nancy ward - edited version-(long)

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  • 8/13/2019 Nancy Ward - Edited Version-(Long)



    The life of Nan-ye-hi (Nancy Ward)Ghighau Beloved Woman) of the Ani-Yunwiya Principal People)Ms. Ada Winn and Dr. J. Mark Rodgers

    A fresh wind is blowing within the body of Christ. Across denominational, racial andpolitical lines the Spirit of God is exposing the roots of ritual-based, Christian religion.This exposure is showing many of us ways in which our religious expressions havesupplanted an authentic relationship with the fullness of the Father. Starting down thispath of the revelation of our citizenship in Gods Kingdom we begin to encounter manyparadigms. Paradigms for whatever reason, we may have chosen to ignore. Comfort inAmerica is being displaced with a kind of holy unrest. It is in this place of holy unrestthat we begin to collide with realities which are uncomfortable to look directly in the eye.

    Whether or not we like toadmit it, the cultures that

    most dramatically shapedour nation as we know itwere those of the Greeksand Romans. Even in thismodern era, theirsocieties continue toinfluence governmentstructures, health caredelivery systems,educational institutionsand perhaps most

    importantly, religiousstructures in America. Itis the third centuryRoman church that is

    responsible for when we worship, where we worship, how we worship and with whomwe worship. It is said that Christian faith conquered Rome and then Rome conqueredChristianity. It is out of a conquering mindset that most people view American history.Perhaps one of Gods Kingdom perspectives isviewing America from a lens other thanthat of July 4, 1776. Could it be that God views the United States from a minority statusas well as seeing the vast accomplishments that we now enjoy?

    Over the millennia, European societies developed along the lines of artificially supportedliving environments. I use the phrase artificially supported living environments todescribe a community that has to go outside the bounds of its territory for the basics ofhealth and welfare. These societies exploited environmental conditions for the purposeof gaining greater wealth and opulence. Wealth represented power and power, in turn,controls.

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    During this same time period, Native American societies lived in cooperation with theirenvironment. This contrasts the ideals of exploitation versus stewardship. WhenEuropeans arrived on the North American continent, they found a pristine environmentwith little impact from thousands of years of human habitation. European societies had aneed for industrial revolution where Native Americans did not. Native America would

    never have found need for such endeavors since their society was empowered by the landin which they dwelled. Having been left to their own devices, Native American culturemore than likely, would have continued on its path of environmental harmony. Firstnations people did not have philosophies or religious basics toward a concept of takingmore from the land than they needed. Wealth and status achieved thru exploitation of theland was contrary to the fabric of their society. It is out of thousands of years ofstewardship that we examine the life of one Native American we know as Nancy Ward.

    Her native name was Nan-ye-hi. As was the custom of many Europeans, we simplyrefused to learn the language and anglicized her name into Nancy out of convenience.Out of respect for her, I will use her native name for the remainder of this discussion.

    She was born sometime around 1737 in Chota. Chota was the capital of the Cherokeenation. Nan-ye-hi was described as a strikingly beautiful woman with a tall erect figure,prominent nose, piercing black eyes, and silken black hair. Because her skin was tintedlike a reddish-pink rose, she was given the nickname Tsistuna-gis-ka, or Wild Rose.As she grew older, Nan-ye-hi matured with a stately but kind disposition. It was said thatshe carried a queenly and majestic character.

    Cherokee societies were matrilineal. It was women who were stewards of the land, notthe men. Warriors received their status in the tribe, not from their fathers lineage, butfrom their mothers. It was in this matrilineal society that women derived their basics of

    life in the tribe. The women enjoyed more matrimonial rights than men. Upon marriage,the men became members of their wifes clan. Their homes along with its contentsbelonged to the women. Children belonged to the mothers clan. It was into matrilineallines of the tribal leadership that Nan-ye-hi was born.

    Her mother was said to have been Tame Doe. Tame Doe was a niece of Old Hop. OldHop was a principle chief. One of Tame Does brothers was Attakullakulla, a celebrated

    Peace Chief. Historians rated him as one of the most influential Indian leaders amongSouthern Tribes. He was named Little Carpenter by the whites because of hisdiplomatic skills. These skills included fitting parts of treaties together into a workablediplomatic document.

    Nan-ye-hi was a member of the Wolf Clan. This was one of the seven Cherokee tribalclans. Cherokee education was partly accomplished by imitation, reputation, repetitionand observation. The parents of children along with the older men and women providedthemselves as teachers. Cherokee boys and girls were taught to respect the elderly.Patriarchs were called the old ones and referred to as wise old men. Elders of the clan

    and tribe spent much time with youngsters teaching them age-old legends. These legendsof the people were the colorful part of tribal history.

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    ye-hi distinguished herself from other women. Even though it was common for women tobe in support of their warrior husband that day, it was very uncharacteristic for this younggirl to join in the battle and continue the fight. Her unwavering bravery that day ralliedthe Cherokee warriors and routed the Muskogees from northern Georgia.

