music generation cork city - autumn newsletter 2014

PHOTO The Music GeneraƟon Cork City 2014 summer programme engaged almost 500 children and young people aged 3 – 18 from across the City and County in a range of six unique summer music camps and workshops, providing fantasƟc opportuniƟes for fun, diverse musical learning. Six camps presented in partnership with local music educaƟon providers ran from July 1st – August 8th, and included: TradCamp Knocknaheeny, TradCamp Ballyphehane, Summer SING!, SoundOUT Summer Music Camp, GMC’s Rap & Beats Summer Workshops and BANDCamp. See page 2 for details. SUMMER FUN WITH MUSIC GENERATION CORK CITY Children performing as part of the summer SING! openair shark aƩack (above) and at St. Finbarr’s Cathedral (right). Summer SING!, a singing fesƟval for children was presented by ARTlifeCULTURE in partnership with MGCC as part of the Music GeneraƟon Cork City summer programme. We are delighted that AR ARTlifeCULTURE director Sonya Keogh was awarded a Hidden Hearing ‘Heroes Award’ for her work on SIGN! & SING! a summer SING! collaboraƟon with Cork Deaf AssociaƟon. Pictures: Clare Keogh MUSIC GENERATION CORK CITY IS NEARLY THREE! As we enter the third academic year of Music GeneraƟon Cork City, we are delighted to share the news that the Department of EducaƟon and Skills has formally confirmed its commitment to ongoing funding for Music GeneraƟon naƟonally, conƟnuing the partnership with local funders and partners that underpins this fantasƟc iniƟaƟve. This secures the future of Music GeneraƟon, and is great news for future generaƟons of musicians in Cork City, and all over Ireland. With With this exciƟng development, Music GeneraƟon Cork City is reaching the final phase of the iniƟal three year plan, rolling out our Early Years pilot programme to communitybased crèches and childcare seƫngs from October to December 2014, in partnership with Cork City Childcare and music providers throughout the city. A parallel research project will be conducted by Michelle Finnerty, UCC School of Music & Theatre, and CPD opportuniƟes will be provided for musicians interested in working with the Early Years. Two exciƟng arƟst residencies will take place in ECCE seƫngs, with Fiona Kelleher (composer, singer) and Karen Power (composer, sound arƟ sound arƟst), as well as a number of other approaches and projects. Other exciƟng upcoming developments include a panel presentaƟon by MGCC at the SMEI conference, at CIT Cork School of Music, November 7th 9th; Barrack Street Youth Band performing the PresidenƟal Fanfare for President Michael D. Higgins at the Music GeneraƟon naƟonal conference on October 13th; the ongoing growth of our choral programme in partnership with ARTlifeCULTURE and the schools and communiƟes involved; and a series of exciƟng workshops with musicians including Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh and Ger Wolfe. Watch this space for more news to come of Community Gamelan, the Rewind Project, and big announcements for 2015. Enj Enjoy looking back at the highlights of a jampacked summer for Music GeneraƟon Cork City! Header photo: LiƩle fingers explore a piano at the SoundOUT Summer Music Camp presented in partnership with Music GeneraƟon Cork City. The Camp took place at UCC School of Music & Theatre from July 28th August 1st 2014. Photograph: Clare Keogh Issue 3 Autumn 2014 Music GeneraƟon Cork City NewsleƩer

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Page 1: Music Generation Cork City - Autumn Newsletter 2014


The  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  2014  summer  programme  engaged  almost  500  children  and  young  people  aged  3  –  18  from  across  the  City  and  County  in  a  range  of  six  unique  summer  music  camps  and  workshops,  providing  fantas c  opportuni es  for  fun,  diverse  musical  learning.  Six  camps  presented  in  partnership  with  local  music  educa on  providers  ran  from  July  1st  –  August  8th,  and  included:  TradCamp  Knocknaheeny,  TradCamp  Ballyphehane,  Summer  SING!,  SoundOUT  Summer  Music  Camp,  GMC’s  Rap  &  Beats  Summer  Workshops  and  BANDCamp.  See  page  2  for  details.  


