my favourite activity. dancing еркович анастасия 8 класс

My favourite activity. Erkovich Anastasia

Upload: victorushka

Post on 19-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: My favourite activity. dancing еркович анастасия 8 класс

My favourite activity.

Erkovich Anastasia

Page 2: My favourite activity. dancing еркович анастасия 8 класс

My favourite activity.

I used to do ballroom

dancing. It was my

favourite activity.

Page 3: My favourite activity. dancing еркович анастасия 8 класс

My favourite activity.

You need the following equipment for ballroom dance: ballroom shoes and dress.

Page 4: My favourite activity. dancing еркович анастасия 8 класс

My favourite activity.

You must remember that when you dance, you have to smile. It is the first rule.

Secondly, your head should be raised up. And most importantly you need to relax and have fun.

Page 5: My favourite activity. dancing еркович анастасия 8 класс

My favourite activity.

I like this activity because only

dancing I could relax and get great
