. · · , · sage to congress._ That qs back to the year northern states of Mexico an at· Amenc11ns, session Monday. The lind Cbocolat!! and cocoa, present 1801. wm·oe made to tbe boust:- rate when va1In:a-rrom-rsno'Z4c ,...,._-_, is herewith given in full: i VfOCttre annexation of tllis nortll• mtning the sha.-:e ts bas drafted a blll which ltas been pound, 2 1·2c n pound aml 10 ptr. ••I have ca11ed the together iti ern tl'rritory to tbc United $723,000,000 as agatnst only already introduced. It_ will cent 11d valorem additional; pro- session because a duty was laid upon the party now in States, according to the opiuinu $7,000,000. held by Me:dcaus. the house in due t_ime and go to, pose<l new rate, 8 per cent ad pawer at tlle·rcce1tt elections ;Which it O!!$hl to perfQrm expressed by Senator A. B. lt"all, 'l'be Americans would probably tbe senate it will meet valorem. promptly, in o.rder that the burden carried by the people of, New Mexico. Fall is a mcm• fa\'Or a'tlnc2fa.tlon for the sorneopposiUon,but n::>t sufficient, Woolen manuJachtrcd goodi\ under existing JaW tnay be as as })OSSible ber of one of the special senate{ fact that !llcxican mining laws it is believed,, tO materially affect and clothing; present rates arc and in order. also, Lbat tbe in of the· coun- committees in vestlgatin g rcvolu· 'are much. r:uore fa-vorable to ccon· it: 'Tbe following tu blc, consbt· ·based in many cases on value of try may not be kept too lont,>'-ttt-11us-pense--ult--to--wh-:tt--the--------mmil'V-lH' fiscal changes are to be to wbicl.J they will , be '1'equired to der. country." equivalent ad adjust themselves. lt is clear to thl' wlp•lc lOUutry that "Unless the northern states ScnatoT Fall said cstimat.cs of of reduction. Tbe first column valort•m duties as previously esti· the tariff duties be .. The' must. changed swing the rest of Mexico 10 theit damage to Amcric11n 111 !;bows the prevailing rate _and mated by the ways and to meet t?c alteration 10 of our pusition they will form a sepll• by recent re\·oluuous run th.e second sltows Wh1!t the rate committl'e on wool prices in 1910. t·con·Oiuic wh1d1' country has wttncssctl With n the rate grollp or r.tatet permanently as bigb as $SOO,OOO.OOO. . Wtll bo if the house btll become11 Combed wool antl tops, from generation. whole and ffi('tbud of our outside the old Fall Charges by Luis Manuel Rojas, la\v. Tbc are proposed 105 to 15 per <:ent . industria.l and hfe wc:rc bt•mg beyond ns1icrted. "Auton.,- t111'! Mexi .. ana vice president of tbe 'Mexican on an ad valorem bus is: kuh fabrics, felts aml recognition the tanfi scbedules ha,·e wbat in the states nearest the Amcri• 11enute, \hat Henry AuTJCt.ns .... - wcre before the began, t>r have mo\·ed tn dtrec· . .:au border .'there itt-1ttroog---de:---Lane Wih1on at Me.11h:-o City vr.;s tion they were gtvfU when ° 0 ctrcumlltance of mand Cor anneutiou. Tbe peo• morally responsible for the death Cream of tartar industrial was ':'bat It Our tar.k pte there arc somewhat Ameri• u( Mculero Jooc Mediclltal preparations to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo Saurez. and bad reru"ed Castor oil done the tmoner we shall escape from 'iuffen?g from the · "! hcwe official figureubowiog them protection, -werl' formally Wnnlt blue facts and the 1100 ,0«'1' our men of wilt be to that American interests owu 43 re.:eivcd by Secretary Urvan to- Salt Jeter by the law of nnture .. nature of b?stne!U!o) per cent or the total weahb of day. Mr. Bryan declined to din· noap 1ostend of by the Jaw of legtslntton and IHhfictal arrnnge· kf•••t'co Tilt'" ill prntty w"ll d 1 .... ·u " tl" tt, , · Present Ratl! . 25.45 59.15 3.1.19 •. Propooed nAte l7.&'i 3l.ll u.oo 15.()() u ...... . " .. .. t a.. mn cr. ·Salerntu!\or bicarbonate of soda 23.5'J fJ.27 20.00 21.54 <::. mcnt. "\Vc have seen tariff leo·isiatiou wander verv far afield - · · ••• · ••• · ........ , , 9 1 ,al!'lodu, fiOda 6.8i 5.00 $.50 ttl.:%5 ll.lll 35.00 ti.l.l "' · G M Do--'d rL ''- .orox re ,. -• in our duy-v«'ry far indeed from the field In which our ..,__ aJ , ill u 1 -.;.___ R onmcr c U&J 1 1 ' ,,· 1 7 · · b 1 1 1 h d t• 1 1 .. news netouJ ..,., 1fft..U• -- _ 4 me prospcraty magbt ave 1ac IS norma growl ao G 1mu a- .. r · , Cl ., 1 . • d ' \ .- . N h 1 •· ll f t 1 · th ·r T 11 •. S.mta Fe. N. M.• Apnl 7-(,0\'• unn anc crod:ery. no ccorn '"' 53.00 lloll. 0 one w o oo{lo& IC ac y '" e nee or '1 "' n rnu upcn ... u• ,. , 1 1 (' 1 t ,, .. 1 known nnythiog tbat lies beneath the surf nee of action can r but apeak not ail von ' ;ruolr n • "·, 1 •' c >onald 11 OUl'tt 45 1 "' 0 fail to rcrceive Ute prindpleg Ut)OU whtth rl"CCnt tnrtfl think. Your thoughts 'nrc oc; um h«'re hull mght bllll bum balled. We long ngu bevond ' your owoj your word11 nrc oo ' nn<t wt IO cln;rn 1 , 0 ' e 111 "" 8 .. ·, . . ,. . . · , i or wo wte .. s undcrgomg treat• .azur!l .-..,f• the modent nc..tlon of. "protecting tbe tndustnu of the no more. Wltete W !Wom r 1 s d 1 SJ. 71 I!<!Ufiltf and movett bOldly rorward to llle id('a Ill at they ' ueern, wind CAnnot mnlte ?r 110 . 0 d 1 mcnt. which his 1 ' .. ani r" 1 k .... rn 4 1 •Ju . p \'!l<&ctunt 11111 ''''"' 1n no man• "ntvcs anc or s ,. were entitled to the dtrcct patronage of the (&Overnmr'lt. :f you sink; tipn never err if ' . 6 1 .. .t l.r. !l!l For Q long time-a ttme 110 tong tbe ml'n flOW nctive wisdom kcepil door. - . ibut wltiLb ",r:;' ure z/ in public policy hnr!l1y remember tbc c.onditiona. tbat pre· .:.a Delaune. : l 111 bt e pat .l.'nt r.tbeCktpt qutet . .. : . eo . t 34 25 · h ·rr d ;, n t c tnteram l'>. De Unca •u:u:;nr nt, ,e c:. ceded tt.,.,we bnve !!()Ug t US our tanu scbe to gan: tl . ' Ric:c 1 eel 6! ()5 group- -of 1n:mufnctu.tefS''(It" producers ·they ' · .. will he .ru:.t- H c: enn _ .. tbemselvca thougbt thnt \bey needed in order to maintain SKriff Ltnu with Pruo11en log gmernor. 1 r ( 't . I' I . k t . t b r I -- - fJt'IOrl" t'nlerinu hMpil I oc (' C'., 0 rm trees ......... a practica .y exc ustve mar 1.' agamn t e o t I(' 5 HERI(I'F •CU \ VEZ and . a Minwll Wati.'N 4 world. Con!lc:tounl.r or nncooscJOuslv. we tune but It up a c Oovernor Donald tuaitl that h<>· , . . . . R. A. Duran lattt'T rl!l '""Usc orr t""rt .• t' t h Spool lbrt•ad 22.'1:» 10et of pnvtlege!) and exempuons from compctlt;on bcbtnd · .. ,. l""' t>u rumors dl'l c f 1 <! which it was easy even the crudent, forms or com· left. for Fe, wn11 ill or that be would • vtton oth 25.00 .1511)1 .J.$1)0 .JO.OO :2'.00 - as oo tM.ro 23 St U3J bioation-to organize monopoly; until at Jut nothing- in Saturday wttb rrtsonen.. Tbt'V unciE'r.ro !Ill op-eration, he dl"Diret1 and half bg..e, 'lt'l\'cdged uormal .. ilolbiug.,l.il...obhged 10.ata.wlilut .1£alA.='lE- offi.:kHc,. ...... took t_!!e . t_l!!!t _!!!!._ajlment.;ynjl Men Hncl b_?f• '·'' _ and economy. in our world of big bwnne\s, but everytbint: litr«>uy=oT a of o. nnturc, but that tfl"l:i'Wi.'Tirl'TC:, amt' ... ;;g-m thrives by cotacertt'd arrangement Only nl'W prindpl<'s borte; sentenced to two and a tt required that hE' remain per· <.ollan and cuffs 4 1.10 of action will nave us from a bnatcrystnhzation of monop- ball years 1 ? tbc state reform let:tly quiet for 10 !lnJG or two Ulnnltet!l 'il.t.•J . . school at Sprmger. weeks Flannel •1.129 otly a?d a codU:_pleteiludss ot clthe tnfluenl'esl' that quJckeu t:n• Gabriel aMnlt't . Clothing. ready madt' 7•1 St. etprtsc no .. eep n t'pen ent energy n ave. . · . w 1 t 1 , ntt u plain what those prindplt's must he. We must wath .weapon senten.ce tn Home Ta!eat Play omen • ant r 11 drera 'l tlresll gomls '1'1.10 ttbotinb everytbintr that beam even the St'mblance of pri\'i• tbe pemlenttary at Santa Fe for - - - Sewlllg silk . 2!>,0!) U.tJt lege or of or artificial advantage, and pul our not less than 18 monthg nor more ''A l-'TEk the play. :::,ak':'""!r papt>r 25 tJi men and produc:crn under the stimulation off• a than 2 years. • _ .• _ • tbe cast of which wau Uronms 2.1\.00 1.; Oil constant ua:essitv to be economical and enterpris- · Frank Umborn, forr,rny, sen· C,'f'en JO these columna two week11 .;o.nn 15.00 ing mMteB ot t:()ttlpetitivc suprema,y, better wnrkern and teuec not less than 2 years nor Amce. will be prest>nted at Real's Matdws · 2i.5? 14.(l() merchants than an .. itt tbe wor.ld. Aside from tb<> dntieg more than . .l 1, ears •. Uosborn bu HnJ.t night, April 22d. Harneq.,, other than leather JS 00 21l.c o "' t beti Jo 1 t f fflb 1 Indian ruhl><'r, maoufa.-turen of 35 OIY' laid upon articles wbieh 'ie do not and probably can no! u cu 919 10 a v•ru en orm •. 19 Pay. wtll be put on by home . • · Ill. I 0 produce, therefore, nttd tlte duues: lnid upon lunaries and 011 an order of the. be .ancl in. addition to the Lead pemals ..3?.00 25.00 merely for the sake or the they .rield, tbr object Wa5l takeo {? pent!cabary play_atself specaaltie!l ha-ve been, Barlt'J malt I tom 45c to 2.5c manutiu:tured gt.oda, frcm ?'i pt r of the tarifi' duties bencdo:rtb lnid must be e.ffective com- the week prevtous ut order t.o sep- prepared between nets. A liiJt pt>r bnqhet cent to .l5 per cent. petitiou. the tvhetting ol Atnc;!ricttu wits by contest with nrate him from the other prison• ot the..chuaetern and Jbe petOOn· Buclrwbeat. to s, per SuspL'nderA, ribbon!!, binding" · · .. ·-- -- emand ! 0 pre.v..c;nt.possib!e mn-. .takitlg -&be - -- -.. -- ·· - ---· ---<''!•• from 83- per cent- to 35 "It would ba to tttovtt t(W;>nrd this end head· taminatton. F rauk Gray eon· gives tbe asstu:ancoe of a • produc· Oats from l:!c to JOe a bus bel. cent. . . .1t.n.s.t.e or witb:s.tmkctlh"' cute ··--the veycd Rosbnrn to prison. Other tioo worthy of ';J most genercus Wltr!at frotn Z1k w lOc a bu!lbe]. C(\tton rnaou(actUTl'S curtain e.L _ !,l;; _ _ .. alii 'f1fiS' -term ·Tfte- Rc:i· XfJ Buttu from be to&:.perpound. t - 0 r . . .. ... _ . !h very roots Of wlfat has grown up a'itlbngst, us by long pro- wcr'\! confined ht the L,i_neo_ In jail, Society .i9 Cheese, I rom 6c per JX>Und to ..':r .. etc., from 50 to .-;s cess and lit O"ut (Wtt'l: in-vitation. tt alter a thing i r hi b "' 20 per cent asJ valorem "" . to upset it .and break it and depriw. it of a chance to ce o e was f:ttVea at the atation ot tlte entertainment. Be Ucans f;oUl 41'1c 25c per Oarters.._ etc., from cb It d tt y •t W us tt h 'bushel. · 45 per :cnt to 25 pl!1' cent . "" .. ..:. .. ___ "'• -,·- .. .... t. '""•zs. trz .,.., -- • · - · U;:n. A u u QU _....,::;.,. "'# ,,..., n- " '"'"""'"' " .,.,. uy- . -4/ X -- i !!i!!t:' ng(f9,,;ft01tt 5c {Q 21! per dOi(!fl, . u<lt:C (!I(!., 1r0n.1 to ment, a more =tnd wholesome (lcvelopmertt 1 ftilt revoltl.- be _met and our methods should be. thorourtt.1ts tbotough Nursery c:uUing$ and cSeedings, 4 5 cent •. · .. · t!Ott:, or ttpst'f or Wtnttttst>build up trade, esve"' as moderate and -well C:Otljfdered, based upott the tucts us troni :t5 pe.r cent t6 1$ pt!r eent. . eotton good!:!, _ . foteigd ·we Ute :ti_id they ue, and not work'etl out-anci! we were begfunm. We -, · . Fresh i'tont· . .'? liCt ft9tn .fi?-_Pet to 30 per ____ tnj)te .. \V.e . to.1!cat withitte-iatis"Of .tm - ·rt- --- r -:--·-----,.--- 8: . - l>ultd: up Itufustrya• Wellt attd must'ad6pt.freidom in tb(! . h' b . . . . . . #f' . ·- ; ... · -ma. e: aws Apples. peaches. etc •• from to r,u}:AII1ofetn. pft_cd' of a_tdlieial ·;tiwnldiott fat .aa it wilt bl!m, w_ squ 4 re .-wslh tac:_t!, ll! llest, 1t suec;.. to toe 11 bush ct. . t:!hlitl_l: per tpn, I tom $2,50 · :.. ;T uu essary, w_ it_h, the tanlt, I wdl n_ tJno:n · _'fia-isi"'"'· (r---,. 1 :.;_·,... -4-..- ;._ P"'.f to.$_ ____ ---- -- 1 ------- tJI), jkilf :tn dtaiittrr Wit& tnetbo«t tr tf u tb i r !!>· r .A" ...... VAU .. ..... w .. c .. ' •hich thii wilt be ll1i:lltfet yo . e Ol>t!U l4r 6 ftli1Ue5!Uoii -.:hie& -<:rut pcuu:dt · · ·· ·. . · · i.tud ·

