nashville union and american. (nashville, tn) 1869-04-03 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · it includes the...

' 1 IS F UNION AOT AMERICAN. KCHEL8K'S MALL. , iFroin Irish of Billy O'Hourke-- Bachelor's Hall ! what a queer looking plaos is t ir - r - t . ti ii jt r t;r- -, Sure, but I think whala burning disgrace it is, XT .1. i ; r mui9 BOgciuustt who. See the old bachelor gloomy and fid enough, Fl&fln? htm tn..trHlA thu fim? Soon it dipt over: Saint Patrick! he's sad' enough, (If he were present) to ficht with the Squire. Now liVe & hor in A. mnrfur wfLllnvinr, (Awkard enough) tee him kneading his dough; troiu i it ine ureaa na cjuia ate without swai- - How it would faTor his palate you know. His dish cloth U missing , tho pigs are devouring ID tbfi tinrsnit lin fiaa tiH jtrnJ M litn. A plate wanted washing, erimalkia ii scouring Thunder, and turf, what a pickle he's in 1 Potsdishes, and pant, and grazy commodities. nan ana praiie eiuns Kiver ttie tloor; llu cupboard' a store-hous- e of comical .ouames, Thincs that had nevar been neighbors' 'belorc. His meal being o'er the table's left sitting so: Uianes take care of yourselves if yen can ! But hunger returns, then he's fuming and reiiing so; Och ! let hint alone for the baste of a manl Late in the i !ght he goes to bed shirerin. Merer the bit is the bed made at all : IU creeps like a terrapin under his kiverin Bad lack to the picturetof Bachelor's Hall 1 A HI.G FOB SPAIN. The advices from Madrid, which state that it is almost certain that the Spanish throne 'will be given to the Duke of Montpensier, who is expected to arrive from Lis bon in about a fortnight, show that Spain'hasmot'ycbomancipateasilself partial sight. that operation is from the Louis do C own leans. JJuc tie Montpensier, is a Bourbon, the fifth child of the late King Louis of France. He is married to the sister of the de posed Queen Isabella, and is a mod- est and exemplary gentleman, his wife being also a lady of great do mestic virtues, with several chil- dren, to whom the" best care has been civen. Such is the account given of the family by American visitors. The . Spanish vote limits his term of office to eighteen years, the exact period during which his father swayed tho destinies of the French people. It is difficult to conceive that Louis Napoleon will consent that the House of Orleans shall supply a Kinjr to Spain. He looks with in difference to the pretensions of the elder branch of the Bourbons ; but he appreciates the popular hold which the family of Louis Phil- lippe still retains upon France. It is impossible to believe that he will consent to this house, exiled from France, regaining power and re- suming roj'alty upon the Spanish throne. If he docs submit, it is because he has lost his power of in- - triguo and combination, or despairs of the lo3'ally of his French sub- jects, in caso of a collision. There has been an intrigue to make one of the sons of Victor Emanuel the successor of Isabella. But the house of Savoy can show neither character or intellect to be compared with the family of Louis Phillippe. The movement for a republic is not so much an ebulli tion nonular sense of tisans of the rival aspirants for the crown, and chiefly of the dethroned Bourbons and their imperial alty. The wily old Citizen King, when he contrived Spanish marriages for his sons, and procured the ess pousal of the Queen with her incom- petent husband, aroused against himself the jealousy of the European dynasties. The intrigue cost him friendship of England, at the vital crisis of his life. Bat his self- ish policy now brings forth its fruit Montpensier crowned at Madrid, threatens the dvnastv of Napoleon at Paris. Even should the Emperor live out his term, and the indications of public sentiment arc seriously threatening, it will bo almost impossible to transmit his through the regency of the Empress, to his son. The Orleans part' in France is strong and hopeful. It embraces even such revolutionists as Viclcr Hugo. It includes the publicists, the men of the press and the tribune, silenced and rcductd to nullities under the repressive sj'stem of the Emperor. The Bourgeoisie and the monied classes would welcome again the moderate administration and peaceful reign of tho Citizen King. It can not be denied that the Parlia- mentary era which followed the ex pulsion of Charles X. was the most brilliant in the histor' of France. History, poetry, the drama and the arts, seemed to partake of the popu lar energy. The com; d'etat of Do- - n.n1ft.n.1 4l,t nnmlia .IT" France and cowed its heart. The Duke of Montpensier will not take his seat at Madrid without dif ficulties. The Bourbons and the republicans will work to the same end against him. But if he succeeds in ballling these enemies, Europe will welcome the change and Spain profit by it THE HI.INIr I'KEACIIEK. Krinnrhnble Opprntlou on Hit (lis Krr. Mr, .Unburn. Tho l'aris European Xcws gives an interesting account of tho oper ation pcriorincd in Jiciiin upon Mr. Milburn's eyes: "The Rev. Mr. Milburn has just returned to Paris from Belgium, where he has been for three months past in care of the oculibt, Prof. Gracfe. On the 9th of December the Professor performed the first operation upon Mr. Milburn "s right C3'e, cutting a hole, inserting a hook, ai ine the iris from the old with which to line the new one, and then trimming the edges dexterously with scissors. The thrcc-lol- d pre cess occupied nearly five minutes. The eye did remarkably well for about twelve days, but from some unexplained cause interior inflam mation then began, which soon threatened disorganization and tho loss of the eye. A few days thereafter Mr. Milburn was sud- - iUmiIv seized by a violent attack of what tho Tihysiciaas pronounced to do inflammation of tho neht lunrr, which soon placed him in a criti- cal condition. "Whilo this discaso waB at its height, iowovcr.-strang- o to say, tho oyo began to improve, and its inflammation soon abated. Alter Jslr. Jiilborns recovorv. Graofo examined the eve carefully a number of times, which verified hia previous diaeonosis. and that of Dr. William Frederic Hojcombe, of Acw ork for a long timo a pu pa or Yon tiraefe who, by" tho way, was tho first person to hold out to Hr. Milburn the prospect of a partial restoration ot his sight by tuo same operation. "in consequence of tho nearly closed state of the pupil and of the opacities ot the cornea it had been impossible hitherto to see tho inte rior of the eye, but tho new pupil disclosed tho fact that the crystal line lens is opaque. To remove this it will be necessary to run the along the whole lower or upper margin of tho oye, and to remove the Ions by pressure or the use of hooks. It was expected that this could be done in three or lour weeks after tho first operation, but uraelo now gives it as his opinion that in .consequence ol tho inflam mation it will not bo safoto oporato again under some months. Al though Mr. Milburn's power of vision has hardly been improved, ho has now tho dehmto prospect, should tho second operation bo suc cessful, of at least tho recovery of As Bourbons. Or-- ono invention, aud Phillippe, one which ho performs with a surer hand than any other person, it is ot course tho wish ot Mr. Milburn and his friends that ho should per forin it. Mr. Milburn will therefore probably remain in Europo until this can bo done. Wo understand that Mr. Milburn has been invited by a number of tho leading Amer icans in .fans, loremost among whom is our Minister, Gen. Dix, to give a courso ot lectures. Tho first, 'What a Blind Man Saw in England will bo delivered in tho American Chapel, Eue do Berri, on .brum evening next, tho 2bth inst., This will fol lowed by four other lectures." CUBA. I'rojjxcss of the War A tail 'a .State ment of the Exaet Coudltlon of Af fairs Independence Certain. The New Haven Palladium pub extracts from a letter written bj a Cuban lad' to a friend in that cit The letter bears date Havana, March 12. We quote : Since I wro'le you last the war has been prosecuted with redoubled vigor, lou know that nry sj'mpa- - thies are ontireh' with tho revolu tionists. Mj' constant prayer is for Cuba s independence, and I believe that that prayer will be granted. It is quite certaa that the people of this "ever-faituru- r isle are deter- mined in the stand the' have taken, aud that they will nover suspend hostilities until the freedom of Cuba is won. i can assure you that tnerc never was a braver army than that which is the command of Gen. Cespedcs a man whose heart is in the right place, and whose sword will never be sheathed until the war on the part of the revolu tionists shall have been crowned with success. He is ono of the no blest of men a patriot in every of feclinsr. as the the word. . . . - I olmrtcf. Ilfli70 llim the the power, infant ol' Yon pupil entire j v knifo bo lishes under result The people . I could tell much about the atroci ties which the government troops arc constantly perpetrating, and how tucy seem to take a fiendish de light in inflicting these barbarities. It was only a day or two since that a Cuban named Martinez a wealthy gentlcmau, owning a large plantas tion some fifteen miles in the inte- rior was attacked while riding along a road not far from his resi dence and brutally murdered by some government soldiers. It was subsequcnlty ascertained that Senor Martinez had been marked, owing to the fact that he was known to favor the revolution. He had not taken any active part in the war, however, although his money had helped to swell the means for carrying on the revolu tion. Many, many assassina tions of a similar nature are constantly being committed. I receive the American papers by everv steamer, and am not at all as tonished to find that they are but poorly informed in regard to af fairs on this island, lhis is owing to the fact that the covernment ex ercises a most arbitrary censorship over the press of this city, as also over the telegraph. It the tele crams from Cuba, which i see in the New lork papers, are ail juai arc sent over tho cable, I must as sure you that they are very inaccu rate in their statements, and are so manipulated as to create an imprcs sion that the government is con" ducting the war on the most hu mane principles, aud that the revo lution is fast coming to an end. i ue fact is. that the patriotic people of this island are subiected to a reign of terror. The slightest suspicion against any person, high or low, is sufficient to induce the bloodthirsty Spaniards to either kill him or place him in some dungeon, tucro to oe treated with every indignity, and perhaps finally shot with hardly a moment s warning. T-- ue fore I close my letter I must say something to you about a matter in which I know you must feel the deepest interest. I mean the recog nition of Cuba by tho government of the United States. The imprcs sion is general here among all pa triotic classes that your new Presi dent, Gen. Grant, favors giving us a recognition, at least as a belhgci ent power or as an independent na tion. Of course, we would prefer tho latter, but would extend to the fhrmnr n most irratelul welcome, i think that Cuba is entitled to recoL nition by the United States, and I believe that it will not be many days before she will receive it. C ... a There is one thing that tuc Amer ican people may rest assured of, and that is Cuba is going to gain ncr independence. The glorious sue cess may be some time distant, but I will venture the prediction mat before the close of tho coming amn- - inor tho. Snartish troops will be driven from tho Island and the in riimntwfoncG of Caba recorded in hiftory. Viva Cuba! On Saturday nicht last, a body ol 0 armed uion visited the jail of Edmonson countv. Kr.. and took from thenco Thomas Lancaster, who kiilea ur. uato- - wood at Kock Hill, last September, and hunc him. The murder of Gatewood was brutal and unprovoked. Lancaster was tried last week, but the jury failed to agree, standing eleven for hanging, and ono for acquittal, upon the ground of in sanity. To Oar Friends ami Patrons. generous interest of our friends in extending the circulation of the Uhioh act Amebicah is Euch as to call for thi wannest possible expression of. our thanks. We feel that the best return we can make is to pledge increased exertions to make the paper worthy, not only of the patronage of present list, but of a place in every counting-room- , professional omce and n re-- Bide in thcStat. This, we are striving to do. The more readers we have the better paper we can make and the more good we tan accomplish. We want to double the circulation of the Union and American. Jt is EASILY DONE! If every one who now receives it will end us one more name, the list will be doubled at once Can not you, friend, send us one more name ? Speak to that neighbor who don t take it, and to that young man who greatly needs something Democratic to read. Just try : if you fail, try asralii I We feel confident that nearly every one of our present subscribers could send us one more name, if he would only try. It, would be a small item to each one, but the aggregate would be of great importance to is. One more ; will you try ? JOB PRINTING. To such of our patrons and friends as need job-wo- rk in any department of print ing, we would state that we are thoroughly prepared lo execute all orders at the short est notice, in the best style of the art, and that too on the most reasonable terms. We have three splendid job offices consolidated in one, and we allow no other office to sur pass ours in the style or cheapness of job printing. Send in your orders and we guarantee entire satisfaction. It is our ighest ambition to please our patrons. OCUACEHTS. The following gentlemen are authorized and requested to act as Agents for the Union and American, and to receive and eceipt for subscriptions and advertisements the same: EAST TENNESSEE. V. C. Allen, Decatur. B. G. Manard, Bristol. 