my quotes 3

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  • 8/13/2019 MY QUOTES 3


  • 8/13/2019 MY QUOTES 3



    "1ind the seed at the ottom of your heart and

    ring forth a flower."

    -&higenori Kameo0a


    ")lways ehave li0e a duc0 -- 0eep calm and unruffled

    on the surface ut paddle li0e the devil underneath."

    -2aco %raude


    "3o not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure

    of yourself; ut do not relin4uish it simply ecause

    someone else is not sure of you."

    -&tewart 5. hite


    "%eware of small e6penses; a small lea0 will sin0

    a great ship."

    -%en7amin 1ran0lin


    "' love you, not for what you are, ut for what ' am

    when ' am with you."

    -8oy roft


    "#appiness is not a reward-it is a conse4uence.

    &uffering is not a punishment - it is a result."

    -8oert 'ngersoll


    "3eath most resemles a prophet who is without

    honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger

    among his people."

    -Kahlil Giran


    "hat ma0es greatness is starting something that

    lives after you."

    -8alph . &oc0man


    "+o fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life

    are already three parts dead."

    -%ertrand 8ussell


    "%eauty is power; a smile is its sword."

    -harles 8eade


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    "!ove ta0es off mas0s that we fear we cannot

    live without and 0now we cannot live within."

    -2ames %aldwin


    "Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream."

    -alcolm uggeridge


    "+he purpose of life is a life of purpose."

    -8oert %yrne


    ")ll people have three characters, that which they

    e6hiit, that which they are, and that which they

    thin0 they are."

    -)lphonse Karr


    ") small troule is li0e a pele. #old it too close to

    your eye, and it puts everything out of focus. #old it

    at proper viewing distance, and it can e e6amined

    and classified. +hrow it at your feet, and it can e

    seen in its true setting, 7ust one more tiny ump on

    the pathway to eternity."

    -elia !uce


    "%elieve me, every man has his secret sorrows

    which the world 0nows not -- and often times

    we call a man cold, when he is only sad."

    -#enry adsworth !ongfellow


    "!ove does not egin and end the way we seem to

    thin0 it does. !ove is a attle, love is a war; love is

    a growing up."

    -2ames %aldwin


    "%e daring, e different, e impractical, e anything

    that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative

    vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the

    commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary."

    -&ir ecil %eaton


    "'t is possile to provide security against other ills,

    ut as far as death is concerned, we men live in a

    city without walls."



    ")ll values are important, everyone who has evertouched my life in some way was a mentor for

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    good or ad. !ife is a lend, and a person is a

    lend of all the influences that have touched their


    -General olin owell


    ")nd so we also share the layrinth of our lives, /ur

    paths are rarely straight or direct, they ta0e turns we

    did not e6pect or wish, %ut in the 7ourney we are all

    together, )nd at the center is a Godly core that

    sustains us, enriches us, ma0es us aware that each

    of our matter how faltering or flawed...has

    deep and glorious meaning."

    -ary )nn /$ 8oar0


    "+here are persons who always find a hair in their

    plate of soup for the simple reason that, when they

    sit down efore it, they sha0e their heads until one

    falls in."

    -1riedrich #eel


    "'n every man$s heart there is a secret nerve

    that answers to the virations of eauty."

    -hristopher orley


    "&it and daydream, and watch the changing color

    of the waves that rea0 upon the idle seashore of

    the mind."



    ") man is not idle ecause he is asored in thought.

    +here is a visile laor and there is an invisile laor."

    -(ictor #ugo


    ") man who won$t die for something is not fit to live."

    -artin !uther King 2r.


    "+he eyes are the windows to the soul; if you loo0

    into them long enough, one$s true self is revealed."

    -Nicole 3awson


    "!ive with the gods. )nd he does so who

    constantly shows them that his soul is

    satisfied with what is assigned to him."

    -arcus )urelius


    "Not until we are lost do we egin to find ourselves."

