my m.s. thesis proposal

M.S. Thesis Proposal Yaser Sulaiman

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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This is the slideshow I used to present my M.S. thesis proposal, which is tentatively titled "Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract."


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M.S. Thesis Proposal

Yaser Sulaiman

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Road map

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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Unified Modeling Language

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Behavior Structure

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Behavior Structure

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Behavior CDs

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Developed independently

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Detecting inconsistencies

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Do it AEAP

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“The longer the defect stays in the software food chain, the more damage it causes further down the chain.”

—Steve McConnell

Photo by catface3

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Generating models from others

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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Photo by mkudel

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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Combine AI planning & DbC

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Investigate, formulate, & instantiate

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Investigate, formulate, & instantiate

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Investigate, formulate, & instantiate

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Investigate, formulate, & instantiate

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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Correctness formulae

aka Hoare triples

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𝑃 𝐴 {𝑄}

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From a mathematical notation to a programming construct

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Preconditions, postconditions, & invariants

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The C in DbC

Photo by Pioneer Library System

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Obligations & benefits for suppliers & their clients

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Separation of responsibilities

Photo by Metro Transportation Library and Archive

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sqrt(x:REAL): REAL require x >= 0 do .. end

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pop(): T require not empty do .. ensure not full count = old count - 1 end

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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Photo by Jeff the Trojan

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S0 S1 S2 … G

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S0 S1 S2 … G

Initial State

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S0 S1 S2 … G


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S0 S1 S2 … G


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S0 S1 S2 … G


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Planning languages

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Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver

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Action Description Language

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Preconditions & effects

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Striking similarity

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A method in a SD*

↔ An action in a plan

* DbC’ed

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State-space search

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S0 … G

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S0 … G

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“Are we there yet?”

Photo by Der Bettle

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Literature Survey

Photo by cj&erson

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2 groups

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Consistency analysis

Automatic model generation

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Consistency analysis

Automatic model generation

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Consistency Checking of UML Requirements

Li, Liu, and He (2005)

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J. He coauthored Unifying Theories of Programming with C. Hoare

Photo by glingl

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Consistency analysis

Automatic model generation

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A Systematic Review of Transformation Approaches

between User Requirements and Analysis Models

Yue, Briand, and Labiche (2010)

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Automatically Deriving UML Sequence Diagrams from Use Cases

Yue, Briand, and Labiche (2010)

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Research Questions

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How can SDs be automatically generate from UCs and a CD that

were DbC’ed?

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How can that process be used to analyze the consistency between

UCs and the CD?

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Which contract language should be used to enable those automated


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How do the automatically-generated SDs compare to the

manually-generated ones?

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Object Constrain Language

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XML Metadata Interchange

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Photo by Rice and D

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Planning techniques & languages

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Formal methods & specs

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Informal Requirements

Formal Requirements

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Informal Requirements

Formal Requirements

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Planning Messages in Sequence Diagrams and Analyzing the Consistency of Use Cases

and Class Diagrams Automatically using Design by Contract

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…</presentation> <questions>…