)n to beon operations (kt › cranford › data › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * j j...

)N 1MB **•: VICE EVOt TRIED. 8T ONCE AND 8c Mo SbK EX-LAX lib. BOBIC ACID 'Me-' ft'i PA?1MG IS DfTRODPCED ter « Utt Ittfa* inHwcarrsnt ft mat- t Oooaty Landott-Kaox Crsnford •^•pilj,OW> last n*ht in ttM Towatna* BtoonJs. Tb* matt- ing, widen «M thamtttal tan father- ing of tat (Mk. jasftad, Ik* opanlnt ol a i l tl* Tb* spsaaw tjamstd.out that nmch can bt aaid aaaiost th* BRA, which was anattttapt at legtmsntstlon and controlted awmanob/rtteAAA. whkh attempted to llmllla^wattteti and curb individual ttrttrnras) 'and all the othtr itphahaUral "orttntatlnra ait up by the Pedaaal fOfnosssnt, More could be said of tnstpendtmjorty that has uen blTflts^fdoBarsto three years. ATB4 aaMst^sVasaassW^Js^ssaaaB» tit 1*Hfj 111 4hft travesty of fearing admen* of acres ploughed under whU* minions starved. But the JaatoJiatH, b* said, it tbe pmervatlon and maintenance''of our system of tytsrnjisiit; which we know to be-the bast m i h * world, against the coDsettvM thtorits of Bttropssn forms of government, which have grad- m]|y BtttSa\ wflEawJBaJaff^ IQSO* OlesT ttasQOa* durtog the last,^hr*s'yssrs.; Our dem- ocratio^fonn c*Vam*enejMttt*ls to peril if the present.trend continues. The American-farm guarantees tnw- dom of liullilisail aUkaj, frj|iflriii of enterprise and other frtedotu* under which thlt natteo-baa grown to at what Kvf.|t- •^mVQJ.t snililllay, .the American v ' t a n t f t a s bean abustd, tnroufn aorrapt sspsiasjnws and ounr human'fraUlttoa, but It stm Is th* best form. " •—.''•'- . •-."•.' "-, The Republican platform and lte standard btartra, Alt at Landon and Prank Bnox. are,ptedf*d to maintain and pwaemt tha *——«—» systemand it* greattosOtntlontVbut «nmto*te the abuses. • ' f> J * "Return to sans government, by vot- ing the RepubUean ticket* to Hovem- ber," the ' An ordinance providing for the pay tag of on* and three-tenths miles of ftlf1T from Worth avenue to'the Oanrood Borough ttne. wat pasted on nnt read- tog by tha Township Onmmtttw at lte meeting Tuesday night The Statetoto ptr cent of the cost of the prateet The )0b Is to be financed tempor arUy by the Issuance of 123.000toone year matar&y bonds, the toterest rate not to saceed per cent. Cranfordt of tbe cost Is to be placed to nt*t yeafs budget. Hearing onthe or- dtoane* wffl bt held September 31. In conjunction wtth the ordinance, a resolution was adopted approving plant and tpectflcatlont far aectlan 1, as prepared by Township Bngtoeer T. J. Mclaughlin, They wm be sent to the State Highway "T"tft1"n and' as toon as they have been approved by th* latter, tna committee will receive btdt for the work. The PlatoDeld-Unon Water Company tared notice that It Intends to extend water main on Dunham avenue, far the extension having been mad* byT, v. Albert The matter fire con Abo referred tothe road committee wtth power wu a plan and appUcatlon for a permit.RibmJttad by William 8. President Oeorge D. Rankta, whoin- trottueed the apeafcer, Vj toUl of a trip Down Bait daring the "summer and Mid that he didnot meet anyone who going to vote tor Roosevelt. Be told of hli vkH to the birthplace of Coolidge, and alaothe quaintcemetery ' wear* he I* iJjJLy "" Other enoouraging"'rime that point to a RepobncenjTfctory In Bovtmber were wenby Mayor;p«orf* t Oeter- y^ii^f ABU| Bui * f%MHMwbtt reelection H«i ttWa*wr»lilp\Commlt- tee; .Fire OotnmhasaWr-'Dudley J. Croft, fsmnn O. ;Towler, tnd O. L. Richards, chairman of th* dub's cam- paign rnmrnittae, _'/'-• Thevclub te r*«"»«"r * bag* rallyto one of the schools, ths. pttce and date to be annomiosd^ater.saecordlng to President tUitt^T. * ' • " - O. K. Warner, ;»; director of tbe Cranford Welfare Aaloclatlon, cave an Interesting,address onIthe aim* and objects of the ntir group, andurged club ineanben tncV'.tbetr' friends «o support-the movement.^: .- ' Mrs. P. t.atWhxUerTehalrman of the membawhb~>teomBlttoe,;;pTe*nited the names 'cf i Ihet^ntw^membtrs; Percy P.; Orott,taob*rt;,OJMlll«r. s*Jf"A Wvsaasav sBM^^^USsaVLssaawSs^'^ spwajtBaafAssBw of F. a- Prsiuiiin.fjrV_wbo;u shortly TVPfUnrtna* f - ^ ^ ^ j a j ^ ^ J t ^ ^ ^AHA. 1 M* aalmiairl . Aletter trom.fo lace : h oVwwree Seentazy Walr i e o:T*d*rhnti<Ktin4vn*tt* arjpndaiion?^tor:iha;'l«Uer~or aym- »thywnlch'<tbe'elnb|a«nt s :to him In ttMofattana^aMte^V A and Uteratore aiid nfreahmente f». CARD PARTY , OCT.-23 AT;CASINO Plans lor the,jUging of a monster. •*"! party, under antnteei of th* Cran- ford RepubUctn dab, were mads Tin aatanwettagofthedubi enberuinaeat oommWet at .toe bum of the^chilniMVilcM^Rank MoCuli wOt •. jind jtd pt» er tnd eommardal iwfcleat* ba til* State can be Inspected at thsrateof A thereat* or adtqnate bulldlmji ai Inspection osnten pasalbty wffl faow the daisy In pladnc UM plan hi opea Uon, Bttlldlngt mast be UO f*tt loaj. The oommleslODtrt plant win prorkk or s atatU Ian* of trafflc througn tb* •tatlons, which wm be set opIn twtn. ty-«lght cite*. Light, mirror, wind- shield, wheel aUcmntnt indbraka* will begooeortr. Mr. llagw dedand the tun* tyiten now Is working InChicago. Memptadi and KnoanrtU*. He add he found that few motorists whose can were rejected complained, most of them befar riad to learn of defects. Beleeton must ytt ba mtdo of 1W tasptetars byeMl serrle* esamlnev Uon, which mayoontrttut* to tb* de- ity In itarung taapwUona. ROTARIANS HOLD ' SPEUJWC BEE u R* Bottt vOwLsCwctsi COB* teat) Ch£ CondoW* Erec- tion of Road Signs. on prapcrty ovned by him adjacent to Womahegan Park. secured iisfiiibjtlisi from the Union Oounty Park Oommlssion to run the sewer through a portion of park prop- erty. Tax collection* for August j n j l , according to the report of OoUector A. B. CaldweQ. AppUcatlon for the job of police offi- cer was made by Qeorge r. Lore of KorthVarenuev: west; andwu referred to the-police committee. Tire finwiinlsihTfwr Dudley J. Croft reported four eaDs forthe past month, with damage of $10. In the absence of Clerk, Alran R. Dcnman,< who, with Police Commta- sloner J.-ldward Wolf, Township At- torney Carl H. Wtnlnikl and John K. CtvndYedrtorofTheCUJaenand Chron- Ide, Is on a fishing Up in- Canada, WpTrea«urerHer«bertR.Wlnck- let was dart of the meeting. FUNERAL TODAY FOR CHAS.L. BELL Former Cranford BuiUm*. Contractor Died Monday in Scranton, Pa. Charles Labow BeU. 11 yean old, for- mer Cranford building contractor and a resident of this place for twenty-five yean, died at 1a. m. Monday at Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton. Pa. He had been to IU health for two months. , A native of Nicholson, P>. Mr. BeU spent hit early life then. Be came to Cranford about thirty-nve years ^ago and was engaged to the^bulldmg and contracting' business here for more thin" a ojusrter of a century. He was contractor for the .Cleveland High School.and,the Bt.Paul's Methodist Church,-now the Calvary 'Lutheran Church. He alto developed t*veral sec- tion** of tbetownship,, Including a part of Roosevelt Msnor for William Bperry. Be ^Churcb/eod wat<active to ity tfltbs here for many: year*. --jtoSeranton' about -Un •isiirVir^-besidet^hl* *w2£ Doretta.'Mlller Bell,,are •*>;***** children: Orant'L and Bernard J. BeU of ScrantonrCtyde'O, Bell. Mrs. John Witb*m,'Mr*. Bhel B. Smith,and Dean U-B*n/of;Orsiiford;-and wniiam,B. inlKenaetkBen of AUentowntPa^le "abofieatei f teventeea^grtndehUd TO START DfJANUAKV An TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT.l OtANPORD WELFARE Mayer Ctstrge R natarhstdl ef MM •ofaclal family,- and othtr Mntavaf tht mtmben of th* twont|*iib»tssai wert hi attend- •no*. Rsfrmn—w* w*r* served at th* close of tat amllng. O. K. Bwans. sfrlbalin, tfnta^CBon- t7Coaunandaref thtLscion, tostaDsd Ing. talk on earns* te>eoeotraarat county anxfuanr, tastaUsd the often thepoafii brrt. Of county ai of the uoiti ducted sa aucettdlna; Walter K Cooper, and MM. t e e Miller was ktducted a* prtsldant of tht unit, *iinnnaai| Mn. Harold A. Olovter. Other post omeara are: Senior Met- comnuuder, Barton. W- Draw; junior Tloo-cosnnisnder, Ouy D Peck. Jr.; .ad- jutant. Jossph H, Peg*: historian, Floyd M. Pitluita; chaplain. Harold A. Olovler; joda* advocate, Walter K Cooper, atnstrtt *r srms. Bverett D. et-'rt: and Mrvtot oncer, Albert Bouihton. ' i n fnintr Coermandsr Kvans, to behalf of the State department, made a sot- d s l pretentatlott of cards to those members who hat* been Identified wtth the Legion for Ore, ten tnd fifteen eonnecutlv* years, ^lv*-year cards want to Ouy D. Peck, Jr. Clyde J. King and rM-fMtifctntcl sptUtag bee tea- last Thursdays luncheon of UM Oranford Rotary.Club In the ehastl of the Oranford Methodist Church. Conducted by H. R. Best, supervising principal of th* Jocal public .schools, thejontesi prated to be both edoca> tkmsl and amustyg. Albert B. Caldwcll and Oharlea M. Ray tied for nnt hot* on to th* opening contest, while Dr, Joseph A. Zlngale* won tbe second bee, Mr. Best prefaced the contest by a brief addxesa m. which he pouted out that spelling drills sre not staged to- day a* they were to the old school, Spelling today is not an isolated tub. jeet but Unow taught hi connection wtth another ubjseta. Other subjects, u well, sire taught hi a similar man- ner so that nearly an objects sxe tn< tar-locked, onT with another, rather than stressed for then- own individual vtlne it was the case In the dayi of the Three R»." At the busrases session, Winchester Britten, Br, ponied out that Cranford waa among the few communities which do Bokhara, sign* on the main Wgfc- ways leading to Ibk town. Hb sugres- Uon that Rotary take the Intnattn to have *lgn* erected! was referred to the clubserrlee committee, of which 11am D. Beet Jr, li chairman. Henry W. Whlpple was named as the representative on the Cranford Welfare flB0Oav%Us9l# isvlX&UasB^eaCaBV 0QuXaaX*wvve5i Last .Thunday marked tht nnt luncheon held by the club hi Its new quarters anda risto* vote of Uuata was tendered to th* Ladles- Aid So- ciety, whfch.prepared and served t de> .. . _ . . . . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by. Dt* Rowland -P. Brythe.' ^ LIONS WILL RESUME MEETINGS TOMORROW ."..- ?^ .j-y „ ,, - The Oranford LtonsClub will resume lte weekly dinner meetings at «:*> o'clock .tomorrow^nkjht. It was'an- nouneed into week by President Jsmei A. Btrona-. S*ve";*or k ;a p»nlc...Mia an outing tt'Uht'tutnmer home of Part President and Mn, A, T. Baker at PointPtestant, the chib ha* not met since June, Tomorrow night's as well u future .sessions wil}' .be • held ba the newly-flniihed club rooov of The.Chta ney Oerner,* Morth avenue, east. Harold. M. Buck: ten-year cardi, to Theodore Ranch, Lotus Pompllanoand John Mudiock: fBtten-rear cards to Watter Bt Ceisli k and Btarold A. Clovler. ' - - Other n*w omcen of the unit ta- dude: First riee-pnaldnit. Mm. Lee Knowlson; second vles-prssldcnt, Mn. Harold M. Bock; seowtary. Mrs. Car- roll 1CB*llen; treasurer, Mrs. John Mudraek; hlatorUn. Mrs. Charles Beer; chaplain, Mr*. Louis Pomphano: and atrgetnt-at-ams, Mrs.: Bay.Tlllett, In- itiated 'Wai one newmember, Mn. Charle* Bauer, In behalf of the unit, gifte were pn- •enttd Is Mrs. Lambert and to lait who . mam WCTCXOTS. _ - ?- -=,1—, ,, -Bleycle iid*ra;ux<aranfor<| 4 tra, to'bs governed brtbt'ttm* rulea;i 'as'operalon of, motor Tthiclee' Kg theyrid.at "ttl«ht.-^> 1 *ll' 5 ^ secretary and treasurer, respectively. Mrs. Sellers and Mr*. Charles Crounse. In addition to Commander Btuers and Mrs. Miner, thoseuwho spoke wen: Mayor Osterheldt, Past Oommandrrt Clyde J. King, Harold A. Otovlsr, Louis FompUano and Walter B. Ooopsr; and Mrs. Hose V Craig, president of the ladles' Auxiliary to th*Union County V. F. W. Oouadl. Also present were Frank Hm, of Linden, past T. P. Leon W- Scully, Tjnfcn county'V. P. W. stnlor vice- Thomas AtUnton, pan commander of Frank L Doonelly Post, P. B . A . WHJLSTAGE junertean Legion of PuOnneld; BDlot A N N U A L R A I J . N T I V Southwell. Jr.. of Seoteb, Plains, psit A n " U A I ' "*"• f " JV - coonty commander: John Winter,cotn- maadsr.of Capt. KeweU.ROdnty Plat* PostrSM, V.-P, W, of.Craniord; Road OommisrkTOT Prank J. ,McOuUough. Fir* Oommlssmn*r DodVry 'J. .Croft, Town*hln>-Kngtoeer, Thomas'J, Mc- and herrnmnslrlss. FINAL CA1P0REE THIS WEEI-END 50 CvajsTOfCf Scoatla so> tnaitK** patem Event Approalmater/ fifty leaden from Crantonr* ttv* Bay Boat troops wlU lake past b> plonShlp aaotpor** of Olo on Friday. Saturday sad raaiibiy •» •sho Lake Park, SprlntjatU a n a * , opposite the entrance dub. camporee, which t» open toetgbt acaata from each troop in tb* coaartt. WU bt the Anal event of thte Mr. aat Mn. R. C. Berry J. r p. Mr. aad Mrs. W. 8. Damon Me aad Mn. R. L. Damon i Patrkaa Ossoon Mr. aad Mn. O cjMnnelly Mr. aad Mrs. B. R, Foster O. s a t Mr*. H, Oorckel and Mrs. J. P. Oarrett 1 sir.aad Mn W. P, Heroy j Mat Dsrothy Rsrar t Mr. aad Mrs. W. T. Bay Mr. aad Mrs. Bmest Httyard MnLLatyR. RSjaon Mr. aad Mn. H. P. Kuhlken Mr, aad Mn. F. MacLeod Mas ABB* C. Moody Mr. and Mn R. O. MlHer H . K . MHIsrd Mr.-aad Mrs. L, A. Rice " A. H. WeliRwi M. J. Seavy . Mr. and Mn. P. O. Sykes Mr. and Mn H. a Towle Mr. aad Mn. A. Tbermann Mas Mtrtetttie Thermann Mr. andMn. R. U Turk Mr. and Mn. J. B Turk Mr. aad Mn. H. Van Iderstlne. Jr, Mta. W.'A,-Wurth Mn. Jaba Mis* Irene an. H W. Whtopte MBBB Beatrice Whlpple a. K. Wanssr. Jr. .Mas Bnatrlc* Warner Registntton win be add at lac en- trance to the park f n a a t a s la ftas am. Friday,): amuidtug as X B. Fair- man of Oranford, Union fmailj Bi *stcutlw« : .Otoup caiapftrea are schedule for Friday nigh*. judging will start with knot tying, dressing, flu — M m wttb. g Hint and ttetl andtowsod drffl. urday nlg&X" Tb* Jndgmc wmbe commlttss Joseph Tftiar sin leniissiil tb* i ford troops on th* general catsa \ Before the exercises ,«*n brought'to a cleat, the assemblage, sbnrtld a nunuto of silence to' msmory-of de- parted comrade* tnd member* of the WARNOCK THREE , Plant for lte annual on, Thanksftvtog Bve, wen RUVQD jrcrtcTOavy members of Cranford Local. SXP.R. Th* affair, whkh ts to kck and /otaoaatd am. sssl taw*/ TMal Mrs. S. M. Wesland SBesabenhto published, ____„_ _.... __110 to date .__...„.......„..._. 6S -.178 CHAPMAN BROS. GET CONTRACT Local Far- to lostall 70 Mas- tcr KnA Oi Bonen peedenva fined by. Judge Mal- Thoeexnore «peedenvaU of-of-Unm residtnuvwere fid cobn.Wanock to PoUe^QT day n i g h t « local polk* conOno* their drlvt to atop fast drtvmgln the'lown- iMp!" Tboie lhdwmi^^^ '• CSarenc* -Allan. ^ Rahmy, tummoned by, PabjolmanJAn- ton> Kovact,»9 and 13 cost*} wmlamrir Itagb-; M I * - - ^ of 111 has been swarded for tbe mstatlaUon of 70 Knit ell burners to a newde- . ml newunderway to Newark, kVwas —~— mrnrn^ this week. The con' by. the Charles RtaRy Ca. developert. The local bat already completed the to- of four of tbe burners. tbetr store here three sad a nan* yean ago. Chapman Bros., 1 baa sastaBsd snort) than 30 MtrVr Imiieit to Cranford and vi- Tbe local flrm handle* tbe i sntrsTtetton, without aid from contractors. Nine men are \ . OFSMMO DAT , \ •-. . BBrotbamt la'lba ( Ucseboolt, whkh n terday,was a.4*lpiipiti iiaitljtbe sun* as on th* opsntBg day bat yasr, a cheek-up ^yesterday n - - i**kd,j „. v ; •, _ _-, ; i, d*y t .totsltd 1e»-a gaba ef n aver the ibat'oay, of, hat, yasr. By eltssss the ' *nrolhacni MsMa: ^jm*n,^ir^aad stntata. ML. '-r-,BoChv: DBtnasa ' aad ; Lbs Schools alas, snowed a gain ?th*' ; mlttel'day'of-test year. Shrrmari.th* Jtass^satt.blcvellito^litnitJei whit* Ugbt uifront:and a wd lnth»5rear when rtdlntjfagn Si^:4ttbi of tnenrm. tottaoO burner business, also engages to plumbing and work, and reports a substaiv In this pbute of their daring tbr put year, Tb» Bras oprrates under a partoer- Tna partners art who resides st 7 ssath 8ta«h street, and Oh*ster_CJiap- wbo Ben at Orange avenue'and DeyatneL" REPAIRS TO CHURCH TO START NEXT WEEK WOHOBT Em* Plojrtxi, Office Rooms E«ft«-tJ) Budgei of U Adopted. With th* *ng*gtag of a trained we»- fare worker last night and continued favorable ratpons* tolte finance drive, tht Oranford Welfare Association, too, plans to start functioning on October I, It was announced this morning by Oeorge R.Bate*. the president. The purpose of the association it to serve as a clearing house for all wel- fare casts to Oranford. and thus pra- . vent duplication of energy and money. While it BUI to no way tupenede the welfan work that te already being car- ried on or serve as a TeUsf-dlspsnstag agency Itself, the association and lte worker will be at the disposal of other local groups engaged to welfare work. At last night's meeting of the Board of Directors of the sssoclatlon, held at the home of Mr. Bat«s In Hamnton street, Mrs' Carrie O. Orady of West- field wu employed aa th- welfare worker. She will receive a salary a', the rate of 11.400 annually, itartton Oc- tober 1. In addition, alwwill be reim- bursed on a mileage basis for the use of her car. Mrs, Orady, who waa chosen from •even applicants, was employed to the BRA district odloe here for two yean. A graduate of Oklahoma City Univer- sity, ahe attended the University of Ohlcaso for two yean, majoring to education and CngUsh at both collect*. She atudled social work at Rutgers Uni- versity. While In Chicago, she worked In tha Hull House district tndhas had additional experience to welfare work. It will be Mrs. Orady'a duty to In- vestigate ancase* which come to tbe attention of the aatccatlon, keep a. card Index, open only to welfare represen- tatives of the participating organisa- tions, and attempt to rehabilitate todt- vlduala or families who are malad- justed. .Announcement was made (last night that the association has rented two rooms on the second floor of the Shapro building on north Union avenue, which will be used aa headquarters. The rooms are located across the haU from the law offices of Carroll K. Sellers. An annual budget of tJJOO has been approved, which include* the worker 1 ! salary.' mileage fee, rent, stationery, telephone, incidentals and a small emergency relief fund. Residents of Oranford have responded to a oommendaMe manner to the asso- ciation's drive for funds, according to Carl H. Mason, the chairman of'the membership committee. Seven! hun- dred memberships at II each already have been sold, and an Intensive drive •win be 1 staged within tbe next few daVt for additional Individual subscriptions, now that residents are home fromva- cation. The association hopes,, to havedo- nated sufficient furniture to squtp M* ,of William lusto, J, H*MflMwhfwi and Mn. C. C. Vsnriuy*. has been appointed to take can of the drive for office sCjurpment. Persons having old but usable desks, chain, tablet or other fur- niture, have been requettdetocom- murUeate with any member of the oommlttoe." < " ". Started late to the spring at the suggestion of the Rev, Prank,MagUl Sherlock, rector of Trinity Church, the movement was spousored by 4he Oran- ford Rotary Club. Meetings of rsp- retcntetlvee of an organisationstothe. community wert 'held at'which wide- spread toterest waa .shown. AV' tubs*- quest sesnons, a .constitution and by- laws wert adopted and r dfrectors were' named to serve until the annual meet- tog n n t month. The dincton havs met almost weekly, durtog the summer to order to set up the new tssocUUca-to that It wm b* ready to begnrlto opera- tlont October l.'---^ T .f C of repairing: tbe ; Cranford McOnsst Cbarch win get underway aasTjft wKaA. i t . V H aWlIKIUIaCBd 'JHssstsW*' day ay tbe pastor.'th* Rev. Match** : Bwlmsart atttntlom.-hotn «taa»st«)la*sd«^thectoirch|roper; ft^atBJ B^K - ^mmmmmw\m*A ~ ^ ^ t J—J a »allM ^ K * •• ^sTeTj c Cavnea en, * ingiMBny m v*w L and repatottog of the >_sf tafldtog, and redworaUon of li- '* VETERAN RAILROADER DIES AT HOME HERE •#- „ ., ,../>fV^j^i William 'Raymond ,Tnnlson,ian «m«^t,« plore .or_tr»;o*ntr*l: ' ~' stmthVOnlon^v*m suffered •' stroke onfwm^