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Page 1: m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1R~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo

• • . ,.., •• f

1-·_ · · · m;tt _:,. . .... ~arti303o -1R~ws~·" ~' ,' . ·('"~ :~""'' . -~' "' , '~ ~ . " ~. ' . . . . " ~ ,.. ' ' ; ..



·· . ·,. . . .

r .· · · ·· ~ .. · A Jotar.-.ttl: p~vot;e~ ·t«> tbt}' int~re$~ ot .._lp~~~.-. 'ount~~ · ' . · · r ·-··-·- . ,._ .;_:··· .··· __ -.. _____ : __ ".: .. 0. ... :, . .:: • ..:.-,,~--, .. ,.;:.· ...... , ______ ·~- -,~ :: ___ .:·.~-:-._:_:;:_, __ .,, __ ._ _ __ _, _________ - __ ., _____ --- ______________ __,_ ________ _

~}.;,:~cJ!v~>£ ·"--~':;~·· ... ~.:.~L ... ~ .... ·.:.":C~~~~!.~~~C.~N.-~::~'Y~~~~--A~~~~~~:~~~~:~:_2~~~~~~1f'~].:.~ ... . · Our- deedS. determine JJ$ as m\lcb a., we ·determine our cleeds--"'~·Geot:ge· Eli.ot: · -:

. .~ . !f.•' . .·.. . ' •· . • : . . . ~, . ' • . . • . ~ • • f.. ·<.. ' ~ ' . • ,._ . . ' . : ' . • . . . • . ~

r. f ~



Message to:-Congre~$ ... . ~$SIDEN'l' WILSO~'$ nrat me~sqge to c;:ongJ.:ess • _ wa~H!Ji(!~O~ _ _p, . ·, .-. The._:O 'EVlSjON of tbetad!f h!l~J. ()n~. . . _______ ;_;:~: ___ ____ _ -n . 'WIJlt ~ or I $1 rang ati-dto tui ~po1nt:-'7eread' -tli'e .. . . ~l!ril 7. --Unless the . ' • . . . 4-~ be"uxt in ~!lttte~t~Ulte':tlla· .. ,- P,.itlt;~~'l,,_{rotn ~C: t~' 6c per r ~-m~ssage-fu tuc assembled meinliGrs'of both houses-- Huer~o. government at an .:arly $1,057, Mexican ratlro~d honnl Capital: President wn,. cubt~ foo~ C!lpa.city of barrels or · · "tnus breaking a prer.edet1~ of more tb!lt1 a cet!_!~~~~~il,qu~rn ,lbueru:Lr~.{l..l;ll!li!i_!i~.c?S!5!.. antl bQilds are ownetl tQ _sun bas delW!t:etLlJ.!ELJt1ess~Un_t>llSK!g~.l!~J!~'"iS.J~!1~·

· . · ]Qhn ~damsvn\t(flle J'i$t preaiqent to read bis mes• r.~:~:ently treated by the se.:ecliujt the. e~tent of 7"1 per; cent by congress. 'Yhicb met in $,l)ecial anihn bulk. · · , ·~-:D · sage to congress._ That c~r_ries qs back to the year northern states of Mexico an at· Amenc11ns, theirtotallnvest~ent session Monday. The w11y~ lind Cbocolat!! and cocoa, present ~~ 1801. !fhe-president.'trnleslirill:.~-o-the-speei-nhession -~t~mpfprooiilify wm·oe made to be_it1g:-clQSe---to--$~4o-,-o~o.ooo.~n--MealfifCOmmiUeC.of tbe boust:- rate when va1In:a-rrom-rsno'Z4c

,...,._-_, is herewith given in full: i VfOCttre annexation of tllis nortll• mtning the Amenca.n~ sha.-:e ts bas drafted a blll which ltas been pound, 2 1·2c n pound aml 10 ptr. ••I have ca11ed the congres~ together iti ext~or{linary ern tl'rritory to tbc United $723,000,000 as agatnst only already introduced. It_ will pas~ cent 11d valorem additional; pro-

session because a duty was laid upon the party now in States, according to the opiuinu $7,000,000. held by Me:dcaus. the house in due t_ime and go to, pose<l new rate, 8 per cent ad pawer at tlle·rcce1tt elections ;Which it O!!$hl to perfQrm expressed by Senator A. B. lt"all, 'l'be Americans would probably tbe senate wb~re it will meet valorem. promptly, in o.rder that the burden carried by the people of, New Mexico. Fall is a mcm• fa\'Or a'tlnc2fa.tlon e~cept for the sorneopposiUon,but n::>t sufficient, Woolen manuJachtrcd goodi\ under existing JaW tnay be Jigbt~ncd as ~OOU as })OSSible ber of one of the special senate{ fact that !llcxican mining laws it is believed,, tO materially affect and clothing; present rates arc and in order. also, Lbat tbe b~siricss in tere~ts of the· coun- committees in vestlgatin g rcvolu· 'are much. r:uore fa-vorable to ccon· it: 'Tbe following tu blc, consbt· ·based in many cases on value of try may not be kept too lont,>'-ttt-11us-pense--ult--to--wh-:tt--the--------mmil'V-lH' rtti:1t'lnrloirrrttirffiii~.:cm~s1nmrrll!l:rt1lmlrm~\!~~~ro1:-tbts-·in1~h:iirrgl:rvum•belruir~rtil:tel.,-nnv-wocrij----oom-pa:ril;ltJa-·-i1r-tlel'c-----.:--,_ fiscal changes are to be to wbicl.J they will , be '1'equired to der. country." equivalent ad adjust themselves. lt is clear to thl' wlp•lc lOUutry that "Unless the northern states ScnatoT Fall said cstimat.cs of of reduction. Tbe first column valort•m duties as previously esti· the tariff duties r~ust be altc~ed .. The' must. ~e changed swing the rest of Mexico 10 theit damage to Amcric11n pr~11erty 111 !;bows the prevailing rate _and mated by the ways and mean~ to meet t?c rad~cal alteration 10 th~ condltlo~s of our pusition they will form a sepll• ~texico by recent re\·oluuous run th.e second sltows Wh1!t the rate committl'e on wool prices in 1910. t·con·Oiuic hf~ wh1d1' t~·· country has wttncssctl With n the rate grollp or r.tatet permanently as bigb as $SOO,OOO.OOO. . Wtll bo if the house btll become11 Combed wool antl tops, from Ja~t generation. \\lui~ th~ whole fac~ and ffi('tbud of our outside the old republjc,~' Fall Charges by Luis Manuel Rojas, la\v. Tbc fl~ure11 are proposed 105 to 15 per <:ent •

. industria.l and com~erctal hfe wc:rc bt•mg c~1angcd beyond ns1icrted. "Auton.,- t111'! Mexi .. ana vice president of tbe 'Mexican on an ad valorem bus is: t;lotb~. kuh fabrics, felts aml recognition the tanfi scbedules ha,·e remaJne~ wbat ~ht•y in the states nearest the Amcri• 11enute, \hat Ambat~sndor Henry AuTJCt.ns .... -wcre before the ~bangc began, t>r have mo\·ed tn t~le dtrec· . .:au border .'there itt-1ttroog---de:---Lane Wih1on at Me.11h:-o City vr.;s tion they were gtvfU when °0 lar_g~ ctrcumlltance of 0~: mand Cor anneutiou. Tbe peo• morally responsible for the death Cream of tartar industrial ()cvelo~mt'nt was ':'bat It ts_t~dny. Our tar.k ~It pte there arc somewhat Ameri• u( Francl~eo Mculero an~ Jooc Mediclltal preparations to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo Saurez. and bad reru"ed Castor oil done the tmoner we shall escape from 'iuffen?g from the · "! hcwe official figureubowiog them protection, -werl' formally Wnnlt blue facts and the 1100,0«'1' our men of busioeti~ wilt be f~c:e to that American interests owu 43 re.:eivcd by Secretary Urvan to- Salt Jeter ~brive by the law of nnture .. ttb~ nature of _rr~e b?stne!U!o) per cent or the total weahb of day. Mr. Bryan declined to din· Com1~011 noap 1ostend of by the Jaw of legtslntton and IHhfictal arrnnge· kf•••t'co Tilt'" ill prntty w"ll d1• .... ·u " tl" tt, , ·

Present Ratl!

