murder mystery - workpack

AIM To be familiar with the social setting in which the play is set WORKSHEET 1 Read the explanation of the social setting, then look at the photos and speculate about the people. Answer the questions in pairs. Don’t check the answers yet . Wait until they have read the descriptions of the characters on WORKSHEET 2. ANSWERS: 1) 3 & 4, 2)1, 3) 3, 4) 4, 5) 2&5, 6) 3&4, 7)1, 2&5 AIM To be familiar with the characters in the play WORKSHEET 2 (2 pages) Get the students to look at the pictures and read the text about each character. This is an introduction to the characters in the play. Ask the students to underline any words or phrases that they don’t understand. Now they can check to see if their answers about the characters in WORKSHEET 1 were correct. On page 2 they can complete the diagram using the key to show how the characters are related to one another. ANSWERS: (SEE APPENDIX ) AIM To listen to part of the script and learn some of the phrases and phrasal verbs that are used in the play WORKSHEET 3 TRACK 22- MURDER MYSTERY-SCRIPT Before you hand out WORKSHEET 3, play TRACK 22 and ask the students the following questions; 1) Which characters do you think are talking? Lily and Barty 2) How are these to characters related to Tilly? Lily is her twin sister and Barty is her boss and lover 3) What are Tilly and Bob planning to do? Run away together and get married 4) Is Barty happy about his? No Ask the students to look for the phrasal verbs in the box and see if they can find them in the text. Explain that they are not in their Infinitive forms. ANSWERS: (SEE APPENDIX ) When they have found them all, they should look at the cartoons and match them with the phrasal verbs. ANSWERS: 1) h, 2.) e, 3.) c, 4.) b, 5) a, 6) d, 7) f, 8) g AIM To practice using some of the vocabulary, phrases and phrasal verbs used in the play. APPENDIX- BOX 1 You could play a game of Call my Bluff. Put the students into groups and give them several of the words with their definitions. Each team must write a definition for each member of the team. One is true and the others are false. Each member takes it in turns to read out a definition and the rest of the class have to guess which is the correct definition. MURDER MYSTERY –TEACHER’S NOTES

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Page 1: Murder Mystery - Workpack

AIM To be familiar with the social setting in which the play is set

WORKSHEET 1 Read the explanation of the social setting, then look at the photos and speculate about the people. Answer the questions in pairs. Don’t check the answers yet. Wait until they have read the descriptions of the characters on WORKSHEET 2. ANSWERS: 1) 3 & 4, 2)1, 3) 3, 4) 4, 5) 2&5, 6) 3&4, 7)1, 2&5

AIM To be familiar with the characters in the play

WORKSHEET 2 (2 pages) Get the students to look at the pictures and read the text about each character. This is an introduction to the characters in the play. Ask the students to underline any words or phrases that they don’t understand. Now they can check to see if their answers about the characters in WORKSHEET 1 were correct. On page 2 they can complete the diagram using the key to show how the characters are related to one another. ANSWERS: (SEE APPENDIX )

AIM To listen to part of the script and learn some of the phrases and phrasal verbs that are used in the play

WORKSHEET 3 TRACK 22- MURDER MYSTERY-SCRIPT Before you hand out WORKSHEET 3, play TRACK 22 and ask the students the following questions;

1)  Which characters do you think are talking? Lily and Barty 2)  How are these to characters related to Tilly? Lily is her twin sister and Barty is her boss and lover 3)  What are Tilly and Bob planning to do? Run away together and get married 4)  Is Barty happy about his? No

Ask the students to look for the phrasal verbs in the box and see if they can find them in the text. Explain that they are not in their Infinitive forms. ANSWERS: (SEE APPENDIX ) When they have found them all, they should look at the cartoons and match them with the phrasal verbs. ANSWERS: 1) h, 2.) e, 3.) c, 4.) b, 5) a, 6) d, 7) f, 8) g

AIM To practice using some of the vocabulary, phrases and phrasal verbs used in the play.

APPENDIX- BOX 1 You could play a game of Call my Bluff. Put the students into groups and give them several of the words with their definitions. Each team must write a definition for each member of the team. One is true and the others are false. Each member takes it in turns to read out a definition and the rest of the class have to guess which is the correct definition.


