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    nATuRE CommunICATIons | 2:463 | DoI: 10.1038/c1472 | www.atre.c/atrecicati

    2011Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

    Received 5 Apr 2011 | Accepted 4 Ag 2011 | Pblihed 6 sep 2011 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1472

    The depedece the rate prtprt iteracti the cetre--a clliieergy, s, i daetal iprtace r bth hadr cllider phyic ad particle

    atrphyic. The depedece cat yet be calclated r rt priciple; therere,

    experietal eareet are eeded. Here we preet the rt eareet the

    ielatic prtprt iteracti cr-ecti at a cetre--a eergy, s, 7 TeV

    ig the ATLAs detectr at the Large Hadr Cllider. Evet are elected by reqirig hit

    citillati cter ted i the rward regi the detectr. A ielatic cr-

    ecti 60.32.1 b i eared r > 510 6, where i calclated r the ivariat

    a, MX, hadr elected ig the larget rapidity gap i the evet. Fr diractive

    evet, thi crrepd t reqirig at leat e the diciati ae t be larger

    tha 15.7 GeV.

    1 EP-PH, CERN, ATLAS Secretariat, Geneva 1211, Switzerland. Correspondence and requests or materials should be addressed to Klaus Mnig

    (e-mail: [email protected]). *A ull list o authors or the ATLAS collaboration and their afliations appears at the end o the paper.

    meareet the ielatic prtprtcr-ecti at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAs detectrThe ATLAs Cllabrati1,*

  • 7/27/2019 n Comms 1472


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    nATuRE CommunICATIons | DoI: 10.1038/c1472

    nATuRE CommunICATIons | 2:463 | DoI: 10.1038/c1472 | www.atre.c/atrecicati

    2011Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

    selection but have < 510 6, L td is the integrated luminosity, andtrig and sel are the trigger and ofine event selection ecienciesin the selected -range. For = 510 6, sel is 50%, rising to nearly100% or > 10 5. Te dependence o the eciency on is simi-lar or the SD and DD processes and or dierent MC generators.Te measurement is quoted or >510 6 that gives the smallestcorrection actor, ( )/1

    5 106

    < fx

    esel , and thus yields the smallest

    systematic uncertainty on the measurement due to the underlying-distribution.

    In this measurement, NBG and trig are determined directly romthe data. Te MBS individual counter eciencies in the MC simu-lation are tuned to match the observed eciencies in data. Ten seland fx< 5 10 6 are taken rom the tuned MC simulation. o reduce theuncertainties in the actors taken rom MC simulation, the relativediractive dissociation cross-section, fD SD DD CD inel= ( )/s s s s + + or each generator is constrained. Each o these steps is describedin detail below.

    Te MBS unctions as a trigger by determining the numbero scintillation counters with a signal passing a leading-edge dis-criminator; in this analysis, at least one trigger signal must bepresent. In the ofine reconstruction, the MBS signals are t toobtain the total charge and timing o the signal. Te ofine eventselection requires at least two counters with a charge larger than

    0.15 pC. Tis threshold is set to be well above the noise level, whichis well described by a Gaussian centred at zero o width 0.02 pC.Tis inclusive sample contains 1,220,743 data events. o constrainthe diractive components, a subset o events that have at least twohits on one side o the MBS detector and no hits on the opposingside (in z) are selected. In the data, 122,490 o these single-sidedevents are observed.

    Backgrounds. Backgrounds arise rom beam-related interactions,such as collisions o the beam with gas particles in the beam-pipeor with material upstream rom the detector, and slowly-decay-ing, collision-induced radiation termed aerglow36. Additionally,instrumental noise and cosmic rays provide backgrounds that werestudied and ound to be negligible or this analysis. Te beam-

    related backgrounds are determined using the number o selectedevents collected in this ll with the non-colliding bunches, that is,when only one proton bunch was passing through ALAS37. Teyare normalized by the ratio o the number o protons in the col-liding to the non-colliding bunches. Te single-sided selectioncontains 42228 background events and the inclusive sample con-tains NBG = 1,57454 background events, corresponding to 0.3%and 0.1% o the total samples, respectively. In addition, there is anin-time aerglow component owing to the scattering o second-ary low-energy particles produced in the same collision event thatcan give extra hits, causing low-activity events to migrate into theselected event sample. Tis contribution is evaluated to be at most0.4% or the inclusive, and 3.6% or the single-sided samples, byexamining the asymmetry o the absolute timing measurement

    o the MBS counters. We conservatively assume a 100% uncer-tainty on both background sources that covers any residual impacto the aerglow on the background subtraction, any uncertaintyin the beam current measurements and the uncertainty due to in-time aerglow. Te resulting overall uncertainty on the number obackground events NBG is given by the quadratic sum o the twocomponents and is 0.4%.

    Detector eciency and modelling. Te trigger eciency o theMBS detector, with respect to the ofine requirement, trig, ismeasured to be 99 98

    0 12

    0 02. %



    + (statistical errors) using events triggeredrandomly on colliding beams. Te systematic uncertainty on trig isdetermined using a second, independent trigger as reerence. Tedierence between the two eciency determinations leads to a 0.1%uncertainty on the cross-section measurement.

    Te data and MC simulation agreement in the MBS counterresponse is checked using other detector subsystems with over-lapping ranges: charged particles reconstructed by the t rackingdetector (2.09 < || < 2.5), and calorimeter showers in the innerwheel o the electromagnetic calorimeter (2.5 < || < 3.2) andin the orward calorimeter (3.1 < || < 3.84). Te eciency withrespect to a track (calorimeter energy deposit) to have a signalabove the 0.15 pC threshold in the outer (inner) counters is onaverage 98.5% (97.5%) or the data and a constant 99.4% (98.7%)

    in the MC simulation. Te individual counter eciencies deviateby up to 2.0% (2.5%) rom the average in the data. Te MC simula-tion is corrected to match the data eciency, and the maximum

    variations in the counter responses are considered as a systematicuncertainty. Tis results in a 0.1% uncertainty on the cross-sectionmeasurement.

    Te ofine selection eciency, sel, depends on the amount omaterial traversed by particles beore hitting the MBS detector.Te rate o photons (primarily rom 0 decays) converting to elec-trons that are subsequently detected by the MBS increases withextra material, resulting in an increase osel. Second order eectsarise rom charged particles scattering out o the MBS accept-ance region (decreasing sel), or charged particles scattering intothe acceptance region (increasing fx< 5 10 6). Within the tracking

    volume (|| < 2.5), the material distribution has been studied usingconversion electrons and Ks


    + p p decays, and is known to bet-

    ter than 5% in the central region o the detector and to 30% or2.2 < || < 2.5 (re. 38). In the region || > 2.5, the material is domi-nated by the cooling and electrical services to the silicon pixel detec-tor, and an uncertainty o40% is assumed. Tis is validated in-situusing the raction o events wherein we observe signicant energyin the orward calorimeters but no signal (above noise) in the MBSdetector. Te resulting systematic uncertainty on the cross-sectionis 0.2%.

    Misalignments o the MBS detector with respect to the nominalcentre o the detector could change the event selection eciency ora particular value o. Misalignments o up to 10 mm were con-sidered and ound to have a negligible impact. A misalignment o

    10 mm is conservative compared with the survey precision and anyknown misalignments within the ALAS experiment23.

    Fractional diractive event contribution. Te ractional contribu-tion o diractive events, fD, is constrained by the ratio o single-sided to inclusive events, Rss. Te MC generators predict that lessthan 1% o the ND process pass the single-sided event selection,whereas 2741% o the SD and DD processes pass the single-sidedselection. For all models, the inclusive sample is dominated by NDevents; thereore, the ratio o single-sided to inclusive events issensitive to the relative raction o diractive events.

    Te measured Rss in the data isRss = +[ . . (10 02 0 03 ) )]%0.4

    0.1stat. (syst. ,where the systematic error includes the uncertainties on the back-grounds, the MBS response and the material.

    Figure 1 compares the observed value oRss to the predictions oseveral models as a unction ofD. Te intersection o the Rss valuemeasured in data with the prediction is used as the central value ofD or each model. Te systematic uncertainty onfD is determined bythe maximum and minimum values consistent with the 1 uncer-tainty on the data when varying the double- to single-dissociationevent ratio between 0 and 1. Te resulting value using the deault DLmodel is fD =

    +26 9 1 0

    2 5. %.

    . .

    Uncertainty on acceptance. Te acceptance calculation relies onthe MC generators to provide an adequate description o the par-ticle multiplicity in the acceptance region. Te validity o the MCdescription is assessed by examining the hit multiplicity in theMBS detector in the inclusive and single-sided event samples asshown in Figure 2. Whereas none o the generators gives a perect

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    nATuRE CommunICATIons | DoI: 10.1038/c1472

    nATuRE CommunICATIons | 2:463 | DoI: 10.1038/c1472 | www.atre.c/atrecicati

    2011Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

    description, the data lie between the models at low multiplicity thatis most important or the measurement.

    Te inclusive sample, which is dominated by non-diractiveevents, is reasonably well described by the MC. In addition, inclu-sive charged particle properties have been studied extensively in37,38that show that the Monte Carlo generators describe the data well.Dierences in the acceptance or non-diractive events were stud-ied with several variations o the Pythia6 tuning parameters andwere shown to be negligible.

    Te single-sided sample is dominated by diractive events. Te

    deault DL model describes it well, giving condence in the dirac-tive modelling. We use the dierence in the MC correction actordetermined with Pythia8 and Pythia6 as the uncertainty due to theragmentation model, leading to a 0.4% uncertainty on the cross-section. Te maximum dierence between the deault DL modeland all other models is taken as the uncertainty due to the underly-ing distribution. Variations o have a negligible eect on theacceptance. Among all the models considered, the Phojet modelgives the largest dierence in the correction actor, leading to a 0.4%uncertainty on the cross-section.

