myanmar army

Myanmar Army 1 Myanmar Army Myanmar Army တပမတော(ကြညး Myanmar Army Flag Active Country Myanmar Branch Army Size 350,000 [1] Part of Myanmar Armed Forces Nickname Tatmadaw Motto Ye Thaw Ma Thay, Thay Thaw Nga Ye Ma Lar Anniversaries 27 March 1945 Commanders Minister of Defence [2] Major General Hla Min Commander in Chief of Myanmar Army Lt-General Soe Win Notable commanders Major General Aung San General Ne Win The Myanmar Army (Burmese: တပမတော(ကြညး)), pronounced [taʔmədɔ̀ tɕí]) is the land component of the Military of Myanmar. The Myanmar Army is the largest branch of the Armed Forces of Myanmar and has the primary responsibility of conducting land-based military operations. The Myanmar Army maintains the second largest active force in Southeast Asia after Vietnam's Vietnam People's Army. The Myanmar Army has a troop strength around 492,000. The army has extensive combat experience in fighting insurgents in rough terrains, considering it has been conducting non-stop counter-insurgency operations against ethnic and political insurgents since its inception in 1948. The force is headed by the Commander in Chief (Army), currently Lieutenant General Soe Win with General Min Aung Hlaing as the Commander in Chief. The highest rank in the Myanmar Army was Senior General, equivalent to Field Marshal position in Western Armies and was held by Senior General Than Shwe. In 2011, following transition from military junta government to civilian parliamentary government, the Myanmar Army enacted a military draft for all citizens, all males from the age 18 to 35 and all females age between 18 and 27 years of age can be drafted into military service for two years as enlisted personal in time of national emergency. The ages for professionals are up to 45 for men and 35 for women for three years service as commissioned and non commissioned officers. An official publication has revealed that almost one-quarter of Myanmar's new national budget will be allocated to defense. The Government Gazette reports that 1.8 trillion kyat (about $2 billion at free market rates of exchange), or 23.6 percent of the 2011 budget will go to defense. [3]

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The development of Myanmar Army


Page 1: Myanmar Army

Myanmar Army 1

Myanmar Army

Myanmar Armyတပ်မတော်(ကြည်း

Myanmar Army Flag Active

Country Myanmar

Branch Army

Size 350,000[1]

Part of Myanmar Armed Forces

Nickname Tatmadaw

Motto Ye Thaw Ma Thay, Thay Thaw Nga Ye Ma Lar

Anniversaries 27 March 1945


Minister of Defence [2] Major General Hla Min

Commander in Chief of Myanmar Army Lt-General Soe Win


Major General Aung SanGeneral Ne Win

The Myanmar Army (Burmese: တပ်မတော်(ကြည်း)), pronounced [taʔmədɔ̀ tɕí]) is the land component of the Military ofMyanmar. The Myanmar Army is the largest branch of the Armed Forces of Myanmar and has the primaryresponsibility of conducting land-based military operations. The Myanmar Army maintains the second largest activeforce in Southeast Asia after Vietnam's Vietnam People's Army.The Myanmar Army has a troop strength around 492,000. The army has extensive combat experience in fightinginsurgents in rough terrains, considering it has been conducting non-stop counter-insurgency operations againstethnic and political insurgents since its inception in 1948.The force is headed by the Commander in Chief (Army), currently Lieutenant General Soe Win with General MinAung Hlaing as the Commander in Chief. The highest rank in the Myanmar Army was Senior General, equivalent toField Marshal position in Western Armies and was held by Senior General Than Shwe.In 2011, following transition from military junta government to civilian parliamentary government, the MyanmarArmy enacted a military draft for all citizens, all males from the age 18 to 35 and all females age between 18 and 27years of age can be drafted into military service for two years as enlisted personal in time of national emergency. Theages for professionals are up to 45 for men and 35 for women for three years service as commissioned and noncommissioned officers.An official publication has revealed that almost one-quarter of Myanmar's new national budget will be allocated todefense. The Government Gazette reports that 1.8 trillion kyat (about $2 billion at free market rates of exchange), or23.6 percent of the 2011 budget will go to defense.[3]

Page 2: Myanmar Army

Myanmar Army 2

Brief history

Post Independence era

Myanmar Army Honour Guards saluting thearrival of Thai delegation in October 2010.

At the time of Myanmar's independence in 1948, the Tatmadaw wasweak, small and disunited. Cracks appeared along the lines of ethnicbackground, political affiliation, organizational origin and differentservices. Its unity and operational efficiency was further weakened bythe interference of civilians and politicians in military affairs, and theperception gap between the staff officers and field commanders. Themost serious problem was the tension between ethnic Karen Officers,coming from the British Burma Army and Burman (Bamar) officers,coming from the Patriotic Burmese Force (PBF).[4]

In accordance with agreement reached at Kandy Conference inSeptember 1945, the Tatmadaw was reorganised by incorporating theBritish Burma Army and the Patriotic Burmese Force. The officercorps shared by ex-PBF officers and officers from British Burma Armyand Army of Burma Reserve Organization (ARBO). The British alsodecided to form what were known as "Class Battalions" based onethnicity. There were a total of 15 rifle battalions at the time ofindependence and four of them were made up of former members ofPBF. All influential positions within the War Office and commandswere manned with non-former PBF Officers. All services includingmilitary engineers, supply and transport, ordnance and medical services, Navy and Air Force were all commanded byformer Officers from ABRO and British Burma Army.[4]

Ethnic and Army Composition of Tatmadaw in 1948

Battalion Ethnic/Army Composition

No. 1 Burma Rifles Bamar (Burma Military Police)

No. 2 Burma Rifles Karen majority + Other Non-Bamar Nationalities

No. 3 Burma Rifles Bamar / Former members of Patriotic Burmese Force

No. 4 Burma Rifles Bamar / Former members of Patriotic Burmese Force - Commanded by the then Lieutenant Colonel Ne Win

No. 5 Burma Rifles Bamar / Former members of Patriotic Burmese Force

No. 6 Burma Rifles Bamar / Former members of Patriotic Burmese Force

No. 1 Karen Rifles Karen / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 2 Karen Rifles Karen / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 3 Karen Rifles Karen / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 1 Kachin Rifles Kachin / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 2 Kachin Rifles Kachin / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 1 Chin Rifles Chin / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 2 Chin Rifles Chin / Former members of British Burma Army and ABRO

No. 4 Burma Regiment Gorkha

Chin Hill Battalion Chin

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Myanmar Army 3

Formation and structure

Myanmar Army Infantry Battalion

The Army has always been by far thelargest service in Myanmar and hasalways received the lion's share of thedefence budget.[5] [6] It has played themost prominent part in Myanmar'sstruggle against the 40 or moreinsurgent groups since 1948 andacquired a reputation as a tough andresourceful military force. In 1981, itwas described as 'probably the bestarmy in Southeast Asia, apart fromVietnam's'.[7] The judgement wasechoed in 1983, when another observernoted that "Myanmar's infantry isgenerally rated as one of the toughest,most combat seasoned in SoutheastAsia".[8] In 1985, a foreign journalistwith the rare experience of seeingBurmese soldiers in action against ethnic insurgents and narco-armies was 'thoroughly impressed by their fightingskills, endurance and discipline'.[9] Other commentators throughout that time characterised the Myanmar Army as'the toughest, most effective light infantry jungle force now operating in Southeast Asia'.[10] Even the Thais, notknown to praise the Burmese lightly, have described the Myanmar Army as 'skilled in the art of jungle warfare'.[11]

OrganizationMyanmar Army had reached some 370,000 active troops in all ranks in the year 2000. There were 337 infantrybattalions, including 266 light infantry battalions. Although the Myanmar Army's organisational structure was basedupon the regimental system, the basic manoeuvre and fighting unit is the battalion, known as Tat Yinn in Burmese,which comprised a headquarters unit; four rifle companies (tat khwe) with three rifle platoons (Tat Su) each; anadministration company with medical, transport, logistics and signals units; a heavy weapons company includingmortar, machine gun and recoilless gun platoons. Each battalion is commanded a Lieutenant Colonel (du bo hmu gyi)with a Major (bo hmu) as 2IC (Second in Command), with a total establishment strength of 27 officers and 723 otherranks. Light infantry battalions in Myanmar Army have much lower establishment strength of around 500; this oftenleads to these units being mistakenly identified by the observers and reporters as under strength infantry battalions.With its significantly increased personnel numbers, weaponry and mobility, today's Tatmadaw Kyee is a formidableconventional defence force for the Union of Myanmar. Troops ready for combat duty have at least doubled since1988. Logistics infrastructure and Artillery Fire Support has been greatly increased. Its newly acquired militarymight was apparent in the Tatmadaw's dry season operations against Karen National Union (KNU) strongholds inManerplaw and Kawmura. Most of the casualties at these battles were the result of intense and heavy bombardmentby the Tatmadaw Kyee. Not only that Tatmadaw Kyee is now much larger than it was in pre-1988, it is more mobileand has greatly improved armour, artillery and air defence inventories. Its C3I (Command, Control,Communications, Computers and Intelligence) systems have been expanded and refined. It is developing larger andmore integrated, self-sustained formations which should lend themselves to better coordinated action by differentcombat arms. The army may still have relatively modest weaponry compared to its larger neighbours, but it is now ina much better position to deter external aggression and respond to such a threat should it ever arise except childsoldiers may not perform very well in combating with enemies.[12]