Children   performing   as   part   of   the   summer  SING!  open-­‐air   shark   a ack   (above)   and   at   St.  Finbarr’s   Cathedral   (right).   Summer   SING!,   a  singing   fes val   for   children   was   presented   by  ARTlifeCULTURE   in   partnership   with   MGCC   as  part  of  the  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  summer  programme.   We   are   delighted   that  ARARTlifeCULTURE   director   Sonya   Keogh   was  awarded  a  Hidden  Hearing   ‘Heroes  Award’   for  her  work  on  SIGN!  &  SING!   -­‐   a   summer  SING!  collabora on   with   Cork   Deaf   Associa on.  Pictures:  Clare  Keogh

MUSIC GENERATION CORK CITY IS NEARLY THREE!As  we  enter  the  third  academic  year  of  Music  Genera on  Cork  City,  we  are  delighted  to  share  the  news  that  the  Department  of  Educa on  and  Skills  has  formally  confirmed  its  commitment  to  ongoing  funding  for  Music  Genera on  na onally,  con nuing  the  partnership  with  local  funders  and  partners  that  underpins  this  fantas c  ini a ve.  This  secures  the  future  of  Music  Genera on,  and  is  great  news  for  future  genera ons  of  musicians  in  Cork  City,  and  all  over  Ireland.WithWith  this  exci ng  development,  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  is  reaching  the  final  phase  of  the  ini al  three  year  plan,  rolling  out  our  Early  Years  pilot  programme  to  community-­‐based  crèches  and  childcare  se ngs  from  October  to  December  2014,  in  partnership  with  Cork  City  Childcare  and  music  providers  throughout  the  city.  A  parallel  research  project  will  be  conducted  by  Michelle  Finnerty,  UCC  School  of  Music  &  Theatre,  and  CPD  opportuni es  will  be  provided  for  musicians  interested  in  working  with  the  Early  Years.    Two  exci ng  ar st  residencies  will  take  place  in  ECCE  se ngs,  with  Fiona  Kelleher  (composer,  singer)  and  Karen  Power  (composer,  sound  arsound  ar st),  as  well  as  a  number  of  other  approaches  and  projects.  Other  exci ng  upcoming  developments  include  a  panel  presenta on  by  MGCC  at  the  SMEI  conference,  at  CIT  Cork  School  of  Music,  November  7th  -­‐  9th;  Barrack  Street  Youth  Band  performing  the  Presiden al  Fanfare  for  President  Michael  D.  Higgins  at  the  Music  Genera on  na onal  conference  on  October  13th;  the  ongoing  growth  of  our  choral  programme  in  partnership  with  ARTlifeCULTURE  and  the  schools  and  communi es  involved;  and  a  series  of  exci ng  workshops  with  musicians  including  Caoimhín  Ó  Raghallaigh  and  Ger  Wolfe.  Watch  this  space  for  more  news  to  come  of  Community  Gamelan,  the  Rewind  Project,  and  big  announcements  for  2015.EnjEnjoy  looking  back  at  the  highlights  of  a  jam-­‐packed  summer  for  Music  Genera on  Cork  City!

Header  photo:  Li le  fingers  explore  a  piano  at  the  SoundOUT  Summer  Music  Camp  presented  in  partnership  with  Music  Genera on  Cork  City.  The  Camp  took  place  at  UCC  School  of  Music  &  Theatre  from  July  28th  -­‐  August  1st  2014.  Photograph:  Clare  Keogh

   Issue  3  -­‐  Autumn  2014Music  Genera on  Cork  City  Newsle er                

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YOUTH UNITED IN MUSIC FESTIVALTheThe  sun  was  shining  on  Saturday  July  26th  for  The  Youth  United   in   Music   (YUM)   Fes val   at   Fitzgerald’s   Park.  Presented  by  Ballyphehane  Youth  Project   in  partnership  with   Music   Genera on   Cork   City,   Foróige,   Cork   City  Council   and  Mayfield  Arts  Centre,   the   aim  of   this   event  was  to  empower  young  people  to  develop,  create  and  run  their  own  music  fes val.  The  event  showcased  the  music  andand  talent  of  young  ar sts  from  various  City-­‐based  music  projects,  from  rappers  to  rock  and  trad   musicians.   Performances   from   MGCC   projects  included   the   Barrack   Street   Youth   Band,   Ballyphehane  Trad  Orchestra  (Club  Ceoil),  GMC’s  rappers,  and  musicians  from   the   YES   (Youth   Enterprise   Scheme)   Project   and  Ballyphehane  Youth  Project.  Spla ervan  Cork  were  there  on   the   day   offering   fun   opportuni es   for   crea ve  art-­‐making,   and   the  event  also   featured  a  display  of   art  crcreated  by  young  people  from  the  various  different  youth  projects.  This   full  day  all-­‐ages  event  was  a  huge  success  with  a  great  turnout,  and  plans  are  already  underway  for  next  year’s  YUM  Fes val!  