    After the appropriatetime of mourning, thetribe celebrated Nan-ye-his efforts in thisnationally significantbattle by bestowing uponher the honor of Ghighauor Beloved Woman.Nan-ye-hi was in herteens when vaulted intoher high position. This

    honor was ordinarilybestowed on olderwomen. Ghighau wasmore than a term ofendearment, it enabledNan-ye-hi to participatein negotiations fortreaties, to commutedeath sentences passedupon by tribal leadershipand to prepare portionsof ceremonial offeringsgiven to the men of thetribe. The BelovedWoman title was alifetime distinction.During state counselmeetings in thetownhouse, Ghighau satwith the Peace Chief andWar Chief in the HolyArea near theCeremonial Fire. Ashead of the Womens

    Counsel, she wouldrepresent the view of

    women in the tribe. The female counsel did not hesitate to vote to oppose the decisionsmade by the ruling headsmen. Particularly if they felt that the welfare of the tribe was atstake. It was during the lifetime of Nan-ye-hi that tribal leadership passed all but two ofthe land cession treaties with the Cherokee.

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    Trade between the native people and Europeans was more exploitation than market placeequality. Often times trade goods were of inferior nature, with firearms misfiring andleaving Indians injured from their use. The demand of animal skins to pay their debts tothe English traders increased yearly. Hunting was changed from an enjoyable act of

    providing for their family to an ever-increasing business proposition. Up until 1750, anaverage of 54,000 deerskins per year were shipped from Charles Town (today known asCharleston, South Carolina). By 1759, it is said that over 1.5 million deerskins wereshipped annually through the Charles Town port. This big kill, as it is called, almostexhausted the deer population in the South.

    Native American immune systems were not accustomed to many European diseases.From the outset of European contact, small pox, scarlet fever and measles killed by themillions. Those who did survive were often disfigured and scared for life. In some casesAmerican Colonists used these diseases as a form of biologic terror. One AmericanGeneral wrote of his introduction of disease contaminated blankets into native

    populations in the hopes it would have the desired result. More died in this AmericanHolocaust than died in Hitlers concentration camps during World War II.

    The Cherokee nation and its warriors were first the pawns between the British andFrench, then between the colonies of Virginia and South Carolina and then a pawnbetween the British and the American colonies. All of these groups saw the strategicimportance of this large nation with its thousands of warriors positioned at the back doorof the new colonies. Living in their native land the Cherokee had little comprehension orunderstanding of the international political forces, which were closing in from all sides.

    The colonial government of Virginia was one of the first to take action to solidify theirinterests. They sought to control the lucrative fur trade by building Fort Loudon on theLittle Tennessee River. After the fort was garrisoned, tensions flared with the clash of

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    cultures. The Cherokee allowed the fort to be built conditional upon continued tradesupport from the British. The support never came. This lack of support included theconfiscation of Cherokee horses and the jailing of innocent tribal members. To mostBritish officers the Indians were something to be bought and sold. When their usefulnesswas over they were to be discarded. As a result of this lack of support some Cherokee

    took matters in their own hands. White settlers retaliated with many deaths on both sides.Official tribal leadership wanted to settle the matter peacefully with the Colonialgovernment of Virginia. Twenty-eight leading Chiefs traveled to Charles Town, Virginiaunder a flag of truce to resolve problems. They arrived only to be arrested and taken toFort Prince George under armed guard. While being held there small pox broke out inthe camp. The Cherokee nation wanted their leaders back. History records everypossible avenue of negotiation was attempted by the tribe. They finally had to plan somesort of use of force. As the battle unfolded, British soldier under the command of EnsignAlexander Milan opened fire with blind rage and killed all twenty-eight of the unarmedshackled tribal leaders within the forts stockade.

    The Cherokee reacted by laying siege to Fort Loudon. Upon hearing the plight of theFort a force lead by General Archibald Montgomery was dispatched to relieve the siege.Hearing about the relief columns march toward Loudon, Cherokee warriors met anddefeated the British in a mountain pass called the battle of Crows Creek. Defeat of therelief column demoralized those in the fort finally forcing a surrendered. After leavingthe fort Cherokee warriors killed 28 in revenge of their lost leaders.

    After the defeat of Fort Loudon, and Crows Creek, colonial government released ColonelGrant, a British military leader, to burn and pillage the middle towns of the Cherokeenation. There was an attempt at peace offered by the Cherokee but the British Colonelwanted his pound of flesh. A Lieutenant Francis Marion wrote with eloquent terms whathe saw take place in the middle towns.

    We proceeded by Colonel Grants orders to burn the Indian cabins.

    Some of the men seemed to enjoy this cruel work laughing hardily at thecurling flames, but to me it appeared a shocking sight. Poor creatures,thought I, who surely need not grudge such miserable habitations, butwhen we came according the orders to cut down the fields of corn, I couldscarcely refrain from tears. Who, without grief, could see the statelystalks with bared ground leaves and tasseled tops? The staff of life sinkunder our swords with all their precious load to wither and rot un-tasted intheir mourning field. I saw everywhere around the footsteps of littleIndian children where they had lately played under the shade of theirrustling corn. When we are gone, thought I, they will return and peepingthrough the weeds with tearful eyes will mark the ghastly ruin where theyhad so often played. Who did this? they will ask their mothers and thereply will be, The white people did it, the Christians did it. Thus forcursed mammons sake, the followers of Christ have sowed the selfish

    tares of hate .