. 25.45 59.15 3.1.19 •.

Propooed nAte

l7.&'i 3l.ll u.oo 15.()()

u ...... . " .. .. t a.. "· mn cr. ·Salerntu!\or bicarbonate of soda

23.5'J fJ.27

20.00 21.54

<::. mcnt. "\Vc have seen tariff leo·isiatiou wander verv far afield - · · ••• · ••• .·~. · ........ , ,

91,al!'lodu, w11 '11'~10g fiOda ~01 ·.,''~

6.8i 5.00 $.50

ttl.:%5 ll.lll 5.~)

35.00 ti.l.l

"' · '-*!.1;~:...,~~:...!:&!-'*•~ G M Do--'d rL ''- • .orox re net~ ,. -• in our duy-v«'ry far indeed from the field In which our ~ ..,__ aJ , ill u 1 ~ -.;.___ R onmcr c U&J ~W~:IIen on~natonvm 1 1 ' • ,,· •1•7 · · b 1 1 1 h d t• 1 • 1 .. news netouJ ..,., 1fft..U• -- _ ~ 4 me • prospcraty magbt ave 1ac IS norma growl ao G 1mu a- • .. r • · • , Cl ., 1 . • d ' \ .-

. N h 1 •· ll f t 1 · th ·r • T f~lNI' 11 •. • S.mta Fe. N. M .• Apnl 7-(,0\'• unn anc crod:ery. no ccorn '"' 53.00 lloll. 0 one w o oo{lo& IC ac "t~<tunre y '" e nee or ~ '1 • "' n rnu upcn ... ·~ u• ,. , 1 1 (' 1 t ,, .. 1 known nnythiog tbat lies beneath the surf nee of action can r but apeak not ail von ' ;ruolr n • "·,

1•' c >onald l"Dter~d 11 1;r~n~; OUl'tt



0 fail to rcrceive Ute prindpleg Ut)OU whtth rl"CCnt tnrtfl ~ think. Your thoughts 'nrc • oc; ~~~ator um h«'re hull mght J>ll~l ;~ • ..7-~S' legi~lation bllll bum balled. We long ngu Jlll~>"'l"d bevond ' your owoj your word11 nrc oo ' nn<t wt re~ntn thC'~ r~r IO cln;rn


' e 111

""8 ~ .. ·,

. . ,. . . · , i • or wo wte .. s undcrgomg treat• .azur!l .-..,f• the modent nc..tlon of. "protecting tbe tndustnu of the ~ no more. Wltete W !Wom r

1 s d 1 SJ. 71 I!<!Ufiltf and movett bOldly rorward to llle id('a Ill at they ' ueern, wind CAnnot mnlte ~' mh~ot. ?r 110 .0d1 mcnt. which his 1' .. ~·ln!lorll ani r" 1

k .... rn 4•

1 •Ju

• . • p \'!l<&ctunt 11111 ''''"' 1n no man• "ntvcs anc or s • ,. were entitled to the dtrcct patronage of the (&Overnmr'lt. :f you sink; tipn never err if ' . 6 1.. .t l.r. !l!l

For Q long time-a ttme 110 tong du~t tbe ml'n flOW nctive ~ wisdom kcepil ·t!u~ door. - ~· :t\'\('~IOU . ibut wltiLb rcqu~ed ~ ",r:;' ure z/ 0~ in public policy hnr!l1y remember tbc c.onditiona. tbat pre· .:.a Delaune. : l 111 bt e pat .l.'nt r.tbeCktpt qutet . .. : . eo . t

34•25 · h • ·rr d ;, • n t c tnteram l'>. • De Unca •u:u:;nr nt, ,e c:. •

ceded tt.,.,we bnve !!()Ug t US our tanu scbe ul~ll to gan: ":t":'~'~'~'_.~m;or.:T.~':'r.:r.:T:t\ tl . ' Ric:c 1 eel 6! ()5 ~cit- group- -of 1n:mufnctu.tefS''(It" producers ~hirt ·they ' · _,!!lte_nqn_t,Kov~r.ru!r .. will he .ru:.t- H ~· c: enn • _ .. tbemselvca thougbt thnt \bey needed in order to maintain SKriff Ltnu with Pruo11en log gmernor. ~~g~:~ 1 r ( 't :~•-.lH

. I' I . k t . t b r I -- - fJt'IOrl" t'nlerinu th~ hMpil I oc ~. (' C'., 0 rm trees ......... a practica .y exc ustve mar 1.' ~n agamn t e rea~ o t I(' 5 HERI(I'F • CU \ VEZ and . a Minwll Wati.'N 4 t.5~o world. Con!lc:tounl.r or nncooscJOuslv. we tune but It up a c • Oovernor M~ Donald tuaitl that h<>· , •

. . • . . R. A. Duran tltl~ lattt'T rl!l '""Usc orr t""rt .• t' t h Spool lbrt•ad 22.'1:» 10et of pnvtlege!) and exempuons from compctlt;on bcbtnd • · .. ,. l""' t>u rumors dl'l c f 1 <! which it was easy by~tuy, even the crudent, forms or com· ~uard, left. for ~anta Fe, la~t wn11 ~eriouA1v ill or that be would • vtton ~ oth ~2.74

25.00 .1511)1 .J.$1)0

.JO.OO :2'.00

- as oo tM.ro 23 St .33-~l U3J

bioation-to organize monopoly; until at Jut nothing- in Saturday wttb rrtsonen.. Tbt'V unciE'r.ro !Ill op-eration, he dl"Diret1 Stm~IIJJ;!i, ho'l~ and half bg..e, 'lt'l\'cdged ':·.\~ ~--=~~ uormal .. ilolbiug.,l.il...obhged 10.ata.wlilut .1£alA.='lE- offi.:kHc,. ...... took t_!!e folh,w~~: ~= . ...i!_~nowu~ t_l!!!t _!!!!._ajlment.;ynjl Men Hncl b_?f• ~olton ':~k ~lnve'lo ·-·-~, ~ '·'' _

and economy. in our world of big bwnne\s, but everytbint: ""'"A~CCr, litr«>uy=oT a ~ot of o. neriou<~ nnturc, but that ~~. tfl"l:i'Wi.'Tirl'TC:, amt' mm~r ~ ... ;;g-m thrives by cotacertt'd arrangement Only nl'W prindpl<'s borte; sentenced to two and a tt required that hE' remain per· <.ollan and cuffs 4 1.10

of action will nave us from a bnatcrystnhzation of monop- ball years 1? tbc state reform let:tly quiet for 10 !lnJG or two Ulnnltet!l 'il.t.•J . . school at Sprmger. weeks Flannel •1.129

otly a?d a codU:_pleteiludss ot clthe tnfluenl'esl' that quJckeu t:n• Gabriel Armeudari<~, aMnlt't . Clothing. ready madt' 7•1 St. etprtsc no .. eep n t'pen ent energy n ave. . · . w • 1 t 1 ,

ntt u plain what those prindplt's must he. We must wath de~dJy .weapon senten.ce tn Home Ta!eat Play omen • ant r 11 drera 'l tlresll gomls '1'1.10 ~G.ut ttbotinb everytbintr that beam even the St'mblance of pri\'i• tbe pemlenttary at Santa Fe for - - - Sewlllg silk . 2!>,0!) U.tJt lege or of ;~nyJdnd or artificial advantage, and pul our not less than 18 monthg nor more ''A l-'TEk A~l.." the play. :::,ak':'""!r papt>r :;~.00 25 tJi

b~tsiness men and produc:crn under the stimulation off• a than 2 years. • _ .• _ • tbe cast of which wau Uronms 2.1\.00 1.; Oil constant ua:essitv to be ~fficit'nt, economical and enterpris- · Frank Umborn, forr,rny, sen· C,'f'en JO these columna two week11 .;o.nn 15.00 ing mMteB ot t:()ttlpetitivc suprema,y, better wnrkern and teuec not less than 2 years nor Amce. will be prest>nted at Real's Matdws · 2i.5? 14.(l() merchants than an .. itt tbe wor.ld. Aside from tb<> dntieg more than . .l 1, ears •. Uosborn bu HnJ.t Tu~ur. night, April 22d. Harneq.,, q:~tJdlerr. other than leather JS 00 21l.c o

~ "' t beti Jo 1 t f fflb 1 Indian ruhl><'r, maoufa.-turen of 35 OIY' laid upon articles wbieh 'ie do not and probably can no! u cu 919 10 a v•ru en orm •. • 19 Pay. wtll be put on by home . • · Ill. I 0 produce, therefore, nttd tlte duues: lnid upon lunaries and !l~d 011 an order of the. ~urt. be talco~, .ancl in. addition to the Lead pemals ..3?.00 25.00 merely for the sake or the f~Vetiuelil. they .rield, tbr object Wa5l takeo {? th~ pent!cabary play_atself specaaltie!l ha-ve been, Barlt'J malt I tom 45c to 2.5c manutiu:tured gt.oda, frcm ?'i pt r of the tarifi' duties bencdo:rtb lnid must be e.ffective com- the week prevtous ut order t.o sep- prepared between nets. A liiJt pt>r bnqhet cent to .l5 per cent. petitiou. the tvhetting ol Atnc;!ricttu wits by contest with nrate him from the other prison• ot the..chuaetern and Jbe petOOn· Buclrwbeat. frotu.15~ to s, per SuspL'nderA, ribbon!!, binding"

-tbe-wittll:Jftfi{!'l'e'Stm·ttH!"'WlJrtct.~·-·- · ~· · .. ·-- -- emand !0 pre.v..c;nt.possib!e mn-. ilel..tl.Lth«~e .takitlg -&be pal't~bu~b:rl. - -- -.. - - ·· - ---· ---<''!•• from 83- per cent- to 35 ~ "It would ba un~ise to tttovtt t(W;>nrd this end head· taminatton. F rauk Gray eon· gives tbe asstu:ancoe of a • produc· Oats from l:!c to JOe a bus bel. cent. . .