BUSY SUMMER FOR MUSICIANS FROM THE HUTA  busy  summer  concluded  an  even  busier  year  for  Youth  Work  Ireland’s  The  Hut  Music  Project  with  mul ple  performances  across  the  city.    As  well  as  taking  to  the    stage  for  bonfire  night  in  June,  and  hos ng  the  stage  for  Churchfield  Funday,  the  group  also  performed   in  a  rather  different  se ng  at   the   'Intersec ons  Youth  Work  and  Music  Educa on'  symposium   in  UCC.  Also,  most  recently,  this  experienced  group  of  young  musicians  and  music-­‐makers  performed  together  at  Cork  City  Hall  Plaza  on  September  19th  for  the  crowds  at  Cork  Culture  Night.ThisThis  group  of  talented  musicians  is  based  in  The  Hut,  Gurranabraher,    mee ng  every  Tuesday  evening  to  compose  and  prac ce  music   in   an   informal   and   safe   learning     environment.     The   development   of   this   youth   ini ated   project   is   supported   by   a  partnership  between  Youth  Work  Ireland  Cork  (YWIC)  and  Music  Genera on  Cork  City.    The  group  is  aimed  mostly  at  teenagers  interested  in  learning  music  or  pursuing  their  musical  aspira ons.

Barrack  Street  Youth  Band  perform  at  Cork  City  Hall  Atrium  as  part  of  Cork  Culture  Night  on  Sept  19th.

MUSIC FOR ALL AGES AT CORK CULTURE NIGHT 2014As  part  of  Cork  Culture  Night  on  September  19th,  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  (MGCC)  proudly  presented  a  full  day  of  free  music  events  in  partnership  with  local  music  educa on  providers  in  interes ng  and  fun  spaces  across  the  City.  WWorkshops  included  music  for  early  years  (ages  3-­‐5)  in  partnership  with  Music4Children,  an  all-­‐ages  choral  workshop  led  by  Eamon  Nash  of  Voices  of  Cork  Choir  and  Cork  Community  Project  at  City  Hall,  and  Rap  &  Beats  workshops  in  partnership  with  GMC  Beats  at  the  Circus  Factory.  Performances  on  the  day  included  the  Barrack  Street  Youth  Band,  the  Sundays  Well  GNS  Saxophonists  (in  partnership  with  Cork  Academy  of  Music)  and  braving  the  rain  performing  on  the  City  Hall  Plaza  were  young  musicians  from  The  Hut  (Youth  Work   Ireland   Cork)   and   Terence   MacSwiney   Community   College   (SoundOUT)   with   their   tutor   Rory  McGovern.  A  screening  of  the  MGCC  Concert  Party  2014  took  place  place  at  Cork  Opera  House  and  an  exhibi on  with  photographs  and  informa on  about  MGCC  was  in  place  all  day  at  City  Hall.  We  were  delighted  with  the  fantas c  turnout  at  all  events,  and  would  like  to  thank  all  who  came  to  join  in  the  music  and  fun!  We  would  also  like  to  extend  a  huge  thank  you  to  Cork  City  Council,  to  our  partners  and  to  all  involved  in  making  the  day  such  a  success.  We’re  looking  forward  to  Culture  Night  2015  already!

TRAD ORCHESTRA MAKE DEBUT AT BUILDING ON TRADITIONS CONCERTCITCIT   Cork   School   of   Music   played   host   to   the   first   concert   of  Ballyphehane  Trad  Orchestra  on  June  17th,  featuring  the  ensemble  which  emerged  as  a  pilot  project   through  the  work  of  Club  Ceoil  and   TradCamp.   The   ‘Building   on   Tradi ons’   concert   featured  outstanding   performances   by   Ballyphehane   Trad  Orchestra,   Club  Ceoil  Knocknaheeny  (Crea ve  Tradi on/St.  Mary’s  on  the  Hill  N.S.)  and   The   Barrack   Street   Youth   Band.   Presented   by   Club   Ceoil   in  partnepartnership  with  Music   Genera on   Cork   City   and   in   conjunc on  with   CIT   Cork   School   of   Music,   the   first   public   performance   by  Ballyphehane  Trad  Orchestra  featured  a  newly  composed  suite  by  ensemble  director,   Edel   Sullivan,  who   led   the  group  of  30  young  musicians   from   January   to   June   in   regular   rehearsals   and  workshops,   supported   by   Joanne   Quirke   and   a   brilliant   team   of  Irish  tradi onal  musicians,  including  Mick  Hickey,  Karl  Nesbi ,  Paul  Clesham.  Clesham.  

