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  • 8/14/2019 Mulford q Sibley Winnipeg


    The Grenkie Election FlyerUNIVERSRY OF WATERLO O, Waterbo, Ontar io THURSDAY, MARCH 25,1%5 VOLUME I , NUMBER 2


    rian, aCouncil. Elected; Several UpsetsThe elect ion of Student Counci l members las t Tuesday inc luded several and Dave Ness. Dave Ness was not expected to win an d the upset of Jeremy

    surprise victories. Howe ver, vo ting was extremely light. Simon was qui te surpris ing.In the Arts Const i tuency, only 21.6% of the voters turned out to the

    pol ls . Ginny Lee led in the riding. Other new counci l members are Steve In the Engineering Const i tuency, a whopp ing 43.3% cast their bal lots .I reland, John Clarke, Dou g Weir, and Heather White. The surprise in this Bob Cassady led the riding. Other enginee ring members are Louis Bat t is ton,const ituency was the elect ion of Heather White. Art Dawson, Sandra Jory, a nd Mike Mogan. Sandra Jory was expected to top

    In the Sc ience Const i tuency, 32.3% of the electorate voted. Jef f Evans the pol l . The upset of Don Weatherbe was also unexpected.was the f i rst choice. Other sc ience members are Ani ta Bugara, Paul Freeman, Maureen Bel l was acc laimed in the Renison R iding.

    BellAcclaimedBut Speaks

    Student Counci l for 1965-66 wi l l bestart ing of f wi th every thing goingfor them. We wi l l have a new con-st i tut ion, we wi l l have new blood onStudent Counci l and we wi l l have alarger s tudent body. The people whoare elected to Student Counci l shouldbe people w i th intel l igence an dini t iat ive. There is no longer anyplace on our Student Counci l for thepet t iness and apathy that has markedits action or lack of action in thepast . Hav ing said this much, w hatcan I say for myself? I have bee nacc laimed and there is real ly not muchI can do about that fact. This is notto say that I take my responsibilityas a member of Student Counci llightly. On the contrary, it is a re-spons ibility that carries with it agreat chal lenge and surely anyone whois wi l l ing to accept a nominat ion isindicat ing his wi l l ingness and even(we should hope) his eagerness toaccept that chal lenge.

    I t is my hope that Student Counci lwi l l m ake good use of hinds ight(weve made the mis takes-we haveonly to learn f rom them), and makea determined ef fort at fores ight inplanning and organizat ion.

    One thing that I feel wi l l contributegreat ly to this is a more uni f iedStudent Counci l . I have representedRenison Col lege o n two prev iouscounci ls and in that t ime I have ha dthe overwhelming impress ion that inspi te of the interest shown on my partI was, in fact, a n outsider. For thatmat ter , Student Counci l has neverbeen a very cohes ive body. Admit ted-ly , Student Counci l is the place fordeba te and constructive criticism ofproposals brought before i t, butcertainly a great d eal more can beaccompl ished by a co-operat ive ef fortat good planning and organizat ionand less dissent ion over personal andfactional interests.

    WITCH DOCTORSPOLICY PRAISEDWhen a Nigerian mental pat ient reports for t reatment to a wi tch doctor-

    he moves right into the doctors home, of ten bringing his wi fe or his daughterto help him with bas ic nursing and food preparat ion.This pic ture of mental t reatment in

    the West African countries has bee nbrought back to Canada by Dr.Raymond Prince, of the Sect ion ofTranscultural Psychiatric Studies,McGi l l Univers i ty, who returned in1963 f rom 17 months of f ield workwith nat ive healers of the Yorubacul tural group pract is ing in the townsand v i l lages in Nigeria.

    Dr. Prince wi l l give a lec ture onWednesday March 31 in the Theatreof the Arts at 8:30 p.m . With his vastknowledge and research o n the topicof Cul tural Heal ing and Nat ivePractioners in West Africa, Dr.Prince wi l l be able to prov ide thestudents and faculty of this campusas wel l as al l other people of theKitchener-Waterloo area an int r i -guing and informat ive evening.