    Inelastic cross-section. Te nal result or the measured inelas-tic cross-section is calculated using the deault DL model o= 0.085 and = 0.25, which yields fD = 26.9%, sel = 98.77%,



    5 10

    6 0 96. %

    . ogether with trig = 99.98%, N= 1,220,743,NBG = 1,574 and =L td 20 25. b 1 this results ins xinel ( )> =

    5 10 6 60 3 0 05 0 5 2 1. . ( ) . ( ) . ( ) . stat. syst. lumi. mb

    Te systematic uncertainty includes all contributions discussedabove and listed in able 1. Te dominant uncertainty arises romthe luminosity calibration and is quoted separately.

    DiscussionTe measurement is compared with the predictions in Figure 3 andable 2. Te predictions by the Schuler-Sjstrand model (66.4 mb)and the Phojet model (74.2 mb) are both higher than the data. Teprediction o 51.856.2 mb by Ryskin et al.17 and personal commu-nication, is slightly lower than the data.

    o compare with previous measurements and analytic models,the ractional contribution to the inelastic cross-section o events

    passing the > 510 6 cut is determined rom the models andused to extrapolate the measurement to the ull inelastic cross-section. Tis raction is 87.3% or the deault model o DL with= 0.085 and = 0.25. Te other models considered give rac-tions ranging rom 96% (Phojet) to 86% (DL with = 0.10). Recentcalculations also yield values between 79 and 84% (re. 17). Tus



    5 10 15 20 25 30























    Data 2010SchulerSjstrand Pythia 6

    SchulerSjstrand Pythia 8Bruni and Ingelman Pythia 8

    DL = 0.085 Pythia 8DL = 0.06 Pythia 8

    DL = 0.10 Pythia 8Phojet



    2 4 6 8 10 12 14 160











    Data 2010Schuler Sjstrand Pythia 6

    Schuler Sjstrand Pythia 8Bruni and Ingelman Pythia 8

    DL = 0.085 Pythia 8DL = 0.06 Pythia 8

    DL = 0.10 Pythia 8Phojet





    s=7 TeV

    s=7 TeV

    Figure 2 | MBTS multiplicity distributions. The mBTs ltiplicityditribti i the data (lled circle) cpared with mC expectatir the iclive (a) ad igle-ided (b) aple r everal mC del(hitgra), ig the tted fD vale. The bad ard the data idicatethe yteatic certaity de t the mBTs detectr repe adthe at aterial i rt the mBTs detectr. Fr all three DLpredicti, the vale i 0.25 GeV 2.


    0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4









    0.18 Data 2010SchulerSjstrand Pythia 6

    SchulerSjstrand Pythia 8

    Bruni and Ingelman Pythia 8

    DL = 0.085 Pythia 8

    DL = 0.06 Pythia 8

    DL = 0.10 Pythia 8


    s=7 TeV


    Figure 1 | Dependence of the fraction of single-sided events (Rss) on

    the relative diffractive contribution (fD). The rati the igle-idedt iclive evet aple R a a cti the ractial ctribti diractive evet, fD, t the ielatic cr-ecti. The data vale rR i hw a the hriztal lie with it yteatic certaitie (greybad). Al hw are predicti everal del a a cti aaed vale fD. Fr all three DL predicti, the vale i 0.25 GeV 2.

    The dealt fD vale are idicated by the arker; they are 32.2% r alldel except Phjet that e 20.2%.

    Table 1 | Systematic uncertainties.

    Source Uncertainty (%)

    Trigger eciecy 0.1mBTs repe 0.1Bea backgrd 0.4

    fD 0.3mC ltiplicity 0.4-Ditribti 0.4material 0.2Liity 3.4Ttal 3.5

    srce yteatic certaity ad their eect the cr-ecti eareet.

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    nATuRE CommunICATIons | DoI: 10.1038/c1472

    nATuRE CommunICATIons | 2:463 | DoI: 10.1038/c1472 | www.atre.c/atrecicati

    2011Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

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    AcknowledgementsWe thank CERN or the ecient commissioning and operation o the LHC during thisinitial high-energy data-taking period as well as the support sta rom our institutionswithout whom ALAS could not be operated eciently. We also thank . Sjstrand,M. Ryskin and V. Khoze or their help on the theoretical aspects o the analysis. Weacknowledge the support o ANPCy, Argentina; YerPhI, Armenia; ARC, Australia;BMWF, Austria; ANAS, Azerbaijan; SSC, Belarus; CNPq and FAPESP, Brazil; NSERC,NRC and CFI, Canada; CERN; CONICY, Chile; CAS, MOS and NSFC, China;COLCIENCIAS, Colombia; MSM CR, MPO CR and VSC CR, Czech Republic; DNRF,DNSRC and Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark; AREMIS, European Union; IN2P3-CNRS,CEA-DSM/IRFU, France; GNAS, Georgia; BMBF, DFG, HGF, MPG and AvH Foundation,

    Germany; GSR, Greece; ISF, MINERVA, GIF, DIP and Benoziyo Center, Israel; INFN,Italy; MEX and JSPS, Japan; CNRS, Morocco; FOM and NWO, Netherlands; RCN,Norway; MNiSW, Poland; GRICES and FC, Portugal; MERYS (MECS), Romania; MESo Russia and ROSAOM, Russian Federation; JINR; MSD, Serbia; MSSR, Slovakia;ARRS and MVZ, Slovenia; DS/NRF, South Arica; MICINN, Spain; SRC and WallenbergFoundation, Sweden; SER, SNSF and Cantons o Bern and Geneva, Switzerland; NSC,aiwan; AEK, urkey; SFC, the Royal Society and Leverhulme rust, United Kingdom;and DOE and NSF, United States o America. Te crucial computing support rom allWLCG partners is acknowledged grateully, in particular rom CERN and the ALASier-1 acilities at RIUMF (Canada), NDGF (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), CC-IN2P3(France), KI/GridKA (Germany), INFN-CNAF (Italy), NL-1 (Netherlands), PIC(Spain), ASGC (aiwan), RAL (UK) and BNL (USA) and in the ier-2 acilities worldwide.

    Author contributionsAll authors have contributed to the publication, being variously involved in designing andbuilding the detector, writing ofine soware, operating and calibrating the detector andanalysing the analysis o the processed data.

    Additional informationSupplementary Inormation accompanies this paper at http://www.nature.com/naturecommunications

    Competing fnancial interests: Te authors declare no competing nancial interests.

    Reprints and permission inormation is available online at http://npg.nature.com/reprintsandpermissions/

    How to cite this article: Te ALAS Collaboration, Measurement o the inelasticprotonproton cross-section at s =7 eV with the ALAS detector. Nat. Commun. 2:463doi: 10.1038/ncomms1472 (2011).

    License: Tis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. o view a copy o this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

    G. Aad48, B. Abbtt111, J. Abdallah11, A.A. Abdelali49, A. Abdeela118, o. Abdiv10, B. Abi112, m. Abli88, H. Abrawicz153, H. Abre115, E. Acerbi89a,89b,B.s. Acharya164a,164b, D.L. Ada24, T.n. Addy56, J. Adela175, m. Aderhlz99, s. Adeit98, P. Adraga75, T. Adye129, s. Aeky22, J.A. Agilar-saavedra124b,a,m. Aharrche81, s.P. Ahle21, F. Ahle48, A. Ahad148, m. Aha40, G. Aielli133a,133b, T. Akdga18a, T.P.A. ke79, G. Akit155, A.V. Akiv94,A. Akiyaa67, m.s. Ala1, m.A. Ala76, s. Albrad55, m. Aleka29, I.n. Alekadrv65, F. Aleadria89a, C. Alexa25a, G. Alexader153, G. Alexadre49,T. Alexpl9, m. Alhrb20, m. Aliev15, G. Aliti89a, J. Ali120, m. Aliyev10, P.P. Allprt73, s.E. Allwd-spier53, J. Ald82, A. Alii102a,102b,R. Al171, A. Al79, m.G. Alviggi102a,102b, K. Aak66, P. Aaral29, C. Aelg22, V.V. Av128, A. Ari124a,b, G. Ar167, n. Ara153,C. Aatpl139, T. Adee34, C.F. Ader20, K.J. Ader30, A. Adreazza89a,89b, V. Adrei58a, m-L. Adriex55, X.s. Adaga70, A. Agerai34,F. Aghil29, n. Aj124a, A. Avi47, A. Ataki8, m. Atelli47, s. Atelli19a,19b, A. Atv96, J. At144b, F. Alli132a, s. A83, L. Aperi Bella4,R. Aplle118, G. Arabidze88, I. Aracea143, Y. Arai66, A.T.H. Arce44, J.P. Archabalt28, s. Arai29,c, J-F. Argi14, E. Arik18a,, m. Arik18a, A.J. Arbrter87,o. Araez81, C. Aralt115, A. Artav95, G. Arti132a,132b, D. Artiv20, s. Aai155, R. Aadiyarv172, s. Ak27, B. a146a,146b, L. Aqith5, K. Aaaga24,A. Atbry169, A. Atvatatrv52, G. Atia175, B. Abert4, B. Aerbach175, E. Age115, K. Agte127, m. Area145a, n. Ati73, R. Avraid9,D. Axe168, C. Ay54, G. Azel93,d, Y. Aza155, m.A. Baak29, G. Baccaglii89a, C. Bacci134a,134b, A.m. Bach14, H. Bachac136, K. Bacha29, G. Bachy29,m. Backe49, m. Backha20, E. Badec25a, P. Bagaia132a,132b, s. Bahiipati2, Y. Bai32a, D.C. Bailey158, T. Bai158, J.T. Baie129, o.K. Baker175, m.D. Baker24,