8. N. Fain, Mossy Creek. C. Austin, Austin's MilK James Luttrell, Knoxville. Patten & Payne, Chattanooga. John A. Hood, Loudon. H. Liggett, Kingston. James li. Eeed, Athens. Hugh L. Fry, Sweetwater. Capt. W. D. Haynes, Blountville. Marsh Ingel, Union Depot. Dower & Fain, Jonesboro. Col. Wm. Stringfield, Rogersville. MIDDLE TENNESSEE. T. L. Shullz, Concord. W. T. Harrison, Smeedsvilie. John II. Officer, Calf-Kill- P. O. Chilton & Yatei, Haley's Station. Ogilvie & Hazlcwood, College Grore. John W. Faxon, Clarksville. Arch Thomas, Springfield. R. F. Ferguson, Teacher's Mill. W. It Saddler, Fort's Station. O. B. Wright, Gallatin. J. H. Brockett, Lafayette. A. A. Swope, Carthage. A. W. Williams, Dixon's Springs. W. G. Cox, Gainsboro. P. Turney and J. A. Fancher, Snarla. T. Whaley, Smithville. R. Kirkpatrick, Butler's Landing. Williamson & Martin, F, It. Pennebaker, 'jMKn A. O. II. P. Sehorn, Murfreesboro. W. II. McFerrin, Woodbnrv. Howard W. Newman, Winchester. II. L. VV alung, McMinnviIIe. O. H. P. Harris, Livingston. R. Murphy, and S. R. Hailey, Warlrace. K. r . Hunt, lullauoma. D. P. Rathbone, Mancherfpr. E. G. Curlle, Bradyville. Wm. Barton, Readyville. John Laws, Farmington. Robt. V- - Rankin, Bell Buckle. A. A. Steele, Lewisburg. John A. Gannaway, Unionville. . G.r. Baskelte, and -- M. B. Moorman ot Ero., Shelbvville. Geo. W. Morgan, Fayelteville. J. A. Johnson and 1. M. Jackson, Eagleville. A. h. Dnrhau, JNormandy. Dr. J. B. Mathews, Edgefield. Simpson & Cleland, Brentwood. T. J. Watson, S. B. Rozell, FranUiiu. J. li. Htepnen8on, bpnng li;!l. Banks & Drake, Thompson's Sin ion. oka. The V. II. Engle, and A. D. Friersnn, Col- - lumbia. W. M. Irwin, and J. S, Pleasant. Gnflith, A. H. Htgdon, Lynnville. H. Wilkei and G. W. Moore, Culle- - Wm. Harris, CornerBvilIe. W. J. Ridceway, Elkton. F. G. Tignor, Pulaski. Mt W. E. W. llolt, Bunker Hill. II. Denton, Cookeville. Matthews & Davenport, Lawrenceburg. Maj. Brashear, Linden. W. L. Morris, Waynesboro. A. G. McDoujral, Savannah. Col. L. McCullum, Centerville. W. W. Iloblra.Waverly. Tho. C. Morris, Charlotte. Seater & Son, Kingston Springs. G. B. Hughes, Clifton. Slielton & HuM, J. S. Yaihrnugh, John- - sonville. James P. Flood, Dover. R. G. Kellfy, KtllejV Landing. J. M. Vester, Ashland City. E. W. Yates, Mulberry. B. H. Barry A Co., Lynchburg. Thos. Comer, McMinnviIIe. Dr. A. M. Hall, Petersburg. W. R. Loving, Richmond. WEST TENNESSEE. B. F. Moriia, Farmville. I. M. Johnson, Cageville. A- - K. Hall, Huntingdon. W. A. Steele and W. P. Morris", Camden, A. R. Hou?e, Ralston Station, Wm. Laudrum, Dresden. Louis M. Williams, Newbern. W. A Debaw, J. O. Bledsoe, Union City Cab. Shtill, I'urdy. A. 8. Currey, Trenton. V. I. Wwtbrook, Brownfiville. Polk Alexander, Gleeson Station. Maj. John H. Bill?, Bolivar. N.Y. Cavitt, Pari. S. Peoples, Gardner Station. Scales & Seward, Humboldt. J. II. Davis, Hickman, Ky. John L. Webb, Dyersburg. W. C. Vail, Chestnut BlulT. J. II. Scott, Madison Station Capt. W. Wheeler, Ripley. W. J. Pitts, Double Bridges. John T. Douclass. Covincton. Dr. D. II. Thomas & Co., Laneficld and Mason's Grove. Maj. LG. II. Bradford, Woodville, George II. Prince, McKcnzie Station J.M.Null, W. H. Hill. Palo Alto, Miss. an8 6m J . O HL Y . No. 15 JSortb Cherry St., NASHVILLE Pfflffl?, AND AMERICAN. SATURDAY. APEIL 3, 1869. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, JUST HKCEIVKI) AN KLKOAW'X' HAS of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS (NsODS. which be will make up to order, in the latest and most finished style, at the lowest possible prices. enrn: tt ! aln In receiDtof a variety of Fresh nnAm fny nrHinnrv wear, and offers to eontltt- - n.r in hminrM suits of the latest patterns and most daraDie material- - van nun iuojcci uu goods at No. 15 worth unerry street. marou Our policies all mar2Qtf t.. V. FF.KBY, Agent WALL PAPES, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1840. W. FREEMAN & CO., VIIOLESALr. ASD BET1II. WALL PAPERS.! .Decorative Papar Hangings, WINDOW SHADES. VENETIAN BLINDS, LOOKESQ- - GLASSES', (lilt, Wnlnut and Rosewood Slooldinsj. Picture and Portrait Frames. EngraTinss. Artists' Materials. Patent Stop-Udde- maow Q loss, Lookine-clas- s Plates, etc, etc Prang's American Chromos, No. 13 NORTH COLLEGE STREET, XnshviUe, Tennessee. N. 15. AVb hnv from the lareestEastern Man nfaetnrcrs. at their lowest Prices to the lareost jobbing houses, and sell at the lowest market . in . r rules. uiari li I JIIANUPACTREE,S, Southern Depot! ;MAM9IUTII NEW STOCK Wall Paper, Window SMes ETC., ETC, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN W. HILL & 00. A RE NOW RECEIVING A VERY JX. large and well selected Spnng Stock ot Wall Papsr, Window Shacks, ETC.. El a. to which they invito the attention of the public, uur a.rangemcats with tho LEADING SIAXUFACrCREKS nro fucb, that wo are prepared to sell all goods in tho line at Eastern Prices, with expenses of shipping added. Call and examine new stock, and we will convince you that it is to your interest to buy oi us. uruers solicited.. JOHN W. HILL & CO., 23 South College St., marZHIjinl bet. Church and Broad GRANDE N0UVELLES1 THE FRENCH EMPRESS HAS COME to Nashville, at 1. Urnvllle'H Hiilr More, where everybody can tee her with the best assortment of Hair Braids, Curls, Chignons and Wigs, better made and cheaper than ia any other establishment in the city. Also, Hair Jewelry. Perfumeries, Comb?, Brushes, Soap, etc., etc. Come nuil Hco tor Tonrsclvpf. P. S. Private Room for Ladies' Hair-dressi- and Children's Hair-cuttin- g (Jonta Wigs made to order cheaper than in New York city. P. QRAVILlE. 25 North Cneiry St.. cor. Bank Alley. Get a Business Education BUYAKT J. STRATTOA-- S 3 MM TEJIPLi:, Nashville, Tennessee, A FfORDS A YOUNQ MAN THE MEANS XV of thorough instruction in Book-keepin- g, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Pen- manship, Partnership Settlements and the de- tails of business by all forms of correspondence and business papers. Tuition for unlimited timo by scholarship, good in all our schools, costing $M). Sessions nd night. No'racations, Nppclal OIoricn iu Penmanship Send for our College Journal, or f..r further information, address II. I K1UHAKT, I'rlUClpai" Box 1S1. Nashrillo. Tenn. decG dfwiw tf. MECHANICS TAKE NO TICE "W.R. K. Brown insured for $2,000. Itcosthim.$44 80. Ho IIKI and "The Nashville Life" paid the $2,000. mnr20tf I.. V. FERRT, Agrii!. S. RITTEE, MERCHANT TAILOR, No 21 Chnrch Street, JUST RECEIVED AN ELEGANT HAS of dcutleuieu'H llrpsH Uootlq, which be will make up to order, in the atest and most finished style, at the lowest possible prices. JcmiH SnttN. of everv variotv. mode to or der on 1h .hnrtnt nnlia. wnr9n?w JUST KEMOVKD. H. S. PEACH HAS J removed his from Col lege street to JVo. 7 Church Street. Having jut receivod a NEW STOIv OF MA- TERIAL, he is now prepared to do all kinds ot work in his line, in the the best stylo and at lowest prices. Uive htm a call. wareu 11. &. ri.Avu- - Notice to Show Cause In Bankruptcy. 'PHIS IS TO OIVE NOTICE. THAT W. H, 1 L'ivia. H. A. Carter. T. McFarlin. 1). 11. Clifle.Juan U. Huckcr andJames li. Ulonston.of Williamson county. Tennessee, bare tiled in the office of the Clerk of this oourt. their petitions lor discharge, ana H was ttiereupon ordered Dy the court that a hearing be had upon the Tsamo .... ..... . ,i r . i, icitn .u - r ill iiiui,iniin.ijiiiii, iouif, ui lllu ui ficeof the Register at the court house in Frank- lin. Tennessee, at the hours of '.. UK 10, WA. U. and 11$ J. and that all creditors who bare proven their debts, and other persons interestoJ. ruav annear at said time and place and iliow cause, if any they navy, nuy viio pruur ui euiu jiemiuus annum not bo eranted. nnd that the second mi l third meetings ef the creditors will bo bad bofore the Register at famu time and place. li. li. UAAU'uuiiii. ueti: U. S. Diit. Court Middle DUt. Tenn. mar2G3t JOSKril W. llOKTO. (). 1'. u'robkrtj Norton, Mcltolberts & Co., Southern Agricultural Warehouse, JVWf. 3S and 30, fiOVJTIT JUKHF.1 STllKET. Reapers and Mowers, Clover and Timochy Seed, Two-iHors- e "Wagons, " Tenn. and German Millet Seed, Threshers and Separators, Kentuckv Blue Grass Seed, Horse Powers, Hungarian and Red Top Seed, Corn Shellers, Plows of Every Description, Together with nil klmlH nf Flcht nmt uatfieu ncvuh. niarlOtf b. r. r. iMtiiviii: 1 NOTHER SUPPLY POTATOES. OF No. 1 CHOICE PEACH BLOW POTATOES, just received and forsalelowby DICKEY & SMITH fcb21-t- f Cor. Clark and Front streets. Make your WIFE a present of a Policy at thirty. Ii cpsts til fid r TTQOV 1 FERRT, BANES. ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK Nashville, Tenn. i IcSinN AtkTi" DEPOITORY OW TTIlf XJ United States and Agent for the &iaio ot ienne&sce. Capital Stock Paid lu........$i50,ooo Surplus or f ontlnKent Fund, A. 0. SANFORD. Pre'. J. C. McCUORV. Cash R. G JAMISON, Assistant Cashier. deel2sply. Third National Baik OF NASHVILLE, TENff; WXOCICIIOXiUJEItS i W. W. BERRY, M. BURNS. JOHN KIRKMAN. EDGAR JONES, D. WEAVER, CUAS. E. UILLltf AN. DAN'L F. CARTER, EDMUND COOPER, ALEX. FALL'S ESTATE. DEALS IN EXCHANGE, GOLD AND Government Securities. Drafts drawn in sums to suit on London, New xor&, now urieous.iiuciuuaii, awuouis, l.oai9-villfi- Memnhis. etc. and 10-4- 0 bonds always on h.Ti.I Ta. sue. w. w. UEBKTi i'resmeat, EDGAR JONES. Cashier. JOHN KIRKMAN. Vica Fresident. anr"27 Iv FOR SALE OR RENT. Dwelling for Rent. THE ELEGANT AND CENTRAL House. No. Ef Summer streat. Dcadenck and Cedar, can bo rented for the re- mainder of tte ycar-- Appiy to A. NJSLSUN & CO.. Real Estate Agents, arrl St Cherry si reet. store ANiy Warehouse FOB RKNT. 1 1 HE LARGE. WELL LOCATED AND J. Well known Store nnd WnreTinntA mit(,on curucr ui vuurcu ana uoiiego streets, lately oc- - cudicu uviuessrs. iKhAsuit jr mi . niii i. rented on reasonable terras for the year 1869. janS tf CHEATHAM. WOODS JfcCO. AT THE RE&L ESTATE, AUCTION, A X I) PRIVATE SALES MART, No. 20 Cedar Streef, "Porter's Block," WILL BE SOLD. AT 12 O'CLOCK. the 5th of April, lS6i, the follow- ing described property, viz: 80 FEET FRONT ON DEADERICK ST.. immediately east of nnd formerly constituted part of the Planter's Hotel lot. Said lot is an almost indispensable ndiunrt tn thn hntel. judging from tho readiness with which all tho Duumngs on Deaderick hare been rented, we may conclude that a row of suitable bouses built On this lot Would bo immfttintMv flmiffht after and rented. Sa .l lot is bounded on the north and alleys. 5!3i FEET ON NORTH CIIT3RRY STnP.Rr adjoining the Commercial Hotel on the north and being but one street removed from the Public Square makes it desirable for business. 4 HOUSES AND LOTS ON BROAD ST., near the residence of Mr. VT. L. Brown. Said lots aro25 feet front by 175 deep, moro or less, to an alley, and are well adapted to tho wants of men of moderate means who desire to make safe investments. TERMS-3.