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Myanmar Army 4


101st Light Infantry Division

The first army division to be formed after the 1988 military coup was the 11thLight Infantry Division (LID) in December 1988 with Col. Win Myint ascommander of the division. In March 1990, a new regional military commandwas opened in Monywa with Brigadier Kyaw Min as commander and namedNorth-Western Regional Military Command. A year later 101st LID wasformed in Pakokku with Col. Saw Tun as commander. Two RegionalOperations Commands (ROC) were formed in Myeik and Loikaw to facilitatecommand and control. They were commanded respectively by Brigadier SoeTint and Brigadier Maung Kyi. March 1995 saw a dramatic expansion of theTatmadaw as it established 11 Military Operations Commands (MOC)s inthat month. MOC are similar to Mechanized Infantry Divisions in western armies, each with 10 regular infantrybattalions (Chay Hlyin Tatyin), a headquarters, and organic support units including field artillery batteries. Then in1996, two new RMC were opened, Coastal Region RMC was opened in Myeik with Brigadier Sit Maung ascommander and Triangle Region RMC in Kengtung with Brigadier Thein Sein as commander. Their new ROCswere opened in Kalay, Bhamo and Mongsat. In late 1998, two new MOCs were opened in Bokepyin andMongsat.[13]

The most significant expansion after the infantry in the army was in armour and artillery. Beginning in 1990, theTatmadaw procured 18 T-69II Main Battle tanks and 48 T-63 amphibious light tanks from China. Furtherprocurements were made, including several hundred Type 85 and Type 92 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC). Bythe beginning of 1998, Tatmadaw had about 100+ T-69II Main battle tanks, a similar number of T-63 amphibiouslight tanks and several T-59D tanks. These tanks and armoured personnel carriers were distributed into fivearmoured infantry battalions and five tank battalions and formed the first Armoured Division of the Tatmadaw underthe name of 71st Armoured Operations Command with its headquarters in Pyawbwe.

Chief of Staffs and Commander in ChiefsUp until 1990, Myanmar Armed Forces has Chief of Staff system and Myanmar Army was led by Vice Chief ofStaff (Army). A new system was introduced in 1990 during Armed Forces reorganisation and all three branches ofArmed Forces are now led by Commander-in-Chief.[6]

Serial Name & Rank Date Notes

BC5107 Brigadier General SawKyar Doe

1948 Karen Officer, Forced to retire due to civil war with Karen

BC3502 Brigadier General Ne Win 1948–1949 Member of Thirty Comrades, Later became President and Chairman of Burma SocialistProgramme Party (BSPP)

BC5458 Brigadier General AungGyi


BC3569 Brigadier General San Yu 1963–1972 Later became President

BC3651 Brigadier General ThuraTin Oo

1972–1974 Dismissed and imprisoned for involvement in coup attempt, later became Vice-Chairmanof National League for Democracy

BC5332 Brigadier General ThuraKyaw Htin

1974–1976 Later became Prime Minister

BC6133 Lieutenant General Aye Ko 1976–1981 Later became Vice President

BC5096 Lieutenant General Tun Ye 1981–1983

BC6187 Lieutenant General SawMaung

1983–1985 later promoted to Senior General, coup in 1988 and formed States Law and OrderRestoration Council (SLORC)

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Myanmar Army 5

BC6710 Lieutenant General ThanShwe

1985–1992 later promoted to Senior General and Chairman of State Peace and Development Council(SPDC)

Lieutenant General MaungAye

1993 -31/3/2011

later promoted to Vice Senior General

Lieutenant General SoeWin


Bureau of Special Operations (BSO)

Bureau of Special Operations

Regional Military Commands (RMC)

Bureau of Special Operations (ကာကွယ်ရေးဌာန စစ်ဆင်ရေး အထူးအဖွဲ့) inMyanmar Army are high-level field units equivalent to Field ArmyGroup in Western terms and consist of 2 or more RegionalMilitary Commands (RMC) and commanded by aLieutenant-General and 6 staff officers. The units were introducedunder the General Staff Office on 28 April 1978 and 1 June 1979.In early 1978, the then Chairman of BSPP General Ne Win visitedthe North Eastern Command Headquarters in Lashio to receive abriefing about Burmese Communist Party (BCP) insurgents andtheir military operations. He was accompanied by BrigadierGeneral Tun Ye from Ministry of Defence. Brigadier General TunYe was the regional commander of Eastern Command for threeyears and before that he served in North Eastern Command areasas commander of Strategic Operation Command (SOC) andcommander for Light Infantry Division for four years. As BCPmilitary operations were spread across three Regional MilitaryCommand (RMC) areas (Northern, Eastern and North Eastern),Brigadier General Tun Ye was the most informed commanderabout the BCP in Myanmar Army at the time. At the briefing,General Ne Win was impressed by Brigadier General Tun Ye andrealized that coordination among various Regional MilitaryCommands (RMC) was necessary; thus, decided to form a bureauat the Ministry of Defence. Originally, the bureau was for "specialoperations", wherever they were, that needed coordination amongvarious Regional Military Commands (RMC). Later, withintroduction of another bureau, there was a division of commandareas. The BSO-1 was to oversee the operations under theNorthern Command, North Eastern Command, the EasternCommand, and the North Western Command. BSO-2 was tooversee operations under the South Eastern Command, SouthWestern Command, Western Command and Central Command.Initially, the chief of the BSO had the rank of Brigadier General.The rank was upgraded to Major General on 23 April 1979. in1990, it was further upgraded to Lieutenant General. Between1995 and 2002, Chief of Staff (Army) jointly held the position of Chief of BSO. However, in early 2002, two moreBSO were added to the General Staff Office; therefore there were altogether four BSOs. The fifth BSO wasestablished in 2005 and the sixth in 2007.

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Myanmar Army 6

Currently there are Six Bureaus of Special Operations in Myanmar order of Battle.[14]

Bureau of Special Operations Regional Military Commands (RMC)

Bureau of Special Operations 1 Central CommandNorth Western CommandNorthern Command

Bureau of Special Operations 2 North Eastern CommandEastern CommandTriangle Region Command

Bureau of Special Operations 3 South Western CommandSouthern CommandWestern Command

Bureau of Special Operations 4 Coastal CommandSouth Eastern Command

Bureau of Special Operations 5 Yangon Command

Bureau of Special Operations 6 Naypyidaw Command

Regional Military Commands (RMC)For better command and communication, the Tatmadaw formed Regional Military Commands (တိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)structure in 1958. Until 1961, there were only two regional commands, they were supported by 13 Infantry brigadesand an infantry division. In October 1961, new regional military commands were opened and leaving only twoindependent infantry brigades. In June 1963, the Naypyidaw Command was temporarily formed in Yangon with thedeputy commander and some staff officers drawn from Central Command. It was reorganised and renamed asYangon Command on 1 June 1965.[14]

A total of 337 infantry and light infantry battalions organised in Tactical Operations Commands, 37 independentfield artillery regiments supported by affiliated support units including armoured reconnaissance and tank battalions.RMCs are similar to corps formations in Western armies. The RMCs, commanded by Major General rank officer,are managed through a framework of Bureau of Special Operations (BSOs), which are equivalent to Field ArmyGroup in Western terms.[14]

Regional Military Command(RMC)

Badge States & Divisions Headquarters Strength

Northern Command(မြောက်ပိုင်းတိုင်းစစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Kachin State Myitkyina 33 Infantry Battalions

North Eastern Command(အရှေ့မြောက်ပိုင်းတိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Northern Shan State Lashio 30 Infantry Battalions

Eastern Command(အရှေ့ပိုင်းတိုင်းစစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Southern Shan State Taunggyi 42 Infantry Battalionsincluding 16× Light InfantryBattalions underRegional OperationCommand (ROC)Headquarters at Loikaw

South Eastern Command(အရှေ့တောင်ပိုင်းတိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Mon and Kayin(Karen) States

Mawlamyaing (Moulmein) 36 Infantry Battalions

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Myanmar Army 7

Southern Command (တောင်ပိုင်းတိုင်းစစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Bago and MagweDivisions

Toungoo 27 × Infantry Battalions

South Western Command(အနောက်တောင်ပိုင်းတိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Ayeyarwady Division(Irrawaddy Division)

Pathein (Bassein) 11 × Infantry Battalions

Western Command (အနောက်ပိုင်းတိုင်းစစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Rakhine (Arakan) andChin States