Members   of   The   Ballyphehane   Trad   Orchestra   perform   on   stage   at   the  

‘Building  on  Tradi ons’  concert  at  CIT  Cork  School  of  Music

Page 4: Music Generation Cork City - Autumn Newsletter 2014

Music  Genera on  Cork  CityAddress:  Cork  ETB,  21  Lavi s  Quay,  CorkPhone:  (021)  490  7169  /  (021)  490  7186

Email:  [email protected]:  www.musicgenera

F: onCorkCity

BUDDING YOUNG MUSIC JOURNALISTOur  moOur  monthly  column  in  the  Kidz  Zone  supplement  of  the  Evening  Echo  features  interviews  with  young  people  from  across  the  City  involved  in  our  various  partner  programmes.  Back  in  December  2013,  an  ar cle  wri en  by  12  year  old  Alan  McDonald  from  Greenmount  N.S.  was  featured,  and  now  that  same  ar cle  has  been  picked  up  by  The  Ireland  Funds  (one  of  our  na onal  funders)  and  is  featured  in  the  Fall/Winter  2014  edi on  of  their  ‘Connect’  magazine.  Here  are  some  excerpts  from  AlanAlan’s  ar cle:  “I  like  playing  my  instrument  because  it  makes  me  feel  different”,  “Like  my  Dad,  I  play  in  a  band.  They  are  called  the  Barrack  Street  Youth  Band”,  “Music  has  changed  the  school  because  we  have  lots  of  new  and  different  ac vi es  now.  For  example,  the  New  York  Brass  Band  came  to  our  school  and  performed  for  us.  The  band  asked  us  to  play  with  them.  I  was  a  bit  nervous,  because  we  didn’t  have   me  to  prepare  any  music,  but  it  was  great  fun  in  the  end.  I  got  to  play  a  solo  too!”  Alan  McDonald  is  learning  music  this  learning  music  through  the  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  partnership  with  Barrack  Street  Band.

KEEP IN TOUCH! Follow  our  facebook  and  twi er  ( oncorkcity,  @musicgencc)  to  keep  up  to  date  with  all  MGCC  news.  We  are  also  online  at  vimeo  and  soundcloud.  Our  2013  annual  report  has  been  published  as  an  iBook  and  is  available  free  on  the  Apple  iBooks  Store.

GMC BEATS WORKSHOPSOn  Sunday  June  1st,  rappers,  singers  and  musicians  involved  in  various  schools  and  youth  groups  across  the  city  had  the  chance  to  show  off  their  skills  at  the  youth  showcase  at  the  Kino,  proudly  supported  by  Music  Genera on  Cork  City,  during  the  LiveStyles  Hip  Hop  Fes val.  One  of  the  highlights  of  this  event  was  the  cypher  cypher  at  the  end  when  ar sts  of  all  ages  got  on  stage  to  jam  together!  On  May  16th,  beatboxer  Dean  O'Neill  and  rappers  Jamie  Condron  &  Gavin  Bracken  involved  in  GMC  Beats  Workshops  performed  "Hip  Hop  saved  my  Life"  live  on  RTE's  Elev8  show.Other  gigs  which  had  more  representa on  from  the  rap  workshops  included  the  family  fun  day  in  Mayfield  for  Bonfire  nignight  as  well  as  the  Make-­‐a-­‐Move  hip  hop  fes val  in  Limerick,  the  beginning  of  a  poten ally  interes ng  hip  hop  collabora on  between  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  and  Music  Genera on  Limerick  City.  All  of  these  ac vi es  have  been  supported  by  GMC’s  two  Rappren ces,  Dean  O’Neill  and  Lloyd  Hogan,  whose  development  is  being  supported  by  MGCC,  with  a  view  to  suppor ng  the  next  genera on  of  inspiring  youth  music  leaders.  

Garry  McCarthy  (GMC)  with  rappers  and  producers  from  GMC  Beats  Workshops  during  their  recent  trip  to  Music  Genera on  Limerick  City

Third  class  pupils  from  Scoil  Ursula,  Blackrock  receive  their  music  cer ficates  in  June.  They  have  been  learning  recorder  and  music  theory  through  the  Cork  Academy  of  Music  partnership  with  Music  Genera on  Cork  City.  This  year  they  will  con nue  their  musical  journey,  with  some  pupils  taking  up  saxophone  and  other  wind  instruments.  

Summer  2014  was  a  whirlwind  of  fun  diverse  musical  learning,  performances,  music  fes vals  and  events.  Music  Genera on  Cork  City  would  like  to  thank  all  the  partner  organisa ons,  musicians,  volunteers,  schools,  families,  and  especially  the  children  and  young  people  who  have  taken  part  in  this  memorable  summer  of  crea vity  and  music.  Major  fanfares  are  due  to  our  valued  funders,  both  local  and  na onal,  who  con nue  to  make  this  possible.  We  would  like  to  warmly  welcome  The  Department  of  Educa on  &  Skills  on  board,  whose  long-­‐term  commitment  to  the  matched                         funding  partnership  will  secure  the  future  of  music  educa on  in  Cork  City                                                           for  genera ons  to  come!  

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