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    -#enry 3avid +horeau


    "hoose the life that is most useful, and hait

    will ma0e it the most agreeale."

    -1rancis %acon


    "e only die when we fail to ta0e root in others."

    -!eon +rots0y


    "+he art of living does not consist in preserving

    and clinging to a particular mood of happiness,

    ut in allowing happiness to change its form

    without eing disappointed y the change; for

    happiness, li0e a child, must e allowed to grow


    -harles !angridge organ


    ")void having your ego so close to your position

    that when your position falls, your ego goes with it."

    -olin owell


    "#e who has help has hope, 9 he who has hope

    has everything."

    -)ra rover


    "+he longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the

    greater is their power to harm us."



    ")lways rememer that ' have ta0en more out

    of alcohol than alcohol has ta0en out of me."

    -inston hurchill


    "+he first of )pril is the day we rememer whatwe are the other :< days of the year."

    -ar0 +wain


    ")ll we see of someone at any moment is a snapshot

    of their life, there in riches or poverty, in 7oy or despair.

    &napshots don$t show the million decisions that led to

    that moment."

    -8ichard %ach


    "+he memories of tomorrow depend on your attitude today."

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    -3ave einaum


    "3on$t other 7ust to e etter than your contemporaries

    or predecessors. +ry to e etter than yourself."

    -illiam 1aul0ner


    "#ow we rememer, what we rememer, and why

    we rememer form the most personal map of our


    -hristina %aldwin


    "e must e willing to get rid of the life we$ve

    planned, so as to have the life that is waiting

    for us. +he old s0in has to e shed efore the

    new one can come."

    -2oseph ampell


    "hat we have done for ourselves alone dies

    with us; what we have done for others and the

    world remains and is immortal."

    -)lert i0e


    "You are your greatest asset. ut your time,

    effort and money into training, grooming,

    and encouraging your greatest asset."

    -+om #op0ins


    "' love to e alone. ' never found the companion

    that was so companionale as solitude."



    ") man has to live with himself, and he should

    see to it that he always has good company."

    -harles 5vans #ughes


    "herever you are, whatever your circumstances

    may e, whatever misfortune you may have suffered,

    the music of your life has not gone. 't$s inside you -

    if you listen to it, you can play it."

    -Nido =uein


    "hat you do spea0s so loud ' cannot hear what you say."

    -8alph aldo 5merson


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    "' respect faith, ut dout is what gets you an education."

    -ilson iner


    "+his great, good light and comfort is inwardly revealed

    only to those who are... inwardly illuminated, and who

    0now how to dwell inwardly with themselves."

    -2ohannes +auler


    "+enderness and 0indness are not signs of

    wea0ness and despair, ut manifestations

    of strength and resolutions."

    -Kahlil Giran


    "&atisfaction lies in the effort not the attainment.

    1ull effort is full victory."

    -ahatma Gandhi


    "'t is not length of life, ut depth of life."

    -8alph aldo 5merson


    "+hings turn out est for the people who ma0e

    the est out of the way things turn out."

    -)rt !in0letter


    "hen you are right, you cannot e too radical; hen

    you are wrong, you cannot e too conservative."

    -artin !uther King, 2r.


    "'t$s fine to celerate success ut it is more important

    to heed the lessons of failure."

    -%ill Gates


    "lant your own garden and decorate your own soul,

    instead of waiting for someone to ring you flowers." -(eronica ). &hoffstall


    "'f you ta0e each challenge one step at a time,

    with faith in every footstep, your strength and

    understanding will increase."

    -2ames 5. 1aust


    "+horoughly unprepared, we ta0e the step into the

    afternoon of life; worse still, we ta0e this step withthe false presupposition that our truths and ideals

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    will serve us as hitherto. %ut we cannot live the

    afternoon of life according to the programme of

    life$s morning -- for what was great in the morning

    will e little at evening, and what in the morning

    was true will at evening have ecome a lie."