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Page 1: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by












ter « Utt

Ittfa*in Hwcarrsnt

ft mat-t Oooaty Landott-Kaox

Crsnford •^•pi l j ,OW> last n*htin ttM Towatna* BtoonJs. Tb* matt-ing, widen «M thamtttal tan father-ing of tat (Mk. jasftad, Ik* opanlnt ol

a i l t l *Tb* spsaaw tjamstd.out that nmch

can bt aaid aaaiost th* BRA, whichwas an attttapt at legtmsntstlon andcontrolted awmanob/rtteAAA. whkhattempted to llmllla^wattteti and curbindividual ttrttrnras) 'and all the othtritphahaUral "orttntatlnra ait up bythe Pedaaal fOfnosssnt, More couldbe said of tnstpendtmjorty that has

uen blTflts^fdoBarsto three years.A T B 4 aaMst sVasaassW Js^ssaaaB» t i t 1*Hfj 111 4 h f t

travesty of fearing admen* of acresploughed under whU* minions starved.

But the JaatoJiatH, b* said, it tbepmervatlon and maintenance''of oursystem of tytsrnjisiit; which we knowto be-the bast m i h * world, againstthe coDsettvM thtorits of Bttropssnforms of government, which have grad-m ] | y BtttSa\ wflEawJBaJaff IQSO* OlesT ttasQOa*

durtog the last,^hr*s'yssrs.; Our dem-ocratio^fonn c*Vam*enejMttt*ls to perilif the present.trend continues.

The American-farm guarantees tnw-dom of liullilisail aUkaj, frj|iflriii ofenterprise and other frtedotu* underwhich thlt natteo-baa grown to atwhat Kvf.|t- •^mVQJ.t snililllay, .theAmerican v ' tant f ta s bean abustd,tnroufn aorrapt sspsiasjnws and ounrhuman'fraUlttoa, but It stm Is th* bestform. " •—.' ' • ' - . •-."•.' " - ,

The Republican platform and ltestandard btartra, Alt a t Landon andPrank Bnox. are,ptedf*d to maintainand pwaemt tha *——«—» system andit* great tosOtntlontV but «nmto*te theabuses. • ' f> J *

"Return to sans government, by vot-ing the RepubUean ticket* to Hovem-ber," the '

An ordinance providing for the paytag of on* and three-tenths miles of


from Worth avenue to'the OanroodBorough ttne. wat pasted on nnt read-tog by tha Township Onmmtttw at ltemeeting Tuesday night The State to to

ptr cent of the cost of theprateet

The )0b Is to be financed temporarUy by the Issuance of 123.000 to oneyear matar&y bonds, the toterest ratenot to saceed • per cent. Cranfordt

of tbe cost Is to be placed tont*t yeafs budget. Hearing on the or-dtoane* wffl bt held September 31.

In conjunction wtth the ordinance,a resolution was adopted approvingplant and tpectflcatlont far aectlan 1,as prepared by Township Bngtoeer T.J. Mclaughlin, They wm be sent to theState Highway "T"tft1"n and' astoon as they have been approved byth* latter, tna committee will receivebtdt for the work.

The PlatoDeld-Unon Water Companytared notice that It Intends to extend

water main on Dunham avenue,far the extension having

been mad* byT, v . Albert The matterfire con

Abo referred to the road committeewtth power w u a plan and appUcatlonfor a permit.RibmJttad by William 8.

President Oeorge D. Rankta, whoin-trottueed the apeafcer,VjtoUl of a tripDown Bait daring the "summer andMid that he did not meet anyone who™ going to vote tor Roosevelt. Betold of hli vkH to the birthplace ofCoolidge, and alaothe quaintcemetery

' wear* he I* i J j J L y ""Other enoouraging "'rime that point

to a RepobncenjTfctory In Bovtmberwere wen by Mayor;p«orf* t Oeter-y ii f ABU| B u i * f%MHMwbtt

reelection H«i ttWa*wr»lilp\Commlt-tee; .Fire OotnmhasaWr-'Dudley J.Croft, fsmnn O. ;Towler, tnd O. L.Richards, chairman of th* dub's cam-paign rnmrnittae, _ ' / ' - •

Thevclub te r*«"»«"r * bag* rally toone of the schools, ths. pttce and dateto be annomiosd^ater.saecordlng toPresident tUitt^T. * ' • "- O. K. Warner, ;»; director of tbeCranford Welfare Aaloclatlon, cave anInteresting,address onIthe aim* andobjects of the ntir group, and urgedclub ineanben tncV'.tbetr' friends «osupport-the movement.^: . - '

Mrs. P. t.atWhxUerTehalrman ofthe membawhb~>teomBlttoe,;;pTe*nitedthe names 'cf i Ihet^ntw^membtrs;Percy P.; Orott,taob*rt;,OJMlll«r. •s*Jf"A W v s a a s a v sBM^^^USsaVLssaawSs^'^ spwajtBaafAssBw

of F. a- Prsiuiiin.fjrV_wbo;u shortlyTVPfUnrtna* f - ^ ^ ^ j a j ^ ^ J t ^ ^ ^AHA.1

M* aalmiairl

. A letter trom.folace : h

oVwwreeSeentazy Walr

ie o:T*d*rhnti<Ktin4vn*tt*arjpndaiion?^tor:iha;'l«Uer~or aym-

»thywnlch'<tbe'elnb|a«nts:to him In

ttMofattana^aMte^V Aand Uteratoreaiid nfreahmente

f». CARD PARTY, OCT.-23 A T ; C A S I N O

Plans lor the,jUging of a monster.•*"! party, under antnteei of th* Cran-f ord RepubUctn dab, were mads Tin

aatanwettagofthedubienberuinaeat oommWet at .toe bumof the^chilniMVilcM^Rank MoCuli


•. jind

j t d pt»er tnd eommardal iwfcleat* ba til*

State can be Inspected at ths rate of

A thereat* or adtqnate bulldlmji aiInspection osnten pasalbty wffl faowthe daisy In pladnc UM plan hi opeaUon, Bttlldlngt mast be UO f*tt loaj.The oommleslODtrt plant win prorkkor s atatU Ian* of trafflc througn tb*

•tatlons, which wm be set op In twtn.ty-«lght cite*. Light, mirror, wind-shield, wheel aUcmntnt indbraka* willbegooeortr.

Mr. llagw dedand the tun* tyitennow Is working In Chicago. Memptadiand KnoanrtU*. He add he found thatfew motorists whose can were rejectedcomplained, most of them befar riadto learn of defects.

Beleeton must ytt ba mtdo of1W tasptetars by eMl serrle* esamlnevUon, which may oontrttut* to tb* de-ity In itarung taapwUona.


u R* Bottt vOwLsCwctsi C O B *

teat) Ch£ CondoW* Erec-tion of Road Signs.

on prapcrty ovned by himadjacent to Womahegan Park.

secured iisfiiibjtlisi from the UnionOounty Park Oommlssion to run thesewer through a portion of park prop-erty.

Tax collection* for Augustj n j l , according to the report of

OoUector A. B. CaldweQ.AppUcatlon for the job of police offi-

cer was made by Qeorge r. Lore ofKorthVarenuev: west; and w u referredto the-police committee.

Tire finwiinlsihTfwr Dudley J. Croftreported four eaDs for the past month,with damage of $10.

In the absence of Clerk, Alran R.Dcnman,< who, with Police Commta-sloner J.-ldward Wolf, Township At-torney Carl H. Wtnlnikl and John K.CtvndYedrtorofTheCUJaenand Chron-Ide, Is on a fishing U p in- Canada,

WpTrea«urerHer«bertR.Wlnck-let was dart of the meeting.


Former Cranford BuiUm*.Contractor Died Monday

in Scranton, Pa.

Charles Labow BeU. 11 yean old, for-mer Cranford building contractor anda resident of this place for twenty-fiveyean, died at 1 a. m. Monday at MosesTaylor Hospital, Scranton. Pa. He hadbeen to IU health for two months. —, A native of Nicholson, P>. Mr. BeU

spent hit early life then. Be came toCranford about thirty-nve years agoand was engaged to the^bulldmg andcontracting' business here for morethin" a ojusrter of a century. He wascontractor for the .Cleveland HighSchool.and,the Bt.Paul's MethodistChurch,-now the Calvary 'LutheranChurch. He alto developed t*veral sec-tion** of tbe township,, Including a partof Roosevelt Msnor for William Bperry.


^Churcb/eod wat<active toity tfltbs here for many: year*.

--j to • Seranton' about -Un

•isiirVir^-besidet^hl* * w 2 £Doretta.'Mlller Bell,,are •*>;*****children: Orant'L and Bernard J. BeUof ScrantonrCtyde'O, Bell. Mrs. JohnWitb*m,'Mr*. Bhel B. Smith,and DeanU-B*n/of;Orsiiford;-and • wniiam,B.inlKenaetkBen of AUentowntPa^le"abofieatei f teventeea^grtndehUd




Mayer Ctstrge R natarhstdlef MM •ofaclal family,-

and othtr Mntavaf tht mtmben ofth* two nt|*iib»tssai wert hi attend-•no*. Rsfrmn—w* w*r* served atth* close of tat amllng.

O. K. Bwans. sfrlbalin, tfnta^CBon-t7Coaunandaref thtLscion, tostaDsd

Ing. talk on earns*te>eoeotraarat

county anxfuanr, tastaUsd the of ten

thepoafiibrrt. Ofcounty aiof the uoit iducted saaucettdlna; Walter K Cooper, and MM.tee Miller was ktducted a* prtsldantof tht unit, *iinnnaai| Mn. Harold A.Olovter.

Other post omeara are: Senior Met-comnuuder, Barton. W- Draw; juniorTloo-cosnnisnder, Ouy D Peck. Jr.; .ad-jutant. Jossph H, Peg*: historian,Floyd M. Pitluita; chaplain. HaroldA. Olovler; joda* advocate, Walter KCooper, atnstrtt *r srms. Bverett D.et-'rt: and Mrvtot oncer, AlbertBouihton. ' i n

fnintr Coermandsr Kvans, to behalfof the State department, made a sot-dsl pretentatlott of cards to thosemembers who hat* been Identified wtththe Legion for Ore, ten tnd fifteeneonnecutlv* years, lv*-year cards wantto Ouy D. Peck, Jr. Clyde J. King and

rM-fMtifctntcl sptUtag bee tea-last Thursdays luncheon of UM

Oranford Rotary.Club In the ehastl ofthe Oranford Methodist Church.