Ann 33 × Infantry Battalions

North Western Command(အနောက်မြောက်ပိုင်းတိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Sagaing Division Monywa 25 × Infantry Battalions

Yangon Command (ရန်ကုန်တိုင်းစစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Yangon Division MayangoneTownship-Kone-Myint-Thar

11 × Infantry Battalions

Coastal Region Command(ကမ်းရိုးတန်းတိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Tanintharyi Division(Tenassarim Division)

Myeik (Mergui) 43 Infantry Battalionsincluding battalions under 2MOC based at Tavoy

Triangle Region Command(တြိဂံတိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Eastern Shan State Kyaingtong (Kengtung) 23 Infantry Battalions

Central Command (အလယ်ပိုင်းတိုင်းစစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Mandalay Division Mandalay 17 Infantry Battalions

Naypyidaw Command(နေပြည်တော်တိုင်း စစ်ဌာနချုပ်)

Naypyidaw Pyinmana Formed in 2006 - ? ×Infantry Battalions

Commanders of Regional Military Commands


Regional MilitaryCommand (RMC) Established

First Commander CurrentCommander



2005 Major GeneralMaung Maung Aye

Eastern Command 1961 Major General SanOo

North EasternCommand

1972 Major GeneralAung Kyaw Zaw

South EasternCommand

1961 Major General HtunNay Lin

Central Command 1961 Major General YeAung

Original Southern Command in Taungoo was renamedCentral Command in March, 1990

Western Command 1972 Major General SoeThein

North WesternCommand

1961 Brigadier General KyawMin

Major General SoeLwin

Original North western Command in Mandalay was renamedCentral Command in March, 1990

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Myanmar Army 8

South WesternCommand

1961 Major General TinMaung Win

Northern Command 1972 Major General ZayYar Aung

Southern Command 1972 Major General SoeHtut

Traingle RegionCommand

1996 Brigadier General TheinSein

Major General ThanTun Oo

Thein Sein later became Prime Minister and elected asPresident in 2011

Coastal RegionCommand

1996 Brigadier General ThihaThura Thura Sit Maung

Major General KhinMaung Htay

Sit Maung was killed in Helicopter crash along with the thenChief of Staff (Army) Lt. General Tin Oo in 19 Feb2001.[15]

Yangon Command 1965 Major General TunThan

Formed as Naypyidaw Command in 1963 with deputycommander and some staff officers from Central Command.Renamed Yangon Command on 1 June 1965.

Regional Operations Commands (ROC)

Regional Operation Command Structure

Regional Operations Commands(ROC, or Da Ka Sa in Myanmar) arecommanded by a Brigadier General,are similar to infantry brigades inWestern Armies. Each consists of 4Infantry battalions (Chay HlyinTatyin), HQ and organic support units.Commander of ROC is a positionbetween LID/MOC commander andtactical Operation Command (TOC)commander, who commands only threeinfantry battalions. However, ROCcommander enjoys financial,administrative and judicial authoritywhile the MOC and LID commanderdoes not have judicial authority.[6] [16]

Regional Operation Command (ROC) Headquarters Notes

Loikaw Regional Operations Command Loikaw

Laukai Regional Operations Command Laukai

Kalay Regional Operations Command Kalay

Sittwe Regional Operations Command Sittwe

Pyay Regional Operations Command Pyay

Tanaing Regional Operations Command Tanaing Formerly ROC Bahmaw

Wanhseng Regional Operations Command Wanhseng Formed in 2011 [17]

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Myanmar Army 9

Military Operations Commands (MOC)Military Operations Commands (MOC) (စစ်ဆင်ရေး ကွပ်ကဲမှု စစ်ဌာနချုပ်), commanded by a Brigadier-General, aresimilar to Infantry divisions in Western Armies. Each consists of 10 Mechanized Infantry battalions equipped withBTR-3 Armored Personnel Carriers, Headquarters and support units including field artillery batteries. These tenbattalions are organized into three Tactical Operations Commands : one Mechanized Tactical Operations Command(with BTR-3 armored personal carriers) and two Motorized Tactical Operations Command (with EQ-2102 6x6trucks).MOC are equivalent to Light Infantry Division (LID) in Myanmar Army order of battle as both command 10infantry battalions through three TOC (Tactical Operations Command).[16]

Military Operation Command (MOC) Headquarters Notes

1st Military Operations Command (MOC-1) Kyaukme ကျောက်မဲ, Shan State

2nd Military Operations Command (MOC-2) Mong Nawng မိုင်း, Shan State

3rd Military Operations Command (MOC-3) Mogaung မိုးကောင်း, Kachin State

4th Military Operations Command (MOC-4) Hpugyi ဖူးကြီး, Yangon Region Designated Airborne Division

5th Military Operations Command (MOC-5) Taungup တောင်ကုတ်, Rakhine State

6th Military Operations Command (MOC-6) Pyinmana ပျဉ်းမနား, Mandalay Region

7th Military Operations Command (MOC-7) Hpegon ဖယ်ကုန်း, Shan State

8th Military Operations Command (MOC-8) Dawei ထားဝယ်, Tanintharyi Region

9th Military Operations Command (MOC-9) Kyauktaw ကျောက်တော်, Rakhine State

10th Military Operations Command (MOC-10) Kyigon ကြီးကုန်း, Sagaing Region

11th Military Operations Command (MOC-11) Loilem လွိုင်လင်, Shan State

12th Military Operations Command (MOC-12) Kawkareik ကော့ကရိတ်, Kayin State

13th Military Operations Command (MOC-13) Bokpyin ဘုတ်ပြင်း, Tanintharyi Region

14th Military Operations Command (MOC-14) Mong Hsat မိုင်းဆတ်, Shan State

15th Military Operations Command (MOC-15) Buthidaung ဘူးသီးတောင်, Rakhine State

16th Military Operations Command (MOC-16) Theinni သိန္နီ, Shan State

17th Military Operations Command (MOC-17) Mong Pan မိုင်းပန်, Shan State

18th Military Operations Command (MOC-18) Mong Hpayak မိုင်းဖြတ်, Shan State

19th Military Operations Command (MOC-19) Ye ရေး, Mon State

20th Military Operations Command (MOC-20) Kawthaung ကော့သောင်း, Tanintharyi Region

21st Military Operations Command (MOC-21) Bhamo ဗန်းမော်, Kachin State

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Myanmar Army 10

Light Infantry Divisions (LID)

Light Infantry Division Structure

Light Infantry Division (Chay MyanTat Ma or Ta Ma Kha), commanded bya Brigadier-General, each with 10Light Infantry Battalions organisedunder 3 Tactical OperationsCommands, commanded by a Colonel,(3 battalions each and 1 reserve), 1Field Artillery Battalion, 1 ArmourSquadron and other support units.[6]


These divisions were first introducedto the Myanmar Army in 1966 as rapidreaction mobile forces for strikeoperations. 77th Light InfantryDivision was formed on 6 June 1966,followed by 88th Light InfantryDivision and 99th Light Infantry Division in the two following years. 77th LID was largely responsible for the defeatof the Communist forces of the CPB (Communist Party of Burma) based in the forested hills of the central BagoYoma in the mid 1970s. Three more LIDs were raised in the latter half of 1970s (the 66th, 55th and 44th) with theirheadquarters at Pyay, Aungban and Thaton. They were followed by another two LIDs in the period prior to the 1988military coup (the 33rd LID with headquarters at Sagaing and the 22nd LID with headquarters at Hpa-An). 11th LIDwas formed in December 1988 with headquarters at Inndine, Bago Division and 101st LID was formed in 1991 withits headquarters at Pakokku.[6] [16]

Each LID, commanded by Brigadier General (Bo hmu gyoke) level officers, consists of 10 light infantry battalionsspecially trained in counter-insurgency, jungle warfare, "search and destroy" operations against ethnic insurgents andnarcotics-based armies. These Battalions are organised under three Tactical Operations Commands (TOC; Nee byuhar). Each TOC, commanded by a Colonel (Bo hmu gyi), is made up of three or more combat Battalions, withcommand and support elements similar to that of brigades in Western armies. One infantry battalion was held inreserve. As of 2000, all LID have their own organic Field Artillery units. For example, 314th Field Artillery Batteryis now attached to 44th LID. Some of the LID battalions have been given Parachute and Air Borne Operationstraining and two of the LIDs have been converted to mechanised infantry formation with divisional artillery,armoured reconnaissance and tank battalions[6]

LIDs are considered to be a strategic asset of the Myanmar Army, and after the 1990 reorganisation and restructuringof the Tatmadaw command structure, they are now directly answerable to Chief of Staff (Army).[6] [16]

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Myanmar Army 11

Light Infantry Division(LID)