    -arl 2ung


    "&andwich every it of criticism etween two

    layers of praise."

    -ary Kay )sh


    "'rrationality is the s4uare root of all evil."

    -3ouglas #ofstadter


    "You can learn many things from children. #ow

    much patience you have, for instance."

    -1ran0lin . 2ones


    "8esentment is one urden that is incompatile

    with your success. )lways e the first to forgive;

    and forgive yourself first always."

    -3an >adra


    "8eading ma0es immigrants of us all -- it ta0es

    us away from home, ut more important, it finds

    homes for us everywhere."

    -#ael 8ochman


    "e should e taught not to wait for inspiration to

    start a thing. )ction always generates inspiration.

    'nspiration seldom generates action."

    -1ran0 +iolt


    "al0ing your tal0 is a great way to motivate

    yourself. No one li0es to live a lie. %e honest

    with yourself, and you will find the motivation

    to do what you advise others to do."

    -(ince oscente


    "+o e ale to loo0 at change as an opportunity

    to grow -- that is the secret to eing happy."

    -2oan !unden


    "!earn to pause ... or nothing worthwhile will

    catch up to you." -3oug King

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    ")gain and again, the impossile prolem is

    solved when we see that the prolem is only

    a tough decision waiting to e made."

    -8oert &chuller


    "+here is a great difference etween worry and

    concern. ) worried person sees a prolem, and

    a concerned person solves a prolem."

    -#arold &tephens


    "!i0e water which can clearly mirror the s0y and the

    trees only so long as its surface is undistured, the

    mind can only reflect the true image of the &elf when

    it is tran4uil and wholly rela6ed."

    -'ndra 3evi


    "%ecome a possiilitarian. No matter how dar0 things

    seem to e or actually are, raise your sights and see

    the possiilities -- always see them, for they$re always


    -Norman (incent eale


    "%ad times have a scientific value. +hese are

    occasions a good learner would not miss."

    -8alph aldo 5merson


    "' still miss those ' loved who are no longer with

    me ut ' find ' am grateful for having loved them.

    +he gratitude has finally con4uered the loss."

    -8ita ae %rown


    "ithout passion man is a mere latent force and

    possiility, li0e the flint which awaits the shoc0 of

    the iron efore it can give forth its spar0."

    -#enri 1rederic )miel


    "2ealousy is always orn with love, ut does not

    die with it. 'n 7ealousy there is more of self-love

    than of love to another."

    -3uc de !a 8ochefoucauld


    "eople who thin0 money can do anything may very

    well e suspected of doing anything for money."

    -ary ettione oole

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    "#e that gives good advice, uilds with one hand;

    he that gives good counsel and e6ample, uilds

    with oth; ut he that gives good admonition and

    ad e6ample, uilds with one hand and pulls down

    with the other."

    -1rancis %acon


    "e don$t receive wisdom; we must discover it for

    ourselves after a 7ourney that no one can ta0e for

    us or spare us."

    -arcel roust


    "'nformation$s pretty thin stuff unless mi6ed with


    -larence 3ay


    "1riendship is the 7oy, the ine6pressile comfort of

    feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh

    thoughts nor measure words, ut pouring all right

    out as they are, chaff and grain together, confident

    that a faithful, friendly hand will ta0e and sift them,

    0eep what is worth 0eeping, and with a reath of

    comfort, low the rest away."

    -George 5liot


    "+he more faithfully you listen to the voice within you,

    the etter you will hear what is sounding outside."

    -3ag #ammars07?ld


    "+he great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -

    delierate, contrived, and dishonest - ut the myth -

    persistent, persuasive and realistic."

    -2ohn 1. Kennedy


    "+he est way to predict the future is to create it."

    -)lan Kay


    "!ife is mostly froth and ule,

    +wo things stand li0e stone,

    Kindness in another$s troule,

    ourage in your own."

    -)dam !indsay Gordon


    +his is not a novel to e tossed aside lightly. 't should e thrown withgreat force.

