my mother sued the judge

A State Judge in Suffolk Is Sued fo r Sending Five to Foster Homes N ew York Times (1857-CurrentJiIe); O ct 16,1977; ProQuest Historica l NewspapersThe New Yotk Times (1851 - 2006) Pg - 59 A State Judge in Suffolk Is Sued for SendingFive to Foster Homes A State Supreme Court justice in Suf- folk County * » ordered l o t August tint the five children of a feuding East Islip, U L, eonpJete seat to foster homes las been accused in a lawsuit of acting illesally. In the suit, filed on tetetf o f tte cfeB- dren in Federal District Court in Brook- lyn, a Mew York CSvH Liberties Union iawver, Marcia Robinson Lowry, said Jtes- tiee John G. McCarthy hid issued hit onter "without prior notice, a full hew- t t e appointment of couns el few the it plaintiffs and without mating any tt e cUdreo an d we did. We placed item k » a single tester hons* at first. Thfa didn't work ou t weB so w* separated them, placing the three boys in one home an d t t etwo girl* in another." to tte suit, the coonty-j «- ' ri" Tl1 "— of Social Service*, Jane* Erty, a nd several casework ers are named aa drfend- aati on the ground that their taking cot- tody of the chil dren -without their par- cuts' concent and without any basis fu r : findings or entering any written orders." "I don't understand this lawsuit," Jus- tice McCarthy said after being served a show-cause order. Tvegot nine children of my own. My duty is the protection of th e five children; Their parents vert fighting over them as if they were physi- c al possessions. These children were just like flftwiM.** "fm not saying that the child ren sight not be better off in foster tomes," Miss Lowry explained after the suit was filed. "F m just saying the judge acted improp- Background of the Cm Justice McCarthy explained that-last Aug. 23 , Phillip Marzocco, a county main- tenance employee, and his wife, Wmona. appeared in court in a -dispute over the custo dy of th eir five children, I to 9 years old, pending the outcome of a divorce fag- 23 tearing had been iafermed ttet its aim was to remove tt e children. "Tte Judge did not conform Witt what we think en the comt*nnyilrnd ^1ntt^ M> ^* of doe proce ss," ate said. *V e di d not make the kind of finding required under the Family Court Ac t en d he should have appointed a guardian as required by tte act" ' It is an important decision to take children from their parents," Miss Lowry said, "and it should be done only after alt court standards are fottowed." Tt e Civil Liberties U nion lawyer added that she was present on Sept 29 daring an bour-and-a-quarter meeting between Mrs. Marzocco and her children. She de - scribed tte children as "confused and upset* And when their mother left, at e said, they were crying an d saying: "We want to go with you, Mommy. Why can't we go hone?" "They tried to push out tt e door with their mother." Miss Lowry said, "tat she closed tte door, crying, tefling them: "Don't make any trouble. Yo u have to be good.— Miss Lowry said one of the children, Dorothy , had a red left ey » an d « bruised elbow. An d another ted tte left side of tte face scraped. Bu t the county's deputy commissioner of social services said that his department had investigated and found ttet tt e injuries ha d no t been in - flicted by the foster parents. " I really dont know why we're in- "Mrs. Marzocco learned ttet her bus- volved," the deputy commissioner. Edwin band had tte children at bis home at PawtOc, said. " We had written instruc- 47 Sherwood Drive in East Wip," Justice tions from tte judge to take custody of McCarthy said, "and she ran from tte courtroom. He ran after her. 1 became concerned for tte safety of the children' a nd caHed tte polic e. I told them to bring the children and everyone else bade to wurt." According to Justice McCarthy, tte po- lice were familiar with tte case. He said they ted toid himthat "ttekids ted teen snatched a couple of asses" by one of the estranged parents when they were staying with the otter. McCarthy said he had talked to the children in his chambers and then :atied in tte county's Department of S o- :ial Services to ask that physical, psychi- atric and otter examinations be given. The police officer who had been to the iioiwe, Justice McCarthy said, reported that there was no furniture in it and that Mrs. Marzocco had taken It all and had moved in with friends in Lewttown, LJ . "The children were dirty and had some narks on them," Justice McCarthy said, ind so be called in the Child Protective Service. "W e had a tearing at S o'clock [RM.], then I issued an order off the aench. I ordered that a transcript be made an d be given to Social Service, which is, in effect, aa order. It provided that, until further notice, tte children be placed in foster homes and have psycho- logical, physical and sociological evalua- tions done. In seeking a declaratory judgment from th e court that the constitutional rights if tte children had been violated. Miss Lowry said that none of the parties at the Reproduced with permission of t he copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. without aa appropriate court order, vio- lated tteir rights to feaaOy integrity, due process aad emu! protection." Justice McCvttgr said another tearing on t t e question «f custoay would be held. Oct 24. MaaawluU, these named in tte., saU are scheduled to appear in Federal. court on Wednesday to show why they shouM not te repaired to retnm t t e ehfl. to tbtir