Page 2: Murder Mystery - Workpack


You are invited to join Lord Bartholemew (Barty) and his wife Lady Penelope (Pen) for dinner at Griffin Lodge. Griffin Lodge is a very old manor house, in the English countryside and the Lord and Lady of the house are rich, posh and aristocratic. Also living there is Lady Winifred (Lady Pen's mother), the gardener Bob, and his girlfriend Tilly, who is the family's maid.  The show begins as everyone is running around and organising the house for dinner. Lady Winifred is terrified her jewels are going to be stolen. Barty's wife is suspicious of her husband. She thinks Barty is having an affair. But what about Lady Penelope? She seems very fond of Bob the gardener. Bob however, has plans to run off with Tilly and get married in secret- if only he could keep a secret! To add to the confusion Lily, Tilly's twin sister appears. Tilly and Lily haven't spoken for years, so why has she turned up now?  Just when things seem to be getting really complicated, a dead body is found. Someone has been murdered........ Who did it? Why? And who will be next? Only you can help us find out the truth and solve the Murder Mystery.






AIM To practice using some of the vocabulary, phrases and phrasal verbs used in the play.

APPENDIX- BOX 2 Afterwards you can play “The Party game”. One student plays the part of the host of a party. At the front of the class they start miming getting everything ready, blowing up balloons etc. Give the other students one of the circumstances. Each party goer has to ring the doorbell and enter the party acting out their situation until the host and the rest of the class guesses the situation.

AIM To play the Murder Mystery game

APPENDIX- BOX 3 Explain to the class that Tilly has been murdered. Her body was found in the garden. Ask for 5 volunteers to come up and sit in a row facing the class. Give each of them one of the characters to play making sure they don’t show anyone else the information on the paper. The class can ask the characters questions about how they feel about Tilly, what their relationship with her was, if they have any reason to be angry with her and murder her. The volunteers must imagine they are the character and think about how they would sit, talk and react to each other. When the questions have finished the class can vote on who they think the murderer was.

Page 3: Murder Mystery - Workpack


Lily Look, my name’s not Tilly. It’s Lily. I’m Tilly’s twin sister. Barty Oh ho! Twins! Two for the price of one! What luck! Lily And I’ve dropped in as a lovely surprise for my sister, before she runs away to marry Bob. Barty Bob? Bob is going to marry Tilly? Lily Oh, didn’t you know? Oh whoops, hope I’m not going to get Tilly into trouble for what I’ve said. She’s going off this evening to get married to Bob. I wanted to get hold of her before they went. A little family reunion shall we say. I used to go out with Bob, he was my boyfriend, until Tilly took him off me. Ah, It should have been me getting married. I loved him, I still do. Barty Tilly’s running away to marry Bob? I can’t believe it! Tilly and Bob? Bob and Tilly?!! Well, we’ll see about that. Please excuse me Lily I have to see about something, or rather someone. Lily Oh dear- he looks rather upset. I hope I haven’t messed things up for my darling sister.


Con artist Someone who tricks someone by first gaining their confidence

One sandwich short of a picnic Stupid

Teapot A vessel for making tea in

Not 4 x 25 Mad

Jewels Valuable or precious stones, metals and gems

Screw loose Mad

To be sick of someone To be tired of someone

Old battle-axe Bossy old woman

Mother -in-law The mother of your partner

Memory of a goldfish Someone who can’t remember anything


Page 4: Murder Mystery - Workpack

To have an affair To have a romantic relationship outside of your marriage

To boss someone about To be domineering and to give constant demands

To be up to something To do something you shouldn’t do

Batty Mad

You have stolen some jewels and you have them in your pocket

You are one sandwich short of a picnic

You are sick of the host of the party You are not 4 x 25

You are the host’s mother –in- law You’ve got a screw loose

You are having an affair with the host You’re an old battle-axe

You want to run away You have the memory of a goldfish

You are up to something You are a con artist

You boss everyone about You are looking for a teapot




Page 5: Murder Mystery - Workpack

You are rich and posh. You are married to Lady Penelope but in love with Tilly. You angry with her because you have

found out she is going to marry Bob. You think Lady Winifred is not 4 x 25. You are

not the murderer.

You are rich, bossy and flirtatious. You are married to Barty, but you are in love

with Bob. You are sick of Barty, angry with Tilly and you think your mother is

Batty! You are not the murderer.

You are suspicious of everyone although it’s you who is the thief, always

trying to steal people’s watches and mobiles. She thinks everyone else is

trying to steal her jewels from her, so she’s looking for a place to hide them.

You are not the murderer.

You are good looking but a bit stupid. You are hopelessly in love with Tilly. You

are very angry with her. You’ve just found out she was having an affair with

Barty. You are not the murderer.