- C. 9 and 12 months, wiihrml in terest, lien, 1st and 2d notes secured. At our auction sales of real estate no will be countenanced. A collation will for the occasion. SCOVEL. mh23-td- s Real Agent. Annual Sale THOROUGHBRED STOCK! yy ILL TAKE PLACE AT BELLE MEADE. April 2 9, 18 6 9, Consisting of tun vpnr old Colta and Fillies. sired by Lexington and Brown Dick. Also, a fine lot of yearlings by Jack Malone aad Brown Dick. This j3 a fine opportunity fur every one to make a selection of the most approved and fashionable stock of the country. In addition to the above, I will offer a few theroughbred Mares. Alderney Bulls and Heif- er?, Berkshiro Pigs, Leicester Lambs, etc. Pedirreca furnished and terms made known on day of sale. The above stock to be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. lebZotds W.U.11AUU1KU. WHIRLWIND. THIS. CELEBRATED THOROUGHBRED borse will make the nresent season at my stables, near the Hermitage, at fifteen dollars lor common mares, ana twenty-nv- e aoiiar3 lor thoroughbreds. For particulars see bills. left at Capt. Fuller's stable. College street, will be sent to him, and any information required will be given. T. 0. TREANOR. JNashviIIc. .March z3, lS69-3- JACK MALONE WILL Stables. MAKE HIS THIRD SEASON AT TERMS One Hundred Dollars. Cor-ditio- same as last year, which, with pedigree and performances, will in his bills. leblU2m UJ w. U. UAKDIHU. DISTINGUISHED TROTTING THE IIIOI will stand the present season at Fair View Stock Farm, three miles from Gallatin, near Nashville Pike, at $50 the sea- son, payable 1st July, 1SC9. In case of failure, the mare will be, returned the next season gratis. Special attention will be given to marcs from a distance. Good grass furnished gratis, and grain fed at Cvo dollars per month. ii. tr. (JUJSAiiiAai. mar2tf Supt. Fair View Stock Farm. REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Arrington, Farrar & Weakley NO. tO MAXWELL ItOlTHE, (Church Street ) TJAVE FOR SALE CIT5T. EDQEFIKLD JLJL and Country Property. No. 00 Fraaio Cottage, No. 21 Porter strett. near anu u. Depot, with 4 rooms, at Ku cash. No. JIS Elegant Brick Residence on Park street, State Capitol rooms, No. One story Frame, near the Tunnel, SI, COO cash. No. ttt Two story Brick, corner Broad and Mci,emore frkk tcbkitort auuyiou feet, $18,000. No.ioo-Dou- blo Brick. No?. 211 and 213 I., be fi. 'J at 7 at lot at S. juaruct street, 4 rooms each mes tkeito-ey- " at $5,000 for both. No. 12S Three story Brick Store. No. CO Broad street pbie teesitort' at $12,100. No. iao "Rock City Inn." corner Square and Front street, lot 20 by 175 feet, at $12,000. AIho 125 Houses and Lots, and 2iX) vacant lots in the city, rating from 2 to sow per loot.. EDGEFIELD PROFEKTT. No. It) One story Brick, 10 rooma, on Ru'sell, near Foster street, in Cna condition, at S7.P00. No. 7 Ono story Frame on Gallatin ike, near Tulip street, with 8 rooms, at $5,000. No. 31 Une story Frame, with 4 roams, on W'ntion in rear Episcopal Church, No. ia One story Brick, with 3 rooms, on Woodland street, near Oak. at $3,500. No. I t Ono story Frame, corner Russell and Barrow streets, with 6 rooms, at 6,000. So. 45 One story Brick, with 4 rooms, on Fatherland street, Sl.OUO cash. A No 80 other Houses and Lots, and 200acant mar20 tf C. Agent. mar20 tf Fiscal 47,000 provided H.U. Estate Mares appear fronting street, ot at $2,500. at lots in r.dgeiieij, at irom to 3iu per l'KO PERT V. No. 10 Farm of 210 acres. 12 miles on Gallatin pike, well improved and very rich, at $75 per acre ; or will exebango lor goon cit;- - property. No. as 115 acres, well improved. 9 miles from tnc city, ncarli. and is, n. it., at, jxu. mi. 4i l,f00 acred. 10 miles on llydo Ferjy l ine, anu on lumoeriana rive;, nt 910 ncre. No 75-N- ca( Suiurhan Residence, witlf 12 acres land. 3 miles on llillsboro Pikoat Ji'i.OOO, No. I SJO Elegant Country Residence with 33 acres. 3 miles on Porter Pike, at S15.0C0. No. las Eleven acres choice land i& milq of . I. XT 1 T T . XT XT- -, 'n luq ii. uuu i, if epui, xiear iuiau.viuo l ii.e, ai tJUvi per acre. No. 147 100 acrei, highly improved, adjoin-iii- tho Hermitare. nt S75 ner acre. Npri,5t-- 3 tracts of 300 acres each, somewhat improved., 8 miles on Charlotte Pike, at $30 nr acre. No. !& J03 acres. Improved, 12 miles on tho Lebanon Pike, at $30 per acre. No. 1 1,(00 acres, improved, 16 miles up the uiiiuui tmm xivcr. very ricu, per acre. No. "ft 3.000 acres, a Marion county, on rail road 10 irecy uny, at uu cenu per acre. Nos ami 1SS 2 tracts of 300 acres each iuiiu,cu. anu very ricn, w miirg uown in river, at tlo per acre. 250 acres, somewhat improved. 17 miles on the E. and Ky. R. R. $1,U cash for thewhoIe. Besides the abovo. we hava EfiO nthir farms scattered through Tencossee and other States, which wo can sell very Ibw. Please call at our office and get Bulletins giving full descriptions of all our liropcrly.. Our terms are "sosi lk. ko charqk" when not made through our Influence, unless tho owner sells at a lower figure than on the books, in which case we would charge one-ha- lf commission. NOW 13 TI1K Till a to but. fel9 tf INSURE YOUR LIFE wnn jus NASHVILLE Life Insurance Company, JNO. 91. HANS, Prcft't. ! MISCELLANEOUS. Curbing and Flagging TJIOR SALE BY J? O. W. SACLPAW & CO., OFFICE-N- o.1 North Cherry streot. STONE YARD, Old Eaton Depot, near ity Church. (, , OITY HOTEL, NaHln'illo. Tenn. rjiHE ABOVE NAMED HOTEL HAS BEEN - thoroughly repainted, n p ipcrci and ro- - fittcd from cellar to garrctt. and has been ro furnished throughout with new furniture, of uuuHUBijinxi'b isuuiT ui'cu ioriuc recCfiiion of boarders, and the traveling public. The proprietors, having spared no cxp nseor pains in putting the house in comnleto order. hone to merit and receive a liberal ilimnF tuo pnunc patronage. J.A. CO. Nashville, Tenn., March 1. f. TENNESSEE JT. A. STAN SB Ult Y. Broiy'tor. BKOAD STREET, ROME, GA. Near the Railroad Dennti nrl Rl,Tnr,ni uaiiuiuK. leoas tf STEWABD WANTED. WANTED, BATTLES HOUSE, A fcteward for tho nenry House, Clarksv He. Apply to CLAY ROBERTS. feb27 tf Proprietor. The ORPHAN IS EDUCATED, and the pangs of bereavement as suaged, by this beneficent In stitution. 10 MAX WELL 'HOUSE, JJTO. M. BASS, mar20 tf President. M, FERINE...- .- L. H. HITCHCOCt NEW FIRM. A. M. PERINE & CO.. Successors to Win. I.voii & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Iron, Castings, AND TEiLtES IS . Copper, Steele, AiitIIs, Yises, Belloivs, Wagon Materials, Sash, Glass, Blinds, Doors, Agricultural Implements aud Seeds, No. 20 Nontli SlarketKt. feb tf Nashville.rTenn Welcome the Agent of the "Nashville Life" marSO tf 1 C. FERRY. ATTENTION EVERYBODY I JCST OPENED THE ROCK CITY COAL OFFICE ! 5 4 Union Street. A large supply of the choicest quality of 3ITTSBURO AND CUMBERLAND COAL. . WOOD. CI1ARCOAL AND KINDLlNd. just received and for sale, at very low bates. ao an wno wua to supply themselves witn the bcit and cheapest the market affords, we say. give us a call, Ve also invito the attention of tne puDuc to our COB IvIIVDHlVG, Patented by Jlr, Wm. Dayton, of Maysrille. Kentucky, and guaranteed to be the most re- liable, safe and Cheapest in the World. Read tho fulloninir rertlfirntn nf nmA nf lliA best business men in the city: IThis is to certifv that ire h&va ncl thn Cob Hlntlllntr mannfactnrid ami until l,v fl. W. Marshal, and find it perfectly Kcllnblo, Cheap nnd Convenient. 7e advise our friends to try it : signed W. E. Ward. Wm. Oarnble. It. W. Compton. . D. Walker, v. ur053, J, t lowers, 41 Union St. J. Farrar J. II. Itnrulp Sirann & Brown. Knight Brothers, Arrriogton, farrar A Weasley. J. U. uriuilb. N. B, We guarantee the Cob Kindling ss- - tieklt safe every respect no dauger of spontaneous combustion at all. aa some people may suppose. It is not injured by damp or wet weather, and warranted to light with the use of single match. We know it is meritorious and wn honn that everybody will call for a box. confident that all who try it, will always use it. iiememocr tne place, ROCK CITY COAL OFFICE. an 3l-3- 51 UNION STREET. ALLEN & CO., NASHVILLE, TENN. AN EXPERIENCE OP FIFTEEN AFTER in the Carriage business at our old stand. Son. 1XS anil J:14 Nor 111 Clierry Htreet, we are satisfied that we know the styles of vehicles that will suit this community. uur shops were greatly enlarged last year, anu we are now prepared to furnish not only our old customers, but the public generally, with the best work that can be offered for sale in this market, and that, too, on as reasonable terms as can be offered by any other manufactory hero or in the East. Our work is alt made of the very best selected materials, and by the best workmen, and warranted for one year. All repairing done in the neatest stvle. and pon the shortest notice. fet73m J. LUMSDEN & CO., H AKUriCTUHIRa AND DIAL1XI I HIDES OIL, a n n CURRIERS' TOOLS Ho. Ma S. MARKET STREET. Ho. ai ' NASil V1I.LK, TKSStfBSSRK. ep25-t- f 1NFOBMATION IN IT. H. CIRCUIT COURT, MID. BIS. TEN IV. APRIL TERM. ISO. No. 13DJ United States vs. Twenty caddies and two half boxes of Tobacco. WHEREAS. R. McP. SMITH, ESQ., the United States for said Dis trict, has filed his information in said Court, as well on behalf of the United States and of all persons concerned, against twenty caddies and two half boxesof tobacco, alleging among other things, that Said tobacao was seized as forfeited to the United States, for the causes in said in formation alleged. Now, therefore, in obedience to the monition of said Court, to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said property, or Knowing or having anything to say why the same should not be condemned as forfeited, and that they be and appear bofaro said Circuit Court, to be hnlden in the Federal court-roo- in the Canitol. at Nashville, Tennessee, on tno IfltU day or April, ltiou, at iu o'ciock a.m., then and there to interpose tneir claims. U. R. GLASCOCK, . marl614t U.S. Marshal. INVORHATION IN V. S. CIRCUIT COURT, HID. DIS. TENN. APRIL TERM. 1869. No. 1,380 United States ts. Five barrels Rec- - TTrnRRHAS. K. MnP. SMITH. ESQ.. AT VV torney of the United Stntcs for said Dis- trict has filed his information in said Court, as woll on behalf of the United States and of all persons concerned, against five barrels of Whis- ky (Pettus & Bxo. reputed owners), alleging among othor things, that said whisky was seizod and forfeited to the United States, for the causes in ftirl information alleired. Now, therefore in obedience to the monition of the Court, to ma directed and delivered. I ,lrv hnreliv uimfnuhlie notice to all persons claiming said property. orknowin& or having anything .to say way tne Bame snouiu uoi ue condemned as forfeited, and that they be and onnpir hnTnrn said Circuit Court, to be holden in ih Kenaral eonrt-roo- in the Capitol, at Nashville. Tennessee, on Ibe 19tn day of April, IHO'J, at 10 o'clocs a. then and there lo interpose their claims. E. R GLASCOCK. marl6-1- 4t U.S. Marshal T II 33 MAN! fJ THE MEN WHO HOLD PATRON'S t I T5i!ret nf the 2d and 3d Ssries of Wash ington Medalion Pens, are hereby informed that the drawings were made January 29, 1869. and that circulars giving full information of the numbers drawn, will be sent to persons inter- ested, on their addressing the Washington Medalion Pxx ConrAr. New York. M. B Read tho Tickets of the 4th Series. feb21 2m. GHOC EE I E S . NOTICE. T HAVE SOLD MY ENTIRE INTEREST X and stock in the Grocery Business to S. J. btine.genior partner of the lata firm of Stino a. jjirminjnam. in retiring irom tne Dusiness, I tats this occasion to return thanks to my inenus ana patrons lor. the liberal enstom always extended to me. and ask a continuance oi patronage to my successor. J. T. BROWN S. 0". STIISTE, (Snccensor to J. T. Brown.) DEALta 15 Staple & Fancy Groceries, rOBEIQS ASD DOKXSTIO Litiiiors, Wines, Ciiars, Toljacco, &C-- , Ac. &&, .No. 31, West Slilo, Public Sqnare, WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE of Nashville that in taking charge of the abovo house, he is determined to keep on hand a stock and assortment to com- pare with any similar houso in the city, and will devote his time and attention to the wants of the old customers of the house, and the pub lic generally. Choice Goods and Low Prices t Will rule nnder my administration, and I re- spectfully ask those in want of r amity Groce- - np. tn vivtt mnn trial. f All orders promptly filled, and Ooods deliv ered tree ot caargo witnin tne city limiia; I mat lm r. J. biibij YARBKOUGH fc RIJTXiAXD, AVIIOIjESBA.X11 Grocers and Commission Merchants, I 70 AND 78 SOUTH MARKET ST NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, HAVE Tea. SIX) Sacks UoUcc. various grades. 75 Hhds. Sugar, various grades. 50 Barrels Lovering's Crushed Sugar. &l Barrels Lovering's Pulverized Sugar. SO Barrels Ex. C Sugar. CO Barrels N. 0. Molassos. 75 H barrels do, 'SO Barrels Sorghum. 209 Boxes Star Candles. 150 Boxes Soap. 500 Barrels Black Lick Flour. 500 Barrels white wheat Magnolia Flour. 