
Meal plan guidance and program details “My Secrets to a strong elegant body” Hi, thankyou for your interest in doing a body transformation program. Here’s your free guide and program details as promised. If you feel ready to take the next steps, I would love to invite you to have a chat to see if you are a good fit for this 12 week program. Can I invite you to book in here? Zoe Xx Secrets to a strong elegant body | 0

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Meal plan guidance and program details

“My Secrets to a strong elegant body”

Hi, thankyou for your interest in doing a body transformation program. Here’s your free guide and program details as promised. If you feel ready to take the next steps, I would love to invite you to have

a chat to see if you are a good fit for this 12 week program.

Can I invite you to book in here?

Zoe Xx

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 0


❖ Quick intro

❖ Goal setting

❖ Key mistakes dieters might make

❖ Lifestyle guidelines

❖ 7 days meal plan

❖ Food diary sample

❖ Meal preparation

❖ Shopping list

❖ Frequently asked questions

❖ Program details

❖ What to expect from my body transformation program

❖ Testimonials

❖ Next steps

...A taster of some of my best secrets

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 1

Quick Intro

This method is devised by Body Transformation Coach Zoe Wong. This

meal plan guidance is designed for women in category 2 and 3 of body fat

up between 25-40% who are looking to lose 14-28 lbs / 1-2 stones or drop 2

dress sizes in 12 weeks. This signature program is focused around getting a

stronger and more elegant body.

These easy to follow guidelines can help you find your consistent rhythm

to exercise, stay disciplined in your eating, release weight, get stronger

without getting bulky, and be more flexible. Best of all it helps you enjoy

the process along the way and embrace exciting challenges. I can’t give

you all my fat loss secrets in one day but over 12 weeks I sure could.

This particular blueprint is not suitable for category 1 professional athletes

or bodybuilders. Technical sports plans for body fat <20% are handled

separately by Wing.

Medical clearance may be required before making dramatic lifestyle


The Strong Elegant Body uses Tai Chi balanced principles to help women

achieve their goals. It is not necessary to know Tai Chi to benefit from

using this meal plan or the full program.

PS. It don’t have to be complicated to follow!

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Goal Setting Aesthetic goals might be to lose a number of stones or inches off your waist. You might desire a flatter stomach or visible abs. Maybe you might be aiming to track yourself in dress sizes or by body fat %. Feel confident by the pool or in a wedding dress. Look strong and elegant for a family photoshoot or age milestone. It could be to feel and look your best for a special family event or seasonal party.

Fitness goals might be to exercise 1-6x a week, to prepare to run a marathon, mountain hiking, win a competition on Sports day, enter a fitness or modeling competition, participate in extreme sports or charity events, perform strength feats like push ups or pull ups or flexibility feats like the splits and backbends.

Lifestyle goals might be to meditate daily, to learn Tai Chi or to practice mindfulness to feel complete. Or to take up exercise and healthy eating to help stop smoking or reduce overeating or drinking. A common issue for type A women is to rely on balancing their body with sugar, caffeine or alcohol to relax.

Many women have seen dramatic changes in their health, their weight and their body shape following this program. Follow it as outlined and it will work for you too.

If your weightloss goal is substantially larger than what can be achieved in 12 weeks, a longer term annual plan may be more suitable.

Whatever your goal, by following these principles will directly help you feel:

Motivated. Confident and in Control

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Key Mistakes Dieters Might Make

Every individual has their own challenges but here are the top three I see the most.

1. Poor food choices causing overeating 2. Starving themselves but still have belly fat 3. They give up when stressed out

Some ‘secret’ science

Ever wondered why you lose weight but still have the same amount of belly fat?

The majority of women who carry extra abdominal fat are on a low protein and high-glycemic index diet. Most women assume that extra calories are to blame but that is only part of the truth. Even slim ladies with low muscle mass can struggle to shift stubborn fat around the midsection.

Keep reading to find out more...