    What They WishThey Had Known

    Before C oming to CollegeThis is the t i t le o f the book whichProfessor W. 5. Reddin of the .Uni-

    versity of New Brunswick is writingfor Canadian high school and col legestudents . Some of the proposed s ix teenchapters are Select ing a CanadianCol lege, Select ing Courses, The Careand Feeding of Professors , Infor-mat ion Display, Ins tant Sophis t i -cat ion, The Search for Maturi ty , andResidence Li fe. Anyone who has t imeto write to this professor concerninghis v iews or informat ion on any ofthese subjects should write to W. J.Reddin, c /o U.N.B. , Frederic ton,N.B.

    Culture and HealingNative Practioners in West Africa

    A Lecture and Fi lm byProfessor R aymond Prince, M.D. McGi l l Universi ty

    who has done extens ive research in N igeriaWEDNESDAY MARCH 31, 8 :30 p .m.

    THEATRE OF THE ARTSCELEB RATE Friday s end of c lasses by at tending this lec ture.



    OF CHEMISTRY: SUMMERSome Chemical Studies related toSteroid Metabol ism by Dr. J. B. JACKETSJones, Department of Chemist ry,University of Toronto, on Friday at all sizes in stock now2:00 p.m., March 26, 1965, at Phys icsBui lding (P 145). Hours lo-11 a.m. - 4-5 p.m.

    MATH. 111Three pregnant squaws s lept onanima l sk ins: that of an elk , a buf falo,

    an d a hippopotamus. The fi rs tsquaw gave birth to a son, thesecond a son; and the third, twin boys.Which proves : the squaw of thehippototamus is equal to the sons of

    the squaws on the two other hides.- Anon -

    Brian Ingram, Ass is tant Regis t rarof the University of Waterlo o, be-came a father, for the f i rst t ime on xTuesday March 23, 1965. His wi fe,Annie, gave birth to a whopp ing10 lb. 2 oz. baby Boy at the Ki tchener-Waterloo Hospi tal .

    Mrs. Ingram worked as the secre-tary for the Planning Departmentunt i l four weeks ago.

    Before the birth, rumors were thatAnnie Ingram would give birth totwins, triplets, quadr uplets, or evenquintuplets . However, wi th the birthof this s ingle baby boy, we mustregard these rumors as being er-roneous.

    New rumours are spreading thatthe Ingrams wi l l cal l their new andf i rs t baby Whinnie in honor of theproposed new nam e of the presentUniversity of Waterlo o. The Ingramscould not be reached for comment onthis suggest ion on Tuesday evening.Mother and Father are doing wel l .

    nstitution YesI h nnie

    The s tudents of the Universi ty of Waterloo overwhelmingly voted toadopt the Const i tut ion of the Federat ion of Students and to keep the nameof the University of Waterlo o.

    In the referendum held on the uni-versity campus on March 11, 93.5%of the s tudents vot ing approved theconst i tution. However, only 31.4 7.of the s tudents voted in the elect ion.Concerning the proposal to change thename of the universi ty , 72.77* votedagainst any name change. 34.4% ofthe students voted on this i tem of thereferendum.

    In the choice of a ew name for theNo Parking

    Why so wan and pake, s i r,Who in yon snowdrif t l ies?The weath er is so cold, sir,One cant do nought but d ie!

    And I , dear s i r, wi l l tel l you, too,That there is nothing else to do.The park ing lot is down the roadAnd walk ing is so cold, so cold!However someone lowred the boomAnd Cookie almost found his doom.No longer can we s tudents parkIn that fa ir parkin g lot of Arts.Beneath the cold December sky,In gl int ing snowdri f ts one mi le high,With teary eyes that look so braveWe suffering students find our grave!

    A Nony MouseBLOOD

    The recent b lood drive on March16 at the Univers ity of Waterlooprov ided 343 pints of blood.

    St. Jeromes stude nts collected over$100 to aid tha neeroes in SelmaAlabam a in +qe~r f f ; : it ; for I . , i ;< iy .

    University, the students selected .Laurier as the most l ikely ; however,i t only received 29.3 OjO f the pointsMackenzie King, Marlborough, andSir Winston Churchi l l fol lowed in thisorder. Other names suggested by thestudents on their bal lots were StantonAcademy, J . S. Woodsworth Me-morial U. , Louis Riel U. , Max PlankU., Grenkie U ., University of South -ern Ontario, University of Centra lOntario, and Universi ty of Ontario.