Conducted by H. R. Best, supervisingprincipal of th* Jocal public .schools,thejontesi prated to be both edoca>tkmsl and amustyg. Albert B. Caldwclland Oharlea M. Ray tied for nnt hot*on to th* opening contest, while Dr,Joseph A. Zlngale* won tbe second bee,

Mr. Best prefaced the contest by abrief addxesa m. which he pouted outthat spelling drills sre not staged to-day a* they were to the old school,Spelling today is not an isolated tub.jeet but U now taught hi connectionwtth an other ubjseta. Other subjects,u well, sire taught hi a similar man-ner so that nearly an objects sxe tn<tar-locked, onT with another, ratherthan stressed for then- own individualvtlne it was the case In the dayi ofthe Three R»."

At the busrases session, WinchesterBritten, Br, ponied out that Cranfordwaa among the few communities whichdo Bokhara, sign* on the main Wgfc-ways leading to Ibk town. Hb sugres-Uon that Rotary take the Intnattn tohave *lgn* erected! was referred to theclubserrlee committee, of which11am D. Beet Jr, li chairman. HenryW. Whlpple was named as therepresentative on the Cranford Welfare

flB0Oav%Us9l# isvlX&UasB^eaCaBV 0QuXaaX*wvve5i

Last .Thunday marked tht nntluncheon held by the club hi Its newquarters and a risto* vote of Uuatawas tendered to th* Ladles- Aid So-ciety, whfch.prepared and served t de>. . . _ . . . . - . ^* * J j ' '

JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. iOne Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum

mlt,.was welcomed by. Dt* Rowland -P.Brythe.' ^ •


."..- ? .j-y „ ,, -

The Oranford LtonsClub will resumelte weekly dinner meetings at «:*>o'clock .tomorrow^nkjht. It was'an-nouneed into week by President JsmeiA. Btrona-. S*ve";*ork;a p»nlc...Mia anouting tt'Uht'tutnmer home of PartPresident and Mn, A, T. Baker atPointPtestant, the chib ha* not metsince June, Tomorrow night's as well ufuture .sessions wil}' .be • held ba thenewly-flniihed club rooov of The.Chtaney Oerner,* Morth avenue, east.

Harold. M. Buck: ten-year cardi, toTheodore Ranch, Lotus Pompllano andJohn Mudiock: fBtten-rear cards toWatter Bt Ceislikand Btarold A.Clovler. ' - -

Other n*w omcen of the unit ta-dude: First riee-pnaldnit. Mm. LeeKnowlson; second vles-prssldcnt, Mn.Harold M. Bock; seowtary. Mrs. Car-roll 1C B*llen; treasurer, Mrs. JohnMudraek; hlatorUn. Mrs. Charles Beer;chaplain, Mr*. Louis Pomphano: andatrgetnt-at-ams, Mrs.: Bay.Tlllett, In-itiated 'Wai one new member, Mn.Charle* Bauer,

In behalf of the unit, gifte were pn -•enttd Is Mrs. Lambert and to lait


.mam WCTCXOTS._ - 4»?- -= ,1—, , ,-Bleycle iid*ra;ux<aranfor<|4tra,

to'bs governed brtbt'ttm* rulea;i'as'operalon of, motor Tthiclee' Kgthey rid. at "ttl«ht.-^>1*ll' 5 ^

secretary and treasurer,respectively. Mrs. Sellers and

Mr*. Charles Crounse.In addition to Commander Btuers

and Mrs. Miner, thoseuwho spoke wen:Mayor Osterheldt, Past OommandrrtClyde J. King, Harold A. Otovlsr, LouisFompUano and Walter B. Ooopsr; andMrs. Hose V Craig, president of theladles' Auxiliary to th* Union CountyV. F. W. Oouadl. Also present wereFrank Hm, of Linden, past T. P.

Leon W- Scully,Tjnfcn county'V. P. W. stnlor vice-

Thomas AtUnton, pancommander of Frank L Doonelly Post, P. B . A . W H J L S T A G Ejunertean Legion of PuOnneld; BDlot A N N U A L R A I J . N T I VSouthwell. Jr.. of Seoteb, Plains, psit A n " U A I ' " * " • f " J V -coonty commander: John Winter,cotn-maadsr.of Capt. KeweU.ROdnty Plat*PostrSM, V.-P, W, of.Craniord; RoadOommisrkTOT Prank J. ,McOuUough.Fir* Oommlssmn*r DodVry 'J. .Croft,Town*hln>-Kngtoeer, Thomas'J, Mc-

and her rnmnslrlss.


50 CvajsTOfCf Scoatla so> tnaitK**patem


Approalmater/ fiftyleaden from Crantonr* ttv* Bay Boattroops wlU lake past b>plonShlp aaotpor** of Oloon Friday. Saturday sad raaiibiy •»•sho Lake Park, SprlntjatU a n a * ,opposite the entrance

dub.camporee, which t» open to etgbt acaatafrom each troop in tb* coaartt. WU btthe Anal event of thte

Mr. aat Mn. R. C. BerryJ. rp.Mr. aad Mrs. W. 8. DamonMe aad Mn. R. L. Damon

i Patrkaa OssoonMr. aad Mn. O cjMnnellyMr. aad Mrs. B. R, Foster

O.sa t Mr*. H, Oorckeland Mrs. J. P. Oarrett

1 sir.aad Mn W. P, Heroyj Mat Dsrothy Rsrar t

Mr. aad Mrs. W. T. BayMr. aad Mrs. Bmest HttyardMnLLatyR. RSjaonMr. aad Mn. H. P. KuhlkenMr, aad Mn. F. MacLeodMas ABB* C. MoodyMr. and Mn R. O. MlHerH.K. MHIsrdMr.-aad Mrs. L, A. Rice "A. H. WeliRwiM. J. Seavy .Mr. and Mn. P. O. SykesMr. and Mn H. a TowleMr. aad Mn. A. TbermannMas Mtrtetttie ThermannMr. and Mn. R. U TurkMr. and Mn. J. B TurkMr. aad Mn. H. Van Iderstlne. Jr,Mta. W.'A,-WurthMn. JabaMis* Irenea n . H W. WhtopteMBBB Beatrice Whlpplea . K. Wanssr. Jr..Mas Bnatrlc* Warner

Registntton win be add at lac en-trance to the park f n a a t a s la ftasa m . Friday,): amuidtug as X B. Fair-man of Oranford, Union fmailj Bi*stcutlw« : .Otoup caiapftrea areschedule for Friday nigh*.judging will startwithknot tying, dressing, flu —Mm wttb.gHint and ttetl and tow sod drffl.

urday nlg&X" Tb* Jndgmc wm be

commlttssJoseph Tftiar sin leniissiil tb* iford troops on th* general catsa


Before the exercises ,«*n brought'toa cleat, the assemblage, sbnrtld anunuto of silence to' msmory-of de-parted comrade* tnd member* of the



, Plant for lte annualon, Thanksftvtog Bve,wen RUVQD jrcrtcTOavymembers of Cranford Local. SXP.R.Th* affair, whkh ts to

kck and/otaoaatd am. sssl taw*/


Mrs. S. M. WeslandSBesabenhto published,

„ ____„_ _....__110to date .__...„.......„..._. 6S



Local Far- to lostall 70 Mas-tcr KnA Oi Bonen

peedenvafined by. Judge Mal-

Thoeexnore «peedenvaU of-of-Unmresidtnuvwere fidcobn.Wanock to P o U e ^ Q Tday n i g h t « local polk* conOno* theirdrlvt to atop fast drtvmgln the'lown-iMp!" Tboie l h d w m i ^ ^ ^'• CSarenc* -Allan. ^

Rahmy, tummoned by, PabjolmanJAn-ton> Kovact,»9 and 13 cost*} wmlamrirItagb-; M I * — - - ^ —

of 111has been swarded

for tbe mstatlaUon of 70Knit ell burners to a new de-

. ml new underway to Newark,kVwas —~— mrnrn^ this week. The con'

by. the CharlesRtaRy Ca. O» developert. The local

bat already completed the to-of four of tbe burners.

tbetr store here threesad a nan* yean ago. Chapman Bros.,

1 baa sastaBsd snort) than 30 MtrVrImiieit to Cranford and vi-

Tbe local flrm handle* tbei sntrsTtetton, without aid from

contractors. Nine men are


, \ • - .

. BBrotbamt la'lba (Ucseboolt, whkh nterday,was a.4*lpiipiti i iait ljtbesun* as on th* opsntBg day batyasr, a cheek-up ^yesterday n - -i**kd,j „. v ; •, _ _-, ;

i, d*yt.totsltd 1e»-a gaba ef n averthe ibat'oay, of, hat, yasr. Byeltssss the ' *nrolhacni MsMa:

^ j m * n , ^ i r ^ a a d stntata. ML.'-r-,BoChv: DBtnasa ' aad ; Lbs

Schools alas, snowed a gain?th*';mlttel'day'of-test year.


Jtass^satt.blcvellito^litnitJeiwhit* Ugbt uifront:and a wdlnth»5rear when rtdlntjfagnSi^:4ttbi

of tnenrm.to tta oO burner business,

also engages to plumbing andwork, and reports a substaiv

In this pbute of theirdaring tbr put year,

Tb» Bras oprrates under a partoer-Tna partners artwho resides st 7

ssath 8ta«h street, and Oh*ster_CJiap-wbo Ben at Orange avenue'and



WOHOBT Em*Plojrtxi, Office RoomsE«ft«-tJ) Budgei of

U Adopted.

With th* *ng*gtag of a trained we»-fare worker last night and continuedfavorable ratpons* to lte finance drive,tht Oranford Welfare Association, too,plans to start functioning on October I,It was announced this morning byOeorge R.Bate*. the president. •

The purpose of the association it toserve as a clearing house for all wel-fare casts to Oranford. and thus pra- .vent duplication of energy and money.While it BUI to no way tupenede thewelfan work that te already being car-ried on or serve as a TeUsf-dlspsnstagagency Itself, the association and lteworker will be at the disposal of otherlocal groups engaged to welfare work.

At last night's meeting of the Boardof Directors of the sssoclatlon, held atthe home of Mr. Bat«s In Hamntonstreet, Mrs' Carrie O. Orady of West-field w u employed aa th- welfareworker. She will receive a salary a', therate of 11.400 annually, itartton Oc-tober 1. In addition, alw will be reim-bursed on a mileage basis for the useof her car.

Mrs, Orady, who waa chosen from•even applicants, was employed to theBRA district odloe here for two yean.A graduate of Oklahoma City Univer-sity, ahe attended the University ofOhlcaso for two yean, majoring toeducation and CngUsh at both collect*.She atudled social work at Rutgers Uni-versity. While In Chicago, she workedIn tha Hull House district tnd has hadadditional experience to welfare work.

It will be Mrs. Orady'a duty to In-vestigate an case* which come to tbeattention of the aatccatlon, keep a. cardIndex, open only to welfare represen-tatives of the participating organisa-tions, and attempt to rehabilitate todt-vlduala or families who are malad-justed.

.Announcement was made (last nightthat the association has rented tworooms on the second floor of the Shaprobuilding on north Union avenue, whichwill be used aa headquarters. The roomsare located across the haU from the lawoffices of Carroll K. Sellers.

An annual budget of tJJOO has beenapproved, which include* the worker1!salary.' mileage fee, rent, stationery,telephone, incidentals and a smallemergency relief fund.

Residents of Oranford have respondedto a oommendaMe manner to the asso-ciation's drive for funds, according toCarl H. Mason, the chairman of'themembership committee. Seven! hun-dred memberships at II each alreadyhave been sold, and an Intensive drive•win be1 staged within tbe next few daVtfor additional Individual subscriptions,now that residents are home from va-cation.

The association hopes,, to have do-nated sufficient furniture to squtp M*

,of William lusto, J, H* MflMwhfwi andMn. C. C. Vsnriuy*. has been appointedto take can of the drive for officesCjurpment. Persons having old butusable desks, chain, tablet or other fur-niture, have been requettde to com-murUeate with any member of theoommlttoe." • < " ".

Started late to the spring at thesuggestion of the Rev, Prank,MagUlSherlock, rector of Trinity Church, themovement was spousored by 4he Oran-ford Rotary Club. Meetings of rsp-retcntetlvee of an organisations to the.community wert 'held at'which wide-spread toterest waa .shown. AV' tubs*- •quest sesnons, a .constitution and by-laws wert adopted andrdfrectors were'named to serve until the annual meet-tog n n t month. The dincton havs metalmost weekly, durtog the summer toorder to set up the new tssocUUca-tothat It wm b* ready to begnrlto opera-tlont October l.'---^T.f C

of repairing: tbe ; CranfordMcOnsst Cbarch win get underwayaasTjft wKaA. i t . V H aWlIKIUIaCBd 'JHssstsW*'

day ay tbe pastor.'th* Rev. Match**: Bwlmsart atttntlom.-hotn

«taa»st«)la*sd«^thectoirch|roper;ft^atBJ B^K - ^mmmmmw\m*A ~ ^ ^ t J— J a » al l M ^ K *

• • sTeTj c Cavnea e n , * ingiMBny m v*wL and repatottog of the

>_sf tafldtog, and redworaUon of

li- '*


„ ., ,../>fV^j^iWilliam 'Raymond ,Tnnlson,ian «m«^t,«

plore .or_tr»;o*ntr*l: ' ~ '

stmthV Onlon^v*msuffered •' stroke o n f w m ^

Page 2: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by

dip (tnutfor* ttttpi

Mtttaj Hat Sund»y moroliu at •:•»NUM. OMo, sad ttdUp isav » fsan

Welcome Horn*, Vacations**- .

f.* The Cranf ord Citizen and Chronicle tales thistunity of welcoming home those of it* resafcntoja*been away for a few day* or all summer on wcsttoa. tt asto^d 'that they have had* most enjoyable and reatful penodand are now ready to return to theirrenewed vigor. .

There w u a general influx ot nist* over the past week-end, and with

t k m

ist* over the pa«t week-end, and %«th adday Cranf ord U again aasumingiU normal ^ ^business is-reported to be going ahead as usual today.

For the benefit of thoae resident* wno haw been awaya month or longer, we wuh to call attention to seven*1rm-provemenU that have been rnade in t h e ^ ^ Z Zour*,wn. The HighCpde l ^ M tput new front* in their stores;

d i l d ore

I B thaai fraapa bat arlsHa a eoen-B H B project «( atfiBr hi tha town a

r at pbvja aajiaulalUr aalaaai tata. This at the oanjtaf oot of

• • • m a tli theme* potent

n n fe aaaeh laetlai ooT ta tta

a. m.The H«r» Oaai «U1 begin iU twen-

ty-Ant year on Bandar Sarah* «sp-- - — - • the leader, — *

baths saisbsr on Bepteatar JH.•Itas lkBtaal^ Oraene <Mld,wffl hoU

IU Out niHtln of the tan eouon onOctobers, tts « -of

MMd JUtMtf JMaV Of

n of nere *• start **««n* ««~ ta CM eeutrw nomamn w uui U M » < » W <r j ~ « a « r BBWBBB sad darter, toe yssr wOlneat at tha home of the ymldant,• ? * * paaaa by tb* ehOona to •iiiaiiniia of I b t A. a Mskellr, on Friday at *

put new fronU in tt^r stores; « « ^ ™ ^ ^moved into larger and wore mooem quarter* »»««n ei ^ T^l^tta*: aw * a—tar of " " * ^ - - -----up4»date front; a cleaning and dyeing eataMataitrwf •"• | i p , i M , »* . The freetaken over the qu«te» forn>«te occnn^ny the b e ^ - - - J ^ - - J - - - J

l«f arta In

ikfttade star. « o ow of

«MM onrr « v as ttat «w riek-— —jr »» rtfnan to ta tU *e«to-

t * * oonttka of ctmdc

auon; a new drug store, the Bell Co., •merty occupied by Ardizxone'* Confeenoneiy: and _Tbe Cranf ord Citizen and Chronicle » now eatabUed **-_and more modern quarters at 3 Alden street. Other storeshave been improved both inside and out Airing £ * « • " " * * •

Work is progressing rapidly on the new bnilding Aatk being constructed at South and Wahmt ave '~—atruction on the junior-senior high school ha* w a B - ^ l ^ to n,. „ *ahead at a good pace since the settlement of the strata. wtacnl | l l vaUia . p, ,heU up work for three weeka. Several new home, have been * v b * « M ^J2*?L*S£completed during the summer month* aad mnatrortwai o l | « ^ ngm J ^ ^ ^ tw«s*r««-other new dwelling* i* now underway.

