mysterious moon

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  • 8/3/2019 Mysterious Moon


    James L BradleyKanook

    January 2012The fuss over our nearest neighbor, is it what our scholars say it is?

    Being the scientific newshound that I am I noticed the other day that NASA had successfully

    place two identical spacecraft, at a cost of $496 million, in a polar orbit around the moon. These

    two craft will began a program of measuring with precision the gravity signature of our

    mysterious night search light. In measuring the gravitational field, from a 34-mile orbit, it is

    believed that once-and-for-all they will solve or put aside some pretty wild theories bouncing

    about with respect to the moons inner core.

    There have been over 100 missions to the moon, including six manned landings, although

    Maria Zuber of JPL states that we know more about Mars than that bright beacon in our night

    sky. Some of the questions that will be answered, so they hope, is to determine the exact natureof its core and how it formed, along with, if it did, how did the interior convection take place,

    why are the impact basins on the near-side flooded with magma, and reveal why the man-in-the-

    moon shape in not evident on the moons backside.

    I would imagine that ever since man began his trek across our planet that on clear, crisp nights

    without the light-pollution we have in some parts of our Blue Marble today, he must have sat a

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    distance away from the campfire and stared at that shining globe that orbits Earth at its closest

    distance of 226,000 miles (Perigee) and its longest 405,410 miles (Apogee). As he sat there

    wondering about this bright object pot marked with craters, he became one of the first humans to

    contemplate his beginnings. This shining object which is roughly the size of the United States

    having a equatorial radius of 1,080 miles and a polar radius of 1,079 miles remains today one of

    the biggest mysterious facing man of all times.

    Personally as a young man, growing up in Southeast Alaska, I have peered up at the moon in

    the dark of the unpolluted night sky and gazed, with a pair of my grandfathers binoculars, with

    wonder at the holes in its surface, and as everyone knows today (due to our space explorations)

    the side of the object that doesnt face us is NOT as pot marked with craters as the visible side.

    Today as I look about I see that our Age of Science is made of boatload of different mentalities,

    whereas there are at least five issues that are debated with vigor, those interestingly enough who

    doubt the assertions of some, refuse to practice their own scientific methods in their doubt. It is

    safe to state the most of these mainstream scholars/scientists share fundamental beliefs on these

    five issues and yet do not follow common scientific methods in proving their belief. Along

    with this it is also safe to say that a great bulk of our science, when it comes to time, is based on

    legends and myths albeit you would be hard pressed to find one in the scientific community to

    admit this simple fact.

    The complexity/confusion of it all

    Coupled with this scholarly science are the two flips of a coin, and the other simple fact that

    most scientists cannot come to terms when it come to the ambiguity of Nature. Our historical

    record of nature is dim, irregular whereas it requires many assumptions, this opens all to

    interpretation and the debating scholars only as arbitrators in a case far off in our past. There are

    times when they refuse to arbitrate, albeit when one drags out his carbon-14 test results some will

    crow and dance over the data, while others will claim that the test wasnt fair, or constant, thereby

    making the data invalid, consequently a controversy blooms. This holds especially true when

    science (Bodes Law) tells us that the planets must occupy their present order and their present

    intervals from each other, but wait another scientist will step to the floor with a formula that will

    express a different order equally well and precise, claiming that the empirical theory behind the

    order is lopsided (it sort of falls apart when we reach Neptune). And consider the theory behind

    the stated facts and age of continental drift, whereas we measure the direction of magnetic

    material and its reversal found in rocks, mostly from the ocean bottom, now another mainstream

    science again holds the floor telling us that the magnetic bands could be much younger, and

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    therefore the measured reversals more frequent, this is if the ocean bottom were being expanded

    and paved more quickly.

    Albeit the arguments persist and more than likely will until we can pull a clear and direct reply

    from nature, which I feel will be an infinite amount of time into our future. In this, we will

    continue to read and digest data about the killers of time in our past, such as the estimated 2000

    destructive tsunamis that have struck our continental coasts since our present era started, it is

    believed that in 766 and 687 BC the number 2000 would have been exceeded by the close

    passage of Mars, or by or enhanced by a meteoritic fall (numerous large stones), whereas our

    ancients talk of the terrible ones and the Maruts, as the burst of meteoroids and thunderbolts

    from Mars and there is the number of Hindu prayers imploring them to be far from us and far

    the stone which you hurl.

    The Moons Shadows

    Questions that remain on the Moon that are unanswered today include, where did it come from?

    Why are there so many craters? What are these structures that have been lately observed? The

    academic theory today is that it was part of the Earth (broke off from a region like the Pacific), in

    my unscientific mind I find this sort of difficult to swallow since the Moon is spherical shaped

    and not as if it was a huge rock that spun away from earth after a huge cosmic collision, yet our

    experts tell us that it became spherical over time as it rotated around mother Earth due to

    gravitational pull from Earth and other planets and the pull of the sunmaybe!

    Doctor Harold Clayton Urey, American chemist tells us moon rock has been shown to contain

    xenon isotopes of plutonium -244 which are not found on earth which indicates that the Moon is

    much older. Which would leave the capture theory as the most likely and un-acceptable, but

    despite this evidence, most scientists feel the capture theory is un-likely.

    Two Russian scientists, in July 1970 published an article in the Soviet journal Sputnik titled,

    Is the moon a creation of alien intelligence where Mijail Vasin and Alexander Sherbavok

    proposed that the Moon is not a completely natural world but a planetoid, hollowed out eons ago

    in the far reaches of space. In this theory (now labeled a conspiracy theory by modern scholars,

    how convenient) huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities, discarding the

    molten refuse onto the surface. They then constructed a protective inner shell and reconstructed

    the outer shell of metallic rocky junk whereas over time they guided this massive satellite

    through the cosmos finally parking in orbit over our Blue Marble.

    In looking back over our ancient societies we find were Aristotle wrote of people who lived

    in Arcadia, a mountainous region of Central Greece, long before the settlement of the Greeks that

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    lived there in his time. Translation of the word Prosclene means before the moon. In Tibetan

    text are found stories of a people on a lost continent called Gondwana, who were a civilized

    society before the moon shown in the night sky and Bolivian symbols have been interpreted by

    R. Allen and Professor Schindler-Bellamy of the Calendar of Tishuanacu showing that a satellite

    came into orbit around Earth around 9,500 BC to 12,000 BC.

    There is no doubt in anyones mind that the Moon plays a big part in the changing of tides, or

    lights up the night sky, and there are many of us that believe it effects our moods, but is it

    possible that somewhere in our distant past there could have been a society that fled the nightly

    satellite and migrated from the spinning cloud that covered Blue Marble. I dont fall in line

    easily with this theory but yet being who am I to often wonder hence this gathering of data

    both pro and con with the concept.

    Why is it I find it so hard to accept some compressed ideas of our existence, I suppose like

    many in our society my mind seeks and searches for its own hole, where it does not want to be

    part of the infinite interconnected web of reality. It finds it easier to isolate my existence from all

    other persons, where it observes and studies the small part from the large, in doing so it stretches

    out time endlessly so that I believe that things do not happen together. We find this to be true in

    all walks of our life, things or events like politics, science, the press, and the man-standing on the

    corners of the streets of our world whereas we hear and see we are spared the fate of the

    whole. What happened once happened to others. They are not us! We are spared. What is

    happening elsewhere in not happening to us, once again we are spared. What will happen to the

    future is again not us spared again. So it goes on and on, it cant be but a dream as we watch

    this and learn about the world around us recall the words of Einstein when he wrote to

    Velikovsky, Holy St Florian, spare thee my house. Set fire to the others!

    Traveling afar

    Over the past decades as we have advanced in our nearby space exploration where there have

    been some high-definition snapshots taken of the Moon and Mars, just as there have been some

    unexplained snaps that showed something similar to non-natural structures on both why these

    are evident and where they came from cram the Internet one could spend a lifetime just

    examining the pictures and still come away empty. Some people claim the structures appear to be

    building (some very large), ships, cities, canals and other objects that exist in craters which means

    they must have been constructed after whatever created all those holes in its surface.

    As for the Moon just being another satellite orbiting Earth as being alien constructed, I

    withhold by opinion, as I am not in a position to state otherwise it is safe to state that the idea

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    might not be as farfetched as one can imagine I hope the new orbiting satellites can clear up the

    mystery that has so many minds twisted around the mystery of our sister moon.

    Some researchers claim government cover-up, while some ask what would be the benefit of any

    government burying the information they do have on the Moon. It would seem, in my opinion,

    that if the likes of NASA, in lets say Russia had information of the Moon being an artificial

    hollow object that they would have published the information in respected journals and let the

    sometime rabid press do the rest. Not so, we find somegrin creatingscientific accounts spread

    across the web that make the hollow Moon theory legitimate, spending six years being educated

    in expensive universities, some scientists up-chuck their dinners. Granted the information we do

    have, that is released (after all they are government programs) is at time vague and cluttered with

    enough numbers that the man in the street cannot make heads or tails of the actual find, albeit the

    conclusions reached by some of these web site scientists are pretty weird.