300 Barrels Jackson Mills flour, ass'd brands. 100 Barrels Rnby Mills Flour. 100 Barrels Iglefieart Flour. 300 130X03 1 and 2 lb. Can Oysters. SO Boxes Cheese. 2C0 bbls. P. B. Potatoes. tocoiherwith a large assortment of miscellane ous Groceries too numerous to mention. Our Liquor uennrimcm is well stocKed with Old H. C. Whisky. Nos. L. 2 and 3; imported Winci. Brandies. Gins. etc. all of which we offer to the trade at the lowest market prices for Cash. YARBROUGU & RUTLAND. or To and 73 South AlarKet tu, jan20 tf Nashvillg. Tenn. EWING & CO,5 "Wholesale Grrocers Nos. 11 AND 1C MARKET ST., IN SrORE AND TO ARRIVE JJAVE 250 Hogsheads bugar, 500 Refined Hard and SoR Sugars. 1W0 Bags Coffeo, 30OBarrels Whisky and Liquor. 300 Ban els Molasses and Sirups. 1000 Boxes Oyster. 1000 Kegs Nails. 150 Casks Soda, 30 Packages Mackerel. 1000 Boxes Candles. 500 Boxes Soan. 100 Cases Sardines, 300 Packages Raisms.- - 200 Boxes Cheese. . which, with a large lot of Canned Goods. Jro-cer- s' Drugs, Wooden Ware. Vinogar.Tes . Ci- - :ars, Spices, rooaccos, etc., tney oner x i wit, rRADE ONLY, at as low prices as any I h- - ville Merchant nnd tvt Louisville or freight ntldot. llec2C FRESH GROCERIES 1 R. L. WEAKLEY, No. 6 North College Street, (Successor to Weakley JfcTarbrougn.) JUST IN RECEIPT OF A FRESH STOCK IS of Groceries and Liquors, consisting in rait 2) hhds New Orleans Brown Sugar. 10 " " Clarified sugar. 10 " " Demerara Sugar. 100 bags choice Rio Coffee. 20 bbls Golden Mrup. 25 " Crashed Sugar. 25 " Powdered Sugar. 50hlf-bb- l Maokerel. assorted. l'O boxes Soap. 2)0 " Star Candles. 100 " Starch. 100 Cove Oysters. 110 casks Soda. 25 boxes Soda, 1 lb. papers. 50 doien Brooms. 100 " Painted Buckets. 1UI caddies assorted Teas. 25 boxes Mustard, assorted rues. 50 " Rnmtord's Yeast Powders. 10 bbls Blacking. 25 cases Richardson's Matches. 150 boxes Pickles. 100.PC0 Cigars, assorted brands- - 700 bbls Magnolia Flour. 100 " iJlacK lacK 50 boxes Cheese. ALSO. Nplce, Pepper, Ginger, Bladder, Indigo, Candy, Fancy Hoaps, NatiuecN, Since, Wrnpplne; Paper, Pepper Sauce, Wlnea I.lfjnont, All of which will be sold cheap for Cash only. In store a small lot of Mess Mackerel, as fine as ever brought to this market. nnvl2 tf R.-- L. WEAKLEY, No li North Colleee'stroat, LIQUOR DEALERS. CHAS. NELSON, Distiller and Rectifier, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FINE ROBERTSON COUNTY, bouebon, Pure Spirits and Rectified Whiskies, Nos. IS nml Nontli Hurket Street nml Nrt. 8 and Unjier Vexe. REMOVED FROM No. 2C TO JTAVINQ Nos. 13 and 20 South Market street, and 3 and 9 Upper Levee, and (Jreatiy Increased My Facilities for RECTIFYING, I am now prepared to Fill All Orders Promptly, And at the 1.0MKNT MAKH15T r'lOUUEHI I also keen constantly on hand a pure assort ment of Itoberlsou County, llourbon and Cop pered Whiskies. And respectfully ask the trade to an examina tion of my stoca. feb2T3m CHAS. HELSOaf. PRICES REDUCED. TENNESSEE IRON STOBE, Nos. 52 and 51 Worth MarbetHtrect, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. IlB HAVE NOW IN STORE A VERY TV large stock of Tennooiee Bloom nuil Kentucky Iron, viz.: I5ar, Band. Round and Square, Boiler, Sheet and HoOp. 200 Seta Wagon Axles SO Tom Hollow-war- e 0 Seta Wagon Ihim Castings, ble Skeins, SO bets Hubs & Spokes, ISO Pairs Springs, all SO Sets Buggy and Car-size- s, riage Axles, 150 Sets Wagon Boxes. SO Sets Steel Tire. 10 Tons Coopers' Hoops. to V4. together.-wit- Uorsa and Male Shoes, Nails Steel, Hammers, Anvils, Vices, Steel Plow Plate Smiths' Bellows, Pious, etc.. all of which w are selling1 at Keduccd Frlren for Cauls . To secure our Iron, look for Brand II., H. A S., Tennraxee. If.. B. fc X.. K j". JIILLMAN. BROTHER A SONS. ianl 3m 5,000 Choice Peach Treei, ONE TEAR OLD. WELL GROWN AND and healthy. Also a lot of SUPE- RIOR PEAR TREES, imported from France, tor sale at llICHLANb NDRSERY, five milts onthenardinPike. Trees will be delivered at No. 1. North College 8treet, irdwircd. . marlO lm CHEATHAM & CLEMENT The Old. Home ESTABLISHMENT 1 THE NA-SIXViriXi- E ELECTRIC WATER CURE ISiN?F.AN ACKNOWLEDQED POPULAR patronued by some of the best "ieas or tne city and State. VJLe.g1rtr.ho,,s names, diseases t v j J tient. in Chrome Diseases alone, that we have had under treatmont since January. I860. Many or them are eminent Doctors of Medicine, and Doctors of Divinity. Legislators, Congressmen. Lawyers. DentiL. Kt;tn, v.t,..,. Planters, many Ladies of the city and irom the country, all of whom we are at liberty to, and can with confidence refer. OUR SUCCESS. Wa hara ire&t.l nil .1,i,m n i.;..t. nr diseases with success. Many of our patients that have been confined to their beds for years, have been restored to health. ah AUiira Axn PAINs from any and every cause, soon relieved, not only tempora- rily, but permanently. Our Location We am located in nna nf Ihn mn-- .t hotlltW cities in the West or South. We are on high ground, and in the most airy and healthy part of the city, with no other honsa ioimn? ni nearer than two hundred feet on either side, so maiwo nave a iree circulation ot air, ana our rooms are all well ventilated on every side. ADVANTAGES. In this citv we hava m rnn.1 Mnlinl n. Mix. eral Springs of SFI.PHSJK, CIIAYJLYBE.4TE anil LIMESTOSE WATER, as can be found in the State, the waters of which will bo constantly kept, fresh, puro and cool, in the house for the use cf patients who may need them, sot at tho sick can have more advantages, and the chance of a quicker resto- ration to health, and for LESS COST in this Establishment, than they can have at any of the Springs in the United States. A Word to Strangers. Strangers traveling, whn mavbe taken sick on the way. can find in this Establishments Comfortable Home, gocd medical treatment, careful attention and suitable diet, which they cannot always get in noteL. Our latch string 13 always ont for tho recep tion and treatment of the afflicted in all dis- - rases, except such ss are contagions, which we can in no case receive. TEEATMENT. NO OPIOM. MORPHINE. CALOMEL. MEKCU'RIAL. or other poisonous medicines administered in any case in this Establishment, but on the con- trary, we extract tverytning of the kind from the system by our ELECTEIC BATHS, which are so PLEASANT. INVIGORATING and strengthening, that every patient we have hait is delighted with them, and all persons addicted to the terrible habit of taking Opium, Morphine and Laudanum, which is so often the cause of suicide, will do well to put themselves under our treatment, as we nave succeeded in breaking manv of tba pernicious habit, and cured the diseaso for which they bare taken the drug. BATHING DEPARTMENT Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bathing Rooms aro perfecctly private. We have a Lady Assistant, always in attendanco to administer to lady patients- - FEEBLE PERSONS. Patients who are very low and feeble, need- ing constant watching and attendance, wfll do well to bring a friend with Ibem. ACCOMMODATIONS. Boarding and other accommodations as good and as cheap ai any other-simil- ar institution. North or South. Examinations and consultations in our rooms FREE. ViiiU for examinations or consulta tions in any other part of the city. Five Dollars, CORRESPONDENTS. Persons writing to us for further information expecting an answer by letter, must enclose Oue Dollar, with their name and iOttonice ad dress plainly written, and they will receive lm mediate attention and answer by return of mail. PUBLICATIONS. Wa havo Published a PamnnlctrirrnNr. can laininr certificate, nf rnr n,pfnrmMl nf manv diseases, from some of the best known and most reliable citizens of Nashville, which we will sena to the address of any nerzon who will tend as a two cent stamp to pre-pa- y the postage on it. Address P. A. TV E STER YEIT, M. I ELECTRIC-WATE- CORE. No .18 Mnlberry .. NaUvlHo,TeHB. mar24 eod 6m. INSURANCE. , 0 B.C. IOSSt .'.If CAX2IXCT0.T MA30'J. ROSS & MASON, General Insurance Agents, Representing lha following well Snown reliable tompaaies: iKTXA, of IIartrr,I ; lIAKTFOzin, of Ilnrtrord; INiERN.lTIONAU rX Tortt-- OfmcE' Bintcuf TenneseB.!lri!.l;n. . of Union and Cherry streets mar 3 Zi I M S U K A- - 0 E. THE TENKESSEE Marine and Pira 1N8ITRANC COMPANT, Under the new charter. Is noworen for bnsina AT NO. 4h NORTH COLLESS STREET Next door ta eoratx of Union street. A. W. ltTJTI.EKSecretarx. John M. am. C. A. It- - Thn?,naA - aim A. L,rjesrnni Q. W. Hendershott, deei I Watson M. Cooke, D. Weaver. N. K. Griuin. John W.Terraat Aaaaor. Josepn W. Allen. The WIDOW blesses LIFE NSUBANCE. martp tf IX !. FF.RRT.i7int MUSICAL. JEt. DORMAN'fi Music Emporium, 81 Church St., Masonic Temple. NA M II V I I, I.K, a. u. TENSEHSEE C BICKERING. MILLER. STHCK". ERAD-bury.a- other Pianos ; Taylor Jt Fariey, American, and Mason Jt Ilau-Ii- Cabinet Or- gans, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. The best selected stock of Sheet Music in the South. ' . Pianos and Organs aa low as ihe fewest. Old Pianos taken in exchange for Churches and Lodge furnished cn tho most reasonable terms. Send fo- - Cata, lognes and Price Lists. Tuning and Repairing satisfactorily done mar'C'f HAINES 3BR-GTHEB- FIASCO FORTES. Full Iron Frame With Overstrung Bass. Warehouso No. U. Fourteenth street. NEW YORK. BEEN PRONOUNCED BY THE HAVE to be among tho best instru- ment! made- - First class premiun.3 taken wherever exhibited. Being one of the largest manufactories in America, (having mado and sold G72 Pianos in 1867.) we are enabled to sell at prices which defy competition. Send for i rculars and price lists. McClnre's Music Store, Wholesale and Retail. Th nndersiraed takes pleasure in announc ing to tho public that ho haj received anothor shipment of tha Haines Brothers rianoi. among which is tho Parlor Beauty." bmall sited Rosewood case, full 7 octaves, round ear- ners and carved legs. This instrument, for ia fln.iitiM nf tnnft. toneh and mechanism. attract alike tbo artist and amatuer. The low priaa at which they are offered, place them : , v. r tV.. rf nr.r? AAf hence) ther ara destined to be the great favorite of the public. My stock of Steinway. Dunham. W eber and Kraashaar Pianos is large and varied, and aro offered at factory prices. .,.,. , In Organs ana jieioacons, i uesi a m "" ett .only, which stand before the public without Sheet music and small musical merchandise in the greatest abundance, and told at lowest ite. novi-- u J aj. a. iucuui' m COTTON FACTORS. McCREA & CO., Successors to HUG II McCREA fc CO., Cciloii ami Tobacco Faeiors STORAGJC, Frodnce & Commission Merchants; 39 NOlITlI WAKKCT ASD 3 SOUTH COLLKHK; NTIlEirTH, Nashville, Tenn. CIABKSTILLE. W. H. TUEgLXY. Clarksville.Vlcnn. Bob. WooLSlDOif, Trigg County, Ky. TURNKEY & WOOLEIDQL", TuO HACCO aSD QaDoral Oommission Merchanta, Five-Pro- of TVivrelioiiso, CLARKSVILLE, TENN. WW if BUT AT HOME. UNDERSiaSED. UKtKU Itbiji THE for manufacturing Hrn, Doors, ltllndM, inside and out. Pivot aud Stationary Slats, Frames of overy descr ption. Mantalpieces. Mouldings of all kin Oj, Ba;o Boards, ilooring. Poplar and Pino telling Plank. Weatherboarding, and Building Mate- rial generally. Also. Builders and Contractors-A- ll at as low rates as can Ba imported of eijual quality. Send orders. Punctuality and dis- patch are our business creed. Office and Fac- tory adjolnlngNashvillo and Chattanooga. Rail- road Locomotive Shops, Cedar street, Nashvillo, Tennessee. . TVKJUTUtl IS l UIAilUJi, aprtdAwly Farmers, Buy at Home WAGONS ANU AGRICULTURAL YOUR 1 am manufacturing the very bast ot Steel Plows, and other Implements. Also, wagons of tho very best material and workmanship. J.ll.RU MSEY, No. 331 South Cherry street, between Ash an Mnloerry streets. locts Bin Young man take an Endow- ment Policy payable at fifty. It costs $23 20 a year. mar20 tf J NO. SI. ItXSS. Prm I STREET SPRINKLING. TO FALSE REPRESENTATIONS, OWINQ by a certain party, many citnens ot Nashville are laboring under tho impretaion that I have withdrawn from the Street prink ling Business, and that the work now being performed is by this party; also that IwaJ favored by the party in power. For the infor- mation ol" tho puhtio I would state that when I applied for tho nso of the hydrant water I was Uatly refused, saying that a con- tract had been given to another person. I will simply state that, having received from the majority or tha eitiiens, I intend to iprinklo over the tamo ground as heretofore. Hoping that tha above explanation will show things in their true light, and soliciting a con- tinuation of your patronage. I amyourobe- - diI?enbt19etfant' ' I. W. CARPENTER.

