music mag mood board

My pre-production presentation • 30 Mood boards • 30 Bands representations • 29 Sketches • 29 Photoshoot planning • 29 Masthead ideas • 32 Reader profile • 33 My USP

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Post on 19-Nov-2014



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Page 1: Music Mag Mood Board

My pre-production presentation

• 30 Mood boards

• 30 Bands representations

• 29 Sketches

• 29 Photoshoot planning

• 29 Masthead ideas

• 32 Reader profile

• 33 My USP

Page 2: Music Mag Mood Board
Page 3: Music Mag Mood Board

This is a good music magazine because the sign is very simple but effective. The colours used are bright and bold. Kanye west is the main image of the magazine and is centred right in the middle of the front cover. The headlines are placed randomly and some on a slant.

I like this magazine because of the layout. This music magazine is aimed at young teenagers aged at around 16-18. teenagers are mostly likely to buy it because the genre is up to date and fashionable.

Page 4: Music Mag Mood Board

I like this magazine because it attracts you to pick it up because its colourful and the front cover has a lot going on. This magazine is aimed at teenagers and young children, most likely to be female.

You can see that is aimed at a young audience because of the girly child like colours used. top of the pops has a range of cheesy hits which is popular with children and young teens.

Page 5: Music Mag Mood Board

The colours used reflect what age range the magazine is targeting and The front cover is more complex than a teenage/children magazine.

It is aimed at males and females aged at 18+

You can see this because it is more hardcore clubbing music.

I like the use of photography on this magazine and the unusual design.

Page 6: Music Mag Mood Board

This is a popular magazine and ranges at a large audience of males and females at all ages. It is more for an older audience because nme have club nights and the magazine has been going on since the 1970’s.

My favourite bit about the magazine is that is has a quirky design and the design is well thought out. The magazine has an attitude to it and the image they use on the front cover reflects this.

Page 7: Music Mag Mood Board

This magazine is aimed at young adults ranging from around (18+) you can tell this because it’s a “rave magazine” and its cover line is about where to party on new years eve.

Mostly aimed at males but could be for females too.

I like the background on this magazine and I like the image they have chosen of a celebrity.

Page 8: Music Mag Mood Board

This a popular up-to-date magazine its music genre is rock/arts and music. It is aimed at females and males generally of an older age or young adult (25+).

The design of the magazine is similar to nme and uses the same colours. I like the fact that the magazine is very clear and easy to read with large bold text.

Page 9: Music Mag Mood Board

How I want my bands to be represented on the front cover…

Page 10: Music Mag Mood Board

Ideas for my magazine. Bands,styles,magazine covers, styling photo shoots.

Page 11: Music Mag Mood Board


• My photo shoot is going to contain a group of about 4 members approximately to represent my indie band and be placed on the front cover of the magazine I am designing.

• I will also be taking practice shots of the band before I take the final ones. I will be taking a front cover image and a few images for the contents page.

• An indie band on my front cover has relevance to the magazine name “indie chic” it will also contain indie style music.

• The images will be of a band that I know through a friend. I am not yet decided on where the photo shoot will take place.

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Page 13: Music Mag Mood Board

Masthead & Fonts

Page 14: Music Mag Mood Board

What my magazine is all about!

• My magazine is going take inspiration from nme and q magazine. It will be all about photo shoots, interviews and the latest gigs. I am designing my magazine to appeal to students/teens who are interested in indie/rock/alternative music. The unique selling point of my magazine will be the front cover to make people want to pick it up and buy.