    There are few things that are obvious that some of us know and understand whereas even

    academia states that the Moon is in a wrong orbit for its size, but then again this statement is

    based on its assumed density, whereas technical documents claim it has a density of 3.3

    compared to the density of planet Earth at 5.5. Astronomy data so far indicates that the Moons

    interior is less dense than its exterior (leading a galloping herd of writers to speculate that it is

    really hollow, - back to the two Russians and their theory) and let us not forget the statement

    made by the now departed supreme atheist Carl Sagan who remarked, A natural satellite cannot

    be a hollow object, thereby establishing a Carl Sagan fact that if it is hollow it is not natural,

    therefore artificial. What a guy!

    If you have the opportunity, and are a bit on the stupid side, stand in the center of a huge bell

    and have someone smack the outside of the bell with a 10 pound sledge hammer I can guarantee

    you that besides you head ringing for hours the shell of the bell will ring/vibrate for a sustained

    time. When the first Apollo crew left the Moon on November 20th, 1969 the seismic equipment

    left on the Moons surface registered a continuous reverberation for more than an hour after the

    release of the lunar module the same was noted when the Apollo 13s 3 rd stage was released

    causing the Moon to ring for over 3-hours so there you have it the Moon is one huge bell.

    Once again think about Vasin and Shcherbokov, the theorists from Russia.It is said that when Apollo 8 moved into orbit around the Moon, its occupants spotted a colossal

    extraterrestrial object, which had disappeared on the next orbit if there were any photographs

    taken they were not released to the public, which leads us back into the government cover-up!

    Additional cover-up is put-upon the information that when a lunar excursion module was down to

    4-5 miles from the Moons surface the astronauts witnessed a UFO suddenly rise from a crater

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    and shoot off into the darkness of space. And in 1969 when Buzz Aldrin was checking the lunar

    surface from orbit, he witnesses two UFOs approaching his position, they hovered nearby, as he

    watched them join together no word on what they did after that! And it was the guys in Apollo

    11 that saw a fleet of UFOs lined up in a crater, whereas it is said that almost every Moon mission

    involved encounters with UFOs or UFO sightings, not to mention the discovery of Moon bases

    on its surface, whereas in one reference Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore is credited with

    having discovered over 100 dome-like buildings a reference I have not been able to confirm

    from other sources in this I find it suspect. As I reflect back on most of the Apollo mission

    reports, government cover-up, maybe but I sort of doubt it the news would be a little big to bury

    in some government archive, but who knows weve been lied to before.

    Not so mysterious is the fact that the Moons orbit is gradually getting larger, I say gradually as

    the increase has been measured around 1.5 inches per year, its orbit today has a average radius of

    238,601 miles not a real fast expansion. While this interaction is taking place because of the

    tidal action on mother Earth in fact in about 100 years the Earths rotation will have slowed

    down by approximately 2-millisecs in other words you wont have to reset your Rolex anytime

    soon. It is when the Moons orbit is closest to the Sun, its closer to mother Earth and when the

    Moons orbit is farthest from the Sun its distance from Earth is the longest.

    Because the Moons pull raises tides on Earth and because the side-of-the-Earth that faces the

    Moon is closer, Earth feels a stronger pull of gravity, it feels a stronger pull of gravity than the

    center of the Earth, conversely the part of the Earth facing away from the Moon feels less gravity

    than the center of the Earth. This effect stretches the Earth a bit, making it a little bit oblong

    these stretches are called tidal bulges, whereas the actual solid body of the Earth is distorted by

    a few inches, but more than that the tides are raised.

    High school science tells us that all mass exerts a gravitational force, and this being the case

    the tidal bulges exert a gravitational pull on the Moon and since the Earth rotates fast (once

    every 24-hours) than the Moon orbits (once every 27.3 days or once every 655.2 hours) the tidal

    bulge tries to speed up the Moon, and pull it ahead in its orbit and in-turn the Moon is pulling

    back on the tidal bulge which is slowing the Earths rotation. Tidal friction, caused by the

    movement of the tidal bulge around the Earth, takes the energy out of the Earth and puts it intothe Moons orbit, making the Moons orbit larger, yet the Moon actually moves slower.

    The reason why the Moon keeps the same face pointed toward Earth is that because the Earth is

    larger than the Moon, this process called tidal locking, developed over tens of millions of years,

    note that this process of how the Moons orbit would evolve due to tidal friction was worked out

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    mathematically by George Howard Darwin (Chuck Darwins kid) whereas George is credited

    with the invention of the modern theory of tidal evolution.

    We do know, us that kept our eyelids open in HS science, that the Moon does rotate along an

    axis that keeps the near side always towards the Earth, keep in mind that the far side is not

    actually the dark side as parts of it does get exposed to some of the rays from the Sun. The

    North and South Poles are both deeply cratered whereas the bottom of some of the deepest craters

    remain in the shadows, thereby being subject to some pretty cold temperatures hovering around a

    minus 173F, this condition is noted as cold traps. It is in these cold traps that the possibility of

    water (frozen) is to be found as first suggested in the 1994 Clementine combined visual and

    mapping mission, later confirmed by the 1998 Lunar Prospector mission. Scientists from Cornell

    University using the huge radar dish located in Puerto Rico Arecibo Observatory in probing these

    cold traps suggest NO SIGN of thick layers of water ice, only indicating thin widely scattered

    ice crystals throughout the sedimentanother question that might be answered by the recent dual

    positioning of the satellites around the Moon.

    Time Shadows and Earth

    I will take another moment of your time and walk back to that infamous city found over two-

    miles high in Bolivia Tiahuanacu which is located

    around 15-miles south of Lake Titicaca in the Bolivian

    Andes. Over time it has become to be known as one of

    the sacred sites on our planet, and as archeologists

    and other scholars investigate and paw through it

    digging and searching for answers of its origin, the

    questions only increase. It has morphed from once

    being thought of as an Inca society to a pre-Inca

    civilization that is lost in the shadow of time. In other

    words, we havent got a clue who these ancient

    Tiahuanacus were or where they came from, as the

    surrounding area shows no pre-Tiahuanacu civilization growing, where it seems they just

    appeared one day and constructed this highly-technical location. Some scholars believe this

    could be the oldest organized city in the world.

    It is written in many texts (copied in fact, with no known solid reference) that at the turn of the

    20th Century Bolivian scholar/engineerArthur Posnansky,began a 50-year study of the ruins at

    Tiahuanacu and that according to his calculations using the carved astronomical information

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    concluded that the city was constructed more than 17,000 years ago (15,000 BC), which

    according to our mainstream scholars was far before any civilization was supposed to have

    existed in the Americas he labeled Tiahuanacu the Cradle of Civilization. In the 1930s,

    German astronomers from the University of Bonn; Rolf Muller, Hanns Lundendorff, Friederich

    Becker, and Arnold Kohlshutter came to conclusions similar to Posnansky's estimate.

    One of the greatest unsolved facts behind this assertion is the belief that at one time Tiahuanacu

    seems to have been a seaport, whereas there have been identified large piers and wharfs lining

    one section of the ruins which by anyones imagination signifies a tremendous change of sea

    level or it was connected to a large series of lakes, through the millennia. In support of this belief

    or a ocean connection, are the finding of millions of fossilized sea-shells embedded in the rock

    cliffs near the piers and wharfs, whereas there also is seen the yellow-white calcareous deposits

    forming straight lines indicating pre-historic water levels.

    Some writings on the web refer to Lake Titicaca as being once at sea-level because of its

    salinity, thereby providing support for the assertion that so was Tiahuancau back in antiquity.

    Although when you do your homework you will discover that over 25 rivers enter Lake Titicaca

    with only one small river emptying the lake. Whereas evaporation accounts for most of the lakes

    flow thereby the result being the lakes waters are limpid and only slightly brackish having a

    salinity ranging from 5.2 to 5.5 parts per 1000, with an average surface temperature of 56F

    which drops to 52F at its bottom, remember it is the rivers on the continents that fill our oceans

    with salt! Albeit the explanation of the sea-shells found, whereas it has been estimated by

    mainstream geologists that any change in the land, as some speculate, would have taken place

    around 100 million years ago, whereas the age of the Earth is estimated at some 4.5 billion years,

    puts this 100 million at 2.2% of its age.