    ReferendumResultsThe Const i tut ion :

    For 923 93 . 570Against 64 6.5%Total Votes - 897-3,11931.4% of total s tudent body

    Name Change :For 320 27. 28 Y0Against 752 72.72 7.Total Votes - 1,07234.47; of total s tudent body

    Sir Winston Churchi l l :For 85 25.8 Y0Against 244 74.2 ToTotal Votes - 329

    Choices :Sir WinstonChurchi l l 475,points 20.75 y0Mackenzie King 624 points 27.2y0Marlborough 522 points 22.8%Laurier 671 points 29.25%Total Votes - 2,292 points

    Steen Petersen,Chief Returning Of f icer

  • 8/14/2019 Mulford q Sibley Winnipeg


    Talk About Apathy 1 II?ecesWhi le students from other universi - in our Canadian society. He; too, does Part-T ime Job: Assistant to Physioq t ies across Canada and the Uni ted not have the rights of other Ca- Therapist. Wanted for f ive n ights a.x States protested vigorously and os- nadians. Secondly, there is the week and three hours each night. Notensib ly against , the inhuman and in justice of the lack of re l ig ious experience necessary. Apply Dr. D.gusting treatment of the : negroes freedom. An Ontar io couple haveof..America, students of the Universi ty recently been disal lowed to become A. Cameron, 1060 Queens Blvd.

    of Water loo, calm and unboncerned, Canadian ci t izens because they re- Ki tchener.gave no notice to the recent atroci t ies fuse to admit the existence bf God. For Sale: A working used T.V. Set.1 n Selma, Alabama . Whi le groups They cla im to be Atheists. They have! from various organizations and several every r ight to th is view and shouldAn admira l addi t ion to any room.

    student groups and individuals do- not be d iscr iminated against because Buy hours of h igh class enterta inmentnated m oney to help the negro in h is of th is. Thi rd ly, there is the case of for only $3 5.00. First come - firstf ight for, l iberty, WE DID NOTH- the refusal of Professor Sib ley in the served. Phone 744-9092 for ap-ING. * This is a f ine_ example forourselves and a f ine example for our edi tor ia l on th is page. And there are pointment. Imany m ore Lost: Will the person(s) who tookSurely, the students of th is uni - Mr. P. H. Gersters I set of Cory-.But even i f we don t look to other versity . have some opin ion on thesecountries for examp les o f injustices, matters. phaeus please return them im-4 we have plenty of our own which Why dont you expressthem. Why don t you stand up for mediate ly.deserve full;. recogn ition. First, there the r ights of a l l individuals. Protestis the p l ight of the native Indian Wanted: Several copies of the Vol . 5is only one means. Number 18, Dec. 3, X964 CoryphaeusI ( are needed in the Board of Pub-

    1 1 Oh, Canada; t/ IOh, Mr. 1 earson;/1iFations off ice- in Annex 1. Reward.Bookstore Paperback Sale: March29-31. 20% discount on a l l paper-backs on displays. ,Personal : Young man dr iving toVancouver, leaving Ki tchener on or

    * .oh, Senator McCarthy, about -May 17, wants someone toshare driving. Expects to take four

    from the Globe and Mai l or five days for the trip. Co-driverresponsib le for own accommodationImmigration off ic ia ls in Winnipeg thizer?) came from Canadas 1 m- and sustenance costs. Cal l 744-6644,have made Canada an object of in ter- migration Minister, Mr. John R.

    national r id icule. They refused entryMon.-Fr i ., 3-4 p.m.

    Nicholson, who knew beforehandto a d istinguished American pol i t ica l that the professor was coming to ,scientst who is a Quaker, a Jeffer-d Winnipeg, and accordingly launchedsonia paci f ist, and a strong supporter an investigation of h im. 5 >I WELL! .of free speech and opin ion. Further-, more, they turned him away w hi le This investigation got to the ears (From the University of WaterlooPrime Minister Lester Pearson was of Mr. Stanley Knowles (NDP, Gazette) Motor Vehicle Reg.expressing the hope to the Commons Winnipeg North Centre), who askedin Ottawa that there would b e no Mr. Pearson in the Commons i f Prof. Members of Facul ty and staff aredi ff icu lty in admitt ing h im. Sib ley was going to be a l lowed into reminded of a motion, c$ly pashedThe man whom Winnipeg bureau- Canada. The Prime Minister repl ied: at a meeting of /the Pr,esidentsCerta in information was conveyed Advisorv Comm ittee on Studentcrats deemed too dangerous to be

