nakisa user guide final

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  • 8/20/2019 Nakisa User Guide Final


  • 8/20/2019 Nakisa User Guide Final


  • 8/20/2019 Nakisa User Guide Final


    Nakisa OrgChart User Guide March 2015 1

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  • 8/20/2019 Nakisa User Guide Final


  • 8/20/2019 Nakisa User Guide Final


  • 8/20/2019 Nakisa User Guide Final


    Navigating Nakisa

    Table of Contents

    1 - Getting Started 3

    1.1 Accessing Nakisa 3

    1.2 User Interface Oerie! "

    1.3 A##$icati%n Menu &ar 5

    1." '%gg$ing and (esi)ing *is#$a+ ,anes 5

    1.5 Using the *etai$s ,ane$ 5

    2 - Organi)ati%na$ Org Charts /

    2.1 ie!ing Org Charts /

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    2.2 Setting the Org Chart (%%t

    2.3 Changing Org Chart ie!s

    2." Changing Org Chart St+$es 11

    2.5 Setting %%4 ee$ 12

    2./ ,rinting *etai$s fr%4 Org Charts 13

    2.6 Saing Org Charts1/

    3 - Chart&%%k 1

    3.1 Generating a Chart&%%k1

    " - isting 1

    ".1 Search isting (ec%rd 1

    ".2 Saing isting Search 7ueries22

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    1 - Getting Started

    1.1 Accessing Nakisa

    G% t% the MySCEmployee login page htt#s8994+sce4#$ .

    :nter +%ur SCES !ser d and "ass#ord.

    C$ick $og on.

    C$ick the Nakisa ta;.

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    1.% !ser nterface &vervie#

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    Application men' bar - *is#$a+s the aai$a;$e a##$icati%n 4enu ite4s that #r%ide access t%tasks and features.

    Actions men' - Accesses the tasks +%u can #erf%r4 %n the %rg chart< $isting %r detai$s ta; 


    Tab panels - ,r%ide a ta;;ed interface that dis#$a+s he$#< feature< task and detai$ed rec%rd

    inf%r4ati%n in a c%ntained area.

    Global Settings toolbar - Changes the a##$icati%n interface dis#$a+< and #r%ides access t% the

    %n$ine he$# and a##$icati%n #references.

    (esi)ing bar - :=tends the si)e %f a dis#$a+ #ane in a t!%-#ane dis#$a+.

    Scroll #idget - M%es the %rg chart t% an+ area %f the dis#$a+ #ane.

    Selected tems panel - ,r%ides the tasks +%u can #erf%r4 %n %ne %r 4%re rec%rds. >$ag %rg

    chart ;%=es %r se$ect check ;%=es in a $isting t% add the se$ected rec%rds t% this #ane$.

    *oom panel - :na;$es +%u t% ad?ust the dis#$a+ ie! %f the %rg chart.

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    1.+ Application Men' ,ar 

    OrgChart 4enu a$$%!s +%u t% dis#$a+ %rg charts using %rg unit %r #%siti%n hierarchica$


    *irect%r+ 4enu a$$%!s +%u t% search f%r e4#$%+ees< #%siti%ns and %rg units.

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    1. Toggling and (esi)ing isplay "anes

    Users can ch%%se t% ie! inf%r4ati%n in %ne #ane %r t!% #anes.

    '% ie! %ne #ane< c$ick the &ne "ane ic%n %n the Global Settings toolbar .

    '% ie! t!% #anes< c$ick the T#o "anes ic%n %n the Global Settings toolbar .

    1./ !sing t0e etails "anel

    'he *etai$s #ane$ #r%ides 4%re inf%r4ati%n a;%ut the se$ected rec%rd. '% ie! inf%r4ati%n inthe *etai$s #ane$8

    Se$ect an %rg chart fr%4 the &rgC0art men'< %r search f%r an e4#$%+ee< #%siti%n %r %rg unit

    $isting fr%4 the *irect%r+.

    C$ick an org c0art bo %r listing record.

    'he etails panel dis#$a+s additi%na$ inf%r4ati%n a;%ut the rec%rd.

