my videogame presentation


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Page 1: My videogame presentation

My videogame Presentation

By Kallum Mullen

Page 2: My videogame presentation

Fallen Templar is set in 1300’s Europe during the time of medieval warfare. You are Francis De’Geunt, a high ranking commander in the Templar Order, people often see you as a kind man who helps the needy, certain commanders and generals do no like this and give an order to assassinate you. You and your family are betrayed by the order during a feast in the great hall in Paris, you see your children taken away along with your wife who are murdered in cold blood, you are then stabbed and wounded and also presumed dead. You make your way back into the city to avenge your families death and make more enemies and friends on the way with the help of former Templar connections.

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Graphics & World

• Fallen Templar will have next gen graphics using the CryEngine seen in games such as Crysisand MechWarrior and will aim to compete against other triple A graphics intense games like Battlefield.

• Fallen Templar will be set in medieval Paris and its districts, taking you from the slums to the high end areas and will immerse you in history from the outset. In the slums you will encounter street thieves and prostitutes, in the higher end areas you will encounter the rich and prosperous. You will feel these changes take place and see the two different sides to the people of Paris.

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Interface.• The game will have an interface like those of other RPG/Adventure games with quest logs and

storage menus. You will also have an upgrade table for weapon upgrades and skills to use in game.

• There will also be a simple health bar and also an ability bar, which can both be regenerated with in

• game items.

• Other options in the interface include weapon switching and ability switching.

• With 1/3 of the subjects liking RPG games, I think an RPG style interface would do well in this game, giving easy controllability and comfort within the game.

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• You play as Francis De’Geunt, a Templar Commander who has been betrayed by the order of other commanders and generals, your family dead and with nothing to live for other than revenge, you set out to kill those who betrayed you.

• Being a commander you are a skilled fighter, people talked of you in battle as a fierce warrior and a valuable ally.

• You seek to find out why you were betrayed and kill if you need to.

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Script Info

• My script will be the intro for the game. It will give you the beginning of the story and keep you on your feet. In the script Francis’ family is taken and killed in front of him, hence the betrayal aspect of the game. We then see Francis get stabbed from a mid shot. With the Templars that betrayed you thinking you are dead you set off on your path to revenge.

• I want the script to engage my audience and make them feel as if the Templars have done Edmond wrong.

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Script Relation

• The reason I have gone for this game is because 1/3 of my results showed that people enjoy RPG games as seen below. I also think that the market is lacking a good RPG game which will give you a good story but also give a good skill progression.

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• The content in the game reflects what the new gamer wants, a long story and a character we like.

• The story will be at least 30+ hours long, with side quests adding to that to make it around 60+ hours long, the most common RPG people talk about is Skyrim, a game which has over 100 hours of gameplay so 60 hours in a game which is focused on story should be fine.

• I don’t just want the game to be about story, I want people to want to go and explore the map and uncover secrets, some of these secrets will uncover new abilities, weapons and armour.

• I want people to like Francis when they play as him and feel emotion when things happen to him, good or bad.

• People seem content with a story/free-roam ratio so that is what I aim to keep in this game, I want a balance between the two.