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    -- 3orothy ar0er


    =uotation, nA +he act of repeating erroneously the words of another.

    -- )mrose %ierce, +he 3evil$s 3ictionary


    ' am not part of the prolem. ' am a 8epulican.

    -- 3an =uayle


    e seem to elieve it is possile to ward off death y following rules of

    good grooming.

    -- 3on 3elillo


    +elevision enales you to e entertained in your home y people you

    wouldn$t have in your home.

    -- 3avid 1rost


    ' have such poor vision ' can date anyody.

    -- Garry &handling


    5agles may soar, ut weasels don$t get suc0ed into 7et engines.

    -- 2ohn %enfield


    #umanity is ac4uiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.

    -- 8. %uc0minster 1uller


    ' don$t 0now if God e6ists, ut it would e etter for #is reputation if

    #e didn$t.

    -- 2ules 8enard


    &ometimes when you loo0 in his eyes you get the feeling that someone else

    is driving.

    -- 3avid !etterman


    )lways ac0nowledge a fault. +his will throw those in authority off their

    guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.

    -- ar0 +wain


    5ducation is the aility to listen to almost anything without losing your


    -- 8oert 1rost


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    )n intellectual sno is someone who can listen to the illiam +ell

    /verture and not thin0 of +he !one 8anger.

    -- 3an 8ather


    )n economist is an e6pert who will 0now tomorrow why the things he

    predicted yesterday didn$t happen today.

    -- !aurence 2. eter


    +he only thing worse than a man you can$t control is a man you can.

    -- argo Kaufman


    )n honest politician is one who, when he is ought, will stay ought.

    -- &imon ameron


    ' may disagree with what you have to say, ut ' shall defend, to the

    death, your right to say it.

    -- (oltaire


    8eality is nothing ut a collective hunch.

    -- !ily +omlin


    )h, this is oviously some strange usage of the word $safe$ that ' wasn$t

    previously aware of.

    -- 3ouglas )dams, )rthur 3ent in "+he #itchhi0ers Guide to

    the Gala6y"


    )ll movements go too far.

    -- %ertrand 8ussell


    +he more you read and oserve aout this olitics thing, you got to admit

    that each party is worse than the other. +he one that$s out always loo0s

    the est.

    -- ill 8ogers


    omputers are useless. +hey can only give you answers.

    -- alo icasso


    's sloppiness in speech caused y ignorance or apathyB ' don$t 0now and '

    don$t care.

    -- illiam &afire


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    isogynistA ) man who hates women as much as women hate one another.

    -- #. !. enc0en


    /utside of a dog, a oo0 is man$s est friend. 'nside of a dog it$s too

    dar0 to read.

    -- Groucho ar6


    %y the time '$d grown up, ' naturally supposed that '$d e grown up.

    -- 5ve %ait


    +he prospect of a long day at the each ma0es me panic. +here is no

    harder wor0 ' can thin0 of than ta0ing myself off to somewhere pleasant,

    where ' am forced to stay for hours and $have fun$.

    -- hillip !opate


    %ehind the phony tinsel of #ollywood lies the real tinsel.

    -- /scar !evant


    !ife is something that happens when you can$t get to sleep.

    -- 1ran !eowit


    ' don$t deserve this award, ut ' have arthritis and ' don$t deserve that


    -- 2ac0 %enny


    't is etter to 0eep your mouth closed and let people thin0 you are a

    fool than to open it and remove all dout.

    -- ar0 +wain


    &ome editors are failed writers, ut so are most writers.

    -- +. &. 5liot


    +he reason there are so few female politicians is that it is too much

    troule to put ma0eup on two faces.

    -- aureen urphy


    !augh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

    -- )nthony %urgess


    't is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

    -- illiam %la0e

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    +he government is unresponsive to the needs of the little man. Cnder

    D$E", it is impossile to get your congressman on the phone.