Headquarters FirstCommander



11th Light InfantryDivision

1988 Inndine Col. Win Myint Formed after 1988 military coup.

22nd Light InfantryDivision

1987 Hpa-An Col. Tin Hla Invovled in crackdown of unarmed protestorsduring 8.8.88 democracy uprising

33rd Light InfantryDivision

1984 Sagaing Col. Kyaw Ba

44th Light InfantryDivision

1979 Thaton Col. Myat Thin

55th Light InfantryDivision

1980 Sagaing/Kalaw Col. PhoneMyint

66th Light InfantryDivision

1976 Pyay Col. Taung ZarKhaing

Page 12: Myanmar Army

Myanmar Army 12

77th Light InfantryDivision

1966 Hmawbi Col. Tint Swe

88th Light InfantryDivision

1967 Magway Col. Than Tin

99th Light InfantryDivision

1968 Meiktila Col. Kyaw Htin

101st Light InfantryDivision

1991 Pakokku Col. Saw Tun Units of 101st LID were deployed during thepurge of Military Intelligence faction in 2004.

Artillery and armoured unitsArtillery and armoured units were not used in an independent role, but were deployed in support of the infantry bythe Ministry of Defence as required. The Directorate of Artillery and Armour Corps was also divided into separatecorps in 2001. A dramatic expansion of forces under these directorates followed with the equipment procured fromChina, Russia, Ukraine and India.[6] [16]

Directorate of Artillery

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Myanmar Army 13

707th Artillery Operation Command

No. 1 Artillery Battalion was formed in 1952 with three artillery batteriesunder the Directorate of Artillery Corps. A further three artillery battalionswere formed in the late 1952. This formation remained unchanged until 1988.Since 2000, the Directorate of Artillery Corps has overseen the expansion ofArtillery Operations Commands(AOC) from two to 10. Tatmadaw's statedintention is to establish an organic Artillery Operations Command in each ofthe 12 Regional Military Command Headquarters. Each Artillery OperationCommand is composed of the following:[14]

As of 2000, the Artillery wing of the Tatmadaw has about 60 Battalions and37 independent Artillery companies/batteries attached to various Regional Military Commands (RMC), LightInfantry Divisions (LID), Military Operation Command (MOC) and Regional Operation Command (ROC)s. Forexample, 314th Field Artillery Battery is under 44th LID, 326 Field Artillery Battery is attached to 5th MOC, 074Field Artillery Battery is under the command of ROC (Bhamo) and 076 Field Artillery Battery is underNorth-Eastern RMC. Twenty of these Artillery battalions are grouped under 707th Artillery Operation Command(AOC) headquarters in Kyaukpadaung and 808th Artillery Operation Command (AOC) headquarters in Oaktwin,near Taungoo. The remaining 30 battalions, including 7 Anti-Aircraft artillery battalions are under the Directorate ofArtillery Corps.[6] [16]

====Artillery Operations Command (AOC)==== ( အေျမာက္တပ္ဖြဲ႕ )

Artillery Operations Command

Armoured Operation Command

• HQ battalion• 12 Artillery Battalions:

• 6 Light Field artillery battalionequipped with 105 mm, 76 mm,75 mm howitzers, field guns andmountain guns,

• 3 Medium Field Artillerybattalion equipped with 155 mm,130 mm, 122 mm howitzers andfield guns,

• 1 Multiple Rocket Launcherbattalion equipped with 122 mmself propelled and towedlaunchers,

• 1 Air Defence Artillery battalionwith 37 mm, 57 mmAnti-Aircraft guns or SA 18IGLAs) man portablesurface-to-air missiles and

• 1 target acquisition battalion.• support unitsLight field artillery battalions consistsof 3 field artillery batteries with 36field guns or howitzers (12 guns perbattery). Medium artillery battalions

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Armoured Operation Command

consists of 3 medium artillery batteries of 18 field guns or howitzers (6 gunsper one battery).[14] As of 2011, all field guns of Myanmar Artillery Corps areundergoing upgrade programs including GPS Fire Control Systems.

Artillery Operations Command (AOC) Headquarters Notes

505th Artillery Operations Command ျမိတ္

606th Artillery Operations Command သထံု

707th Artillery Operations Command ေက်ာက္ပေတာင္း

808th Artillery Operations Command အုပ္တြင္း--ေတာင္ငူ

909th Artillery Operations Command Mong Khon--Kengtung

901st Artillery Operations Command ေဘာနက္ၾကီး--ပဲခူးတိုင္း

902nd Artillery Operations Command

903rd Artillery Operations Command လြိင္လင္

904th Artillery Operations Command မိုးညွင္း

905th Artillery Operations Command Padein--Ngape

Directorate of Armour

Armoured Operations Command

No.1 Armour Company and No.2Armour Company was formed in July,1950 under the Directorate of Armourand Artillery Corps with Shermantanks, Stuart Light Tanks, HumberAmour Scout Cars, Ferret ArmouredCars and Univerl Bren Carriers. Thesetwo companies were merged on 1November 1950 to become No. 1Armour Battalion with Headquarter inMingalardon. On 15 May 1952 No.Tank Battalion was formed with 25Comet Tanks acquired from UnitedKingdom. The Armour Corps withinMyanmar Army was the mostneglected one for nearly thirty yearssince the Tatmadaw did not procureany new tanks or armour carriers since 1961.

Armoured divisions, known as Armoured Operations Command (AROC), under the command of Directorate of Armour Corps, were also expanded in number from one to two, each with ten armoured battalions (five Armoured

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battalions equipped with Main battle Tanks and five Mechanised Infantry battalions equipped with Infantry fightingvehicles and Armored personnel carriers). [16] In mid-2003, Tamadaw acquired 139+ T-72 Main battle Tanks fromUkraine and signed a contract to build and equip a factory in Myanmar to produce and assemble 1,000 BTRArmored personnel carriers in 2004.[18] In 2006, the Government of India transferred an unspecified number of T-55Main battle Tanks that were being phased out from active service to Tatmadaw along with 105 mm Light FieldGuns, armoured personnel carriers and indigenous HAL Light Attack Helicopters in return for Tatmadaw’s supportand cooperation in flushing out Indian insurgent groups operating from its soil.[19]

Armoured Operations Command (AROC)

Armoured Operations Commands (AROC) are equivalent to Independent Armoured Divisions in western term.Currently there are 5 Armoured Operations Commands under Directorate of Armoured Corps in Tatmadaw order ofbattle. Tatmadaw planned to establish an AROC each in 7 Regional Military Commands.[14] Typical ArmouredDivision in Myanmar Army composed of Headquarter, Three Armored Tactical Operations Command - each withone Mechanized battalion equipped with 44 BMP-1 or MAV-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Two Tanks Battalionsequipped with 44 Main Battle Tanks each, one Armored Reconnaissance battalion equipped with 32 Type-63AAmphibious Light Tanks, one Field Artillery battalion and a Support battalion. Support battalion composed of anengineer squadron, two logistic squadrons and a signal company.[14]

Myanmar Army has taken delivery of 150 EE-9 Cascavels from Israeli army(?) surplus in 2005. Although EE 9 arearmoured reconnaissance vehicle, Myanmar Army categorized them as light tank and deploys them in eastern ShanState and triangle regions near Thai-Myanmar border.

Bureau of Air DefenseThe Air Defence Command was formed during the late 1990s but was not fully operational until late 1999. It wasrenamed Bureau of Air Defense in the early 2000s. In early 2000, Tatmadaw established Myanmar Integrated AirDefence System (MIADS) with help from Russia, Ukraine and China. It is a tri-service bureau with units from allthree branches of Myanmar Armed Forces. All Air Defence assets except Anti-Aircraft Artillery within Tatmadawarsenal are integrated into MIADS. AAA guns are mostly unguided and deploy to use in barrage-style firing againstattacking aircraft. MIADS is directly answerable to Bureau of Air Defence under Ministry of Defence.[14]

In 2010, Myanmar Air Defense Command has completed installation of optical fiber communication networkthroughout the country. Those network are to be used for Air defense operations between Central Command HQfrom capital & several air bases, early warning radar stations & mobile anti air craft missile & artillery units. Aftercompletion of fiber optic project & radar stations, MIADS (Myanmar Integrated Air Defense System) becomes themost advance AD system in the region.

