my health my community - self-management college prospectus - term 2

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  • 8/18/2019 My Health My Community - Self-management College Prospectus - Term 2


    Self-management College

    Supporting health, wellbeing and recovery

    May - August 2016 

     F R E E E d u c a

     t i o n a l

     C o u r s e s

  • 8/18/2019 My Health My Community - Self-management College Prospectus - Term 2




    Welcome to the second term prospectus for the

    Self-management College. The College is acommunity-based collaborative specialising inproviding a wide range of educational coursesfor the community. We currently deliver coursesacross Tameside and Glossop, but are planningto expand this into Bury, Heywood, Middleton,Rochdale, Oldham and Stockport in the nearfuture. The College aims to equip learners withthe knowledge and understanding to enablethem to live well and promote recovery for

    themselves or those they support.

     At the heart of everything we do is havinga true community partnership, which we believebuilds a stronger College and a strongercommunity. We aim for all courses to beco-designed and co-facilitated, betweenhealth professionals and people with livedexperience and provided in a welcomingenvironment to develop skills.

    The College does not have a permanentbuilding, but works across a range ofcommunity locations. This enables us to beflexible and deliver courses at locations that thecommunity can easily access.

    The College is based on a partnershipapproach between a wide range of providers(see p37), ensuring that we offer a variety ofcourses so that learners can tailor their learning

    to suit them as an individual. There is no formalreferral system and you can choose whichcourses to attend.

    Courses are delivered across a variety of

    settings and locations. Residents of Tamesideand Glossop can attend courses, althoughsome courses are limited to residents of aparticular area. Al l o f our courses are FREE of charge and details of how to book areprovided on p5.

    If you want to bring someone else along to acourse with you (a carer, friend, relative etc.)you can, but they must enrol and register on

    the course as well. This is so we can keep trackof the number of places available.

    We have engaged with our local communitiesand partners to develop an exciting range ofcourses that we hope will support you in yourhealth, wellbeing and recovery.

    We are always looking for ways to expand ouroffer to provide more courses and opportunitiesfor learning. If you have an idea, or work in a

    local organisation which is interested in gettinginvolved, please contact the My Health MyCommunity team on 0161 716 3396.

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     At the College we always treat everyone as anindividual and always respect your rights to begiven an equal opportunity to succeed. Whenwe look at venues we aim to only book venues

    with good disabled access and good transportlinks. If you need support in attending ourcourses please contact the team.

    • The College is for everyone: Professionals,service users, carers, families and the widercommunity, all learning from each other.

     • Equal consultation with people with lived

    experience (including service users,carers, families and supporters) and healthprofessionals in the planning, developingand delivery of the courses.

    • Supporting trainers to gain the confidence

    and skills they need to be able to truly co-facilitate.

    • The College will operate on collegeprinciples and learners will access coursesof their choosing.

    • We are not a substitute for treatment.We recognise that learners come froma range of backgrounds with a range ofneeds. We aim to support everyone’seducational development and enhance self-management.

    • This is not a substitute for mainstreamcollege but it does aim to promotecitizenship and participation, which maysupport people to access mainstream


    • The College aims to continually improveand has a strong ethos of evaluation andcontinuous improvement.

    Our core principles

    Equality and diversity

    Enrolment and booking

    The first time you wish to book onto a course,we will ask you to enrol with the College. Thisis a quick process and we will ask you for somestraightforward information about yourself,which will give you access to book onto ourcourses for a 12 month period.

    We are working towards an online enrolmentand booking system, but while this isimplemented, please ring 0161 716 3396to speak to a member of the My Health My

    Community team.

    If you feel you need some support or directionin helping you choose which courses wouldbe best for you, then you can book a one-to-one session with one of our self-managementcoaches. Just call us on 0161 716 3396 toarrange this.

    In the event that you are unable to attend acourse which you have booked onto, please letus know as soon as possible so we can offeryour place to somebody else.