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  • ' 1 IS



    KCHEL8K'S MALL., iFroin Irish of Billy O'Hourke--

    Bachelor's Hall ! what a queer looking plaosis tir - r - t . ti ii jt r t;r- -,

    Sure, but I think whala burning disgrace it is,XT .1. i ; rmui9 BOgciuustt who.See the old bachelor gloomy and fid enough,

    Fl&fln? htm tn..trHlA thu fim?Soon it dipt over: Saint Patrick! he's sad'

    enough,(If he were present) to ficht with the Squire.

    Now liVe & hor in A. mnrfur wfLllnvinr,(Awkard enough) tee him kneading his dough;

    troiu i it ine ureaa na cjuia ate without swai- -

    How it would faTor his palate you know.His dish cloth U missing , tho pigs are devouring

    ID tbfi tinrsnit lin fiaa tiH jtrnJ M litn.A plate wanted washing, erimalkia ii scouring

    Thunder, and turf, what a pickle he's in 1

    Potsdishes, and pant, and grazy commodities.nan ana praiie eiuns Kiver ttie tloor;llu cupboard' a store-hous- e of comical

    .ouames,Thincs that had nevar been neighbors' 'belorc.

    His meal being o'er the table's left sitting so:Uianes take care of yourselves if yen can !

    But hunger returns, then he's fuming andreiiing so;

    Och ! let hint alone for the baste of a manlLate in the i !ght he goes to bed shirerin.

    Merer the bit is the bed made at all :IU creeps like a terrapin under his kiverin

    Bad lack to the picturetof Bachelor's Hall 1

    A HI.G FOB SPAIN.The advices from Madrid, which

    state that it is almost certainthat the Spanish throne 'will begiven to the Duke of Montpensier,who is expected to arrive from Lisbon in about a fortnight, show thatSpain'hasmot'ycbomancipateasilself partial sight. that operation isfrom the Louis do C own

    leans. JJuc tie Montpensier, is aBourbon, the fifth child of the lateKing Louis of France.He is married to the sister of the deposed Queen Isabella, and is a mod-est and exemplary gentleman, hiswife being also a lady of great domestic virtues, with several chil-dren, to whom the" best care hasbeen civen. Such is the accountgiven of the family by Americanvisitors. The . Spanish vote limitshis term of office to eighteen years,the exact period during which hisfather swayed tho destinies of theFrench people.

    It is difficult to conceive thatLouis Napoleon will consent thatthe House of Orleans shall supplya Kinjr to Spain. He looks with indifference to the pretensions of theelder branch of the Bourbons ; buthe appreciates the popular holdwhich the family of Louis Phil-lippe still retains upon France. Itis impossible to believe that he willconsent to this house, exiled fromFrance, regaining power and re-suming roj'alty upon the Spanishthrone. If he docs submit, it isbecause he has lost his power of in- -triguo and combination, or despairsof the lo3'ally of his French sub-jects, in caso of a collision.

    There has been an intrigue tomake one of the sons of VictorEmanuel the successor of Isabella.But the house of Savoy can showneither character or intellect to becompared with the family of LouisPhillippe. The movement for arepublic is not so much an ebullition nonular sense of

    tisans of the rival aspirants for thecrown, and chiefly of the dethronedBourbons and their imperial alty.

    The wily old Citizen King, whenhe contrived Spanish marriagesfor his sons, and procured the esspousal of the Queen with her incom-petent husband, aroused againsthimself the jealousy of the Europeandynasties. The intrigue cost him

    friendship of England, at thevital crisis of his life. Bat his self-ish policy now brings forth itsfruit Montpensier crowned atMadrid, threatens the dvnastv ofNapoleon at Paris. Even shouldthe Emperor live out his term, andthe indications of public sentimentarc seriously threatening, it will boalmost impossible to transmit his

    through the regency of theEmpress, to his son.

    The Orleans part' in France isstrong and hopeful. It embraceseven such revolutionists as ViclcrHugo. It includes the publicists,the men of the press and the tribune,silenced and rcductd to nullitiesunder the repressive sj'stem of theEmperor. The Bourgeoisie and themonied classes would welcome againthe moderate administration andpeaceful reign of tho Citizen King.It can not be denied that the Parlia-mentary era which followed the expulsion of Charles X. was the mostbrilliant in the histor' of France.History, poetry, the drama and thearts, seemed to partake of the popular energy. The com; d'etat of Do- -

    n.n1ft.n.1 4l,t nnmlia .IT"

    France and cowed its heart.The Duke of Montpensier will not

    take his seat at Madrid without difficulties. The Bourbons and therepublicans will work to the sameend against him. But if he succeedsin ballling these enemies, Europewill welcome the change and Spain

    profit by it

    THE HI.INIr I'KEACIIEK.Krinnrhnble Opprntlou on Hit

    (lis Krr. Mr, .Unburn.Tho l'aris European Xcws gives

    an interesting account of tho operation pcriorincd in Jiciiin uponMr. Milburn's eyes:

    "The Rev. Mr. Milburn has justreturned to Paris from Belgium,where he has been for threemonths past in care of theoculibt, Prof. Gracfe. On the9th of December the Professorperformed the first operation uponMr. Milburn "s right C3'e, cutting ahole, inserting a hook, aiine the iris from the old withwhich to line the new one, and thentrimming the edges dexterouslywith scissors. The thrcc-lol- d precess occupied nearly five minutes.The eye did remarkably well forabout twelve days, but from someunexplained cause interior inflammation then began, which soonthreatened disorganization and tho

    loss of the eye. A few daysthereafter Mr. Milburn was sud- -iUmiIv seized by a violent attack of

    what tho Tihysiciaas pronounced todo inflammation of tho neht lunrr,which soon placed him in a criti-cal condition. "Whilo this discasowaB at its height, iowovcr.-strang- oto say, tho oyo began to improve,and its inflammation soon abated.Alter Jslr. Jiilborns recovorv.Graofo examined the eve carefullya number of times, which verifiedhia previous diaeonosis. and that ofDr. William Frederic Hojcombe, ofAcw ork for a long timo a pupa or Yon tiraefe who, by" thoway, was tho first person to holdout to Hr. Milburn the prospect ofa partial restoration ot his sight bytuo same operation.

    "in consequence of tho nearlyclosed state of the pupil and of theopacities ot the cornea it had beenimpossible hitherto to see tho interior of the eye, but tho new pupildisclosed tho fact that the crystalline lens is opaque. To removethis it will be necessary to run the

    along the whole lower orupper margin of tho oye, and toremove the Ions by pressure or theuse of hooks. It was expected thatthis could be done in three or lourweeks after tho first operation, buturaelo now gives it as his opinionthat in .consequence ol tho inflammation it will not bo safoto oporatoagain under some months. Although Mr. Milburn's power ofvision has hardly been improved,ho has now tho dehmto prospect,should tho second operation bo successful, of at least tho recovery of

    AsBourbons. Or-- ono invention, aud


    one which ho performs with a surerhand than any other person, it isot course tho wish ot Mr. Milburnand his friends that ho should perforin it. Mr. Milburn will thereforeprobably remain in Europo untilthis can bo done. Wo understandthat Mr. Milburn has been invitedby a number of tho leading Americans in .fans, loremost amongwhom is our Minister, Gen. Dix, togive a courso ot lectures. Thofirst, 'What a Blind Man Saw inEngland will bo delivered in thoAmerican Chapel, Eue do Berri, on.brum evening next, tho 2bth inst.,

    This will followed by four other lectures."

    CUBA.I'rojjxcss of the War A tail 'a .State

    ment of the Exaet Coudltlon of Affairs Independence Certain.The New Haven Palladium pub

    extracts from a letter writtenbj a Cuban lad' to a friend in thatcit The letter bears date Havana,March 12. We quote :

    Since I wro'le you last the warhas been prosecuted with redoubledvigor, lou know that nry sj'mpa- -thies are ontireh' with tho revolutionists. Mj' constant prayer is forCuba s independence, and I believethat that prayer will be granted. Itis quite certaa that the people ofthis "ever-faituru- r isle are deter-mined in the stand the' have taken,aud that they will nover suspendhostilities until the freedom of Cubais won. i can assure you that tnercnever was a braver army than thatwhich is the command ofGen. Cespedcs a man whose heartis in the right place, and whosesword will never be sheathed untilthe war on the part of the revolutionists shall have been crownedwith success. He is ono of the noblest of men a patriot in every

    of feclinsr. as the the word.. . . - I olmrtcf. Ilfli70 llim








    j v





    result The people.

    I could tell much about the atrocities which the government troopsarc constantly perpetrating, andhow tucy seem to take a fiendish delight in inflicting these barbarities.It was only a day or two since thata Cuban named Martinez a wealthygentlcmau, owning a large plantastion some fifteen miles in the inte-rior was attacked while ridingalong a road not far from his residence and brutally murdered bysome government soldiers. It wassubsequcnlty ascertained that SenorMartinez had been marked, owingto the fact that he was known tofavor the revolution. He had nottaken any active part in thewar, however, although his moneyhad helped to swell the meansfor carrying on the revolution. Many, many assassinations of a similar nature areconstantly being committed.I receive the American papers byeverv steamer, and am not at all astonished to find that they are butpoorly informed in regard to affairs on this island, lhis is owingto the fact that the covernment exercises a most arbitrary censorshipover the press of this city, as alsoover the telegraph. It the telecrams from Cuba, which i see inthe New lork papers, are ail juaiarc sent over tho cable, I must assure you that they are very inaccurate in their statements, and are somanipulated as to create an imprcssion that the government is con"ducting the war on the most humane principles, aud that the revolution is fast coming to an end. i uefact is. that the patriotic people ofthis island are subiected to a reignof terror. The slightest suspicionagainst any person, high or low, issufficient to induce the bloodthirstySpaniards to either kill him or placehim in some dungeon, tucro to oetreated with every indignity, andperhaps finally shot with hardly amoment s warning. T-- uefore I close my letter I must saysomething to you about a matter inwhich I know you must feel thedeepest interest. I mean the recognition of Cuba by tho governmentof the United States. The imprcssion is general here among all patriotic classes that your new President, Gen. Grant, favors giving usa recognition, at least as a belhgcient power or as an independent nation. Of course, we would prefertho latter, but would extend to thefhrmnr n most irratelul welcome, ithink that Cuba is entitled to recoLnition by the United States, and Ibelieve that it will not be manydays before she will receive it.

    C ... aThere is one thing that tuc Amer

    ican people may rest assured of, andthat is Cuba is going to gain ncrindependence. The glorious suecess may be some time distant, butI will venture the prediction matbefore the close of tho coming amn- -inor tho. Snartish troops will bedriven from tho Island and the inriimntwfoncG of Caba recorded inhiftory. Viva Cuba!

    On Saturday nicht last, a body ol 0armed uion visited the jail of Edmonsoncountv. Kr.. and took from thencoThomas Lancaster, who kiilea ur. uato- -wood at Kock Hill, last September, andhunc him. The murder of Gatewoodwas brutal and unprovoked. Lancasterwas tried last week, but the jury failedto agree, standing eleven for hanging, andono for acquittal, upon the ground of insanity.

    To Oar Friends ami Patrons.generous interest of our friends in

    extending the circulation of the Uhiohact Amebicah is Euch as to call for thiwannest possible expression of. our thanks.We feel that the best return we can makeis to pledge increased exertions to make thepaper worthy, not only of the patronage of

    present list, but of a place in everycounting-room-, professional omce and n re--Bide in thcStat. This, we are striving todo. The more readers we have the betterpaper we can make and the more good wetan accomplish. We want to double thecirculation of the Union and American.


    If every one who now receives it willend us one more name, the list

    will be doubled at onceCan not you, friend, send us one more

    name ? Speak to that neighbor who don ttake it, and to that young man whogreatly needs something Democratic toread. Just try : if you fail, try asralii IWe feel confident that nearly every one ofour present subscribers could send us onemore name, if he would only try. It,would be a small item to each one, but theaggregate would be of great importance tois. One more ; will you try ?

    JOB PRINTING.To such of our patrons and friends as

    need job-wo- rk in any department of printing, we would state that we are thoroughlyprepared lo execute all orders at the shortest notice, in the best style of the art, andthat too on the most reasonable terms. Wehave three splendid job offices consolidatedin one, and we allow no other office to surpass ours in the style or cheapness of jobprinting. Send in your orders and weguarantee entire satisfaction. It is our

    ighest ambition to please our patrons.

    OCUACEHTS.The following gentlemen are authorized

    and requested to act as Agents for theUnion and American, and to receive andeceipt for subscriptions and advertisements

    the same:EAST TENNESSEE.

    V. C. Allen, Decatur.B. G. Manard, Bristol.8. N. Fain, Mossy Creek.C. Austin, Austin's MilKJames Luttrell, Knoxville.Patten & Payne, Chattanooga.John A. Hood, Loudon.H. Liggett, Kingston.James li. Eeed, Athens.Hugh L. Fry, Sweetwater.Capt. W. D. Haynes, Blountville.Marsh Ingel, Union Depot.Dower & Fain, Jonesboro.Col. Wm. Stringfield, Rogersville.