    al lowed on Canadian soi l is Professor to the authori t ies regarding the Discip l ine and Universi ty Regu-Mul ford Q. Sib ley of the University of possib le arr ival at the border of thatMinnesota. He had been invi ted to man on his route to Winnipeg. That

    lations. Pending recommendationsinformation reuui red the de,partment from the subcommittee, the pro-address a meeting at the University to make some inqui r ies. The man in cedure, as outl ined in the regulationsof Mani toba, sponsored by the Mani-toba branch of the Voice of Women. question has not yet appeared at the be continued wi th the exception ofWhen he got off the p lane at Win- border, and I hope that as a resul t

    n ipeg, Canadian imm igration off ic ia ls of the investigation which has beenfines col lection from facul ty and

    made there wi l l be no di ff icu lty in staff members of the universi ty.asked him i f he was a Communist or this regard. , (The system of offences and citationshad Commu nist sympathies. He re- wi l l be continued for a l l.). fused to answer these questions-which to, h im smacked of Mc-Carthyism-and was prompt ly sentback to Minneapol is on the sameplane which had brought h im.: Mr, James Cross, Western r egiona ld i rector of the Immigration Depart-ment, made i t c lear why Prof. Sib leyhad been refused entry. To under-score h is bel ief in freedom of speechand thought, the professor once said: would l ike to see on the (Universi tyof Minnesota) campus one or twoCommunist professors, a studentsCommunist club, a chapter of the\ American Association for the Ad-vancement of Atheism, a society forthe promotion of free love, a leaguefor the overthrow of government by

    But even as the Prime Ministerspoke, Prof. Sib ley was. being sentaway-- l-an action which the Im-

    ,migration M inister ( in Vancouver atthe time) described as proper.Mr. Pearson, m eet Mr. Nicholson.Messrs. Pearson and Nicholson, meetthe Governor of Minnesota, Mr. KarlRolvaag, 1who after Prof. Sib leysre jection _ ent a te legram to theWinnipeg im migration off ice saying:

    I am pleased to testify regardingthe personal honesty, in tegr i ty andhigh moral character of Prof. Sib ley.A leader in the world paci f ist move-ment, he is considered an outstandingteacher and scholar not only here, butthroughout the Uni ted States as wel l .

    i The proposal is presently being studied by a committee of 10 Ontar ioregistrars. 8 \he University is stil l opera tingunder th is pol icy and hence, f ines

    col lection from facul ty and staff isnot in effect. Our thanks to the American Press for the fo l lowing art ic le.

    * * *

    What About.: The OthersITwenty students have been elected

    tdbe mem bers of the Student Counci lof the University of Water loo. How-ever, what wi l l the losing candidatesand other mem bers of th is universi tydo next year. Well, there are scores ofJeffersonian vio lence, an anti -auto-

    mation league and perhaps a nudist . Governor Rolvaag said later: clubs and activ i t ies for them to becolony. Countless America ns are severely concerned wi th. Indeed, there is an *shaken in thei r att i tudes regarding urgent need for students to f i l l theThese views made Mr. Cross cross, the existence of freedom of expression many posi t ions wi th in the var iousthey m ade, h im see Red, so Profi in Canada. It borders on the un- boards of Student Counci l . We urgeSibley was sent away. But i t wasn t bel ievable. It does indeed. Canadajust Mr. Cross. The order that Prof. has been made to look fool ish by i t- you to contribute to these numerous

    Sibley should be questioned (Are and so has Canadas Prime Minister. boards and activ i t ies in order thatyou now or have you ever been a There m ust be a fu l l explanation in al l the students can enjoy a successfu lCommun ist or a Commu nist sympa- the House of Commons. and prosperous next year. s

    by Wayne Tymm LTelevision is being viewed as a solution to the problem of increasingenrolments in Ontar io s universit ies, Al though TV would not br ing Yogi

    Bear, in to the classroom, i t could restore the professor-student re lationshipthat is now disappearing; in many universi t ies. Having studied how mosteffectively to use te levision on campus, a committee of universi ty academicsand administrators set up by Ontar io universit ies has agreed that on-campustelevision is an advantage which has been proved by several Canad ian uni -versities. The University of Toronto, McMaste r, McG ill ,and the Universityof Water loo are among those al ready using TV. Scarborough Col lege, now underconstruction, wi l l be the f i rst Canadian universi ty bui l t to uti l ize te levisionteachihg methods.

