mystical maladoreias: an rkc chapter 4


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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Last time we visited the Cranes Amelia was left alone while Edward was at work and she ended up once more giving birth in her crafting room. The couple had attempted to have another son that was related to both of them so he too would have a chance at heirship.

Sadly, it was not to be. Amelia had another daughter she named Abigail. As a result, Isaac is the sole heir to the Crane name and he won’t even be related to Amelia. She

could see her dreams of a grandchild with her looks going up in smoke along with the reputation of the Crane name being in the hands of that boy…

When he wasn’t working hard climb the ranks of the Military, Edward was often out at Crane Crafts. The business was doing fairly well and would soon reach rank ten, a

first in the community. His true dream was to run an empire, a Criminal empire. But to do so he needed funding so his job as the military leader would be short lived and as soon as he could get out, he would. Hayden Prescott is already the ranking general for Maladoreias he was merely a second-in-command to him. He did not enjoy being told

what to do, which is why his wish to be his own boss meant so much to him.

Amelia’s pottery was in high demand and he could hardly keep the vases and pots on the shelf. She would have to make more to keep up with the demand of the people.

Perhaps even adding a second register to alleviate the congestion of the lines. He would soon need to hire a governess for his three daughters and Edward knew it would free

Amelia’s time up so she could make more pottery.

Edward had enough sales people to make sure none of his customers threw an negative star his way. Achieving a top-ranked business was essential to his future plans of a

criminal empire. Or rather an “import/export” empire…just in case the wrong people came asking.

Ever the apple of her father’s eye, little Katrina would soon be attending a prestigious private school along with her extraordinary siblings. The same school that educated the Royal children would also educate the Crane children. Also the need for a governess for

his daughters just moved up Edward’s priority list.

That also meant that his youngest daughter Abigail would be growing up too. He did not notice the slight look of disappointment in his wife’s eyes when he said they would not be having anymore children. Edward has his heir and three daughters to provide

dowries for already, he didn’t want to take a chance and get a fourth daughter he didn’t need.

It did please him to see Isaac taking an interest in his youngest sister’s early education though. He would make an excellent leader and appropriate heir to his empire.

Abigail Crane

Capricorn 10/8/0/3/7

Isaac: Wonderful sister, your voice will truly become legend.

Abigail: Wegend!! Me!!

Isaac: Truly; I could use a singer to entertain me when I run father’s empire.

Abigail: Emper!!

Starlight: You intrigue me, what was you said you were again?

River: Well I come from a family of Water Elves, we came here with the Erde family. My name is River Vesi.

Starlight: Interesting…

River: So are you. It’s nice to see I’m not the only one who has a visible difference.

River: We’re still waiting for some things to arrive but I hope we can go to the same school Star.

Starlight: As do I; you are interesting.

River: Thanks…I guess.

Edward: Finally, I can begin my reign as a Criminal Mastermind. The kingdom won’t know what hit them.


At the Van Braun house, another anticipated arrival was about to debut, Lady Yanna had been awaiting the birth of their second child for some time now. Lord Darius had

finally accumulated enough stock to open Van Braun Toys & Games, it was all coming together.

It was also Clara’s birthday and she too would be starting school. Like the other Noble children she would attend the same private school that had accepted the others. Darius was doing very well in the world of Business and he wanted the best for his children

like any father would.

Seems it would come sooner than he thought, his wife’s labour began almost immediately after Clara’s birthday, she didn’t even have time to change her outfit.

The Van Brauns were not prepared for triplets however. Lord Darius had two sons and another daughter. Emmet, his heir, Lorraine, and Marty short for Martin. And

they both agreed that four was enough. He had an heir and a spare in one go.

Lord Darius was thankful his toy store was ranked ten among the few in the kingdom. He had four children to educate and provide for now. Until three more top-ranked

businesses emerged, he could not begin construction on his proposed Business District. The king has made his approval dependent on having five top-ranked

businesses before he would allow a district to be created.

In the meantime, he had triplets to help out with. Like Lady Amelia Crane, with four children he had the need to hire a governess to mind his children and assist Yanna. He

would place an ad at the local venue for one as soon as he was able to. Until then he wasn’t comfortable placing the burden on Yanna alone, she also had made some of the

toys he sold in his store.

Emmet Van Braun (light shirt) Virgo


Lorraine Van Braun Aries


Marty Van Braun Scorpio


Lord Darius Van Braun finally became Maladoreias’ first Business Tycoon. I’m halfway to a BD and it’s only the second rotation. Population jump here I come. I still

have to play the two Merchant families you have already seen; the Erdes and the Vesis. They will provide the remaining required businesses once I get them placed.

Next rotation I hope to make the king’s venue and the Prescott Art Store top-ranked to help out with the requirements. Also the names of the Merchant families are

courtesy of Google Translate. Erde is German for “earth” and Vesi is Finnish for “water”. It’s helpful for coming up with unique names.

And a shot of the Noble family street. The very end (1) is the Prescott house, middle (2) is the Crane house, and the third is obviously the Van Braun house. Closest to the edge is the first NPC lot, Ye Olde Tailor shop where I go to get new threads for those terrible transition clothing malfunctions. And the family businesses are right across

the street from their respective owners’ houses.

Next time we will see the new Merchant families. This is part two of three for this rotation. Until then see you.