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 4

1. Poor food choices causes overeating

So why can fitter people eat more and still stay slim? Is the key in their genes, more activity, diets...or epigenetics? Partly. But it’s mostly down to the type of food they are eating and how that food gets used in the body. The key role that exercise plays is that it changes the way the body uses food.

For the sake of simplicity and contrast let us look at the bodies of non-athletes and athletes. A natural athletes body like a ballerina is more muscular and carries less fat. What’s interesting is they process the same food differently to non-athletes.

Now it’s not necessary to do a Natalie Portman from Black Swan and train 8 hours a day 6 days a week to lose belly fat. But optimising your hormones, keeping a routine, changing your diet and adding in certain types of exercise can definitely get you there.

If you are towards the non-athlete spectrum and eat excessive carbs your body will handle the extra calories differently, preferring to shuttle the

majority into fat cells. If a fitter person eats the same meal those extra calories have much larger facilities to be stored in the muscle and liver as

glycogen and less inclined to store fat.

Inactive woman or on sedentary days it’s a good idea to eat more legumes, lentils and pulses over highly refined carbohydrates to avoid building up fat deposits. Legumes, lentils and pulses have several distinctive advantages, they have high fibre, which will feed our gut bacteria and higher protein than rice, potatoes and pasta. Also for mother earth they increase nitrogen into nutrient depleted soil with the help of Rhizobium bacterias and distribute minerals. So win win!

Ps. Quality not quantity!

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2. Starving themselves but still have belly fat

Most women have a bad experience with diets. On average a woman spends 6 years and 2 months of her life on some sort of limiting diet that lasts 4 weeks and 3 days before they quit and go back to their previous habits. Link . That’s around 72 times she tries to lose weight in different ways. But just dieting without exercise is the equivalent to self-inflicted starvation. It is possible to discipline the body from enjoying and ignoring the seeking food behaviours but it interferes with the production of adrenaline. Adrenaline makes muscle tissue insulin resistant in the short term which preserves them in the long term. Without this process happening the muscles are prone to wasting away as opposed to the fat cells. What this results in is women with a rail thin body but still with soft poochy belly fat. She then starves herself more but loses more muscle instead of fat. It’s no mystery to why these women drive themselves crazy trying to lose fat but end up messing up their menstrual cycle and still have a belly.

Nourished not starved

3. They give up when stressed out

Stress is definitely the enemy of fat burning and repair. And Chronically high cortisol levels from over exercising or dieting too much reinforces a fat storage loop that is difficult to break free from. With temptation on every corner and an endless parade of food under our noses, resisting that temptation is a stressor. Ideally schedule in daily quiet downtime to unwind and relax without alcohol or any distractions. This can be with meditation, Tai Chi or deep stretching at the end of your workout. If this is a key area that’s holding you back from losing weight then a more bespoke plan around your daily activities can be made to lower your stress levels.

Stress makes you hold onto fat

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Lifestyle Guidelines

Portions: A calorie base to start with might be 30/40/30 protein carbs and fat, these can be adjusted to suit your requirements. If you want more clarity on how much your body needs then we can do the calories calculations based on your body composition, activity levels and goal.

Timing: To burn fat and not muscle the right timing and combination of exercise with the right diet needs to coincide. I can’t give away all my secrets for free but the right plan for the right woman is the ticket to success here.

Transformation: You will need to seriously clean up your diet to burn fat.

Alcohol: I would suggest that to get the best results you don’t drink any alcohol through the 12 weeks. It’s not a long-time to abstain and most people’s bodies would love the rest. However, if that’s not where you are at, let’s limit it to 4 units a week, maximum 2 shots in a day (of neat spirits, no mixers)

Sleep: Sleep is vital for recovery and reducing stress in the body. It really is that important and you burn fat sleeping. Aim for 8-12 quality hours, if that’s not possible aim to increase what you have daily now by half an hour a night each week.

Supplements: Fish oil and cinnamon are great for balancing blood sugar and lowering inflammation stress. Take vitamin and probiotic supplements to cover any deficiencies and magnesium oil in a bath can help lower stress levels.