    s. Baker


    , F. Baltaar D sat Pedra


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    , sw. Baerjee


    , D. Ba


    , A. Bagert


    , V. Baal


    , H.s. Bail


    , L. Barak


    ,s.P. Barav94, A. Barahk65, A. Barbar Galtieri14, T. Barber27, E.L. Barberi86, D. Barberi50a,50b, m. Barber20, D.Y. Bardi65, T. Barillari99, m. Barizi174,T. Barklw143, n. Barlw27, B.m. Barett129, R.m. Barett14, A. Barcelli134a, A.J. Barr118, F. Barreir80, J. Barreir Giare da Cta57, P. Barrill115,R. Bartld143, A.E. Bart71, D. Bartch20, V. Bartch149, R.L. Bate53, L. Batkva144a, J.R. Batley27, A. Battaglia16, m. Battiti29, G. Battiti89a, F. Baer136,H.s. Bawa143,e, B. Beare158, T. Bea78, P.H. Beachei118, R. Beccherle50a, P. Bechtle41, H.P. Beck16, m. Beckigha48, K.H. Beck174, A.J. Beddall18c, A. Beddall18c,s. Bedikia175, V.A. Bedyakv65, C.P. Bee83, m. Begel24, s. Behar Harpaz152, P.K. Behera63, m. Beirde99, C. Belager-Chapage166, P.J. Bell49, W.H. Bell49,G. Bella153, L. Bellagaba19a, F. Bellia29, m. Bell119a, A. Belli57, o. Belbrdva107, K. Beltkiy96, o. Beltraell29, s. Be Ai152, o. Beary153,D. Bechekr135a, C. Bechk83, m. Bedel81, B.H. Beedict163, n. Beek165, Y. Beha153, D.P. Bejai44, m. Beit115, J.R. Beiger22,K. Belaa130, s. Betvele105, D. Berge29, E. Bergeaa Kta41, n. Berger4, F. Bergha169, E. Bergld49, J. Beriger14, K. Berardet83, P. Berat77,R. Berhard48, C. Beri24, T. Berry76, A. Berti19a,19b, F. Bertielli29, F. Bertlcci122a,122b, m.I. Beaa89a,89b, n. Be136, s. Bethke99, W. Bhiji45, R.m. Biachi29,m. Biac72a,72b, o. Biebel98, s.P. Bieiek77, J. Bieiada14, m. Biglietti134a,134b, H. Bilk47, m. Bidi19a,19b, s. Biet115, A. Bigl18c, C. Bii132a,132b, C. Bicarat177,u. Bitec48, K.m. Black21, R.E. Blair5, J.-B. Blachard115, G. Blacht29, T. Blazek144a, C. Blcker22, J. Blcki38, A. Bldel49, W. Bl81, u. Blechei54,G.J. Bbbik105, V.B. Bbrvikv107, s.s. Bcchetta79, A. Bcci44, C.R. Bddy118, m. Behler41, J. Bek174, n. Belaert35, s. Ber77, J.A. Bgaert29,A. Bgdachikv107, A. Bgch90,, C. Bh146a, V. Bivert76, T. Bld163,, V. Bldea25a, n.m. Blet136, m. Ba75, V.G. Bdarek96, m. Bekap136,G. Bra76, C.n. Bth139, P. Bth139, s. Brdi78, C. Brer16, A. Briv128, G. Briv71, I. Brjavic12a, s. Brri132a,132b, K. B105, D. Bcherii19a,

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    m. Ba11, H. Bterebrd105, D. Btterill129, J. Bchai93, J. Bdrea123, E.V. Bhva-Thacker71, C. Blahache123, C. Brdari115, n. B83,A. Bveia30, J. Byd29, I.R. Byk65, n.I. Bzhk128, I. Bzvic-Jeliavcic12b, J. Braciik17, A. Brae29, P. Brachii134a, G.W. Bradebrg57, A. Bradt7, G. Bradt15,o. Bradt54, u. Bratzler156, B. Bra84, J.E. Bra114, H.m. Bra174, B. Brelier158, J. Breer29, R. Breer166, s. Breler152, D. Bret115, n.D. Brett118, D. Britt53,F.m. Brch27, I. Brck20, R. Brck88, T.J. Brdbeck71, E. Brdet153, F. Brggi89a, C. Brberg88, G. Brija34, W.K. Brk31b, G. Brw82, H. Brw7,E. Brbaker30, P.A. Brcka de Retr38, D. Brck144b, R. Breliere48, s. Bret61, A. Bri19a, G. Bri19a, m. Brchi19a, T. Bae13, F. Bcci49,J. Bchaa118, n.J. Bchaa2, P. Bchhlz141, R.m. Bckigha118, A.G. Bckley45, s.I. Bda25a, I.A. Bdagv65, B. Bdick108, V. Bcher81, L. Bgge117,D. Bira-Clark118, E.J. Bi105, o. Blekv96, m. Be42, T. Bra117, H. Brckhart29, s. Brdi73, T. Brge13, s. Brke129, E. Bat33, P. Bey53, C.P. Bzell166,F. Bti29, B. Btler143, J.m. Btler21, C.m. Bttar53, J.m. Btterwrth77, W. Bttiger27, T. Byatt77, s. Cabrera urb167, D. Cari19a,19b, o. Cakir3a, P. Calara14,G. Calderii78, P. Calaya98, R. Calki106, L.P. Calba23a, R. Cali132a,132b, D. Calvet33, s. Calvet33, R. Caach Tr33, A. Caard78, P. Caarri133a,133b,

    m. Cabiaghi119a,119b, D. Caer117, J. Cai20, s. Capaa29, m. Capaelli77, V. Caale102a,102b, F. Caelli30, A. Caepa159a, J. Cater80, L. Capa102a,102b,m.D.m. Capea Garrid29, I. Caprii25a, m. Caprii25a, D. Capritti99, m. Capa36a,36b, R. Capt148, C. Caraarc25a, R. Cardarelli133a, T. Carli29, G. Carli102a,L. Cariati89a,89b, B. Car159a, s. Car48, C. Carpetieri48, G.D. Carrill mtya172, A.A. Carter75, J.R. Carter27, J. Carvalh124a,g, D. Caadei108, m.P. Caad11,m. Cacella122a,122b, C. Ca50a,50b,, A.m. Cataeda Heradez172, E. Cataeda-mirada172, V. Catill Gieez167, n.F. Catr124a, G. Cataldi72a, F. Catae29,A. Catiacci29, J.R. Catre71, A. Cattai29, G. Cattai133a,133b, s. Caghr88, D. Caz164a,164c, A. Cavallari132a,132b, P. Cavalleri78, D. Cavalli89a, m. Cavalli-srza11,V. Cavaii122a,122b, A. Cazzat72a,72b, F. Ceradii134a,134b, A.s. Cerqeira23a, A. Cerri29, L. Cerrit75, F. Certti47, s.A. Ceti18b, F. Ceveii102a,102b, A. Chaaq135a,D. Chakrabrty106, K. Cha2, B. Chaplea85, J.D. Chapa27, J.W. Chapa87, E. Chareyre78, D.G. Charlt17, V. Chavda82, s. Cheatha71, s. Chekav5,s.V. Cheklaev159a, G.A. Chelkv65, m.A. Cheltwka104, C. Che64, H. Che24, L. Che2, s. Che32c, T. Che32c, X. Che172, s. Cheg32a, A. Cheplakv65,V.F. Cheprv65, R. Cherkai El mrli135e, V. Cheryati24, E. Che6, s.L. Cheg158, L. Chevalier136, G. Chieari102a,102b, L. Chikvai51, J.T. Childer58a,A. Chiligarv71, G. Chidii72a, m.V. Chizhv65, G. Chdalaki30, s. Chrid137, I.A. Chritidi77, A. Chritv48, D. Chrek-Brckhart29, m.L. Ch151,J. Chdba125, G. Ciapetti132a,132b, K. Ciba37, A.K. Citci3a, R. Citci3a, D. Cica33, V. Cidr74, m.D. Cibtar163, C. Cicca19a,19b, A. Cici14, m. Cirilli87,m. Cibaca25a, A. Clark49, P.J. Clark45, W. Clelad123, J.C. Clee83, B. Cleet55, C. Cleet146a,146b, R.W. Clit129, Y. Cad83, m. Cbal164a,164c,A. Cccar50a,50b, J. Cchra64, P. Ce118, J.G. Cga143, J. Cggehall165, E. Cgera177, C.D. Cjcar28, J. Cla4, A.P. Clij105, C. Cllard115, n.J. Clli17,C. Clli-Tth53, J. Cllt55, G. Cl84, G. Ce88, P. Cde mi124a, E. Ciaviti118, m.C. Cidi11, m. Ci104, s. Ctatiec25a,

