music video final evaluation

Music Video Final Evaluation – IG3 Task 4 At the start of the college year we were individually asked to create a music video, though the different stages it takes to create a successful music video; the 3 main steps being (which in what we followed in order) Music Video Research and Pre- Production, Music Video Pre Production and finally finishing with Music Video Production. In this final evaluation I will be going through each of these steps and what we had to do in each. I will be talking about my strengths and weaknesses (if any) and what I enjoyed or disliked ect within each stage of creating the music video. To start off of with making the music video I was asked to start off with Music Video Research and Pre-Production. This included important steps to basically research into music videos, which will help me understand and overall make my own music video as good and professional as it could be. The first task was to produce a comprehensive word-processed or voice recorded analysis of three music videos. What this first task included doing was to watch different music videos that covered each narrative, performance and concept styles of music videos. Upon choosing a select few of music videos that covered all those three (with YouTube), I was then asked to find out the following on each video; Target audience, lyrics, tempo, genre, camera techniques, editing and the use of digital effects. With the researched information it was then asked to make a mood-board of however we chose to present are findings. I did it as a clear to see mood-board with images of what I was trying to explain in each one. The thing I think I did well in these task was the fact I went into great detail on each one in each aspect of each music video, it helped me understand about the three different styles, and helped me chose what I want my music video style to be. I did more than what was asked on this task due to the fact I wanted to see if the codes and conventions occurred in all the styles of music video and to see what best suits me and my music video. In my opinion there wasn’t any downside to my work or the results as all my work was done to a good standard and I was able to understand what is expected to see in a music video, which helped me produce a more professional looking music video. 1

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Music Video Final Evaluation – IG3 Task 4

At the start of the college year we were individually asked to create a music video, though the different stages it takes to create a successful music video; the 3 main steps being (which in what we followed in order) Music Video Research and Pre-Production, Music Video Pre Production and finally finishing with Music Video Production. In this final evaluation I will be going through each of these steps and what we had to do in each. I will be talking about my strengths and weaknesses (if any) and what I enjoyed or disliked ect within each stage of creating the music video.

To start off of with making the music video I was asked to start off with Music Video Research and Pre-Production. This included important steps to basically research into music videos, which will help me understand and overall make my own music video as good and professional as it could be. The first task was to produce a comprehensive word-processed or voice recorded analysis of three music videos. What this first task included doing was to watch different music videos that covered each narrative, performance and concept styles of music videos. Upon choosing a select few of music videos that covered all those three (with YouTube), I was then asked to find out the following on each video; Target audience, lyrics, tempo, genre, camera techniques, editing and the use of digital effects. With the researched information it was then asked to make a mood-board of however we chose to present are findings. I did it as a clear to see mood-board with images of what I was trying to explain in each one. The thing I think I did well in these task was the fact I went into great detail on each one in each aspect of each music video, it helped me understand about the three different styles, and helped me chose what I want my music video style to be. I did more than what was asked on this task due to the fact I wanted to see if the codes and conventions occurred in all the styles of music video and to see what best suits me and my music video. In my opinion there wasn’t any downside to my work or the results as all my work was done to a good standard and I was able to understand what is expected to see in a music video, which helped me produce a more professional looking music video. For the second task in IG1 I was asked to gather pictures and words that best relates to what I want in my music video, that will give me more ideas and a more realistic view from what and where I could use as a possibility to film. The way I showed my work was with the use of a mood-bored with images of the things that may relate to my music video, I did this with Photoshop so I was able to put pictures that related to each other together so when looking back on it, it is easy to understand and to see my ideas ect. In my opinion, it did not really help to contribute to any further ideas to my music video, as I already had a realistic and a strong idea I wanted to do in my head, so this task didn’t really help me to gain any further ideas to help to my final outcome. However, I think I did well in this task as I clearly show the ideas that I had, and even though I had one strong idea that I knew I wanted to do, it was hard to show that idea with a lot of pictures as is a very small and specific idea; though I think I


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showed my idea in many pictures and words, which looked good as a final outcome, and clearly shows what my intentions where. The third task was to see how it is like to arrange and budget a real life music video; with a set budget. I personally enjoyed this task as it allowed me to experience what it will really be like to get given a budget and do my best to book the best locations, equipment, staff ect. I think I did really well in this task as I kept within the budget, covered everything that was asked an even more. I gave links, quotes and real information to if a music video with that set budget was set, it will be easy to see my working and get the best outcome with the chosen findings by myself. The next task that was asked to do was to do a music video treatment, even though this was a small task I think I showed what I want and what “rules” and concerns I have within making the music video. I personally don’t think there were any downsides with my work in this task as I showed my working clear with what my intentions are, with the use of pictures and links to further show my ideas. The final task in IG1 was to create a video script to near professional standards. What this included was to have the lyrics, music, narrative and FX of my chosen music audio (Artic Monkeys – R U Mine) corresponding to the shots I want to have in my music video, this included camera angel, distance, length; and this all had to be clearly for myself and my group to understand so I put this script in detail to the second into what I wanted and what my idea was. I personally didn’t like this task as it took a long time to actually decide what shots I want where and what kind of shots I want, I had to re-watch similar existing videos a lot to get the ideas of how the music videos are edited and what shots they tend to do, which was very time consuming. Given that, I still feel I produced a strong script that is both professional and easy to read, and it is also in great detail. Overall in a whole the Music Video Research and Pre-Production went smoothly and a lot faster than myself and the group anticipated as we all worked well together and got the job done, with the time left to improve any work we felt needed to be improved, so if I did this again, there is nothing I would change as I don’t feel like the work I have produced could be at a better standard, for both myself and the group as a whole.

