my humanity revision

lorem ipsum issue #, date 2012/11/26 Humanity REVISION all about semester 1’s By Alex sung 7b

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all about semester 1’s humanity

By Alex sung 7b

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Written sources-diary, cartoon.

Oral testimonies- a story raised from father to sun.

Images- moving images, photographs, cartoon

Artifacts-map, hairbrush, skipping ropes

Secondary event is the resources like this can also tell us not only historical facts but we can also use them to find out what other people think about what happened, in other words their interpretation of history.Example of secondary event-



Primary Evidence is first hand evidence, for example you saw it for yourself, and found it out for yourself.

EVIDENCE: we call evidence that was created at the time of the events

The example of primary events:

Letters, newspapers, objects, magazine, photograph, written sources. Images, artefacts.And primary evidence can be broken to 4 categories-written sources, oral testimonies, images, artefacts


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What is bias?

Bias is the one side, a view that is highly unbalanced and does not prevence both sides.

What is ‘reliability’ of a source?Reliability of a source means a source that is can be trusted.

What does the phrase “there are 2 sides to every story” mean?It means that there are different views of one story.

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What does chronology/chronology order mean?Chronology means the story of exactly when things happened.

BC is…BC means before Christ.

AD IS…AD is Anno domini. This is Latin word that means After Christ.

Difference between BC and ADAD is AFTER Christ and BC is BEFORE Christ.


-Century: one hundred years

-Decade: every ten years

-Period: separate of time.

-Millennium: one thousand years.

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-Political: To do with war, power, government and rights

-Economic: How people earn money and spend their money

-Social: people’s every day life at work and home.

-Technological: To do with developments in computers, and medicine.

About Political/Economic/Social/ Technological

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The three ways that earth is changed by nature

1. Water carrying the rocks.

2. Rocks broken down to soil.

3. Earth quakes.

The three ways that earth changed by human

1. wars

2. farming



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lorem ipsum issue #, dateImportant words…-Map key- a symbol to show things.

-Grid lines-make the map simple by using square

-Scale-the ratio of the distance on a map to the real distance


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Police office



Fire station

Special city

How the distance can measure on a map?

- Use a string to follow the roads and measure it with a scale.

- use a paper and pencil to mark and measure with scale.


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What is a volcano?A mountain having a cuplike crater at the summit, formed around such a vent from the ash and lava expelled through it.Crater-A bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano.

Vent-a hole through which lava erupts on a volcano.Lava- melted rock that erupts from a volcanoMagma- melted rock below the earth’s surface when it reaches the surface it is called lava.Crust- the thin outer layer of the earth made of rock.


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4 types of damage that volcano give us…

-Can kill a person

-Crops destroy.

-Can kill animal

-Plants will die

Pyroclastic flow- a flood of gas, dust, and ash.

Mud flow- a river of mud.


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Why do people live near the volcano?

-There are many minerals and volcanic soils, so it is very good for crops to grow.

-There will be many tourists because there are many place to visit like spa, blue lagoon, and more.

-There are many precious metals are found near the volcano.

-The view of the volcano is often good.


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4early humans.Australopithecines-1st to grow the opposable thumb. Fed on leaves, fruits, and the remain of dead animal.

Homo erectus- 1.6-30,000bc. More intelligent and adoptable. Brain size-1000 cubic cm.

Cro-Magnons-identical skeleton to modern humans. Studied animals. Planned their hunts.

Homo sapiens-appeared in Africa 100000 to 400000 years ago. Early human society met their needs by hunting animals and gathering other foods.


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What is a civilization?A civilization is a human community located in a particular place and time and has advanced political, economic and social organizations.

5 things that civilization must have: Advanced cities.

Complex institutions


Specialized workers

Record keeping


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Contributions the Babylonians made:The Babylonians made distinct contributions to the growth of civilization. They added to the knowledge of astronomy, advanced the knowledge of mathematics, and built the first great capital.


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Contributions the Egyptians made:

-They helped modernize chemical embalming mostly.


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Contributions the Greeks made:

the ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilizations like philosophy, art andarchiture. Also, Greece had the first known democracy.


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What is a dynasty? Dynasty is when one family rules a country or region over a long period of time.

What is a mandate of heaven?The mandate of heaven is what the Chinese people believed gave their crullers the right to be king or emperor.

2 contributions that Chinese madePAPERFor the nation that uses some 80,000 different symbols in their language, it was just natural to invent the paper. Papers were produced from 3 different kinds of sources, namely, the silk rags, wooden strips and bamboo, hemp or clothes. The ancient China also pioneered the concept of ink (206B.C.-A.D.220) and they were the first to invent printer (618-906A.D) and print a book (868 AD).

COMPASSIt was a tool that was invented to fulfill religious purposes. A compass was used to examine whether an under-construction building was facing the right direction so that it could be in perfect harmony with nature. For example, the scientists of ancient China believed; if the house faces north, the inhabitants will be perfectly getting along with the nature. The earliest compass made by the ancient Chinese inventors, resembled a wooden circle, which had a number of marks on it along with a magnetic spoon on the top.


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2 contributions that romans made…

GovernmentSince no country today uses a true democracy, the Romans started what is considered to be the best form of government.ReligionIt was the Romans who crucified Jesus, creating the most influential religion in the world.