Chief of Staff of Air Defence Years Notes

Lt. General Soe Win 1997–2004 Later became Prime Minister

Lt. General Myint Hlaing 2004–2010

Lt. General Sein Win 2010 - current

Sector Operations Commands

Under MIADS, the country was divided into six Air Defense Sectors, each controlled by a Sector Operations Center (SOC) and reporting directly to the National Air Defense Operations Center (ADOC) in Yangon. Each SOC transmitted data back to Intercept Operations Centers (IOC), which in turn controlled SAM batteries and fighter/interceptor squadrons at various Air Bases. Each IOC was optimized to direct either SAMs or fighter/interceptor aircraft against incoming enemy aircraft or missile. Each IOC was connected to observer and early warning area reporting posts (RP) via military owned underground fibre optic cable network. There were about 100

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radar stations located at approximately 40 sites throughout the country. New Air Defence radars such as 1L117radars, Galaxy Early Warning Radar and P series radars are installed in all radar stations.[14]

Each Sector Operation Center (SOC) is commanded by a Major General and it consists of one air defense divisionfrom Myanmar Army and one fighter-interceptor wing from Myanmar Air Force. Sometimes Air Defense Frigatesfrom Myanmar Navy also operates under the direct command of respective SOC.Each Air Defense division is commanded by a Brigadier General and consists of three Air Defense TacticalOperations Command (TOC) and support units. One Medium Range Surface to Air Missile Tactical OperationsCommand (MRSAM-TOC), with three battalions equipped with Buk M-1 or Kub missile system is deployed in anArea Defense Belt role. One Short Range Air Defense Tactical Operations Command (SHORAD-TOC), with threebattalions equipped with Tor M-1 missile system is deployed in a Point Defense role for critical areas such as radarstations, fighter bases and SOC headquarters. One Electronic Reconnaissance Tactical Operations Command(EIR-TOC) with 6 to 8 radar and communication companies for early warnings and interdiction detection.Each fighter-interceptor wing commanded by a Brigadier General and is composed of three Fighter squadrons ofeither MiG-29 and F-7M Airguard Interceptors (ten air crafts per squadron) and their ground base support units.[14]

Sector Operation Centers Headquarters Notes

Northern SOC Myitkyina

Southern SOC Myeik

Western SOC Sittwe

Eastern SOC Tachilek

South Eastern SOC Yay

Central SOC Meiktila

Directorate of Signal

Directorate of Signal

Soon after the independence in 1948, Myanmar Signal Corps was formedwith units from Burma Signals, also known as "X" Branch. It consisted HQBurma Signals, Burma Signal Training Squadron (BSTS) and Burma SignalsSquadron. HQ Burma Signals was located within War Office. BSTS based inPyain Oo Lwin was formed with Operating Cipher Training Troop, DispacthRider Training Troop, Lineman Training Troop, Radio Mechanic TrainingTroop and Regimental Signals Training Troop. BSS, based in Mingalardon,had nince sections: Administration Troop, Maintenance Troop, OperatingTroop, Cipher Troop, Lineman and Dispatch Rider Troop, NBSD SingalsTroop, SBSD Signals Troop, Mobile Brigade Singals Toop and ArakanSingals Toop. The then Chief of Signal Staff Officer (CSO) was Lieutenant Colonel Saw Aung Din. BSTS and BSSwere later renamed No. 1 Signal Battalion and No.1 Signal Training Battalion. In 1952, the Infantry DivisionalSignals Regiment was formed and later renamed to No. 2 Signal Battalion. HQ Burma Signals was reorganised andbecame Directorate Signal and the director was elevated to the rank of Colonel. In 1956, No. 1 Signal SecurityBattalion was formed, followed by No. 3 Signal Battalion in November 1958 and No.4 Signal Battalion in October1959.In 1961, signal battalions were reorganised as No. 11 Signal Battalion under North Eastern Regional MilitaryCommand, No. 121 Signal Battalion under Eastern Command, No. 313 Signal Battalion under Central Command,No.414 Signal Battalion under South Western Command, and No. 515 Signal Battalion under South EasternCommand. No.1 Signal Training Battalion was renamed Burma Signal Training Depot (Baho-Setthweye-Tat).

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By 1988, Directorate of Signals command one training depot, eight signal battalions, one signal security battalion,one signal store depot and two signal workshops. Siganl Corps under Directorate of Signal further expanded during1990 expansion and reorganisation of Myanmar Armed Forces. By 2000, a signal battalion is attached to eachRegional Military Command and signal companies are now attached to Light Infantry Divisions and MilitaryOperations Commands.In 2000, Command, Control and Communication system of Myanmar Army has been substantially upgraded bysetting up the military fibre optic communication network managed by Directorate of Signal throughout the country.Since 2002 all Myanmar Army Regional Military Command HQs used its own telecommunication system. Satellitecommunication links are also provided to forward-deployed infantry battalions. However, battle fieldcommunication systems are still poor. Infantry units are still using TRA 906 and PRM 4051 which were acquiredfrom UK in 1980s. Myanmar Army also uses Thura (locally built TRA 906) and XD-D6M (Chinese) radio sets.Frequency hopping handsets are fitted to all front line units.[20]

Between 2000 to 2005, Myanmar army bought 50 units of Brett 2050 Advanced Tech radio set from Aussie throughthird party from Singapore. Those units are distributed to ROCs in central & upper regions to use incounterinsurgency operations. [14] [16]

Directorate of Medical Services

Directorate of Army Medical Services

At the time of independence in 1948, the medical corps has two Base MilitaryHospitals, each with 300 beds, in Mingalardon and Pyin Oo Lwin, a MedicalStore Depot in Yangon, a Dental Unit and six Camp Reception Stationslocated in Myitkyina, Sittwe, Taungoo, Pyinmana, Bago and Meikhtila.Between 1958 and 1962, the medical corps was restructred and all CampReception Stations were reorganised into Medical Battalions.In 19889, Directorate of Medical Services has significantly expanded alongwith the infantry. In 2007, there are two 1,000 bed Defence Services GeneralHospitals (Mingalardon and Naypyitaw), two 700-bed hospitals in Pyin OoLwin and Aung Ban, two 500 bed military hospitals in Meikhtila and Yangon,one 500 bed Defence Services Orthopedic Hospital in Mingalardon, two 300 bed Defence Services Obstetric,Gynecological and Children hospital (Mingalardon and Naypyitaw), three 300 bed Military Hospital (Myitkyina,Ann and Kengtung), eighteen 100 bed Military Hospitals (Mongphyet, Baan, Indaing, Bahtoo, Myeik, Pyay, Loikaw,Namsam, Lashio, Kalay, Mongsat, Dawai, Kawthaung, Laukai, Thandaung, Magway, Sittwe, and Hommalin),fourteen field medical battalions, which are attached to various Regional Military Commands throughout thecountry. Each Field Medical Battalion consist of 3 Field Medical Companies with 3 Field Hospital Units and aspecialist team each. Health & Disease Control Unit (HDCU) is responsible for prevention, control & eradication ofdiseases.

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Units Headquarter RMC

Medical Corps Centre Hmawbi Yangon Command

No.(1) Field Medical Battalion Mandalay Central Command

No.(2) Field Medical Battalion Taunggyi Eastern Command

No.(3) Field Medical Battalion Taungoo Southern Command

No.(4) Field Medical Battalion Pathein South Western Command

No.(5) Field Medical Battalion Mawlamyaing South Eastern Command

No.(6) Field Medical Battalion Hmawbi Yangon Command

No.(7) Field Medical Battalion Monywa North Western Command

No.(8) Field Medical Battalion Sittwe Western Command

No.(9) Field Medical Battalion Mohnyin Northern Command

No.(10) Field Medical Battalion Lashio North Eastern Command

No.(11) Field Medical Battalion Bhamo Northern Command

No.(12) Field Medical Battalion Kengtung Triangle Region Command

No.(13) Field Medical Battalion Myeik Costal Region Command

No.(14) Field Medical Battalion Taikkyi Yangon Command

Health and Disease Control Unit Mingaladon Yangon Command

TrainingSee: Military Training in Myanmar

[6] [14] [16]

Defence academies and colleges

Flags Academies Locations

National Defence College - NDC Naypyidaw

Defence Services Command and General Staff College - DSCGSC Kalaw

Defence Services Academy - DSA Pyin U Lwin

Defence Services Technological Academy - DSTA Pyin U Lwin

Defence Services Medical Academy - DSMA Yangon

Defence Services Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Science - DSINP Yangon

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Defence Services Technological College - DSTC Hopong

Training schools

Training Schools Locations Badge

Officer Training School - OTS Fort Ba Htoo

Basic Army Combat Training School Fort Ba Htoo

1st Army Combat Forces School Fort Ba Htoo

2nd Army Combat Forces School Fort Bayinnaung

Artillery Training School Mone Tai

Armour Training School Maing Maw

Electronic Warfare School Pyin U Lwin

Engineer School Pyin U Lwin

Information Warfare School Yangon

Air, Land and Paratroops Training School Hmawbi

Special Forces School Fort Ye Mon

Ranks and insigniaSee: Army ranks and insignia of Myanmar

The various rank of the Myanmar Army are listed below in descending order:[14]

Commissioned officersNote: Senior General (OF-10) and Vice Senior General rank are currently inactive . General is now the highest rankin Myanmar Armed Forces and Lieutenant General in Army, Navy, Air Force, Bureau of Air Defense, Chief of Staff,Adjutant General, Quartermaster General and Bureau of Special Operations.

