my interest in biology started at a very young age due to spending a lot of time outdoor1

7/23/2019 My Interest in Biology Started at a Very Young Age Due to Spending a Lot of Time Outdoor1 1/2 My interest in Biology started at a very young age due to spending a lot of time outdoors. I am intrigued by the functioning of living organisms and how they are all linked; one small change in one species will affect a whole range of others. I’m fascinated by what makes something ‘alive’, and how something as comple as the human body can eist. I often brought home mice, birds and insects to study their behaviour more closely !I even raised two day old a blackbird chick with boiled dog food". I was lucky to travel during my childhood which enabled me to see many eotic animals and plants in their natural habitat. #hese trips have fuelled my thirst for knowledge and my curiosity of the world. My father is $nglish, my mother is %erbian and I was born and educated in Belgium. I spent my first half of primary school in the International %chool of Brussels where the lessons were focused on oral presentations which made me accustomed to speaking publicly. I then moved to a Belgian primary school where I learnt &rench and &lemish, and I’m proud to have passed the first year with '( ) in general, *+ ) above the class average. #his boosted my confidence and I feel more prepared to take on challenges and manage difficult situations. In secondary school I studied four years of atin and one of ancient -reek. earning many languages has improved my memoriing and logic skills. I chose the Maths/%ciences option which allowed me to focus on what I en0oy most. I feel my knowledge of high level maths will be useful for understanding the analytical aspect of the course. I love nature and am keen to learn about species conservation and restoring ecosystems. 1fter reading #im &lannery’s ‘#he 2eather Makers’ I was horrified by the etent of irreparable damage we have already caused and that has made me interested in solutions to reduce the level of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere through biotechnology and the manufacture of bio fuels and biodegradable materials. Being born in the shadow of %ellafield, and growing up near the home of 3nilever 4esearch 5 6evelopment, my interest in %cience was, in my eyes, inevitable. My fascination with Biology began to develop at a young age. 7aving a large number of family members in the field meant I was constantly surrounded and inspired by cutting edge research and e8uipment, and I would often be found in my garden gaing with awe at the diversity of life, or in my bedroom studying everything from leaves to dust mites with my light microscope  1s my academic studies progressed, Biology started to become my passion. I began to ecel at primary school level, fre8uently receiving top marks in science eams and being asked to speak about the sub0ect at various assemblies. #his ability carried through to secondary school, where I would pick up numerous awards for both effort and attainment within the sub0ect. I represented my school’s science department at numerous events at universities, including the prestigious 9%alters &estival: at iverpool 3niversity. Biology at 1/evel has given me the opportunity to further etend my studies, allowing me to carry out private and independent work, something I find immensely interesting. I took this opportunity further study microbiology and the use of electron microscopes within industry. #hrough this, I was granted a placement as a voluntary ab 1ssistant at 3nilever 456 6uring my time at 3nilever I was able to put my 1 evel Biology and hemistry theory into action. #he staff were immensely impressed with my knowledge of #ransmission and %canning $lectron Microscopes, and allowed me to carry out basic functions re8uired for the use of each, including the preparation of slides for study and resolution control. My <hysical hemistry skills were re8uired whilst carrying out titrations, and knowledge of =rganic hemistry was vital in the use of surfactants. It was biology, however, that played the largest part in my time. I was re8uired to prove important data for a study upon the effects of certain chemicals on human hair, which will later be used in a genuine study 2hilst my time at 3nilever was primarily based upon Biology and hemistry, I was occasionally given the chance to develop my communication skills, a skill I have also received from ethical debates within #heology. I was asked to present new ideas for 3nilever’s 9-o -reen: initiative, for which I was commended for my confidence and ability to work under pressure. #his led to a number of individuals stating they would be very interested in seeing me coming back to 3nilever for a future post/graduate course, most of whom I am still in contact with

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Page 1: My Interest in Biology Started at a Very Young Age Due to Spending a Lot of Time Outdoor1

7/23/2019 My Interest in Biology Started at a Very Young Age Due to Spending a Lot of Time Outdoor1 1/2

My interest in Biology started at a very young age due to spending a lot of time outdoors. I am intrigued

by the functioning of living organisms and how they are all linked; one small change in one species will

affect a whole range of others. I’m fascinated by what makes something ‘alive’, and how something as

comple as the human body can eist. I often brought home mice, birds and insects to study their

behaviour more closely !I even raised two day old a blackbird chick with boiled dog food". I was lucky to

travel during my childhood which enabled me to see many eotic animals and plants in their natural

habitat. #hese trips have fuelled my thirst for knowledge and my curiosity of the world.My father is $nglish, my mother is %erbian and I was born and educated in Belgium.