    The te levision committee, under the chai rmanship of Dr. D. C. Wi l l iams,vi t ie-president of the Scarborough and Erindale campuses of the U. of T ., ispreparing a report to guide universit ies using te levision. .A critical shortage of university l.ecturers was forecast by the com mitteeof Ontar io universi ty presidents in a 1962 report to the provincia l government,

    It is hoped that te levision wi l l help face th is shortage by, in effect, br ingingthe lecture back to the smal l group of students. Students say they feel closerto the professor watching h im on a large screen tha n si tt ing in a huge lecture_hal l star ing at h im from a distance. T imetable clashes could easi ly be avertedby viewing video-taped lectures and students would benefi t by having accessto the best lecturers. ,* * *;

    In an unprecedented move, the Senate of the University of Victor ia hasapproved student representation in the administration of the, University. Inan announcement last month, the Senate stated that i t had approved a reso-lution permi tt ing any administration committee to appoint student repre-sentatives. Student Union President Ol iv ia Barr called the move incredib le. Shepraised i t as a great step forward in g iving students a greater voice in theuniversity s future p lans and a greater interest in i ts administration. RegistrarR; J. Jeffe ls echoed these words wi th h is statement that the S en&es decisionwas in recogni t ion of the universi ty as a communi ty of-scholars and teachersworking together.. Al ready plans [have been announced to appoint studentsto three administration committees: the C?mpus Planti ing- Comm ittee, theAthletics Faci l i t ies, and the Centennia l Program Comm ittee.

    * **Are students actually worried over fee increases? Results of. the recentCUS student means survey on two campuses seem to suggest a negative

    answer to th is question. Of 1163 students asked to ansyer questionnai res forthe survey at UBC , only 100 replies we re received by the survey director.At the Edmonto n campus of the Univers,i ty of Alberta, there were only 284repl ies from the 794 students asked. The survey at U. of A. was done again inorder to obta in a larger sam pl ing of student opin ion.

    * * *Fol lowing examples set in Great Br i ta in and the Uni ted States, Ontar iouniversity registrars are studying a proposa l t o establish a central univ ersities

    admissions centre through which a l l students appl ications could be processed.The proposal would cut down the number of appl ications made by studentsyet would sti l l a l low students the same freedom in choosing a universi ty anduniversit ies the same freedom to select students. A major problem is posed inOntar io by the student who appl ies to several universit ies, is accepted atseveral, and yet registers at only one universi ty wi thout noti fy ing the others.This results in empty p laces at universities. The central adm issions system,proposed by Universi ty of Water loo registrar A. P. Gordon, w ould a l lowstudents refused by one universi ty to be noti f ied of vacancies on other campuses.

    Sheikh Abu Zahru, a professor of Is lamic law at Cai ro Universi ty, is amember of a group advocating new interpretations of the Koran in the Islamicrel ig ion. One of the changes th is group is urg ing is an end to polygamy. Godorig inal ly permi tted polygamy to, help Moslems solve many problems thatcould not be solved otherwise, said Abu Zahru. But a Moslem was requi redto have strong reasons to commit polygamy. Lust is not a suff ic ient reason.

    Polygamists wi l l be surpr ised and dismayed when doomsday str ikes,he added. God $11 te l l - them then that they have been abusing his laws andthey wi l l end up in hel l . So I warn you-get r id of your extra wives.

    The GRENKIE Election Flyer ,.Publ ishtid a couple of times during the e lection period by the Board ofPubl ications. Opin ions expressed, z f you consider that there are any

    opin ions, are tru ly those, i f they haven t been sto len, of the Di rector andthe Producer.Di rector - J.. D. Grenkie Producer - D. S. M. Youngs

    Subscriptions - two herns and one hism paid in advance.Refused mai l ing pr ivi leges. Get it yourself.