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    It was in the face of political turmoil that Nan-ye-hifound herself. She was an advocate for peace, butalso stood her ground with the chiefs regardingsecession of land. Just as strongly as Nan-ye-hi

    fought for peace in tribal counsels, her cousin,Dragging Canoe was urging war. Dragging Canoesaw that the settlers from the east were simply notgoing to be contained by the physical barrier of theAppalachian Mountains. The British governmentwas growing more and more incapable of ruling thecolonies. Rising unrest was apparent as the coloniesprepared for war against British rule. The land to thewest was simply too enticing to keep the whitesaway.

    The fledgling independence movement found itsway across the Appalachian Mountains into what is now East Tennessee. Having to faceeither the tyranny of British rule or hostile Indians, some chose to face the Cherokee.Despite stern warnings from the Crown of England for all white settlers to leave nativeland west of the Appalachian Mountains, settlements at Watauga and Nolichucky werecreated.

    The Cherokeesfirst reactionwas not war.The CherokeeTribal councilnegotiated a ten-year leaseagreement withthe Wataugans.In exchange forthis land lease,they were toreceive theequivalent of a$1,000 per yearin trade goods.Their desire was

    to live peacefully along side of the white settlers while they remained stewards of theland. The Wataugans also agreed to no further encroachment on native lands. There wasa peaceful coexistence during the early years of the lease. This peace was short livedwhen the white settlers continued to want more land while not providing trade goods aspromised.

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    All of the early colonies were, of course, associated with English rule. The Wataugansformed an association that became the root of the first independent government in theAmericas. It is said by those who live in the Elizabethton, Tennessee area (the originalFort Watagua site) that the independence movement was started at this location spreading

    into the thirteen colonies. The English became infuriated with the treaty/lease agreementmade with the Wataguans. England felt threatened by any association with a Tory camp.This was construed as an act of aggression against colonial rule. Ultimately setting thestage for British troops to once again wage war against the Cherokee nation.

    After many violated treaties by the settlers, a battle erupted during the summer of 1776with the Wataugan and Nolichucky settlements. Nan-ye-hi sent messages to FortWatauga and the surrounding communities warning of an attack. Some might questionher motives in warning the whites. However, her desire was to live peacefully with thewhite population. The Cherokee lead by Dragging Canoe, Nan-ye-his cousin, weredefeated by the white settlers due to the preparation they were allowed to make before the

    attack. The attack on Fort Watauga was repelled.

    During this battle, Chief Old Abram captured two prisoners who were taken back toCherokee villages. One of the captives was a Mrs. William Bean. She was tied to a polewith leather thongs where dry tree branches were laid around her feet and lit on fire.Nan-ye-hi, learned of the planned execution. She kicked the burning branches away,stomped out the remaining small flames and cut the thongs, diffidently freeing Mrs.Bean. She then addressed the angered warriors and spoke with harsh words, It revoltsmy soul that Cherokee warriors would stoop so low as to torture this woman. No womanshall be tortured or burned at the stake while I am Honored Woman. This incident

    shows Nan-ye-hi exercising her official position as Ghighau. Nan-ye-hi led Mrs. Bean toher home in Chota, the town of sanctuary. She asked Mrs. Bean to teach her and themembers of her family how to process cows milk to make butter and cheese. She washoping to encourage interest in her people for raising their own meat and farm crops.Dependence solely on dwindling wildlife resources of the forest and expensive supplieswould spell certain failure of her people. Nan-ye-hi also was taught the art of weavingcloth or home spun by Mrs. Bean. When it was safe to do so, Nan-ye-hi sent Mrs. Beanback to her home. Nan-ye-his son, Five Killer, and her brother, Long Fellow, escortedMrs. Bean to protect her during the journey.

    Throughout Nan-ye-his life, her tribe was approached many times with furtheracquisitions of land. More than 500 treaties would be signed with the native peoples ofAmerica, only two were ever kept by either the British or American government.Hostilities continued to flare as native warriors retaliated for white encroachments andwhite settlers exacted their revenge on native populations for what they felt wereatrocities. Nan-ye-hi found herself continuously in a place of attempting to mediatebetween warring factions. Piece by piece, treaty by treaty the Cherokee nation was beingdismantled.

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    One such treaty occurred at Sycamore Shoals, and is known as the Transylvania Treaty.This treaty is recognized today as the largest private land acquisition in the history of theUnited States. It involved most of middle Tennessee and Kentucky. Some 20 millionacres were involved in this transaction. Chief Attakullakulla, Little Carpenter, wasinvolved in the negotiations for this land. This treaty was deception on a massive scale.

    Dragging Canoe, the son of the peace chief Little Carpenter, saw through the negotiationsand immediately suggested that no one sign such a treaty, barter away lands that had beentheir hunting ground for millennia. His persuasive speech created real problems for thosenegotiating the land treaty. Henderson, as leader of the Transylvania Land Company, andhis partners were greatly upset by the turn of events from Dragging Canoes talk. Their

    way of dealing with this intrusion into their lucrative deal was to hold a very large feast.The most important element of this feast was serving the Indians a lot of rum. The landcompany continued in making very persuasive talks, displaying the many trade goodsthat were part of the deal. Despite his sons pleading, Attakullakulla and the chiefspresent accepted Hendersons offer.