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8/7/2019 my mother sued the JUDGE 1/1

State Judge in Suffolk Is Sued for Sending Five to Foster Homesew York Times (1857-CurrentJiIe); Oct 16,1977;

Historical NewspapersThe New Yotk Times (1851 - 2006)

- 59

State Judge in Suffolk Is Sued for Sending Five to Foster H o m e s

State Supreme Court justice in Suf-County •*» ordered lot August

the five children of a feuding EastUL, eonpJete seat to foster homes

been accused in a lawsuit of acting

In the suit, filed on tetetf o f tte cfeB-in Federal District Court in Brook-a Mew York CSvH Liberties Union

Marcia Robinson Lowry, said Jtes-John G. McCarthy hid issued hit"without prior notice, a full hew-

tte appointment of counsel few theit plaintiffs and without mating any

tte cUdreo and we did. We placed itemk » a single tester hons* at first. Thfa didn't

work out we B so w* separated them,placing the three boys in one home and

ttetwo girl* in another."

to tte suit, the coonty-j «- ' ri"Tl1


of Social Service*, Jane* Erty, and

several caseworkers are named aa drfend-aati on the ground that their taking cot-tody of the children -without their par-cuts' concent and without any basis fu r

: findings or entering any written

don't understand this lawsuit," Jus-McCarthy said after being served a

order. Tvegot nine childrenmy own. My duty is the protectionthe five children; Their parents vert

over them as if they were physi-

possessions. These children were just

not saying that the children sightbe better off in foster tomes," Miss

explained after the suit was filed.just saying the judge acted improp-

Background of the Cm

McCarthy explained that-last23, Phillip Marzocco, a county main-

wife, court in a -dispute over the

dy of their f ive children, I to 9yearspending the outcome of a divorce

fag- 23 tearing had been iafermed ttet

its aim was to remove tte children.

"Tte Judge did not conform Witt whatwe think en the comt*nnyilrnd ^1ntt^


of doe process," ate said. *Ve did notmake the kind of finding required under

the Family Court Act end he should haveappointed a guardian as required by tteact"'It is an important decision to take

children from their parents," Miss Lowry

said, "and it should be done only after

alt court standards are fottowed."

Tte Civil Liberties Union lawyer addedthat she was present on Sept 29 daringan bour-and-a-quarter meeting betweenMrs. Marzocco and her children. She de-scribed tte children as "confused andupset* And when their mother left, atesaid, they were crying and saying: "Wewant to go with you, Mommy. Why can't

we gohone?""They tried to push out tte door with

their mother." Miss Lowry said, "tat sheclosed tte door, crying, tefling them:"Don't make any trouble. Yo u have tobe good.—

Miss Lowry said one of the children,Dorothy, had a red left ey» and « bruisedelbow. And another ted tte left side oftte face scraped. But the county's deputycommissioner of social services said thathis department had investigated andfound ttet tte injuries had not been in-flicted by the foster parents.

"I really dont know why we're in-Marzocco learned ttet her bus- volved," the deputy commissioner. Edwin

had tte children at bis home at PawtOc, said. "We had written instruc-Sherwood Drive in East Wip," Justice tions from tte judge to take custody of

said, "and she ran f rom tteHe ran after her. 1 became

for tte safety of the children'caHed tte police. I told them to bringchildren and everyone else bade to

to Justice McCarthy, tte po-were familiar with tte case. He saidted toid him that "ttekids ted teen

a couple of asses" by one ofestranged parents when they were

with the otter.McCarthy said he had talked

children in his chambers and thenin tte county's Department of So-

Services to ask that physical, psychi-otter examinations be given.

police officer who had been to theJustice McCarthy said, reported

there was no furniture in it and thatMarzocco had taken It all and had

in with friends in Lewttown, LJ.children were dirty and had some

on them," Justice McCarthy said,so be called in the Child Protective"We had a tearing at S o'clock

then I issued an order off theI ordered that a transcript bemade

be given to Social Service, whicheffect, aa order. It provided that,further notice, tte children bein foster homes and have psycho-physical and sociological evalua-

done.seeking a declaratory judgment f romcourt that the constitutional rights

children had been violated. Misssaid that none of the parties at the

with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

without aa appropriate court order, vio-

lated tteir rights to feaaOy integrity, dueprocess aad emu!protection."

Justice McCvttgr said another tearing

on ttequestion «f custoay would be held.

Oct 24. MaaawluU, these named in tte.,saU are scheduled to appear in Federal.

court on Wednesday to show why theyshouM not te repaired to retnm tte ehfl.

to tbtir