my brand - a different kind of presentation

My brand An extended sense of property

Upload: emanuela-matei

Post on 29-Jul-2015



Self Improvement

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My brand An extended sense of property


Let’s suppose that it might be possible to fulfil the task of describing oneself through a pair of picture-perfect lenses. The depiction would remain anyway incomplete pending for a listener who cares to pay attention. The depiction emerges in the mind of the auditor. The untold speaks for itself.

Plunging into surrealI am born in Romania during a period of special historical conditions. There’s nothing I could say to make sure that the listener understands the implication of this random choice of the universe that determines a specific space-time position for somebodies birth.

The child I was, plunged into a reality where the uttered truths defied the reasonable. The insight of a broken reality gave me the pedigree of an innate researcher.

What it’s told to be factually correct represents an insignificant part of reality; the other part that we don’t acknowledge yet is mathematically proven to be immeasurable. The pursuit of exploring the not-yet-recognised-as-true must be the most natural habit of a human being.

The exileBeing born in a space-time of senselessness I felt like running away from this first home and so I did. Sweden my new home was for me a kind of parallel universe, imagine for instance a field characterised by anti-gravity and compare it with a field of heavy gravity as my old home was.

My naivety or at least a part of it has been lost in the process of moving in between homes. Coming from an universe where gravity crushed all my senses binding them tightly to a collective ground, I met Sweden in a space-time where anti-gravity pulls everything apart, while giving a speech in favour of solidarity and other good names.

There was a time when censorship and ignorance were imposed from outside and a common enemy could be identified. Today there is nobody out-there to be blamed, but the enemy is “us”, represented by our fears, the prevalent hedonism and a fake sense of freedom. No connection to the ground anymore…

The new shellCuriosity and restlessness provided the fuel necessary to continue my journey. I taught myself a new language and studied intensively and diversely during several years until I could assert that I understood most of the subtle meanings of the Swedish language.

All Nordic languages are rich in hidden semantics and cultural ambiguities. It’s neither grammar nor vocabulary that constitutes a great challenge. It took me two weeks to acquire the level of a secondary school pupil in matters of grammar and scientific vocabulary. However, the actual difficulty lies in trying to comprehend meanings that won’t be said. The codified messages of a new language constitute a hidden barrier for a non-native and it takes a resolute effort to surpass it.

A “licence” to work

As a rule it takes more than ten years to be given the keys to employment in Sweden, a work permit being in most cases only a formality, which provides no warrant for de facto access to employment.

If a jobseeker doesn’t fit inside a pre-set frame, as it was my case as a liberal woman with a career in the financial business, there is no immediate solution, the path to an appropriate employment does not exist.

I went back to university and studied business law, social sciences and some courses of philology to understand the Nordic culture even better. This might tell you something about me. I don’t give up easily and I engage in systematic deconstruction of a problem that must be solved.

Co-habitation with the bizarre

A heap of biases and a ludicrous belief in standardised solutions that for me appear to be the result of the industrial revolution generate a great deal of social exclusion in Sweden. It’s so much easier to advise the whole world on matters that don’t concern you directly than to solve concrete problems in your own home.

The success of the past can definitely constitute an impediment in the future, since every period has its own challenges. Sweden is now on the verge of losing its socio-economic pole position and part of the decline must be explained by an increased and counterproductive social categorisation that enlarges the social gaps and intensifies the conflicts without proposing any credible solutions for a better tomorrow.

I have started to apprehend that I can not run away from the unreasonable; I must deal with it, use my best skills and contribute to the change instead of indulging myself in the silence of the misunderstood.

 Work as form of expression

After finishing a second round of university studies I tried to find a way into the market of optimistically talented EU-law postgraduates. An acute need for self-expression oriented my search towards legal writing, editorial work and of-counselling. I published as well a first book within the field of preliminary rulings and the application of EU competition law by the Romanian courts.

Despite the fact that my main specialization is Swedish business law, I completed research studies in other countries’ laws, adopting a comparative approach to areas of law, where convergence takes place at a global level. I wrote about the developments of Swedish, EU/EEA, American, Romanian and Danish law.

 Framing the future

An unbiased approach to legal writing outside the institutional field or other forms of conditional funding is the only manner to deliver value in legal science.

My credo is that science in general cannot aim to maintain the status-quo; science is about moving away from the consensual understanding of a specific matter and imagining new ways of dealing with challenges that human society has to face.

I am moreover convinced that a good practicing lawyer must be an excellent legal scientist, a person who understands that justice and injustice come from the same source, which is the understanding of law in a certain context. A lawyer must be able to contribute to an accurate understanding of the law.

The institution of law shall be construed as independent from the institutions of the state, as an abstract understanding of ideals such as justice, order and equality. In the absence of state, same type of reasoning would define law, exactly as the absence of a king or of God faith had not conducted to a changed view on these essential values. Some changes may be artificially induced, but they also exercise an ephemeral influence. Law is the innate optimizer of human relations.

 Looking for a match

I look for a match in the category of intelligent professionals who question the validity of the standards imposed on us with no deeper reflection and engage pragmatically in the search for viable alternatives.

A home is not a place where you happen to be born or move in for a longer stay. A home is a place where you have something interesting to say and you are listened to. As an innate researcher and writer I need a home where the communication is free of disturbances and time does not pull us apart.

As a communicator I aim to serve a forum where thinking is the norm and people are accepted as raw realities. This is why we study law to begin with to be able to understand people as realities and bargain a deal between the raw real and the political real.

If you think that we can empower each other and find a common home for our ideals and projects email me and we take it further from there.