    -- oody )llen


    +elevision - a medium. &o called ecause it is neither rare nor


    -- 5rnie Kovacs


    +he only reason some people get lost in thought is ecause it$s

    unfamiliar territory.

    -- aul 1i6


    't$s 0ind of fun to do the impossile.

    -- alt 3isney


    ) 4uotation, li0e a pun, should come unsought, and then e welcomed only

    for some propriety of felicity 7ustifying the intrusion.

    -- 8oert hapman


    !ove and arriage




    "5ver has it een that love 0nows not its own depth until the hour of


    - Kahlil Giran, +he rophet

    "hen eauty is universal, it loses its power to move the heart, and only

    its asence can produce any emotional effect."

    - )rthur . lar0e, +he ity and the &tars

    "!ove see0eth not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, ut

    foranother give it ease, and uild a #eaven in #ell$s despair."

    - illiam %la0e

    "!ove does not consist in gaing at each other, ut in loo0ing outward

    together in the same direction."

    - )ntoine de &aint-56upery

    "+he less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers."

    - 3eepa0 hopra

    "+he value of marriage is not that adults produce children, ut that

    children produce adults."

    - eter 3e(ries

    "hat really flatters a man that you thin0 him worth flattering."

    - %ernard &haw

    "/nly love can e divided endlessly and still not diminish."- )nne orrow !indergh

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    "+he greatest gift of family life is to e intimately ac4uainted with


    you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you."

    - Kendall #ailey, +he 3ay ' %ecame an )utodidact

    "arriage is popular ecause it comines the ma6imum of temptation with the

    ma6imum of opportunity."

    - George %ernard &haw

    "+he thing that impresses me most aout )merica is the way parents oey

    their children."

    - 5dward, 3u0e of indsor

    "ore than 0isses, letters mingle souls."

    - 2ohn 3onne

    "hen we are in love we often dout that which we most elieve."

    - !a 8ochefoucauld

    "+he richest love is that which sumits to the aritration of time."

    - !awrence 3urrell

    ") might pain to love it is, and $tis a pain that pain to miss; ut of all

    the pains, the greatest pain is to love, ut love in vain."

    - )lert rowley

    "+he way to love anything is to realie it might e lost."

    - BBB

    " $+is etter to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

    - )lfred, !ord +ennyson

    "!ove is when the other person$s happiness is more important than your


    - BBB

    "+rue love is li0e ghosts, which everyone tal0s aout and few have seen."

    - 1rancois, 3uc de !a 8ochefoucauld

    "hoso loves elieves the impossile."

    - 5liaeth %arrett %rowning

    "!ove is too young to 0now what conscience is."

    - illiam &ha0espeare

    "!ove is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise."

    - 3r. &amuel 2ohnson

    "uch more genius is needed to ma0e love than to command armies."- Ninon de !enclos

    ") new commandment ' give unto you, that ye love one another."

    - 2esus

    "+here can e no deep disappointment where there is not deep love."

    -artin !uther 0ing 2r.

    No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won$t ma0e you


    3on$t waste your time on a manFwoman, who isn$t willing to waste their time

    on you.

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    +here are no endings, only new eginnings.



    /perationally, God is eginning to resemle not a ruler ut the last

    fading smile of a cosmic heshire cat.

    -- &ir 2ulian #u6ley


    +here is no human prolem which could not e solved if people would

    simply do as ' advise.

    -- Gore (idal


    ar is not nice.

    -- %arara %ush


    &ome people li0e my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall

    instead of using it.

    -- Gordon 8. 3ic0son


    ' don$t care what is written aout me so long as it isn$t true.

    -- 3orothy ar0er


    ) wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

    -- %altasar Gracian


    !iving in a vacuum suc0s.

    -- )drienne 5. Gusoff


    +here are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, ut there

    are others who, than0s to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow

    spot into the sun.

    -- alo icasso


    !ife is something that everyone should try at least once.