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Myanmar ArmedForces

Myanmar title ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မှူးကြီး ဒုတိယ ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မှူးကြီး ဗိုလ်ချုပ်ကြီး ဒုတိယ ဗိုလ်ချုပ်ကြီး ဗိုလ်ချုပ် ဗိုလ်မှူးချုပ်

MLC TS Bo Gyoke Hmu Gyi Du Bo Gyoke HmuGyi

Bo Gyoke Kyee Du Bo Gyoke Kyee Bo Gyoke Bo Hmu Gyoke

Abbreviation - ဒုဗခမက ဗခက ဒုဗခက ဗခ ဗမခ

Western Version Senior General Vice Senior General General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General

UK equivalent Field Marshal nil General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier

NATO Code OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6

Myanmar ArmedForces

Myanmar title ဗိုလ်မှူးကြီး ဒုတိယ ဗိုလ်မှူးကြီး ဗိုလ်မှူး ဗိုလ်ကြီး ဗိုလ္ ဒုတိယ ဗိုလ္

MLC TS Bo Hmu Gyi Du Bo Hmu Gyi Bo Hmu Bo Gyi Bo Du Bo

Abbreviation ဗမက ဒုဗမက ဗမ ဗက ဗ ဒုဗ

Western Version Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant

UK equivalent Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant

NATO Code OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1

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Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs)Non-Commissioned Officers are referred to as Saya, meaning Teacher, by both enlisted men and officers. Forexample, Warrant Officers, Regimental Sergeant Majors and Master Sergeant are referred to as Sayagyi, literallymeaning "Old Teacher", Sergeant are referred to as Saya and Corporal/Lance Corporal as Sayalay. These unofficialranks are used throughout the daily life of all branches. Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) within the MyanmarArmed Forces are usually seasoned veteran soldiers. Thus both Officers and enlisted men refer to them as "teacher"out of respect.

Myanmar ArmedForces

Myanmar title အရာခံဗိုလ် ဒုအရာခံဗိုလ် တပ်ခွဲတပ်ကြပ်ကြီး တပ်ကြပ်ကြီး တပ်ကြပ် ဒုတပ်ကြပ်

MLC TS Ayagan Bo Du-Ayagan Bo Tatkhwè Tatkyatkyi Tatkyatkyi Tatkyat Du-Tatkyat

Western Version Warrant Officer Regimental SergeantMajor

Master Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance Corporal

UK equivalent Warrant Officer ClassOne

Warrant Officer ClassTwo

Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance Corporal

Order of battle[14] [16]

• 13 x Regional Military Commands (RMC) organised in 6 Bureau of Special Operations (BSO)• 6 x Regional Operations Commands (ROC)• 20 × Military Operations Commands (MOC) including 1 x Airborne Infantry Division• 10 x Light Infantry Divisions (LID)• 10 x Armoured Operation Commands (AOC) (Each with 6 Tank Battalions and 4 Armoured Infantry Battalions

(IFVs/APCs).)• 10 x Artillery Operation Commands (AOC) (with of 113 Field Artillery Battalions)• 6 x Anti-Aircraft Artillery/Air Defence Division (Each with 3 × Medium Range SAM Battalions, 3 × Short Range

SAM Battalions, 3 × AAA/AD Battalion)• 40+ Military Affair Security Companies (MAS Units replaces former Military Intelligence Units after the

disbandment of the Directorate of Defense Service Intelligence (DDSI))• 45 Advanced Signal Battalions• 54 Field Engineer Battalions• 4 Armoured Engineer Battalions• 14 Medical Battalions

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Equipment[6] [14] [16] [21]

Combat vehicles

Model Type Quantity Origin Notes

T-55 Main battle tank 368[22] [23]  Soviet Union Acquired from India.

Type 59 Main battle tank 160+[24]  China

T-72 Main battle tank 139[25]  Soviet Union Purchased from Ukraine. Other reports claim as few as 14purchased.[22]

Type 69-II[26] Main battle tank 260[22]  China

Type 88 (tank) Main battle tank 230  China

Type 63[26] Light tank 150[26]  China

Comet tank Light Tank 25  UnitedKingdom

WWII Vintage

EE-9 Cascavel Armoured Car 150  Brazil delivered by Israel

Panhard AML90 Armoured Car 50+  France Delivered by Israel

Type 90 AFV Armoured FightingVehicle

55[27]  China

BMP-1 Infantry fightingvehicle

50  Soviet Union brought from china [28]

Type 85 Armoured fightingvehicle

250  China Type 85 AFV#Operators

BTR-3U[29] [30] Armoured personnelcarrier

210 ordered(1,000)

 Ukraine Purchased as kits to be assembled locally until 2013 tocircumvent embargo.

MPV Armoured personnelcarrier

10[22]  India Mine protected armoured personnel carrier.

BAAC-87 APC Armoured personnelcarrier

25  Myanmar

BAAC-83 APC Armoured personnelcarrier

11  Myanmar

BAAC-73 SC Armoured car 20  Myanmar


Armoured car 30  Myanmar

Dingo Scout Car Armoured personnelcarrier

72  UnitedKingdom

WWII vintage

Ferret Scout Car Armoured personnelcarrier

6  UnitedKingdom

WWII vintage

Universal Carrier Armoured personnelcarrier

80  UnitedKingdom

WWII vintage

Humber Pig Armoured personnelcarrier

60  UnitedKingdom

WWII vintage

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Type Origin Quantity Notes

Self-propelled artillery

SH 1[31]  China 150 155mm self-propelled howitzer

Nora B-52[32]  Serbia 30 155 mm self-propelled howitzer

Towed artillery

D-30M  Soviet Union 270 122 mm howitzer

D-20  Soviet Union 35 delivered in 2009 from DPRK.

KH-179  South Korea 100+ 155 mm howitzer

M48 mountain gun  Yugoslavia 100 76 mm mountain gun Issued to the Airborne Division (4 MOC )

M-845P  Israel 16 155 mm howitzer

Soltam M-68  Israel ? 155 mm 33 calibre towed gun howitzer

Soltam M-71  Israel ? 155 mm 39 calibre towed howitzer

Ordnance QF 25pounder

 United Kingdom 50 World War II vintage 87.6 mm howitzer . Primarily used as a trainingweapon

Ordnance QF 75mm

 United Kingdom 80 World War II vintage 122 mm howitzer

BL 5.5 inchMedium Gun

 United Kingdom 230 World War II vintage 140 mm howitzer

Type 59-1  China 160 130 mm field gun

Various 105 mmhowitzers

Various 340+ Types: L118, M101, M56 and others . Most of them are locallymanufactured MH-1 (version of L118 Light Gun)

Multiple rocket launchers

M-1991  Democratic People'sRepublic of Korea

90 240 mm multiple rocket launcher (self-propelled)

Type 90B  China 90 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (self-propelled)

Type 90  China 90 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (self-propelled)

BM-21  Soviet Union 230 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (self-propelled)

BM-27  Soviet Union 35 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher

Type 63  China 48 107 mm multiple rocket launcher (towed)

BA-84  Myanmar 72 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (towed)

Air Defence

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Type Origin Quantity Notes

Missile systems

BAe Dynamics Bloodhound Mk.II[6] [33][34]

 United Kingdom 60 Supplied by Singapore

S-75 Dvina (SA-2 Guideline)  Soviet Union (  Russia)

250 Long-range surface-to-air missile system

S-125 Neva/Pechora (SA-3 Goa)  Soviet Union (  Russia)

26 Long-range surface-to-air missile system

S-200 Angara/Vega/DubnaSA-5 Gammon  Soviet Union (  Russia)

20 Long-range surface-to-air missile system

2K12 Kub (SA-6 Gainful)  Soviet Union (  Russia)

60 Self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile system

9K37 Buk-M1-2 (SA-11 Gadfly)[34]  Soviet Union (  Russia)

60 Self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile system

9K331M Tor-M1 (SA-15 Gauntlet)[34]  Soviet Union (  Russia)

122 Self-propelled, short-range surface-to-air missile system

2K22 Tunguska M-1 (SA-19 Grison)[34]  Soviet Union (  Russia)

70 Self-propelled, short-range surface-to-air gun and missilesystem

9K38 Igla (SA-18 Grouse)  Soviet Union (  Russia)

400 Very short-range portable surface-to-air missile system(MANPADS)

CPMIEC HN5  China 200 Very short-range portable surface-to-air missile system(MANPADS)

Gun systems

Type 56  China 580 14.5 mm heavy machine gun in quadruple mounts

Type-95 (anti-aircraft system) Various anti-aircraft guns 600 37 mm /40 mm /57 mm

ZU-23-2 Type-87 (anti-aircraft system)  Soviet Union 380 Towed 23 mm anti-aircraft twin autocannon

Bofors 40 mm  Sweden unknown 40 mm anti-aircraft autocannon

Support weaponsIn Myanmar Army, Support Weapons are usually issued in Three different levels, for example, 60mm BA-100mortar at Company level, 81mm BA-90 Mortar at battalion level and 120mm MA-6 Mortar at Tactical OperationsCommand (TOC) level.Another example is Rocket and Grenade Launchers. MA-4 Assault Rifle with M-203 40mm Grenade Launcher areissued at Squad level, MA-10 Rocket Launcher, locally manufactured version of RPG-7, are issued at Companylevel and 84mm MA-14 Recoilless Gun, locally manufactured version of Carl Gustav M-2, at battalion level.