1®_"'·_-_witlt.tedt'~s .1t.n.s.t.e or witb:s.tmkctlh"' cute ··--the veycd Rosbnrn to prison. Other tioo worthy of ';J most genercus Wltr!at frotn Z1k w lOc a bu!lbe]. C(\tton rnaou(actUTl'S curtain e.L _ !,l;; _ _ .. alii ~ 'P~i!'MJ.Vietooff 'f1fiS' -term -s-up~n ·Tfte- Rc:i· XfJ ~ Buttu from be to&:.perpound. t -0r . • . .. • ... _ . !h

very roots Of wlfat has grown up a'itlbngst, us by long pro- wcr'\! confined ht the L,i_neo_ In jail, Society .i9 as~iitin" i:eth~_ Jpa~~o; Cheese, I rom 6c per JX>Und to ..':r :e~~v.ets, .. etc., from 50 to .-;s cess and lit O"ut (Wtt'l: in-vitation. tt do~fiot alter a thing i r hi b "' 20 per cent asJ valorem r~ ""

. to upset it .and break it and depriw. it of a chance to n~t ce o ~ e was f:ttVea at the atation ot tlte entertainment. Be Ucans f;oUl 41'1c t~ 25c per Oarters.._ suso~ndeeb, etc., from cb tt~ It d tt y •t W us tt h ~une. onlt:1~d. 'bushel. · • 45 per :cnt to 25 pl!1' cent •

. "" .. ..:. .. ___ ~---.--_-·-"'"""'"';;!·ani_ ·1.:.~· "'• -,·-.. _~"'"~_-; -~,-~~~~·;.,rs~fl.~-.-1-b.tnosa" =~~-""atn_,g_ij·a_·d. !!,.?t~!._ .... t. '""•zs. trz .,.., ~ ~ -- ~ • · -~~~~--~~-= · U;:n. A u u QU _....,::;.,. "'# ,,..., n- " '"'"""'"' " .,.,. uy- . -4/ X -- i !!i!!t:' ng(f9,,;ft01tt 5c {Q 21! per dOi(!fl, . u<lt:C ~UtUUUilt (!I(!., 1r0n.1 ~ to

ment, a more (te~ =tnd wholesome (lcvelopmertt1 ftilt revoltl.- be _met and our methods should be. thorourtt.1ts tbotough Nursery c:uUing$ and cSeedings, 45 P~t cent •. · .. · t!Ott:, or ttpst'f or tottfU!ii.~n. Wtnttttst>build up trade, esve"' as moderate and -well C:Otljfdered, based upott the tucts us troni :t5 pe.r cent t6 1$ pt!r eent. . Iftsc:ellaneo~~t eotton good!:!,

_ . ~~llJ' foteigd ttatf(t~. ·we u~l Ute o~tlet :ti_id thlf~nlarg~d they ue, and not work'etl out-anci! we were begfunm. We -, · . Fresh veget:tbl~, i'tont· ~ . .'? liCt ft9tn .fi?-_Pet t:ep~ to 30 per -e~nt. ____ @1.4.J>J.~g~·rn tnj)te tlfll!!~~~\'{.!f_\lidhe!otti.. .. \V.e . .mu~t~-~~- ,.ar~ to.1!cat withitte-iatis"Of .tm -otm·~:err~:m.- - ·rt- ·r.~ --- r ~ttt.Jl!.~~~~_gn~. -:--·-----,.--- --c----~tb!~!t:l~ti! 8: ~t!~~iicl~ . -~·-·

l>ultd: up Itufustrya• Wellt attd must'ad6pt.freidom in tb(! . h' b . . • . . . . #f' . ·- ; ... · -ma. e: aws Apples. peaches. etc •• from ~e to SpetC'~llt r,u}:AII1ofetn. pft_cd' of a_tdlieial ·;tiwnldiott o~Sl"' ~:o.' fat .aa it wilt bl!m, w_ ~c. squ4re .-wslh tho!l~ tac:_t!, .~t ll! llest, llltl~ed 1t suec;.. to toe 11 bush ct. . t:!hlitl_l: d~y, per tpn, I tom $2,50 ·

:.. ;T uu essary, t<'i_be~tu_ w_ it_h, the tanlt, I wdl utg~ n_ otbi.u~ tJno:n · _'fia-isi"'"'· (r---,. 1:.;_·,... -4-..- ;._ P"'.f to.$_ t.~.. ____ ---- --1-------

tJI), jkilf .to~... :tn dtaiittrr Wit& t1i~tuiil_the tnetbo«t tr tf u tb i r • !!>· r .A" ...... VAU .. ~ ..... w .. c .. ' •hich thii <ton~ wilt be ll1i:lltfet ~~ judgmeliM~x· yo . e Ol>t!U l4r 6 ftli1Ue5!Uoii -.:hie& -<:rut ob~Jeur~ ~ pcuu:dt · · ·· ·. . · · 4ttt~mobftta i.tud motor~:ycle$, ·

Page 2: m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1R~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo



CARRlZOZO'~EWS ....... _ ....... ..

... ·cAn~~~' .. ·~· ..... ~·~.x; !!~~~.~ ·, ~ : • . ::;::;:::a;::::-"'.'?"~~ . ..,.,~~~-·'\:';>J<-~~'i#f':•"'"'""-~~}~~~

fU~IEAFICH WC:U~K. • . P~feeJQr aar.m•.BI.#~halilt 'Wh9 ~~· ~.,.,...,.,...,.......,_,.~-.~~""""'""""'~¥"

· 4uctec:t the Yale &:ftb&~loclcat

dltJC)n to 1111,ko l'liHWlb_. :~;:r.~~~lui ·l)eriod o: tho ~()i.'ii. · :~uii~t- ·.4.~•~•,;];1Jitiitid: ""'c;1jljqo; tfQn on tho part of. th" PeiMlYtan ernment t()


US-eFUL AS 11..1FE .· PR~SE~~~~ .

. '--· ,... .. ; (,..) ' .,

Hitw l)ev!lle. J• 111 Form of Qntlnll'1 ~~•mp JtW41.WIPi 8olld .Block .~f ·

· CprJ< Unct•r: •••t. · · , ~.

bu PTOYed a tlar' ~· ===~~~~~~tti1~-~~~~~~1~1~ b7 forel~n In lllupt, .. ,.. ~· ,Mll• waukee Whclon11111. ln. tho ~ of Peru and &lao lD the cue of JllCJPt, there Ia no veattp of aentlment ·ln the policy of ezcJualon. n Jl 'UOt .. II ploua deseenc!ant.l ahoulc! ..,., "You 1hall not dllturb the cr&v• of our aneettont" The rullns· claaa of Pe­ruvian• ue not deacended from the .uteea, but trem thelr BpCiab con· ~~U•rore. The rulen at 1!:17J)t are uot 4eacendanta of tho anctent ECY\ltlana, but Turkl. Tbe ltallanl, on the other hand &re tha direct deacendanta of the ancient Romana; 10 that their In· atatence that tha:r and not Gorman-. Encltahmon or Azilmcana ahould con· duct tho propeaod escavaUona hal a JuaUOcaUon In ploua aontlmont which can ba •ell undCJ"'tood.

For noarl:r a :rcnr thoro hu been aJ1. "a.cut.c lAbor tnQllno" In tbo l>ttta­bursb dlotrtcL Tbo Ptttnburah lndu. Lrtal commlualon, wbJcb hllD glvon much atudy I.e economic lllld aoclolos· lcnl problema, hu rcnchod tbo eonclu· alan that tho lncro111111111 DCQrolty of la­bor for lho mlllo bnB boon duo to the bnck·to-tho·tl1nn movement. Mo1'11 tbaJ1. 3,600 toretgo 1.4bororo, moeUy Huna and Au~>Lr1t~.na, ba•o thrown up lholr Joba In tho fJWwrtca nod mULl! And obtlllnod omploymoot In tnrmlos. truck &llrdunlng nod trult-rCllolng In lho weot.crn OOUJllJ')', acy11 tbo New Y orh Thnea It wo..o Ollpt>OlO'\ tbat thny would return to tll,o mlllt whon lho wlntc>r boaon. but tboy nppc4r w bo ao woll aoUaflod wltb thlllr cbcmgo ot oicu114Uon tbnt tboy lulvo not come bach. llnd, htu•lnc enco tllato4 tho •wootll of IIY1Dit out ln-.c.bo open. thoro 11 not mucb likelihood that tboy will roturn to tho crCUDpod condlt1ota up> dcr whleb they huo Uvod. Tbll movomt>ot to tho tnrma Ia a &OOl1 thlnJ far tho warllen, nnd an oven bettor Ulloa tOT tho community con­ornlly, u It mcana lnrgor food eropa r.nd, ovontnaliJ, cboapor Uvtns.

Tbo lntorcat In occ:u~ currenta at lblJ Umo lJ uonanlllb' IIYolr From 07dnoy, Now 6ootb W111oa, eomoa r• port that ll warm current or1&1natlnc tn tho oqnawnal part ol tho PaetOo oeO&A .and .filnrtna al.llll& tho t.UtC!'m oout of Anatralla cmd put Tumanta.. hal bean dlaoo?on:d b)' 11. C. Dao-' novl&, boAd of lho Auatrallan tlabor­IM dv-partmonl Tbo cnrront ta O"Ver a bundrod mlloa wtdo and !lowe at th• rr.hl of aono mUu an hour.' '

A pro pee of the failure of a IUIPOD­

ot •uppurntlns extromllloa. ompycmn or tbo eboat, "tC.. cmd oapccltllly for p11Uonto who bavo llltt sphincteric contrel. Aa alrendy llllld, aolllnc of lbo ontlro bed would not ruln ll

Tho mnlOrlal on which tho piUont Ia to re1t Ia pu~ on very tnut: ot tho nmo tJmo It b411 auftlelcnt realUcnC)' to mallo It cotnfortnblo. Tho aprlnp aen<f In thla n:apect Ill an addll.l.ou:LI ald. Wo bav .. noted that tho tcD4· eney (o docabltaa Ia C{)Dtl4ornbl1 lo•• enod b:r thlo bod, wblch 11 p'robablt o:aplntno4 by tho ability to prevent wrtnkllfll or tho llnoll.

Coavalcacont.l, or paUontJI aulfcrtnJ from medical and aure1cal 4laoaae• roqulrlbit opca.Qfr tnratment, bavo bean placed In aood wcatbor to tho boapltal to.rd on ono of those cota. When not no~o4 tho bed 11 fo1dod lD • fcnr lrtre0tll1lf amtllllt tn lrotmJ l!'M'Iltll' antll nocdod apln.

Tho cot It tho IDvetltlon of 4 R Ooaao, or Cblca.rro, a rotlrc.d polleo omecr, who tor mAiiY YC!lll'l eamo In dally contact with omoraoney cuu.


around their bodJea end drop-into tho w11ter, llll7' tho Popular Mechcmlca. Tho loca ot ttmo In tho oft.ln unaue> ceaatul ntt.empt to I"Cl1cll ure pr& nrvera when em 'nccldcnt occurs Ia ellmlnntod b7 tho uso ot tho campo stool preserver.

Purlfylnp Air. Ultra.Yiolot raye mlaht bo a•~ tow

purlfylnr. tho air ln eubmarlno boata. Such raya aro prc.ducc4 lD srcat quanUU4!• b7 tho Quarta merctU7 YaP. or lamp anc! tholr atorlllslnc power Ia now well know. Tho accrot of the croat power of tho ultra·•loJot rara It ahnPJo.. accordlng to Dantcl.Dcrtho. Jot, a Frtnch eclontlat, tor thor co.-. respond (0' tho hlJhcat tompcraturu tnown. In tac:t, tho tompcraturo or tho mOJ'C!ll7 nPQr J.B.Iru) which J)ro­duCCI them 11 ovon higher than that of tho aun. Mr. ~rtbolot aan that

comml111ton In 1877 and curl.oua monic portrruta of Lincoln nnd James A· Gatfleld.

It le rather n dl!ll ch!lmber, the light entertna. through. two. e~all win·

InK ctrorts have be'en ~de ,to Jearn the seulptor'r namo, but without avail. It Ia beHove( that tt WQ cbllleled In New Orleana · botweon the Ume of Taylor'• 'I'Cturn trom Mexi~·and· hla electlon to tho prct~ldency, bt.lt thll Ia speculation. It wu bousht by tho govei'DUient from dCIICOndanta ot Ta:F· lor, but thoy •were Ignorant of the

bl~no turoa or tho capitoL Anybody ln· tereeted In tho art obJect.u of the cap. Ito! wonld bo glad to got a clne u to Who WIUI the ICUlptoT.

