naskah soal un bahasa inggris smp (paket a87)

IA871 I ",m, •. No Peserta: BAHASA INGGRIS SMP/MTs SMP/MTs I i J , ; ri , r / I' I r / ,. J ' I r I ' li JJJIANNASIONAL /. TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011/2012 I ,,', .I ~ , / :-:,' I J J , , 0 ;.~ ..',',.:-' , ,',_,''''.,:'1 :_;1':'.,<~.' ,> ',1 . '~: ,.,,' ) ~. G~~i;f ! ., r BAHASA INGGRIS Selasa, 24 April 2012 (08.00 - 10.00) , , .'- .~. \ /' - ••••.. _lI!!!!!!I:te ,/ ,'.~ _~_~~r- // "d)i} ~I . ~.':A,.. Badan Standar Nasional Pendldlkofl. --- _:~~~~

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:t;;,;~~:,,;;f'''.._:'~;M~jf~~lj:E;;\~~J4\~J~;.;~:::'Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisJenjang : SMP/MTs

~;~:~\~lY~~~;~;-;?,¥:~.£l;~f~¥~~8,t~WAN,;tt;..Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 24 April 2012Jam : 08.00 - 10.00

I. Isilah Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN) Anda sebagai berikut:a. Nama Peserta pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan

di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya.b. Nomor Peserta, Tanggal Lahir, dan Paket Soal (lihat kanan atas sampul

naskah) pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatandi bawahnya sesuai dengan angka/huruf di atasnya.

c. Hitamkan bulatan pada kolom Nama Mata Ujian yang sedang diujikan.d. Nama Sekolah,. Tanggal Ujian, dan Bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda I

pada kotak yang disediakan.2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan Paket Soal tersebut.3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat)

pilihan jawaban. .Periksa dan laporkan kepada pengawas uj ian apabila terdapat lembar soalyang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alatbantu hitung lainnya.Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.Lembar soal boleh dicoret-coret.


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The followin text is for uestions number 1 to 3.Haw ta stap Nase B1eeding

(1) First, laasen the cIathing araund yaur neck.(2) Put a cattan pad in the bleeding nastri!.(3) Then sit dawn with yaur head leaning farward.(4) Squeeze yaur nase until it staps bleeding.(5 If aur na se cantinues ta bleed, call a dactar.

I. Fram the text we knaw that the last thing ta da ta stap nase bleeding is ....A. see a dactar for professianal help .B. change the cattan pad in the nastri!C. lay dawn an the flaar ta stap bleedingD. keep an squeezing the bleeding nastril

2. From the text we are suggested that we shauld ....A. nat lean backward when have nase bleedingB. call a dactar immediately in a case .of nase bleedingC. squeeze yaur nase until it staps bleedingD. never put a cattan pad in a bleeding nastril

3. "oooo until i!staps bleeding."The underlined ward refers ta ....

A. headB. clathC. naseD. cattan

The followinl! text is for Questions number 4 to 6.I live in a small village cal led Dempet in Demak, Central Java. It is a nice and

quiet place. My hause is near a bridge which gaes ta amarket. Behind my hause is a bigriver. The street in frant .ofmy hause is about ten meters wide.

Peaple in my village are mastly farmers. They grows paddy, watermdans, andcucumbers. S.ome peaple eam their living by r~sing cattle, sucli as gaiiG, sheeps, andcaws. Same athers are traders. They sell ci6psand ather stuff at the market.--

Early in the maming, the street in front of my hause is always crowded by peaplegaing ta the market. The gaads are carried by harse carts and bicvcIes.

4. What da the peaple in the writer's village mastly da far a living? By being alan ...A. farmer.B. seller.C. sepherd.D. trader.

5. Haw da the villagers earn they living? They are ...A. growing flawers.B. raising chicken.C. selling paddy.D. driving harse carts.

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6. "They selI crops and other stuff at the market." (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word has similar meaning with ....A. merchandisesB. harvest goodsC. cattlesD. gifts

Read the followin text to answer uestion number 7.DUE TO MANY SHARP CORALS,


7. Where do we usualIy find the text?A. At the lake.B. At the beach.C. At the river bank.D. At the swimming pool.

The folIowin text is for uestions number 8 to 10.Boyolali regency is located in north of Solo and east of Merapi and Merbabu

Mountains. This regency has been known for its production of fresh milk for a long time.No wonder, the cow statues adorn Boyolali town. \

There are six main cow statues in Boyolali. They are displayed in different places.The statues are made of concrete. The colour and shape are made in such a way toresemble the real cows. However, the size is made bigger to catch the eye.