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    ". C$ick the tabs in the etails panel t% ie! 4%re inf%r4ati%n. 'he ta;s 4a+ ar+ de#ending

    %n the rec%rd +%u se$ected.

    etails "anel


    % - &rgani)ational 2&rg3 C0arts

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    %.1 4ie#ing &rg C0arts

    Organi)ati%n charts %rg charts gra#hica$$+ sh%! the hierarchica$ auth%rit+< r%$es and

    res#%nsi;i$ities and re$ati%nshi#s in an %rgani)ati%n.

    Organi)ati%n Structure - *is#$a+s the %rg unit structure.

    ,%siti%n Structure - *is#$a+s the $atera$ re$ati%nshi# ;et!een the #%siti%ns %n the sa4e

    hierarchica$ $ee$.

    Org Units hae a ;$ue ;ar in the %rg chart ;%=.

    ,%siti%ns hae a +e$$%! ;ar in the %rg chart ;%=.

    1. O#en the %rg chart +%u !ish t% ie!.

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    Use the Epand5Collapse ic%ns at the ;%tt%4 %f the %rg chart ;%= t% e=#and9c%$$a#se

    the %rg chart.

    'he ;$ue ic%n !i$$ e=#and9c%$$a#se the Org Unit.

    'he +e$$%! ic%n !i$$ e=#and9c%$$a#se the ,%siti%ns !ithin that Org Unit.

    C%ntinue t% e=#and the %rg chart unti$ +%u reach the re@uired ;%=.

    Click a bo t% ie! its inf%r4ati%n in the etails panel. 

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    Click a bo to vie# more information.

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    %.% Setting t0e &rg C0art (oot

    %u can change the starting #%int %f the %rg chart %rg chart r%%t ;+ se$ecting the desired ;%=and setting it as the %rg chart (%%t.

    Epand the %rg chart t% the re@uired ;%=. 

    C$ick the ic%n t% start the %rg chart !ith the ;%= se$ected as the r%%t. %u can a$s% c$ick the

    &%= Menu ic%n and se$ect Start c0art from t0is orgc0art bo t% set the ;%= as the r%%t.

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    3. C$ick the ic%n t% start the %rg chart !ith the $ee$ a;%e the current ;%=.

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    Nakisa OrgChart User Guide March 2015

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    ". '% return t% the defau$t r%%t< c$ick the Actions 4enu< then se$ect efa'lt (oot.

    %.+ C0anging &rg C0art 4ie#s

    Org chart ie!s change the inf%r4ati%n dis#$a+ed in the %rg chart ;%=es. 'here are t!% ie!s


    Org Unit Bierarch+

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    ,%siti%n Bierarch+

    '% change the %rg chart ie!< c$ick the 4ie#s men' ;utt%n< then se$ect the ie! +%u !ish t% see.

    !nder t0e &rg !nit 6ierarc0y vie#7 t0ere are t0ree men' options8


    Men' Selections8




    *is#$a+s the t%ta$ nu4;er %f e4#$%+ees in each age gr%u#.


    *is#$a+s the t%ta$ nu4;er %f e4#$%+ees %f each gender.


    *is#$a+s the t%ta$ nu4;er %f e4#$%+ees %f each race.

    ,%siti%n Statistics

    *is#$a+s the t%ta$ nu4;er %f %ccu#ied and acant #%siti%ns.


    *is#$a+s the fu$$-ti4e e@uia$ents f%r #%siti%ns

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    C%4;ined 'it$e

    *is#$a+s the 4anagers state tit$e< #%siti%n tit$e< na4e and

    grieance status.

    ,%siti%n 'it$e

    *is#$a+s the 4anagers #%siti%n tit$e< na4e and grieance


    State 'it$e

    *is#$a+s the 4anagers state tit$e< na4e and grieance



    *is#$a+s the %rg unit na4e and I*.

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    >%r :=a4#$e< Age is se$ected under the Ana$+tics 4enu ;e$%!8

    !nder t0e "osition 6ierarc0y vie#7 t0ere are t0ree men' options8


    Men' Selections8



    C%ndensed ,%siti%n

    *is#$a+s the ,%siti%n 'it$e< ,%siti%n Nu4;er and

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    C$ass C%de

    C%ndensed State 'it$e

    *is#$a+s the State 'it$e< ,%siti%n Nu4;er and C$ass



    *etai$ed ,%sit%n 'it$e

    *is#$a+s the ,%siti%n 'it$e< ,%siti%n Nu4;er<

    :4#$%+ee Na4e< (etiree '+#e< Grieance Status

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    Standard State 'it$e

    *is#$a+s the State 'it$e< ,%siti%n Nu4;er<

    :4#$%+ee Na4e< Grieance Status and C$ass C%de

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    %. C0anging &rg C0art Styles

    %u can change the a##earance and #%siti%ning %f the %rg chart ;+ changing the %rg chart st+$e.