I spent my first half of primary school in the International %chool of Brussels where the lessons were

focused on oral presentations which made me accustomed to speaking publicly. I then moved to a

Belgian primary school where I learnt &rench and &lemish, and I’m proud to have passed the first year

with '( ) in general, *+ ) above the class average. #his boosted my confidence and I feel more

prepared to take on challenges and manage difficult situations. In secondary school I studied four years of 

atin and one of ancient -reek. earning many languages has improved my memoriing and logic skills. I

chose the Maths/%ciences option which allowed me to focus on what I en0oy most. I feel my knowledge of 

high level maths will be useful for understanding the analytical aspect of the course.

I love nature and am keen to learn about species conservation and restoring ecosystems. 1fter reading

#im &lannery’s ‘#he 2eather Makers’ I was horrified by the etent of irreparable damage we have already

caused and that has made me interested in solutions to reduce the level of greenhouse gasses in the

atmosphere through biotechnology and the manufacture of bio fuels and biodegradable materials.

Being born in the shadow of %ellafield, and growing up near the home of 3nilever 4esearch 5

6evelopment, my interest in %cience was, in my eyes, inevitable. My fascination with Biology began to

develop at a young age. 7aving a large number of family members in the field meant I was constantly

surrounded and inspired by cutting edge research and e8uipment, and I would often be found in my

garden gaing with awe at the diversity of life, or in my bedroom studying everything from leaves to dust

mites with my light microscope

 1s my academic studies progressed, Biology started to become my passion. I began to ecel at primary

school level, fre8uently receiving top marks in science eams and being asked to speak about the sub0ect

at various assemblies. #his ability carried through to secondary school, where I would pick up numerous

awards for both effort and attainment within the sub0ect. I represented my school’s science department atnumerous events at universities, including the prestigious 9%alters &estival: at iverpool 3niversity.

Biology at 1/evel has given me the opportunity to further etend my studies, allowing me to carry out

private and independent work, something I find immensely interesting. I took this opportunity further study

microbiology and the use of electron microscopes within industry. #hrough this, I was granted a

placement as a voluntary ab 1ssistant at 3nilever 456

6uring my time at 3nilever I was able to put my 1 evel Biology and hemistry theory into action. #he

staff were immensely impressed with my knowledge of #ransmission and %canning $lectron Microscopes,

and allowed me to carry out basic functions re8uired for the use of each, including the preparation of

slides for study and resolution control. My <hysical hemistry skills were re8uired whilst carrying out

titrations, and knowledge of =rganic hemistry was vital in the use of surfactants. It was biology,

however, that played the largest part in my time. I was re8uired to prove important data for a study upon

the effects of certain chemicals on human hair, which will later be used in a genuine study

2hilst my time at 3nilever was primarily based upon Biology and hemistry, I was occasionally given the

chance to develop my communication skills, a skill I have also received from ethical debates within

#heology. I was asked to present new ideas for 3nilever’s 9-o -reen: initiative, for which I was

commended for my confidence and ability to work under pressure. #his led to a number of individuals

stating they would be very interested in seeing me coming back to 3nilever for a future post/graduate

course, most of whom I am still in contact with

Page 2: My Interest in Biology Started at a Very Young Age Due to Spending a Lot of Time Outdoor1

7/23/2019 My Interest in Biology Started at a Very Young Age Due to Spending a Lot of Time Outdoor1 2/2

#hese communication skills are also evident in my out of college hobbies, where I am a published music

 0ournalist and acclaimed blogger. My work has been used in both nationwide and local publications, and

on a number of successful music websites as well as being 8uoted as official reviews by a number of

bands. #hrough this, I was asked to take up a role at > 4adio, the radio counterpart to the 3?’s highest

selling monthly music magaine. 1s part of this 0ob I am re8uired to work alongside other 0ournalists, local

bands and prominent event’s organisers within Merseyside in finding the most eciting underground

music and bringing it to the public’s attention. My blog, on the other hand, sees me acting as a teamleader, setting out tasks for my writers and providing advice and support to ensure their work is always up

to the desired standard. I find my 0ournalistic work ideal as allows me to continuously enhance my $nglish

skills, whilst remaining totally fleible around any academic studies. iving in a city will allow me to

continue this work throughout university

#he idea of being surrounded by likeminded people within a university setting is something that ecites

me, and the thought of using my passion to improve the life of others in a research environment is what

motivates me to continue within this field