my app. learning objectives to understand what is meant by an app to learn about the technology used...

My App

Upload: louise-scott

Post on 13-Dec-2015




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My App

Learning Objectives

• To understand what is meant by an App• To learn about the technology used by Apps• To learn about different mobile technologies • To develop teamwork and collaboration skills • To learn how to use basic tools in Adobe Fireworks• To learn how to use AppShed to create web Apps

Learning Outcomes

• A document outlining technology found in smartphones, tablets and Apps

• A completed App that works on a tablet or smartphone

• An evaluation

Research Task

• What is an app?

• How do I use apps?

• Create a list of 5 apps you have used this month.

• Create a list of some app features.

Tasks: Technology

• Get into a group of 2-4 people• In your group discuss the following technology

and how it is used in smartphone and tablet Apps

o AR (Augmented Reality)o Camerao Location technology (GPS - Global Positioning

System)o Microphoneo Accessories

Video: Galaxy Tab

Learning Appshed Basics

Video: Tutorials

Click on the image for my AppShed cover tutorial playlist

Alternatively go to the shared area on the intranet

Tasks: Create your AppForm groups of two:

You are to in your groups complete the ‘Student Log’ which can be found on the year 7 Blog.

Follow the instructions on the blog. Your work will be due on the 3rd of June.

Tasks: Evaluation

• Group Evaluationo Using feedback from your peers and your own

opinion say what you liked and did not like about your presentation.

o How well did you work as a group? Good points Bad points How could you have worked better?