Medical Journals Particular Fits A MEDICAL 1oul'lllll knows every­

thins. And more. So It muut bo true tbnt i'omcn 11re pbynlcmlly utrons· ur thllll men. Dut there II! one cit· lzcn In thlc town who won't own np to lt.

!IO Wall cGr riding With ll WOmllD, smr lllld lumpUr contoured, lllto blm· nclt, nnd from Cnpltol btU tor aovernl bfoeka bo wu glvlng tho.t mc41eal Jour­no! tho thing ve cnll pcrtJculnr Otn. HlB carefully cennored opinion went about llko thta: lcaoly, dlaresnrglng 4rnughta, cmd a

"You tAke th'J nvorngo youns IDllD- llllltch Oarou out Ho ·ht1a atrotlgcr tooth them tho av· "All right, thoro 18 nlwaya uothcr orngo young womtm, cmd, by Ooorael It Ia only when wo aro on our Jut bo takoe better care of thom. Ho box, with no moro In . alsht, thD.t we hnll ,; healthier altln, bccD.ulo bla bcgtn to bo carotuL Now, a man'• body tln't Bkowerod In cmd atraJcuc. ntrength ml!llDa apparently ondJua trontc\1. cmd hla hnlr lB moro \'1&01" mntchea, and ho wnatca lt roekleaaly oue ~cauao It lBn't lnkltod with Do has dcende1 to bo rounc and ~ rompy tn. whllo a woman's youth Ia

"And you aro ~14" a-" , n.ol'tlly the tow 7CIU'I, In whlch her Dut novor mind what tho woman benutr Jut& TJ!orctoro, thoqb her

nJd. Tho man didn't. nllowanco of mr..tcl:ai bo aeant. and, "rm apca.ldns ot yonnc men. and maybe, blno bc.ada at that, abo rtal·

rm not dl!%111ng that In llto'a cancra! l%ca tho ncceuf~7 ot uvtnr rrom the roundup women outlut. mCll-but I do lint. For that roa.aon-and J cou-lW11eat aplnat. .tho -theory. -tlat- m 4ldor I~Ulo~nly (l!lo-ber-·U~ilf -tho avcrac:> man. you u.ndoreland- fllcltorlnr after mnn'• baa flared ont. l!hortcne bla daya by m:oeuca. It tan't that man-v~o-ta 'Vlc:tona.

.. M,y C%Planallon ia, that man-.?et'o n Ia moro!)' that bo Ia pro4J&n1 with aco man. rnln.d-11 OTcrozt.ravqant lWl tl!l11l7 matehca. And woman wlt.ll.hll vllnllty, :ruat u moat of· ua Ia mtaer!)' wlt.h her rew. Do 10:1 cut aru"Wuteful with m&tehca, when tbq mer · are ao· cheap a.nc! 10 plenutuJ that a no neodn't havo ukcd. Be wu bQ% docan't count. Wo atrlto reck- cot by OTl!l'Y p.aaiODJ:Or In the car.

It cmo oxpoace to tho 'P'• a mtzture ot carbonic add PI cmd ammonta. th07 CO!lltllno &nd attp rliO to formla amldO. Whleb Ia tho b3to of proto- 1

plum and llvlq matter. Everywhere in Washington

ttar~~ettnvr~,m~ ~~~almHft•Om~~~OII~~~~~~~~Fb~·DFrt~~~~~~~~~~~==lt1a~il thAt bualnD41 Ia ~d ~Hleauao the bolt bu drlvon out tho lolpender, the Now York Son want. to tnow what bo.a boeomo of tho oa~pllna boye. llow cnn tho llu:n dlaplll)' IUch a~ mal I&Dof'llllco of thlnp trul7 .Amerl­cnn 1 Tbo ono-cnllna boy WC&J'I a brueo llUldo of tho mGit durable hoc btdo. wblch lJ bcmdcd eown from f• thor lO ~n. o pre<!loua blrlrloot:l.

. Dlaeuaalha tho propoul to erect a monume-nt to Oeoruo Wubtnsmn Ill Woatmlnator abb<ly, tba E:vcmlnl Gtandllrd. formerly tho Saint J&Qett

Oaaotte. and oneo atrooaiJ r.nu-.Amar­lca. proto11t11 Ggllin•t ltlch a cemortal bclna dedletltcd mcmtly to "Wuhtna­ton'a aptondld QUilllUea. • rt &r.7t. amona othar thlnp~ "Tbe Aeon­can robolllon Ia .now a.p~ed bz man EnJllohmoa. Wo HOOI!llte that the Amorkan• woro lbe onlJ l)il()plo wbo eaco out or thaL ULtla atlatr wlth bo~t-1Jr and dtanlty Tbaro wool4 be no apoelal mapnnlmtty lo oonfutlnl U mucb on Wuhtne1oq'a coanm1nt. IAt It atvo biUI bla dUO I lUI WU ll tio-

Ono obJc-ctton to a rudlnr clllaa­an ob.footlon that como pooplo eay etr1ata Ita other Ylrtue&-la tho fact that l\ lJ lmpoaalblo for tllo ponoo holdtna It to koop It ahraya 1.4 tho umo foeua. An 11Hilbla lllllD bu O'~>Ofo como tbla by lover.Unc a cJau that n<led only bo adJaat~ eoco and roo matna corrndl7 focuaed. Tho .lana or th!a alllu Ia reetangutnr, nne: at eru:h of tho upper COTDI!J'II 11 a r::ov­nblo leg. 87 ccana of ecroWII tbGllo C!P.Cla7 bo odjnotcd to held tllo 11,_..

. . J~\9 . 1'\1~1, • .'11:1'!~ Ia an ~~~~·~~.-I-~~ "banda aerou tho atartllna. "-

Ooto;~a aro doelarod b1 Dr. ETaa• to "bavo llltlo toed valut.• nnt thtt <bno an ~ml!urtna PID'ltlm• :!thlth: c:aleutatod to ebaawn. tht ILttnbilplumt and otborwtae dtaGft~1lnt tht Ylc!Jl. aao. Tb•. moral lnftUIIIl!l!t of tht oafoi 11 ttl tm~sna\Jle petnt. •

A pllon ot aca wat.Qr cont.ctlna allt ottne.a or lOUd&

Tvantr·tllW' l(!pamto opora~ ont.cr Into tho conatracuoa of a watch.

Tbo terecntona17 of !Dprtthms wtn btl eclobratoo at Edlnbtlrah next ~ ...

Of tho moro than MOO krulwn dlalceu maro than ono.f~ are AlltllUc. .

Tbero hal bCQa lll1 tncru•o of more tllnn tOO,COO bicycles tn a UWo ClOre Ulan o yGa.r In i'ratlee.

Dr. J. 'r. ()qtht:lOJ of New York mlltu Clll!oeo of orango with l!ibor. pfCdoctag a ~ortul an4 ptMU.nt now nnac:athoUc. ..

For wdng tho .stru~ ot. tnGt.l.fl a Oennan 11ctent1at tma tnvontoo a ~lRltU~TJp!Jta· ~ti'J···wbtc5 ~Uica a.rsoo Umot.

PaJ,\Cra rrom whfeb au ~Uo1 can txw!Gf.!niUwl ,.,t, nalnC'- .thee

e:xpenalvo tllbr1ca. hu boon- lnvtmted tiy an Ualltn J.eloiit1at.

'tbroo Utah lnv<~ntota h4•o t>atcnt&d a tnathlt~ tho • flold of hllt!'WII'Jitft••

-----·-----·-· i oqhl to teD her ~owa. Our better· liowerw. Ute this at ,liaUrJ'Uii l!ractl~ ot Jlvlnt&Wil ~~":~i:.,!::J!!f~~~.iti~~,~~~tb;;.:~l; In& aJld telltu t!lt!M \\q

)'OUr reaolved to tr.r Ulem. J did, only two boxes. an4 I am now and welL I regnrd my cure nn remarlr., able. I can recommend Dodd'• Kldnc~ PlliD to any one who Is eulferlng trr•m Kidney Troublo aa·I was." Write to Mr. ll'loonor about thle wondortul

Dodd'• K1dncpo PUis, 60c. per JQtlr denier or Dod.d't Medicine Butrnlo, N. Y. Write tor Hlpte, also muslo of NaUonnl (Engltah cmd Oermm w.ordo) end pes for 4Aintr dlshes. All 3 aent MY.

No Pl11ce to Indulge In Small Talr.. Tho cmnll oon of n deYout

City rather WD.f vlBltlng bla pa.rents. Tho aun bud j..uat after 11 tong mln:t' Benoon cmd th•· of tOO to.mlly, In an.ylng srn,ce A(

brellkto.ut tnblc, g~~ovo thcmka • • bright moi'Jll.ns and tho brouc::~. ahJnb.

"Why,· eran4~ml" tntorru~~·f younnter, acc:uetomo4 to a t)'pe4 form ot worehlp and ab~ll:•d what ho conuldcrcd hla grn.ndta ~!:or lrTGTilJ'Cnco. "You must prny-ooo talk to God about tho weather.·

Record Breaker, "l bopo ·YOU llkG )'OUr work.

lad." u1d a bonlgll!Ult elderly to an crrn.nd bor nn tbey emu a ntrcel "Men who tnllt> Jn. thcll!~ woclt. VQ. tbG. -mon wbo cet4." .

.. Oh, I'm a rooord·bn!Aker, the apr l!ll11."

''Tllat.'.a tha way tor a boy to Tell mo how :t'OU do lxltt~r them boya.•

'1 tnko lonrer to cnrry n than IUI:t' of them."

Taking a Leaaer Chance. A government Inspector Willi COl

dnctlng m oral exnmlnaUon for rlno engl.necra. Sc.ld he to me:

Page 3: m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1R~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo

• These Clothes are sold by us exclusively and

. many new put terns including all the proper shades of Browns. Tans and Greys are here .at from· $tJ.5f) to $2j.go ..

~FJoresheitn Shoes

- - - - - - - - -N. B. TAYLOU & ~ONH

flu•·dwnre C4IUUIOZO 6 WltltlJ OA" •

T1nwarr, l'a1nt!l. (;Ia-. ... 011~ .. r .• n k•nll~. Httrn.-.. ,., r\ mmum11on, I~ It. - - - - - - - - -

HOTEL Swellest in Lincoln County1


Satisfied with uur Holiday T·radt'. "rlmnks V/9're ready for your New Year wants and your all-thc-:rear-round wants with a high­class stoclt of ..

PURE D~UOS and all th~ ~rticles . usually found·· i~ nn up .. to.date drug shop. We believe· in tlte

-- --;-- -Good Setvice .ldea--nnd--witf-givt:-yuu-the best We knoW how. Qill. . I .


Page 4: m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1R~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo

,. ·~ ·rRAI?lN Q_ ... ··C oMP.~AN¥ ,SPEC_ A~·s .1:~ .. ~ · • Ne~Spr.ing··· Styles.·.•·: =


. .



' . . . • • (' l • '· . - . ' . ~ ' _t ~

;i • '


·e.. ~· _·· •. Jn~df~S--400ds~of eyery: . . . Dineri's,: Percai~.s, Ratiiie,~Oimi~\ms; etc.

We·· also handle · . ing, . caps ~ ' .

