narrative setting


Upload: taramcguire

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Narrative setting
Page 2: Narrative setting

This is the bedroom I am going to use for my narrative, I am not going to change anything because I think the style of the room suits my genre. Before I start filming I am going to think about my composition and what I want in the shot. I will then take a picture before I start filming just incase I need to re-film so I can make it the same as continuity is essential when filming. As you can see from this picture the lighting is not very good and looks slightly yellow, as this picture was taken at night there is no natural light in the room. I will be filming during the day so the room will have more light. The window will mainly be on the right side of the narrative girl meaning a shadow might be created across her face.

I think this bedroom fits the indie rock genre because posters and normally associated with this genre and the colour scheme is simple. I also like the clothes being everywhere because it makes the room look more like a typical teenaged girls room. When filming I am going to make sure the room looks a bit messy but not so messy that it would ruin the composition or create a hazard.