    It was at this point that Dragging Canoe made hispronunciation that Middle Tennessee and Kentucky wouldbe a dark and bloody land for the whites to settle. Heimmediately broke from the Cherokee nation, forming whatis now known as the Chickamaugian Cherokee and tried hisbest to defend his way of life. This decision in affect splitthe nation in half. Both halves were a threat to each other asboth white governments in involved in American tookopposite side with the Cherokee. The end result of DraggingCanoes continued warfare only brought the wrath ofAmerican Colonial military leaders against the Cherokeenation while the British attempted to supply DraggingCanoe. Cherokee leadership attempted on more than oneoccasion to distance them with Dragging Canoe, but it was

    to no avail. The colonies that were fighting for their own independence saw those whowere aligned with the British as a significant force in their back door. An attempt wasmade at the first Long Island Treaty to persuade the Cherokee to be neutral in the fightbetween the American colonies and England during the Revolutionary War. There werepromises that were made to the Cherokee of trade goods, however the fledgling countrycalled the United States could not make good in its promises and the treaty never madeany significant inroads to the Cherokee nation.

    It was at the meeting at Long Island that one of the first Independence Day celebrationswere held in America. From the minutes of those in attendance was recorded thefollowing:

    The anniversary of the declaration of Independence was observed. The

    soldiers belonging to the garrison were paraded and fired two rounds: eachin six platoons and for the thirteenth one general volley.

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    The great guns were also fired. The Indian chiefs were made acquainted with the

    festivities in the following speech along with whiskey delivered to them:

    Brothers, just one year ago the thirteen United States declared themselves

    free and independent, and that they would no longer be a subjection andslavery to the King of Great Britain. The Americans have now for oneyear since their freedom fought against the enemies that cam in ships overthe great water, and have beat them in many battles; have killed somethousands of them and taken many prisoners, and the Great being abovehath made them very prosperous. We hope therefore, that this day andevery day hereafter will be a day of rejoicing and gladness. Brother as thisday general rejoicing through the thirteen united colonies from Canada tothe Floridas, we hope our brothers the Cherokee will now rejoice and bemerry with us.

    The American government was simply trying to buy time, as they had no ability to makegood on the promises in the Cherokee-American treaty at Long Island. The onlysignificant source of trade goods would be the British. The British then sent some 60-horse loads of provision to Dragging Canoe who was living in what is now known asChattanooga, Tennessee. The English, of course, objected strongly to the treaty at LongIsland, citing that anyone who could sign agreements with the Independent AmericanColonies would not receive support. And thus the stage was set for more conflicts.

    Another flare up occurred between theOver Mountain Men of the Wataugasettlement shortly after the battle ofKings Mountain. The British hadpromised that they would invade thesouthern coastland and join forces withthe Cherokee to drive the independentwhite settlers off of Indian land. Thishad great appeal to Dragging Canoe andtribal leadership, however the Britishwere unable to make good their threat.This prevented the Cherokee and the

    British from a frontal and rear attack at the colonies. The Cherokee knew that if theywere going to war against the whites that they needed to immediately take action on theirown. Nan-ye-hi again found herself forewarning frontier settlers of an eminent attack byDragging Canoe. She had seen that very time the Cherokee were on the warpath, hernation suffered tragically at the hands of the white. She had witnessed indiscriminantkilling on both sides. Perhaps she hoped that by sending her warning much bloodshedcould be avoided. Keep in mind that Nan-ye-hi never acted on her own in any of thesewarnings to frontier settlers. Her tribal leadership had met and voted to continue

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    peacefully. The warring chiefs would not listen to those who were in leadership of thetribe. In sending warning of attack Nan-ye-hi was representing what she thought was thetrue nature of official tribal leadership.

    The continental army attacked Dragging Canoes many villages near Chattanooga,

    Tennessee. By attacking from up-river from canoes the Continental army surprised theChickamaugans. As a result, they recaptured the British supplies sent to their aid. Manyvillages were burned and the Canoe had to move deeper into the valleys protected by theCumberland Plateau. The Chickamauga Cherokee never fully recovered from this attack.

    A new treaty was demanded by the Cherokee in order to prevent further battles with thenew American Colonies. This treaty meeting was held in 1781 at Long Island. This wasthe second such meeting at Long Island. Nan-ye-hi rose from the negotiations andeloquently addressed both parties present.

    You know that women are always looked upon as nothing, but we are

    your mothers. You are our sons. Our cry is all for peace. Let it continue.This peace must last forever. Let your womens sons be ours, our sons beyours, let your women hear our words.

    The sincerity and appeal of her words reached the hearts of her listeners. ColonelWilliam Christian was chosen to answer Nan-ye-his talk.

    Mothers, we have listened well to your talk. It is humane. No man can

    hear it without being moved by it. Such words and thoughts show theworld that human nature is the same everywhere. Our women shall hearyour words and we know how they will feel and think of them. We are alldescendants of the same woman. We will not quarrel with you becauseyou are our mothers. We will not meddle with your people if they will bestill and quite at home and let us live in peace.

    This is one of the very few treaties, if not the only one, which did not ask for land. Hertalk placed Nan-ye-hi in the ranks of great women of America. The time of her talk wasJuly 1781. Nan-ye-hi had witnessed the burning and pillage of her tribe. She had everyright to be bitter in seeing everything she loved destroyed; however, she chose a differentpath--the path of peace. It took fortitude and character for any woman warrior to notwant to strike back.

    The Paris Peace Treaty formally ended the Revolutionary War, but the fighting for theCherokee was far from over. Old Tassel wrote the Carolina governor, Martin, thefollowing letter.