··--A~mplete st.o~ot11ardwarerg~Qeeri~ee(h-e~ .. al~~':'~hand · .. E.RBE~D-ELIVERY .. IQ_~L~_·_POINTS·. . -- -··· ~--___.:.- -_....:_.._ __ ~ _______ _____:::: ___ -~---- --~--- ·-

..... ~Carrizozo Traditig- -Gom}lany .. o o o



I ..• .. ·r .'"" ·~

j. LOCAL_AND1E::Jl80NAJ:.___~[~\N;!::!!:~:::!• ~~~~ · . . ~ '-----------------------. ....:.- District Foreuter, Atbuc1uerque, -.e.- -···-----~~-Uver''--· ----,-~ ••.• __ ...._:~:.. _____ _

Railroad Ladiea toM_ eel I Wayne Van Schoyck, of the New Mexico, up to and lnclutllng • J - ~ ' White Onka Mercantile Company,\1\lny 12. tola, for lOO,C.ICXl ff'ct .B. N. Cbaa. A. Steveria, Proprietor tl ~

r b , . more or lc1111

1 of green 11nd depd Wl!ll· · , ~ A 1.1. ratlruad lad tel\ o t c. was a viattor here Monday. ten!" yellow pine Kaw thubL•r upoQ u ~ r---":"'-----------~ ~

\(IWn arc to meet \hill af·l Attornc lludll ctl\. Wall down I dc.l{tllltcd !lre,u \fltbln T, Is., R. Jl Only Auto Garage Best AutoS. ~~ l··rnontlltl the Methodtst churciJ. I .Y P ~ I H .. N. !'oil. I .• 1., lJncol'! Nntlonnl f& . f

1 ·from White Oaks Monday, trans· Forcnt, New l'olexleo. No bid of

I h~ pr1Dli(Jtll IIUrp<I!>C 0 tlC · 11.'111.1 thnn fa !X)pt'r M feet wUI be COli· c " 1111'<'\lrlg' Will br for the di~.CUII·: acting aomc legal business. tddcred. Dcpotdt with bid f>J(},OO. Located ea•t of Pollolfico areful Drivers ~ ''"" nl (>Inn" for tht> opt>nlnl( of·1 Fre1t_ l~t'rnol<ls of t,as Vegas IThc rla-bt to reject uny nnd oil bJda ~ f& IL'-'l 'I . ., \ h All Inter• J • • ft'llt'rvt'tl. lJcforc bldJI nrc llllbndt- Lt·very Barns r:::'.· Cl rr ..........

If' n~ w: ") nual'. j'pent trriday and Saturday here, tt'tl fulllnfouuutlon concerning Ute I r rrst- ass l eams, I • •lt·cl .srt ex preted to aHend. t f &,1 1 &t ,. L limber tltc condllion11 of 1111lc and ~-. _ guc!l 0 " r. an« '' rs. ueo. • t11c nuhmln11lon of bltla .. llon\«1 Jw ~ Main Street B U

Senator CatTon llere l Ulrick. ohtuhwtllrom the floreal Stwrvleor, •"' 11:.. Uggies, nacks •"' .11

l,• .,. Cupltun, New Nexico, or the Dh•· IIP,.<'f: 8 f. C "l .._ ~-

- 011 1\.\l.ll l, wo thousand lbs. trlct l'orcntcr. AlbUtilll'I'IJilC, New J:l..t es orr a 8 Safe and Reliable I Tra .. •porta- ~

C AllHI~O~O hrlll a most uf early l~mcry cane nod cmlo !olcxko. • 4-11-3 ~ ..... ~-challni{Uiahcd Vl'tltOr Tuc,.. -UUIIZI' llt'Cil. J: G. TEXTOII, 'J:!..l £1 PalO Avenue tion Anywhere -m

I ...,.. .2·14-tf lurrizoso,N.M. ~ !'~

.t .• v 111 II~<• l"'r"on ol I on. • hom· I . ~ ~ ·"II l'.tlrUII, l'rllll'tl H•utl!!l St•ll· Mr ... ll. c. Joill'll, De Soto, FOR SALE ~~ General TTamkr and Drayalle Bu.U.eu---Prompt s~rt)ice ~ ·''"r !"\c·n.llur l~111run wu uu ht•, '-li•l\o.uri. and Mrn. George Practically new drilling ma· ~ ~ ,. "" '" (,, ... uln to nm .. ult the 1 Shelby, St. l,oui~. !\1i1111ourl, are chine complde and in A·labape. ~ Old and New Bu11siie•, Wall• Ot'll ~ l'""l'h· ol I hat Ill'• tum wtth rt'fl."r· j villiting with tb...ir coullin. Fred For price ancl information .appl ~ ~· AHC'nt for Continental ~~ t'lhl' '" tht• MllllnO\IIIUit•tl ngalll!il. w J to ~ on•,Racluand Ham- Co.'• Product• thrrn l.v thr l'nllrrl :-;til It'll I{OV• i · onell. AttAOON ~unnv Co, ~ ··rnrn .. nt Itt rt•turnl'd latrr Ill. Don't forget to bring your 3·28·41 Lincoln, N. Mes. l2f' ell For Sale Auto Repain _and Supplies ~ th.· wc•·ll. II watdt whc.>n you come to court, --· .- ~ ~-

- land If it need!l..rcpaira, tn1ie it tn ,..,. a C.• 1.,......- ~ • ~ m. Safely Co•mltlce Holldlc All work ill guaranteed "1 aulfered with rheumatism ~ . Tourists' Side Trips a Specialtv! ~ I

to l{t\·e utl~tfnctlon. 2·7·tf. for two yenrn and could not get ~ P "' l2t:

A Sl'l·:l'l A I, t.r .. uuht tn Su· Judge Medler left on No. 33, my right bnnd to my mouth £. r Cal~ or use the hone, No. 32 . Chauffeur'• Phone, No. 10 . ~

. p..rtnt~nrlrnt Morrt" u n d l'~riday afternOtm for El Pa"o to that length of time," writes Lte ~~~~Ji~~~~~~~~~~~~~!f~t.O~~~~~~~~ lht' ~ . .triJ '<JtnntttlrC' lrom Tu· join Mn. MedJ,.r and the baby !:· Chapman, Mnplc,too, Iowa. iffll. 'filM. 'ff~if/6.ifll.ll/ll.if!M.t~~'ff1M.t.fl/.i/l.if/M.II/M.if/ll.llll."iil(t.fll."if/ll.'ffll/.if/M.9/S)4 .uoharl Sunday nt~bt, and a dth at ti. C

1 ·- leu~ndturibkp~~~~~~d ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n~o·,·ttniC wn h~lrl 111 'th(' dub an eng 0 !Cit ruct'll tome. n~ot ~l~ep or Ue etill at nigb~ j ; ·· · ·· - --~-""-~- ~-,··· -~ , ~--· __

hutldlnl( 111111

nt"hl I,.()< ttl .:om· I The Judge wttl be In Alnmo~tordo l'i,•e yeon ago I be~r•n u!ltnQ' Oaa Cold Trail If" -..-.~M..JC.-....J4)1..i4..N..1tt~jii..JL..M..Itit~ 11111 ,.,<' .. a-od ltn al ra•lroad men ncllt Monday lor a t~hort term of Cbamberlnin'a IAnimeot nod in ·HUMPHREY BROS. wo·r(' pr.-.. c·nt. 0' WC'f(' al~o atcourt. , twomontb~ lwasw"lland havE' District Attorney Hamillon, .. L.rJCI' numhc·r uf the men 11nd j

1• S

0 12 f

0 d not sufferer\ with rheumnll'm Deputy ::merili A. 1'. R~bettA,

wumt'n ol thr town The me.-'t· .A •uu. At.£ .h ne • oot •C~re ninccr."·. l"'ur !IDle by All Dt;alers. StenoJlraphcr Spenc~rond Chi\Uf•

1 1 1 1 \II •

1 k M 1 ermotor w1t tower, feed grtn·l· _____ . feur Smith went to Picacho-- •

'"IC a,,,., 111111 · 0 ' lk' on· cr. """" mandrel and two sawn th b I th I S t ""' ruurnml{ nnd nutnv lll••lt•·r...l "ntl nttnlp J'm••lc. "ldo on~ or" n. SchlkrUc-lq. ra er e ow c Pace- a ur-I H ,. -· u " "' r • • day. ThC>i>ffidel~ hnd been io·.

Wholesale and RetaJI Dealers In

Flour, Hay, Grain, ~eed Stuffs, Etc.

"' tnl..rt'"' w r.ttlrnad and ('111·, lar and 250 rt. of ruiJ,, ALL lovef!l of music, etther, formed that a case of infanticide I I':" Tl'" wc·rr '"" """"" 1 J


t t 1 Ku c. PvtNOSTnN. vo~a or tOll rumen a . or tbcre required an investi..:ation. ~ - 1 3-28-4t. Nog.al. N. M. both. should be o~ the Met~f'li"t' However, the offid:tl• discovered t·

• '-" 1• T4et ~~ . AHornc .. s \Vndc & Wad• nntl ~:hutch TuelidiJ' night. Ap I 15. I upon arrival thnt thf'tr 1nforma-' Clll knuw whnl hnp .. rt1't tn n Ll 11 J& L The Schubert ~ympnony Club~ don was incorrect-tel<) pri.Sviomr. TITood a .;.1 ~ ewe rn lcwe1110 wno de· vnllbchereonthatt.Jcte,antlthe'inf"ct- but thnt,a' .... llprobNba'l· Phone 16 "' an COm Carrizozo, N•M.

louu•<' 111 ~Ill• h the plumbtllll 111 • ' w ,. .. ..

111 1


.,r , onrll 1

wn t'\'rrrtmd, in fended A !\Carate ln tbe change of club cont~ins good lltng~rn,splen•: ity, a crime hall been committed "'W',.._""tlt',...~ ..,._..-..,.-~k ~ I I II II t

• tr t, venue murder case from Dona did muR11ct•ns ~.d nll hagh dass that \VOUld require time to de·,;,.. ..... ..,.· ___________ ..,.......,....,..,.....~.....,...,...-..... -----

' •c '"u"(' '" a • e o ton 11.: . ,.A ent('rta ners. • de entertainment 1 velop. '

t I I r m \h r f r • Ana county, ten F nday for thrif ·u be d tb · f b • '~·. 1nu o "o .. u r C\ (' • · home11 in La" Cru·· .. : T·Le WI un tr e nusptc:~ o t e 1

--------------1 hc dill"'"'" urgnn'

1,erlorm " .e.. M l.adicn Home Mission Society. N~tka

tht> ~nmc tuncuon• 10

the ltuman; A.sl:ara~c family nod oth. er wit· The price of adm:s-;ion will be 0 ..,_,1=.,1 or runt• ~ 1 ..• h

1 b d r i neue& tn tbe case went tbe same 75 cents and 35 eents. rcaa>boo# ct A;.oliatl•<> r..o,

htmy O'l I c I' um tng oes or 1 da • , -~ ,_- -·-· lbata v .. n- llostm. Mareb u.tl)lll lhr hou<~c. and the1 •hould l}e; 1 . T.J.Jobnson.~f\Vilcos, Ar• Nottz•bbnat11tln"tbllo:~tb•llthda;t krJ>I 1n firo•t dull l'ond

1tton all I - nona, spent se\·ernl ctaya bere·otJfa:nh. IOU.to &#<Jtl1&nee •lth!lol\nl~tt> t1.

' (M;;flliWldH frr aillmt" this week visiting bis brother lrrit::dtc::> L&wottKI7 w. ·~· tlot>nmald uf t-.r. tht-ltme. lfyouhav«-anytronbl<!' p 1 J H • rt:t:tn.ca:u•trr4U~»oto.S!llc.nf.N-Mnlro. - 1 Tno much care cnonot be used, • ~.. obn!lon, e left yclater• cuuuap;:Um!Go t>~> tho lltat• ~'"" nt



The Be11t Brands of

BOTllf lAb ftlRRfi WIDSKlfS.


