my bestest friend

.Amber.Marie.Walker. For those of you who don't know her very well, she's the most amazing person you'll ever, ever, EVER meet. She's nice, and funny, and awesome, and gorgeous. And you're all jealous 'cause I know her and yuu don't. So, HA! In your face! Looooosers. >.<

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Post on 29-May-2015




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Page 1: My Bestest Friend


For those of you who don't know her very well, she's the most amazing person you'll ever, ever, EVER meet. She's nice, and funny, and awesome, and gorgeous. And you're all jealous 'cause I know her and yuu don't. 

So, HA! In your face! Looooosers. >.<

Page 2: My Bestest Friend
Page 3: My Bestest Friend

She is. The BEST. Friend. In. The Whole. Wide. World. !!

And, I loves her very much! 


Page 4: My Bestest Friend

~She is, -My- BEST Friend|MY Sister|MY Lesbian Lover|My Other Half. <3

♥ ♥ ♥

Page 5: My Bestest Friend

We'll stick together, for forever, and a day. Yes, a day. So, we'll be

ghost buddies when we die. Together Forever, and Ever. And


: )

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Yeah, that's right. I said it. "Forever!". You're all jealous that you can't have her as long as I can :P

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Amber, If I were to put you in a jar with all my

other friends, you would be lit up like a

freakin' rainbow, and they'd be all ugly and


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You're one of those friends I can call with my problems, no matter what time it is. Even though you would say "Bitch, you woke me up for that?!". But it's alright, I

would be sorry for waking you up anyways. But hey, you definitely don't need any beauty sleep.. You're stealing all the pretty  from the rest of the world! Yeah, you're a thief! And you're looks, just like your food, you won't

share with me!

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You tell me the things, that I don't want to tell myself. Because I know they're true.

You saved my life.And your friendship, gives me a reason to smile.

A reason to live.: )

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I am a broken mirror, an unfinished puzzle, a mess; and you're the only one who has

tried to put me back together. <3

Page 11: My Bestest Friend

If we were both homeless, no matter how small it was, I would

share my cardboard box with you, so you wouldn't get raped by

smelly, dirty, drug dealers. 


Page 12: My Bestest Friend

If the doctor told me I was paralyzed, right now, I would crawl a thousand miles, just to see you. Even if you pushed the wheelchair down the


Yummm?? xD

Page 13: My Bestest Friend

If there's a day you look horrible, don't worry, I'll be there by your side to look

horrible with you! And we can make fun of each other until we both feel good. 

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When we're old, and there's not many days left, we'll sit in the crazy old people place, and look back and laugh. We'll go down the road in our

wheelchairs, holding hands, screaming gay pride at the top of our lungs while the doctors chase after us. And we'll eat tacos and drink snapple, just like the first time we hung out.

We'll spit on spiders. Run from imaginary snakes. And run away from scary black guys

that say "Hey, let's make it a for-some!(; ". All until out time together runs out.

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And let’s not forget, about all the doctors we’ll hit on while we’re there.. ;)

We’ll get all those nice young men fired.. Tehe(;

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When we eventually drive each other insane, we'll know we'll have each other when we're

sitting in a padded room wearing straight jackets.

: P

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And if your heart gets broken, I'll let you borrow half of mine.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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I promise, I'll be your best friend, for forever and a day. 

: )

But only if you'll do the same.d:

♥ ♥ ♥

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Daaaayum! Oooh shhhh_iiiiittt! I'd tap that once, go back for

seconds, and then lick the plate clean!! <3 

     Ha Ha.  I love yuus!

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Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, But only me n' you can feel the true

warm feeling that you get in your pants. It grows, and grows. 

♥Always, Taylor Rae Karson.


Page 21: My Bestest Friend

Because I’m random..Yay! We’re kitties! tehe >^.^<

^Amberrr ^Taylorrr

Tehe! I ish so sillys. :D