    There is one item that puzzles my engineering brain, whereas science today tells us that our

    Blue Marble is 4.5 billion years old this supported by small crystals of zircon found in the Jack

    Hills of Western Australia, radio dated to be at least 4.404 billion years old. Further investigation

    along with comparing the mass and luminosity of the Sun to many other stars, leads our scholars

    to believe that the solar system cannot be much older than those zircon crystals, but they couch

    their assertion with one floating word, appears. Analysis of meteorites rich in calcium and

    aluminum reveals an age of 4.567 billion years. My confusion, 4.5 billion years (plus or minus)

    is a large number (unless youre comparing it to U.S. National debt), but when you consider

    dating any amount of sediment found on our planet the numbers dont add up. The geologic

    column values only take us back at maximum to about 1 billion years ago, which sort of leaves

    3.5 billion years hanging on the clothesline in the backyard. Common sense screams at us that

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    someone has ripped off the rocks/dirt from our home, whereas in North America 35 epochs, (an

    epoch is a subdivision of the geologic timescale based on rock layering, whereas we are now

    living in the Holocene epoch, in other words an epochs length in time depends on the period

    from which it is based) comprised of 250 rock formations, which are formed of a great many less

    thick and distinct strata have been recognized as North Americas geological column.

    Now, according to data accumulated of the worlds geologic column there should be at least

    400,000 feet (76 miles) of sediments, heaped in a pile that covered the entire Earth it would reach

    high into our atmosphere (76 miles). Also consider the fact that our oceans bottoms have less

    sediment than our continents, and are mostly made up of different rock. In other words, in the

    whole of geophysics there is no other law of such clarity and certainty asthat there exist two

    preferred levels in the Earths crust. What happened to all that dirt?

    As for the modern day assertion that the Tiahuanacu port was once connected to the Pacific in

    fairly recent times (17,000 years ago) I find this doubtful, although the claim is that there is some

    ocean creatures that are surviving in the lake these could have been imported by humans from

    the Pacific some 150 miles westward maybe?

    Why reference Tiahuanacu

    Now why the reference to Tiahuanacu in this short piece on the Moon? As we all know

    legends, myths and religious beliefs abound in our culture, South America being no different,

    whereas the interpretation by Professor Schindler-Bellamy and Doctor Allen back in 1956 of the

    Calendar of Tishuanacu where they claim our planets solar year was pretty much the same, in

    that the Earth revolved more quickly during the Calendars construction. In this they say that a

    Tiahuanacan year was only 290 days (on average a month of 24.17 days 12-month year), or 24

    days plus one month having an extra 2-days.

    Their conclusion in primarily based on their supposition that when Tiahuanacu flourished the

    present Moon was not yet the companion of our Blue Marble, being still an independent

    exterior planet and that there was another satellite orbiting our Earth with a much closer orbit,

    hence the increased rotation or revolution of our planet. The claim is also made that this satellite

    rose in the West and set in the East (like Mars satellite Phobos), and because of its proximity the

    solar eclipses number at least 447 in one solar year. If you divide 447 by 12 you arrive at 39.75

    per month (with 24 or so days), they based this assumption on the numbers 37 and 447 (their

    interpretation of the symbols carved in the rock) taking it a bit further they demonstrated (in

    reading the rock carvings) that different symbols show when these solar eclipse (some of long

    duration) occurred at sunrise, at noon, and at sunset.

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    According to their 400 plus page book on the Calendar this description of the satellites

    existence was only a small example of the exact astronomical data the Calendar gave up. One

    such piece gave the tilt of the Earth at 16.5 this versus the 23.5 today, this obtained at the

    latitude of Tiahuanacu which was 10 versus the 16.27 today. Other information deciphered

    from the Calendar was the ancient scientists of Tiahuanacau knew that the Earth was a globe

    rotating on its axis, and that they calculated exactly the times of eclipses not visible at

    Tiahuanacu, but in the opposite hemisphere they also determined that the Tiahuancans divided

    the circle into 264 rather than 360 - and that they determined before Archimedes and the

    Egyptians the ratio of pi. Whereby 22/7 is the simple form revealing 3.1428 where the actual

    value we have today is 3.14159..the ancient inhabitants calculated the square of a number,

    hence its square root. They were well versed in trigonometry and the measuring of angles, they

    could calculate and indicate fractions but it seemed lacked the knowledge of our decimal

    system and yet other unanswered questions remain such as why they used the number 11 and

    its multiples in their calculations. Some wonder why there were no tools or mathematical

    instruments found that would allow them (which they did) to construct straight lines and exact

    right angles duhh.

    Back to this (1st time I read about it) satellite that orbited our planet, albeit the legend goes a

    long way in explaining all those Stonehenges spread across Europe built supposedly to tell

    when to plant their crops or offer up their next sacrifice, that appears that sometime around

    12,000 years ago (10,000 BC) it finally was pulled close enough to the Earth that it began to be

    pulled apart and many pieces fell from the sky as massive burning rocks.

    This interaction caused floods, earthquakes and what have you across the globe and at its

    closeness caused the oceans to bulge up around the equators sucking the water away from the

    poles (Bering Land Bridge), as it drifted further in towards Earth (31,000 miles to 37,200 miles) it

    really began to come to pieces and the heavens were full of its scattered fragments the overall

    gravitational pull reduced the oceans rushed back to where they used to be, exposing continents,

    tropical lands and submerging those previous dry polar regions this is a very simple explanation

    of the Hoerbiger Theory. Which leads some to believe the numerous henges found across

    Europe were constructed to monitor the active skies.

    Today we find that our astronomers have once again relaxed in their easy boys and accepted

    the theory of the eternal order of the heavens, thereby refuting as much as they can without

    shifting away from their evening glass of brandy when it comes to unexplained evidence thrust in

    front off them. In the real world we label this condition as say-what, whereas by refusing to

    step outside of the square, they maintain their positions in their field in academia and suck in the

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    money from the grants publishing papers that wow the man in the street. Although there are

    a few who operated under the sayings of L.J. Salop who remarked, The Earth, together with the

    life it supports, is NOT a closed self-developing system but constitutes an integral part of the


    Yesterdays History / Outside influence

    The Bayeaux Tapestry on the Comet of 1066. On the eve of The Battle of

    Hasting, a comet lit up the sky. The crowds gaze up in awe at the comet,and a courtier tells King Harold of this terrible omen. Below are seen the

    ghostly invasion ships which Harold now fears will follow. The tapestry

    was produced only decades after the event.

    Back in 1066, just before the Battle of Hastings, a comet lit up the evening sky not particularly

    newsworthy today, but it reminds one that large-body encounters with our planet create hundreds

    of damaging adjustments, some short, some longer, as the effects of an initial encounter are being

    dissipated. In other words it would always take time for the winds, waters, and land to settle

    down and for a new electrical balance to be established. There no doubt would be an equatorial

    bulge and a flattening of the poles, especially if an impact occurred or even a near miss that

    altered the geographical axis, it is safe to say the strains of adjustment would last thousands of

    years, if not more.

    As for those large bodies housing an electrical charge, consider this, the potential differences of

    charges that are theoretically accumulated on even a microscopic particle can amount to

    millions of tons for example the number of free electrons in 35 cubic feet is five times the

    22nd power of ten, if two objects of this size (copper lets assume) were charged to 8000 coulombs

    they would repel each other with a force of 70 trillion tons. Albeit impossible to charge this

    piece of copper to the amount of coulombs stated (the copper would fly apart) the example serves

    to provide us with the possible electrical exchanges that may occur in astronomical spaces,

    where the distance between bodies are great but so is the size of the bodies. Over the years are

    scientists today have proven that planets can be charged to different potentials differing from

    their near space, with catastrophic results if a discharge happens. Basic science tells us that

    electrical exchanges occur between bodies of opposite charges, and between bodies of similar

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    charges whereas their sums (amount of charge) are different. Note: Super Novas produce huge

    amounts of electricity.

    It is calculated that Venus or our Moon, or any other large body, could NOT pass through the

    Earths near atmosphere without annihilation of both bodies, whereas at a distance of 30,000

    miles a large body such as Venus would suck up our oceans with a force with 35,000X the tidal

    attraction of the Moon, it would hump up rocks and cause other unmentionable events. Some

    speculate that such an event took place in our not to distant past.

    A smaller extraterrestrial body, lets assume one-half-mile in diameter as it zipped through our

    atmosphere would blast, burn, deafen, terrorize, and carry material over its trajectory, in a

    spherical bundle with a radius of 100 miles or so. This body of at least 100,000 cubic tons would

    have an tremendous impact at speeds from 18,000 mph to 180,000 mph, raising the ambient

    temperature of the atmosphere it passes through by over 3600F, and if it struck the Earth,

    depending on the angle the crater could be more than a several tens of miles in diameter. The

    resultant shock waves would be capable of reducing Manhattans buildings to rubble, and if this

    wasnt good enough the heat would vaporize the rest, and/or the earthquake would shake down

    buildings with the rest being washed clean by the tsunamis.