    C. Cta119a,119b

    , F. Cveti102a,h

    , J. Ck29

    , m. Cke14

    , B.D. Cper77

    , A.m. Cper-sarkar118

    , n.J. Cper-sith76

    , K. Cpic34

    , T. Crelie50a,50b

    ,m. Crradi19a, F. Crrivea85,i, A. Crte-Gzalez165, G. Crtiaa99, G. Cta89a, m.J. Cta167, D. Ctaz139, T. Cti30, D. Ct29, R. Cra Trre23a,L. Creyea169, G. Cwa76, C. Cwde27, B.E. Cx82, K. Craer108, F. Crecili122a,122b, m. Critiziai20, G. Cretti36a,36b, R. Crpi72a,72b, s. Crp-Readi55,C.-m. Ccic25a, C. Ceca Alear175, T. Chadar Dzela139, s. Ce50a,50b, m. Cratl47, C.J. Crti17, P. Cwetaki61, H. Czirr141, Z. Czyczla117,s. DAria53, m. Dori73, A. Dorazi132a,132b, A. Da Rcha Gealdi mell23a, P.V.m. Da silva23a, C. Da Via82, W. Dabrwki37, A. Dahlh48, T. Dai87,C. Dallapiccla84, m. Da35, m. Daeri50a,50b, D.s. Daiai137, H.o. Daiel29, R. Daker105, D. Dahei99, V. Da49, G. Darb50a, G.L. Darlea25b,C. Da105, J.P. Daverge29, W. Davey86, T. Davidek126, n. David86, R. David71, m. Davie93, A.R. Davi77, E. Dawe142, I. Daw139, J.W. Daw5,,R.K. Daya39, K. De7, R. de Adi102a, s. De Catr19a,19b, P.E. De Catr Faria salgad24, s. De Cecc78, J. de Graat98, n. De Grt104, P. de Jg105,C. De La Taille115, H. De la Trre80, B. De Ltt164a,164c, L. De mra71, L. De nij105, m. De oliveira Brac29, D. De Pedi132a, P. de saitig55, A. De salv132a,u. De sacti164a,164c, A. De sat149, J.B. De Vivie De Regie115, s. Dea77, D.V. Dedvich65, J. Degehardt120, m. Dehchar118, m. Deile98, C. Del Papa164a,164c,J. Del Pe80, T. Del Prete122a,122b, A. DellAcqa29, L. DellAta89a,89b, m. Della Pietra102a,h, D. della Vlpe102a,102b, m. Delatr29, P. Delpierre83, n. Delrelle29,P.A. Delart55, C. Delca148, s. Deer175, m. Deichev65, B. Deirkz11,j, J. Deg163, s.P. Deiv128, D. Deredarz38, J.E. Derkai135d, F. Dere78, P. Derva73,K. Dech20, E. Devetak148, P.o. Deviveir158, A. Dewhrt129, B. DeWilde148, s. Dhaliwal158, R. Dhllipdi24,k, A. Di Ciacci133a,133b, L. Di Ciacci4,A. Di Girla29, B. Di Girla29, s. Di Lie134a,134b, A. Di mattia88, B. Di micc29, R. Di nard133a,133b, A. Di sie133a,133b, R. Di sipi19a,19b, m.A. Diaz31a,

    F. Dible18c

    , E.B. Diehl87

    , H. Dietl99

    , J. Dietrich48

    , T.A. Dietzch58a

    , s. Digli115

    , K. Didar Yagci39

    , J. Digelder20

    , C. Diii132a,132b

    , P. Dita25a

    , s. Dita25a

    , F. Ditt29

    ,F. Djaa83, R. Djilkibaev108, T. Djbava51, m.A.B. d Vale23a, A. D Valle Wea124a, T.K.o. Da4, m. Dbb85, R. Dbi 29,, D. Db42, E. Db29,m. Db163, J. Ddd34, o.B. Dga18a,, C. Dglii118, T. Dherty53, Y. Di66,, J. Dleji126, I. Dlec74, Z. Dlezal126, B.A. Dlghei96,, T. Dhae155,m. Dadelli23b, m. Dega120, J. Dii55, J. Dpke29, A. Dria102a, A. D Aj172, m. Dil11, A. Dtti122a,122b, m.T. Dva70, J.D. Dwell17, A.D. Dxiadi105,A.T. Dyle53, Z. Draal126, J. Dree174, n. Dreadt120, H. Drevera29, C. Driichi35, m. Dri9, J.G. Drha77, J. Dbbert99, T. Dbb137, s. Dbe14,E. Dchvi171, G. Dckeck98, A. Ddarev29, F. Ddziak64, m. Dhre 29, I.P. Derdth82, L. Dft115, m-A. Dr85, m. Drd29, H. Dra Yildiz3b,R. Dxeld139, m. Dwzik37, F. Dydak 29, D. Dzahii55, m. Dre52, W.L. Ebetei44, J. Ebke98, s. Eckert48, s. Eckweiler81, K. Edd81, C.A. Edward76,W. Ehreeld41, T. Ehrich99, T. Eiert29, G. Eige13, K. Eiweiler14, E. Eiehadler75, T. Ekel166, m. El Kacii135c, m. Ellert166, s. Elle4, F. Elligha81, K. Elli75,n. Elli29, J. Elheer98, m. Elig29, R. Ely14, D. Eeliyav129, R. Egela148, A. Egl98, B. Epp62, A. Eppig87, J. Erda54, A. Ereditat16, D. Erik146a,J. Ert1, m. Ert24, J. Erwei136, D. Errede165, s. Errede165, E. Ertel81, m. Ecalier115, C. Ecbar167, X. Epial Crll11, B. Epit47, F. Etiee83, A.I. Etievre136,E. Etzi153, D. Evagelak54, H. Eva61, L. Fabbri19a,19b, C. Fabre29, R.m. Fakhrtdiv128, s. Falcia132a, A.C. Fal115, Y. Fag172, m. Fati89a,89b, A. Farbi7,A. Farilla134a, J. Farley148, T. Farqe158, s.m. Farrigt118, P. Farthat29, D. Fachig172, P. Faacht29, D. Faliti8, B. Fathlahzadeh158, A. Favaret89a,89b,L. Fayard115, s. Fazi36a,36b, R. Febbrar33, P. Federic144a, o.L. Fedi121, I. Fedrk29, W. Fedrk88, m. Fehlig-Kachek48, L. Feligii83, D. Fella5,C.u. Felza86, C. Feg32d, E.J. Feg30, A.B. Feyk128, J. Ferecei144b, J. Ferlad93, W. Ferad109, s. Ferrag53, J. Ferrad53, V. Ferrara41, A. Ferrari166,

    P. Ferrari


    , R. Ferrari


    , A. Ferrer


    , m.L. Ferrer


    , D. Ferrere


    , C. Ferretti


    , A. Ferrett Pardi


    , m. Fiacari


    , F. Fiedler


    , A. Filipcic


    , A. Filippa


    ,F. Filthat104, m. Ficke-Keeler169, m.C.n. Filhai124a,g, L. Firii11, A. Fira39, G. Ficher41, P. Ficher 20, m.J. Fiher109, s.m. Fiher129, J. Flaer29, m. Flechl48,I. Fleck141, J. Flecker81, P. Fleicha173, s. Fleicha174, T. Flick174, L.R. Flre Catill172, m.J. Flwerdew99, F. Fhlich58a, m. Fkiti9, T. Feca marti16,D.A. Frbh138, A. Frica136, A. Frti82, D. Frti159a, J.m. Fter82, D. Frier115, A. Fat29, A.J. Fwler44, K. Fwler137, H. Fx71, P. Fracavilla122a,122b,s. Frachi119a,119b, D. Fraci29, T. Frak171, m. Frakli57, s. Fraz29, m. Fraterali119a,119b, s. Fratia120, s.T. Frech27, R. Frechl29, D. Fridevax29, J.A. Frt27,C. Fkaga156, E. Fllaa Trregra29, J. Fter167, C. Gabald29, o. Gabiz171, T. Gadrt24, s. Gadki49, G. Gagliardi50a,50b, P. Gag61, C. Galea98,E.J. Galla118, m.V. Galla29, V. Gall16, B.J. Gallp129, P. Gall125, E. Galyaev40, K.K. Ga109, Y.s. Ga143,e, V.A. Gapiek128, A. Gapek14, F. Garber175,m. Garcia-scivere14, C. Garca167, J.E. Garca navarr49, R.W. Garder30, n. Garelli29, H. Garitaadia105, V. Gare29, J. Garvey17, C. Gatti47, G. Gadi119a,o. Gaer49, B. Gar141, L. Gathier136, I.L. Gavrilek94, C. Gay168, G. Gaycke20, J-C. Gayde29, E.n. Gazi9, P. Ge32d, C.n.P. Gee129, D.A.A. Geert105,Ch. Geich-Gibel20, K. Gellertedt146a,146b, C. Gee50a, A. Geell53, m.H. Geet98, s. Getile132a,132b, m. Gerge54, s. Gerge76, P. Gerlach174, A. Gerh153,C. Geweiger58a, H. Ghazlae135b, P. Ghez4, n. Ghdbae33, B. Giacbbe19a, s. Giag132a,132b, V. Giakpl8, V. Giagibbe122a,122b, F. Giatti29,B. Gibbard24, A. Gib158, s.m. Gib29, G.F. Gieraltwki5, L.m. Gilbert118, m. Gilchriee14, V. Gilewky91, D. Gillberg28, A.R. Gilla129, D.m. Gigrich2,d,J. Gizbrg153, n. Gikari8, R. Girda102a,102b, F.m. Girgi15, P. Givaii99, P.F. Girad136, D. Gigi89a, m. Gita132a,132b, P. Giti19a, B.K. Gjelte117,L.K. Gladili97, C. Glaa80, J. Glatzer48, A. Glazv41, K.W. Glitza174, G.L. Glti65, J. Gdrey142, J. Gdlewki29, m. Gebel41, T. Gpert43, C. Geriger81,C. Glig42, T. Gttert99, s. Gldarb87, D. Gldi39, T. Gllig175, s.n. Glvia128, A. Ge124a,b, L.s. Gez Fajard41, R. Gal76,

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    J. machad mige124a, D. macia49, R. mackeprag35, R.J. madara14, W.F. mader43, R. maeer58c, T. mae24, P. mttig174, s. mttig41,P.J. magalhae marti124a,g, L. magi29, E. magradze54, Y. mahalalel153, K. mahbbi48, G. maht17, C. maiai132a,132b, C. maidatchik23a, A. mai124a,b,s. majewki24, Y. makida66, n. makvec115, P. mal6, Pa. malecki38, P. malecki38, V.P. maleev121, F. malek55, u. mallik63, D. mal5, s. maltez9, V. malyhev107,s. malykv29, R. maeghai98, J. mazic12b, A. maabe66, L. madelli89a, I. madic74, R. madrych15, J. maeira124a, P.s. mageard88, I.D. majavidze65,A. ma54, P.m. maig137, A. maaki-Katikaki8, B. malie136, A. maz99, A. mapelli29, L. mapelli29, L. march80, J.F. marchad29,F. marchee133a,133b, G. marchiri78, m. marcivky125, A. mari21,, C.P. mari61, F. marrqi23a, R. marhall82, Z. marhall34,, F.K. marte158,s. marti-Garcia167, A.J. marti175, B. marti29, B. marti88, F.F. marti120, J.P. marti93, Ph. marti55, T.A. marti17, B. marti dit Latr49, m. martiez11,V. martiez otchr57, A.C. martyik82, m. marx82, F. marza132a, A. marzi111, L. maetti81, T. mahi155, R. mahiitv94, J. maik82,A.L. maleikv107, m. ma42, I. maa19a,19b, G. maar105, n. mal4, A. matrberardi36a,36b, T. mabchi155, m. mathe20, P. matric115,