Besides decorating the town, the statues also turn out to be helpful for people fromout of town to find places they are seeking in Boyolali. By mentianing the position of thestatue, people can get their way easil .

8. " oo. they are seeking in Boyolali" (paragraph 3)What does the underlined word refer to?

A. People from out town.B. Places in Boyolali.C. Cow statues.D. Real cows.

9. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. The statues help people to find places easily.B. The statues decorate the town beautifully.C. The cow can get their way easily around the town.D. The people from out of town easily find the statues.

10. The text mainly telIs us about ....A. the colour of the statuesB. cow statues in BoyolaliC. a town calIed BoyolaliD. how to raise cows

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The followin2 text is for Questions number 11 to.13.It was about 7.00 p.m. I was studying in my study when my brother, Yuda, suddenly


My mother and I panicked, so we took him to the nearest clinic. When we arrivedthere, some nurses laid him on a strecher. They took him -to the doctor' s room. Then thedoctor asked some questions to my mother.

Finally, the doctor said that Yuda would be fine by dinner time. He told Yuda to eatnutrious food. The food had to contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerais.My mother looked very relieved because Yuda was not seriously ii!.

11. When did Yuda vomit?A. in the moruingB. in the afternoonC. in the eveningD. after dinner

12. What did the doctor do after examined Yuda?A. He asked some questions to motherB. He brought Yuda to the treatment roomC. He asked Yuda to eat nutritions foodD. He asked the nurse to lay him down

13. The main idea of the last paragraph is that ....A. Yuda will be fineB. he has to eat good foodC. mother feels happyD. Yuda need carbohydrates

The followin2 text is for ouestionsnumber 14 to 16.One day, a boy got up with the feeling that the day was going to be unlucky day

for him. He found that it was already 6.50 a.m_,he rushed into the bathroom. In a hurry hedid not see a piece of soap lying on the floor, he stepped on it and sIipped.

Then, he went into the dining room for his breakfast. He gulped down the teawithout realizing that it was very hot, so it burut his tongue. He got dressed and rushed tothe bus stop. Unfortunately, he just missed the bus. His heart sank and knew that he wouldbe late for school and his teacher would be angrv with him again.

14. "He gulped down the tea without realizing that liwas very hot, ... " (Paragraph 2)

The word lirefers to ....A. the tongueB. the toastC: the teaD. the coffee

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15. What happened with the boy whenhe got his breakfast?A. His breakfast was not ready.B. He did not prepare iI.C. He burned his toast.D. He hurt his tongue

16. The text tells us about the boy's ....A. good dayB. luckydayC. bad dayD. fine day

The folIowing text is for questions number 17 to 19Most crabs have a (17) ... shell to protect their bodies. The hermit crab has a soft

body and no shell of its own. In order to (18) ... itself, it will find an empty mollusc shelland squeeze inside (19) ... Then with only its logs and head sticking old, it will walkaround the sea-bed searching for food.


A. 3-7-5-2-4-1-6-8B. 3 - 7 - 2 - 5 - 1 - 6 - 8 - 4C. 3-7-5-2-8-6-1-4D. 3-7-4-5-6-2-1-8

A. shinyB. softC. thick v'D. hard

A. close ,/B. hideC. protectD. put ,/

A. completelyB. insufficientlyC. partlyD. slightly






I'Arrange these words into a meaningful sentence. 4f>.?'someone - glad - the king - to work - to fmd - who - was - wanted ~

1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 ~':>~~


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21. Arrange these sentences into a meaningful recount text.(l) Thirty people died, all of them were British.(2) There were only four survivors, who managed to get out through a broken window.(3) There was a terrible accident on the motorway near Gondolfo last night.(4) Luckily the motorway was quiet and no other vehicle was involved in the crash.(5) The coach was owned by Gladway Tours London.(6) And the driver was in hurry.(7) A coach overtumed and caught fire.(8) The coach left London two hours late.