    Your people from Nolachuckie are daily pushing us out of our lands. Wehave no place to hunt on. Your people have built have built houses withinone days walk of our towns. We do not want to quarrel. We hope ourelder brother will not take our lands from us because he is stronger than

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    we are. We are the first people that ever lived on this land. It is ours andwhy will our elder brother take it from us? We have done nothing tooffend our elder brother since the last treaty. We hope that you will takepity on us, your younger brother and send Colonel Sever, a good man, tohave all your people moved off our land.

    Governor Martin heard Old Tassels letter and ordered Colonel John Sevier to warntrespassers to stay off Indian land, but John Sevier was closely aligned with pioneerinterests and simply ignored the governors word.

    By 1784, Nan-ye-hihome in the belovedtown of Chotawould no longerremain a prominent

    place in Cherokeehistory. It wasburned and pillagedfirst by the Britishand later byAmericanColonists. Legendhas it that prior toNan-ye-hi movingfrom Chota, sheopened her home toorphaned Indian children. These orphans were made up of mostly outcast abandonedhalf-breed children, waifs of white traders and Indian women. Her sanctuary andprotection may have represented the only real sanctuary these youngsters enjoyed.

    The Cherokees once again placed faith inwhat has become known as the HopewellTreaty; the first meeting of the newlyformed federal government of the UnitedStates and any Indian tribe. Thecommission met in Hopewell, SouthCarolina. Unfortunately, the new federalgovernment did not consult those attemptingto create the new State of Franklin (whichlater became Tennessee) or the CumberlandLeaders (the remnant of the Transylvania

    Land Company). The commission met with the Cherokee independent of these groups. Itwas in this meeting that the Cherokee acknowledged the authority of the United States forthe first time. The Federal Commission disavowed all previous treaties. The commissionstated,

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    Congress is now sovereign of all our country which we point out

    for you on the map. They want none of your lands or anythingelse, which belongs to you. As an earnest of their regard for you,we propose to enter into a treaty perfectly equal and comfortable to

    what we now tell you. If you have any grievances, we will hearthem. We will take such measures to correct them as they may beproper.

    Old Tassel replied,

    The land were are now on is the land we were fighting for in the late war.The great man above made it for us subsist upon. The red men are theaborigines of this country. It is but a few years since the white man foundit. I am of the first stock: a native of this land. The white people are nowliving upon it as our friends. From the beginning of the friendship

    between white people and red, beads have been given as confirmation offriendship, as I now give you these beads. At this point, he handed thecommissioner a string of white beads. Old Tassel continued, The peopleof North Carolina have taken our lands without consideration and are nowmaking their fortunes out of them. Taking a map offered by thecommissioner, Old Tassel marked the boundaries claimed by the Cherokeeand continued, in the forks of the French Broad and Holston are 3,000white people on our lands. This is a favored spot and we cannot give it up.It is within 25 miles of our towns. They must be removed.

    They are too numerous and cannot be removed, replied thecommissioner. They settled there when the Cherokee were under the

    protection of King George of England. You should have asked the Kingto remove them (which they had).

    Is not congress, which conquered the King of England, strong enough toremove these people? asked the chief.

    Old Tassel insisted that they would not give up the land. He finally agreed to leave thematter to congress. Congress set the boundaries of the Hopewell treaty as follows: On

    the Cumberland River 50 miles north of Nashville and run to a 0.6 miles south of theNolachuki and southward to the Oconee River. The town of Greenville the proposed

    capital of the State of Franklin was returned to the Cherokee. Before signing the treaty,Nan-ye-hi again addressed those present,

    I am glad there is now peace. I take you by the hand in real friendship. I

    have a pipe and a little tobacco to give the commissioners to smoke infriendship. I look on you and the red people as my children. Your havingdetermined one peace is most pleasant for me, for I have much troubledduring the late war. I am old, but I hope yet to bear children who will

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    grow up and people our nation as we are now under the protection ofcongress and shall have no more disturbances. The talk I have given youis from the young warriors I have raised in my town as well as myself.They rejoice that we have peace and hope the chain of friendship willnevermore be broken.

    Nancy delivered two strings of beads, a pipe and some tobacco to the whitecommissioners. The last part of the treaty stated, Any settler who fails to remove within

    six months from the land agreement to the Indians shall forfeit the protection of theUnited States and the Cherokee may punish him or not as they please.

    Unfortunately, this treaty was never kept. In later years the Supreme Court ruled in favorof the Cherokee hold on tribal lands. The tribe found that the United States governmentwould not honor their own courts decisions with regard to Indian affairs. Congress hadno ability to enforce frontier law west of the Appalachian Mountains and the HopewellTreaty became just another broken promise to the native people. Congress firmly

    believed it had the power to force trespassers off Cherokee lands as they promised in theHopewell Treaty. The Cherokee placed great faith in the Congressional guarantee.However, as each day passed, they continued to see Hopewell as a continued loss ofsovereignty. The Indians had ever right according to congressional law to removed fromtheir lands white settlers. Of course, as the frontiersmen saw the Cherokee taking legalaction according to the Hopewell Treaty, they themselves stuck back with bloodyatrocities. An unreasoning hate for Indians had developed among white frontiersmen.One frontiersman was quoted as saying,

    An Indian has no more soul than a Buffalo. To kill either is the same

    thing. When you have killed an Indian, you have done a good act andhave killed a wild beast.