    H. matt115, H. mataga115, T. mathita67, C. mattraver118,t, J.m. magai29, s.J. maxeld73, D.A. maxiv107, E.n. may5, A. maye139, R. mazii151,m. mazr20, m. mazzati89a, E. mazzi122a,122b, s.P. mc Kee87, A. mcCar165, R.L. mcCarthy148, T.G. mcCarthy28, n.A. mcCbbi129, K.W. mcFarlae56,J.A. mcayde139, H. mcGle53, G. mchedlidze51, R.A. mcLare29, T. mclaghla17, s.J. mcmah129, R.A. mcPher169,i, A. meade84, J. mechich105,m. mechtel174, m. medii41, R. meera-Lebbai111, T. megr116, R. mehdiyev93, s. mehlhae35, A. mehta73, K. meier58a, J. meihardt48, B. meire79,C. melachri30, B.R. mellad Garcia172, L. medza nava162, Z. meg151,r, A. megarelli19a,19b, s. meke99, C. met29, E. mei11, K.m. mercri57,P. merd118, L. merla102a,102b, C. meri89a, F.s. merritt30, A. meia29, J. metcale103, A.s. mete64, s. meer20, C. meyer81, J-P. meyer136, J. meyer173,J. meyer54, T.C. meyer29, W.T. meyer64, J. mia32d, s. michal29, L. mic25a, R.P. middlet129, P. miele29, s. miga73, L. mijvic41, G. mikeberg171,m. miketikva125, B. miklec49, m. mik74, D.W. miller143, R.J. miller88, W.J. mill168, C. mill57, A. milv171, D.A. miltead146a,146b, D. miltei171,A.A. miaek128, m. mia167, I.A. miahvili65, A.I. micer108, B. midr37, m. mieev65, Y. mig130, L.m. mir11, G. mirabelli132a, L. miralle Verge11,A. miiejk76, J. mitrevki137, G.Y. mitrav128, V.A. mit167, s. miti66, P.s. miyagawa82, K. miyazaki67, J.u. mjrark79, T. ma146a,146b, P. mckett138,s. med57, V. meller27, K. mig41, n. mer20, s. mhapatra148, B. mh13, W. mhr48, s. mhrdieck-mck99, A.m. mieev128,, R. mle-Vall167,J. mlia-Perez29, L. meta49, J. mk77, E. mier83, s. mtea89a,89b, F. mticelli70, s. mzai19a,19b, R.W. mre2, G.F. mrhead86,C. mra Herrera49, A. mrae53, A. mrai124a,b, n. mrage136, G. mrell36a,36b, D. mre81, m. mre Llcer167, P. mrettii50a, m. mrii57, J. mri75,Y. mrita66, A.K. mrley29, G. mracchi29, m-C. mre49, s.V. mrzv96, J.D. mrri75, H.G. mer99, m. midze51, J. m109, R. mt143,

    E. mtricha9

    , s.V. mraviev94

    , E.J.W. mye84

    , m. mdriic12b

    , F. meller58a

    , J. meller123

    , K. meller20

    , T.A. mller98

    , D. metera29

    , A. mij105

    ,A. mir168, Y. mwe153, K. mrakai66, W.J. mrray129, I. mche105, E. mt102a,102b, A.G. myagkv128, m. myka125, J. nadal11, K. nagai160, K. naga66,Y. nagaaka60, A.m. nairz29, Y. nakahaa115, K. nakara155, I. naka110, G. naava20, A. napier161, m. nah77,t, n.R. nati21, T. nattera20,T. naa41, G. navarr162, H.A. neal87, E. nebt80, P.Y. nechaeva94, A. negri119a,119b, G. negri29, s. nektarijevic49, A. nel64, s. nel143, T.K. nel143,s. neecek125, P. neethy108, A.A. nepce23a, m. nei29,, s.Y. neterv121, m.s. nebaer165, A. neiedl81, R.m. neve108, P. nevki24, P.R. newa17,R.B. nicker118, R. niclaid136, L. nicla139, B. nicqevert29, F. niedercr115, J. niele137, T. niiikki29, A. nikirv15, V. niklaek128, K. niklaev65,I. niklic-Adit78, K. niklpl24, H. nile48, P. nil7, Y. niiya 155, A. niati132a, T. nihiyaa67, R. nii99, L. ndla5, m. nachi116,I. nidi154, H. nt155, m. nrdberg29, B. nrdkvit146a,146b, P.R. nrt129, J. nvakva126, m. nzaki66, m. nicka41, L. nzka113, I.m. nget159a,A.-E. nci-Qirz20, G. ne Haiger20, T. nea98, E. nre77, T. nya29, B.J. oBrie45, s.W. oneale17,, D.C. oneil142, V. oshea53,F.G. oakha28,d, H. oberlack99, J. ocariz78, A. ochi67, s. oda155, s. odaka66, J. odier83, H. ogre61, A. oh82, s.H. oh44, C.C. oh146a,146b, T. ohhia101,H. ohhita140, T.K. ohka66, T. ohgi59, s. okada67, H. okawa163, Y. okra101, T. okyaa155, m. olcee50a, A.G. olchevki65, m. oliveira124a,g,D. oliveira Daazi24, E. oliver Garcia167, D. olivit120, A. olzewki38, J. olzwka38, C. oachi67, A. ore124a,v, P.u.E. oyii30, C.J. ora159a,m.J. oreglia30, F. orellaa49, Y. ore153, D. oreta134a,134b, I. orlv107, C. orpeza Barrera53, R.s. orr158, E.o. ortega130, B. oclati50a,50b, R. opav120,C. oa11, G. oter y Garz26, J.P otterbach105, m. ochri135d, F. old-saada117, A. ora136, Q. oyag32a, m. owe82, s. owe139, o.K. ye13,

    V.E. ozca18a

    , n. oztrk7

    , A. Pachec Page11

    , C. Padilla Arada11

    , E. Pagai139

    , F. Paige24

    , K. Pajchel117

    , s. Paletii29

    , D. Palli33

    , A. Pala124a,b

    , J.D. Paler17

    ,Y.B. Pa172, E. Paagitpl9, B. Pae31a, n. Paikahvili87, s. Paitki24, D. Patea25a, m. Pakva125, V. Pale123, A. Pali133a,133b, A. Papadeli146a,Th.D. Papadpl9, A. Parav5, W. Park24,w, m.A. Parker27, F. Pardi50a,50b, J.A. Par34, u. Parzeall48, E. Paqalcci132a, A. Paeri134a, F. Patre134a,134b,Fr. Patre29, G. Pztr49,x, s. Pataraia172, n. Patel150, J.R. Pater82, s. Patricelli102a,102b, T. Paly29, m. Pecy144a, m.I. Pedraza mrale172, s.V. Pelegachk107,H. Peg172, R. Peg29, A. Pe34, J. Pewell61, m. Perati23a, K. Perez34,, T. Perez Cavalcati41, E. Perez Cdia11, m.T. Prez Garca-Eta167, V. Perez Reale34,I. Peric20, L. Perii89a,89b, H. Peregger29, R. Perri72a, P. Perrd4, s. Perebe3a, V.D. Pehekhv65, o. Peter105, B.A. Petere29, J. Petere29,T.C. Petere35, E. Petit83, A. Petridi154, C. Petrid154, E. Petrl132a, F. Petrcci134a,134b, D. Petchll41, m. Pettei142, R. Peza31b, A. Pha86, A.W. Phillip27,P.W. Phillip129, G. Piacqadi29, E. Piccar75, m. Picciii19a,19b, A. Pickrd53, s.m. Piec41, R. Piegaia26, J.E. Pilcher30, A.D. Pilkigt82, J. Pia124a,b,m. Piati164a,164c, A. Pider118, J.L. Pild2, J. Pig32c, B. Pit124a,b, o. Pirtte29, C. Pizi89a,89b, R. Placakyte41, m. Plad169, W.G. Pla82, m.-A. Pleier24,A.V. Plekach128, A. Pblagev24, s. Pddar58a, F. Pdlyki33, L. Pggili115, T. Pghya20, m. Phl49, F. Plci55, G. Pleell119a, A. Plicicchi138, A. Plii19a,J. Pll75, V. Plychrak24, D.m. Parede136, D. Pery22, K. P29, L. Ptecrv132a, B.G. Ppe88, G.A. Ppeeci25a, D.s. Ppvic12a, A. Ppplet29,X. Prtell Be48, R. Prter163, C. Pch21, G.E. Ppelv99, s. Ppiil127, I.n. Ptrap99, C.J. Ptter149, C.T. Ptter114, G. Plard29, J. Pveda172, R. Prabh77,P. Pralavri83, s. Praad57, R. Pravaha7, s. Prell64, K. Pretzl16, L. Pribyl29, D. Price61, L.E. Price5, m.J. Price29, P.m. Prichard73, D. Prier123, m. Priavera172a,K. Prkev108, F. Prkhi31b, s. Prtppec24, J. Prdt5, X. Prdet43, H. Przyieziak4, s. Prla20, E. Ptacek114, J. Prdha87, m. Prhit24,w,