    Based on the preceding hypothesis one can safely assume that the approach of the Moon would

    cause a world-wide deluge, in addition to effecting dramatic changes in our climate along with

    creating numerous earthquakes and increased volcanic eruptions. The disruption of our

    atmosphere and the kicking up of dust would have dropped the temperature by at least 20 to

    30F, which would have happened over a very, very short period of time. This could possibly

    explain the discovery of frozen mammoths in the Siberian Tundra, along with this sudden drop in

    temperature it is possible that the gravity constant we have today changed, thereby creating a

    different physical weight scale. This possible weight to gravity ratio goes a bit towards defining

    the fossils found that demonstrate some pretty big plants, along with the construction of the huge

    stone monuments we find scattered across our planet. Hoerbiger tells us in his theory that four-

    moons fell on Earth, producing our four Ice Ages (the 1st being 2.4 to 2.1 billion years ago, the 2nd

    being 850 to 630 million years ago, the 3rd being a minor one some 460 to 420 million years

    ago, the 4th

    being 320 to 260 million years ago, the 5th

    (and current one) began 2.58 million years

    ago, we are now in what is known as an Interglacial period Holocene); explaining that the fifth

    Moon (ours) will close it orbit around Earth causing the fifth such disaster, not to worry science

    today tells us it is moving away from us.

    Doctor John OKeefe of the Goddard Laboratory for Astronomy supports the falling moon not

    so far back in our past, asserting that the fragments of a Moons collision would form a ring-

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    around-our-planet (Ring around the rosy we all fall down), causing the deflection of the Suns

    rays thereby our temperature plummeted.

    Time Stamps/Testing

    Unfortunately there is no one single scientific test that we can apply to determine the age of

    some of the items we find, whereas today a multitude of various disciplines are applied. For

    example Carbon-14 tests give-up with dates between 28,000 BC and 19,000 BC on three different

    frozen mammoths unearthed in Siberia, consider that for any one of these test to be valid Siberia

    must have remained frozen for the duration of the period, or else two of the carcasses would have

    rotted, or the mammoths could have three different catastrophic time-points of sudden death

    and sudden preservation. All Im trying to point out is that our methods of measuring time, no

    matter the number of tests, are based on an ever-changing environment which has twisted the

    constants we use within our time calculations. If not, then once and for all the Carbon-14 method

    goes out the window in other words we base our Carbon-14 test on a constant that may have

    changed dramatically or even minutely over the years, thereby making Carbon-14 a calculated

    stab at time-stamping.

    With this in mind one has to consider that some of our myths or legends carry a bit of validity,

    for instance when Uranus was the father of the Gods and corresponded to a huge heavenly

    body, in other words a 2nd glowing like sun in our skies. There are a small number of our

    scholarly types who believe that it might be possible that our Solar System might have been a

    binary system, which early humans would have experienced its effects. These early bi-petals

    wandering about have left legends, statements, and symbols that can be interpreted in support of a

    binary system, whereas interpretation lends to the reported occurrence of a second sun that can

    be distinguished from our Sun, or a bright star, nova or the Moon. The latest scientific

    observations estimate that over 33% of the stars in the Milky Way are binary star systems, the

    estimate is that there is 200 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way and 100 billion planets with 500

    million of them located within a inhabitable zone with relationship to their parent star or stars.

    Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hebrew lore talks of a heavenly body in the North that was

    luminescent by day and radiant by night, this body according to divine status (it was labeled bydozens or perhaps hundreds of various names around the world), a myth that would have granted

    it the place of being a binary or companion star to our Sun. Myth or lore the stories exist in our

    so-called pre-history, before you jump off the scale into the proposed la-la theory it is a known

    fact that twelve of the nearest star system have multiple stars, and that three of them are binary,

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    along with another three having dark companions. By the way the Egyptian, Babylonian and

    Hebrew stories are not that old.

    The Binary System

    We know that binaries sometimes have dwarf companions where our observations show that

    from time-to-time they briefly flare up and resemble a small nova, whereas some believe that this

    is what took place within our solar system with the Suns companion Uranus around 9,500 BC

    and later when Saturn separated from Jupiter in 4000 BC. Here again we have a theory on why

    our planet suffered so many catastrophic events in those two time-periods, along with a good

    reason why the years were shorter in earlier times, remember Egypt and Meso-American ran

    around 260/290 days.

    It should be noted that the average separation between binary components is 20 AUs, for

    those of you not familiar with AU it is the distance between the Earth and the Sun, which on

    average is 92.956 million miles, therefore the distance between the two binary components

    would be 1.8591 billion miles, or so. Which if youre a student of the Solar System would put

    the binary star of the Sun out where Uranus (19.23 AU) now spins away. However this ratio 1:20

    only occurs in around 5% of all a binary system, some being much further apart, as for their

    rotation around each other can be as little as a day or less and upwards to thousands of years

    holding an inverse net reaction between the two bodies, whereas if the attraction diminishes the

    period of rotation increases.

    Jupiter, where ancient myths/legends referenced in Platos Parmenides said that Saturn having

    a like chemistry that Jupiter, had separated it is not only in Greek myths/legends do we find this

    thought, reading references to it in Far Eastern and Middle East cosmogony. Jupiter as we know

    it today has a composition resembling that of a star much smaller than the Sun, and some theorize

    that in the past it was twice as massive, today from the radiation it emits we think that it must

    have a sub-surface temperature somewhere between 21,632F to 90,032F (that is some

    between), with a chemistry that resembles our gaseous Sun, whereas Jupiter consists largely of

    hydrogen in various states, at least more than our Solar Systems inner planets. Jupiter by the way

    sits 5.2 AUs from the Sun as there is only 390.81 million miles (if the planets are lined in a row)

    between Earth and Jupiter.

    First year HS science class teaches us that the inner planets have higher densities than Jupiter

    or Saturn, suggesting some say that they had different careers (so to speak), whereas Venus has a

    bit of an odd one the others more than likely existed when our solar system might have been a

    binary system which is stated in some journals began to come apart around 12,000 BC, in

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    addition there is a crowd out there that firmly believes these other planets could possibly have

    had life on their surfaces, as conditions being discovered over the decades points dramatically

    toward similar climates.

    That we live with a unpredictable furnace some 93 million miles distant is evidenced by the

    periodic bursts of energy that erupt from its surface breaking

    through it corona shooting over 320,000 miles into space with

    enough electrical energy to power the Earth for a million years.

    These solar flares showing up as magnetic disturbances we label

    sunspots are believed to be caused by the different magnetic

    bands of the Sun rotating in opposite directions, but were not

    really positive. Some of our Internet scholars say the Solar Flares

    are reaching out to the now extinguished binary-star.

    Many narratives have been assembled that state that Earth flourished in the binary system,

    albeit the circumference of the planet was a bit less, and the ocean basins were non-existent, this

    they say was the World of Pangea. And although the surface was luminescent, but not as bright

    as the Sun was marching across our sky its rays blocked by the ever present layer of clouds,

    which by the way were loaded with H2O. There were occasional rains that kept our shallow seas,

    swamps and local ponds replenished, but mostly the inhabitants survived on the moisture in our

    air. This canopy sky, it is supposed, became part of the traits of the great God Heaven or

    Uranus to the Earths first thinking humans. The Moon was absent, the climate was even and

    Earth wide pretty warm, covered with an atmosphere that contained oxygen and supported the

    nitrogen cycle. A great many of the species alive then are still around today, albeit today you

    would be hard pressed to stumble on a dinosaur while out looking for butterflys, but it is said the

    nimble and innovative hominids were scattered about. The planet and its inhabitants saw very

    few extinction events, just as it experienced very few creations of a new species in other words

    the world of yesteryear was fairly stable and established.

    Early Days on Earth

    The authors of these narratives ask you to consider that if this mass of land had been

    accompanied from early assigned ages by the Oceans and the Ocean Basins, it would NOT have

    eroded into the sea, for the sea normally pushes back erosion. Albeit rivers and their deltas are

    an exception they only drain a small portion of the vast continental shelves. When discussing the

    finds of fossil marine beds in the interior of the landmass today, even high up in the Himalayas,

    they could have been once-flooded regions or even shallow Pangea shallow water sinks

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    whereas it is maintained they are the remnants of deluges, tides and the uprising of land by post-

    Pangean catastrophes. As the land being somewhat level and climate was very uniform, both a

    result of a very stable solar electrical system and equable atmosphere, again life was good. Yet,

    somewhere in our past it all came crashing to a catastrophic end.