    Old Tassel was quoted with the following statement:

    We have had several treaties with the Americans when boundaries were

    fixed and fair promises made that the while people would not cross over,but we always find that after a treaty, they settle much faster than before.The truth is if we had no land, we have fewer enemies.

    As you might suspect, the militia of the fledgling State of Franklin took great offense atthe Treaty of Hopewell. This treaty gave there planed state capitol back to the Cherokee.There were many attacks back and forth between both sides. Major Hubbard of theFranklin Militia arranged for a parley with Old Tassel, Hanging Maw of Chota and hisbrother together with Old Abram and his son under a flag of truce. When the chiefs wereseated, Major Hubbard closed the door and handled an outraged frontiersman atomahawk saying, Take the revenge to which you entitle. The chiefs, realizing theirbetrayal, made no effort to resist. The young frontiersman killed all five of theunresisting Cherokee leadership. Colonel John Sever was blamed for the massacre;however, no action was taken in this regard.

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    The Secretary of War, General Knox, stated,

    The disgraceful violation of the Treaty of Hopewell with Cherokee

    Indians requires the serious consideration of Congress. If so, direct and

    manifest contempt for the authority of the United States be suffered withimpunity, it will be in vain to attempt to extend the arm of government tothe frontiers. Indian tribes can have no faith in such embasel promises andlawless whites will ridicule a government which shall make Indian treatiesands regulate Indian boundaries on paper only.

    James C. Grave, serving as federal agent to the Creek nation summed up his thoughtswith the following;

    It is to be regrettablethat the insationable rage of our frontier brethren forextending their limits cannot be checked and kept within the bounds set by

    them by the general government. The United States, like most countries,is unfortunate in having the worst of people on her frontiers where there isthe least energy to be expected in civil government and where unlesssupported by military force, civil authority becomes a nullity.

    Shortly after it official formation, the state of Tennessee (former state of Franklin)addressed a formal meeting in Congress in which they request,

    that Indian titles in that state be extinguished at the earliest possiblemoment. The Indians at best were but tenants at will and the treatiesguaranteeing them the lands were contrary to the rights of Tennessee.

    By the 1800s it was quite clear that history was set against the Cherokee. In 1803,President Jefferson consummated the Louisiana Purchase. The states of Tennessee,Georgia and the Carolinas as well as members of congress wanted the Indians removedwestward to other lands.

    In the terrible fight thatensued at the Battle ofHorseshoe Bend in March of1814, their rose another namethat would indelibly affect allnative people in theAmericas. In support of theiragreements made with thenew United States theCherokee sided with the newgovernment against anuprising of the Creek Nation.General Andrew Jacksonsarmy defeated the Creek

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    nations with the help of the Cherokee. It was a massacre more than a battle. It is a factthat Chief Junaluska of the Cherokee nation, one of the war leaders battling in support ofAndrew Jackson saved his life in the battle. This battle vaulted Andrew Jackson into thenational spotlight and ultimately into the White House.

    The treaties of 1817-1819 further eroded Cherokee homelands. United Statescommissioners resorted to bribery and other illegal means. The two thousand Cherokeewho had already moved west were told they could have no western land until anequivalent acreage had been ceded in the east. This of course was a lie. As a result ofthis falsehood, fifteen western Cherokee chiefs were persuaded to sign by proxy. Well-placed bribes enticed thirty-one eastern chiefs to sign. The eastern chiefs who signed thecession papers moved west, fearful for their lives. By this time official Cherokee Councilleadership had passed a law that any chief that ceded further land would be put to death.The transaction was bitterly resented by the Cherokee Council and rejected by Cherokeenational mandate.

    Nan-ye-hi continued as an advocate for her country and nation for several years. Shespoke of the necessity of her people to devote more attention to farming and raising stockas a means of survival. Nan-ye-his seeds were sown in fertile soil and oneof the lasttreaties with the Cherokee, Article 14 of the Holston River Treaty, guarantees their abilityand assistance in husbandry and agriculture as they continued to prosper in their land.

    Nan-ye-hi Ward addressed her nation for the last time on May 2 of 1817.

    The Cherokee ladies now being present at the meetings of the chiefs andwarriors in counsel have thought it their duty as mothers to address theirbeloved chiefs and warriors now assembled.

    Our beloved children and head men of the Cherokee nation we addressyou warriors in counsel we have raised all of you on the land which wenow have, which God gave us to inhabit and raise provisions we know thatour country has once been extensive but by repeated sales has becomecircumscribed to a small tract and never have thought it our duty tointerfere in the disposition of it till now, if a father or mother was to sellall their lands which they had to demand on which their children had toraise their living on which would be indeed bad and to be removed toanother country we do not wish to go to any unknown country which wehave understood some of our children wish to go over the Mississippi butthis act of our children would be like destroying your mothers. Yourmothers, your sisters ask and beg of you not to part with any more of ourlands, we say ours you are descendants and take pity on our request, butkeep it for our growing children for it was the good will of our creator toplace us here and you know our father, the great president will not allowhis white children to take our country away only keep your hands off ofpaper talks for it is our own country for if it was not they would not askyou to put your hands to paper for it would be impossible to remove us all

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    Removal Treaty was illegal. Congress ratified the treaty and the wheels were set toremove the Cherokee from their homeland.