    -- #enry 2. +illman


    ' 0now the answer +he answer lies within the heart of all man0ind +he

    answer is twelveB ' thin0 '$m in the wrong uilding.

    -- harles . &chul


    +he remar0ale thing aout &ha0espeare is that he really is very good, in

    spite of all the people who say he is very good. -- 8oert Graves

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    e are here on 5arth to do good to others. hat the others are here for,

    ' don$t 0now.

    -- . #. )uden


    'f God lived on earth, people would rea0 his windows.

    -- 2ewish rover


    art of eing sane, is eing a little it cray.

    -- 2anet !ong


    )nyone who wor0s is a fool. ' don$t wor0 - ' merely inflict myself upon

    the pulic.

    -- 8oert orley


    ollege isn$t the place to go for ideas.

    -- #elen Keller


    +he future is much li0e the present, only longer.

    -- 3an =uisenerry


    /h, ' don$t lame ongress. 'f ' had HII illion at my disposal, '$d e

    irresponsile, too.

    -- !ichty 9 agner


    +he most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

    -- e e cummings


    +he days of the digital watch are numered.

    -- +om &toppard


    #indsight is always twenty-twenty.

    -- %illy ilder


    hat$s on your mind, if you will allow the overstatementB

    -- 1red )llen


    'f you don$t 0now what to do, call the media and at least give the

    appearance of doing something. -- 3avid eterson

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    )n e6pert is a person who has made all the mista0es that can e made in a

    very narrow field.

    -- Niels %ohr


    ynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.

    -- !illian #ellman


    +he whole prolem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so

    certain of themselves, ut wiser people so full of douts.

    -- %ertrand 8ussell


    +he est way to 0eep one$s word is not to give it.

    -- Napoleon %onaparte


    +he real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the

    right place ut to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

    -- 3orothy Nevill


    )rt is ma0ing something out of nothing and selling it.

    -- 1ran0 >appa


    ) superstition is a premature e6planation that overstays its time.

    -- George 'les


    3emocracy is a process y which the people are free to choose the man who

    will get the lame.

    -- !aurence 2. eter


    /nly dull people are rilliant at rea0fast.

    -- /scar ilde



    -- )my arter, Jresident 2immy arter$s daughter when as0ed

    y a reporter if she had any message for the children of )merica


    +here is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.

    -- Ken /lson, resident, 3igital 54uipment, LMEE


    ' li0e wor0; it fascinates me. ' can sit and loo0 at it for hours.

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    -- 2erome K. 2erome


    +he advantage of a classical education is that it enales you to despise

    the wealth that it prevents you from achieving.

    -- 8ussell Green


    / !ord, help me to e pure, ut not yet.

    -- &aint )ugustine


    'n the first place, God made idiots. +hat was for practice. +hen he made

    school oards.

    -- ar0 +wain


    hen dealing with the insane, the est method is to pretend to e sane.

    -- #ermann #esse


    ' hate man0ind, for ' thin0 myself one of the est of them, and ' 0now

    how ad ' am.

    -- &amuel 2ohnson


    3emocracy is the name we give the people whenever we need them.

    -- ar4uis de 1lers 8oert and )rman de aillavet


    +here are more fools in the world than there are people.

    -- #einrich #eine


    +he greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

    -- alter %agehot


    y father hated radio and could not wait for television to e invented so

    he could hate that too.

    -- eter 3e (ries


    ' en7oy eing a highly overpaid actor.

    -- 8oger oore


    /rthodo6 medicine has not found an answer to your complaint. #owever,

    luc0ily for you, ' happen to e a 4uac0.

    -- 8ichter cartoon caption


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    +ruly great madness cannot e achieved without significant intelligence.

    -- #enri0 +i00anen


    Nothing is ever accomplished y a reasonale man.

    -- George %ernard &haw


    usic with dinner is an insult oth to the coo0 and the violinist.