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    Course list

    Understanding and awareness Page(s)

    • Alcohol awareness 8• Drug awareness 9

    • Dual diagnosis 10• Eating disorders 11

    • Mental health awareness 12• Understanding and exploring anger 13

    • Understanding and overcoming anxiety 14-15• Understanding and overcoming low mood and depression 16-17

    • Understanding loss and change 18• Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia 19

    • Understanding self-harm 20

    Practical skills

    • Balancing the basics (Understanding basic budgeting) 21• Debt-ed (Understanding debt) 22

    • Here’s your change (Welfare reform/Universal credit) 23• Introduction to basic counselling skills 24

    • Mental health first aid (Accredited course) 25

    Wellbeing Page(s)

    • Believe in me 26-27• Food and mood 28

    • Get active 29• Getting a good night’s sleep 30

    • Looking after you, looking after me 31• Reading for wellbeing (Bibliotherapy) 32

    • Writing our stories 33

    Mediation and relaxation

    • Importance of play (Animal assisted wellbeing) 34• Mindfulness taster 35

    • Relax! 36

    Please note: Venue names only are listed against each course session, for full address detailsincluding postcodes please see pages 38-39.

    Course list continued

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    Course descriptionThis course looks at what alcohol is, the effect of alcohol both physically and mentally, the effectof alcohol on community and society, and alcohol treatment options for people wanting to accesstreatment and address their recovery.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside, who are aged 18 and over.

     Alcohol awareness

    Type and durationThis course is a 60 minute group session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Lifeline Tameside.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 24th May 2016 14:00 - 15:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Wed 29th June 2016 14:00 - 15:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Wed 27th July 2016 14:00 - 15:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Wed 24th August 2016 14:00 - 15:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Drug awareness

    Course descriptionThis course looks at different categories of drugs, how it can affect people physically andmentally, what treatment options are available for people wanting to address their recovery, andthe effect of drugs on society and communities.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside, who are aged 18 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a 60 minute group session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Lifeline Tameside.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 24th May 2016 11:00 - 12:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Wed 29th June 2016 11:00 - 12:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Wed 27th July 2016 11:00 - 12:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Wed 24th August 2016 11:00 - 12:00 Ashton Business Centre

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    Course descriptionThis workshop looks at how drugs and/or alcohol can impact on mental wellbeing. It will focus

    on the impact that drugs and alcohol can have not only on individuals and families, but also thewider community. It will also look at the impact of using substances, what treatment options areavailable both locally and nationally, recovery, and the barriers which prevent treatment.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Dual diagnosis

    Type and durationThis course is a 90 minute group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 17th May 2016 10.00 - 11.30 Denton Centre (Room 4)

    Mon 27th June 2016 10.00 - 11.30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Thur 21st July 2016 13.00 - 14.30 Stalybridge Fire Station

    Mon 1st August 2016 10.00 - 11.30 Hollingworth Clinic (Rest Room 10)

    Eating disorders

    Course descriptionThis workshop looks at what eating disorders are, who they effect, how many people they can

    affect and what to do if someone you know has an eating disorder. It will bust some mythssurrounding eating disorders and hopefully reduce the stigma associated with it. The workshopwill look at what treatment options are available and what support there is for the individual andalso for the families, carers and loved ones.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a 90 minute group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesFri 20th May 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Hollingworth Clinic (Training Room)

    Thu 30th June 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Wed 3rd August 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Dewsnap Lane Clinic

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    Mental health awareness

    Course descriptionThis workshop looks at some of the most common mental health diagnoses and symptoms. It will

    look at how common mental health symptoms can be, what can trigger them and what treatmentsare available. It will also look at other facts and figures associated with the topic, challenge thestigma and battle some of the myths surrounding mental health.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesMon 16th May 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Tue 28th June 2016 13:00 - 15:00 The Hub (2nd Floor Meeting Room)

    Thu 14th July 2016 13:30 - 15:30 Denton Centre (Room 4)

    Mon 22nd August 2016 12:00 - 14:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Training Room)

    Course descriptionThis course is designed to increase our understanding of what anger is and explore what’s behind

    it; including what the early warning signs are, what can trigger anger outbursts, and the dynamicsbetween anger and behaviour. It will also focus on coping strategies, ways to cool down and otherways to express anger. This course also looks at what to do with loved ones who are angry andsignposting to local and national resources.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Understanding and

    exploring anger 

    Type and durationThis course is a 90 minute group session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 25th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Dewsnap Lane Clinic

    Fri 17th June 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Hollingworth Clinic (Rest Room 10)

    Mon 4th July 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Rydal House

    Tue 9th August 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Denton Centre (Room 4)

    NoteThis course is educational and not an anger management therapy session.