    Andrew Jackson by themargin of one vote

    pressed the removaltreaty throughCongress. ChiefJunaluska, the Indianwho had savedJacksons life said, If Ihad known thatAndrew Jackson wouldlater drive us from ourhome, I would havekilled him that day at

    Horseshoe Bend.Some accounts statethat Junaluska was on

    the Trail of Tears in the back of a wagon. Near deaths door due to illness he crossed aroad near the Hermitage. The Hermitage was Jacksons home in what is known asNashville, Tennessee. Reportedly, Andrew Jackson did not even bother to come outsideto greet his old friend. Junaluska died shortly thereafter, just across the Tennessee stateline into what is now Kentucky.

    The legendary trail of tears removed all native people east of the Mississippi River.6,000 Cherokee died in the internment camps the summer of 1838 prior to their forcedmarch. Mostly the younger children, older men and women suffered horrid fates in thecamps. Huddled in stockades without shelter, food, water or sanitation facilities manysimply could not survive the long hot summer. Some women were forced intoprostitution to arrange food for their children. It is one of the most sorted pages inAmerican history.Nan-ye-hi wasspared the indignityof seeing her nationdevastated by thislast attack

    Nan-ye-hi, andthose sherepresented, plantedmany seeds in hernation that wouldnot come of ageuntil after her death.By the time of the

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    Indian Removal Act of 1838, the Cherokee nation had a form of government similar tothat of the colonies. They had a supreme court; the tribe elected their leadership; theyhad a newspaper and a written language and had adapted many of the ways of thecolonists. It was against the Cherokee constitution for any one to hold official officewithin the nation that did not have a belief in God. The unofficial Cherokee national

    anthem became Amazing Grace.

    I had the privilege ofvisiting Nan-ye-hishome site near Benton,Tennessee. Hergravesite is now aTennessee Historic Site.I have visited manyhallowed places fromPlymouth Rock to the

    Freedom Hall inPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania. There isstillness in such placesan honorthat felt verytangible.

    This chapter regarding the life of Nan-ye-hi is not simply a historic visitation for me as anindividual. My family was in Fort Watauga during the time period of Dragging Canoesattacks. It is highly likely that Nan-ye-his two warnings to these settlements may wellhave saved my familys life ultimately, saving my own. Could it be that neither mychildren nor I would enjoy this life without her compassion on the early settlers ofTennessee?

    A few years ago I become friends with Mrs. Ada Winn of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Ada is a relative of Nan-ye-hi. This relationship is yet another enter-weaving of thetapestry of peace handed down thru the blessing of Nan-ye-hi. Adas friendship hasgrown beyond casual acquaintance. Her family and ours have become interlocked just asthe early settlers of Nan-ye-hi time. Recently our families exchanged gifts of honor.This exchange of gifts is called by some as protocol.

    My family was partially responsible for the Earliest English translation of the bible. Thiswork occurred in 1527. One of the translators was named Thomas Matthew whos realname was John Rogers. John used an alias in his translation work to attempt to avoidmartyrdom. This attempt failed on February 4, 1555 in Smithfield, England. John wasgiven the opportunity to renounce the heresy of translating the bible into English; hereplied That which I preached I will seal with my blood. John Rogers became one ofthe first martyrs during the reformation at the hand of Queen Bloody Mary. I presented

    Ada with a leaf of the second printing of the bible dating from 1549. To some degree myfamily had entered into a blood covenant so that in future generations the Cherokee could

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    is referring to all facets of the Christian faith currently in America. This includeseveryone from Roman Catholics to the Charismatic church. May God have mercy on thegenocide that has occurred under the banner of the Cross.

    Let us acknowledge today:

    Jesus is part of the tribe of Judah. He is a man of color, not a white man.He wore traditional regalia (special clothing). There was power associatedwith His clothing. (The women who touched the hem of your garment)He celebrated the many feasts of His Father. His tribes calendar is kept

    in cycles of the moon. His Bible is a tribal book. Jesus celebrated hisancestors (linage of Christ). His nation was lead by tribal elders.Throughout His tribes history animals played important roles (whales,lions, bears, donkeys, ravens, doves). His Bible celebrates the createdorder. (The trees will clap their hands) He did nothing during His life ofHis own accord, but always stayed submitted to His Fathers will. He used

    water as a sign of purification. He celebrated the land of His inheritance.He took nothing from it you did not need. His nation fought fiercely allthose who attempted to take their land from them. His nation spared noone who lived within their enemys camp. He upheld all of His tribes

    laws. His Father held their nation accountable to past generations who didnot keep their covenants. Jesus allowed false counsel to be spoken ofHim, without taking revenge, for the sake of His tribe. He died a tortureddeath at the hands of a conquering nation (Roman empire) to save Hispeople. All who come to Jesus for their salvation are not saved apart frombeing in-grafted into His tribe.