'In the nearby community of Linden, work ofing a $5,575,000 General Motor* assembly plant is gerong^ - M ^ ^ m

underway. When completed, the plant will employ about | i n or tt.- Ktvahr.is ttboo-touiha

tht SBSuner, tbe cbaptl and•cbwl rpjan for .tha Jtm-

~ . _^_anradecocm»ad. Tbeheat-lat Dhnt has been repaired and •*-tandsd a» a* to brtnf addttloBal OOBVfort to th» obowh aehool ecboJai*.

n H M i u a n CABA apoti'roiiWrr, owned tor Taa

rioaMtar of Cam Wdsa. was daaMeadby an Monday afternoon whsa a oa-Me wtaw in tha nrtor caaftt oa are


unaerway. wnejn Hunpinm, « » » ~ ~ ' ^—• -—t * — 1~~_~2.0O0 men. W. S, Roberta, general manager of the plant. «J"«^has taken up residence in Cranford. I . . , , ^^^ *

These, aa well a* other sign*, pornt to unproved con-l A « ^ th.ditions here. Cranfordli rapidly going ahead, both a* a abop-l>t~«« •*.ping center and a* a high-type residential cntmnuniry. T y j j g ^ - - ^ . , - ^ , ^ , ; ,rau«m*nornnprovements in both the buaines* and leairttnhal J J i n U l j , , ^ , ( ,4 . ,^ BO,,] boaeerratorj ofare bound to attract new residents and other new basanesa|ua*x bapdon. rnsiand; isabst nook-firms into Cranford. _ _ _ ITJMBMU viMhtn Beeea, B. A.

In welcoming our returning vacationist*, we "raTJtrtd*« Dtarmatty, Bngkad: Boa* M*B-nSem to adopt and^practice the motto, "Try Cranford First,whether they desire to buy an order of groceries or neat, orare in the market for a new home. N

rwarn .Tht

Bj>d'toek Mst i

vtnd thM sna'dld at* aw* ftaai to

rataast alst and ptnait Ua\ ** attsb-hlke boaw, whkn thty «d. ~

Both roothi had town aakawlr.bmass tar abast t w


UM was being drrfan peat pa-Mrs. The Meat was *a-tht Ore daiiUasnt ba-

OTtt IttUOD %*awO*a0* WsW

j . DPW of i v s m e n a t avaBoa raportaa to poUee at 1 a. BV MODday thathit raaktoee had baas sntand. Bt-thooih he coiud flnt nothing Bdoto*liaot. wilUun tiKher and PatrolmanThomas Wood* who hvraUiatad. aUdIt toohad Uto tha work of boy*.



Exclusive Type of Cleaning



nonet or acmcannrr

r( rjorat —„atarkhaax Time faoottsr

ta tbaataO.

Now York's Motor U w —

-. New York** drastic motor vehicle t^~—>—. ,ing $100 fine or 30 day* in jail or both, for eneedmg the 40-— :L- speed limit, should be recognized by tnctaiata of this

•t at» OsBtanntelaMhtttMt

mobile Qub of Newr Jersey declares, in a _ - .of legislatrve reprisals unless there i* a sharp reduction m

^ T w j l n ^ mi. Herbert tSucox. Ifana-er oft i e Trenton Division of the dub , "we issued a waraina; that

•public opinion throughout the country wa* swinging nowt4 r n .n r«> nf higKway accident* to intisrenrri

had been taken Baton,' and the aJknl the

Mkted Koptar. » yaam oM, ot r*-'vaa (Man a *-" —

take Hrastic steps to preyent them. •The action of the New

i Mdootan Waraoek ca » dnokaid dknrdtdy,chart*. Jtapter vatanaaM on RUh ttntt br U»t . WUana VWhcr and Fatrolauut Thomt

vier wo .foBow

. ^r .v^Loca,n^ri^;wt»/l^;oeMsA^ToA"are;cBUtibned th«^rear3SnWtor*;are requned by. the•> .-•I'.-r'iirjii: >nTL:i.-\L---p(qprie|jr ofT one state forcing

: riot required-bjrAe state in

-. najuKuvu, U i ~ w..-—J*ay. -alt bijposn»ei];out mat leBectora.' - -whether carried voluntarily or unaWconv|tnlnon. are an added


Usej j <- . . . . , V -


BOUND'.Aitfarrt ,H» a ¥ • • naiaaaiBaa^ wwevaavaBs a— *•*• —^

•,'^rhomaycinwjoona. * "PI It-*

Work Called FWand D-JrreredTEL. CRAMF0RD64O0

Cannino NBBCIS at Soecial Prices,isthatsaaot,aanriBB at tha

ttocdvr te*ah». tohna

ta a apodal BUS ot an OM

of tkaaa saw task » I s


IDEAL -GbaiTop



80c dox. ,*§•','-.*<• * • • - , -






Standard Lumber & Supply Co,U L O B B E R - M I L L W O R I ^ - M A S








.-** *w • _ • v •»

ansawaWASBWV aTaVaYJaV

1 r i , v'fto.B-BAisranc >•C . * < T lmrtirsTf*'"* •«»>•


the 1behold (a f a n ar Midhalm of tha waaaaMball BHBS eaOcsoaart

or AthloUes at WOue

UeaanftfhWS1 to tha added I

Thattha<mile raB,«* a » t h eyean a m « • • bt endcccuton k tedkacatt Iiltned eatdss h*«a bMOleno

V ;the raeord a* *M.Vr tlock ot M Ttnlnv*. 11meter ehMaal0B«f aadnirldi n e o f d o t I:«Tuaee; aad from.two olest.oc AaMtfesa, >>n>Rooaal of Kaaaaa ataleta and Pdn tosh otilty. tt is ptaanad. a•dd oat aaan aairr, 1limit tha OaM to ttm ta

Aooordtaisjreturned n a n a felpLondon, tha racs wmlut oanpattttOB fcr Ufound hk madlcal waHotplUl. tflttdon, too •Hilt hlA GsXttstaQgHiaVD Bafter the dot* or. thatetooti. It will taka pliwhen tha Otynaaoloped Into tntarnatlfIn l tn , with hk neonmUe 1A the OxfordPrlncctoo-Ooniall BMSIoccuion. oa-whichBonthno l a a j d i t u tbeaten; be was Vmttunder the prertoaa we

The a n a d Ckmnea <ctmum of MtW'ttJsnai

v 8Ute-wMa Clam Bab*Qrove, SprJnftfl

innnlnt at 1 p . m .events.vOl-benoan, dbnwr WOI'IMp. m. to l p . a u and dorder for 'tha e*enta>

"Kujtert BhrtbnsuBt n of BoaaUa-»S)oaaIwlU feature tht danclarge dekfaUon from I*UK attend with Vt»frlenda. • "

CaaUb KUd*> P• AmonfUi* pewter1701 in the;eata'te iKldd, the pirate, werHl l

j!jlmFreese Dela M. UIOOK ATE



Page 3: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by




> Ir liiilialiU by Mat tact thatilgnedOlena

the record a r t * * * ; from Jack L o wlock ot Bsw Zealand, the Otympte m s -meter ehsjunton,5 aad paauaaor at tharaid* TscardTot f:«M tor that davtance; and from two other ot tha fleet-est of AaMriosn, mHer» Archie SanRomanl ot Kaaeas Stats Ttaehea Oot-lege sad Pan Lash of Hadmaa Unhsr,•ity. It la panned. Bushnen amid, toadd oas mon entry, bat deflnlteJr tolimit the tutu to fin ta order to insurepunier radngoanoiHona.

A 11 I I i aw S A ^ J W ^ I —all n * - - - fceaafeJ * 0 O D U ^ L S B V B B T V S * aHVusass^BeJsaaae ewoB^n ABBJBP JeBBa*

returned tarn a trip to Bsrtta aadLondon, th* race wm probably be thetut oonpftttioo tot XfOvdockt who IIMfound his medical wort: at St. Mary*Hospital, *-irmtiffv too atranuous to per-mit his Ttimint*'- m track acUtrttiasafter the dose ot the present outdoorteseon.lt wm take place on tbe trackwhere the Olympic * " ] * " firstleaped Into jnttnrrt'i-*' prommenceIn lan, with hk record-breaking 4:OTJmile la. tbe Oxfc**Cembridie n .Prlnceton-Oomell meet. This was tbeoccasion, on -which Prtneeton'i BtOBonthno ran .his fastest mile, thoughbeaten; he was timed m «:Of.T, ahaunder the pmiom world's mark.




lye, theUulieisUy la MeweooonOnt to en

tatzaUon. period of taut ITht i

gras of baefapior at I

that urivsnttjfe

try. A

t i *.' i' t ™*

• ea heOe-aS Wklek.«. Btraek oat*rak*.i:byckctsnd Boyle,


'. Ib .


.--Is. !

HOOW M M a m i meaaaibBl. attaa ta view, eaet

aura, twaeiral yktane jroa kavetakaa ot gn«B* at frieaaa or of tae(unUy. aad oapeed It wlta a tetllafal ngr«t tbtt ywa <M aot appear tothaw yletaraa svanwin Or, bowottea, wbea ywt are ibowiag lorn*-body BBipakote yoa took ea a MB-arable aoaatloa, de yea bear the n-aMrk, "Waere were ym all taletbaer MadeMly jreu reply. 'Tray, Iwaa Jaat the ana behind tae camera,I w i M f kad to take the plctnrea,1Bat really woaldat yoa like to hatebeat ta those pktana? Of eosne,

Totals-t by lunlngi:

_000 010 000—1_SJO 000

hits—Manren, Burke. Romeisai Furttrtilmn Base on baUs-oD

2. Stnck out-by Stiles, 3; byL thnptaes—Kane Loedeke.

pletlon ot three yeass ofstudy m lIn era

A B o u n n t n c a a o STJHDAX

The Oraad Council or tbe Rorsl-Ar-canum of WewVJarasy win aponaar •BUte-wlde dam Sake at Dotted Smg--en Orate, SprmgMd. on Batardw be>pjtnnlnf at 1 p^nvOnae* and athlrtlcevent* wm be oondgwMi ta the after-noon, dinner wm be^eemd^firom •p. m. to I p. m , and daaetac wm be hiorder for the e*enm( boom. W

bkt n of Bceelle-* Beeeni Park Councilwill feature the danctajg program, Alarge delegation from Grant ord Councilwill .attend with thetr families andIrlenda, . . ' '

teeVttae:eal'DMatoa of tbr W k w dermtlo Oommfttae w « «et m MOenmoaka at the aBMay

CpUia KfaU*. P«r*e• Among tbe pewter Itema lifted In1701 in the;eeta'te of Cap). WllllnmKldd, the pints, were, thire lankanle,Hilrtetn dlihee.'-twn canillMilrkm thirty"Intre. H» hmrlmiiinil fwn unll^rllitr'.

Free,e Del.c.tes,«a Kvtaam knj



Pnoot.'CR. M116

banking, and iTbt ckesdi

offen a (pedal entmeaie 1

County Democratic Committeeaoapteee the aKalr b be-

• Dowlmg wm brlog with himact* at madeflOe aupptted by the

Democntk d o b of new Yorkot«anta«tlcri that Is touring

on behalf of PretJdentodldaer for re-elecUon. A

at the entertainmentbe tbe Snt appeamnee of a mtaed

- im from Plamfleld whicha. epedal program of ipMt-

g TkkeU tor thedistributed through the

DemoeimtJe Chairman 'Williamterrlng on tht

KcOimth, Jin.Seafatl,leon

Bla AnthonyO. Buck, t i n . Cant

OBOer, Albert Baehm, Johnr. I n . Xtbel Iiskht and Thomaa


WEIR MOTORS, Inc.603 Nor* AW, W

S. Christopher's Schoolbjr laobet-Taoauu, a, Z\ , - ;' ^f-

IH'wrstneld 3 H1S-n


• • ( IMIIMW

Osrioasiy, aas aolaUon ot tale dlt-leulty is ta let some oae else useyour eaaara oa these oecssloas aaltake some pletaras with you la them.Oood oaoagk except that thst some-

' body alie Pad or whoerer It aseybe—Is mMae; troaa them Just as youwere mtasJag trass the others. •

There ta Mother answer to thisproblem and a perfect one. Get a self,timer, which Is the ntme tor an at.taebmaat which permits most cam-eras other tbaa the box type to takepictures austtaadei. It Is an lnex-peaelTS aecaasory that flu oa tkemetal button at the end of tbe cablerelease which operates tbe chatter,la tae auuuer of *a alarm dock, tke

y « * « a a t taBmMatlmVa>P VVBrnM aBmt taaat

•aeaaalaai at tale gadget auty beset ta ••*» c*T after a time latarnl,

p It i n i m tae battea aadnaateastae ahatlar. Meaatlme, yoatuiw* takes pear alaea la the pletarasndareleekmgyoarprettlestawalt-tnsthasaap,

s aati a oelMtSMr la-sorpsntst la the ahattar. Ot eoane,

t bare the camera oa a drmsaaparL ta tbe pictara ta the left

r t Hdamp kartag a tripod sockef" Tonnrefare tor the pletare by focaslngla tha vsaal way aad aatag tbe samaHop openlag aad abatter speed youwoald as* ardhurily. If m hereplaced yoar eabjeeto aalta eloee tothe camera, see that there la a par-Uealar space la tbe group tor you toeater and dent tell to ooespy pre-cisely that spaos, else you will blan-ket somebody or, U the space Is attha aide, you any lad la the printthat you have lost an a m or so.

MothloeT prereata you from taktaca picture of yourselt alone If you feelthat wsy—-which auggeeta one TtryImportaht use tor tbe self-timer. Brerto Isblac aleae aad wlab there weresomebody to take your picture hold-'Ins up that whopper at the actualseeae ot the eateht Or, do you alwaysbuy o n at the-fish store?


thai week k the fnataat aaotaadtoad esuns ka the wortd.

awenr man at Ma

at a< the Mfjto for whom there w nbe raom at lbs tnek-Stde. Hut atnlfht-away a a , m feet hag and sixteen

m at Manna tar the spertator-ondot proUsass. lor ttat:drtvsf* Tftt, ao wtdsand to beauttfuny w—tiueted m thetncfc that, deepae tte tasttng tuna,

ae ot the aaparta bsUet* an t t t n nof lat arihM an hour may be aohknedwhan the speed kngs ot the nationsmeet on October 13 for the handsomenew trophy pisseuted by Oeotit Van-

Get rid ot variaas thmge ta your at-Us with a elaaunsd ad. aomeone wmbe glad to pet thorn.



BOty Dangle. U-year-otd BOB of Mr.aad Mks. WnUam Dangk of IS vastBoily street, van Bnt prtss m Os>outboard motor boat mce Sunday a tBreton Woods. Billy bad keen eosaps-UUon. aU others to lha m o t babux

Be b u returned, to bat home bamattar Bpendtng tbs suaunsr at •Woods.where hat parenla have a imer oottage.


The nre orpertamrt was called at Ip. m. PMday when an automohOe,owned by Ura. Dean Burford, ot CMlinden pane, eaugbt Ore near barhome. The nre. caused by faulty wir-ing In the cigarette lighter In the oar.waa put out before It had oaused maah


A UTTLE investment payint; BIG dividends—A WANT AD

iheBestCRANFORD REAL ESTATEI n s u r a n c e In AH Form.

Real Estate & Insurance Dept Cranford Trust Co.

: \

Hilda N. McCartney309 Casino Avenue

X Cranford 6-1466

Piano and Violin

For past 7 years on Faculty of Georgian Court College i• • " ' A '

School's OpenEyeryfebd^'s Home Now!-•" - T i m e to think about your table and' the kind

° . of.-food- t o k e e p your youngsters fit for the -•'• ',. long^schoolinontns'ahead!.•=. .->?--'". '?' ; • • . ' . . -

FRESH FRUITand VEGETABLESare best, for both young and old.



6 N. Union A ,PboaeS4532llhlWtHIIIIMMMItllllllllll

J-F9WT KJKLYoa iosa borrow ft you caa• s k a moatblf payatesK,•aether a* a n you owa tmtmi-esre or s aw. Siagle penou ormarried couples e n cuaible.S . You do NOT aeed o>auken.No eelsiy asilgaaiseii required.


l.Moe*aly sayassau areA. Quick acdoa. Hoaay ea eooaas you seed it.aV ftewnoable nsH oa

T. No eabenasilagssked ol eaiployer oc


.U4SL Jersey M^i


BS ** UWj nKMC A; B —

—i SHBBtoaC HOUSBS •** U W Om*m,

WARDLAW SCHOOL1020 Central Avenue

PlmbneU, N. J.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rdWardlsw boys took first honor* at Kxeter -

and Loomls last year.

Oiaduatea In college averaged B In ltMl\ \

The Utkk«garicaNDepartaBSat wU agafal be under lbs


aireeUee) ef Kba Derethy Gay • . !•

C. W. WARDLAW, Headmastc£

Telephone Ptslnneld S46S0 and <-«BM '• -

"SHE SETS A GOOD TABLE"A remaxjc that good housekeepers are pleased ' .,to hear said about thefaselves.