    According to early legends of humanity, it is believed by some with vigor that our solar system

    was a binary system, as mentioned previously first came the high clouds (canopy system),

    whereas we also noted the first dark sun primary, Super Uranus, dragging along several nearby

    bodies. Then, according to one school of thought, came the Sun and the Moon at approximately

    the same time (approximately in ancient periods can be long), as the clouds finally thinned out

    enough the stars and their constellations became visible. In other words, myths and legends

    revealed the sky above us in bits and pieces as the clouds thinned, which would lead one to

    believe that Super Uranus must have been on bright shining object to supersede the Sun and the


    Along this line of if we suppose that man first experienced the rupture of the canopy, than the

    release and breakup of the enormous Super-Uranus, followed by the observation of an

    occasionally bright Saturn-Jupiter, then the Sun and the Moon, finally watching the break up of

    Saturn-Jupiter this line of thinking being prompted by the ancient myths and action-packed

    legends told around campfires for centuries.

    Solar System Today

    Taking a minute or two, I will now visit our Solar System today and try and piece together

    what this minority of scientists are speaking to.

    Solar System to Scale

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    The Sun contains 99.86% of all

    the mass in our Solar System,

    whereas it contains 330,000X

    more mass than our planet and is

    109X bigger than Earths

    diameter, and of that 99.86% -

    75% of the mass is hydrogen and

    the rest mostly helium in other

    words one huge gas giant, having

    a surface temperature around

    9,940.73F on average and its

    core temperature a sweltering 28,259,540F, give or take a few thousand degrees.

    Mercury on average is 35.98 million miles from the Sun (.3871 AU) and has a mass of about

    5.5% (smallest planet in the Solar System) of that of Earth and sits an average distance from

    Earth at 56.97 million miles. It has a mean temperature of around 152.33F. It orbits the Sun

    approximately every 88 Earth days.

    Venus on average is 67.24 million miles from the Sun (.7233 AU) with an orbital period of

    224.701 Earth days, and has a mass of about 81.5% of that of Earth and sits on average from

    Earth at 25.72 million miles. It has a mean surface temperature of 866.33F. All that sulfuric

    acid cloud cover (it has the densest atmosphere of all the planets) holding the heat close to the


    Earth on average is 92.956 million miles from the Sun (1.00 AU) and has a mass of around13,169,533,682,832,000,000,000,000 pounds, holding the planet record as being the densest and

    the most livable. The mean temperature is 56.93F with an atmosphere that is 78% nitrogen

    and 21% Oxygen with traces of various other elements making up the remaining 1%. Its orbital

    speed around the Sun 66,611 mph, taking 365.256 days to complete one year.

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    Mt Chimborazo Volcano (Ecuador) the closet point on Earth to Outer Space

    Mars on average is 141.63 million miles from the Sun (1.523 AU) and has a mass of about

    10.7% of that of Earth and sits on average some 48.68 million from Earth and it does have avery thin atmosphere which is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon and traces of

    oxygen and H2O. Its mean temperature is -81.67F.

    Sitting in between Mars and Jupiter we

    have the Asteroid Belt scattered between

    213.8 million miles and 306.75 million miles

    from the Sun (Avg 2.8 AU) or on average

    167.3 million miles from Earth. The space

    rocks range in size from 100s of miles acrossto microscopic, whereas all with the exception

    of one monster (Ceres diameter 620 miles,

    now classified as a dwarf planet in 2006) are

    classified as small Solar System bodies the

    belt contains tens of thousands, possibly

    millions, of objects over .62 miles in diameter

    although all together would but equal 1/1000 of the mass of Earth this belt has excited the

    imagination of many authors, scientific and other scholarly types citing that the belt is the resultof either a rogue planet striking Mars, or remnants from the pulling apart of Jupiter and Saturn.

    Asteroids in the Belt are divided into asteroid groups and families, whereas Trojan asteroids

    follow Jupiter due to gravitational stability, and Hilda asteroids are in 2:3 resonance with Jupiter,

    meaning they go around the Sun three times for every two Jupiter orbits. Of course one cannot

    forget the rogue asteroids that wander around the orbits of the inner planets (like Earth).

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    Jupiter, the monster planet of our Solar System is on average 483.77 million miles from the

    Sun (5.2 AU) and has a mass of almost 318 Earths, sitting on average 390.8 million miles from

    our Blue Marble. Jupiter is primarily gaseous and liquid matter, and it has a diameter of 88,846

    miles at its equator, compared to the Earth

    similar diameter of 24,901 miles in other

    words Jupiter is big! Its mean temperature is

    minus 162.67F really a good place to store

    meat. Jupiter has sixty-four (64) confirmed

    Moons, the largest number of moons of any of

    the Solar Systems planets, it four largest Moons

    (Galilean Moons) were discovered by Galileo

    Galiei in 1610, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and

    Callisto and are the most massive objects in our

    Solar System outside of the Sun and its eight planets, all of the Moons have a radius larger than

    any of the dwarf planets. Ganymede is larger than Mercury.

    Saturn, the 2nd largest planet in our Solar System is on average 890.7 million miles from the

    Sun (9.6 AU), and is on average 797.75 million miles from Earth, like Jupiter it is mostly gaseous

    and liquid, albeit is 30% less dense than water, its mass is equal to over 95 Earths. It is unique in

    our system that it has a ring system which extends from 4,120 miles to 75,000 miles above its

    surface, and consists of nine (9) continuous main

    rings and three (3) discontinuous arcs, the rings

    are composed mostly of ice particles with

    smaller amounts of rocky debris and dust. There

    are sixty-two (62) known Moons that orbit

    Saturn fifty-three (53) are officially named,

    included in the mess above the planet hundreds

    of moonlets within the rings. Titan, its largest

    moon and the Solar Systems 2nd largest Moon is

    larger than Mercury, and is the only Moon in the

    Solar System to retain a substantial atmosphere. It has been estimated that the rings are only 100s

    of millions years old, this compared to the age of our system at 4.6+ billion years. Its mean

    temperature is minus 216.47F, and it takes 29.457 Earth years to orbit the Sun, in other words it

    has completed 2.24 orbits since Ive been alive, it has a mass equal to 95.125 Earths.

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    Uranus, the 3rd largest planet in the System is on average 1.787 billion miles from the Sun

    (19.23 AU) and on average 1.694 billion miles from Earth, and unlike Jupiter and Saturn, it is

    made up like Neptune and classified as an Ice Gaint, its mass is

    equal 14.5 Earths. Its atmosphere while similar to Jupiter and

    Saturns being made of primarily hydrogen and helium contains

    more ices such as water, ammonia and methane, and traces of

    hydrocarbons. It is the coldest planetary atmosphere in the Solar

    System at -371.47F, which is held by the complex layered cloud

    structure, with water believed to make up n the lowest clouds with

    methane at its uppermost layers. Its mean surface temperature (which is mostly ice and rock) is a

    little warmer at -322.87F, not a good place to spend summer vacation. Its orbit, as compared to

    Earth years is 84.323 years whereas in my life span it has not completed one orbitits mass is

    equal to 14.535 Earths albeit volume is compared to 63.086 Earthsmostly ice crystals with a lot

    of space between them. It has been estimated that the winds on Uranus can reach over 560 mph

    good day to stay inside, if you live in a steel house in a cave.

    Neptune as the 8th and farthest planet from the Sun at an average distance of 2.798 billion

    miles (30.1 AU), and an average distance from Earth at

    2.705 billion miles is the 4th largest planet by diameter and

    the 3rd largest by mass at 17.15 Earths. Neptune orbits the

    Sun once every 164.79 Earth years at 3.37 mph. Voyager

    2 took 11 years, 9 months and 16 days to finally reach

    Neptune after its launch on August 20th, 1977 V-2 and

    Voyager 1 are infamous for breaking free from the Solar

    System and as of January 4 th, 2012 is traveling to parts

    unknown at 34,591 mph. Neptunes atmosphere is very

    active with visible weather patters, in 1989 V-2 recorded the Great Dark Spot, which has since

    vanished, in its southern hemisphere whereas the weather patterns are driven by the strongest

    sustained winds on any planet at some 1,305 mph with its outer atmosphere temperature 2 nd to

    Uranus at a minus 360.67F, it is noted that the planets center the temperature is around

    9,260.33F, (Earths inner core is estimated at 9,940.73F) which was confirmed by Voyager 2.

    Neptune has thirteen (13) known Moons, Triton the largest whereas it accounts for 99.5% of the

    mass in orbit around the planet has a retrograde orbit, an indication that it was captured rather

    than forming in place, theory is that it was once a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt as it is

    locked in a synchronous rotation it is slowly spiraling inward because of tidal acceleration and in

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    about 3.6 billion years will be torn apart when it reaches the Roche Limit. Voyage 2 confirmed

    that Triton was the coldest object measured in the Solar system at -391.27F (68.49F above

    absolute zero which is -459.67F). The other Moons are Nereid, Proteus, Naiad, Thalassa,

    Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Neso and Psamathe.

