my evaluation

By Alix Hutchinson

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Post on 12-Jan-2015



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Page 1: My Evaluation

By Alix Hutchinson

Page 2: My Evaluation

Conventions and Codes-Conventions and Codes- The camera shots and angles of the pictures throughout my magazine are ok as they are taken in a way that is the same in most magazines in the genre pop. The clothing that was worn in the pictures are alright as I told my models to wear them type of clothes as that is what I wanted. The colours throughout my magazine have worked perfect as they have met my target audience which is teenage girls,12 and above.Target Audience- Target Audience- My magazine has met my target audience (teenage girls,12 and above). It has information in it which would mostly attract a younger target audience. My model that I used for the main image on the front cover is actually 12 and I showed her the magazine and she said its perfect for that target audience.Content- Content- I researched pop magazines and that helped me decide what I would put in to mine. The content its self is based on my target audience.Use of technology- Use of technology- While making my magazine I have used PowerPoint for doing the evaluation, I used Publisher for making my front cover, contents and double page spread, I print screened most of my work and then I put it on Paint so that I could save it into an image.

Front coverFront cover

Contents PageContents Page

Double Page SpreadDouble Page Spread

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On my magazine cover I used a barcode; masthead; price; image; sell lines; anchorage text and use of colour.

I put the barcode on the front because if I put it on the back then it would be in the way of the advert in the back page. So therefore I put it on the front page so that it wouldn’t take up space on the back where the advert would be going.

I put the masthead there so that people know its my magazine and so that they know the name of my magazine.

The reason that the price of the magazine is £1.75 is because the target audience is 12 and above. Therefore it is at a low price.

The image is used to grab the target audience so that when it is on the shelf it will grab their attention straight away.

The anchorage text is used so that the reader knows exactly what the main article is about.

I have used the colours white, pink and purple as the theme on the front cover, also I have used these colours throughout the whole of my magazine as I chose these 3 colours as my colour theme.

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I have used the colour pink as it is part of my colour theme throughout the whole of the magazine

The reason that it is not in order so it doesn’t look to much like a list. Also I have put things into different categories so they are easier to find.

I have put the subscribe picture there so that people can see the front cover again and know that you can subscribe to the magazine if they want to.

I have added pictures so that it looks more interesting and so that people know what to expect on the pages when the turn them.

The reason that there is a contents page is so that people know exactly what they are looking for.

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Double page spread

I have added in a picture of Lauren when she was younger even though I didn’t take the picture myself. But I wanted to have it in because it shows how she has changed.

I have used graphic features to make certain things that she says stand out, to make people want to read more.

I have added the banner for advertisement so that it appeals to people.

I have added the number of the pages so that people find the pages easier to find.

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I have represented my magazine to young women. I want the people who are reading it to look up to her. That’s why I have dressed her in that way and not put too much makeup on her. I wanted my magazine to represent a sweet and caring girl. Even though she isn’t that old I want people to look at her and get the impression that this is how young girls act.

The assumptions that I have made on the way that I have made my model look has reflected on the way that my final outcome has turned out. If I had dressed her in all black and had really dark makeup then the magazine would be in a different social group and my magazine wouldn’t have fit into my intended category.

My magazine represents age it shows that you can be of any age and still have a career in a job that you wouldn’t expect people as young as 12 to be.

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I would want ‘IPC MEDIA’ to distribute my magazine. I feel that they are a good and well know media institution who publish many magazines from a wide number of target audiences. They produce a lot of different magazines but they don’t really produce many music magazines and the ones they do are not aimed at my target audience. So I feel that if ‘IPC MEDIA’ publish my magazine there is a chance that this could make ‘IPC MEDIA’ more well known and this would also bring publicity to my magazine and at the same time to ‘IPC MEDIA’.

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Target Audience Profile:

Interests- Well its obvious that you have to really like pop and chart music. You have to love fashion and shopping all the girly kind of stuff. Also you would have to love celebrity gossip.

Age- The age that my magazine is aiming at is 12 and above. The reason that it is not 13 is because I wanted to get people who aren’t yet teenagers to feel as if they’ve not been left out. I want them to feel that they are part of the magazine and not children.

Gender- The gender of my magazine is for girls only. Boys can read it if the want to but it is mostly aimed at girls.

Income- My magazine is £1.75. It is not aimed at any class. It is aimed at young people who are from an household income.

Location- The location for my magazine is United Kingdom. The reason for this is because everyone in the magazine is a British star.

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My magazine will appeal to my target audience because the colours I have used are the colours that mostly young girls are attracted to. There bright and eye catching which attracts most girls.

The fonts that I have used will appeal to my target audience because there pink and girly. If I hadn’t used them colours then my magazine wouldn’t have appealed to my target audience.

The fact that I have added quizzes into my magazine could attract people from a different target audience into buying my magazine. Because some people might just like winning stuff and doing quizzes.

The images that I have used throughout the magazine will help to meet the target audience as they are sweet and innocent and are perfect for the target audience.

The feedback shows that the magazine is for the right target audience. It also shows that the magazine is in the correct genre etc.

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While making my magazine I have used Paint, Microsoft PowerPoint, Publisher, Movie Plus and Blogger.

Before I had used everything apart from Blogger, so using that was new for me. At first I thought it was going to be really hard to control and in the end it was a lot easier than I had imagined. Before I didn’t even know what a blog was, let alone what a blog was for.

I have learnt how to make something into an image, I didn’t know how to do that, I didn’t think you could.

I decided to do my evaluation on Movie Plus but in the end I chose to do it on PowerPoint as PowerPoint is something that I am a lot more clearer and confident in.

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A lot has improved for me since I did the school magazine because at first I wasn’t really sure on how to make magazines so it was kind of like a practice for me. Which helped me a lot as I got used to using certain publications again.

My music magazine has got a lot more information on the front cover and its just a lot better as we did have a lot more time to do it in. In my opinion I think there both good but the music magazine does look professional whereas the school magazine does look like someone from school has put a magazine together.