Stress: If work or life is draining your energy try writing a gratitude journal, think of 5-10 things that you feel grateful for in the last 24 hours, Do NOT starve yourself and then binge on junk food. Exercise rigorously but don’t over-train to exhaustion and injury. And lastly spend more time and have fun with friends and family because they are important.

Invest in coaching with a expert only if you can commit to making 2-3 changes a week to your diet and exercise. Do you think your body would look different if you changed 24-36 things over 12 weeks?

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7 day Diet Plan Guidelines

Protein Breakfast: Here are 4 high protein meals that you will rotate in any order as you need more or less carbs and fats during the week.

o Option 1

o Option 2

o Option 3

o Option 4

Carbohydrate Lunch: Here you can afford to have more low glycemic index carbs. Eat as much as you need to sustain mental performance for 6 hours between lunch and dinner. Warning: More carbs will slow down fat burning in the day.

o Option 1

o Option 2

o Option 3

o Option 4

Fat Dinner: This last meal should be consumed at least 5 hours before sleeping or 6pm. It can contain a few tsps of fats like butter and oils to help settle your nerves and sleep.

o Option 1

o Option 2

o Option 3

o Option 4

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Deserts: You are allowed desert if you’re still craving carbs or need something extra straight after lunch or dinner. Resist the urge to have these or any snacks between main meals.

o Option 1

o Option 2

o Option 3

o Option 4

Handbag lifesavers: For just incase there's nothing nutritious on the menu or in the house. In such emergencies having high protein will help blunt uncontrollable hunger cravings.

o Option 1

o Option 2

o Option 3

o Option 4

Quality: Go for organic meats and vegetables where possible. Avoid the temptation to buy cheaper food on special offers that’s not on the list. For more tips on dropping fat, I can help you stop sugar and fatty food binging.

Notes: If you follow my guidelines you will find your appetite blunted and completely suppressed after breakfast up to 8 hours. I’ve had clients report that they have none of their usual energy dips or cravings for high calorie snacks in the day. This is because the high protein content keeps them feeling full for a lot longer and it’s difficult to eat enough protein without the convenience. To put it in perspective you would need to eat 8-16 large egg whites to get the same 25-50g of protein. For more info on calories, macros and complimenting exercises are given on the program.

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Rules To Burn Abdominal Fat

Full details available on the 12 week program Nutrition

❏ Low….

❏ High ….

❏ Stop….

❏ Start….

❏ Put off ….

❏ No ….

❏ No ….

❏ Lots of ….

❏ Decrease….

❏ Increase ….


❏ Higher ….

❏ Depletion of ….

❏ …. training

❏ Slow….

❏ Lifestyle

❏ Limit….

❏ Manage….

The better you get at following these rules the better you will burn belly fat!!

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Food Diary sample

A very useful tool is to track your food with a personal diary. It will show you clearly what you ate, where you’re doing well and where you might be going off track. Here’s a typical example of what it might look like if you follow my guidelines. Attached is a blank resource for you to fill out. A good clean diet doesn’t need to be massively diversified as you might think to get all the nutrients your body needs.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dessert/ Lifesavers

Day 1 ... ... ... ...

Day 2 ... ... ... ...

Day 3 ... ... ... ...

Fat loss diets can be tasty!

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 11

Meal Preparation

Time: ... Equipment: ... Cooking: ... Eat up: ... Tips: Be open minded about burning fat & keep it as your main focus until you can automate it.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, it just has to work

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 12

Shopping List

Full details, and 121 coaching available on the 12 week program

Let food be thy medicine...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a high protein diet for fat loss?

Yes. My nutrition guidelines have been carefully put together to get maximal results in the simplest way possible. You can expect to lose 1-2 pounds of fat a week or 14-28 over 12 weeks.

I have a busy lifestyle is this program right for me?

Yes. This program was designed to help busy women quickly and easily exercise up to x6 a week around current commitments.

Can you help me stick to these guidelines?