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    Course description A one-off workshop looking at what anxiety is and how it affects us, as well as helping attendees

    to develop tools and techniques to overcome anxiety. Participants will be introduced to looking ata ‘cycle’ of anxiety and then go on to explore ways that we can break this cycle, using relaxationtechniques, graded exposure, mindfulness and healthy lifestyle advice.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Understanding and

    overcoming anxiety

    Type and durationThis course is a three hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesThu 5th May 2016 10:00 - 13:00 Rydal House

    Mon 18th July 2016 10:00 - 13:00 The Hub (2nd Floor Meeting Room)

    Understanding and

    overcoming anxiety

    Course description A three session course looking at what anxiety is and how it affects us, as well as helping

    attendees to develop tools and techniques to overcome anxiety. Participants will be introduced tolooking at a ‘cycle’ of anxiety and then go on to explore ways that we can break this cycle, usingrelaxation techniques, graded exposure, mindfulness and healthy lifestyle advice.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is three sessions lasting two hours each, that runs once a week for three weeks.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesThu 2nd June 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Rest Room 10) Part 1 of 3Thu 9th June 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Rest Room 10) Part 2 of 3Thu 16th June 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Rest Room 10) Part 3 of 3

    Fri 5th August 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Denton Centre (Room 4) Part 1 of 3Fri 12th August 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Denton Centre (Room 4) Part 2 of 3Fri 19th August 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Denton Centre (Room 4) Part 3 of 3

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    Course description A one-off workshop looking at what depression is and how it affects us, as well as helping

    attendees to develop tools and techniques to overcome symptoms of depression and improvetheir mood. Participants will be introduced to looking at a ‘cycle’ of low mood/depression and thengo on to explore ways that we can break this cycle, through varying our activity, healthy lifestyleadvice and challenging our thoughts.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Understanding and overcoming

    low mood and depression

    Type and durationThis course is a three hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 7th June 2016 10:00 - 13:00 Rydal House

    Mon 15th August 2016 11:00 - 14:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Training Room)

    Course description A three session course looking at what depression is and how it affects us, as well as helping

    attendees to develop tools and techniques to overcome symptoms of depression and improvetheir mood. Participants will be introduced to looking at a ‘cycle’ of low mood or depression andthen go on to explore ways that we can break this cycle, through varying our activity, healthylifestyle advice and challenging our thoughts.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Understanding and overcoming

    low mood and depression

    Type and durationThis course is three sessions lasting two hours each, that runs once a week for three weeks.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesThu 12th May 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 1 of 3Thu 19th May 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 2 of 3Thu 26th May 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 3 of 3

    Thu 14th July 2016 10:00 - 12:00 The Hub (2nd Floor Meeting Room) Part 1 of 3Thu 21st July 2016 10:00 - 12:00 The Hub (2nd Floor Meeting Room) Part 2 of 3Thu 28th July 2016 10:00 - 12:00 The Hub (2nd Floor Meeting Room) Part 3 of 3

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    Course descriptionThis short course will help participants understand what we mean by loss and change, help us

    become aware of our emotional triggers, and develop strategies to better help us cope.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Understanding loss and


    Type and durationThis course is two sessions lasting two hours each, that runs once a week for two weeks.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Willow Wood Hospice and facilitated by a fully qualified counsellor.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesMon 1st August 2016 14:00 - 16:00 Willow Wood Hospice Part 1 of 2Mon 8th August 2016 14:00 - 16:00 Willow Wood Hospice Part 2 of 2

    Course descriptionThis course aims to provide information and increase understanding of psychosis and

    schizophrenia. It will explore the diagnosis and discuss different treatment options includingalternative therapies. It will also look at the impact on families and loved ones and what copingstrategies they have found to be helpful.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Understanding psychosis

    and schizophrenia

    Type and durationThis course is a three hour group session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 24th May 2016 10:00 - 13:00 Denton Centre (Room 3)

    Thu 16th June 2016 13:00 - 16:00 Rydal House

    Mon 11th July 2016 10:00 - 13:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Wed 24th August 2016 13:00 - 16:00 Health Living Centre (Training Room)

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    Understanding self-harm

    Course descriptionThis workshop looks at what self-harm is, and what to do if someone you know is self-harming.