" '' "The reputation of'your table will rise.or'fall . /on, the quality-ofahe Meat you serve—- ""


KLEIN'S MARKET10 N. Union Avenue ' , CtaiforcVN/JL

Telephone. CR. ^ " '*

• i - « •


Page 4: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by


Social Items; Pers

Mr. and Mn. T^K. lata ofPark have takaa up W H i n o aa •Arttngton road.

Mrs. Wuttam HTrawger ot Maplepace spent the tabor Day week-endat Onion Springs, M. T.

Mrs, Hugh O. ftaUabury snd childrenof Linden place left last week tor a

_ vacation at Seranae, N. T.

Mr. and Mra.~Pred H. Lovsll of


Mlai Mary Oathe& Lang efArlb*-ton road u n k mMB, H I ,

Parker avenue have returned from avacation in Canada.

Mr. and Mn. Uward B. Hevdcn andfamily of linden place an home tromtheir cottage at facial Point.

lira. H. Clereland Pranke'snd fam-ily of Manor avenue have .returnedfrom a summer it Oape Cod.

Mrs. Ralph S-^oyd end eon OfMadison arenue have returned Irani asummer at RunUngUn, L. L

Mr. and Mn. Henry W. Whlpple atProspect street left Saturday for > twoweeks' vacation at Atlantic City.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vogel and fam-ily of Colombia avenue have returnedfrom a vacation at Beechwood.

Mrs. Dean Burton) and famttr of

m , where they win make their home.

Mrs. Fred Schroder and sons ofCraig place have returned from theirsummer cottage at Locust Lake.

Hrs. Loin* A/tsathfr «* Oroharw•beat ran a dinner part* on Baturda>nkjbt (or several Mends at bar daugh-ter, Mrs. L. Baylor «t Baltimore. MA.

Mr. and Mn. dT&diard WMr. and Mn. dT&diand family of.Berkater place returnedTuetday from a vacation In Ha—rim'•eti*.

lira, dart WantauS and cbUdren ofNormandle place have returned tromHigh Bridf« -where they •pent the

Mr. and Mri,T£vld N. Brown atCraig place are entertaining Mr.Brown's brother, Donald Brown ofMexico, Me.

Mn. Ray Dunning of Springfield,Mate, will visit her mother. Mrs. A. B.Lewis, of Centra) avenue over thecoming week-end.

Mr. and Mra,'Roger W. Aldrkh ot

H. Aeoough and family ofavenue have returned, from


Sortncfield tvenneapemunt tw» atoatta at theirborne at Ideal Beech.

Mr. and ttnv Oeerte D. Banktn, 8rrebtrned to ttoetr home k MS Sprtafmid avenw Tueeday afterthe wmmer •*•

Mr. and

Mra,Adams avenuetheir summer home at Breton Wooda.

Mr. and Mrs. "John D. Brook) and. family of Orange avenue have returned

Iran a neatlon at Btaalde Helghta.

Mr. and Mra. 5 f X Craig of Cran-ford avenue returned last Friday froma TaeaUon at Lorell. Me.

Mr. and Mn. Richard H. Lacker. Jr.,and family ot Craig place hate re-tunxl from a neatlon at Ocean Ctty.

air. and" Mrs. J5»liip Wells Ball. Jr,of Orchard street entertained eeveralfriends at their home last Friday night.

Mr. and Mr*"stanley M. Wetlandand family ofc Central avenue apent1*W Day week-end at Aabury Part

Mn. R. O. HaikJnT of Winetka, m ,n i the' recent tueat of her eon, Har-old I. HsaUni at hl» farm near Btaneh-Tllle.

Mr. and Un. "JTRoyal Walsh andchildren of Balmlere road bare, re-tamed from a vacation at Lake Hopat-

Ilap "OnyiUiue."ttw bocae ot Mn. Aldriehi mother,Mn, Charlaf B. Kaltaohach. . - '

Bailey TomUnlorfof Waahlntion. D.C an Inatmdor In Catholic Untventtxvtalted nu* brother, Joeeph -TomttrJOti,over the Ubor Day week-end.^

Mb* Dorli Bmitn^who has cptnt therammer with Mr. and Mra. Rowlandp. Smith ot Caatao avenue haa re-turned to Florida.

Mrs. O. T. of Oranford and

Bark at 10XUaabeUi arcnue are entertatolnf Mn.Burki uanma, Mr. and Mn. Oeonenttrroff of MMatash. Fa.

Mlai Maria Oonnnlty ot Botheater,

Mra. H. O. Butter of »

Mra. Ohntw *,amhiir ICIM **—Mmi* KftttMlMeA. O

- le^veay^^^pw• ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^»^«^^ ^^^^^^ • p • • • • ,f ^ ^

-Or»j»tone.- left Friday tor ba Mia,OaUf. They wUl stop en rout* at S tUMtlat, Mo, Tnaa and Arbona.

MM. Bfelan'Dm ot \J» Antctaa, Oat,was the roaetkat week ot her ooosta,

w w ^ mm HIJ •••• I I I J MTbe miiMiir Corner, attar whteb krJaMMrB.WIaapearWton«»Mlortr|ato Buffalo- Upon then- ntan. the* « »nstde at tM Mrth aveoaa, weat. -

Tbe bride attended Mn* Jersey O«-lage tor iroatan and waa graduatedfrom Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, eta* ofi m t t o t a a r f w o t t h e O r e n t o r d

Waaa gW C M of • Sato Oeajeall Saa ie ejaly » *0O e veer,

oatMit it aawM awaiee le> ae> aa taVSafj •aeoceasery ritlu ?

lfn,K.a of Craig place. Mrs.retaining home trom a two

months'trip abroad.

Mr. and M n . Paul A. Anger of Irv-tngton, formerly of Oranford, have

at 1M north Lehlgh

Mr. and KM. B^lF. F. Bandotph ofWalnut avraue

New York waa the guest ot Mr. andMn. Luther Blake at their farm InConnecticut over the Labor Day week-end.

Mr. and Mra. John P.. Tact and toot.Jack and Bob. ot Claremont place havereturned.from a five weeks' vacationat Island Heights.

Mr. and Mrs. FMter Smith and chil-dren. Barbara and Shirley, ot northOnion avenue have returned from aaummer at Beach Haven Terrace. .

Mr. and Mrs. Bverard Kempahall andfamily ot Orchard street have re-turned from Seaside Park where theyspent the month of August.

Mr. and Mn. "inward Sai

ration trom Ms duties at tbeOranlord Poatofflcs.

Un. Lea Mmer*snd sons, Bobby.Bill,, Jlmmk* and Jackie. * » » • » -beta avenue returned Monday fromTJtehneld. KJr. when Ihey apent eet-a u weeks visiting nlattves.

Raymond OBrtaTot Ml north TJn-lon avenue wUl return oa Monday froma month's trip to the West Indies,whSTh. baa be«.enUrWnjd bywayrelaUvee and friends to Santo Domingoand Masons.

Mr. and Mn. J7c . HoyceUy have returned to their borne In 112Alden street'after apandlng-the jum-mer at the <«pey Trail Club, CanntL

Tttaf~lww«~B«aa--awaiCrattford for tvo yean.

OoOaga 0h» and of the W o n CountyAtonal AaanctaUnn of K. 3.0. «heformerly "wae society editor of TbeOranford CUam and Ctoonlele.

Mr, Wtaepeer was graduated fromPratt matnote with the ekes ot l amHe •afBletad wtth the Ben Telephonelaboratories m Urar Tork City. -

Oharlottodaugbter ot Mra. Henry Bartati oMM

Mr. aidaughter, Mha Miriam —11104, havereturned to then- home In n SpruesitreH after a w*ek-i motor trip through

untalni and toW. K.

The Her. and Mn. Matebett T,Poynter and ehUdren. WaOaee, Bruce,Ruth and Sebekah Poynter, retainedto their home Ja Uneoln avenue lues*day after vacationing- for a month attbdr home at Pour Bridges,near Naughrlgbt, In Morris County.

Miss Beatrice Mkraae of 100 Cran-ford avenue Mt VMneeday for Bur.llngton, TU Wbaa. she will enter tbefreabman claat AT* the University of

of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J, WWnebert of«J Spruea street, wen Baarrled at 4o'clock Saturday afternoon m the Ftrat

Bev.WUnam R.oerenonr. More thanMends attended.


Cranford Trust Company

Betty and A1IM.JMr. end Mn. AHWHawthorne street arehaving had their tot

r » at 1M Third

from Cran-

tb i . T. B. OUnln and ion. Dr. Hatch,cr auptn. have returned to Cnnfordfrom their summer borne in Pcnniyi


t Mrs. A. V. Long and family of Arllngton road have returned from a rammerspent at their summer home at Ports-mouth. R. 1.

? Mr. and Mra. Cfcariea Mceaer»» andchildren of Parker avenue bara re.tamed\from their summer home out-

' side of Branchvme.

Mrs. A. F, MenTSTstratf ord Terracehaa returned from a short vacation tripto Lake Placid, N. Y- where she visitedMr. and Mn. X. Moore ParrUh.

' Mr and Mrs. Harry N. McMtnlmen,Jr and daughter of Hemlng avenuewere at BprtngfWd. Maea, foe theLabor Day week-end. -.

* Mrs. J. Batrd fimpeoo and children.Baird and Betty,,ot Cranford avenue•pent labor Day weekend al_8pray

family ot Tuxedo place have returnedfrom a two weeki' vacation at SprayBeach and Seaside Park.

A. OendVand daughter. Mb* Oath*erine Canda, have returned to theirhome In 1 Tttndo Place after spend-ing a month at Madison, Coon..

V. T.Mr.

of Iteming avenuethe Labor

tertalned many of her schoolInformally at b

and Mn. Robert J. TrumbauerI avenue bad as guests foeDay week-end, Leo Bmnd

and daugbter, Miss Irene Sullivan, ofScandale^K. T.

Mr. and Mn. O?C. Miller of Oaatooavenue left rr»eaday to vlattMjaJlB-lert niece, Mat Frances Basbam of£«OL

whan attend

Oivan hi marriage by her uncle. Bd-wtn OOberl at JOI Retf ord avenue, thebride wore a fitted gown ot monsoaUneda sole, with high neck, and fun akb-twith a snail tram. A fingertip von wasfastened to her Juliette cap. Bhe car-ried a abower bouquet of white orchids,sweet peas and lilies of the vaDey.

•Ilia Doris Malone ot Cranford wather maid of honor. She wore a coat-style gown, of coral and pink chiffon,and ear-v>d «n ami banquet ot brae

'roses. Ifiitwliprwl

ThehrJewwa*tordHfehMbooLsndhasbeanaibar,*! tbe ohofrof the Vbat Pnaby-tenon Church for several yean.' Sheformerly w » employed by OeCoppetand Dcramua. a Broadway, New Yorkl

Mr, Wlttnebert attended CranfordHigh School and waa graduated fromStevens Institute of Technology. Ho-boken. wtth the ckws ot UO. Be -'i

Mu ftaternity.an equipment ear

glneer with Speny Prodncta. TJK, InBrooklyn.

of 111 Oraneje avenue. Mr. SleaIt a gliduata of Oranford High School

Mewark OoUege of En.B e . « now emplored by thew t » Banning Oompany. Nev

lea Beanor Carol stkora, daughterof Mr. and Mn. Paul X. Slkonof 9

M n WBllam B. Bragdon of Manor-renue has returned from Oape Oodwhen ahe has been vacationing sincethe flrst ot Augun,

Mr. and Mrs. •award Shaw and fam-ily ot Manor avenue have returnedfrom High Bridge where they had acottage for the summer,

lira. J. IMS BeteaTMn. • . * • « » -rlaon and Mn. R. C. Miner were the

laat -week of Mra. John Cham-of Wkotclab- for hmeheon and

bridge. '• \uelntire and Children,MBma' Bpringneld


^ Billy, ofavenue have returnedteles. Oalir, where they spent

Carey and

MX and Mrs. O, K. Warner ot 1Mnorth Lehlgh avenue have returnedfrom a week* Irip to Mew Hampenlre.

daughter, Trirglnla, have returned fromtheir aummer home at Delawan andwill take.up resjdeniw on Sixth itreet.

MT, and Mra.~Harold .Mtnard anddaughter. Bally, ot Prospect street hawreturned from Seaside Park whan theyhave been on vacation Unee August 1.

Mn. Harold Btrkmlre.and family ofCasino avenue have returned from •summer spent at their cottage at Oak

Earner wtth Mra. MBlnltre-s mothertad autatu . .- > \ -

Mrs. Robert BTvTaaaon ofBtvanldedrive entertained last Tnunday anar-non m honor ot the birthday of hermother. Mrs. Horace Boyer Browne ofBaltimore, Md. ^ ' '

Blchard B. ZundSls spending a tenweeks1 holiday atttebome of htopax.ante. Mr. and Mn. Frederick R. CmdeLS M Berkeley Place. Hebe , been-aiao.dated wllb, the 8 b * PrtroteumOw-

Blake avenue, entertained with a "Backto School" party 'Saturday afternoonat her home, dame* wen enjoyed,wlth.'Priaee and favors bring schoolaappllfa. A bos supper'was served totbe following guests:" Jane stroebel.Marie Crosby, Marie -Oaten, XbuneMiles, Charlotte Churchill. Jack Brad-ley, Robert soura'and Thomas Jones,all of 'Cranford. and Oeorge HubenyofBoeeUe.

Mrs.' Oeora*;]4XBamfang of Orangeavenue entertained 'at luncheon andthree table* ot bridge hut Thursdayafternoon. Oueati present '""'irhi*Mrs. vnniain-Money. Mrs. James Trua-low. Mrs, -wnttsm Tawger, Mrs. LouisMather, Mn. WHllam Foley, Mrs. Kel-kg Sloan, Mra. Irena Levin, Mm.BUiha Wartleld, Mra, Pad Crispm, Mm,Frank Dodge/andibar ten guests, tbeMisses Beating at Brooklyn and MissMary Page FUagerald ot Florida.

.In her hair wen flowers of matchingcolon, to those m her bouquet.

Cranford wat habrother's beat man. Ushers were Charts!rrederiekaon and Mward Qumo, Jr,both ot Oranford.-

An organ-prelude and the weddingmarch were played by Andrew R,Wataoc, church organit. Two vocalaelectVioa, "At Oawnmg." and 1 LoveThee," wen. rang by Mrs, John Bow-

Mk« Dorothy Madorte Paps, daugh-'ter of Mrs. Mai»aTatty;,gai»yof geat

ot b u ^ / 4 i 3 j f V M mrled Saturday hi Brooklyn to.dlHordBless, aon of Mr. and Mn. Oeorge p.

man..a member ot the Presbyterian

The attar waa banked with ferns, Infront of which were ghdlolaa, daffodUi

A reception for tbe Imrnerilate tarn-Dks waa heM f oUowtag the ommonfat the home-of the bridegroom's.par-ents, after which the couple teftNjn amotoc/trip to Canada. They win hi at

AWKOVNCK BKlAOgJODtT*•. and Mra. Henry a . Ronnhmd of

n Morse (tnet, announce tbe engage'men*'of their daugbter, Alma'XUaa-beth, to Richard O. W e n , Jr, aon of

t,.jta& U n . R. a Oilera ot West-

Geraldine Private School,401 ORCHARD STREET, CRANFORD '

" *VmmmA^CRimiAtt)^li&y':r-^ •panyV

wllh. the Shell^Petroleupanyaf Its reftoery at^oroo, la, alneehVgraduaUoa trom Prmeeton. Unlver.-atty In June, IMS.-

TBSl we do our own dcanliv. right'here In Oranford, . A foUy eanlppedplant at your, aervke. •very article,cleaned separately. .Paramount Olean-

NASH k n i L O M E T T E ^


Nursery Scbod—lVe-Scbool—KiodergartenO p e n ! ;,^'mm

MRS. E I R A M K E Nlaaebercf


.401 Orchard St.,

Phone CR. 6-0912-WCCBM and Prnrate Lofting

School off FrenchReipcM MwWiy, Sept. 28'


*m) tmmHOBOUTR

Onaists.1* Vn. OMaa is maea. *n

Ecde Fnicabe De WestfieldTW_ wiiaaiii

uid will



TKerMcCartSr SchoolCR.



T, O. .—. .Kathartne Anglame]street have returoetstay at ObaHoiUiaii,merer, who recentlyeratton la Newark,greatly Improved.