After completing IG1, we were given IG2 to undertake which was all Music Video Pre Production side to the music video. This was by far the least eye catching part of the music video production, now that we each have our own storyboard we were asked in groups to look at each other’s music video and decide what music video script we each like the best as a team, both in the most realistic, doable and most professional, and chose one we all liked and thought that would look good. This part of the music video progress was the more detailed side, which is defiantly needed, as it involves planning, booking and making the best outcome at the end to occur. Though I didn’t enjoy this side of the music video making it was clear to see that it was big part, as working in a team it can become a mess and hard to understand who is doing what, and when everything is happening; which can cause issues such as stress and not meeting deadlines. I feel myself and the group did this part amazingly as we


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managed to agree without any issues or problems, and had everything sorted and on time, which meant no problems occurred, and we met all deadlines. If I was asked to do this again, I would not chose just one music video script as I feel we all had good ideas that if all joint in together would had made a unique music video, and as all of our groups ideas where doable and realistic, I would try and attempt to integrate all of our ideas together and make a new script that we all like and fits all are needs. However, I still think the work that I had done was at a well done standard and everything that was asked I covered in detail and clearly.

Finally, the last part of the music video making stage is the Music Video Production stage, which was by far the most “hands on” and fun part of the music video making experience. As a group we worked well together, and being a small group (only 3 people, including myself) there was little to no issues, disputes or problems what so ever, as we all respected each other’s ideas and key eye for the media. As we planned ahead (in IG2) we had set dates, times and locations already to film to get the footage and film/edit with time to spare, so we have time after to improve the video if needed at the end. We had a very clear storyboard so we filmed very easy without any issues what so ever. The location we filmed was a high school that was located close to all three of us, that also had the equipment and environment that we wanted to be in are music video, so it was perfect to fit all three of our ideas. Following the planning in the previous part, we all stayed true to the stated safety procedures, set dates and times ect, which made the while experience a lot smoother, fun and overall faster. There was no problem what so ever that occurred during filming due to this, we got the job done perfectly and got all the shots we intended to get (including some extra just in case). In my opinion I feel we completed the filming process very well and professionally, as there were no problems, injuries (or potential injuries) that occurred, we filmed all the shots we needed in the time we set, and we completed what we intended to do with great results, with great shots ect, that exceeded our expectations. Having the shots that we previously planned and stuck to it helped us arrange the shots and put them on the computer in folders that we would easily be able to open to get to the appropriate shot, and since all three of us needed to access the files it made it easier for all of us doing it this way. Once we were happy with the shots ect we was asked to create a rough edit to start off with in Adobe Premiere, basically in my case it was just cutting and putting together all the shots, and since I had no intentions on adding any transitions (only cuts) I was able to do this well as cutting is a pretty easy task. I also decided on doing this better look to the music video (and it is seen in existing music videos) is syncing the shots to the music itself as it creates an overall more eye catching and more professional look to the music video. And in my opinion looking at the final rough edit music video, it does work great and does improve the video as a whole. Doing this we was asked then to look back on the music video and see what needs or will look good to be improved, and I came up the idea of creating a very specific style. This was the only issue that occurred


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for me thought-out the whole assignment, as it was difficult; to near impossible to get the look I wanted. We were told to use Adobe after Effects to bring the rough edit into and add the changes I thought that would improve the video. Even though this editing software is the best suited to achieve what the look I wanted, it was unable to. During trying to get the effect I wanted (a saturated look, with the main colours bright out a to shine, such as red) I personally watch tutorial videos online to see if I can get this effect and how to best get the effect it was able; however due to this failing I asked the help of one the teachers at the college who knew how to use Adobe after Effects well, and would be my best source of actually getting the effect I want. Regardless of the help from the teacher, I was still unable to get the effect I wanted, I got close however it wasn’t the effect I wanted as it made it look unprofessional and distorted. From this I had to think of a while knew effect that I wanted, all I knew Is that I still wanted to keep the saturation down as I feel it creates a unique and great looking music video. I looked again at existing music video along the same genre and I found a common occurrence in the themes and style of the music video; was to have an old vintage look. Given this information I wanted to base my music video on an old vintage look, but with a different style to make it more eye catching and personally unique and different. I then watched many tutorials on YouTube to get this effect, however I added my own personal touch, that involved over 7 different effect, and then finally got the effect I was looking for and felt looked great to be played throughout the while music video. In my opinion I think the music video looks amazing with this effect, as it creates a real professional look and follows the codes and conventions of a music video; but with a small twist. Even though this was not the look I was expecting to have or wanted at the start, I am glad I finally came to having this effect as it turned out music better than I ever expected. I personally impressed myself in making this music video as the way myself and the group help things together and worked well and professional together and each created a similar but distinctive music videos.

In conclusion, if I was going to do this again there is only one thing I would do defiantly as I honestly think we pulled off a great production and final outcome. I would suggest getting more footage than we planned to film, as some of the shots were not as good as first anticipated; such as slight a blur on some footage, the footage not being long enough or the shot wasn’t in focus well. With this problem it made the editing process a little longer as we had to debate on what part of the shot to use ect. I feel if we would have had more shots to work with and may use as replacements to bad footage, the editing process would have been less stressful and more enjoyable. Having said that, it wasn’t that big of an issue as we took the problem well and came up with solutions (such as change the effect of the footage and make it look better) and we was able to use the footage, though having more footage would have mean this issue would not occur (regardless if it was only a small issue).


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