You are Tilly’s twin sister. You live in the city and are very streetwise. You

haven’t seen Tilly for many years. You are very angry with her because she

stole your boyfriend Bob. All your life she has stolen things of you. You are the


Bob the








Page 6: Murder Mystery - Workpack

Bob the


1.  Who do you think works in the house? 2.  Who do you think has the title “Lord”?

3.  Who do you think is the maid? 4.  Who do you think is the gardener?

1 2 3 4 5

Murder mystery is a play set in an English Manor house. These houses were normally owned by upper class families and were passed from generation to generation. To maintain the house and family, there was a large number of domestic workers all doing different jobs.

Female domestic workers were often called maids. Domestic workers performed typical domestic chores such as cooking, ironing, washing and cleaning the house, taking the family dog for a walk, and taking care of the children. Maids were often expected to work at least fifteen hours per day. Manor houses were normally set in huge gardens and the family would employ one or more gardeners to maintain the grounds. The gardeners were not normally allowed in the house.

Up until the end of the 20th century there were hundreds of houses like these, where the rich upper classes lived and the poor working classes worked. Many still exist today. In Britain, members of the upper class often have the title “Lord” before their name. “Lady” is the female counterpart.

5.  Who do you think has the title “Lady”? 6.  Who do you think is in the working class?

7.  Who do you think is in the upper Class?


Page 7: Murder Mystery - Workpack

This is Lord Bartholemew; otherwise known as

“Barty”. He is the rich Lord of the manor house and

never works. He is married to Lady Penelope but he’s sick of her. Barty is having an affair with the maid,


Lord Bartholemew “Barty”

This is Lady Penelope, or “Pen”, she is Barty’s wife.

She is rich and lives a life of leisure. Pen is always

bossing Barty about. In fact, she bosses everyone about, including Bob, who

she is having a secret affair with.

Lady Penelope “Pen”

Lady Winifred is Lady Penelope’s mother and

Barty’s mother-in-law. She is also rich and doesn’t

work. Everyone thinks she is a batty old lady, but in

fact, she’s up to something.

Lady Winifred “Winnie”

Tilly works in the house, she’s the maid. She’s in

love with Bob and is planning to run away with him and get married, but is

waiting for the right moment. She knows a

secret about Lady Winifred….



Page 8: Murder Mystery - Workpack

Bob works in the house, he is the gardener. He is

good looking but not very intelligent. He’s in love with Tilly and is planning to run

away with her and get married. He’s having an

affair with Lady Penelope.


Finally, this is Lily; she is Tilly’s twin sister. She

doesn’t live or work in the house; she has come to

visit Tilly. They haven’t seen each other for years. Bob is Lily’s ex-boyfriend. Lily is angry that Bob is now in

love with Tilly.


Bob the





Are married

Are in Love

Are having an affair

Are members of the same family

Are ex-partners


Page 9: Murder Mystery - Workpack

Lily Look, my name’s not Tilly. It’s Lily. I’m Tilly’s twin sister.

Barty Oh ho! Twins! Two for the price of one! What luck!

Lily And I’ve dropped in as a lovely surprise for my sister, before she runs away to marry Bob.

Barty Bob? Bob is going to marry Tilly?

Lily Oh, didn’t you know? Oh whoops, hope I’m not going to get Tilly into trouble for what I’ve said. She’s going off this evening to get married to Bob. I wanted to get hold of her before they went. A little family reunion shall we say. I used to go out with Bob, he was my boyfriend, until Tilly took him off me. Ah, It should have been me getting married. I loved him, I still do.

Barty Tilly’s running away to marry Bob? I can’t believe it! Tilly and Bob? Bob and Tilly?!! Well, we’ll see about that. Please excuse me Lily I have to see about something, or rather someone.

Lily Oh dear, he looks rather upset. I hope I haven’t messed things up for my darling sister.

1)  To go off 2)  To go out with someone 3)  To see about 4)  To run away

To visit someone unexpectedly


To escape



No more chocolate!

To remove


To make into a state of confusion or trouble


? ? ?

? Bye

To leave without saying goodbye


To have a relationship with


e) Hello? are you there?

To make contact with a person



To arrange or consider something


5)  To drop in 6)  To take off 7)  To get hold of someone 8)  To mess up




Page 10: Murder Mystery - Workpack

What did you like the best about the show?

1.  What did Lady Winifred steal during the show?

2.  What did Bob lose and Lady Penelope hide?

3.  Who was the murderer? Can you explain what happened?

a) Lily b) No one c) Tilly

What didn’t you like about the show?


Give a number from 1- 10 to show how much did you enjoy the show? (1= I didn’t like the show, 10= I loved the show)