Mrs. Barry Heetaarenue left thh weewhere aba will attenvenuoa of the V*Want Mrs. Heekend:ottheWooBtniAuHTtakePost,rJo.»S,

Mlat Peggy Oralstreet-had at-guestDay week-end BkWDriscoO. and Jamaclassmen at West 1ahank left Tuesdaywhere the wOl vWher studies at Sweet

Mr. and Mn.~JoWalnut avenue retfrom a month* motnla. During their t;Tutted potnU of totrat, returning by «they attended theThey have now vUIn the irofcwi

Akton Rodgenrislted his mother. 1gen ot Casino averend. Mr. Bodgen, *the General BeoMibeen made'DMataAngeles, Oalif. cambrlef^btt wtth htafriendi before leavl

Mrs. R. L^Lovetentertained her bnlaw, Mr. and Mra.and aon at ArUngiover last week-endof Washington, D.to Join her son,who was In charge•phere flight.

Mr. and Mrs. Mainut avenue enter!party 00 Wednesdi

eon. Frederick, t who



Families, Calling Gray F u n e ^ Service hao'been a tradition

' for t ^ generations b»i where con.—moderate

'\ianot1 diat juttifiea tl^confidence.

Ml tMen Ave, K

Page 5: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by

II'-avenue. Mr. 81mmnfort Hlth School.«ik Oolitie of En-Mr anptored by U»

Oampanr. New

n anovrf,MS Vn. OM

• ' •> •

Mat vlUks OeT « * JoeslBrewBtn

Freete DetoatesM TraaW H>i l>i»tractions tor fee last faati of &•** week.

a*, UmtuiuM. s. Omasai

»:H A. M, — H I J Bubo*Wsnhlp. COO P, aL-


Wat* CO.

Bet* « « / » * • ? * • . tbi dUJdreu ofMr. at* MM. AHM H. W * ofHawthorns »W» are convalanlng afterbaring tad the* tonsils and adenoid*removed tost, week a* the BnoUda

Mr. aa« Mrs. A. O. Hopkins andtamOr e» Central m m bsU a pfcnleoo ttM c r m d s « their home last Sat-urday lor a m i Mends and theirumOka. trnM. eroav* and quotua m peered foOewed by an outdoor•upper served tar thtetjr-nva.

lav. aad Mis. WDUam D. Reel, Jr,and dasfhter of m W a l n u t avenue

, icn.' •a*, bad been at the shoreMart for a vwk. ud-.trtiter wore down tor th» wericond.

- < • -

T, D. Anctanoisr and danghter. WaiKHhirtn* Amhimjur, of M 8praMstrMt h»TO WtOTMd bom a•Uv »t ObailoiUiaii, If. T. Mr. Angle-mtjwt, vho rteenUr oadcnnnt an op-entico la Nowtrk. to reported to betreaty haprovod.



Pbone GR. 6411S

The BestCRANFORD REAL ESTATEInsurance ti>An#on»ii

Real Estate tic Insurance Dei*. CranforrJ Trust Co.

A LITTLE limits, i t paying BIG rhvkienrh A WANT AD >» j»*«eth-<uike Mill.j».



Un. Harry Beetndorn o( Walnutaranae Mt thto voric for Denvtr, Od,wben ab> win attend the national eonTtntloo of the Veteran* ot ForeignW i A Mr*. Heokendorn to the preddentor UK WooaenM AnHUary of On*. M. R.Tbke Port,**. Ui, of Onotord.

MJM PagfT 5 & h » n k of Hollystreet bed MgaeeU orer the Laboroar *Mk-end U W * M m , KenaethDrieooO. and *unat Norten. aU Flntclaaanen at Woit Point. Ulai Omlkthank left Twaday for Vlrgtela Beechirhen the « m vtctt before rewmlngher ttndlee at Sweet Briar OoDege. V*.

Mr. and Mri."3oeepb.. Wanlmkl ofWalnut avenue retorned Uct rrtd»yfrom a month* motor trip to CUtfor-sla. Daring their M0» mile tour, theyTtdtcd poInU of mtereet In the Morth-ret, retnmliw by war oj Dellai wherethey Btit™**^ the T e w Centennial.They bare now »l«tted to erery »UteIn the wiafln.

AWon Hodgeri^of Olereland. O,irlslted hto mother, Wtji. June* A. Hod-gen at Caatno avenue oter laet week-end. Mr. Bodaen, who I* employed bythe General Beotrle OOL, and has jtutbeen made DMskn Biglneer at toeAt^elet, CalK, came to Oranf ord for atateJVrttt with bla tamllr and manyfriend^ before leaving for the coait.\

MB. R. U" U i ^ T o t Orearea ptoce«Trt~t-'—* her brother and iWer-ln-law. Mr. and lira. Jamee P. Braekettand n o t Ailmtton .Height*, Meat.over )att week-end: aliojUra,.Settleof Washington, a O, who to en routeto Jota her too. Commander Settle,who was In charge of the tint atnto-iphere.nliht

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hodman of Wal-nut anenue entertained at a topperparty oo Wednesday evening for their

ton. Krederiek, who to to enter'Valley

™\ 1

cnnnw MONOI annual•WMTAttcr* wUl be tb» subject

of the Leawn-aennon In aU Churchesof Christ, taenttot, on Sunday, Sep-tember U.

The Oolden T n t U: "Now faith, tothe •ooatanee of thing* hoped tor, theevidence of thmgs not seen" (He-krewt 1UU.

Among the citations which comprisethe teesm-atrmoii to the tollowtngfrom the Blbto: "And one of the com-pany said unto htm. Matter, speak tomy brother, that be divide the Inheri-tance wUh me. And he laid untothem. Take heed, and beware of cor-itoeta: for a matfa life ooneetoeth notIn toe abundanoe of the things which

p e U , tThe Leauo-flermon also bMludes the

following peiaage trom-tho-OhrlrtUn

(Dwdc 9A.

and Healthwith Key to the Bcrlpturn" by MaryBaker Body: "At Ood to subttanco andman to the-dtvlne Image and Ukenes.man should wish for, and In realityhas, only the substance of good, thesubstance of Spirit, not matter, l b sbelief that m**1 rt" *ny «*>^* Mrtitt«tift

this week-end in your neighborhood American Store.

This low price is further proof that it pay* to buy a l your needs

"Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthesr"


ToneW Savory • Onlysix wales old whan kiB«d

or mind, to not spiritual and breaks thePint Commandment, Thou lhalt bavtone Ooo, one Mtod" (p. Mt),

Prime Whole Cuts Comfed Steer



HRST OF THEFreshly Opened




SEASON!* * , ! - • - * *




3 -14rrvsn run KOOCHCI - -<•* ,-

LIMA BEANSFreshly Pulled Golden Bantam

Sugar CornNew Green Cabbage or I

String Beans

<•«..«» 1 9 «




Wi couldn't biiac the boat. •!•--.ride to thta town, » we're f

, taUmthb lawn to the boat* ',5JiUaTAU you dsle baud UM Itnln st.the Jmt*.Centnl ";,*sutiaind leave the nrt to -

then a cool 8M>our sad up tbeand down-tha Htrior and DuK

HudwaThen to

t\A;-,;*Lv.OlANFORD 6:33 P.M.

Can* MiM *m*/w i < M


——rn artitw jtaiiv n i i u i• »»• m«M«i > » i» »—i« II>U» i m i i l

By popular reqwtst we are-continuing these sensationalprices on this-Fine Quafity ;•


jpeatflsftf - FhwttFsmUy

Pillsbury's > 109CriscoJ-1

Pure Lard5

'c ft'

Vine Ripened Colorado

Honeydew Melons•# 29c

Tokay Grapes 2-19=Special of Jersey's.Favorite -„'', .

—"hest-flo^ Roasted CoHees - ,

Tbe fly-hnwhlng type of fan Is ralM.flabells, and In Kirpl It « n I D emMfia nf.beamily rmi

oUtU T1IP1I.1TORT H O U S A N D S of

Mottt#f Kroti In-rtaBatlanscdiovwrth*oountrr oHesi ttw efil-ciencY built into thUranarkafale ott burn-er. But now IbeeKldl-tlon of theae two•xclushre laaluras

—t^—u^M/s^ #J tWa nil stake U the burneraiomteation <£the M. t l m p , ^ ^ ^Saves from 20% to 35% at«d io ovwdook InIn fueL asaUng TOUT cboioe.

-insures protectionagainst the remotestpossibility of danger.



BELL'S DRUG STORE, Inc.9 North Union Avenue, Cranf ord





_ ! i^

; A w p ^ b Mend' of Selected -' ^ S o u t h American CoHees.•^Freshly o>ound tol ^ * - ! * 1 * of purdias

, \





Maxwell HCH1S4. Coffee — 25c


JL«6r SOUP 3 ^ M |

*; V'w

lOrocenr Prleei pro-ihromh Wti-.







•MIXTURE »o«-24c

35c TINCTURE IODINE, 2 os. l f c

50c PURE CASTOR OIL. 8 os. 29c







•A" 50c

5- .






39c;. • 2Se'. •





lit. 16cRUBBING










- • • - >

Page 6: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by

not Mai Oartnale IMftar Mla tbe |»xa»ry grade, and

tradnate a? New Jaawaw gWCBMD. k mtettaf M a AIM fteMb-er. w bant (oooeaata tnatraeear. M BTaylor hai aeaptad • pattkn |» «MWeet ornate eeboole, and M M VMdMto teaching In the Hamilton Town**

Only a eught taereaee InIt anticipated br Mr. Bator. Ibm*wen m pupUe enrolled In to* loealMtaoob toft icar. r ,

During the rammer month, theBeard of Education bmt anted on themart extcnaive repair program atnce

! the (tajmnkm. Tb« nUrton of Frank-lln and Ltoootn Scboou b i n been re-painted, and the mate of the UncOmand Washington buDdlngs bawe beencoated. A WPA repair-program, wblebgot underway late, to being carried onIn the Prankltn building. Hew pUitato being put on br WPA workmen endTooau and corrldon e n beta* re-painted.


SATAN MIT A LADY -- Prldey and Saturday.at toe Cran-lord Theatre. ~"'

The oo-(eatun, a combination of ex-citement, adventure, lauihter and ro-mance, "BIfh Tenaion," feature* BrianBoeder?, Olenda Parrel), Norman roe-Mr, Helen Woode and Robert MoWade,

Blinder. Monday. Tueidky end Wed-seedty "Rhythm oo the Rang*,1" ptaythere. Thla haa Blng Oroeby and BobBurner It hai awing "mule, Weaternaonga. and romantic balladi. It lumen-c* Hx hit tunee, with the muale car-ried by Louie Prlma'e awing band, realWeetern atngera, and the I amous Burni"baaooka." It preeenU the ArkancatTrtt of Burna; the inaane whooping an-tlee of a ne« rind. Martha Raye; theamudnc thuggery of Warren HymerOeorge K. BUne and June* Burke, anda etory M roniekmf ae It U unusual.

l Caaaanaal.t CtUmr ia TamaalUense Cebet <178*1«0) .went te

Taua In IMS to (Mad en Icarlaa com-. malty, eo named after bla Voyaa-ri enleaHe, a philosophical, and eoclal' ro-auace OeecrlMnf * .Communlatlc ote-

ntoroaiDXV 0UWAXC1 la 1 M Oraanl Onoaaaca

No. u s b t U M - * • O H U m to AmmtOaa.nl I M k u a Ka. l i t - , BBIKM -AaOr-g u a n hi A m a Ommtl orMaaaca x " W .iMItltd. -A aaniaant ta Onaauea No. I -BuaM. »*a e S w i n I* aauaUaa. aanlatiu d Igidp • t i n DajMttaMal la lbs •araveb

• a . It ordilMd tr iha Major tad Omul]af ikt Bonmh at Scrawl, u Ikt CMati o»vatoal

Ian•a U M n I I . . . •» « • • • • . . . « . ««» , MHIWV

•Aa Ordaaae* lo aaMad.Oaaml OrdauacaNa. lei", aadil* "Aa Onkaaan to B M SOfBonl Orcauaca Ma. «" . aall

- Ordlaaaca HlHInl -Aa OiOaueiOoaaral Oiataaaea Na. JJJ-, aaUUM

•acUaa a a( lailaltowt:

Tkal aach ictltaaaM xt t t

of tk. n r . Dtpart-it n r . Alaiai Bj».

^Assyi siirs

, ( |U.H) DatUra to eanr tu-laalaa Ikat kaaid tad) o< UMaHM/'Ucur U atlndlae ufaa

.aad" aattlae aut M a l a Iha Bamva. -• A>d Ba It n m h O laaeaa tmi paita afO l a a n o a a a m «rat l d h l

. tria la Iba aorotva.luiUMr-OnWaod that.all i

ardUuowa «aa talradaoaa at' f Iha Major u d Oxacl)

-*ralh Atana, aa^Sadai

cl aVWaaiU 1.

: - i : . , - - ^ • • • ; ^ - - ; : :v

- - \

Mart* aadDorto 0* ,Boraee Da fMtat and HUnac* fkrkaavbttad lira. Karl* Brown afheck, Labor Day.

Oarlradt of Taylor.Fa, leBer. andafra. a. W, Tannkr of M»r-tatawenue.

lOaa d a n IMena of aTUiabett) waeHie foect lor three tkaye of *iMn. Rank Itnrereon of «a n o n .

The Qanrood Oaroan Club* thirdannual flower ahow wD)' be held Bat-nroay in-. Laneom Bcnool. Aparoil*mttely 100 entrlee art expected.

Maaa, termer* of Oarwood, vbttadMr. and l l n . Oeonja Bovuth of Thirdamnw o«tr the weekend.

Mn^WUUem Berere^nd aooarWll-Uam'and Walter, of Locnet aicnat re-turned borne Uoodar ewnlnt after atwo monthe* TaaaHco at Oreaberry

IflH Mary Kundrat of Second a*e-nue arrhed bom* labor Day after atwo waeke' Vaeatloo at the borne of

ttaj at Me t w mWee Ultaat waf e«t M aak) «fit ber VBOVI weddtnt wntca win takeptae* that


B, 1>. bpi»a<a1|am; i r n h t - w r t o n . ' ayaVnay eoaaaaMwp. «aw^p n.tl_» »frn Ftl"*-POMa; T » e » TMaJk In the OUT." A BMeeber: .*BaBw*w Boaaa." BDan

^^^^^r^^^^aj 9 aa^aw^aawa^paaa|a/ eBBB^nBaaave^ aaBBBBBBBB B/

'aWMB; ^VSCnKVd Bearl;*' BoiMwiyM M ; ^trMWeBm,1* B. a Bberttf;"O«» «f.<MMr.";B. A. Taylor; 1 Amthe »**;- mnnttM VanPDWd) AOaMtH*

A battaifly flue aaaof theIneleartamttely laktBf what k< paW-able to It. AbeeTletteonlyoDeepoe-lea of flower on eaeti trip: Ite paalenIkrttai Mgtat orange after a trip t»the dantWIaa or pale yellow after eav

trip to tho orcbardL

•JxonlBej •eUldmy, tbe Bbxanr wtnbe open an..B*eWta>e. Ihoboanwmbe the aaaaa ea en week-daye, wUoham >a Mlow; M o a. nv to U BOOB,14* to I p. m, u d 7:10 to 1p .m.

Uon of booka, JUttu* M m ato a book of profound phDoebphy and» oo ad Inflnltum. Bueh raadmf le

Tola eeaeon, bowerer, ha. eoppUed• baoka that dote-tail mta

each other and wm mate bonogen-eom readtog for thoae who do wantto read for a purpcee. Than la aapleMHd opportunity to yet to knowour country-i twtgiwimt by readingeach booka u the deeerredty popular

and MM. 0. rxoblaek of WUteee-i-Oooe with the 111110,- by MatcaretBuT*> •"»• Ultcheu. A rhrld tore atory la thrown

iteinet tbe (temoraut period of HieClrU War ta Una book. •Varbr Amer-

by Ooarad Biehler, le a col-ai ptaeer etoriee told to the

>Oae Amy BUIlwell of WUlow a n -nue and her toot, Hn, Percy Klker,alio of WIDOW arenu» returned borneMonday aiter a three-day Tiait to Vlr-

Star . of • Oarwood Oouncll. No. a,Dauchtora of America, met TtMedayennlng at their Beech wenue-head-qaertera. Next meetlnt win be heldMonday ertnlnf, September 21.

Bnpenfcdac Prtodnal w . W. Hileey,Mn. Balaey and eon have) returned tothen- hope ta S16 Baatl avenue afterapending the aummer at their eottaninOaUand.

Mr. and lira, WlDUm Pinter of Xt>-euit » T O « apent the week-end attheir bungalow at Lite Hopatoonf.

Ulaa Toelma Andloott of Flalnfleldvltlted IBae Imbelle Bpronc of Newatreet Vtldey evenint.

Tbe Busy Bee* met Tueeday even-ing at the name of Mtae Darette. KB|Kk< of Willow avenue. Handkralt w u•njoyed and rebwahmen^ wen ntnd .