BilliARDS AD POOL w1th yuur dtl(t'"llon take t ham·, in 1\clecting a cough medicinl" for day morning for Roswell where rf••lla:rtEorcu ~nnlt '" a~pr!Atlo fro::. berlaln'a TabletA and rou Rre lchtldren. It nhould be y,tcnaant be bad bought two cats of bulls. tboi)Cbll.owaU:.nftho Stat. of N.w Unl<O.

· '· J' f Jt j • ·t t. . S<leb&N'f<Jt:f!aUin:ll•tobot:l:IJdO ft1>t::1 Oat w . • -ertatn to get quu. u '"' sc- • or to take. contnm no bnrm u 8Ull" Unrty J,. Humphrey received a u....., .. ,,. t><doUltf~ ,.~ a. ::T 1 s .IL 1o All a11le bJ' Dcnlcrn. lltonce and 00 mo:lt effectual. wire from Bay Citv. Michigan, trur.~1ia.a.- mN llaS.C.nbnn Choice Cigars.

_ Chamberlaln'9 Cough Remedy which announced thnt be was the N.l!l0 ~ w .. "tO' dlataot t.v muM nt dlwor· ..o~.--------....i~---------------.:..

Local Sc•eot Eltctlu meets tbege requirements and is a father of a babv girl, hntn.otl the at:dallatarta-:.:e liu....t watorl~ !:'


·. f.a.rnril.e .wlcb, \!19 .. .motl;er!_~fl~th. M~ Humphrey bas beed a:><i

Q lliTl•: an interest wns young c}lUdreu everyWl.ierc •. vlsi'tlng""uefold "llome· ·s1iice

lt'Of 81.\fe..by aU.det\lctt. NovembPr. tnken in the 1\Cbool elec• __ ~-~·- -~ __.... ·-

tion berc- Monday, if the number STATQWCT or THI ·Httictif'Siit of votes cut ill auy indication. p•,.'fl" ""."'"' •1. •••• -u•.• K- Bl&leof Na• llfasiCOtl Men and women voted to the """ '" ..... ~.... .,....... •RJ ..... .... r 88. tunc of 13'7. P: M. Johnson rc• COIIPAllt OP CAUrOlHlA. lot:U~!fn'!t~-!c~ No.ttM cehed \08 s>otc.s nod John E. Bell o_re. 31, Ill!. tiR\ta1J.t:.. Clll<>:lhlu\clt~~tAhtn.tot o1. u.. waa ue:at hlghcal, bi9 votll belni -~ t:.tauctl4dla!l.!lllle;d~ 83. A doacn other .• nnmcs were Msottl ·• · • • • $2612431005.92 ~tt on vnrloua ballotll·-tbcir votes Liabititio1l • • 23.3ar~JoiKIJ."Q,at1'.nu .. n. )l.clclt-. Ml!lllltlltt.tlrb

ru!lnlnr from .2 to 3~-~ut ~ttey GrosuUtftlUt .. .. 2 91$ US 9S d. ~h.~=~ I werf! uot autfretently ns the race ··· 1t . " ·• . . d ' .

1· . .. JJ

to.bedancd "' the ••nlao tau. L\ e.- A~c,dtnt ~ .uealtlt lnsur~ Two good dlrectott\ were 'cboliett We tt:lt\ttl N~w flltl'IUCC:I.1 and the ~rrht910 tcl~ool 'IVUl ~\. U. $CQWINT~l. coatinue to be one C?f tbe teadtng ·.Genetil Ag~ut. public &.eboola of Uua feet lou. Albuquerque. l{. M.. ·. ·

ftlWitl·Cillrltl -----~-· ··-·---- olOMPllt •.. _t·::~ ~~j'<~_iM~'-~':'!.~;~!~~~~.!-.~

•• • Transacts a Gettetil Banking Bttsine~s Issue!l Drafts ()n aU Principal Cities ~~ tbe World. ,.Accotdt to llotrt)wers every aetoitimodation t<!nsisJ~pt· whh hfeti~ A.¢~outtts iloHcUid.

tNTltRF$t PAll) oN· TiME nE.Postr . -- . ·- . . .. ,. -·. ... , . . s~

'Carrizozo ~·-Eatin:g-·····Hou$e. F. W .. tJUitNtaY, M;t~t;tt~ . ' ~· . .


1 t


Page 5: m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1R~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo



I .v ,.; ; - - -- ----


GOOD ElTHt;R , HOT_ I)R T:alk lo Yowg. Men ln - '-'ullt That <lrtatlt •nl1•1'11'1tt , ~-

Fia~or of Vanllli~ ••• _ -Cl'l!IUit,

ECZEMA IN RED BLOTCHES ZQI't Kanter. An., DeU'Olt. Wcb.­

"Some tlmo Jut aummei I wu taken with, eezoma. It began tn my hair tlrat with red .blotchta, tb,en 1caly, IJll~e!}IQIDg to my taoe. Tho blotehel

Hlnl)tld. meat uauallJ makea thfl moat aecot>tablo. nndwlehea.

The adept 1n cooking dooa hor work without miUlJ utenella.

Scald new brootllll In hot audll. Thla wW ton1hon tho tlbor.

Frlod bananaa l&ld on a bod of rice

not lnrge: on my tbeT were larger, aomo ecabbJ. TheT came on 'm.T hnndL 'rho Inside of my bandl were all UtUo lumP8 u though toll of ahot about ono-atxtcenth of a,n Inch under tbe akin. Then they wont to tho out1tde and 'between and all onr mT flnr;ers. It alllo began on tho bot­toms of tn)" foot and the ealvea of m:r lege, and ltoll, Qb, mrt 1 never had &n)'tblns lllto It 11nd hopo I never wUl apln. Tho ltcblng waa terrible. M7 handl sot so t could •carcelJ work.

"1 trlcd dUforont oczemn ointments but without rcaulta. I al11o toolt mcdl· clno for It but It did no good. 1 saw the ad,vo~mcnt . t:or a. fllllDple or CuUcura Ointment nnd Soap lind aent for one. Thcy did mo ao much good I bovght 110mo mero, uslnr them aa per dlrooUou, and In about throo wocka 1 wiUJ well npJn. OuUcura Soap nnd Olntm1llit en UNliT cored me." (Sipetl) BonJ. Pauago, Apr. 8, 191!.

Cutlcura Soap and Ot,ntmont 1014 thr()Uihout. tho world. Sample of each troe. with llli·P· Skin Book. Addreea poct.c:arcl "Cutlcura. Dept. L. Boltoa. .. .wv.

Rubber Atroeltlee. aympnthlzo with thoae vlo­

a.troclty In tho robber "1 can

t.ttno of roglona."

"Wbnt do ron !mow obont themT" "lt'1 mr business to cam our rob­

ber t.rcCG In nnd out *or tho bonne, ac­connnc ur tho- wm~thur.--

To keep nwar moths, e.cattor clove' In buroo.u dmworp and boxe11.

Clean nlckol nnd allver plece11 wlth 1lii!monla npnlled by a ftannel cloth.

Mlllt pudd[ngo are tho beat deascrtl for QhlldriJJll but they ohould bo Vlll­

rled. CboC!Io le very who1ci!OmO prcpa.red

with mllCOJ'Onl: potato~ or bread· crombs. . • Regular bnthlns with bot wnter bo­

Coro bedUmo Ill lllteellent treatment Cor tho eyes. •

Alwnyll fll.Bten tho cndo of tho thronds when rou llnlth n cca.m dono by chn!nsUtch mnchlnll.

Soda Gc:onoa.

Important to Mothera Examtno c:.Qt'Qfully ovory boWo or

OASTOJUA. a-aafo-and 1uro remedy lntnntl and Chlldrcn, ond aoo tb.a.t

MIX together In n bo\'1'1 ono-b.o.li pound !lour, ono-qU!U'f.Gr tenopoon cat' bonnto aodn, ono-hnlf toupoon crellin of tartar a.nd. ono-hatr tc!lllpoon IIUlt. then stir In 11u1llclent buttermllk to meko o sUtr pnoto Ut wW reqUire nearly n bn!f n pint of milk). Turn the paeto out on a floured boArd, knead It 11Jbtly Ull It no loqaer aUcka to your hanclll, then roll It out tbJn nnd cut It Into smn!l rounds with a cuttor or tumbler. Dnko tho CllltO on a Un In a bot oven nbout ttvo mlnut~. Wbc'n thot hnvo r111cn and tho surface Ia umooth. turn . and eoolt llvo mtnutos lonaer. 'l'hcy should bo '1017 p:~.lo ln color. They can bo cooltCJd on a grill· 41o or on n fl')'lnl pan If proforrc4. 1l lllwt .l1chcr. p.dd one ounco butter or well elru18od drlppliil an"d ruo Jrlnuf tho aour bot.ore addtn• Wo buuermtllt.

Olf'man Dlahse.

Beanthe~ Blanntutoot ~ In Uoo For OY'or 30 Qa.ra. Children Cry tot Fletcher's Ccmtorl&

lllAtL SKAIJ. ·DOSE. SMALL mer. Genuine must bear Signature

Wbllo p!o aCJaaon's al\'l'llfB open for tortuno bnnUng, few of tho bunters

lJortJ 11 a cheAp and aOOd~Oorman tllab; Get two flanks of 11liiib for abo-o~t lG cents. put on to boll, and add t\'l'o qtuU'tll of atrlna bonna and about four good ailed c:o.rrou. An onion way bo added. Cool!: 110 aa not to haTo too much J111eo. and wbcn Gone put a ploeo or butter In aplder and brown a bcaplng tableapoon of flour. .Mtf UUI td ypur atow ud-7011 wllf lleo Wblit 1r utccr.::·ebcap--.(}lnotll' :rou have. Seuon to taatll. A plneb ot thyme 11ddod 11 nice If ono Ukca lt. #~~

Pettits Eve Salve TONIC

~--------~-....-,a--·--~~ W. N, U'* DENVER, NO. 10..1913.

11re gOod sbota. · • ·

Oo!llllpa repent &verythlng they benr -nod n lot they don't.

Bowels- Get, Weak As Age Advances

The First Necessity_ Is to Ke~ the Bowels Gentl)l

OiH'J1 With a ·MIJ4 Laxative Tonic

Hero aro two more Oerinu ldCOJ! Wbcu cooking butter beona or enb­bo.go pour orr w11ter when 110n and add IUIIlr nnd vinegar to trurta, alBO use uic browned flour. TrY tbcae wtth roollt · pork nod ace bow nJco thc:r vo.

Lemon Cllke. Ono CUI) of wpr. JllecG of buttot

1120 of nn egg. two egp well bmlt.en 1:1 a cup, then flU cGP mth mnk. two cupg of flout nnd two tca.upoona of baking powder. Bnke ln four 147· 91'11.

Filling for coke: Gmted rlntl anc2 joice of ono lemon. ono eu. one en1> ot BUII'Ilr. Stenm o'O'or boiUna nter nl!tll thick. SUr whtlo steaming, tb1lli spread 'he ID.yera.

' I

Straighten that Lame Back!· ' Backache is one of NatUre's warnings of ki~ey weakness. Kidney disease

kills thousands every year. Safety is only certain if the early warnings are heeded Doan's Kidney Pills have. helped many_ thousands ~o get

Don't neglect a bad back. If your back is lame in the morning, if it hurts to stoop or lift, if the dull achfng.keeps up all day, mo.king work a burden and rest impossible-suspect the kid­neys. U the urine is off color and shows a led!-

. ment; if passages· ar irregular, too fn::queni. too scanty, or scalding, this is further proof. There mny be . dizzy spells, headaches, nervousness, dropsy • swellings, rheumatic •

• attacks, 1111d a general tired-out, run-down condition.