    P. Pz


    , Y. Pylypchek


    , J. Qia


    , Z. Qia


    , Z. Qi


    , A. Qadt


    , D.R. Qarrie


    , W.B. Qayle


    , F. Qiez


    , m. Raa


    , V. Radec


    , B. Radic


    ,T. Radr18a, F. Raga89a,89b, G. Rahal177, A.m. Rahii109, D. Rah24, s. Rajagpala24, m. Raeee48, m. Rae141, m. Ratedt146a,146b, K. Radriaarivy28,P.n. Rat71, F. Racher98, E. Rater99, m. Rayd29, A.L. Read117, D.m. Rebzzi119a,119b, A. Redelbach173, G. Redliger24, R. Reece120, K. Reeve40, A. Reichld105,E. Reiherz-Ari153, A. Reich114, I. Reiiger42, D. Reljic12a, C. Reber29, Z.L. Re151, A. Read115, P. Rekel39, B. Rech35, m. Recig132a, s. Reci89a,B. Reede136, P. Rezicek98, R. Rezvai158, A. Richard77, R. Richter99, E. Richter-Wa38,y, m. Ridel78, s. Rieke81, m. Rijptra105, m. Rijebeek148, A. Rildi119a,119b,L. Rialdi19a, R.R. Ri39, I. Ri11, G. Rivltella89a,89b, F. Rizatdiva112, E. Rizvi75, s.H. Rbert85,i, A. Rbichad-Verea49, D. Rbi27, J.E.m. Rbi77,m. Rbi114, A. Rb53, J.G. Rcha de Lia106, C. Rda122a,122b, D. Rda D sat29, s. Rdier80, D. Rdrigez162, Y. Rdrigez Garcia15, A. Re54, s. Re29,o. Rhe117, V. Rj1, s. Rlli161, A. Raik96, V.m. Rav65, G. Re26, D. Rer maltraa31a, L. R78, E. R167, s. Rati132a,132b, K. Rbach49,m. Re79, G.A. Reba158, E.I. Reberg64, P.L. Redahl13, L. Relet49, V. Retti11, E. Ri102a,102b, L.P. Ri50a, L. Ri89a,89b, m. Rtar25a, I. Rth171,J. Rthberg138, D. Rea115, C.R. Ry136, A. Rzav83, Y. Rze152, X. Ra115, I. Rbikiy41, B. Rckert98, n. Rckthl105, V.I. Rd97, G. Rdlph62, F. Rhr6,F. Rggieri134a,134b, A. Riz-martiez64, E. Rlikwka-Zarebka37, V. Riatev91,, L. Ryatev65, K. Rge48, o. Rl20, Z. Rrikva48,n.A. Rakvich65, D.R. Rt61, J.P. Rtherrd6, C. Rwiedel14, P. Rzicka125, Y.F. Ryabv121, V. Ryadvikv128, P. Rya88, m. Rybar126, G. Rybki115, n.C. Ryder118,s. Rzaeva10, A.F. saavedra150, I. sadeh153, H.F-W. sadrziki137, R. sadykv65, F. saai Tehrai132a,132b, H. sakat155, G. salaaa105, A. sala133a,m. salee111, D. salihagic99, A. salikv143, J. salt167, B.m. salvacha Ferrad5, D. salvatre36a,36b, F. salvatre149, A. salzbrger29, D. sapidi154,B.H. saet117, H. sadaker13, H.G. sader81, m.P. sader98, m. sadh174, P. sadh158, T. sadval27, R. sadtre105, s. sadv174, D.P.C. sakey129,

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    A. sai47, C. sataaria Ri85, C. sati33, R. satic133a,133b, H. sat124a, J.G. saraiva124a,b, T. saragi172, E. sarkiya-Griba7, F. sarri122a,122b,G. sartih174, o. saaki66, T. saaki66, n. saa68, I. satkevitch90, G. savage4, J.B. sava115, P. savard158,d, V. saviv123, D.o. sav29, P. savva9,L. sawyer24,k, D.H. sax53, L.P. say33, C. sbarra19a,19b, A. sbrizzi19a,19b, o. scall93, D.A. scaicchi163, J. schaarchidt115, P. schacht99, u. scher81,s. schaepe20, s. schaetzel58b, A.C. schaer115, D. schaile98, R.D. schaberger148, A.G. schav107, V. schar58a, V.A. schegelky121, D. scheirich87, m.I. scherzer14,C. schiavi50a,50b, J. schieck98, m. schippa36a,36b, s. schleker29, J.L. schlereth5, E. schidt48, m.P. schidt175,, K. schiede20, C. schitt81, m. schitz20,A. schig58b, m. schtt29, D. schte142, J. schvacva125, m. schra85, C. schreder81, n. schrer58c, s. schh29, G. schler29, J. schlte174,H.-C. schltz-Cl58a, H. schlz15, J.W. schacher20, m. schacher48, B.A. sch137, Ph. sche136, C. schwaeberger82, A. schwartza143,Ph. schwelig78, R. schwiehrt88, R. schwierz43, J. schwidlig136, W.G. sctt129, J. searcy114, E. sedykh121, E. segra11, s.C. seidel103, A. seide137, F. seiert43,J.m. seixa23a, G. sekhiaidze102a, D.m. selivertv121, B. sellde146a, G. seller73, m. sea144b, n. seprii-Ceari19a,19b, C. ser98, L. seri115, R. seter99,

    H. severii111, m.E. sevir86, A. syrla29, E. shabalia54, m. shai114, L.Y. sha32a, J.T. shak21, Q.T. sha86, m. shapir14, P.B. shatalv95, L. shaver6, C. shaw53,K. shaw164a,164c, D. shera175, P. sherwd77, A. shibata108, s. shiiz29, m. shijia100, T. shi56, A. sheleva94, m.J. shchet30, D. shrt118, m.A. shpe6,P. sich125, A. sidti132a,132b, A. siebel174, F. siegert48, J. siegrit14, Dj. sijacki12a, o. silbert171, J. silva124a,b, Y. silver153, D. silvertei143, s.B. silvertei146a, V. siak127,o. siard136, Lj. siic12a, s. sii115, B. si77, m. siya35, P. sierv158, n.B. siev114, V. sipica141, G. siraga81, A.n. siakya65, s.Y. sivklkv97,J. sjli146a,146b, T.B. sjre13, L.A. skiari14, K. skvpe107, P. skbic111, n. skvrdev22, m. slater17, T. slavicek127, K. sliwa161, T.J. sla71, J. slper29,V. sakhti171, s.Y. sirv96, L.n. sirva97, o. sirva79, B.C. sith57, D. sith143, K.m. sith53, m. sizaka71, K. slek127, A.A. searev94,s.W. sw82, J. sw111, J. sverik105, s. syder24, m. sare124a, R. sbie169,i, J. sdka127, A. ser153, C.A. sla167, m. slar127, J. slc127, E. sldatv96,u. sldevila167, E. slarli Caillcci132a,132b, A.A. sldkv128, o.V. slvyav128, J. sdericker24, n. si2, V. spk127, B. spk127, m. srbi89a,89b, m. sebee7,A. skharev107, s. spagl72a,72b, F. spa34, R. spighi19a, G. spig29, F. spila132a,132b, E. spiriti134a, R. spiwk29, m. spta126, T. spreitzer158, B. sprlck7,R.D. st. Dei53, T. stahl141, J. stahla120, R. stae58a, E. staecka29, R.W. staek5, C. staec134a, s. stape117, E.A. starchek128, J. stark55, P. starba125,P. starvitv91, A. stade98, P. stavia144a, G. stavrpl14, G. steele53, P. steibach43, P. steiberg24, I. stekl127, B. stelzer142, H.J. stelzer41, o. stelzer-Chilt159a,H. stezel52, K. steve75, G.A. stewart53, J.A. stillig20, T. stcka20, m.C. stckt29, K. sterig48, G. sticea25a, s. stjek99, P. strachta126,A.R. stradlig7, A. straeer43, J. stradberg87, s. stradberg146a,146b, A. stradlie117, m. strag109, E. stra143, m. stra111, P. strizeec144b, R. strher173,D.m. str114, J.A. strg76,, R. strywki39, J. strbe129, B. stg13, I. ster24,, J. stpak148, P. str174, D.A. sh151,p, D. s143, Hs. sbraaia2,

