music r ecommendations at spotify

Music recommendations at Spotify Erik Bernhardsson [email protected]

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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Music r ecommendations at Spotify. Erik Bernhardsson [email protected]. Spotify. Launched in 2009 Available in 17 countries 20M active users, 5M paying subscribers Peak at 5k tracks/s, 1M logged in users 20M tracks. Some applications. Recommendation stuff at Spotify. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Music recommendations at Spotify

Erik Bernhardsson [email protected]

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- Launched in 2009- Available in 17 countries- 20M active users, 5M paying subscribers- Peak at 5k tracks/s, 1M logged in users- 20M tracks

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Some applications

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Recommendation stuff at Spotify

- Related artists:

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Recommendation stuff at Spotify, cont…

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How can we find music?

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- Manual classification- Feature extraction- Social media analysis, web scraping, metadata based- Collaborative filtering

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Pandora & Music Genome Project

- Classifies tracks in terms of 400 attributes- Each track takes 20-30 minutes to classify- A distance function finds similar tracks

- “Subtle use of strings”- “Epic buildup”- “Acid Jazz roots”- “Beats made for dancing”- “Trippy soundscapes”- “Great trombone solo”- …

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Scraping the web is another approach

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Feature extraction

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Collaborative filtering

Idea:- If two movies x, y get similar ratings then they are probably

similar- If a lot of users all listen to tracks x, y, z, then those tracks

are probably similar

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Collaborative filtering

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Get data

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… lots of data

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Aggregate data

Throw away temporal information and just look at the number of times

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OK, so now we have a big matrix

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… very big matrix

Throw out all the temporal data:

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Supervised collaborative filtering is pretty much matrix completion

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Supervised learning: Matrix completion

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Supervised: evaluating rec quality

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Unsupervised learning

- Trying to estimate the density- i.e. predict probability of future events

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Try to predict the future given the past

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How can we find similar items

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We can calculate correlation coefficient as an item similarity

- Use something like Pearson, Jaccard, …

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Amazon did this for “customers who bought this also bought”

- US patent 7113917

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Parallelization is hard though

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Can speed this up using various LSH tricks

- Twitter: Dimension Independent Similarity Computation (DISCO)

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Are there other approaches?

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Natural Language Processing has a lot of similar problems

…matrix factorization is one idea

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Matrix factorization

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Matrix factorization

- Want to get user vectors and item vectors- Assume f latent factors (dimensions) for each user/item

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- Hofmann, 1999- Also called PLSI

Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA)

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PLSA, cont.

+ a bunch of constraints:

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PLSA, cont.

Optimization problem: maximize log-likelihood

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PLSA, cont.

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“Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets”

- Hu, Koren, Volinsky (2008)

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“Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets”, cont.

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Here is another method we use

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What happens each iteration

- Assign all latent vectors small random values- Perform gradient ascent to optimize log-likelihood

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Calculate derivative and do gradient ascent

- Assign all latent vectors small random values- Perform gradient ascent to optimize log-likelihood

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2D iteration example

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Vectors are pretty nice because things are now super fast

- User-item score is a dot product:

- Item-item similarity score is a cosine similarity:

- Both cases have trivial complexity in the number of factors f:

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Example: item similarity as a cosine of vectors

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Two dimensional example for tracks

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We can rank all tracks by the user’s vector

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So how do we implement this?

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Hadoop at Spotify

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One iteration of a matrix factorization algorithm

“Google News personalization: scalable online collaborative filtering”

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So now we solved the problem of recommendations right?

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Actually what we really want is to apply it to other domains

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- Artist radio: find related tracks- Optimize ensemble model based on skip/thumbs data

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Learning from feedback is actually pretty hard

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A/B testing

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More applications!!!

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Last but not least: we’re hiring!

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Thank you