    -- G. K. hesterton


    riminalA ) person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient

    capital to form a corporation.

    -- #oward &cott


    You can$t find any true closeness in #ollywood, ecause everyody does

    the fa0e closeness so well.

    -- arrie 1isher


    (ery little is 0nown of the anadian country since it is rarely visited

    y anyone ut the =ueen and illiterate sport fishermen.

    -- . 2. /$8our0e


    )ll of us learn to write in the second grade. ost of us go on to greater


    -- %oy Knight


    ' don$t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.

    -- ar0 +wain


    omputer &cience is no more aout computers than astronomy is aout


    -- 5. . 3i70stra


    't doesn$t ma0e a difference what temperature a room is, it$s always room


    -- &teven right


    &ave a little money each month and at the end of the year you$ll e

    surprised at how little you have.

    -- 5rnest #as0ins


    /ur constitution protects aliens, drun0s and C.&. &enators. -- ill 8ogers

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    )n ardent supporter of the hometown team should go to a game prepared to

    ta0e offense, no matter what happens.

    -- 8oert %enchley


    #appiness ma0es up in height for what it lac0s in length.

    -- 8oert 1rost


    +hose who dream y day are cogniant of many things which escape those

    who dream only y night.

    -- 5dgar )llan oe


    #e played the 0ing as if afraid someone else would play the ace.

    -- 2ohn ason %rown, drama critic


    )s an adolescent ' aspired to lasting fame, ' craved factual certainty,

    and ' thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so ' ecame a

    scientist. +his is li0e ecoming an archishop so you can meet girls.

    -- . artmill


    1reedom is 7ust haos, with etter lighting.

    -- )lan 3ean 1oster, "+o the (anishing oint"


    Good reeding consists of concealing how much we thin0 of ourselves and

    how little we thin0 of the other person.

    -- ar0 +wain


    ' do not feel oliged to elieve that the same God who has endowed us

    with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

    -- Galileo Galilei


    &omeody has to do something, and it$s 7ust incredily pathetic that it

    has to e us.

    -- 2erry Garcia, Jof the Grateful 3ead


    'f one stic0s too rigidly to one$s principles, one would hardly see


    -- )gatha hristie


    +here is no dout that the first re4uirement for a composer is to e

    dead. -- )rthur #onegger

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    #umans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the

    e6ception of guppies, who li0e to eat theirs.

    -- . 2. /$8our0e


    'n archaeology you uncover the un0nown. 'n diplomacy you cover the 0nown.

    -- +homas ic0ering


    ' love eing married. 't$s so great to find that one special person you

    want to annoy for the rest of your life.

    -- 8ita 8udner


    2ournalism largely consists of saying $!ord 2ones is 3ead$ to people who

    never 0new that !ord 2ones was alive.

    -- G. K. hesterton


    ) 0leptomaniac is a person who helps himself ecause he can$t help


    -- #enry organ


    !ove thy neighour as yourself, ut choose your neighourhood.

    -- !ouise %eal


    atriotism is often an aritrary veneration of real estate aove


    -- George 2ean Nathan


    &uppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a memer of ongress. %ut

    ' repeat myself.

    -- ar0 +wain


    +he man who reads nothing at all is etter educated than the man whoreads nothing ut newspapers.

    -- +homas 2efferson


    artying is such sweet sorrow.

    -- 8oert %yrne


    ' loathe people who 0eep dogs. +hey are cowards who haven$t got the guts

    to ite people themselves.

    -- )ugust &trinderg

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    !et me not to the marriage of true minds

    )dmit impediments. !ove is not love

    hich alters when it alteration finds,

    /r ends with the remover to removeA

    / no it is an ever-fi6ed mar0

    +hat loo0s on tempests and is never sha0en;

    't is the star to every wandering ar0,

    hose worth$s un0nown, although his height e ta0en.

    !ove$s not +ime$s fool, though rosy lips and chee0s

    ithin his ending sic0le$s compass comeA

    !ove alters not with his rief hours and wee0s,

    %ut ears it out even to the edge of doom.