A. 3-7-1-5-4-2-6-8B. 3 - 7 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 6C. 3 - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 6 - 8 - 4D. 3-7-5-8-6-4-2-1

The followinl! text is for Questions number 22 to 25.Once a farmer owned adonkeyand a lapdog. The donkey worked hard all day,

hauling heavy loads. The lapdog stayed with his master all day, and lived in the housewith him. He did not work, but was allowed to sit on the master' s lap. The donkey grewjealous ofthe lapdog.

Perhaps if I behave like the dog, like wag my tail and jump on the master, themaster will start loving me as much as he does the dog. So the donkey decided to waitfor his chance.

One day, when he was !ef! unattended, the donkey broke his halter and ran intbthe farmhouse kitchen. There the farmer sat at table. The donkey rushed up to him andbegan wagging his tail vigorously, and knocked off all the china from the table. He then .started jumping around and frolicking like a little dog, and finally plonked himself downon the farmer's lap. The shocked farmer yelled for help. The farmhands carne rwming inand dragged the donkey off to his stable, and gave him a beating he did not forget for therest of his life.

22. What made the donkey jealous of the dog?A. The hal ter that he has to wear.B. The beating that he has.C. The farmer's care to the dog.D. The chance to stay inside the house.

23. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. The donkey wanted to be loved by its master.B. The way the farmer treated the donkey.C. The things done by the donkey to be loved.D. The dog's habit is liked by the master.

24. The best title for the text is?A. The farmer and his dog.B. The donkey and the lapdog.C. The farmer and the donkey.D. The dog and it's master

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25. What can we learn from the text?A. It is good to share things with others.B. It is not good to help others.C. It is not good to be envious to others.D. It is good to keep your promise.

The followin text is for uestions number 26 to 29.The travelers and a tree

One summer day, two men werewalking. Soon it became too hot to go anyfurther. Then, seeing a large tree nearby, theythrew themselves on the ground to rest in its •shade.

Gazing up into the branches one mansaid to the other. "What a useless three this is. Itdoes not have fruit or nuts that we can eat andwe cannot even use its wood for anything."

"Don't be so ungrateful," rustled the treein reply. "I am being extremely useful to you atthis very moment, shielding you from the hotsun. And you call me a good-for-nothing!".Then the gentIe winds blew and made thetravelles fall aslee .

26. What was the day like according to the story?A. Rather cloudyB. VerywarmC. Cool enoughD. Very hot

27. The men had to stop under the tree because ....A. the tree was so uselessB. they were ungratefulC. it was too hot to go futherD. they were faIlen asleep

28. "Don't be so ungrateful," (Paragraph 3)What does the word "ungrateful" in the sentence mean?

A. Very boastfulB. Too attentiveC. Really thankfulD. Not appreciative

29. What can you learn fram the story?A. All of God's creations have purposes.B. For all travelers, trees are useful for resting.C. Being a good for nothing is not very nice.D. We may not travel during the summer.

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Com lete the followin ara ra h with correct word.I went to Germany with my family ... (30) a school holiday a few years ago. It wasgetting dark, so we were looking for ahotel. Then we ... (31) upon two hotels next eachother with ... (32 0 ening. We 'ust randomly chose one and settIed for the night.




A. forB. fromC. smceD. during

A. comeB. cameC. comesD. commg

A. parkB. storeC. jobD. room

The followinl!'text is for questions number 33 and 34.DearDimas,Do you have any plans for next weekend? Tono and I are going fishing at my uncle'shouse. It's been a long time since we spent a weekend together. Will you join us? Mybrother, Tono, will drive us to the village. If you are interested, let me know soon.


33. Why does Akmal ask Dimas to join them for the weekend?A. Dimas is one of Akmal' s best friend.B. Akmal knows that Dimas likes fishing.C. Dimas doesn't have any plans for weekend.D. It's been long since they spent a weekend together.

34. From the message we can conclude that ....A. all of the boys have the same hobbiesB. they will go to the village by carC. both Dimas and Tono are Akmal's best friendsD. they always spend their weekend together

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The followin text is for uestiolls number 35 and 36.DearJohn,

Let me congratulate you on your success as the best pop singer in 2012.I hope you always perform the best in the next show..

Love,Cind .

35. From the text above, we know that ...A. John performs the best in the show.B. Cindy performs the best in the show.C. Cindy wants to be the best in the show.D. John hopes he will be the best in the next show.