Yes. We know it’s simple but not always easy to follow healthy guidelines which is why we offer coaching to keep you motivated and on track.

What is included in the program?

My signature program is 12 weeks of focused coaching for your fat loss goals. You get full access to all resources that can help speed up your results in the safest way possible. Full resources list attached below.

How much fat can lose in 12 weeks?

If you are good at following the fat burning rules and the calorie allowance we agree upon then you can expect to lose 2-4 inches from your waist or 2 dress sizes. You need a deficit of 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat.

Dress Size XS S S/M M M/L L L/XL XL XL/XXL

Waist 25" 26" 27" 28" 29 1/2" 31" 33" 35" 36 1/2"

How much does it cost?

We have a yearly or 12 week option. Both of which can be done with in person sessions (+) or online. If you’re interested to get started then I’d advise you to schedule in a time with me to see which program you are a fit for and what would suit you best. I accept one off payments or in 3 installments.

Book in to chat about what program would suit you best here:

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 14

Exclusive Signature Programs

Services Yearly Member +

Online Yearly Member

12 week pass + Online 12 week pass

Traditional PT

Goal setting consultation

• • • •

10,000 foot overview plan

• • • •

FB group coaching

• • • •

Online 121 coaching

• • • •

Food log • • • • Monthly Fitness tests

• • • •

Habit tracker • • • • Nutrition plan • • • • Exercise plan • • • • Supplement plan • • • • Lifestyle body hacks

• • • •

CBT relapse prevention

• • • •

1 year aftercare • • • • Tai Chi classes • • Personal Training

• • •

Technique feedback

• • • • •

Motivational support

• • • • •

Accountability • • • • • Nutrition consultations

• • • •

Sports Massage • • Video library • • • • Body composition tests

• • • •

Extra training • • • • VIP day + Lunch • • Bespoke plans • • Seminars • • • • Dream guy wishlist

• • • •

Dream body wishlist

• • • •

48 hour cool off • • • •

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 15

What to Expect from my Body Transformation?

We will be moving fast to get rapid fat loss results. You will need to do a few basic essentials and everything else is recommended to speed up results. Phase 1: Preparation and awareness stage (weeks 1-2) Diet - Exercise - Lifestyle -

Phase 2: Core of activity build up (weeks 3-8) Diet - Exercise - Lifestyle - Phase 3: Maintenance and deload - mark in calendar 9 wks (weeks 9-12) Diet- Exercise - Lifestyle -

Each week is progressively built up on the week before. To get the best out of the 12 weeks a series of small wins in exercise, diet and lifestyle changes is built up to provide the new foundation and habit changes.

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Testimonials Signature program client - K. Mackay "Zoe hooked me up with a really

good plan that works. When you're really heavy it's scary to fail and to try it's scary because people are looking at you. Now my day just looks really different. I get up in the morning and have energy. I do a really short workout in the morning cause Zoe is really nice lol. It's a short but high intensity. I don't need coffee or tea or biscuits to feel meals are already planned something always nice and healthy it doesn't JUST have to be salad. You don't have to feel sad in the weight loss program...she does a plan that works for you because for me doing something like Insanity would not of worked for me at all. She tailors it according to what you can do and been very supportive. I'm not at the end of my journey but that's something we now talk about, looking at the individual steps needed everyday to get to the end."

Fitness professional - S. Chan “I am a martial arts instructor of 40 years

standing, with international medals and students who have themselves won national championships in 7 countries. Zoe performed the best deep tissue massage on me I have ever had.

Personal friend of 15 years - K. Overland “Zoe is a kind-hearted, caring, creative and passionate individual who always puts the needs of others before her own.”

N.Pascal “I truly felt special. A true master of the craft”

I have personally transformed my body and you can too! 1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,

Secrets to a strong elegant body | 17

Next Steps

I hope this guide is helpful to bringing you closer to reaching your fitness goals. You can help us grow by sharing the word or just get started on your very own body transformation.

Book in for a chat

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