The Sunday'School .of S t a p raTranrellcal Lutheran Church will 'be-gin IU regular aeulon Sunday. It hadbeen dleconUnued dnrtng the. eummermootha. oerman worahlp.eeTTice wmbe held Sunday morntar at I oUodcA picnic for the children of tbe.Sun-day_ achool will be held Saturday aft-ernoon at Beho U k e Park. Tranepor-taton wlQ be fomlabed and wlB learcthe church at ljotloek.'

lectionauthor by pfooetra or children of otc-

Tbeee ring true to that periodend are really., flctlonlaed"Drume Along tbe Mohawk^ by Wel-ter D. Bdmonde, la a moving atory ofthe Revolution with New York atateaa Ite venue. "Uaten toDrum," fay Ctrl Oarmer,.le full of ad-mirable alorlea with good character!.BUlon and dialogue. . . _Ukewlae laid In New York ataie.

"And Tola.laThU I* cape Ood-j 7And TfcU la Boa-


jDenb) WheatleyjTanentmo -*m-


aaayea la North Amerlrt Hthat eif Urn laaxe river, mi thedaryTteleaea laaliirawl tii*«nsr-iiexceede the greatest depth or. ttoOread Gaiayea f t Arlaeae by>ee«rralth«oeaairn»et"Tk. Sw.r river « •yoa'bj a w n fata a ealle aad a.ka:i

The, Drpartaveot vf Airlcultore aeyae akylark aaty be a "blltbe eplrir lapoetry, b a t l a Aaearinn agrtcullare I tla aa B^aoaalieWe allra.' barred"fi(<BjImpnrtaHna.


t t a af man-f.oleaa and raaaantiglover, Oesrge Baft, poU a new feather,ta hie cap by nk ueefaiaiaute ta the*,-ramount ta«edy<OBBinee, TTowa BOOBM,*^,*!!

: the Aaktox." whteh apaoa Mday, «m OBtee, Mlat-the Btta TI»»b^J6»bl^__i»nl^" r iTf s"'5 'J-tf co-atarred with Dotorae — - - * = = -

TfflVT""* :wm ahare ant-room bneae;! BBiaBBBfc B B B a f * * —BV_ ^ ^ . - * i ^ ^ *M • A * A

i •tattoo.

op a m , Hroem honae^wlthy w . j V ^aaaldiroom. 0 0 beat, J-ear gfrage,

banker-father, and drawtok'the xaon-J, T."B, * N. T. Beynoida. XM'BM*led trade. Be h eMchad to. ha> atw Broad Street, WeatteM. TeL W»t -venturebyMteaBanyawre, whoalowty'• fleUi-IM.• > • »realnat that ate ki faUnt to tow with

OOATB cleaned and:r*Bned. Pleat-g namatttobJiaT and bMttoa cover*

toe MM * . Cbrlatlaneen. M BoothUnion Avenue, Oranford. TetepnoneOBanford t-aja». , tf

pairing, waafateg maehmea,chaiiwi aim appHancee »aotor

eieMea ea Maaa. • A O mmtmt aal MMvie*. Ceal,

Ion,* are an written by Beanor Xarlyla chatty atyle and deecribe the re- vie*. Ceal, ck*», Alr-Ca

• M M lab Cafcee ea*XstaaaaaVaMaBlh • XsBBBBTaakBBBUiah A

OftMtfortl aVMMLplaces, fumlahlnc local hta-

-Walter and Marian Bard.To BALTIMORE


win appeal to the many who have/apenchant for thla maple angar atate.


. WUafULeXM.J.

*• WVUTT TO BCTWlan0adtotateold)ewelrytoaen„ on rommlaainn . TMch Oven.' An-

tlQuea, Botate M,'Mountainside," i ;.. 1 t-lo


For Limited Tea* On&!

SMragerPwsxlng, Sbipping. Oarttogtntnln, baggage, freight, etc AgentaAllied Vaa-Unte, b e . (We.have

Booth A v e . 1 . ; P b o S

.decorator, 7 ourUma,f IUpAeoVen,Jahedee.< cabinet work tadfaiao.anfBrnttttn repalrrProdrant-

. ;ner;Ji Son. lomerly with W. Baum-y n a i ' O BMtt Onion AvenutTeaa-Wphpne CTUnlord •fm.

openta taf tlilrty-twd'*wlthlir«apobalbfllty-^py,

tofcj:plalnflald:':V-,v -i

Quick Remiut Head The Ottbaw!

1W:O i-.Tr^S^ DOKOVAJP.%

•^—"•ttf JUMJ" -WBP.^.].1^ JEANJ-HERSHOLT -'-.

£»^^^KjAJffi4WITHERSi,yI ^ C T B ^ M B M W ^


> BOOMSMam, convenient ion-

I OBanford. «-O5BJ.M.

tona ttmnantd I . *iu>Mtcbeo DiliUigia. Suitable for nut-fied , couple. Phone CRinjord•-un-wi , j

with 1worth 1

of tbe D n t M : « o ibuDdtar totheSbmlof Habofcen.-'Bieooatnthemansiaetojaciroof tile, and expectUon not later (faan.lcompany for the treeploy loeal labor andfun eapadtjr «Bl eaj

i roonu. oenttr oft-from, station, 111-



OMB or two lumlahed roomt for rent.Centrally located. Telephone ciUn-

gM tor general houaework.Stoep to., 1 OobaubU Atenue.

white flrl for g«ner»l: M M know how to cook.

Box M7, care of Cltlitnand Chronicle cOce.

with refrr-Mcaattt Implormtnt

Bmor Street, Weetfleld.tf


waltreu orlive out. Phono

WQBK WAinBD-ftaaaleOIBL, eapeileimeil. wbbea day'i work

or ear* of children evenings, callCKanford t OtW J.

noNsPRIVATB lnetructlOD In voice (or bc-

gtnnen and advanced puptli, b> n-perkneed teacher. Mr*. J. J. Turtkl i t Central Avenue. TelephoneOBanford *-0Ml-J. if

MBT-WOMBN. Oet Ooremnient Jobs.Start t U S - t i n month. CommonOrtncation xufflcatnt. Lift poaltioiu andaampke coaching P R E C Write im-mediately. Hurry. Pranklln Insti-tute, Sept. BOW, Rochester. N. Y.


- Dave, B M «f PaacaDovee ilerlve their nanw «« II»' t.ir-.

of peace fmra tbelr lack »i mill. i»Ueved by the andeola to be Hie mn -<rta'

/PLEASETelephone Cr 64)008

If anrooe

Getsuests^uHat Guests

Any Unuaual Event,H« an Operatiotion

^ i h i ^ P r i z eReceive, an Award

^^GoM.Away''' .';Hsi.a;_Party;

d Citizen7«- , if-jr-dr — i


be loaU .ThU b theor loalot weight.

We mutt raxaembavmetner we wxu to 1are certain eaaantlaJmineral* dougfcaa*, 1the body muet.btw t<ConieqatnUy, if wedown on fool v i nto dtmlnub tbe'eoppUaU beknr the bodjrifound, hi tbe beat faaa uncooked Jeefly vafrulti.

Several dM expopointed out that 'unounU of tbeae ft*diet are: a Cjuait ofof leafy vegetablea, 1Ing of trutt. TUa liyou ihould eat, of caafely, cat proper 1foode, and cut dowieepeclally.tfaoaa rich•<««*»' , . . V

Do not tryto-ndquarter of a poundloee weight It ueane'burned In your bodycoal, kaveaaabea, afat, aome of tbe aitlot which .are poteotaeoumulate. • ~ _

Bcdudnr natratynot Reonixoended.«people. On. tna.oihaoverweaght ta r*hrtght, getting rid 0eeee wm probably band prolong soar UIt la better to bare Javerage weight,-bulaafer to BeVllttle;

Nature' butarratiaoce In eating anduraally mate unnecem ft*rtnit welgbt^eratloa* ^'many ma.

•toitea ertoe byflee or alaapi'iaredevtocne*, eraa%wke•tbk perclee aad at

'axyt a wrlter.hVOU

Jud TunklM Hfaabout bavins youratooo la.that It hiout of other, paopl

Page 7: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by

' BOOMSconvenient ioc«.

•anted, .-O5BJ-M.

*d bedroom. withSoluble for nut-

I room*. oent«r of^-from, stat ion, i i l -

8-10d roomt for rrnt.Telephone CRw-


housework.M* Avenue.

• JW for generalsnow bow to cook.17, can of citizen*.

Government Jobs.month. CommonLlat positions and

BEE. Write 1m-Jranklln Instl-

Roehester. N. Y.10-1

laf Paacananii* im I lit- titr<>l«ck of mill. I"

i to be Hip UMIT .ir


tat tk* WNoM>7 M

C M , BM; tartariar a


« j k . « i « l i » i . n. fa. l« HI* tt MMrarttoOafcetraet •Ml ( U f e wVBag** I > «uw: tat rtutr nigat to a*.

AnmiiaiUiH was appointed te' OJon." M _wthiwmttn attar the M l

reading that *bt w«nUd to par H.•n^laetarf Qlorr" motd la Baa

eonte wtth 0 * Osrwood i»jpoBj|«aitd a b ta arrange a *••» together nightta boOworth In the near tutun. Th*

wionawiiT. T»I ITS OAT orD., in*.•ReOacUd OlocT* opened

to UM Arnelw reoanUy,signed bar lor UM Obetoaa appear*

Oarwood dab DM generously ottered

ot th*bufldtog to tooof Hoboasn.-'IlMta UM manafaetata of » patenttoot too; and expect to bagta iUon not later than, I. Tb*companr for ON greater part win em-ploy looal labor and whan engaged tofun eepetttjr wfll at 100


*- ptisan

THHCTOK. — Tmklntweight • about tbt


to tarnish the mado and entertain,meat for such an affair. Diana)*was bad of the coming election ami •campaign conyrdttee w u appointed'towork wtth UM local county commit.

real estate agent*. -On public bearing; MM. Bartba Vba-

tera complained of th*

Bunal*** gaton an erpected to beaprunr on tboe* attending the V. T. W.bam danoe on Saturday night ta Oo-

A -boose goW will ta>.appearing out of UM an-

thing intb* world, If yo» an aboat tt correctly;but » l a B O * wajliiaint aad risky, Ifyou Uka the wrong method, accord-lot to UM Mat* Depart""* ofol Health. < • -

There to no easy way to nonce.FUU, aUUvsc***. and awcWnkal de-

widely admrttMd. tre eltberfraud* or danaarous

Pat rrpreeanta Korea energy.I U t

or UM Judge, aad oldbarn dancing win


n TOtake m n n r In UM torn of foodthan » • la*, » • put en fat. » we usemore energy than we take In. tat wmbe lest. .Thl* b theaeeret of gainingor loiliai weight.

We miut renembcr that, no matterwhether we wlah to gain or lee*, thereare certain i i m t l i i food*, protein*,minerals, doughage. and vitamin*, thatthe body mmt.htw to maintain health.Conaeqaenttr, U we reduoe by cuttingdown on food, wo must be careful notto dlmlouti the aupply of then easenUaU beknr the booya-needa. They arefound In the h o t form In meh thlngiu uwooked leant-legttablei, milk and

10 to I aheUactag to the single feUowt

I. In the aftorooon aU band* ga-thered on tb* wide open spaces oppo-alto the iclvMlgrotmda to enjoy a teedpiUVUBQ D3T wM HNfl» laURjCQ aaMQclafaned that they were hanrttoipped Inth* beer arising contest by Us* factthat their wire* were present, and lost

fruit*Bereral dM expert* havt recently

pointed out that the proper dallyamount* of the** foods tor a reducingdiet are: a quart of milk, two salad*of leaf* vegetable*, at least one *erv-lng of trutt. TO* la by no means allyou ahould eat, of course. To reducesafely, eat proper amount* ot thesefood*, and cut down on other foods.especially these rich in fat, ttarcKand

gand owodia, Btyetone Kopt, bUly goatwhlakan, and an win enforce


«» , . . .Do not try to-redoo* fatter than a

quarter of a pound a day. When youlots weight It mean* that f at U beingDurned In yoor body. Bamed fat, Ukacoal, leataa aabet, and In the cea* offat, aome of th* aihet comWi of ao-ldi which,amrpDanooua, If allowed toaeomnnlate. • •—• _•

Bcdadnr merely to be In atria Mnot rw«nnn>fndwt. eapedally for youngpeople. On. the.otner hand. If you a noierwdght *or* ryoor • age, *ex , orheight, getUnc rid of'.aome of UM ex-cee* wni probably beneOt-your healthand prolong j e s r U n . TJnder age «It la better to bare aJlghUy men thanavente w«lght,-bat'after that It i»aifer to B* a" little thin. ••

Nature b u , arranged that tamper-ance In eating and variety ta the dieturaalljr make) unneoieaary any con>cem about weJght.or.fllaBitlnn. lfbd-eratlon; a&^eoaw*oa>«en*e prerentmany nu. ' .' '•s.vJ.'Js

ltn.'abrgaret CiaMaU n Margaret Oalrln. H yean old,

died last Friday afternoon at the boo*of her daughter, Un . Dsnnla Ifolaa.UUi itreet. following a brief illnees.

Bom In Brooklyn. Un . Oalrtn badRaided here for the paat twelr* yean.She w u a commmlrant of 8 t lOeh-ael's OathoUo Oburch, CranfordV.

Surrhrora Include the on* daofhter,lira. Nolan; * one son, Mward Oahrmof Brooklyn, and on* brother, JohnBelter of KenDworth.

Funeral aanriee* were held from St.Mehael'i Church Monday moradngwlUi mterment In Holy Croaj Otme>tery, Brooklrn. Bearen were JohnKolan, Fire CWef WUUam Van. Ohlen.Thomas Allen, Ooandlman WUUamRowan, Dantt Oera and Harry Stem.

Advertlea In the CtOatn and Ctoron-Ide. Jt pan wen. N

avenn* «M andcharge of attrlng wttbaat a

John Sasrett of Weat O .ptsced onder a pesos band ter on*year and court cost* ofcharge of •toattag golf balk free* M e

tvard.Junes WBajaflekt, catered, of leth

and Moan* avaoae, wa* Bntd W wttht* of IMS on a chug* of having

forcibly ejected and injured an ta-ataBmtnt collector of tb* KsntnertFurniture eg Newark.

TOSchool board net ta special

on Thursday night tor further actionon UM question of boiler repair*. AnInspection by Pipanr disclosed that at tea* 1»>re defective and wOl reojubs ii|ilaiemeat. Aanranc* was grfen that UMheceeaarT repaln win be made beforecold ; weather, regains the seniee* ofthe hettliif plant.

eta _ rder trial* a coafaa-'Stoa ta'a erta* by * person wbebatdud or alatpgeand • laadadaAle aierionMt, erari-,wfcea;BMa* to' reapoa-atbl* pert)** aad apcearmg to be traa,

-**7t a.wrltee.|«'aoUSr>,W*ekly. Itt l e t b e e o a -

A $3»,00O,O(M»,0OaM U I B I O M . •


«/1*. H*r

Jt a farmer or a buameat man ttnoahlnueU deep In debt. Us ftnt aim ta toftndlwiimethod of reducing It. .

That goea for th* bouMwtt*. tool ,All recognise a bea»y burden ol debt

S S S n around the neck ot anyor torn© thatM.

But UM-politician*, duringi t o l h W ^ b a w t o u n d a

_^VM*aH.efArata . . ,TheUUadofjAraoaUlB tb* Dntth

«o>o*7 ofCsraeao,t'*lfuat*d,tweotjaaUn fnaii ta**BMlalaad of V*nen*la.It kaa M*at*a <of ;*brtr*la* equare* W 4 y paplattaarot more than

MeUap originated la ttw Flfteaatheaatary. necked a pepahv adgfat tothe Sermtonth eeatary. deelleal

« ngklteath ecatury aad ea)oy*drerorn to fanr la th* Waeteeela

of Newarkte think those who

M fond und tosupport for Mat-


took baa ta to ban the

^ u t t e l a e n nattaitloB of thaw tact*fifS* rirtoJ thepublw lant eooogb,nunslissssnu




AMaryea and theorK. Uaaw Afaaae.


"•CecO n. Ddfttw, producer otth* Radio Theatre, told hi* radioasnekit** amral week* ago that b*ngntted that hk nhn eanar artdosjbad ghwa him UM opportanlty atwarkmg wtth child etara. Tb* nertweek h* arranged for eight-year-oldCora an* Oomna to appear on UMah- wttb him. The aandatkn ripen-ed toto a nal frieodehlp. t i tU*Oora go* already be* gone a hogway to aaueoaatiU career and ebouklba on* of to* nal atan of radio aad

w o r k , Tuesday,- • a, to rain

•attain forAatoJn** m l i aOo UM air UM

• r a a t l l * star•togs, acts, play*



ta radio Mwed *• ta ordtaary Imainasi Ufa,Jack Oowdea. who plan th* part of

HoOoway In Tapper TonalliaU BoD•amuy."


commented, -ab* ha* a «ary atrlk*tag pereonallty."

