muscular training safety precautions

Muscular Training Safety Precautions

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Muscular Training Safety Precautions

Muscular Training Safety Precautions

Page 2: Muscular Training Safety Precautions

Warm Up and Cool Down• Warm Up

▫5-10 minutes of aerobic activity▫Stretch all the major muscle groups that will be used▫Sport specific motions (mimics the motions in the

activity of the workout but at a lower intensity)• Cool Down

▫Aerobic activity▫Stretching▫Recover—rehydrate, RICE

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Rest Between Workouts

•48 hours of rest between workouts is needed for the muscles to recuperate

•2-3 30 minute nonconsecutive workouts per week are recommended

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Proper Form• 1 to 3 pounds can be added

when the person doing the workouts can perform 15 reps successfully with proper technique

• If 10 repetitions cannot be completed, the weight is too heavy

• Exhale on the lift, inhale on the lowering of the weight—no hyperventilating

• Movements should be slow—no jerking

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Find an Instructor

•It is important to lift correctly to avoid injury and an instructor can help with that along with setting appropriate goals.

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Lift Age Appropriately

•Resistance is based on a teen’s current muscular ability and is increased as muscles develop

•It is recommended to wait until at least 15 for major lifts (performed with barbells)