    '% change the %rg chart st+$e< c$ick the Styles men' ;utt%n< then select t0e style +%u !ish t%


    &rg C0art Style8


    ertica$ Org Chart

    *is#$a+s a ertica$ %rg chart.

    C%ndensed Org Chart

    *is#$a+s a ertica$ %rg chart !ith ;%=es

    c%ndensed t% sh%! ?ust %rg unit %r #%siti%n


    B%ri)%nta$ Org Chart

    *is#$a+s a h%ri)%nta$ %rg chart !ith ;%=es

    dis#$a+ed in the ertica$ f%r4at.

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    C%4;ined Org Chart *efau$t St+$e

    *is#$a+s a c%4#ressed h%ri)%nta$ %rg chart

    !ith ;%=es dis#$a+ed in the ertica$ f%r4at.

    C%4#ressed Org Chart

    *is#$a+s a c%4#ressed h%ri)%nta$ %rg chart

    !ith chi$d ;%=es dis#$a+ed in a c%ndensed


    B%ri)%nta$ Org Chart - C%4#ressed Chi$dren

    *is#$a+s a h%ri)%nta$ %rg chart !ith chi$d

    ;%=es dis#$a+ed in the c%4#ressed f%r4at.

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    %./ Setting *oom $evel

    %%4 a$$%!s +%u t% increase %r decrease the si)e %f the %rg chart.

    '% set the )%%4 $ee$8

    C$ick the *oom ;utt%n . 'he )%%4 #ane$ e=#ands and re4ains %#en unti$ +%u c$ick

    %%4 again.

    '% )%%4 in %r %ut8

    rag t0e slider t% )%%4 t% the desired $ee$. 

    C$ick the 9 or - in the #ane$ t% )%%4 in %r %ut ;+ 10D.

    %u can a$s% 'se t0e scroll #0eel %n +%ur 4%use t% scr%$$ in and %ut.

    C$ick :it to "age t% fit the entire chart %n the #age.

    C$ick Center to "age t% center the %rg chart %n the #age.

    C$ick Map t% see !here the %rg chart is current$+ dis#$a+ed %n the #age. 'he red ;%=

    identifies the current dis#$a+ ie!.

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    *oom in


    *oom o't

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    %.; "rinting etails from &rg C0arts

    %u can #rint the detai$s %f %ne %r 4%re ;%=es in the %rg chart.

    '% ,rint *etai$s fr%4 an Org Chart8

    >irst< +%u 4ust add t0e bo2es3 t% the se$ected ite4s $ist a$s% kn%!n as Ef$agF.

    N%te8 %u can %n$+ f$ag ;%=es that are the sa4e %rgani)ati%na$ t+#e. >%r e=a4#$e< +%u can %n$+f$ag #%siti%ns t%gether %r %rg units t%gether. %u cann%t f$ag an %rg unit and a #%siti%n t%gether.

    C$ick the ,o Men' in the $%!er right c%rner %f the ;%= +%u !ish t% se$ect.

    Se$ect Add to Selected tems.

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     A red f$ag !i$$ a##ear in the ;%= +%ue se$ected and the #%siti%n %r %rg unit tit$e !i$$ a##ear in

    the Selected tems panel.

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    '% re4%e a ;%= fr%4 the Selected tems panel< click t0e

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    6. A ne! #rint !ind%! !i$$ a##ear.

    Change the #a#er si)e and )%%4 $ee$ under "aper = *ooming.

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    If +%u !%u$d $ike t% add a 6eader = :ooter or Notes = Signat're< c$ick the a##r%#riate tit$e %n

    the $eft %f the screen.