    The workshop also looks at how common self-harm is, why people self-harm, and what maintainsself-harming behaviour. It will also bust the myths surrounding self-harm as well as discussingtreatment options, recovery rates and lived experiences.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a 90 minute group session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesMon 23rd May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Grafton Centre

    Fri 24th June 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Tue 5th July 2016 12:00 - 13:30 Denton Centre (Room 3)

    Thu 4th August 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Healthy Living Centre (Training Room)

    Balancing the basics(Understanding basic budgeting)

    Course descriptionParticipants will take part in activities to develop basic budgeting skills including prioritising

    spending. Learn how to manage a family budget successfully, make savings on day to dayexpenditure and avoid common budgeting myths.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by MiNTed.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 18th May 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

    Fri 17th June 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

    Thu 7th July 2016 12:30 - 14:30 MiNTed

    Thu 4th August 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

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    Course descriptionThis workshop aims to develop confidence in managing debt. Participants will complete activities

    around prioritising and dealing with debt, explore the consequences of non-payment and find outhow and where to get support.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Debt-ed (Understanding debt)

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by MiNTed.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesThu 12th May 2016 12:30 - 14:30 MiNTed

    Wed 8th June 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

    Tue 5th July 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

    Mon 15th August 2016 12:30 - 14:30 MiNTed

    Here’s your change(Welfare reform/Universal credit)

    Course descriptionThis course will help you to learn all about changes to our bene fits system. Participants will

    explore Universal Credit, how this will affect you and what claimants can do to prepare for this.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by MiNTed.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 24th May 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

    Mon 20th June 2016 12:30 - 14:30 MiNTed

    Wed 17th August 2016 10:30 - 12:30 MiNTed

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    Course descriptionThis workshop introduces the basic principles of counselling and enables participants to practice

    their new knowledge and skills in role play during the workshop. Learn about the essentialconditions required within a counsellor/client relationship and how to include or communicatethese within practice.

     Avai labil ity

    This course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Introduct ion to basic

    counselling skills

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesMon 23rd May 2016 14:00 - 16:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Wed 13th July 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Healthy Living Centre (Training Room)

    Mental health fi rst aid

    Course descriptionThis is a two day intensive course being subsidised by the NHS. It looks at common mental

    health disorders and what you can do to help someone who may be struggling with their mentalhealth. Just like in physical first aid, you’ll practice skills and learn new techniques, to helpidentify, understand and ultimately assist someone who may be showing signs that their mentalwellbeing is deteriorating. We’ll discuss treatment options, signpost to resources and provide youwith a handbook full of useful information and contacts.

     Avai labil ity

    This course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course consists of two full day workshops, running on consecutive days.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesMon 13th June 2016 09:30 - 16:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 1 of 2Tue 14th June 2016 09:30 - 16:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 2 of 2

    Thu 25th August 2016 09:30 - 16:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 1 of 2Fri 26th August 2016 09:30 - 16:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 2 of 2

    NoteThis course is accredited by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, attendees will be required

    to attend both days and will receive an of ficial certficate of participation.

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    Believe in me

    Course descriptionThis one-off workshop aims to help attendees to improve their confidence and self-esteem. It will

    look at the concepts of self-care and self-compassion, and help learners to challenge unhelpful orcritical thoughts that they might have about themselves. It will also teach techniques to help withdeveloping a ‘kinder’ approach to how they view themselves.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a half-day group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 8th June 2016 10:00 - 14:00 Stalybridge Fire Station

    Thu 18th August 2016 10:00 - 14:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Believe in me

    Course descriptionThis three session course aims to help attendees to improve their confidence and self-esteem.