•"RadH oBen atrang* reward*.A widow to Kanaa* oflered bar twoboy* to Baritone mil Duey for adop-tion. - Judging by nor vote*,* ah*wrote. T » a m yotm a ktod man,and I know my boye would be muchhappier ta your bom* than ta UMReform BOOM when they an now.-

ago, now• Ma a

***Bo» Burnt, who wa* brake arear ago, now bat contract* that will

Ulkctatn ta Urn*yean. B * h a *dgned a contractwith UM BMTka.guarantectog bunfNaMOO baton th*endotUH. "Tb*Bag* of VanBurco, Ark,' un-der the Him oon-Inet. make* thre*regular picture* ayear at HOJOO.and a fourth pie-tun each year foranother cornpenyat n U M > ' r « rHI* check* fromUM radio Industry

will push ha toCOO. "

a*,abov* aijOOO,

moflorar tb* HBO-Btasway from Lot Angele* to aadttfor the prognm. aad got MM Job.

a hat than any other radio BMBHIO.A* General KB*M Hnetar af KBO.

nk hM eompiMd a Bet at awn

an waJtteg for a raoaney on Mack1*

•^WMKWlHin.UM r*d-beaded

UM pleasant Jobof K a d l n g thebetrt tonga o B'UM Bunday nightCommunity Bugover OBB at Up. m, E. D. B. T.The program atan

on Berl*, fa-

rad I o'amost famous stag-tag team, B i l l y WiJone* and Krai* Ban.

•••DM you knew that Morton•owe, tenor beard wtth Ryan andNobietto, la a trained a*rooauiloa|

mz,tir^S3&S%AONMTV CalH u T h l i W Hn

s i te kM« utf *«lnaii4 u ta Na. IfUltad--'»«». tl m(»cta Cmirt. CT.nta*. It. I."«M l H » d M - OOW l Ul OM«M la Ika *«|IMar-a oeto ml Uatoaaad Mta Mltkralarlr *aarrlb>a w fallMll

BauiNKlNU al a aalal la UH latnlimMarirlUx at tmiti* Cxilt Ikanln aMaal Itoula-aaatorlr •!«.» IMH nan IM tanar fataa*mt U» laltrMrtlM af Ika Mid law ol SnarlnCMft ataduMd NefUnnatartr wlln Uw Boula-autartr IUM at Uacsla Attaw aiodiud Narlk-

rlr, «tili* bMfalM Mai la alao tkataatarlr cmnmr af Lai rlaV II aa aald Bap.

aatae ika i Uv Mb! Ilaaaa4 rraai UMM* niaalut * l C t *lllls

aa4 rraai UMM* niaalot *«« la Cautt *«lllllaal U la«t U-4ha-HH M t M

a M ailaiil|r.-llaa-al.lnumla* aloHa. S* aa laa aeM M B : Unaca numla* alaag

Iha HM Rnlk It d v M « lalaalaa Waall*t ><at to Uw NaHIMaMafl> I|M a> bat It*.le aa aal4 naai laaaea ntaafa* ilaa* tha M Maad UM NarUiaaalarlr Ilaa af CM Na. <* NankII a»fraa> M alaalaa WaM H M k I h•amkaularijr Ilaa af lot No. II. Imania* I K M UH M M Nartk H•lanlM laH 1*1 ImH U llw BMUwaalarlr UMaf antrla Court aad Ika Dalai ar aUoi ifBBUINNINO.

Tkara la dua aafraHaaldr IT.U1.M wUalalaratt tnm A o e S T ^ l r ' J

ADDim)N C SLY. Sal'r.SDJ*(T-CX,TUTII(a| m i l

The PaUby SkewlA PaUley shawl u a kind of wdoleq

ahawl Imllarlag * caehnwr* ehuwi, for.*»rly nail* at PaUley. Rmtlanil. b»lawl lam anil Hltnnt !"'•"


TheVariety Shop


1 CB. *-«*»

The End ofRummer

%•- ,.•• J

.LOOK "at .yourself closely

mirror. How is your hair, your skinand-so forth? Do they show what

- thevwind and the sun have done to..you? Then try a few home-beauty, treatments. Sec that .your hair is

thoroughly dry after you have sham-pooed it.",Curl back the stray ends.Give yourself a treatment with' anelectric vibrator and see how thex

• tenseness goes from your face and _-. how the natural color creeps back.'; Our, electric beauty appliances are.

reasonably priced," Small carryingcharge if you buy "on terms. , \;;<-,',.




k'i -. ^"^ 7l. - _ _ -••.ii-V-%£-i



Page 8: )N TO BEON OPERATIONS (KT › cranford › DATA › cc › 1936 › 1936-09-10.pdf · . -. ^* * J j ' ' JCSDUS .irrnrniirBj. i One Tssaor, Donald Holmes of Bum mlt,.was welcomed by

• - " - ! - € -

the hwal of mAt aw* tfcdrtji tftorttton wBl



IM1 be iniiKhiiMTfl later.FTP* bridge Mn be tte mam tarn*

at the turning, atttetigh otter formaf o r * wo be In play.

FoOowttai the bnatnroi meeting Toe*.def* Hn. Mnr^lioufii m o d rafr&ajv

> to tweh* member* of her com

P. B. A. DANCErOwHaMf from w out)

fand. win prabtblr be held In Reote<MM School Priroiman Archie BM,

of the Local, hai named thedan* eommtuee: Sent.

Oeerce U Roamla>. Patrolmen «dward L K , Bhnird Oahrtn. rrank Car•a*. Bernard Clark. Bsward toffholm,

iiaanan. Patrolman Birdbe In charge of the year*

TO ATTEND N. 1, C.Among the Ckanfonl girU who will

tan^orxoDefe ktatlat-CathertE. Larkjn, danpiter of Mr. and Hn,Thoaata B, LaiUn of 7 Ftaaer Place.Mas Larkm ha* been accepted at aairialiir of the fraahman daai at NewJentjr. <Mkfc [or Women,'where atew n begm oer ttadle* September la.M M .Larkm It f graduate of CranfordBJgnSend, wtiere die ranked m theftnt quarter of her tlaai •cholaetically.m high aehool ihe WM active In iporU,debating and pabUc apeaking and w uamember of the BaokjClab and of theFrench Club*


kft/TMbtaaVtW^aVk*S a a t m t e l *" '^aVtaammmV ~ **5*a*m»BBBBBBY* ' '


Jafttf J . fMaTW «f.a, Bate M. Tots* ef

by two krotten, H o t * .Orajr, BMHIMMtWH. CaJohn D. Tanleoo of WUaVE,wan, Canada.

roneral aarrioaa wU * teU at 1p. M. today fnaa tte tea* m eteratof tte Be*. William B. aoaa, gate*.ter ot tte Ftnt nwhyMfInterment wlH late plaet

Attoartkemttetele, It pan wan.


S W S 3 5 r tWi>b»s=rBKrta.K.rcJl^iSl1?ikSu?AV?''-Iko prarfalaa af CkaMor l i t f . " " '

EMOAUMBNTMr. and Mn. Paul A. Anger of 1 «

north Lehlgb avenue hare announcedtte tinagilimit. of their daughter,Waieuue Blanche, to Edmund A. Reu«tr of Anwood. Mkv Anger attendedt te local athecU and la employed bytte Fradentlal Inaorance Company mBvwaik. Mr. Beater b) a gradoale ofMnrarkTtcn; imd h employed by tteWftrnghonae IBectrlc Oo, Bloomneld.Tte weddmf win take place In Crantoad early m October.

m m MW •UMAQKMKHTCbarlei Boturmk. Jr, of North »r»-

nae. caat, haa laton over the manate-aamt of the Ocanford Amoco 8tattonand Oaiaat at Korlh and 8prtn|0eW

•Mootrn abop factittlea have•tailed | In the garage while

ImwilriTig and lnbrkatlonof cam win be taken care of at theatntoe atatlon Can aoo may beatared at the (trace.

TAMKJ* TO MOSnTAL. wmiam Mcyen of IB tooth

a«enat wai taken to" theHiapttal, >PUmfleld.Tuea-

day night m the municipal ambulai

, 1 acaoof. TO o mI TacatUon dayii wfll be orer Tueaday

far tte May Me at tte McCarterSchool on Oadoo amiue. Ctaaaea willbe raMBied on that day.

BOMMM. o n mThe foarth term af the Oeraldlnt

acfaoot opened yesterday at 401 Or-\chard atraet Ine jchool ipedalliw In

th> trammg of the rounger children.

' WVO H D. TO KIBTCarrie Memorial. W. C. T. O, win

awet tram WM a. m. to S:JO p. n .Taanatr at the home of lira. WilliamIreland. SM Blgh atnet

Maa Ttrgmlii Bolden of PttUneld•treH cofcotemed at h«r home with a

_dtnoer 1«r aneral frtenda laatthe Ma "

Peggy Crnlk-. Monte OnMbar of Waihlnfton,

I?. C, sad ManantKeep of BUaabeih;ala*»4wardMet*an.aeiiry Keep and

Ih Bagh IMngooA of Bhabeth. Ouy and'of WettfleU and BaroM

, at Oranford. , "-

CMI WarTbr ad «f-Kpbnwry'».'1882,'au

. ad and* them 'InalMaitr ea par ailb w m liaoarl aialn>l

C*. U^m A. tartar. fM*.

Ideal DelicatessenIKOHaa Ato.



jsSesSf^SgB-'laiiBs;'" f5" thtilu

Mm .VMMr t. Kuar, Mn. W. &Swnatar, Mra. F. C. WadeawtU aadMn. H. F. Tatt«, win mtn tat.

CHracaoiWDrvDTte Tomw Wcown^ Bolt CUM of

tte Wrrt Fraatyterian Omreh wmturn* 1U acttrltlM on Monday iat l : l » > BL, wnan theftat matttakiof the tallMaaan wm be btld at tfctborne of tbt pneUant. Mn. B. 10cha>•on of H Boach atnat.

tsre s:

fir A»IU at t n a M with • np*ttoo. tad Mm ariiu «f USw l w i m U <

^rurs2!with • np* of tkariu f US ^ S

ar*an at <Mtaa ataVa573MlUMta

. on prapor Dallea aadaf propantloa. Bloa araat boprmaal (Jriai la Iba auanr . _aad miulnd to Iba tportanUoai. aiaat ba«,.--... ^ ^..^.JJjrty

mt la CaanUttot onDntawa ud flood CMlnl. CourtBlaaboU). K. )., aad ailial b . I R M P U M PTa tM baiKl aatf a lartllM ckock Sr iot kaaUun tea lit) PfT mil or Iba lavaat bid, »ro-?Mod aalt ekwk tkall ba aot tiaro tkuitlt.Mt M aad bo dolinTod i t Hit blaca aad ooIko kaur abaro Maad. Tko-aUadud Prapaaalfonalo tttadiodTla tka lutelawaUn apod,aeatkau. naloo ol,which »l!j U turoUhod o .applkalkn io aadaaar.

fir ardor at taa Basr4 at Clinaa THaauldiii01 Valoa Cnatr. Naw Jonor.

tun M.c u u a i Pork.

IN cNANomr OF new i m nTO StraiNS k-TANLSY M U O m t

» TIHM 1 aa ardor af tka Cant of Ouam i at Now Joroor. audo an lb» o«j of Ik*aala konof. In • coruht aauat wtxrrto JaaiMUC. MarMK U Ibo pttniMW iixl rau ara thaaofaaaiat, ]«• art roqolrod la> tuwar IkaMtttkiaoA MUtlaa an or bofan tbo ThMooatk*V of Ortahor. ant, or a> aMavM tkono;. aurli

tSSfSSt fcffrWBBr JftS.* *' Tka akjoet af mid. tutTu M oktila t dtertaaf d lnm. dtaanlTliic Iko turrlifa M « t n yooaad tbo Hid potHlaoMr far tbo caaaa-at-jkHamloa. - •

- - mo«Gi a. Mttn,., . M M W af rtUUtaar,

I Walaut Anaut.Ditod Aataal » , i n * .

CrufMd. MowMd. Ifow Jofatr..1 * ,' t'-i*.ll-l







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f 103 H. UNION AVDajE, CkANrXHU)



portant boatoatt wm be dUeuand. Ban-

eracTTisatarr•tfta. Ikal iko arnaol af Ut.1 ttt.Mt.tf *r •>

lUtBi. !• Ln-Ln laat wilt n*- M M I I I t» Man—riiank.aartea, aVaaaM. M l W • • O M ta4 H*MIIqr Ika Bamtato mat np*%*4 he nnlianilla taa Of*aaai' OMart, af taa Oniatr W Ctlaa,

•WTIOC «wMatin l> bmbr «liaa, Uat U H m w

Ika ntacrlban, u traalaoa of taa Imot

I U I M I kr Ika lwfaiaa> u d

uw u. BUixcn, '•uitmo wtAT&nvwr

or KBW Ton,vml «f Mid trnpnvMBMt,

!} •«. team ud ui iirr•d: atpUabrrt. 1*U.

u. aAinux woooinrr. ,U Braad Mnot, BtaiaMk. N. J.

nafancalat «rdla<aM wai

TUXDAT n m a n turn. KM.tl *M f. U. IDwIlfW atrhw n m l

AITAK I DaxkUN.M M an4o.br, i. IN*. r*"Mr ° " k

» h c * j aim that mM bMi »U1



te m x n - , ." '• .THATTAKT tc rantTOO BAWXVKB TRITDi A T m u m a f B m & t ONcat AND

Talk with Toradheet Usersx We wilt give you namts 0/local users

A*'t»t|1»JB'ionplr tte naai» a M . a W i i ' u of honMbokkbtatad%tthu TMdnett OO Barnen lart winter. Talk.with'them. They know emcUr .what It coat to beat their homea.Tim know how. the IViaidheet boner operated. Aik tuwho tbty a n aad where they. lire. Imlk with thenl

Hang^nptheooalinewl. Dbsard the aan etna. Tortdbeet.operate* onder'toermoatat eeotnL' nothing for yon to dobat anjogr; the comfort of lta antomatlo, nnlform warmth.

Ecooomkal Tool h e faaooa Bopeiler dedgn. natd only br Tortdbeet, oon-•ane* fwlvcoBnnptkao and cat* ewry pottlbie dollar offmonthly foal bffla.

r- A * iiaWsaBieeaDdla r «et of itaetaltoi-laad

of local uatn. A * oa forlorldbeet in year bone

pajnobt pkm withr, .ttaa*. vaaer er waraa alj. Ha ~ jaotUprjjegmml* luJ^.Tmo»n<*nleiice No obbjatlon' •*•» ">»*• •*»" wmj laa* el -bot' yoa owe tt to tte'Camfcrt af your family to ret

teatlag aartaea. • tte tmtX^n*^ -4 ^ T ?


taUaiVBI AlUailMINa OBb

. r*-V* *» i^ * r-l ^ M


Stephens Sales CorporationHEATING ENGINEERS ' <i,.z .u:.n-^ AIR CONDITKmiNG •

rin.*V/« ?*•+» . * ™ - v - '

vantage of the new rathe rarlooe total JnaunHedenbem and HowarHchalraaan of the Martrntuee. waa add laat i

A haiMwor'dlacoatjon reJatrre to the aknmade in toe conaBTattlcimlor hkjh acboot a t 'Although It waa braoghlie baa been SMd*) t*^win now go ahlad at a.hoTtofcra,WnnaaiM.iOthaT tnHltaj IMiUatl 4be* which were not caerer, it ataa polaaad oo

| * | l

OUJCT _ , | j , , , ,

that more eoaU be aeecbuDdfaki program if aof Bbjabeth. arebnaet

. would grte-tte job mepafulon. Mr.: PbajatMlapparent that the wodefinite i " "M Ofwith that of .nold-op* tnroagb ^aflacem to keep abreaat ofthe pnaent Ume; ttSra*Brbcoe Oompaaj. t te |

''tor. matntalne that It cwith tte brick work wtte-iteel people b a nalong with then-work.

A petition agnad by tOcnU of tte Oabome ]town, itqueated boa tnUM acboot children of .1Ing December.JanaaoThe petition, which nchildren of tte neajbootraded pneumonia fronnroute to aebool laatcoaddered.

E. TYed Sulatr andawarded a contract t<• < \ J r t t\<JrtTetotteboIlSchool at a out ofBhabeth Cornice Worla contract to place aixtftlvanhed «~-M«-n8chool for n i o . , 1 t e )npalting of cornice

- wnenUag aeua* on oofluhing, v '*•" ' '~r!• Prink Onanback, dathletic ~-~-iftfrr re|Dnta, County Park <truited penuaaton forlootbaQ team to boldIrcmMoodarthnogh]P u t The Roadie Pareunea, attednkdi'to I*U be ptajed on t t e d"aith Cranford,In en«nIt Is hoped that arrant™de to aeeanNtte Be

, fvkneldforttieOUdi• » » home geaw. TWi

«»nieav Bouad.;Bwk;nud men Hldge, on Me

tUtBaiardaraaMtCPew uniformed high'.•company the UimXi

A, yev, eontrtet*.!