    C$ick Eport to ":. Printing from PDF is the recommended method. If you click the Print  

    button, you must change your printer preferences to match the paper selection you chose in


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    %.> Saving &rg C0arts

    :=#anded %rg charts that are ie!ed re#eated$+ can ;e saed t% +%ur user #r%fi$e. Saed %rgcharts are added in the a##$icati%n 4enu under M+ Org Charts.

    '% Sae an Org Chart8

     Access the %rg chart +%u !ish t% sae.

    :=#and and set the %rg chart t% the re@uired r%%t< st+$e and ie!.

    C$ick the Actions 4enu< then se$ect Add to My &rg C0arts.

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    :nter the org c0art name and description.

    C$ick Save.

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    /. 'he %rg chart is added under the &rgC0art 4enu under My &rg C0arts.

    '% de$ete a saed %rg chart8

    Se$ect the saed %rg chart fr%4 the &rgC0art men' under My &rg C0arts.

    C$ick the Actions men'< then se$ect elete :rom My &rg C0arts.

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    3. C$ick elete !hen asked if +%u are sure +%u !ant t% de$ete the saed %rg chart.

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    + - C0art,ook

    +.1 Generating a C0art,ook

     A Chart&%%k is an interactie ,*> d%cu4ent that is used t% ie! indiidua$ ;ranches %f the

    %rgani)ati%na$ structure. :ach #age dis#$a+s a different su;set %f the %rg chart.

    '% Generate a Chart&%%k8

    Ch%%se the %rg chart +%u !%u$d $ike t% generate a Chart&%%k f%r.

    If +%u !ish t% start the Chart&%%k fr%4 a s#ecific %rg chart ;%=< e=#and the %rg chart t% the

    re@uired rec%rd< then set the ;%= t% as the %rg chart r%%t.

    C$ick Actions< then se$ect Generate C0art,ook.

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    ". Se$ect the N'mber of $evels +%u !%u$d $ike t% see the de#th %f the %rg chart.

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    C$ick Generate ":. 'his 4a+ take a fe! 4inutes< de#ending %n the a4%unt %f data ch%sen.

    hen the Chart&%%k is generated< it !i$$ a##ear in the 6istory panel. C$ick the tit$e %f the

    Chart&%%k t% %#en it.

    In the #%#-u#< c$ick &pen t% ie! the fi$e< %r Save t% sae it %n +%ur c%4#uter.

    %u can #rint the Chart&%%k fr%4 the ,*> d%cu4ent.

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    - $isting

    .1 Searc0 $isting (ecord

    istings ena;$e users t% search f%r inf%r4ati%n such as an e4#$%+ee< #%siti%n %r %rg unit !ithin

    their %rgani)ati%n.

    1. C$ick the irectory men'< then se$ect the re@uired $isting.

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    5. %ur search resu$ts sh%u$d a##ear ;e$%! the Searc0 field.

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    /. Click a record t% ie! additi%na$ inf%r4ati%n a;%ut the rec%rd.

    '% ,erf%r4 an Adanced Search8

    C$ick Advanced Searc0 .

    In the Adanced Search dia$%g ;%=< select an operator type f%r a fie$d. C%ntains< :@ua$s<

    &egins ith< :nds ith

    :nter +%ur search criteria.

    ". C$ick Searc0.

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    Select an

    &perator Type

    Enter Searc0


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    'he search resu$ts are dis#$a+ed ;e$%! the Search fie$d.

    B%er %er the ic%n t% dis#$a+ a ;rief descri#ti%n %f the current search fi$ter.

    Click a record t% ie! additi%na$ inf%r4ati%n a;%ut the rec%rd. 

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    .% Saving $isting Searc0 ?'eries

    %u can sae +%ur search @ueries t% #erf%r4 an identica$ search $ater. :ach ti4e +%u search thedata;ase using a saed @uer+< the a##$icati%n generates an u#dated $isting %f rec%rds ;ased %n

    the $atest inf%r4ati%n st%red in the data;ase.

    '% Sae a isting Search 7uer+8

    ,erf%r4 a ;asic %r adanced search.

    C$ick Actions< then se$ect Add to My $istings.

    3. :nter the listing name and description< then c$ick Save.

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    '% *e$ete a Saed isting8

    C$ick the irectory men'< then select t0e listing +%u !ish t% de$ete under the M+ istings


    2. C$ick Actions< then se$ect elete :rom My $istings.

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    3. C$ick elete.

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