nanzhuang old street, miaoli tw (台灣苗栗南莊老街)

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Nanzhuang old street Miaoli TW 台灣苗栗南莊老街編輯配樂:老編西歪


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Nanchuang map 南莊地圖

Nanzhuang is a suburban town in Miaoli County, where there were about 30,000, the town features many preserved architectures and natural surroundings. Nanzhuang Town is mostly resided by the Hakka people, Atayal and Saisiyat aborigines, making it a good example of ethnic integration in Taiwan.  Today, the town of Nanzhuang is a popular Taiwan tourist stop for its abundant natural surroundings and its Nanzhuang Old Street filled with all kinds of Hakka and aboriginal snacks and delicacies, as well as Nanzhuang’s most gifted natural resources: mushroom, Gui bamboo shoots and trout. There are a few stone tablets at the entrance of Nanzhuang Old Street that are remains of a place where waters flows down from the mountains, allowing the villagers to come and do their daily laundries in the past.  The most famous alley of Nanzhuang Old Street is “Guihua Alley”. It is where one may find a number of small stands and shops for souvenirs and savor authentic Hakka delicacies.  Towards the end of Nanzhuang Old Street, stands the old postal office of Nanzhuang in Japanese style that was first established during the period of Japanese colonization, and renovated recently. The old Nanzhuang Postal Office has been noted as one of the ten most treasured historical architectures of Miaoli. The nostalgia environment and ambience make the old Nanzhuang Postal Office a popular photo shooting spot. Opposite from the postal office is a popular small stand in a traditional Japanese style house that sells shredded ice with matcha and red beans in a big bowl priced about twd 50, making it a very hot spot for one’s visit to Nanzhuang.

Nanzhuang Old Street (Osmanthus Alley)

南莊是苗栗縣郊區小鎮,居民大約 30,000 人,該鎮特色擁有許多保存完好的建築和自然環境。南莊鎮大多居民是客家人,泰雅族和賽夏族原住民,該鎮在台灣民族融合是個很好的例子。  目前,南莊鎮以其豐富的自然環境和南莊老街擺滿了各種客家和原住民小吃和美味佳餚,以及南莊的最有天賦的自然資源:香菇,桂竹筍和鱒魚,是一個台灣遊客受歡迎的停留地方。在南莊老街入口處有幾塊石版遺跡,該處的水從山 上流下來,從前是讓村民作為他們日常生活和洗衣之用。 南莊老街最有名的巷道是“桂花巷”。 在其中你可能會發現一些紀念品的小攤子和商店,並且品嚐地道的客家美食。  走往南莊老街頭,有一棟日本殖民統治時期首建的日式風格南莊老郵局,最近重新裝修過。南莊老郵局已經註記為苗栗十大最珍貴歷史建築之一。 在懷舊的環境和氛圍下,南莊老郵政成為熱門的照片拍攝地點。郵局對面傳統日式小屋,賣抹茶紅豆圓子剉冰,大碗售價新台幣 50 元,這是訪問南莊非常熱門的一個地點。


Yongchang temple 永昌宮

Yongchang temple 永昌宮Like a lot of temples here, it has incredibly detailed artwork with a hill for a backdrop – beautiful.就像在這裡的很多寺廟,它背靠小山,是極為細緻的美麗作品。

The old post office in Japanese style has once been rebuilt because of an earthquake.日本風格的老郵局,因地震曾被重建。

Now selling some souvenirs inside the post office現在郵局內販賣一些紀念品

Right across this post office, you can also find a famous Japanese-style matcha shaved ice stall.郵局對面,你還可以找到著名的日式抹茶刨冰攤位。

Japanese matcha shaved ice with red beans and dumplings日本抹茶紅豆圓仔刨冰

Nanzhuang Elementary School南莊國民小學

Century maple inside the Elementary School campus國民小學校園內的百年楓樹

Osmanthus Alley (Nanzhuang Old Street)桂花巷(南莊老街 )

This is a old street in a small village, but very lively very happening & lots of nice food!這是一條小村莊的老街,很熱鬧很時尚還有很多好吃的食物!

Photo from google

Osmanthus Alley used be a run-down and messy pathway, but now it has been restored with an old-time feel. During the weekdays, the alley has a calm, diffused comfort; on the holidays, the alley is alive with hustle-bustle. 桂花巷是一條老舊和凌亂的巷道通路,但現在它已經還原到舊時代的感覺。平日巷子裡是平靜的,瀰漫著舒適氣氛;在假日巷子裡充斥了擁擠,喧嘩。

“Old streets” are pretty crowded, because sections of the street are incredibly narrow. Both sides are chock full of stalls hawking all sorts of Hakka and aboriginal things. 「老街」相當擁擠,因為部分街道就是令人難以置信的狹窄。兩邊都充滿了各種攤位,擺賣各種客家和原住民的東西。

The brick-walled Sweet Osmanthus Alley is full of tasty eateries and famous retail shops 磚牆桂花巷充滿美味的小吃店和著名的零售商店

Osmanthus Alley (Nanzhuang Old Street)桂花巷 ( 南莊老街 )

Bali wood carving峇里島木雕

Osmanthus egg rolls stall桂花蛋捲小店

Six decades years old wax apple tree樹齡一甲子的蓮霧樹

Osmanthus egg rolls桂花蛋捲

Osmanthus iced rice balls 桂花冰鎮湯圓

Osmanthus iced rice balls桂花冰鎮湯圓

Shiesankung 洗衫坑

Shiesankung (denotes a ditch for laundry) in old street head was originally built to convey water for irrigation and laundry. Even nowadays, local residents often wash their clothes or vegetables here. Villagers used to wash their clothes on stone slabs.洗衫坑在老街頭,為傳送灌溉用水和洗衣而建造。即使是現在,當地居民經常在這裡洗衣服或蔬菜。村民通常用石板來清洗衣物。

Nanchuang Presbyterian Chur 南莊基督長老教會

Nanchuang Presbyterian Church南莊基督長老教會

Ginger candy薑糖

White meat pomelo 白柚

Retail Market 零售市場

To be honest, there are not so many things to do in this old street. However, if you spend most of your time in hustle bustle of big city, you will find it is a pretty nice option for few hours escape on your weekend. Finally, to remind one thing, you don't miss the Japanese style red bean dumpling ice in Osmanthus Alley. 說實話,這條老街上沒有太多的事情可做。但是,如果你花很多時間在喧囂熱鬧的大城市,你會發現週末幾小時的逃離,也是一個相當不錯的選擇。最後要提醒的一件事,你千萬不要錯過在桂花巷的日式紅豆圓仔冰。

Osmanthus Garden Restaurant桂花園餐廳 Chinese Music : 不如歸去


