multi-messenger astronomy ay 17 10/19/2011. outline what is multi-messenger astronomy? photons...

Multi-Messenger Astronomy AY 17 10/19/2011

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • Multi-Messenger Astronomy AY 17 10/19/2011
  • Slide 2
  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • What is Multi-Messenger Astronomy? Its Astronomy with multiple messengers! One of the first instances of a clear cut meaning in an astronomical definition Informs you about different conditions in the same object Photons come from the surface of the Sun But neutrinos are made from the nuclear reactions in the core
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  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • Photons Most widely used messenger particle in Astronomy Easy to detect (unlike neutrinos) Can travel long distances (unlike nuclear messenger particles) However. Not all frequencies are created equal
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  • Photons Astronomers are merely fleas on the dog of industry Cheap Silicon Optical Radar Radio Nuclear Testing Gamma rays
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  • Photons X-Ray Astronomy Began as a series of Balloon and V-2 Rocket experiments in the 1960s Usually a single astronomical instrument tagging along with various other experiments (atmospheric measurements, NIH experiments, etc.) Initially measured the Sun, and eventually led to the discovery of bright X-ray sources in the Milky Way
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  • Photons Chandra X-Ray Observatory 3-10 keV Launched in 1999 Plane parallel mirrors
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  • Photons Galactic and Extragalactic X-Ray Astronomy 10 keV / k b ~ 10 8 K
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  • Photons
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  • Intra-Cluster Gas Cooled by Thermal Bremsstrahlung Evidence for metal lines in the Intra- cluster gas How did they get there?
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  • Photons X-Ray emission within Galaxies? Supernovae Accreting Black holes X-ray binaries NS+NS NS+Blackhole NS+WD etc
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  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • Cosmic Rays What are Cosmic Rays Highly Energetic atomic and subatomic particles ~90% Protons, 9% He, 1% other (mostly heavy elements)
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  • Cosmic Rays
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  • Galactic Cosmic Rays Originate in supernova remnants Accelerated by magnetic fields Localization is hard Deflected by magnetic fields in the galaxy Can fragment as travel
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  • Cosmic Rays Extragalactic Cosmic Rays Some cosmic rays have enough energy to leave the galaxy 1 / m^2 / yr hits the Earth Little is known about their composition (statisitics problem) Some evidence they come from AGN Could also come from colliding galaxies, the early universe, decay of superheavy particles
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  • Cosmic Rays
  • Slide 21
  • Cosmic Rays and You
  • Slide 22
  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • Neutrinos 86 Holes 5160 Optical Sensors Sensitive to high energy neutrinos
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  • Neutrinos Solar Observation Super-Kamiokande produced a neutrino image of the Sun
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  • Neutrinos
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  • Supernova Early Warning System Neutrinos were detected from SN 1987A before the optical counterpart was discovered IceCube and other neutrino experiments are poised to detect the neutrinos from the next nearby (galactic) supernova Icecube will have the ability to pinpoint the neutrino origin accurately
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  • Neutrinos Avoiding Cosmic Ray Confusion IceCube also has a cosmic ray detector array on the Antarctic surface Coincidence between cosmic ray detection and neutrino detection lowers confusion rates This junk is interesting to some people!
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  • Cosmic Rays with IceCube
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  • Local Magnetic fields? Stellar magnetic fields? A handful of close pulsars?
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  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • Gravity Waves
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  • Gravitational Waves What the gravity wave sky actually looks like:
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  • Gravity Waves
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  • Advanced LIGO Bigger, Better, Stronger 20x stronger laser Seismically isolated from 40 Hz down to 10 Hz Reduced thermal noise An actual detection likely! 2015* *Actual finish time may vary
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  • Outline What is Multi-messenger astronomy? Photons Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Gravity-Waves Sample-Return
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  • Sample Return
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  • Collect cometary and interstellar dust particles in aerogel Return the sample to Earth Take millions of photographs of aerogel to identify dust grains stardust@home 45 interstellar dust grains identified!
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  • Sample Return
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  • List of findings: Organic compounds Amorphous silicates Olivine and pyroxene (Solar system matter well mixed with ISM)
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  • Sample Return Supernova Debris Fe-60 has a half life of 2.6 Myr (all of it that formed with the Earth is gone)
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  • Sample Return This points to a core-collapse supernova within a few 10s of parsecs of the Earth exploding several million years ago Contributed to the Local Bubble of the ISM We are in a low density, high temperature, ~150 light year region of the ISM