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Soldiers from South Western RMC firing 60mm Mortar Soldiers firing 81mm Mortar in front line

Type Origin Quantity Notes


Various mortars Various 2400+ 60 mm (BA 100) / 81 mm (BA-90) / 120 mm (MA-6)

Rocket Launchers and Recoilless Guns

M-18 N/A 57 mm

Type 36  China N/A 57 mm

M-20 Super Bazooka  United States 200 75 mm / 3.5 inch

Type 52 Rocket Launchers  China N/A 75 mm

Type 56 Rocket Laungers  China N/A 75 mm

Type 65  China N/A 82 mm

Type 78  China N/A 82 mm

Carl Gustav M-2  Sweden 1800 84 mm (locally manufactured as MA-14)

M40 recoilless rifle  United States N/A 106 mm

Heavy Machine guns

0.50 Cal. Browning M2HB Heavy Machine Gun  United States N/A 0.5 Calibre

12.7mm NSV Heavy Machine Gun  Russia N/A

12.7mm Type 85 Heavy Machine Gun  China N/A

20mm Hispano Suiza Mk 5 Automatic Cannon  Sweden N/A

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General Purpose Machine Guns/Light Machine Guns (GPMG/LMG)

Myanmar Soldiers firing MG3 GPMG

Myanmar Soldiers firing MA2 LMG

The typical section support weaponbefore 1988 Tatmadaw modernizationprogram was the locally manufactured7.62 mm BA64 Light Machine Gun(LMG). This was essentially the G3assault rifle fitted with heavy barrel,bi-pod and carrying handle. The G4replaced the British 0.30in Bren LMG.Company fire support generallyconsisted of German-designed7.62 mm MG3 General-purposemachine guns (made in Myanmar'sown Ka Pa Sa factories) and theBelgian 7.62 mm FN MAG GPMG.

After modernization program, GeneralPurpose Machine Guns and LightMachine Guns are distributed asfollow: MA-2 5.56mm Light MachineGun for Squad Fire Support, MA- 157.62 mm General Purpose MachineGun, locally manufactured version ofGerman MG3 in Company machinegun platoon and 12.7mm Type 85Heavy Machine Gun or 0.50 Cal.Browning M2HB in battalion heavyweapon company.

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Myanmar Soldiers firing MA4 Assault Rifle

Soldiers from South Western RMC firing MA-10 during training exercise

Type Origin Calibre Notes


 Belgium .30 calibre Supplied by USA through Military Assistance Programme during the 70s

Bren LMG  UnitedKingdom

.303 British World War II vintage, phased out from active units and transferred to Myanmar Police Forcebattalions and People Militia units

Bren L4A4LMG


7.62 x 51 mmNATO

phased out from active units and transferred to Myanmar Police Force battalions and PeopleMilitia units

BA-64  Myanmar 7.62 x 51 mmNATO

Locally manufactured Light Machine Gun version of German G3 equipped with heavy barrel,bi-pod and carrying handle

MA-2  Myanmar 5.56 x 45 mmNATO

Locally manufactured Light Machine Gun version of IMI Galil ARM equipped with heavybarrel, folding bi-pod, carrying handle and wooden hand guard. Standard issued Squad FireSupport

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MA15  Myanmar 7.62 x 51 mmNATO

Locally manufactured German MG3 General Purpose Machine Gun, Standard issuedCompany Fire Support

FN MAG  Belgium 7.62 x 51 mmNATO

Individual weaponsBefore 1988, the standard Myanmar infantry weapon was the 7.62 mm BA-63 Assault Rifle, a locally producedversion of the Heckler & Koch G3. Myanmar also produced a shorter, lighter carbine version of the same rifle underthe designation BA-72, simply known as the G2 and Light machine gun variant, known as BA-64 or G4, equippedwith heavy barrel, folding bipod, and carrying handle. A fourth version of the G3 with integral scope attached,known as the BA-100, was more accurate and reliable, but was primarily used as a sniper's weapon.Many soldiers, mainly officers and NCO, still carried 0.30 caliber M1 and M2 carbines provided by the US in the1950s under the Military Assistance Program (MAP). These world war two vintage carbines are ideal for junglewarfare.From the beginning of 2002, 7.62 mm BA series assault rifles have been gradually replaced by 5.56x45mm NATOMA-series assault rifles in Myanmar Army's front line units, tested earlier as the EMERK-3.[35] MA-series assaultrifles are identical to Israeli GALIL rifle family and fire 5.56x45mm NATO NATO rounds. From the beginning of2011, Myanmar Army start producing so many Heckler & Koch HK33 assault rifles for Myanmar Army's front lineunits, as MA-12.As side-arm, officers used the 9mm SIG Sauer P226 semi-automatic pistol locally manufactured under license asMA-6.

Type Origin Calibre Notes

Assault Rifles

MA-1 Assault rifle  Myanmar 5.56x45mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of IMI Galil Assault Rifle with wooden hand-guard andbutt-stock, standard issue and replaced older BA-62 rifles.

Heckler & KochHK33 Assault rifle

 Myanmar 5.56x45mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of Heckler & Koch HK33 Assault Rifle, standard issue andreplaced older MA series rifles in 2010.

MA-3 AssaultCarbine

 Myanmar 5.56x45mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of IMI Galil SAR Carbine with folding metal stock andshorter barrel (13.1 in) - standard issue carbine for officers and squad/platooncommanders. Replaced M1 and M2 carbines

MA-4 Assault Rifle  Myanmar 5.56x45mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of IMI Galil AR with 40mm M203 Grenade Launcher

MA-11 AssaultRifle

 Myanmar 5.56x45mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of Heckler & Koch G3 chambered for 5.56x45mm NATOrounds with STANAG magazine as part of 5.56x45mm NATO round standardization.Most observers often mistake this as HK33

MA-12 LightMachine Gun

 Myanmar 5.56x45mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of Heckler & Koch G3 chambered for 5.56x45mm NATOrounds with STANAG magazine. This is a Light Machine Gun variant with folding bi-podand carrying handle. Most observers often mistake this as HK33

BA-63 AssaultRifle

 Myanmar 7.62x51mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of HK-G3A2. Replaced by MA series assault rifles in activeunits, transferred to Myanmar Police Force battalions and People Militia units

BA-64 LightMachine Gun

 Myanmar 7.62x51mmNATO

Locally manufactured version Light Machine Gun of HK-G3 equipped with heavy barrel,folding bi-pod and carrying handle. Replaced by MA series assault rifles in active units,transferred to Myanmar Police Force battalions and People Militia units

BA-72 AssaultRifle

 Myanmar 7.62x51mmNATO

Locally manufactured carbine version of HK-G3K with shorter barrel. Replaced by MAseries assault rifles in active units, transferred to Myanmar Police Force battalions andPeople Militia units

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BA-100 AssaultRifle

 Myanmar 7.62x51mmNATO

Locally manufactured version of HK-G3A3ZF, Replaced by MA series assault rifles inactive units, transferred to Myanmar Police Force battalions and People Militia units

Type 81  China 7.62x39mm Captured stock from Ethnic Insurgents and Narco Armies

Type 56  China 7.62x39mm Captured stock from Ethnic Insurgents and Narco Armies


 Russia 5.45x39mm Captured stock from Ethnic Insurgents and Narco Armies

Kalashnikov AKM  Russia 7.62x39mm Captured stock from Ethnic Insurgents and Narco Armies

5.45 mm AKS-74U  Russia 5.45x39mm Captured stock from Ethnic Insurgents and Narco Armies

Sub-machine guns

BA-52  Myanmar 9mm Locally manufactured version of TZ-45 Sub-Machine Gun, famously known as "Ne WinSten", phased out from active front line units and handed over to Myanmar Police Forceand People Militia units.

Heckler & KochMP5

 Myanmar 9mm Locally manufactured version of Heckler & Koch MP5 Sub-Machine Gun.

BA-94 / MA-13  Myanmar 9mm Locally manufactured version of Uzi with wooden hand-guard and butt-stock. Mainlyequipped to Body Guard Units and Special Force units.

Sten / SterlingL2A3



Grenade Launchers

Type 56 RPG /RPG2

 China 82mm WarHead

Type 69 RPG /RPG7

 China 85mm WarHead

locally manufactured as MA-10

GP-25  Russia 40mm Captured stock from Ethnic Insurgents and Narco Armies

M79  UnitedStates


M203  UnitedStates

40mm Unlicensed local manufactured version for MA series assault rifles.

Side Arm

SIG Sauer P226  Myanmar 9mm Locally manufactured version of 9mm SIG Sauer P226 pistol. Start using from 2011.Locally named as MA-6.