    A. sccrr11

    , Y. sgaya116

    , T. sgit101

    , C. shr106

    , K. sita67

    , m. sk126

    , V.V. sli94

    , s. sltay3d

    , T. sida29

    , X. s55

    , J.E. sdera48

    , K. srliz164a,164b

    ,s. shkv11, G. si36a,36b, m.R. stt139, Y. szki66, m. svat125, Y.m. sviridv128, s. swedih168, I. sykra144a, T. sykra126, B. szele29, J. schez167,D. Ta105, K. Tacka41, A. Taard163, R. Tart159a, A. Taga117, n. Taibl153, Y. Takahahi101, H. Takai24, R. Takahia69, H. Takeda67, T. Takehita140, m. Talby83,A. Talyhev107, m.C. Taett24, J. Taaka155, R. Taaka115, s. Taaka131, s. Taaka66, Y. Taaka100, K. Tai67, n. Tary83, G.P. Tapper29, s. Tapprgge81, D. Tardi158,s. Tare152, F. Tarrade24, G.F. Tartarelli89a, P. Ta126, m. Taevky125, E. Tai36a,36b, m. Tatarkhav14, C. Taylr77, F.E. Taylr92, G.n. Taylr86, W. Taylr159b,m. Teixeira Dia Cataheira75, P. Teixeira-Dia76, K.K. Teig48, H. Te Kate29, P.K. Teg151, s. Terada66, K. Terahi155, J. Terr80, m. Terwrt41,, m. Teta47,R.J. Techer158,i, C.m. Tevli82, J. Thade174, J. Therhaag20, T. Theveeax-Pelzer78, m. Thiye175, s. Tha48, J.P. Tha17, E.n. Thp84, P.D. Thp17,P.D. Thp158, A.s. Thp53, E. Th120, m. Th27, R.P. Th87, T. Tic125, V.o. Tikhirv94, Y.A. Tikhv107, C.J.W.P. Tiera104,P. Tipt175, F.J. Tiqe Aire Viega29, s. Tierat83, J. Tbia48, B. Tczek37, T. Tdrv4, s. Tdrva-nva161, B. Tgger163, J. Tj66, s. Tkr144a,K. Tkaga67, K. Tkhk66, K. Tlle88, m. Tt101, L. Tpki14, K. T103, G. Tg32a, A. Tya13, C. Tpel16, n.D. Tpili65, I. Trchiai29,E. Trrece114, E. Trr Patr167, J. Tth83,x, F. Tchard83, D.R. Tvey139, D. Trayr75, T. Trezger173, J. Trei20, L. Treblet29, A. Tricli29, I.m. Trigger159a,s. Tricaz-Dvid78, T.n. Trih78, m.F. Tripiaa70, n. Triplett64, W. Trichk158, A. Trivedi24,w, B. Trc55, C. Trc89a, m. Trttier-mcDald142, A. Trzpek38,C. Tarcha29, J.C-L. Teg118, m. Tiakiri105, P.V. Tiarehka90, D. Ti4, G. Tipliti9, V. Tikaridze48, E.G. Tkhadadze51, I.I. Tkera95, V. Tlaia123,J.-W. Tg20, s. T66, D. Tybychev148, A. Ta139, J.m. Tggle30, m. Trala38, D. Trecek127, I. Trk Cakir3e, E. Trlay105, R. Trra89a,89b, P.m. Tt34, A. Tykhv74,

    m. Tylad146a,146b

    , m. Tydel129

    , H. Tyrvaie29

    , G. Tzaak8

    , K. uchida20

    , I. ueda155

    , R. ue28

    , m. uglad13

    , m. uhlebrck20

    , m. uhracher54

    , F. ukegawa160

    ,G. ual29, D.G. uderwd5, A. udr24, G. uel163, Y. u66, D. urbaiec34, E. urkvky153, P. urrejla31a, G. uai7, m. uleghi119a,119b, L. Vacavat83,V. Vacek127, B. Vach85, s. Vahe14, C. Valderai99, J. Valeta125, P. Valete132a, s. Valetietti19a,19b, s. Valkar126, E. Valladlid Galleg167, s. Vallecra152,J.A. Vall Ferrer167, H. va der Graa105, E. va der Kraaij105, R. Va Der Leew105, E. va der Pel105, D. va der ster29, B. Va Eijk105, n. va Eldik84, P. va Geere5,Z. va Ketere105, I. va Vlpe105, W. Vadelli29, G. Vadi29, A. Vaiachie5, P. Vakv41, F. Vacci78, F. Varela Rdrigez29, R. Vari132a, E.W. Vare6,D. Varcha14, A. Vartapetia7, K.E. Varvell150, V.I. Vailakpl56, F. Vazeille33, G. Vegi89a,89b, J.J. Veillet115, C. Vellidi8, F. Vel124a, R. Vee29,s. Veezia132a, A. Vetra72a,72b, D. Vetra138, m. Vetri48, n. Vetri16, V. Vercei119a, m. Verdcci138, W. Verkerke105, J.C. Verele105, A. Vet43,m.C. Vetterli142,d, I. Vich165, T. Vickey145b,z, G.H.A. Viehhaer118, s. Viel168, m. Villa19a,19b, m. Villaplaa Perez167, E. Vilcchi47, m.G. Victer28, E. Viek29,V.B. Vigradv65, m. Virchax136,, s. Viret33, J. Virzi14, A. Vitale19a,19b, o. Vitell171, m. Viti41, I. Vivarelli48, F. Vive Vaqe11, s. Vlach9, m. Vlaak127,n. Vlav20, A. Vgel20, P. Vkac127, G. Vlpi47, m. Vlpi11, G. Vlpii89a, H. v der schitt99, J. v Lebe99, H. v Radziewki48, E. v Tere20, V. Vrbel126,A.P. Vrbiev128, V. Vrwerk11, m. V167, R. V29, T.T. V174, J.H. Vebeld73, A.s. Vvek128, n. Vraje12a, m. Vraje milavljevic12a, V. Vrba125,m. Vreewijk105, T. V Ah81, R. Villeret29, I. Vktic115, W. Wager174, P. Wager120, H. Wahle174, J. Wakabayahi101, J. Walberlh42, s. Walch87, J. Walder71,R. Walker98, W. Walkwiak141, R. Wall175, P. Waller73, C. Wag44, H. Wag172, H. Wag32b, J. Wag151, J. Wag32d, J.C. Wag138, R. Wag103, s.m. Wag151,A. Warbrt85, C.P. Ward27, m. Wariky48, P.m. Watki17, A.T. Wat17, m.F. Wat17, G. Watt138, s. Watt82, A.T. Wagh150, B.m. Wagh77, J. Weber42,

    m. Weber


    , m.s. Weber


    , P. Weber


    , A.R. Weidberg


    , P. Weigell


    , J. Weigarte


    , C. Weier


    , H. Welletei


    , P.s. Well


    , m. We


    , T. Wea


    ,s. Wedler123, Z. Weg151,p, T. Wegler29, s. Weig29, n. Were20, m. Werer48, P. Werer29, m. Werth163, m. Weel58a, C. Weydert55, K. Whale28,s.J. Wheeler-Elli163, s.P. Whitaker21, A. White7, m.J. White86, s. White24, s.R. Whitehead118, D. White163, D. Whittigt61, F. Wicek115, D. Wicke174,F.J. Wicke129, W. Wiedea172, m. Wieler129, P. Wieea20, C. Wiglewrth73, L.A.m. Wiik48, P.A. Wijerate77, A. Wildaer167, m.A. Wildt41,,I. Wilhel126, H.G. Wilke29, J.Z. Will98, E. Willia34, H.H. Willia120, W. Willi34, s. Willcq84, J.A. Wil17, m.G. Wil143, A. Wil87, I. Wigerter-seez4,s. Wikela48, F. Wikleier29, m. Wittge143, m.W. Wlter38, H. Wlter124a,g, G. Wde118, B.K. Wiek38, J. Wtchack29, m.J. Wdtra84, K. Wraight53,C. Wright53, B. Wra73, s.L. W172, X. W49, Y. W32b, E. Wl34, R. Wtr42, B.m. Wye45, L. Xaplateri9, s. Xella35, s. Xie48, Y. Xie32a, C. X32b, D. X139,G. X32a, B. Yabley150, m. Yaada66, A. Yaat66, K. Yaat64, s. Yaat155, T. Yaara155, J. Yaaka44, T. Yaazaki155, Y. Yaazaki67, Z. Ya21,H. Yag87, u.K. Yag82, Y. Yag61, Y. Yag32a, Z. Yag146a,146b, s. Yah91, W-m. Ya14, Y. Ya14, Y. Ya66, G.V. Ybele sit130, J. Ye39, s. Ye24, m. Yilaz3c,R. Yiya123, K. Yrita170, R. Yhida5, C. Yg143, s. Ye21, D. Y24, J. Y7, J. Y32c, aa, L. Ya32a, ab, A. Yrkewicz148, V.G. Zaet 128, R. Zaida63,A.m. Zaitev128, Z. Zajacva29, Y.K. Zalite 121, L. Zaell132a,132b, P. Zarzhitky39, A. Zaytev107, C. Zeititz174, m. Zeller175, P.F. Zea29, A. Zela38, C. Zedler20,A.V. Zei128, o. Zei128, T. ei144a, Z. Ze122a,122b, s. Zez14, D. Zerwa115, G. Zevi della Prta57, Z. Zha32d, D. Zhag32b, H. Zhag88, J. Zhag5,X. Zhag32d, Z. Zhag115, L. Zha108, T. Zha138, Z. Zha32b, A. Zhechgv65, s. Zheg32a, J. Zhg151,ac, B. Zh87, n. Zh163, Y. Zh151, C.G. Zh32d, H. Zh41,Y. Zh172, X. Zhag98, V. Zhravlv99, D. Zieika61, R. Ziera20, s. Ziera20, s. Ziera48, m. Zilkwki141, R. Zit4, L. ivkvic34,V.V. Zchk128,, G. Zberig172, A. Zccli19a,19b, Y. Zlierwki4, A. Zeei29, m. zr nedde15, V. Zthi106, L. Zwaliki29.

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    1University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA.2Department o Physics, University o Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.3(a)Department o Physics, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey; (b)Department o Physics, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya, Turkey; (c)Department o Physics,

    Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey; (d)Division o Physics, TOBB University o Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey; (e)Turkish Atomic Energy Authority,

    Ankara, Turkey.4LAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Universit de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, France.5High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA.6Department o Physics, University o Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.7Department o Physics, The University o Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA.