    Perhaps you are someone who has not enjoyed a relationship with the Jesus whois one of the Chiefs from the Tribe of Judah. Maybe you have delayed thisrelationship because all you have witnessed is a form of religion calledChristianity. If that is the case know there is much more than a social doctrinecalled the church. There is a open door for you to have a relationship with theChief whos name is Jesus. The Chief of the Tribe of Judah sets with two otherChiefs. The highest Chief is known as the Father. He is the creator of all things.The Father sets at the head of the Lodge known as Heaven. To the Fathers rightsets His son, Chief Jesus. Chief Jesus stands at the entrance of the lodge and onlythose he knows thru relationship are allowed to enter in. The lodge is very big. Itholds all who want to come in and become family with the Chiefs. There aremany nations with very colorful clothing. They speak many languages within thelodge called heaven. The third Chief s seat is empty most of the time. The thirdchief, for the most part, dwells on earth with all the members of the tribe. Thethird Chief is always looking for anyone who might want to enjoy the safety,comfort, wisdom and protection of the tribe of Judah. The Chief is a great warriorand protects all of His tribe. In the lodge there are 24 other elders who offersupport for the three Grand Chiefs. Within the lodge are living creatures ofwonderful origins. They represent the best of the Greats Chiefs design. To

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    become a member of this tribe you do not have to loose your own heritage. Youdo not have to put on other peoples culture. In having a relationship with theChief he welcomes you into the Lodge of heaven with all your regalia. He wantsyou to bring your stories to be honored and revered around the council fire.

    There is only one problem in joining the tribe. You can only be a member bybeing born into the tribe. This made the Great Chiefs sad for many years. Hewanted all people to be part of His Kingdom. So the elders met for a big council.They decided to send the Chiefs Son who sets on the right hand to the earth todie a terrible death. He gave his blood at the hand of a dominant society so thatall people can become members of the tribe. As you might expect, there is aprotocol or gift giving that is part of joining the tribe. The shedding of the Chiefssons blood was very costly. You must bring to the three Chiefs your most valuedpossession, your very life. It is the only gift that the Tribe will accept. Are youready to pay the price?

    Wont you invite this relationship to begin today? Speak to him in first person.He is not a historic figure who once lived many years ago. He is here with usnow. He is real. Maybe you want to pray something like this:

    Chief Jesus, you are a great leader who lives with your Father in a greatlodge called the Kingdom of Heaven. I acknowledge that you stand at thedoor of the lodge wanting me to come into you. I know that you are thedoorkeeper and no one can enter your lodge except thru you. I enter yourlodge with a gift of protocol, my very life. This gift is offered with fullknowledge you exchanged your life with mine. I understand you leadyour people with great hope. I really need hope. It has been a struggle tokeep everything around me on earth. Your land can never be taken fromyou. Show me how to understand the things that can never perish or betaken away. Greater yet is your kingdom and its reign on the earth. Iunderstand I can never be taken from your kingdom. I like that way ofthinking. I wish to be part of your tribe thru a relationship with you asChief and leader of my life. Come into my life and rule and reign withfull authority. I understand you love me, perhaps in ways I have never feltbefore. That sounds like a good thing to me. I dont always feel loved bythose around me. Take my hurts upon you and help me become a memberof your tribe. Heal me from the inside out. Reconcile me to the GrandChief who sets high and lifted up at the front of the Lodge. Show me howto bring my tribal ways into alignment and support of yours. I also wantto invite the third chief to come into my life. This invitation is mostimportant to me in understanding the ways of the tribe. I understand He isthe teacher and comforter who lives in me forever. Come Holy Spirit withall you have to offer. Show me the Fathers kingdom. I would like toknow others who are part of the tribe to teach me the wisdom of yourlodge. Would you help me find those who walk in your truth? Would youshow me your ways? Kindle in me the fire of your love.

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    Fire is important to the Cherokee. Women were keepers of the fire in their homes. Eachyear the women ceremoniously extinguished all flame within the tribe. One of the rolesof the Ghighau was to reintroduce new fire. In countless ceremonies Nan-ye-hi wouldhave helped in rekindling the fire within her tribe. It was said that if the principle people

    kept the fire burning the Creator God would reveal truth. An eternal flame now burns atRed Clay, Tennessee. Red Clay was the last capital of a united tribe called the Cherokeeprior to the Trail of Tears. God the Father wants us to spread truth to all people withoutthe spin of our culture.

    What will be the outcome of your visit to the life and land of Nan-ye-hi?"

    Works Cited:

    Adair, James. The History of the American Indians. London: Edward and CharlesDilly, 1775

    Aldenman, Pat. Nancy Ward/Dragging Canoe. Johnson City: The Overmountain Press,1990.Mails, Thomas E. The Cherokee People. New York: Marlowe & Company, 1996.Rozema, Vicki. Footsteps of the Cherokee. Winston-Salem: R. R. Donnelley & Sons,

    1995.Smith, Chadwick Corntassel. Cherokee Nation History Course. Tahlequah: Cherokee

    Nation, 2000

    Recommended Reading:

    The Bible, by The Holy SpiritReleasing Heaven on Earth, by Alistair PetrieOne Church Many Tribes, by Richard TwissTrail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation, by John Ehle

    Illustration Credits:

    https://reader010.{domain}/reader010/html5/0620/5b2996fbf1896/5b2997082a142.jpghttps://reader010.{domain}/reader010/html5/0620/5b2996fbf1896/5b2997098375b.jpghttps://reader010.{domain}/reader010/html5/0620/5b2996fbf1896/5b29970a7b1ed.jpg{domain}/reader010/html5/0620/5b2996fbf1896/5b29970ac6b21.jpg, Thomas E. The Cherokee People. New York: Marlowe & Company, 1996.

    Illustrations on pages: 80, 85, 86-87, 88, 94 & 108