TransportBefore 1988, Myanmar Army had less than 2,000 military trucks in their inventory, bulk of them are locallyassembled 6 ton 4x2 Hino TE 11/21 trucks, and they had to rely on civil transport systems. After the 1988 militarycoup, with the starting of the defence modernization programme, Myanmar started to acquire hundreds of logisticvehicle mainly from China. In 1992, Myanmar Army bought 4,000 6 ton 4x2 FAW and Dongfeng EQ1093 [36]

trucks form China and delivery completed in 1995. However due to maintenance problems with the earlier TE 11and 21, Myanmar Army again signed contract with China to buy 4,000 Jiefang CA1091 [37] 4x2 5 ton trucks.

Again in 1997, Myanmar Army acquired 1,000 Dongfeng EQ2102 [38] 3.5 tonne 6X6 military utility trucks and 200 Shaanqi SX 2190 [39] 6X6 military utility trucks for newly formed artillery units for towing guns. However during border clashes with neighbouring Thailand in 2002, Myanmar Army found difficulties with the existing 4x2 military trucks and then they acquired 3,000 Dongfeng EQ2102 3.5 tonne 6X6 military utility trucks. These trucks were delivered at China-Myanmar border town of Shwe Li between 2003 and 2006. In 2007 November, China has agreed

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to supply another 1,500 EQ2102 3.5 tonne 6x6 military utility trucks to Myanmar Military. As part of that agreementMyanmar has taken delivery of first batch of 350 EQ 2102 trucks in 2008 April and 650 trucks are to deliver in June.Myanmar ordinance factories started assembling Chinese Aeolus 4x2 6 tonne military utility trucks in 1997.Myanmar Army is now believed to be operating more than 6,000 Aeolus trucks.

Unarmored vehicles

Type Origin Quantity Notes


Hino Motors TE 11/21 [31] 1,000 Now being phased out

Jiefang Motors EQ1093 truck[32]  China 4,000 4x2 5ton trucks

Jiefang Motors EQ1091 truck  China 4,000 4x2 5ton trucks

Aeolus  Myanmar 6,000 4x2 5 ton trucks

Jiefang Motors EQ2102  China 6,000 6x6 3.5 ton truck

Shaanqi Motors SX 2190  China 200 6x6 3.5 ton trucks

FSC Star 266  Poland 6x6 6 ton

FAW CA6110  China 6x6 6ton


Toyota Land Cruiser issued for Generals officers (OF-6 and above)

Toyota Tiger Double Cub issued for colonels (OF-4 and OF-5)

grand tiger 3,000 Used by Infantry Regiment for their front line logistic

Isuzu Trooper 2,000 Used by LIDs for their front line logistic

Jiefang Motors Langian Urban utility vehicles (non-combative)

Chin Dwin Star High Mobility Vehicle (locally reverse engineered AMC Hummer)

References[1] The Asian Conventional Military Balance 2006 (http:/ / csis. org/ files/ media/ csis/ pubs/ 060626_asia_balance_south. pdf), Center for

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• http:/ / www. strategypage. com/ htmw/ htada/ articles/ 20081229. aspx?comments=Y• http:/ / www. enotes. com/ topic/ Myanmar_Armed_Forces

External links• Role of officers in Burmese Army (Part 1) (http:/ / www. mizzima. com/ edop/ commentary/

3424-role-of-officers-in-burmese-army-part-1. html) Bo Htet Min, Mizzima, 23 January 2010

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Article Sources and Contributors 32

Article Sources and ContributorsMyanmar Army  Source:  Contributors: Aldis90, AndrewHowse, Axeman89, Ben Ben, Boing! said Zebedee, Buckshot06, Canuck-qw,Chaoborus, Chris the speller, Closedmouth, D6, DavidDCM, Dekimasu, DocWatson42, Ekyaw, Epbr123, Essentialae, Eternal Prince of Persia, Feydey, Flubeca, Friend of the Facts, Fry,GagHalfrunt, GoingBatty, GraemeLeggett, Haus, Hibernian, Hintha, Hornandsoccer, Hybernator, Iohannes Animosus, J Milburn, J.smith, John of Reading, Johnuniq, Jonathon A H, Katieh5584,Kaungzawtun, Kermanshahi, Khutdown, Kingisland474, Koavf, Kudawthanhlaing, Kwantonge, Lateg, Lazauk, Ldnjack1965, Leyo, LilHelpa, LionFlyer, Losgann, Malcolmxl5, Mandarax,Maphisto86, Marcus Qwertyus, Materialscientist, Milesli, Naingminsoe, Nick Number, Night of the Big Wind, Nixeagle, NortyNort, Nsaa, Okkar, Ominae, PhnomPencil, Piano non troppo,Producercunningham, ReyBrujo, Rjwilmsi, Robina Fox, Samnoon, Schmloof, SchuminWeb, Sector001, Senioroo, Sheepcentral, Sherool, SimonBillenness, SlackerMom, Sunquanliangxiuhao,Tatrgel, Tawoo, Thaurisil, The Son of Man, Topbanana, Ujustu4u, Victor12, Wagaung, Welsh, Woody, Woohookitty, Yemal, Zedlander, Zin mar thet, Zinminnnaungnaung, 461 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and ContributorsFile:MM-Armyflag.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarFile:Myanmar Army personnel at Naypyidaw reception.jpg  Source:  License:Creative Commons Attribution 2.0  Contributors: FlickreviewR, HinthaImage:Mm-battalion.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-lid-101.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: ThaurisilImage:MM MOD New.svg  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: XLerateImage:mm-rmc-map.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarFile:Myanmar Northern Command emblem.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:Myanmar_Northern_Command_emblem.jpg: Okkar at en.wikipedia derivative work: Mifter at en.wikipediaImage:mm-northeastern-rmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Koavf, OkkarImage:mm-eastern-rmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage,OkkarImage:mm-rmc-3.png  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-southern-rmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-swrmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-western-rmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-sagaing-rmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage,OkkarImage:Mm-yangon-rmc.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike  Contributors: It Is Me HereImage:mm-coastal-rmc.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike  Contributors: ZedlanderImage:mm-triangle-rmc.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike  Contributors: It Is Me HereImage:mm-central-rmc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-army-4.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Michael MulqueenImage:mm-roc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-lidmoc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-lid-11.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage, OkkarImage:mm-lid-22.jpg  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage, Okkar,ThaurisilImage:mm-lid-33.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-lid-44.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage, OkkarImage:mm-lid-55.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage, OkkarImage:mm-lid-66.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-lid-77.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-lid-88.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-lid-99.jpg  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: Fry1989, Hintha, Koavf,MithrandirMage, OkkarImage:mm-lid-101.jpg  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: Hintha, MithrandirMage, Okkar,ThaurisilImage:mm-artillery-flag.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Koavf, Okkar, 1anonymous editsImage:Mm-aoc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:mm-armour2.jpg  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: Koavf, OkkarImage:Mm-armour-flag.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: ThaurisilImage:Mm-aroc.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: User:OkkarImage:Mm-signal.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-armymedical.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons 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Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 33

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Myanmar.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: *drew, AnonMoos, CommonsDelinker,Duduziq, Fry1989, Gunkarta, Homo lupus, Idh0854, Josegeographic, Klemen Kocjancic, Legnaw, Mason Decker, Mattes, Neq00, Nightstallion, Pixeltoo, Rfc1394, Rodejong, SeNeKa, Stevanb,ThomasPusch, UnreifeKirsche, Vividuppers, WikipediaMaster, Xiengyod, Zscout370, 白布飘扬, 9 anonymous editsFile:Flag of Serbia.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: sodipodi.comFile:Flag of South Korea.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: VariousFile:Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Flag designed by ĐorđeAndrejević-KunSVG: Zscout370 at en.wikipediaFile:Flag of Israel.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnonMoos, Bastique, Bobika, Brown spite, CaptainZizi, Cerveaugenie, Drork, Etams, Fred J, Fry1989, Geagea, Himasaram, Homo lupus, Humus sapiens, Klemen Kocjancic, Kookaburra, Luispihormiguero, Madden, Neq00, NielsF, Nightstallion,Oren neu dag, Patstuart, PeeJay2K3, Pumbaa80, Ramiy, Reisio, Rodejong, SKopp, Sceptic, SomeDudeWithAUserName, Technion, Typhix, Valentinian, Yellow up, Zscout370, 31 anonymouseditsFile:Flag of North Korea.svg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Zscout370File:Flag of Russia.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnomieFile:Flag of Sweden.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnomieImage:Mm-51mmfiring.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-82mmfiring.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarFile:Flag of the United States.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnomieImage:Mm-mg3firing.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-ma2firing.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-ma4firing.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarImage:Mm-rpg7firing.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  Contributors: OkkarFile:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Bean49, David Descamps,Dbenbenn, Denelson83, Evanc0912, Fry1989, Gabriel trzy, Howcome, Ms2ger, Nightstallion, Oreo Priest, Rocket000, Rodejong, Sir Iain, ThomasPusch, Warddr, Zscout370, 4 anonymous editsFile:Flag of Japan.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnomieFile:Flag of Poland.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anomie, Mifter

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