    Beyond Neptune is the trans-Neptunian region that consists of what appears to be an

    overwhelming number of small worlds, where the largest only has a diameter of a fifth (20%)

    of that of Earth with a mass smaller than of our Moon scientists sometimes refer to this area as

    the outer Solar System. Within this region we find Pluto (now classified as a dwarf planet) on

    average a distance of 3.65 billion miles from the Sun (39.26 AU) and some 3.56 billion miles

    from Earth, and has a mass of 0.22% of that of Earth and a mean temperature of -380.47F, it

    orbits the Sun once every 248 Earth years. Pluto has four known Moons, the largest is Charon,

    along with Nix, Hydra and a fourth named S/2011 P1 (discovered in 2011).

    Eris is the most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System, and the 9 th most massive

    body known to orbit the Sun directly. Its distance, on average, is 6.291 billion miles from the

    Sun (67.7 AU) and its average distance from Earth is 6.198 billion miles. It was just recently

    discovered (January 2005) by a team at Palomar Observatory, and is known as a member of a

    high-eccentricity population known as thescattered disc. Calculations reveal that its orbit around

    the Sun takes 557 Earth years, with an orbital speed of 7,696.11 mph. It has one moon

    discovered so far Dysnomia, albeit Eris is only 0.27% of Earths mass. Its mean temperature is

    a minus (-) 383.17F.

    Spreading out from the orbit of Neptune and a major part of this trans-Neptunian region is what

    is normally referred to as the Kuiper Belt (Kuiper rhymes with viper) or sometimes called the

    Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt, discovered or identified in 1992. The belt extends from the orbit of

    Neptune (at 30 AU) out into space for another 20-AU, or a total distance between the outer and

    the Sun at 50 AU (4.65 billion miles). It is similar to the Asteroid Belt consisting of small

    bodies of what some say are the remnants of the Solar Systems creation lately this has

    become somewhat suspect in various circles. With reference to the Asteroid Belt it is 20X wider

    and 20X to 200X as massive, and while the Asteroid Belt is mostly rock, ices and some metal, the

    Kuiper Belts objects are composed of frozen ices, such as methane, ammonia and water. It also

    contains at least three dwarf planets, Pluto, Haumea, and Makemake in addition some of the

    Solar Systems Moons like Neptunes Triton and Saturns Phoebe are believed to have come

    from this region. The number of known Belt objects include more than 70,000 with a diameter

    of 62 miles, recent investigations have shown that the Belt is dynamically stable and contrary to

    past popular belief it is NOT the home of the periodic comet whizzing through and around the

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    Solar System, whereas their home (point of origination) is believe to be from the scattered disc

    region, with other intruders from the Oort Cloud, the scattered disc region is believed to have

    been created by the outward motion of Neptune some 4.5 billion years ago. Eris is believed to be

    a product of the scattered disc region as it has a extremely eccentric orbit that takes it as far as

    100 AU (9.3 billion miles) from the Sun.


    A region (shock wave if you must) that has two separate distinct areas we know from HS

    science that the Solar Windmoves away from the Sun around 894.8 thousand mph, that is until it

    runs into the Interstellar Wind, or the flow of plasma in the Interstellar Wind the point of

    impact is termed the termination shock and is in rough figures some 80-100 AU from the Suns

    point of travel and some 200 AU in the reverse (region of space it has moved through). At the

    termination shock point the Solar Wind slows dramatically, condenses and becomes more

    turbulent (like the surface wind blowing East meets the incoming tidal current moving West), this

    point is labeled the Heliosheath which is suspected to look and behave very much like a

    comets tail, extending outward for an additional 40 AU (3.72 billion miles). Both Voyager 1 and

    Voyager 2 have passed the termination shock and entered the heliosheath at 94 AU

    (termination shock) and 84 AU (heliosheath less? Remember space and the Solar System is not

    a perfect circle) it is at the heliopause that the Solar Wind finally terminates Voyager 1 is

    expected to cross the heliopause by 2014 some 36 years, 3 months, 27 days (if it crosses on Jan

    1st, 2014) after its launch on Sept 5th, 1977 (Sept 5th is my mothers birth rest her soul).

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    On or about January 1st, 2014 Voyager 1 begins it miniscule trip into the real outer space,

    where it goes or how far well be able to maintain contact is up for grabs, what is remarkable is

    that the craft is still talking to Earths monitoring stations, albeit with a huge amount of delay (32

    plus hours) instant communications is sort of out the window. Beyond this heliopause is the

    Bow Shock a plasma wake left by the Sun as it moves through the Milky Way at a speed (as it

    moves around the core of the Milky Way) of 492,126 mph or 827,666 mph as referenced against

    the Cosmic Microwave Background.

    Before I leave this very brief description of Earths neighbors and our Solar Systems

    environment I should tell you of another region of our non-visible sky that effects what could and

    has taken place on our planet the Oort Cloud, which is a hypothesized spherical cloud of

    comets which are about 4.65 trillion miles from our local heater (almost one light year-

    approximately 5.9 trillion miles), or about 25% of the way to our nearest star Proxima Centauri,

    whereas the outer limit of the Oort Cloud defines the cosmographical boundary of the Solar

    System and the Suns gravitational influence or at least it dominance.

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    Our earthbound scholars believe that it is the source of all long-period and Halley-type

    comets entering the inner Solar System and many of the centaurs and Jupiter-family comets.

    It is said to be loosely bound to the Solar System, thereby easily affected by the gravitational

    pull of both passing stars and the Milky Way Galaxy itself, meaning I suppose the massive mass

    at its center. These forces (outside our Solar System) occasionally dislodge comets from their

    orbits and send them spiraling into our inner Solar System albeit we have no concrete evidence

    of the Oort Cloud, we have classified four objects as being its possible members, 90377 Sedna,

    2000 CR105, 2006 SQ372, and 2008 KV42.

    Beyond our Solar System

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    Antiquity and its Myths & Legends

    If the skies had been always as they are now, our myths and campfire legends would have

    portrayed our Sun and Moon as being alone, thereby they would have been the chief gods and

    would have been benignly worshipped if they were worshipped at all.

    The Moon, as some believe, is a product of a cosmic disaster that made its presence obvious,

    consequently earlier legends tell of our ancient societies paying more homage to its presence, as a

    semi-violent god. Over time, as it settled down, its worship became less schizophrenic and

    paranoid, less brutal, when compared lets say to Mars, or even Super-Uranus. Still, it must have

    really upset the apple-cart when it moved into its present location, where its appearance created a

    more powerful and disturbing divinity then the Sun.

    The Sun is said to have grown upon the scene gradually, where it was muted in gas clouds, than

    as the clouds dissipated it brilliance became apparent, but still because of the cloud covered Earth

    (pre-deluge) it was not as bright as the Super-Uranus in the northern hemisphere where the cloud

    cover was thinner. After the deluge, as stated in the Christian Bible legend of Noah in Genesis

    Chapter 9, verse 12, And God said, This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me

    and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my

    rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

    Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember

    my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the

    waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will

    see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind

    on the earth. Where the inference is that until after the Biblical Flood the earth was either thick

    with cloud cover (then emptied during the 40-days and 40-nights) or that the Sun was not very

    bright albeit water droplets with light behind them create rainbows the Super-Uranus should

    have been able to produce a rainbow in the northern regions or the boreal opening, maybe?.

    In the Greek myths or legends Helios the Greek Sun God was treated as a sub-entity, even

    with a little contempt, even though he was respected, well-liked, and rarely gave offences. For

    example if the more terrible gods effaced him or displaced him, he soon resumed his unceasing

    round as soon as he could or after a period of persuasion by the other Gods. Unlike the

    planetary gods, who fearfully lit the night sky, Helios shown during the day providing warmth

    and comfort for the inhabitants of Earth in this he didnt frighten people to death, in these myths

    and truths we sort of doubt that the theories of the catastrophes of Earth were due to Helios, or

    any solar inconsistencies bombarding Earth in our ancient history.

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    When the Great Pyramid of Giza was

    constructed around 2500 BC, Earths

    humanoids had vaguely plotted the regular

    movements of the stars on the celestial plane,

    but not necessarily the 26,000 year precession

    of the equinoxes and by now Saturn the

    bright god of the North had been dethroned

    replaced by the Moon, whereas the sailor of

    antiquity followed the coastline in their travels, with limited forays off the coastlines using the

    Moon as their navigational beacon.