    8Physics Department, University o Athens, Athens, Greece.9Physics Department, National Technical University o Athens, Zograou, Greece.10Institute o Physics, Azerbaijan Academy o Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan.11Institut de Fsica dAltes Energies and Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona and ICREA, Barcelona, Spain.12(a)Institute o Physics, University o Belgrade, Belgrade; (b)Vinca Institute o Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia.13Department or Physics and Technology, University o Bergen, Bergen, Norway.14Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University o Caliornia, Berkeley, Caliornia, USA.15Department o Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.16Albert Einstein Center or Fundamental Physics and Laboratory or High Energy Physics, University o Bern, Bern, Switzerland.17School o Physics and Astronomy, University o Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.18(a)Department o Physics, Bogazici University, Istanbul; (b)Division o Physics, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey; (c)Department o Physics Engineering,

    Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey; (d)Department o Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.19(a)INFN Sezione di Bologna, Bologna, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.20Physikalisches Institut, University o Bonn, Bonn, Germany.21

    Department o Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.22Department o Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA.23(a)Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (b)Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.24Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA.25(a)National Institute o Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania; (b)University Politehnica Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania; (c)West University in

    Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania.26Departamento de Fsica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.27Cavendish Laboratory, University o Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.28Department o Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.29CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.30Enrico Fermi Institute, University o Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.31(a)Departamento de Fisica, Pontifcia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; (b)Departamento de Fsica, Universidad Tcnica Federico Santa Mara,

    Valparaso, Chile.32(a)Institute o High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy o Sciences, Beijing, China; (b)Department o Modern Physics, University o Science and Technology

    o China, Anhui, China;(c)

    Department o Physics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China;(d)

    High Energy Physics Group, Shandong University, Shandong, China.33Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Universit and Universit Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Aubiere Cedex, France.34Nevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, New York, USA.35Niels Bohr Institute, University o Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, Denmark.36(a)INFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Arcavata di Rende, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit della Calabria, Arcavata di Rende, Italy.37 Faculty o Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH-University o Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.38The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute o Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy o Sciences, Krakow, Poland.39Physics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA.40Physics Department, University o Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA.41DESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, Germany.42Institut r Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universitt Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.43Institut r Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany.44Department o Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA.45SUPASchool o Physics and Astronomy, University o Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.46Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt, Wiener Neustadt, Austria.47INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy.48Fakultt r Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt, Freiburg i.Br., Germany.49Section de Physique, Universit de Genve, Geneva, Switzerland.50(a)INFN Sezione di Genova, Genova, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit di Genova, Genova, Italy.51Institute o Physics and HEP Institute, Georgian Academy o Sciences and Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.52II Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universitt Giessen, Giessen, Germany.53SUPASchool o Physics and Astronomy, University o Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.54II Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitt, Gttingen, Germany.55Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Universit Joseph Fourier and CNRS/IN2P3 and Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble,

    Grenoble, France.56Department o Physics, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, USA.57Laboratory or Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.58(a)Kirchho-Institut r Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; (b)Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidel-

    berg, Heidelberg, Germany; (c)ZITI Institut r technische Inormatik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.

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    59Faculty o Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.60Faculty o Applied Inormation Science, Hiroshima Institute o Technology, Hiroshima, Japan.61Department o Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.62Institut r Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universitt, Innsbruck, Austria.63University o Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.64Department o Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.65Joint Institute or Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, Russia.66KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan.67Graduate School o Science, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.

    68Faculty o Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.69Kyoto University o Education, Kyoto, Japan.70Instituto de Fsica La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, Argentina.71Physics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.72(a)INFN Sezione di Lecce, Lecce, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit del Salento, Lecce, Italy.73Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University o Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.74Department o Physics, Joe Stean Institute and University o Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.75Department o Physics, Queen Mary University o London, London, UK.76Department o Physics, Royal Holloway University o London, Surrey, UK.77Department o Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, UK.78Laboratoire de Physique Nuclaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Universit Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France.79Fysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, Sweden.80Departamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.81Institut r Physik, Universitt Mainz, Mainz, Germany.82

    School o Physics and Astronomy, University o Manchester, Manchester, UK.83CPPM, Aix-Marseille Universit and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France.84Department o Physics, University o Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.85Department o Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Qubec, Canada.86School o Physics, University o Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.87Department o Physics, The University o Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.88Department o Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.89(a)INFN Sezione di Milano, Milano, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit di Milano, Milano, Italy.90B.I. Stepanov Institute o Physics, National Academy o Sciences o Belarus, Minsk, Republic o Belarus.91National Scientifc and Educational Centre or Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk, Republic o Belarus.92Department o Physics, Massachusetts Institute o Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.93Group o Particle Physics, University o Montreal, Montreal, Qubec, Canada.94P.N. Lebedev Institute o Physics, Academy o Sciences, Moscow, Russia.95Institute or Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia.96

    Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI), Moscow, Russia.97Skobeltsyn Institute o Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.98Fakultt r Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Mnchen, Germany.99Max-Planck-Institut r Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), Mnchen, Germany.100Nagasaki Institute o Applied Science, Nagasaki, Japan.101Graduate School o Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.102(a)INFN Sezione di Napoli; (b)Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universit di Napoli, Napoli, Italy.103Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA.104 Institute or Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhe, Nijmegen, Netherlands.105 Nikhe National Institute or Subatomic Physics and University o Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.106 Department o Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, USA.107Budker Institute o Nuclear Physics (BINP), Novosibirsk, Russia.108Department o Physics, New York University, New York, New York, USA.109Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.110Faculty o Science, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan.111Homer L. Dodge Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.112Department o Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.113Palack University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech Republic.114Center or High Energy Physics, University o Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA.115LAL, Univ. Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France.116Graduate School o Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.117Department o Physics, University o Oslo, Oslo, Norway.118Department o Physics, Oxord University, Oxord, UK.119(a)INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica, Universit di Pavia, Pavia, Italy.120Department o Physics, University o Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.121Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia.122(a)INFN Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Universit di Pisa, Pisa, Italy.123Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

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    124(a)Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; (b)Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos and CAFPE,

    Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.125Institute o Physics, Academy o Sciences o the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech Republic.126Faculty o Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech Republic.127Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech Republic.128State Research Center Institute or High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia.129Particle Physics Department, Rutherord Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK.130Physics Department, University o Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.131Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan.

    132(a)INFN Sezione di Roma I, Roma, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit La Sapienza, Roma, Italy.133(a)INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy.134(a)INFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Roma, Italy; (b)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit Roma Tre, Roma, Italy.135(a)Facult des Sciences Ain Chock, Rseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies - Universit Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco; (b)Centre National

    de lEnergie des Sciences Techniques Nucleaires, Rabat, Morocco; (c)Universit Cadi Ayyad, Facult des sciences Semlalia Dpartement de Physique, B.P.2390 Marrakech 40000, Morocco; (d)Facult des Sciences, Universit Mohamed Premier and LPTPM, Oujda, Morocco; (e)Facult des Sciences, Universit

    Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco.136DSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de lUnivers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique), Gi-sur-Yvette, France.137Santa Cruz Institute or Particle Physics, University o Caliornia Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Caliornia, USA.138Department o Physics, University o Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.139Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Shefeld, Shefeld, UK.140Department o Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan.141Fachbereich Physik, Universitt Siegen, Siegen, Germany.142Department o Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.143

    SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanord, Caliornia, USA.144(a)Faculty o Mathematics, Physics & Inormatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; (b)Department o Subnuclear Physics, Institute o

    Experimental Physics o the Slovak Academy o Sciences, Kosice, Slovak Republic.145(a)Department o Physics, University o Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Arica; (b)School o Physics, University o the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,

    South Arica.146(a)Department o Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; (b)The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, Sweden.147Physics Department, Royal Institute o Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.148Department o Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA.149Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Sussex, Brighton, UK.150School o Physics, University o Sydney, Sydney, Australia.151Institute o Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.152Department o Physics, Technion: Israel Inst. o Technology, Haia, Israel.153Raymond and Beverly Sackler School o Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.154Department o Physics, Aristotle University o Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.155

    International Center or Elementary Particle Physics and Department o Physics, The University o Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.156Graduate School o Science and Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan.157Department o Physics, Tokyo Institute o Technology, Tokyo, Japan.158Department o Physics, University o Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.159(a)TRIUMF, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, (b)Department o Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.160Institute o Pure and Applied Sciences, University o Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.161Science and Technology Center, Tuts University, Medord, Massachusetts, USA.162Centro de Investigaciones, Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, Colombia.163Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Caliornia Irvine, Irvine, Caliornia, USA.164(a)INFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Udine, Italy; (b)ICTP, Trieste; (c)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit di Udine, Udine, Italy.165Department o Physics, University o Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA.166Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.167Instituto de Fsica Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Fsica Atmica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingenier Electrnica and Instituto

    de Microelectrnica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University o Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, Spain.168Department o Physics, University o British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.169Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.170Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.171Department o Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute o Science, Rehovot, Israel.172Department o Physics, University o Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.173Fakultt r Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universitt, Wrzburg, Germany.174Fachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universitt Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany.175Department o Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.176Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia.177Domaine scientifque de la Doua, Centre de Calcul CNRS/IN2P3, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.aAlso at Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisboa, Portugal.bAlso at Faculdade de Ciencias and CFNUL, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.cAlso at CPPM, Aix-Marseille Universit and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France.dAlso at TRIUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.eAlso at Department o Physics, Caliornia State University, Fresno, Caliornia, USA.

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    fAlso at Faculty o Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH-University o Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.gAlso at Department o Physics, University o Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.hAlso at Universit di Napoli Parthenope, Napoli, Italy.iAlso at Institute o Particle Physics (IPP), Canada.jAlso at Department o Physics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.kAlso at Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana, USA.lAlso at Group o Particle Physics, University o Montreal, Montreal, Qubec, Canada.mAlso at Institute o Physics, Azerbaijan Academy o Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan.nAlso at Institut r Experimentalphysik, Universitt Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

    oAlso at Manhattan College, New York, New York, USA.pAlso at School o Physics and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guanzhou, China.qAlso at Academia Sinica Grid Computing, Institute o Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.rAlso at High Energy Physics Group, Shandong University, Shandong, China.sAlso at Caliornia Institute o Technology, Pasadena, Caliornia, USA.tAlso at Particle Physics Department, Rutherord Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK.uAlso at Section de Physique, Universit de Genve, Geneva, Switzerland.vAlso at Departamento de Fisica, Universidade de Minho, Braga, Portugal.wAlso at Department o Physics and Astronomy, University o South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.xAlso at KFKI Research Institute or Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary.yAlso at Institute o Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.zAlso at Department o Physics, Oxord University, Oxord, UK.aaAlso at DSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de lUnivers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique), Gi-sur-Yvette,France.ab

    Also at Laboratoire de Physique Nuclaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Universit Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France.acAlso at Department o Physics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China.