    It will look at the concepts of self-care and self-compassion, and help learners to challengeunhelpful or critical thoughts that they might have about themselves. It will teach techniques tohelp with developing a ‘kinder’ approach to how they view themselves.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is three sessions lasting 90 minutes each, that runs once a week for three weeks.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesFri 13th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Hollingworth Clinic Part 1 of 3Fri 20th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Hollingworth Clinic Part 2 of 3Fri 27th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Hollingworth Clinic Part 3 of 3

    Tue 12th July 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Rydal House Part 1 of 3Tue 19th July 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Rydal House Part 2 of 3Tue 26th July 2016 13:00 - 14:30 Rydal House Part 3 of 3

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    Course descriptionThe first part of this session will explore the relationship between emotional wellbeing and what,

    how and why we eat, providing tips on how to introduce ‘good mood foods’ within our everydaydiet. The second part of the session will introduce the concept of mindfulness and a ‘mindfuleating’ practice; a tool that attendees can use to develop a better relationship with food.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Food and mood

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 11th May 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Mon 6th June 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Denton Centre (Room 4)

    Fri 8th July 2016 11:00 - 13:00 The Hub (Youth Room)

    Tue 16th August 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Rydal House

    Get active

    Course descriptionThis course is designed to help you plan some routine physical activity in your life, and gain

    motivation as a result. It includes how to set goals for yourself that you are more likely to achieve,methods to make the best use of your time to remain motivated, and getting that ‘right’ mind-set tokeep yourself motivated and focused. Learn about the benefits of physical exercise on both yourphysical and emotional wellbeing.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is an hour group session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Active Tameside and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 18th May 2016 13:30 - 14:30 Active Hyde

    Thu 16th June 2016 17:30 - 18:30 Active Hyde

    Wed 20th July 2016 13:30 - 14:30 Active Hyde

    Thu 18th August 2016 17:30 - 18:30 Active Hyde

    NoteThis session won’t involve any physical exercise, but does include a tour of Active Hyde’s leisurefacilities.

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    Course descriptionThis workshop looks at the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and how we can improve

    our sleep and sleep habits. Participants will look at a cycle of insomnia and be taught ways tohelp break this cycle, through changing various habits and introducing relaxation techniques intoour lives. We will also look at sleep itself in a little more detail, in terms of the different ‘stages’ ofsleep that we go through.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Getting a good night’s sleep

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 4th May 2016 11:00 - 13:00 Tameside Central Library

    Mon 20th June 2016 14:00 - 16:00 Rydal House

    Wed 20th July 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Stalybridge Fire Station

    Thu 11th August 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre

    Looking after you,

    looking after me

    Course descriptionThe aim of the course is to help those in caring roles to recognise the importance of looking after

    their own wellbeing. The course will look at various strategies and tools that carers can draw on tohelp them prioritise their own wellbeing. This course will be jointly facilitated by Tameside Carers’Centre, who will share information about practical support available for carers locally.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is six sessions lasting 90 minutes each, that runs once a week for six weeks.

    Delivered byThe course is jointly facilitated by Pennine Care and Tameside Carers’ Centre.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesTue 10th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 1 of 6Tue 17th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 2 of 6Tue 24th May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 3 of 6Tue 31st May 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 4 of 6

    Tue 7th June 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 5 of 6Tue 14th June 2016 10:00 - 11:30 Anthony Seddon Fund Centre Part 6 of 6

    Tue 28th June 2016 12:30 - 14:00 Loxley House Part 1 of 6Tue 5th July 2016 12:30 - 14:00 Loxley House Part 2 of 6Tue 12th July 2016 12:30 - 14:00 Loxley House Part 3 of 6Tue 19th July 2016 12:30 - 14:00 Loxley House Part 4 of 6Tue 26th July 2016 12:30 - 14:00 Loxley House Part 5 of 6Tue 2nd August 2016 12:30 - 14:00 Loxley House Part 6 of 6

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    Course description As adults most of us see life as very serious – deadlines, responsibilities and feeling guilty when

    we struggle to meet our goals. But think back to the last time you properly played, how did thatfeel? Play is not just for children, it can be an important source of relaxation and stimulation foradults. It can take many forms but it should be voluntary, enjoyable and free from purpose. AtNoah’s ART, we will show you how animals play and invite you to share the wisdom of our rabbits,guinea pigs and dogs.

     Avai labil ity

    This course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Importance of play(Animal assisted wellbeing)

    Type and durationThis course is a 90 minute group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Noah’s ART.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesMon 9th May 2016 14:00 - 16:00 Hollingworth Clinic

    Course descriptionThis is a short taster session for those who are interested in mindfulness and who want to learn

    more about it. Mindfulness is a way of focusing on the present moment, often practised by payingattention to your breathing as a form of meditation. It is recommended for those who may want togo on and attend a full eight week mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) session.