    The Great Pyramid itself was oriented toward an apparent stable star, this marked by the

    boreal opening although no-one has explained how the Great Pyramid was so exactly aligned to

    true North (as Polaris had yet to achieve its position, which is changing by the way), albeit a

    certain Dr Spence at the University of Cambridge has identified two other stars on either side of

    line to the Pole, taken together they seem to provide the guidance for the builders. One star is

    Mizar in the middle of the Big Dippers handle, the other Kochab I the Little Dipper Bowl

    line up twice a day in a vertical line each lying about 10 from North. An imaginary line

    between them passes near the celestial North Pole, during the time of Egypts Old Kingdom the

    imaginary line was even closer in 2467 BC it was spot-on for the alignment to the North Pole.

    If you a student of The Great Pyramid youll know that its alignment is within a several minutes

    of error to the present geographical North Pole whereas the several minutes could mean that

    there could be a change in the position of the land it rests on, 1) caused by an improbable sliding

    from one position to another at one time, and a movement back into the same position later, b) by

    any movement of longitudinal movement (east or west) which would preserve the North Polar

    orientation, and c) by the previously noted several minutes of deviation, which if it happened all

    at one time would or could have been a significant disaster, earthquake for example. Or, d) that

    just maybe the Earths shape was not yet accommodated to the approximately 1500-year-old tilt

    of its axis (23.5) in either direction however the chances would always be good that if the

    Earths axis tilted (changed) some star would show up to be the North Star, that is so far as the

    orientation of The Great Pyramid was concerned.

    Scholars today seem not to give early humans the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being

    able to determine such things as the exact orientation of The Great Pyramid, whereas they

    maintain that the science of geometry, surveying, and navigation could not have been

    theoretically developed without the skies being mapped, or charted. In other words, primitive

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    man would not have been able to put 2+2=4 without using symbols (provided by star mapping) of

    too much without being fully aware pointing to Platos Timaeus as it giving significant

    evidence of the thought processes that might have been used by early human astronomers,

    whereas it demonstrates the proper role to be assigned to primeval mans growth.

    As the planets became visible and their effects forcefully experienced and studied, myth tells us

    that the planets or their Gods visited among the stars, again the myths tell us through

    Pythagoream and Platonic theory that each human soul resided embodied upon a planet, and that

    if a person was good his soul would find its star notice the his referenced. Now (an obvious

    male generated myth) the person (male) was substandard (bad) he would be reincarnated in a

    womans form, and if no improvement was made in the persons actions would be successively

    reincarnated into lower and lower forms until the person reached the turbulent regions or

    elements. These myths obviously not that old in that it really wasnt until early Egyptian

    kingdoms that the slide of the female moved from being Mother Earth into almost a devil like

    entity (Seth or Seti) on Earth.

    When examined the hundreds of myths of Gods and Heroes actually take place among the stars

    and represent planetary movements, uniform and erratic. Where the bloodiest and most

    horrible stories deal with planetary Gods when the planets are messing up, or acting even more

    erratically than usual. Although myths and legends are anchored in an earlier world age, if not

    close to the dawn of mankind their contents are always elaborated, obscured, even deliberately

    edited, but their main form and force come from the aboriginal events that they attempted to

    report. Take the Odyssey of Homer, a composition that is sung as a story of heroic travels after

    the Trojan Wars on an East-West Mediterranean axis, where some place its immediate events at

    around 695 to 675 BC, where its framework (events) happening two centuries before. However,

    it may go back to much earlier North-South travels from Scandinavia to Nigeria, when the

    landscape of the area was different, that is across the then low Alps and along the Saharan

    Sea. It is said that the Arcadians, the most ancient Greeks to have maintained a political

    community (pro-Selenians) who it is said existed before the appearance of our Moon, originated

    in the Po Valley and Switzerland and may have chased this axis of commerce. There are some

    scholars who have identified Odysseus as an alter ego of Athena, the Great Goddess, who weknow identify with the planet Venus in this Odysseus becomes a celestial traveler as well.

    The Changing Solar System

    It is strongly believed by a select group of scholars that over a period of tens of thousands of

    years our present Solar System changed from a Binary Solar System, and along with this the

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    composition of our interplanetary space changed. The change is said to have started with the

    breakdown of the electrical connections (system) between the two prominent stars (the Sun and

    Super-Uranus), and slowly morphed into a pure gravitational disruption. In this belief the select-

    few maintain that life-forms may have existed on other planets, Mars and Venus being

    candidates, but except for the continued existence of viral and bacterial forms elsewhere, only on

    Earth was its biosphere sufficiently rich enough for life to preserve and transform.

    Some of the unexplained features of our present system support a stacked binary system

    theory, for example the different orientation or fossil axes of the planets, rotational differences,

    binary behaviors of Jupiter, certain qualities common to the group of inner planets and other

    common qualities to the outer planets, the presence of an electrical characters of the SolarSystem today (which is only partially governing but could have been fully governing), certain

    librations and eccentricities of planetary motions, the futile efforts of Solar Flares to establish

    an interplanetary arc-current, except for the Solar Wind which behaves like an interplanetary gas

    and reaches to the farthest interplanetary space, the varying orbital and rotational speeds of the

    planets, the very existence of the plane of the ecliptic which resembles a dead wire, the small

    deviations from the dead-wire plane, and the fact that the planets do not orbit in conjunction.

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    Artistic diagram showing progression through heliosphere, the Oort cloud, and out to

    Alpha Centauri on a logarithmic scale to one million AU

    Comets it seems to be are of recent origin, considering the age of the Solar System, with the

    same applying to the bodies of the Meteroid and Asteroid belts, as a matter of fact, it seems that

    Mercury, Venus and Saturn are youngsters there are some schools that believe that by extension

    perhaps all of the Solar Systems planets formed under the binary systems model.

    Dragging from the closet our ancient myths and legends and their noted observations we find

    that they are compatible with the suggested binary system, comparing the writings of the

    physical traits of the planets (as much as we can), the legends concerning the behavior of the

    Gods, and our confirmation of ancient astrology and of other philosophical beliefs. Along with

    this there are certain contemporary theories that are compatible, such as the sources of the

    ravaging of atmospheres, the variety of elements found on the planets, the heating and cooling of

    them, and the order of the inner planets.

    Myths and Facts

    Legend has it that the Aymara Indians (Native ethnic group in the Andes and Altiplano

    regions of South America) believed that Viracocha rose from Lake Titicaca during the time of

    darkness, whereas Viracocha was a storm god and a sun god represented as wearing a crown,

    with thunderbolts in his hands and tears descending from his eyes as rain. A violent Super-

    Uranus, connected to the Sun via an electrical charge, seen as lighting streaking across the

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    Heavens whereas the bolts must have been very huge and visible through the heavy cloud

    cover. Viracocha wander the Earth disguised as a beggar and wept when he saw the plight of the

    creatures he had created, but knew he must sustain them. Whereas Viracocha made the Earth, the

    Stars, the Sky and Mankind, he was displeased with creation, destroying it with a flood and made

    a new, better one, and once again took to his wandering as a beggar. The breaking up of the

    binary link, causing some pretty big changes on planet Earth, whereas when the Super-Uranus

    lost its position the environment of the surrounding solar system settled down, including Earth.

    He wandered about teaching his new creations the rudiments of civilization, as well as

    performing numerous miracles eventually Viracocha disappeared across the Pacific Ocean, by

    walking water, leaving the land near Manta, Ecuado. As Super-Uranus deceased in size, to its

    present size and position, the once 2nd sun would have appeared to have disappeared far off into

    the Western Pacific, slowing diminishing in brightness as it appeared to walk on Water.

    There are numerous theories put forth in an attempt to describe the resemblances and

    differences between the Sun and the outer planets, all dealing with their chemical composition,

    behavior, and temperatures whereas some believe that they are rotating as a part of a shut-down

    dynamo. For Earth, causes of the revolutionary mass extinction in our past and the creation of

    certain species of flora and fauna are found to make more sense. Where it appears that the history

    of the Solar System appears to be more-in-line with the gross electrical and explosive behavior of

    the Stars.

    Putting aside the possible disruption that Venus might have caused, the binary theory

    provides a strong pile of evidence of the disasters our Earth went through, consider the fact that

    there are no ancient comments or legends that describe the Solar System as it is today, albeit there

    are bucket loads that describe it as it was, this leads one to believe that the binary system theory

    provides a better reconstruction of the System in antiquity.

    You should have learned in HS science that of all the planets only two rotate clockwise, Venus

    and Uranus with Venus, albeit moves around the Sun as Earth does, its backwards or

    retrograde rotation is thought to have been caused by some ancient collision which started its spin

    backwards, or that it might have been due to the combined effects of multiple random collisions

    here again we find the mainstream thinking of eons of time coming into play. Now Uranusrotation is almost horizontal, and is labeled like Venus a retrograde orbit, as compared to any

    other planet (relative to the pole of its orbit) is differs by some 97.7, if compared to the Seasons

    on Other Planets by some 82.2 - leading some to believe that in its past it must have gone

    through some pretty drastic changes.