    T. L. Shullz, Concord.W. T. Harrison, Smeedsvilie.John II. Officer, Calf-Kill- P. O.Chilton & Yatei, Haley's Station.Ogilvie & Hazlcwood, College Grore.John W. Faxon, Clarksville.Arch Thomas, Springfield.R. F. Ferguson, Teacher's Mill.W. It Saddler, Fort's Station.O. B. Wright, Gallatin.J. H. Brockett, Lafayette.A. A. Swope, Carthage.A. W. Williams, Dixon's Springs.W. G. Cox, Gainsboro.P. Turney and J. A. Fancher, Snarla.T. Whaley, Smithville.R. Kirkpatrick, Butler's Landing.Williamson & Martin,F, It. Pennebaker, 'jMKnA. O. II. P. Sehorn, Murfreesboro.W. II. McFerrin, Woodbnrv.Howard W. Newman, Winchester.II. L. VV alung, McMinnviIIe.O. H. P. Harris, Livingston.R. Murphy, and S. R. Hailey, Warlrace.K. r . Hunt, lullauoma.D. P. Rathbone, Mancherfpr.E.G. Curlle, Bradyville.Wm. Barton, Readyville.John Laws, Farmington.Robt. V- - Rankin, Bell Buckle.A. A. Steele, Lewisburg.John A. Gannaway, Unionville. .G.r. Baskelte, and --M. B. Moorman ot

    Ero., Shelbvville.Geo. W. Morgan, Fayelteville.J. A. Johnson and 1. M. Jackson,

    Eagleville.A. h. Dnrhau, JNormandy.Dr. J. B. Mathews, Edgefield.Simpson & Cleland, Brentwood.T. J. Watson, S. B. Rozell, FranUiiu.J. li. Htepnen8on, bpnng li;!l.Banks & Drake, Thompson's Sin ion.



    V. II. Engle, and A. D. Friersnn, Col- -lumbia.

    W. M. Irwin, and J. S,Pleasant.


    A. H. Htgdon, Lynnville.H. Wilkei and G. W. Moore, Culle- -

    Wm. Harris, CornerBvilIe.W. J. Ridceway, Elkton.F. G. Tignor, Pulaski.



    E. W. llolt, Bunker Hill.II. Denton, Cookeville.Matthews & Davenport, Lawrenceburg.Maj. Brashear, Linden.W. L. Morris, Waynesboro.A. G. McDoujral, Savannah.Col. L. McCullum, Centerville.W. W. Iloblra.Waverly.Tho. C. Morris, Charlotte.Seater & Son, Kingston Springs.G. B. Hughes, Clifton.Slielton & HuM, J. S. Yaihrnugh, John- -

    sonville.James P. Flood, Dover.R. G. Kellfy, KtllejV Landing.J. M. Vester, Ashland City.E. W. Yates, Mulberry.B. H. Barry A Co., Lynchburg.Thos. Comer, McMinnviIIe.Dr. A. M. Hall, Petersburg.W. R. Loving, Richmond.


    B. F. Moriia, Farmville.I. M. Johnson, Cageville.A- - K. Hall, Huntingdon.W. A. Steele and W. P. Morris", Camden,A. R. Hou?e, Ralston Station,Wm. Laudrum, Dresden.Louis M. Williams, Newbern.W. A Debaw, J. O. Bledsoe, Union CityCab. Shtill, I'urdy.A. 8. Currey, Trenton.

    V. I. Wwtbrook, Brownfiville.Polk Alexander, Gleeson Station.Maj. John H. Bill?, Bolivar.N.Y. Cavitt, Pari.S. Peoples, Gardner Station.Scales & Seward, Humboldt.J. II. Davis, Hickman, Ky.John L. Webb, Dyersburg.W. C. Vail, Chestnut BlulT.J. II. Scott, Madison StationCapt. W. Wheeler, Ripley.W. J. Pitts, Double Bridges.John T. Douclass. Covincton.Dr. D. II. Thomas & Co., Laneficld and

    Mason's Grove.Maj. LG. II. Bradford, Woodville,George II. Prince, McKcnzie StationJ.M.Null,W. H. Hill. Palo Alto, Miss.

    an8 6m

    J . O H L Y .

    No. 15 JSortb Cherry St.,



    JUST HKCEIVKI) AN KLKOAW'X'HAS of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS (NsODS.which be will make up to order, in the latestand most finished style, at the lowest possibleprices. enrn:

    tt ! aln In receiDtof a variety of FreshnnAm fny nrHinnrv wear, and offers to eontltt- -n.r in hminrM suits of the latest patterns andmost daraDie material- - van nun iuojcci uugoods at No. 15 worth unerry street.


    Our policies allmar2Qtf t.. V. FF.KBY, Agent




    WALL PAPERS.!.Decorative Papar Hangings,


    (lilt, Wnlnut and Rosewood Slooldinsj. Pictureand Portrait Frames. EngraTinss. Artists'

    Materials. Patent Stop-Udde- maowQ loss, Lookine-clas- s Plates, etc, etc

    Prang's American Chromos,No. 13 NORTH COLLEGE STREET,

    XnshviUe, Tennessee.N. 15. AVb hnv from the lareestEastern Man

    nfaetnrcrs. at their lowest Prices to the lareostjobbing houses, and sell at the lowest market. in . rrules. uiari li


    Southern Depot!


    Wall Paper, Window SMes

    ETC., ETC,



    JX. large and well selected Spnng Stock ot

    Wall Papsr, Window Shacks,ETC.. El a.

    to which they invito the attention of thepublic, uur a.rangemcats with tho


    nro fucb, that wo are prepared to sell allgoods in tho line at

    Eastern Prices,with expenses of shipping added.

    Call and examine new stock, and we willconvince you that it is to your interest to buyoi us. uruers solicited..

    JOHN W. HILL & CO.,23 South College St.,

    marZHIjinl bet. Church and Broad


    THE FRENCH EMPRESS HAS COMEto Nashville, at 1. Urnvllle'HHiilr More, where everybody can tee herwith the best assortment of Hair Braids, Curls,Chignons and Wigs, better made and cheaperthan ia any other establishment in the city.

    Also, Hair Jewelry. Perfumeries, Comb?,Brushes, Soap, etc., etc.

    Come nuil Hco tor Tonrsclvpf.P. S. Private Room for Ladies' Hair-dressi-

    and Children's Hair-cuttin- g(Jonta Wigs made to order cheaper than in

    New York city.P. QRAVILlE.

    25 North Cneiry St.. cor. Bank Alley.

    Get a Business Education


    3 MM TEJIPLi:,

    Nashville, Tennessee,A FfORDS A YOUNQ MAN THE MEANS

    XV of thorough instruction in Book-keepin- g,Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Pen-manship, Partnership Settlements and the de-tails of business by all forms of correspondenceand business papers.

    Tuition for unlimited timo by scholarship,good in all our schools, costing $M).

    Sessions nd night. No'racations,

    Nppclal OIoricn iu Penmanship

    Send for our College Journal, or f..r furtherinformation, address

    II. I K1UHAKT, I'rlUClpai"Box 1S1. Nashrillo. Tenn.

    decG dfwiw tf.

    MECHANICS TAKE NOTICE "W.R. K. Brown insuredfor $2,000. Itcosthim.$44 80.Ho IIKI and "The NashvilleLife" paid the $2,000.

    mnr20tf I.. V. FERRT, Agrii!.


    No 21 Chnrch Street,

    JUST RECEIVED AN ELEGANTHAS of dcutleuieu'H llrpsH Uootlq,which be will make up to order, in the atestand most finished style, at the lowest possibleprices.

    JcmiH SnttN. of everv variotv. mode to order on 1h .hnrtnt nnlia. wnr9n?w

    JUST KEMOVKD. H. S. PEACH HASJ removed his from Col

    lege street toJVo. 7 Church Street.

    Having jut receivod a NEW STOIv OF MA-TERIAL, he is now prepared to do all kindsot work in his line, in the the best stylo and atlowest prices. Uive htm a call.

    wareu 11. &. ri.Avu- -

    Notice to Show Cause In Bankruptcy.'PHIS IS TO OIVE NOTICE. THAT W. H,

    1 L'ivia. H. A. Carter. T. McFarlin. 1). 11.Clifle.Juan U. Huckcr andJames li. Ulonston.ofWilliamson county. Tennessee, bare tiled in theoffice of the Clerk of this oourt. their petitionslor discharge, ana H was ttiereupon ordered Dythe court that a hearing be had upon the Tsamo.... ..... . ,i r . i, icitn .u - rill iiiui,iniin.ijiiiii, iouif, ui lllu uificeof the Register at the court house in Frank-lin. Tennessee, at the hours of '.. UK10, WA. U. and 11$ J. and that allcreditors who bare proven their debts, andother persons interestoJ. ruav annear at saidtime and place and iliow cause, if any theynavy, nuy viio pruur ui euiu jiemiuus annumnot bo eranted. nnd that the second mi l thirdmeetings ef the creditors will bo bad bofore theRegister at famu time and place.

    li. li. UAAU'uuiiii. ueti:U. S. Diit. Court Middle DUt. Tenn.

    mar2G3tJOSKril W. llOKTO. (). 1'. u'robkrtjNorton, Mcltolberts & Co.,Southern Agricultural Warehouse,

    JVWf. 3S and 30,fiOVJTIT JUKHF.1 STllKET.

    Reapers and Mowers,Clover and Timochy Seed,Two-iHors- e "Wagons, "Tenn. and German Millet Seed,Threshers and Separators,Kentuckv Blue Grass Seed,Horse Powers,Hungarian and Red Top Seed,Corn Shellers,Plows of Every Description,Together with nil klmlH nf Flcht nmt

    uatfieu ncvuh.niarlOtf b. r. r.

    iMtiiviii:1 NOTHER SUPPLY


    PEACH BLOW POTATOES, just received and

    forsalelowbyDICKEY & SMITH

    fcb21-t- f Cor. Clark and Front streets.

    Make your WIFE a presentof a Policy at thirty. Ii cpststil fid r TTQOV 1



    NATIONAL BANKNashville, Tenn.

    i IcSinN AtkTi" DEPOITORY OW TTIlfXJ United States and Agent for the&iaio ot ienne&sce.Capital Stock Paid lu........$i50,oooSurplus or fontlnKent Fund,A. 0. SANFORD. Pre'. J. C. McCUORV. Cash

    R. G JAMISON, Assistant Cashier.deel2sply.

    Third National BaikOF




    DEALS IN EXCHANGE, GOLD ANDGovernment Securities.Drafts drawn in sums to suit on London, New

    xor&, now urieous.iiuciuuaii, awuouis, l.oai9-villfi-Memnhis. etc.

    and 10-4- 0 bonds always on h.Ti.I Ta.sue.

    w. w. UEBKTi i'resmeat,EDGAR JONES. Cashier.

    JOHN KIRKMAN. Vica Fresident.anr"27 Iv

    FOR SALE OR RENT.Dwelling for Rent.

    THE ELEGANT AND CENTRALHouse. No. Ef Summer streat. and Cedar, can bo rented for the re-mainder of tte ycar--

    Appiy to A. NJSLSUN & CO..Real Estate Agents,

    arrl St Cherry si reet.

    store ANiy WarehouseFOB RKNT.

    1 1 HE LARGE. WELL LOCATED ANDJ. Well known Store nnd WnreTinntA mit(,oncurucr ui vuurcu ana uoiiego streets, lately oc--cudicu uviuessrs. iKhAsuit jr mi . niii i.rented on reasonable terras for the year 1869.

    janS tf CHEATHAM. WOODS JfcCO.


    A X I)


    No. 20 Cedar Streef,

    "Porter's Block,"WILL BE SOLD. AT 12 O'CLOCK.the 5th of April, lS6i, the follow-ing described property, viz:

    80 FEET FRONT ON DEADERICK ST..immediately east of nnd formerly constitutedpart of the Planter's Hotel lot. Said lot is analmost indispensable ndiunrt tn thn hntel.judging from tho readiness with which all thoDuumngs on Deaderick hare been rented, wemay conclude that a row of suitable bousesbuilt On this lot Would bo immfttintMv flmiffhtafter and rented. Sa .l lot is bounded on thenorth and alleys.

    5!3i FEET ON NORTH CIIT3RRY STnP.Rradjoining the Commercial Hotel on the northand being but one street removed from thePublic Square makes it desirable for business.

    4 HOUSES AND LOTS ON BROAD ST.,near the residence of Mr. VT. L. Brown. Saidlots aro25 feet front by 175 deep, moro or less, toan alley, and are well adapted to tho wants ofmen of moderate means who desire to makesafe investments.

    TERMS-3.- C. 9 and 12 months, wiihrml interest, lien, 1st and 2d notes secured.

    At our auction sales of real estate nowill be countenanced.

    A collation will for the occasion.SCOVEL.

    mh23-td- s Real Agent.

    Annual Sale



    April 2 9, 18 6 9,Consisting of tun vpnr old Colta and Fillies.sired by Lexington and Brown Dick. Also, afine lot of yearlings by Jack Malone aad BrownDick. This j3 a fine opportunity fur every oneto make a selection of the most approved andfashionable stock of the country.

    In addition to the above, I will offer a fewtheroughbred Mares. Alderney Bulls and Heif-er?, Berkshiro Pigs, Leicester Lambs, etc.

    Pedirreca furnished and terms made knownon day of sale. The above stock to be sold tothe highest bidder without reserve.

    lebZotds W.U.11AUU1KU.


    borse will make the nresent season at mystables, near the Hermitage, at fifteen dollarslor common mares, ana twenty-nv- e aoiiar3 lorthoroughbreds. For particulars see bills.left at Capt. Fuller's stable. College street, willbe sent to him, and any information requiredwill be given. T. 0. TREANOR.