36. "I hope you always perform the best ... "

The underlined word can be replaced with ....A. playB. singC. readD. dance

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The folIowing text is for questions number 37 and 38.

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Al' 7:001'111 FOR COCKTAII.S


IIEORIlTS: 919.345.2654-----#--

37. What does the Thompson family do?A. Introduce Santa to their friends.B. Open the door for their friends.C. Inform their new house to their friends.D. Invite their friends to a cocktail party.

38. From the text we can say that ....A. Cecily and Brandon have different addressesB. Santa is going to move to a new house this yearC. Santa always opens the door for Thompson familyD. the Thompson family will move to a new house

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Read the text and answer Questions 39 to 42.Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike

fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for

sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water,which is why you can look through them.

Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is madeby a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for severalreasons. For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals theylike to eat.

Most jellyfish live in sah water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water.Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seasand in icy waters near the North and South poles.

39. Which one creates Jellyfish's light?A. White blood.B. Nervous system.C. Chemical reaction.D. Salt water.

40. Based on the text, we know that ....A. they belong to invertebrate animals.B. they have heads like other animals.C. their brain helps them find the food.D. they cannot live in fresh water.

4 I. What is the text about?A. Jellyfish.B. Kinds of all fish.C. All invertebrate animals.D. Some kinds of sea animals.

42. "Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light." (paragraph 3 )The Word "glow" in the sentence means ....

A. moveB. produceC. appearD. shine

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The followinl!: text is for Questions number 43 to 45.Announcement

Based on the Approval Letter of the Govemor of Bank Indonesia no.13/108/KEP.GBI/2011 on 29 December 2011, we are pleased to announce that effectivefrom 12 January 2012,

PT Saphire Bankhas changed its name toPT Bank Diamond Indonesia

The name change refIects the shareholding increase of Saphire Group Limited from 85%to 99% in PT Bank Diamond Indonesia as well as our strong and continuing support toIndonesia's economic growth.

Jakarta, 12 January 2012

Board of DirectorsPT Bank Diamond Indonesia

43. Why does the bank change its name? Because ....A. they commited to support Indonesian economic grownthB. there are some changes in shareholdingC. the govemor of Bank Indonesia request itD. they already announce it to the public

44. "The name change refIects the shareholding increase ..."The underlined word c10sest in meaning with ....

A. mirrorsB. showsC. makesD. improves

45. The text above is about ....A. Bank Indonesia c10sing a certain bankB. a change of a bank ownershipC. a change of name of a bankD. an announcement of a bank bankruptcy

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The followin text is for uestions number 46 and 47.COLD BREAKER


Fast re1ieffor:0 CongestioIi 100 tablets0 Runnynose USP0 Coughs 200 mg0 Headache0 Fever


46. Which of the folIowing sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine?A. Headache.B. Coughs.C. Cancer.D. Fever.

47. What's the writer's purpose to write the text above?A. To inform the process of making Cold Breaker.B. To persuade people to use the product.C. To explain the ingredients of the product.D. To describe the illnesses that can be cured.

The folIowinI! text is for questions number 48 to 50.Dear Ima,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Adiba Salma Zakiya, just call me Salma. I'm fromBima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. I read your profile in NONA magazine and would like to beone of your friends. It's a bit hard to find internet connection here, so I decided to write aletter instead of an e-mail to you. I hope you don't mind.

I'm the first child in my family. My parents have four children. I go to SMP 3 Sape,Bima. Now, I'm in the ninth grade. My hobby is cooking, that's why I can cook manykinds of Bimanese traditional dishes. Besides, I also like to play Kareku Kandei. It's atraditional music performance from Bima. Girls pound their pestles to amortar to createharmonious sound. Kareku Kandei is usually performed on special events such asIndependence Day, Kartini Day, etc.

I would love to know you better, would you tell me more about yourselftoo.



48. How did Salma know about Ima's profile?A. By writing a letter to Ima.B. By sending an e-mail to Ima.C. By reading her profile in a magazine.D .. By being one ofher friends.

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49. What is the main idea of paragraph one?A. Salma described her hometown.B. Both Salma and Ima liked NONA magazine.C. Salma found Ima's profile in NONA magazine.D. Salma complained about the internet connection.

50. The text mainly tells us about ....A. the description of Salma's hometownB. Salma's introduction to ImaC. Salma's family and her hobbiesD. the condition of a remote area in Bima

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