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    The presence of a super heavy atmosphere on Earth, and the connection

    between the Sun and Super-Uranus (magnetized gas tube) provided an

    electrical environment for many major events, such as the Planets

    shuffling about in space, as they increased their orbital diameters

    (gradually) moving closer to the central current (the Sun), which we now

    label the ecliptic. But, their movements were spacing out in both

    directions, with intervals that may follow Bodes Law (a hypothesis

    that says that bodies in some orbital system, including the Sun, orbit

    with a semi-major axes in a function of planetary sequence) or something similar, the result being

    the expulsion of the outer planets into far away space. In 1944 it was put forth that when a

    Nova happened its fission started the separation of binary stars, whereas the assumption is when

    the Sun experienced it original supernova the binary system was created and the process of

    planetary spacing beganin addition the theory that the planets had a much higher electrical

    charge, as compared to today, supports the theory that as their charges reduced contributes to the

    presence of the recorded (myths and legends) of the environmental phenomena and disasters


    There is mixed in the accounts in antiquity that, according to one theory, there was a massive

    planet (over 90 Earths) in the present asteroid belt around 16-million-years-ago, when a large

    body smacked into it, whereas Apollo is now today represented by those fragments some 260

    million plus miles away from Earth. Another fact that supports the theory of a binary system is

    the instability of the surface, clouds, satellites and the overall motions of Jupiter.

    A Planet that No Longer Exists

    In revisiting Bodes Law we find that by starting with 0 and making the next number 3 and

    doubling these numbers lets say to reach 192, and then adding 4 to each result and dividing by

    10 we get the following results.

    Sun 0Mercury 0.4Venus 0.7

    Earth 1.0Mars 1.6Asteroid Belt 2.8Jupiter 5.2Saturn 10 (actually 9.58)Uranus 19.6 (actually 19.23)

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    After Uranus (not applying to Neptune or Pluto) the math sort of falls apart, although it does

    indicate there was a planet in place of the Asteroid Belt. In 1960, however, the mainstream

    astronomers firmly believed that the asteroids were a large debris field left over from formation

    of the Solar System some 4.5 billion years ago.

    Then here came Professor Michael Ovevden of the Dept of Geophysics and Astronomy, and the

    Institute of Astronomy and Space Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver BC

    who has worked over 25-years in building his case that the Asteroid Belt was actually a Planet

    which exploded or was destroyed millions of years ago. His theory The Principle of Least

    Interaction Action, correctly predicts the orbits of the major Moons of Uranus and Jupiter, and

    within 1% the orbits of all the Planets from Mercury to Uranus. It only works, in his opinion, if a

    large Planet existed in place of the Asteroid Belt, when 16 million years ago it suddenly ceased

    to exist.

    He submitted the following main points as evidence for his theory:

    1) Meteorites, many of which are stray asteroids, often show a complicated crystalline

    structure that could have formed only if it had cooled slowly over millions of years.

    For a small meteorite from the Asteroid Belt to have cooled so slowly, it must have

    been part of a larger body, hundreds if not thousands of miles across.

    2) Many meteorites are magnetized as if they had cooled in a magnetic field of a large

    rotating planet.

    3) Most iron meteorites show more than ten times (10X) the exposure to cosmic ray

    particles than other meteorites-commensurate with being parts of a Planet destroyed by a

    thermonuclear explosion. Cosmic rays originate in supernovas and other violent

    cosmic events.

    4) Some of our scientists believe that tektites originate in the Asteroid Belt, whereas

    certain Russian scientists maintain that only a thermonuclear explosion could have

    created the heat to form these glassy, molten rock and metal spheres that are found laying

    around on Earth, and that intelligence must have caused the explosion of a Planet.

    Now I am not a nuclear engineer, nor am I an astronomer, but if the Planet was as big as some

    maintain it was, it must have been one hell of a nuclear device, and another thing even if it wasntthe object that shattered the Planet must have been big, remember the missing Planet is supposed

    to be 90X the size of Earth. The object(s) being large in nature traveling at 1000s of miles an

    hour smacking into the Planet would have generated sufficient heat to create glassy tektites,

    especially if these object(s) converted the Planet into a bunch of random rocks spinning around

    some 260 million miles from my pillow.

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    One other note distracting from the previous theory is that the latest estimate is that the debris

    orbiting in the Asteroid Belt in total makes up less than 1/1000th of Earth material or density,

    where did all the rest of the 90X Earth Size go? At 90X the mass this planet would be about 5X

    smaller than Saturn which is around 6.78 AU farther out than the Asteroid Belt.

    The Binary Solar System sort of resembles the human inventions of electrical motors based

    upon common electrical principles, whereas today its present form can also be identified as an

    electrical inertial system. Scholars maintain that there is little in existing theory of the Solar

    System and its history that stands against the binary theory. It might be that we have to change

    or ideas about our past Solar System history.


    Early Vedic religion (India) tells of Vritra (the enveloper), as the God who held the waters of

    the world captive until he was killed Indra, later to be renamed Vritrahan slayer of Vritra, it is

    said that Vritrahan destroyed all the 99 fortresses of the imprisoned rivers. It is said that this

    mighty battle began soon after Vritrahan was born, and had consumed a large volume of Soma

    (a ritual drink of the early Indo-Iranians) at Tyashtris house (Tyashtri is the first born creator of

    the Universe). It is Tvashtri that fashioned the thunderbolt for Vritrahan, when asked to do so

    by Vritrahan, and made space for the battle by taking the three great strides for which Vritrahan

    became famous. During the battle Vritra broke Vritrahan two jaws, but was overcome by

    Vritrahan and thrown down, in falling he crushed the fortresses that had already been shattered.

    Following this Vritrahan attacked Vritras mother Danu who was defeated by Vritrahan with his


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    This Hindu history shows that in the beginning there was Vritra, a covering and restraint upon

    the Earth, and had as his allies the Vritryas who were known for the demons of heavenly

    turbulence. It was Varuna (Heaven), who lived with Earth in a common house and was a strong

    enemy of Vritra it was she who gave birth to Vritrahan, who remained unseen until he had his

    fill of Soma, whereas he finally blew heaven and earth apart forever, filling the atmosphere with

    his brilliant self.

    From the myth or Hindu poem we can understand that Varuna was the original benign and

    intimate Heaven of Earth, whereas the Vritryas are the falling dragon-like (breathing fire) rocks

    falling from the sky, where the Earths surface is destroyed in the 1st struggle of the Gods. But

    Vritrahan appears between Heaven and Earth (the 1st Sun) as it increases in visibility, across the

    now damaged and wrinkles on Earth the rains fall in abundance, as the Sun increased its

    brightness, next came creation but wait, there must have been some humans who witnessed the

    chaos happening to their environment.

    In Southeast Alaska Tlingit legends the Raven managed to trick Kanook and steal water from

    his well, and flying across the landscape created all the lakes and rivers.

    In other words the world was dark and asleep until the Sun appeared and scattered the shades or

    shadows of darkness the golden egg was hatched and life began. The Cosmic Egg idea is

    found not only in Hindu cosmogony, the Greek had one version in their Hesiod and Orphic rites,

    the Dogons of the Upper Nile region put two creators within one Egg, thereby before the Cosmic

    Egg chaos was the rule-of-the-day. There is a thought that the Sun who hatched was Super-

    Uranus who then presided over the now opening Universe.

    Rapid Change

    If we follow the myths/legends passed on down to

    our civilization today, we fall into the category that all

    this change could have taken place over the last 14

    or 15 thousand years. Hoisting some pretty drastic

    consequences to the proto-humans bumping around on

    Earth mostly caused by the reduction in the electrical

    particles that the Sun had been receiving from its

    galaxy, whereas an expansion was in process leading

    to a decreased gaseous tie with its less luminous binary

    star Super-Uranus.

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    The ratio of electrical motions to inertial motions upon Super-Uranus diminished, disturbing its

    rotation and its orbital velocity, making it very unstable along with it beginning to fission. At

    least two novas occurred, one that produced Saturn and the other Jupiter other fragments from

    all this action shot out into deep space creating Neptune.

    On Earth it is safe to say that during this period of time that the geography must have been

    changing, as a bombardment of material from Super-Uranus 1.7 billion miles distant finally

    smacked into our home world. This accompanied with super-energy displays, causing slight

    interruptions in Earths motions. The heavy bombardment would rip the land in some places

    weakening the mantle permitting super-volcanoes to do their stuff naturally with smaller

    explosions appearing across the disturbed landscape. Small ranges of mountains and hills would

    fold and thrust, creating minor basins and many streams and rivers. Harmful gas from the Earths

    interior would be thrust out into the atmosphere extinguishing life in various locations, as world

    wide monster forest fires ravaged other sections. Pangea was