    'f this e error and upon me proved,

    ' never writ, nor no man ever loved.


    &ha0espeare, illiam. &onnets.

    Do it now"1ew will have the greatness to end history itself; ut each of us can


    to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts


    e written the history of this generation."

    - 8oert 1. Kennedy

    +here are only two ways to live your life. /ne is as though nothing

    is a miracle. +he other is as though everything is a miracle.

    - )lert 5instein

    #ow much more grievous are the conse4uences of anger

    than the causes of it.

    - arcus )urelius

    "+here are two rules in lifeA 8ule OLA 3on$t sweat the small stuff. 8ule


    5verything is small stuff."

    1inn +aylor

    "+his secret spo0e !ife herself unto meA $%ehold,$ said she, $' am that


    must ever surpass itself.$"

    1riedrich ilhelm Nietsche

    "+hose who live, live off the dead."

    )ntonin )rtaud

    "!i0e soap for the ody; +ears are for the soul"


    +he strongest of all warriors are these two----+ime and atience.

    !eo +olstoy,

    ar and eace


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    "You always as0 me, $hat is your prolemB$ hen you as0 me, $what is

    your mysteryB$ our relationship will egin."

    p6 in 6, &teve


    +o realie the unimportance of time is the gate of wisdom

    %ertrand 8ussell

    "Yesterday is history. +omorrow is mystery. +oday is a gift. +hat$s

    why they call it the present."

    @)uthor Cn0nown@

    ourage does not always roar. &ometimes it$s the tiny voice at the end of

    the road that says, "'$ll try again tomorrow"



    one similar in this way only...

    whether you thin0 you can or you can$t ....... you$re right

    ---- un0nown

    &o, where$s the annes 1ilm 1estival held this yearB

    - hristina )guilera

    ) perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the reee is lowing, the

    irds are singing, and the lawn mower is ro0en.

    - 2ames 3ent

    +he sweetest of all sounds is praise.

    - enophon

    ")merica did not invent human rights. 'n a very real sense, it is the other

    way around. #uman rights invented )merica." - 2immy arter 1ormer C&


    "+he )merican e6periment is the most tremendous and far reaching engine of

    social change which has ever either lessed or cursed man0ind." - harles

    1rancis )dams

    "hat is the essence of )mericaB 1inding and maintaining that perfect,

    delicate alance etween freedom $to$ and freedom $from.$" - arilyn vos

    &avant, in arade


    ' thought that "&econd star to the right, and straight on $til morning"

    was from eter an. 'ts the way you get to Never Never !and.

    oming together is a eginning. Keeping together is

    progress. or0ing together is success.

    - #enry 1ord

    "#eading, &irB"

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    "&econd star to the right, and straight on $til morning"

    #elmsman and Kir0. &tar +re0 (' 1inal 1rontier

    %etter a drop of wisdom than an ocean of gold.--Gree0 rover

    "+he young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not

    laugh is a fool."

    George &antayana.

    You get two things in life--what you really want and what you really fear.

    -8ichard %ach

    "2esus turned out so well ecause his father treated him as if he were a

    child of God."

    - atthew 1o6


    3o Not Go Gentle into +hat Good Night

    3o not go gentle into that good night,

    /ld age should urn and rave at close of day;

    8age, rage against the dying of the light.

    +hough wise men at their end 0now dar0 is right,

    %ecause their words had for0ed no lightning they

    3o not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave y, crying how right

    +heir frail deeds might have danced in a green ay,

    8age, rage against the dying of the light.

    ild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

    )nd learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

    3o not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with linding sight

    %lind eyes could lae li0e meteors and e gay,

    8age, rage against the dying of the light.

    )nd you, my father, there on the sad height,

    urse, less, me now with your fierce tears, ' pray.

    3o not go gentle into that good night.

    8age, rage against the dying of the light.