     Avai labil ity

    This course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Mindfulness taster 

    Type and durationThis course is a one-off 90 minute mindfulness session.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesThu 5th May 2016 11:30 - 13:00 Ashton Business Centre

    Thu 26th May 2016 11:00 - 12:30 Ashton Fire Station

    Wed 22nd June 2016 18:00 - 19:30 People First Tameside

    Thu 14th July 2016 11:30 - 13:00 Ashton Fire Station

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    Course description A workshop looking at the benefits of relaxation and how we can start to build relaxation into

    our everyday lives. The first part of the session will be theoretical but will then focus on practicaldemonstrations, where attendees will be able to participate and learn techniques such ascontrolled breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

     Avai labil ityThis course is open to residents of Tameside and Glossop, who are aged 16 and over.

    Type and durationThis course is a two hour group workshop.

    Delivered byThis course is run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

    TimetableDate Time Venue NotesWed 25th May 2016 13:30 - 15:30 Broadoak Community Centre

    Wed 22nd June 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Training Room)

    Wed 27th July 2016 10:00 - 12:00 Stalybridge Fire Station

    Tue 30th August 2016 13:00 - 15:00 Hollingworth Clinic (Training Room)

    Our partners

    To deliver the My Health My Community project, Pennine Care works collaboratively with partners

    from health and social care, the charity and voluntary sector, and importantly the people andcommunities we serve.

    Pennine Care’s Healthy Minds service also supports the programme.

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    Venue details

     Active Hyde

    Walker LaneHydeSK14 5PL

    The HubStockport RoadHattersleySK14 6NT

     Ashton Business Centre111-113 Old Street

     Ashton-under-LyneOL6 7RL

    Glossop LibraryVictoria HallTalbot StreetGlossopSK13 7DQ

     Anthony Seddon Fund Centre140 Stamford Street Ashton-under-LyneOL6 6AD

    Broadoak & Smallshaw Community CentreBroadoak Road

     Ashton-under-LyneOL6 8RS

    Rydal House

    13 Rydal AvenueHydeSK14 4QB

    Tameside Central LibraryOld Street

     Ashton-under-LyneOL6 7SG

    Denton Centre

     Acre StreetDentonM34 2BW

    Healthy Living Centre20 Great Norbury StreetHydeSK14 1BR

    Dewsnap Lane ClinicDewsnap LaneDukinfieldSK16 5AW

    Hollingworth Clinic

    Market StreetHollingworthHydeSK14 8HR

    Willow Wood HospiceWillow Wood Close

    Mellor Road Ashton-under-LyneOL6 6SL

    Stalybridge Community Fire StationRassbottom StreetStalybridgeSK15 1RF

    Grafton CentreGrafton Street

    HydeSK14 2AX

    MiNTed7 Wellington Street

     Ashton-under-LyneOL6 6AJ

    Loxley HouseBirch LaneDukinfieldSK16 5AU

     Ashton Communi ty Fire Stat ionSlate Lane

    Off Ashton Moss Way AudenshawM34 5FS

    People First TamesideSuite 3, St Michael’s CourtStamford Street Ashton-under-LyneOL6 6XN

    Venue details continued

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    Further information

    Patient Advice and Liaison Service

    The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) acts on behalf of service users, families andcarers to negotiate prompt solutions and help bring about changes in the way that services aredeveloped. As well as providing a confidential advice and support service, PALS will help guideyou through the different services available from the NHS.

    Tel: 0161 716 3178Email: [email protected]

    Comments and complaints

    We want to learn from comments and complaints about our services. If you have any, pleasespeak with a member of staff. Every effort will be made to resolve any concerns and complainingwill not cause any dif ficulties in your care with us.

    You can also contact the Trust’s Complaints Department via post at: Trust Headquarters,225 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7SR.

    Tel: 0161 716 3083Email: [email protected]

    Become a member of our Trust

    You can be the voice of your community by electing or becoming a governor, find out moreabout your local mental health and community services, and receive updates, comment onour plans and get invitations to health events.

    Tel: 0161 716 3960Email: [email protected]

     Al ternat ive formats

    If you need help to understand this information, require it in another format such as large print,spoken (on CD) or Braille, or require it in a different language - please contact the My Health MyCommunity Team.

    Your notes

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    Your notes

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