Cured After Dodora Gavo Up Hope ij. R. Hatch, 2510 Cedar SL, Everott. Waab., P)'111

"I doubt If Any ono ever auiTerod- more than I did with kidney compllllnL My bo.rk wcw ~;o bad l could bo.rdly walk. Tho leaat Ja.t or mi~M~tep. couacd twlngcll that {o.lrly made mo gr.oan. I dread~ to lltoop. for I knew whl\l I ho.d to ssuffer when 1 bAd to •trulghtan up n:::uln. Then! wo.D gcnorlllly a freljUcnt d~bo m urlnnlc, but o.t other Umcta the ICCTCtiona wero re­tarded. dork In color, lllmoat Uko blood and po.lned terrible •n p:ullslng. The drn:toro eald 1 IUid but a uhort> tlme to live. Aa a lorn reaort I bccan to uao Oo11n'a Kidney Pilla 11nd rapidly grow better, 11nd. at lat wco completely cured. 1 ho.vc remained ln good health over 11nce. A

Wh~n II""' bcrcl( /wrff, when uour ~tJnrY• ,,.,.,6/o IJOU, u:hen • l!f>tl fl.d ·ttreJ, l&Wit'OUI "' J~piuuJ. d®'t ~rr.Jlhl all{ fpr a

I(IJrotV- tc~NJJr-<Uk di~tlnctl1 /or Doan'• K!ilno1 I>IILI. lh• tomo that curd Mr. llalch, and rnakG IUtq tlu. IICUM

DOAN'S It on tho 60r. ~ .

Use Do:m's Kic1ney Pilla. the remedy that is publicly recommended by 100,000 peroorus. in many different lands. Do\ln's act quickly, con­tain no bQftllful nor habit-forming drugs nod nrc wholly harmless, though i-emnrlwbly effective.

"When Yom BaCk is Lame-Remem~zo the Name"

DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo; N.Y.

At aU Dealers or by Mail Price 50 cents.

Nervoulntu Explained. Tho young man ent\lrud tho prc6J·

clent.'a office nnd 11tood fil'llt on ono root nnd then on tbo other. Uo dropped blo hat, bnndkcrchlef nnd umbrelln. Altor;cthcr he n-llll n htgblr developed C:UO 1Jf norvoUIIDOIIII.

"Well, well," oald th(l employer. qOut wllb It!" · "l hav& come, nlr," anld the rouuo: mnn, IWd tbon began to ntnmml!r. "·- -'·'W•Ur ·•~ up. Ho.tc YOll come to OJ!k tor tbe hD.nd of my dnusbter or ·C!. rn!so In onlnry !"

"lf you plellliO. olr." otnmincred tbe ;oilng mnn. "ll'o botb."-Exchougo.

Clllumet Cuaranteea Baking Economy. atoppql to think Just

~~~: ~11T11.:e~~i <'<>at of the m!>.t&­

-111 H<lnnlmV.


t;.,. "Mebby youao wouldn't bcrllovo lt.

ma.'nm, but I como U'O' Pnrt1 good stoelt."

"Ohl I d'on't doubt lt. Anyone ean aco that. It bllll no'O'er boon wntercd."

Spring Clipping nf Horae•·

Onto lt. Blobbtl -Sklnnum In trying to pro­

tilOll• n tu•w mlnlnl!' rompen3!3. Dld 7011 fall Cor It 1 •

Slobbo- No; I tumbled.

Anrwoy. the ml).n who follown your ndvlco nlwoyn bllll oomc ono to blemo U b~ tpllo.


Pill~ ern unlike aJI oth­er tuallvesor Cathllr­tic& Tbny C:03I tho liver Into II.Cllvlty by gentlo methodu. thny do not ccour; they do

(am~~u~ not gripo; lhny do not ~Neal<®: trot tbuy do ~;tart all tho cccr.,lions of lho h\fet !Uld cmm-ecb In a way that c:oou potu lh~ orpM In a boalthy cond•tian and

_ fr'OSI.t. !7Ith m frqauna made of eon­fecuonel"'a .Ugiti' litill 11otUnr: -w.ttel~tf#li'iii~tt(m.;~;:ie--mtxetl to the. right conalJwni!Y

c;orrcclll t:m~s1ipaJ!on. Munyon'a Paw·Paw PUb a.ro a toniC to tho atom:\Ch, liver rii>d aenra They lnvlaornto imtead of weakeo: lhey enrjch tho blood Instead o( lmpover­labiog It: they eoz.blo tho 1110Dm!h to got ill) lho nourishment -from food tlult Ia put Into lt. Pru:e 25 i:Qfl~. All ~

ap~ ~

Timely Suggeatlona. Dannnas abould bo buns np. AP'

plea maY-M aelecled tor tbelr wet1ht. 'tnt> lighter varlett&a abrlnk In cook•

· tn~t and. bavo not 10 rleb a flavor a1 tho buVler ~lnda. , · · ·

'rJlg best ,o.n4 llllmpleat method bl toop{ng eggfl, ror thole who bava onlr • amnll number -to pack, lJI to edver thO boUom of tho bolt ;vtUl a laJel' ot ftn'o 1ait. two Incbl!a -dHP· .

\Vberi buytnr new _potJI,Wea aee 'that theft aldnll rutl orr wall1" Jf there t-. .-111 amel11t1 1n remotlna tho alfd the7 tan not. been ttealiJt due-

·nani a slow liili.il dlW""Ol)'lr mro. a sprinter when bo hn8 n chance to run lnto dobt. •

])()n't be mi~<led. A•k far Red -CrQ11 BliA It .m

1 ue._ .. lfAin!ll bcautlfttt white t:l6thee.

t t1 IOau gt()Oeta. AdY. .

tl!li the C!&ll(llt thing ltl tbo wortil to 1nlttllct. another how to c1o thlilP<

lUi;;~• SeoUslltJ' fiJ'fttP far ciiltl4ml uet~;~lnc. iliOf~ Jhe ptmi. 1'114Dt!U fnllalll,... ~~!IMeo~abQtti ....

Nf); ifl'f.,tltot ~· beotl :aflle: w dMil • nolseleil t1at wheel ,Ja

--=------ ~·--""_ .... _._,

l:na~~~~l:_'T~ r.oo\o for 'rbla Tnu1eoo.r.tarlt l'la. tun o11 the LAbel wh(.U buvlna

AIJ.EN'S I'OOT•EASE. "tlut Aatlseutll!- fot 'l'tl>-·

t ....... au.r... l!fl'• ~ 'a<)ld flvtf)'> .o • • ..it\•trt, 2~ 11 Pn Adt1t<U. ,.._. l!it () ~ .... y.

• I


Page 6: m;tt :,. . ~arti303o -1R~ws~·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · to square them with, the ncl.ulll facts. 'l be soonrr thllt 18 c:anized nod they want peace. Jlioo

·- · . -CQ1. T~ w.-· Stonewoo,l, vbh• ', . . ~.: ... ~c: llifH~ity 9f )V.hh~ Qf!~S '~J!~ Cl:tj

-. :last-~·cekL:c:::·:~·---···--'~:-~-:-···---_-. ---..-..-·····-- . . ~d llatfkht!l .an4 f:ioll W,er~ _ · _ · ·

·.·" iZJg the ;<:nttl_e _ou*·:c)» lhe . . O~its t!~t-~eelct.~ '--~--"~-~-~--~---. --­, Mr.· Wi11int of Rq~well ~ii'P~'

to l.e~ve f<'r V!!I'Y. !foo!i,

Wetch &. TftSwritth, .: ,~,...-,',b._;_,,~•• ••-•-•·~-"":, , c., .. ,~ ~,~•-->'----~.-- ,--r ~ "J "f.,_ • • ~ ..

~h~lesa.le . ~dd. Re~ll Merch~nts. · . . . ~ . . .

'"" .. -

and' Mrs. E, E. Wilaon pa . ._ --_s_-.• _tgd~~~ef W~_-'oris_;-, White Oak!! a visit Friday last. ~

Mr. Berg, the jeweler, nnt .. ic~~-~~::~:~-=~~~:~;~~~;;~;:~:~;~~~~~~~~~~~g;~i~~~~:~~----------~---J~~~·~~~~~~)~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~-­f:;css:c:.::~~n~ 1;~ r:::ah~n : lsf Grade: . . . . · Wheat' Flo. ~::7.:!~t ~:; ~:~'iv:~":: ~~;.UU"'Hv -·llrppla;udc!h~':'"'~~fl(r:G-.rp~i~f~~2,niili!.:lii1Ri~1rmr1ii>n.-.:tn-rllr-J---------~-___,-~. __ j_ _____ ~2:.7-0-Pe~~wt-;:·&,lo~adaPo~oes a permanent cure in tn: pmcy woodJi of thi:! C'!mp, -----l-l-e-n.t-nutut~W:D-t.nc.-!l41.uJ1~--+n·"1'

Granville, the ba~y boy of Mr; and Mrs. J~ I<:. Wilson, hail been vtry Kick with croup.

The Chaplain ~pent Thuraday, the guest of I~'atber Girma at Lincoln. Ile was accQmpanied by Mr. Ben J. King of No. 4. • A tw\·cre form of J.:"rip ill goir1g

the round!! here. Almo!!l every A number of the patients are prepating to return to their re­specth·c hon1es and posts for the

ont boB had an attack. W. A. Franklin has two men

It Wins I

~ L. C. Smith &. Bros. Typewriter (Dall ll<'t.~rln~-·Lonz Wearing)

In buylna a ty,cwrltcr you wonr a satisfactory answer to ~- three questions:

JV flat fl)lll It d,o ,.,,. met f Hot;J fl)•tl t.1lll lt do Itt' HotlJ Ions b1llllt do llf

By ansv.•erlng rhesc queries wlrh tho needs of the type-writer owner and unc:r ln mlnd,rhc L. C. Smlltl & Bros. Typewrlrer Company has anal ned tho rronr rank In the cypcwrlter field.

Some iHIOplothlnk tbal-a Jypi.IWIW' Ia to 11. Macblnco may luok alike but there Ia I lot or dllfcrenco In elfic:lcncy.

Tbo new Model Five 4• built not-only--for ltrallbl c:omapondonco but for tabulat· In&, blllln& end In fac:t for nery acnlc:e needed In lba avcra&o bualncu.

Ita baD bcarln&• at all polnli Wb'Cto ftiC• tlon dcrvelopca tllrou&b ac:tlon, permit close adJuatment 1:1d lnaaro con-tct and accurata typcwrldnl•

. . -w, would llu tlu opporlftnlty to t1Jl yo• lltiOrt doallt.

IV rita for frt4 book of OJU' ,.,., ltlohl F/~1.

L. c. 'SMITH & BROS. ),YPEWRITBR CO. ,_, orne• fM o-,,,,. ca4 Frm1fflll<111~11 1\'IACUII!,lf, T., U, IL A.

Btlll>4ln til dJ PtliU'IJI&l Cllltl

Denver Brartc:h. 1647 Champa St., Denver, Colorado. .

The Carrizozo Bar All Bonded Wbiake1 Port Wine Blackberry Brandy • Otil Kioitlom Bteiiite~WhliKe,,--

the patients in gener-al are very much enthused over the prospects of hnvini' a place to· pass awav the time in amusement.

Mr. M. Sweeney, the popular night nurse at No. 10, is speuct. ing a few days in El ~aso_,


EIHlloll Proc:laaatioa

:See u.s When you go to f:3uyt.__ Seed for Spring planting. \ We have a fine supply OniQn sets,

Pric:u Subject to Cbu1• without Notice

WELCH & TITSWORTH r-Capitan - 'New Mexico


' .


\· J.

• i