    JNashviIIc. .March z3, lS69-3-


    TERMS One Hundred Dollars. Cor-ditio-same as last year, which, with pedigree

    and performances, will in his bills.leblU2m UJ w. U. UAKDIHU.

    DISTINGUISHED TROTTINGTHE IIIOI will stand the present seasonat Fair View Stock Farm, three miles fromGallatin, near Nashville Pike, at $50 the sea-son, payable 1st July, 1SC9. In case of failure,the mare will be, returned the next seasongratis. Special attention will be given to marcsfrom a distance. Good grass furnished gratis,and grain fed at Cvo dollars per month.

    ii. tr. (JUJSAiiiAai.mar2tf Supt. Fair View Stock Farm.


    Arrington, Farrar & WeakleyNO. tO MAXWELL ItOlTHE,

    (Church Street )


    No. 00 Fraaio Cottage, No. 21 Porter strett.near anu u. Depot, with 4 rooms, at Kucash.

    No. JIS Elegant Brick Residence on Parkstreet, State Capitol rooms,

    No. One story Frame, near the Tunnel,SI, COO cash.

    No. ttt Two story Brick, corner Broad andMci,emore frkk tcbkitort auuyioufeet, $18,000.

    No.ioo-Dou- blo Brick. No?. 211 and 213




    'J at

    7 at


    S.juaruct street, 4 rooms each mes tkeito-ey- "

    at $5,000 for both.No. 12S Three story Brick Store. No. CO

    Broad street pbie teesitort' at $12,100.No. iao "Rock City Inn." corner Square and

    Front street, lot 20 by 175 feet, at $12,000.AIho 125 Houses and Lots, and 2iX) vacant lots

    in the city, rating from 2 to sow per loot..EDGEFIELD PROFEKTT.

    No. It) One story Brick, 10 rooma, on Ru'sell,near Foster street, in Cna condition, at S7.P00.

    No. 7 Ono story Frame on Gallatin ike,near Tulip street, with 8 rooms, at $5,000.

    No. 31 Une story Frame, with 4 roams, onW'ntion in rear Episcopal Church,

    No. ia One story Brick, with 3 rooms, onWoodland street, near Oak. at $3,500.

    No. I t Ono story Frame, corner Russell andBarrow streets, with 6 rooms, at 6,000.

    So. 45 One story Brick, with 4 rooms, onFatherland street, Sl.OUO cash.

    A No 80 other Houses and Lots, and 200acant

    mar20 tf C. Agent. mar20 tf








    street, otat $2,500.


    lots in r.dgeiieij, at irom to 3iu per

    l'KO PERT V.No. 10 Farm of 210 acres. 12 miles on Gallatin

    pike, well improved and very rich, at $75 peracre ; or will exebango lor goon cit;- - property.

    No. as 115 acres, well improved. 9 miles fromtnc city, ncarli. and is, n. it., at, jxu.

    mi. 4i l,f00 acred. 10 miles on llydo Ferjyl ine, anu on lumoeriana rive;, nt 910ncre.

    No 75-N- ca( Suiurhan Residence, witlf 12acres land. 3 miles on llillsboro Pikoat Ji'i.OOO,

    No. I SJO Elegant Country Residence with 33acres. 3 miles on Porter Pike, at S15.0C0.

    No. las Eleven acres choice land i& milq of. I. XT 1 T T . XT XT- -, 'nluq ii. uuu i, if epui, xiear iuiau.viuo l ii.e,ai tJUvi per acre.

    No. 147 100 acrei, highly improved, adjoin-iii-tho Hermitare. nt S75 ner acre.

    Npri,5t-- 3 tracts of 300 acres each, somewhatimproved., 8 miles on Charlotte Pike, at $30nr acre.

    No. !& J03 acres. Improved, 12 miles on thoLebanon Pike, at $30 per acre.

    No. 1 1,(00 acres, improved, 16 miles up theuiiiuui tmm xivcr. very ricu, per acre.No. "ft 3.000 acres, a Marion county, on rail

    road 10 irecy uny, at uu cenu per acre.Nos ami 1SS 2 tracts of 300 acres each

    iuiiu,cu. anu very ricn, w miirg uown inriver, at tlo per acre.

    250 acres, somewhat improved. 17miles on the E. and Ky. R. R. $1,U cash forthewhoIe.Besides the abovo. we hava EfiO nthir farms

    scattered through Tencossee and other States,which wo can sell very Ibw. Please call at ouroffice and get Bulletins giving full descriptionsof all our liropcrly.. Our terms are "sosi lk. kocharqk" when not made through our Influence,unless tho owner sells at a lower figure than onthe books, in which case we would charge one-ha- lf

    commission.NOW 13 TI1K Till a to but. fel9 tf


    NASHVILLELife Insurance Company,

    JNO. 91. HANS, Prcft't.



    Curbing and FlaggingTJIOR SALE BYJ? O. W. SACLPAW & CO.,

    OFFICE-N- o.1 North Cherry streot.

    STONE YARD, Old Eaton Depot, nearity Church. (, ,

    OITY HOTEL,NaHln'illo. Tenn.

    rjiHE ABOVE NAMED HOTEL HAS BEEN- thoroughly repainted, n p ipcrci and ro- -fittcd from cellar to garrctt. and has been rofurnished throughout with new furniture, ofuuuHUBijinxi'b isuuiT ui'cu ioriuc recCfiiionof boarders, and the traveling public.

    The proprietors, having spared no cxp nseorpains in putting the house in comnleto order.hone to merit and receive a liberal ilimnFtuo pnunc patronage.

    J.A. CO.Nashville, Tenn., March 1. f.

    TENNESSEEJT. A. STAN SB Ult Y. Broiy'tor.

    BKOAD STREET, ROME, GA.Near the Railroad Dennti nrl Rl,Tnr,ni

    uaiiuiuK. leoas tf




    A fcteward for tho nenry House, Clarksv He.Apply to CLAY ROBERTS.

    feb27 tf Proprietor.The ORPHAN IS EDUCATED, and

    the pangs of bereavement assuaged, by this beneficent Institution.


    mar20 tf President.M, FERINE...- .- L. H. HITCHCOCt


    Successors to


    Iron, Castings,AND TEiLtES IS .

    Copper, Steele,AiitIIs, Yises, Belloivs,

    Wagon Materials, Sash, Glass,Blinds, Doors,

    Agricultural Implements aud Seeds,No. 20 Nontli SlarketKt.

    feb tf Nashville.rTenn

    Welcome the Agent of the"Nashville Life"

    marSO tf 1 C. FERRY.




    5 4 Union Street.A large supply of the choicest quality of3ITTSBURO AND CUMBERLAND COAL.. WOOD. CI1ARCOAL AND KINDLlNd.

    just received and for sale, at very low an wno wua to supply themselves witn thebcit and cheapest the market affords, we say.give us a call, Ve also invito the attention oftne puDuc to our

    COB IvIIVDHlVG,Patented by Jlr, Wm. Dayton, of Maysrille.Kentucky, and guaranteed to be the most re-liable, safe and

    Cheapest in the World.Read tho fulloninir rertlfirntn nf nmA nf lliA

    best business men in the city:

    IThis is to certifv that ire h&va ncl thn CobHlntlllntr mannfactnrid ami until l,v fl. W.Marshal, and find it perfectly

    Kcllnblo, Cheap nnd Convenient.7e advise our friends to try it : signed

    W. E. Ward. Wm. Oarnble.It. W. Compton. . D. Walker,

    v. ur053, J, t lowers, 41 Union St.J. Farrar J. II. ItnrulpSirann & Brown. Knight Brothers,Arrriogton, farrar A Weasley.

    J. U. uriuilb.N. B, We guarantee the Cob Kindling ss--

    tieklt safe every respect no dauger ofspontaneous combustion at all. aa some peoplemay suppose. It is not injured by damp or wetweather, and warranted to light with the use of

    single match.We know it is meritorious and wn honn that

    everybody will call for a box. confident that allwho try it, will always use it.

    iiememocr tne place,ROCK CITY COAL OFFICE.

    an 3l-3- 51 UNION STREET.

    ALLEN & CO.,


    AN EXPERIENCE OP FIFTEENAFTER in the Carriage business at our oldstand. Son. 1XS anil J:14 Nor 111 ClierryHtreet, we are satisfied that we know thestyles of vehicles that will suit this community.uur shops were greatly enlarged last year, anuwe are now prepared to furnish not only our oldcustomers, but the public generally, with thebest work that can be offered for sale in thismarket, and that, too, on as reasonable termsas can be offered by any other manufactory heroor in the East. Our work is alt made of thevery best selected materials, and by the bestworkmen, and warranted for one year.

    All repairing done in the neatest stvle. andpon the shortest notice. fet73m



    a n n



    ep25-t- f


    APRIL TERM. ISO.No. 13DJ United States vs. Twenty caddies

    and two half boxes of Tobacco.

    WHEREAS. R. McP. SMITH, ESQ.,the United States for said District, has filed his information in said Court, aswell on behalf of the United States and of allpersons concerned, against twenty caddies andtwo half boxesof tobacco, alleging among otherthings, that Said tobacao was seized as forfeitedto the United States, for the causes in said information alleged.

    Now, therefore, in obedience to the monitionof said Court, to me directed and delivered. Ido hereby give public notice to all personsclaiming said property, or Knowing or havinganything to say why the same should not becondemned as forfeited, and that they be andappear bofaro said Circuit Court, to be hnldenin the Federal court-roo- in the Canitol. atNashville, Tennessee, on tno IfltU day orApril, ltiou, at iu o'ciock a.m., then and thereto interpose tneir claims.

    U. R. GLASCOCK, .marl614t U.S. Marshal.


    APRIL TERM. 1869.No. 1,380 United States ts. Five barrels Rec- -

    TTrnRRHAS. K. MnP. SMITH. ESQ.. ATVV torney of the United Stntcs for said Dis-

    trict has filed his information in said Court, aswoll on behalf of the United States and of allpersons concerned, against five barrels of Whis-ky (Pettus & Bxo. reputed owners), allegingamong othor things, that said whisky was seizodand forfeited to the United States, for the causesin ftirl information alleired.

    Now, therefore in obedience to the monitionof the Court, to ma directed and delivered. I,lrv hnreliv uimfnuhlie notice to all personsclaiming said property. orknowin& or havinganything .to say way tne Bame snouiu uoi uecondemned as forfeited, and that they be andonnpir hnTnrn said Circuit Court, to be holdenin ih Kenaral eonrt-roo- in the Capitol, atNashville. Tennessee, on Ibe 19tn day ofApril, IHO'J, at 10 o'clocs a. then andthere lo interpose their claims.

    E. R GLASCOCK.marl6-1- 4t U.S. Marshal

    T II 33 MAN!fJ THE MEN WHO HOLD PATRON'St I T5i!ret nf the 2d and 3d Ssries of Washington Medalion Pens, are hereby informedthat the drawings were made January 29, 1869.and that circulars giving full information of thenumbers drawn, will be sent to persons inter-ested, on their addressing the WashingtonMedalion Pxx ConrAr. New York.

    M. B Read tho Tickets of the 4th Series.feb21 2m.


    T HAVE SOLD MY ENTIRE INTERESTX and stock in the Grocery Business to S. J.btine.genior partner of the lata firm of Stinoa. jjirminjnam. in retiring irom tne Dusiness,I tats this occasion to return thanks to myinenus ana patrons lor. the liberal enstomalways extended to me. and ask a continuanceoi patronage to my successor.

    J. T. BROWN

    S. 0". STIISTE,(Snccensor to J. T. Brown.)

    DEALta 15

    Staple & Fancy Groceries,rOBEIQS ASD DOKXSTIO

    Litiiiors, Wines, Ciiars, Toljacco,

    &C-- , Ac. &&,

    .No. 31, West Slilo, Public Sqnare,

    WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEof Nashville that in takingcharge of the abovo house, he is determined tokeep on hand a stock and assortment to com-pare with any similar houso in the city, andwill devote his time and attention to the wantsof the old customers of the house, and the public generally.

    Choice Goods and Low Pricest

    Will rule nnder my administration, and I re-spectfully ask those in want of r amity Groce- -np. tn vivtt mnn trial.f All orders promptly filled, and Ooods deliv

    ered tree ot caargo witnin tne city limiia;I mat lm r. J. biibijYARBKOUGH fc RIJTXiAXD,

    AVIIOIjESBA.X11Grocers and Commission Merchants,I 70 AND 78 SOUTH MARKET ST

    NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE,HAVE Tea.SIX) Sacks UoUcc. various grades.

    75 Hhds. Sugar, various grades.50 Barrels Lovering's Crushed Sugar.&l Barrels Lovering's Pulverized Sugar.SO Barrels Ex. C Sugar.CO Barrels N. 0. Molassos. 75 H barrels do,

    'SO Barrels Sorghum.209 Boxes Star Candles. 150 Boxes Soap.500 Barrels Black Lick Flour.500 Barrels white wheat Magnolia Flour.300 Barrels Jackson Mills flour, ass'd brands.100 Barrels Rnby Mills Flour.100 Barrels Iglefieart Flour.300 130X03 1 and 2 lb. Can Oysters.

    SO Boxes Cheese. 2C0 bbls. P. B. Potatoes.tocoiherwith a large assortment of miscellaneous Groceries too numerous to mention.

    Our Liquor uennrimcm is well stocKedwith Old H. C. Whisky. Nos. L. 2 and 3; importedWinci. Brandies. Gins. etc. all of which weoffer to the trade at the lowest market prices forCash. YARBROUGU & RUTLAND.


    To and 73 South AlarKet tu,jan20 tf Nashvillg. Tenn.

    EWING & CO,5"Wholesale Grrocers

    Nos. 11 AND 1C MARKET ST.,

    IN SrORE AND TO ARRIVEJJAVE250 Hogsheads bugar,500 Refined Hard and SoR Sugars.

    1W0 Bags Coffeo,30OBarrels Whisky and Liquor.300 Ban els Molasses and Sirups.

    1000 Boxes Oyster.1000 Kegs Nails.150 Casks Soda,3 0 Packages Mackerel.

    1000 Boxes Candles.500 Boxes Soan.100 Cases Sardines,300 Packages Raisms.--200 Boxes Cheese. .

    which, with a large lot of Canned Goods. Jro-cer- s'Drugs, Wooden Ware. Vinogar.Tes . Ci- -

    :ars, Spices, rooaccos, etc., tney oner x i wit,rRADE ONLY, at as low prices as any I h- -

    ville Merchant nnd tvt Louisville orfreight ntldot. llec2C


    R. L. WEAKLEY,No. 6 North College Street,

    (Successor to Weakley JfcTarbrougn.)

    JUST IN RECEIPT OF A FRESH STOCKISof Groceries and Liquors, consisting in rait2) hhds New Orleans Brown Sugar.10 " " Clarified sugar.10 " " Demerara Sugar.

    100 bags choice Rio Coffee.20 bbls Golden Mrup.25 " Crashed Sugar.25 " Powdered Sugar.50hlf-bb-l Maokerel. assorted.

    l'O boxes Soap.2)0 " Star Candles.100 " Starch.100 Cove Oysters.110 casks Soda.25 boxes Soda, 1 lb. papers.50 doien Brooms.

    100 " Painted Buckets.1UI caddies assorted Teas.25 boxes Mustard, assorted rues.50 " Rnmtord's Yeast Powders.10 bbls Blacking.25 cases Richardson's Matches.

    150 boxes Pickles.100.PC0 Cigars, assorted brands- -700 bbls Magnolia Flour.100 " iJlacK lacK50 boxes Cheese.

    ALSO.Nplce, Pepper,

    Ginger, Bladder,Indigo, Candy,

    Fancy Hoaps,NatiuecN, Since,

    Wrnpplne; Paper, Pepper Sauce,Wlnea I.lfjnont,

    All of which will be sold cheap for Cash only.

    In store a small lot of Mess Mackerel, as fineas ever brought to this market.

    nnvl2 tf

    R.-- L. WEAKLEY,No li North Colleee'stroat,



    Distiller and Rectifier,WHOLESALE DEALER IN


    bouebon,Pure Spirits and Rectified Whiskies,

    Nos. IS nml Nontli Hurket Streetnml Nrt. 8 and Unjier Vexe.

    REMOVED FROM No. 2C TOJTAVINQNos. 13 and 20 South Market street, and 3 and 9

    Upper Levee, and

    (Jreatiy Increased My Facilities for

    RECTIFYING,I am now prepared to

    Fill All Orders Promptly,

    And at the


    I also keen constantly on hand a pure assortment of

    Itoberlsou County, llourbon and Coppered Whiskies.

    And respectfully ask the trade to an examination of my stoca.

    feb2T3m CHAS. HELSOaf.


    TENNESSEE IRON STOBE,Nos. 52 and 51 Worth MarbetHtrect,


    IlB HAVE NOW IN STORE A VERYTV large stock of Tennooiee Bloom nuilKentucky Iron, viz.: I5ar, Band. Roundand Square, Boiler, Sheet and HoOp.200 Seta Wagon Axles SO Tom Hollow-war- e

    0 Seta Wagon Ihim Castings,ble Skeins, SO bets Hubs & Spokes,

    ISO Pairs Springs, all SO Sets Buggy and Car-size- s,riage Axles,

    150 Sets Wagon Boxes. SO Sets Steel Tire.10 Tons Coopers' Hoops. to V4.

    together.-wit- Uorsa and Male Shoes, NailsSteel, Hammers, Anvils, Vices, Steel Plow PlateSmiths' Bellows, Pious, etc.. all of which ware selling1 at Keduccd Frlren for Cauls .

    To secure our Iron, look for Brand II., H. AS., Tennraxee. If.. B. fc X.. K j".


    5,000 Choice Peach Treei,ONE TEAR OLD. WELL GROWN ANDand healthy. Also a lot of SUPE-RIOR PEAR TREES, imported from France,tor sale at llICHLANb NDRSERY, five miltsonthenardinPike. Trees will be deliveredat No. 1. North College 8treet, irdwircd.. marlO lm CHEATHAM & CLEMENT

    The Old. Home


    THE NA-SIXViriXi- E


    ISiN?F.AN ACKNOWLEDQED POPULARpatronued by some of the best"ieas or tne city and State.VJLe.g1rtr.ho,,s names, diseasest v j Jtient. in Chrome Diseases alone, that we havehad under treatmont since January. I860. Manyor them are eminent Doctors of Medicine, andDoctors of Divinity. Legislators, Congressmen.Lawyers. DentiL. Kt;tn, v.t,..,.

    Planters, many Ladies of the city and irom thecountry, all of whom we are at liberty to, andcan with confidence refer.

    OUR SUCCESS.Wa hara ire&t.l nil .1,i,m n i.;..t. nr

    diseases with success. Many of our patientsthat have been confined to their beds for years,have been restored to health.

    ah AUiira Axn PAINs from any andevery cause, soon relieved, not only tempora-rily, but permanently.

    Our LocationWe am located in nna nf Ihn mn-- .t hotlltW

    cities in the West or South. We are on highground, and in the most airy and healthy partof the city, with no other honsa ioimn? ninearer than two hundred feet on either side, somaiwo nave a iree circulation ot air, ana ourrooms are all well ventilated on every side.

    ADVANTAGES.In this citv we hava m rnn.1 Mnlinl n. Mix.

    eral Springs of




    as can be found in the State, the waters ofwhich will bo constantly kept, fresh, puro andcool, in the house for the use cf patients whomay need them, sot at tho sick can have moreadvantages, and the chance of a quicker resto-ration to health, and for

    LESS COSTin this Establishment, than they can have atany of the Springs in the United States.

    A Word to Strangers.

    Strangers traveling, whn mavbe taken sickon the way. can find in this Establishments

    Comfortable Home,

    gocd medical treatment, careful attention andsuitable diet, which they cannot always get innoteL.

    Our latch string 13 always ont for tho reception and treatment of the afflicted in all dis- -rases, except such ss are contagions, which wecan in no case receive.





    or other poisonous medicines administered inany case in this Establishment, but on the con-trary, we extract tverytning of the kind fromthe system by our

    ELECTEIC BATHS,which are so PLEASANT. INVIGORATINGand strengthening, that every patient we havehait is delighted with them, and all personsaddicted to the terrible habit of taking Opium,Morphine and Laudanum, which is so often thecause of suicide, will do well to put themselvesunder our treatment, as we nave succeeded inbreaking manv of tba pernicious habit, andcured the diseaso for which they bare takenthe drug.


    Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bathing Rooms aroperfecctly private. We have a Lady Assistant,always in attendanco to administer to ladypatients- -

    FEEBLE PERSONS.Patients who are very low and feeble, need-

    ing constant watching and attendance, wfll dowell to bring a friend with Ibem.


    Boarding and other accommodations as goodand as cheap ai any other-simil- ar institution.North or South.

    Examinations and consultations in our roomsFREE. ViiiU for examinations or consultations in any other part of the city. Five Dollars,

    CORRESPONDENTS.Persons writing to us for further information

    expecting an answer by letter, must encloseOue Dollar, with their name and iOttonice address plainly written, and they will receive lmmediate attention and answer by return ofmail.

    PUBLICATIONS.Wa havo Published a PamnnlctrirrnNr. can

    laininr certificate, nf rnr n,pfnrmMl nf manvdiseases, from some of the best known and mostreliable citizens of Nashville, which we willsena to the address of any nerzon who will tendas a two cent stamp to pre-pa- y the postage on it.



    No .18 Mnlberry .. NaUvlHo,TeHB.mar24 eod 6m.

    INSURANCE. , 0B.C. IOSSt .'.If CAX2IXCT0.T MA30'J.

    ROSS & MASON,General Insurance Agents,Representing lha following well Snown reliable

    tompaaies:iKTXA, of IIartrr,I ;

    lIAKTFOzin, of Ilnrtrord;INiERN.lTIONAU rX Tortt--

    OfmcE' Bintcuf TenneseB.!lri!.l;n. .of Union and Cherry streets mar 3 Zi

    I M S U K A- - 0 E.


    Marine and Pira1N8ITRANC COMPANT,

    Under the new charter. Is noworen for bnsina


    Next door ta eoratx of Union street.

    A. W. ltTJTI.EKSecretarx.

    John M. am.C. A. It- - Thn?,naA -aim A. L,rjesrnniQ. W. Hendershott,

    deei I

    Watson M. Cooke,D. Weaver.N. K. Griuin.John W.Terraat

    Aaaaor.Josepn W. Allen.

    The WIDOW blesses LIFENSUBANCE.martp tf IX !. FF.RRT.i7int

    MUSICAL.JEt. DORMAN'fiMusic Emporium,81 Church St., Masonic Temple.

    N A M II V I I, I.K,

    a. u.


    CBICKERING. MILLER. STHCK". ERAD-bury.a-other Pianos ; Taylor Jt Fariey,American, and Mason Jt Ilau-Ii- Cabinet Or-gans, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise.

    The best selected stock of Sheet Music in theSouth. ' .

    Pianos and Organs aa low as ihe fewest. OldPianos taken in exchange for

    Churches and Lodge furnished cntho most reasonable terms. Send fo- - Cata,lognes and Price Lists. Tuning and Repairingsatisfactorily done mar'C'f


    FIASCO FORTES.Full Iron Frame With

    Overstrung Bass.Warehouso No. U. Fourteenth street.

    NEW YORK.BEEN PRONOUNCED BY THEHAVE to be among tho best instru-

    ment! made- - First class premiun.3 takenwherever exhibited. Being one of the largestmanufactories in America, (having mado andsold G72 Pianos in 1867.) we are enabled to sellat prices which defy competition. Send fori rculars and price lists.

    McClnre's Music Store,Wholesale and Retail.

    Th nndersiraed takes pleasure in announcing to tho public that ho haj received anothorshipment of tha Haines Brothers rianoi.among which is tho Parlor Beauty." bmallsited Rosewood case, full 7 octaves, round ear-ners and carved legs. This instrument, for ia

    fln.iitiM nf tnnft. toneh and mechanism.attract alike tbo artist and amatuer. The lowpriaa at which they are offered, place them

    : , v. r tV.. rf nr.r? AAf hence) ther aradestined to be the great favorite of the public.

    My stock of Steinway. Dunham. W eber andKraashaar Pianos is large and varied, and arooffered at factory prices. .,.,. ,

    In Organs ana jieioacons, i uesi a m ""ett .only, which stand before the public without

    Sheet music and small musical merchandisein the greatest abundance, and told at lowestite. novi-- u J aj. a. iucuui' m


    McCREA & CO.,Successors to

    HUGII McCREA fc CO.,

    Cciloii ami Tobacco Faeiors


    Frodnce & Commission Merchants;39 NOlITlI WAKKCT



    Nashville, Tenn.


    Clarksville.Vlcnn.Bob. WooLSlDOif,

    Trigg County, Ky.



    QaDoral Oommission Merchanta,

    Five-Pro- of TVivrelioiiso,CLARKSVILLE, TENN.

    WW if

    BUT AT HOME.UNDERSiaSED. UKtKU ItbijiTHE for manufacturing Hrn,

    Doors, ltllndM, inside and out. Pivot audStationary Slats, Frames of overy descr ption.

    Mantalpieces. Mouldings of all kinOj, Ba;oBoards, ilooring. Poplar and Pino tellingPlank. Weatherboarding, and Building Mate-rial generally. Also. Builders and Contractors-A- ll

    at as low rates as can Ba imported of eijualquality. Send orders. Punctuality and dis-patch are our business creed. Office and Fac-tory adjolnlngNashvillo and Chattanooga. Rail-road Locomotive Shops, Cedar street, Nashvillo,Tennessee. .

    TVKJUTUtl IS l UIAilUJi,aprtdAwlyFarmers, Buy at Home

    WAGONS ANU AGRICULTURALYOUR 1 am manufacturing the verybast ot Steel Plows, and other Implements.Also, wagons of tho very best material andworkmanship. J.ll.RU MSEY,No. 331 South Cherry street, between Ash an

    Mnloerry streets. locts Bin

    Young man take an Endow-ment Policy payable at fifty.It costs $23 20 a year.

    mar20 tf J NO. SI. ItXSS. Prm I

    STREET SPRINKLING.TO FALSE REPRESENTATIONS,OWINQ by a certain party, many citnens ot

    Nashville are laboring under tho impretaionthat I have withdrawn from the Street prinkling Business, and that the work now beingperformed is by this party; also that IwaJfavored by the party in power. For the infor-mation ol" tho puhtio I would statethat when I applied for tho nso of the hydrantwater I was Uatly refused, saying that a con-tract had been given to another person.

    I will simply state that, having receivedfrom the majority or tha

    eitiiens, I intend to iprinklo over the tamoground as heretofore.

    Hoping that tha above explanation will showthings in their true light, and soliciting a con-tinuation of your patronage. I amyourobe- -diI?enbt19etfant' ' I. W. CARPENTER.