nation building (nb)

Nation Building (NB) Knowledge Management (KM) Virtual Work Environment (VWE)

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Nation Building (NB). Knowledge Management (KM). Virtual Work Environment (VWE). Tacit – Explicit Knowledge. Tacit Knowledge is what we do not know that we know. Examples: know-how; rules of thumb; experience; insight; intuition; etc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Nation Building (NB)Knowledge Management (KM)

Virtual Work Environment (VWE)

Tacit Knowledge is what we do not know that we know.Examples: know-how; rules of thumb; experience; insight; intuition; etc

Explicit knowledge encompasses the things we know that we can write down; share with others; and put into a knowledge repository. Explicit Knowledge can be replicated and is codifiable.

Tacit – Explicit Knowledge

Explicit Knowledge to Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital includes everything an organization knows. It can beanything/everything; but bottom line: it is knowledge that an organization canturn into operational and mission success. (packaged Explicit Knowledge)

Locations of IntellectualCapital

1. Email

2. Personal computer drives and network drives

3. Web Sites (Content Managers)

4. Filing cabinet and desk drawers

5. Corporate Data Bases

Definition of a VWE A secured extranet work environment which

houses an organization’s operations, information processes, and knowledge infrastructure.

It is an adaptable, integrated, shared community workspace where co-located or distributed people can collaborate, work on tasks, and solve problems cooperatively.

It extends operations beyond physical, ‘brick and mortar’, constraints and is a force multiplier.

VWE is not a Technology VWE is a “complex adaptive collaboration

community” – the environment functionality remains constant while approaches can be uniquely optimized to match each business need.

The community is governed by norms, policies, and rules for the good of ALL of the community members

Build and implement from the bottom up;Model and encourage middle to engage;Catalyst to shift Top Down at tipping point

•Process• 30%

• 20•Training

%• 20


•People• 30%

Simmons, 2007

“Work is something you do,

Not a place you go.”

VWE End Goals

Create and facilitate an environment for “human” collaboration;

Which, accelerates the speed of knowledge exchange; enhances Situation Awareness (SA); and spreads knowledge from the center to the tactical edges (and back);

Which, becomes the foundation for “Agile Commands” with a goal of organizational success.


Faster Communication response time is almost instant,

while preparing response is still slow. Centralized knowledge reduces response time.

Better Knowledge is not littered in emails or in network

and workstation drives; but is centralized and accessible from anywhere at anytime.

[ Why Build and adopt a Virtual Work Environment]

Cheaper Development cost less and refinements are

less expensive. Operations saves on response time; saves labor hours; and saves knowledge production costs.

Smarter Organizational SA improved. Reduced

knowledge handling improves accuracy. Less disjointed knowledge enhances decision making.

[ Why Build and adopt a Virtual Work Environment]

Shifted Initial Design Phase from 7 Months to 3 Months

UUNS Process Improved from 6 Months to 75 Days

Doctrine Process Improved from 39 Months to 18 Months

Henry Ford: "If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have asked for a faster horse.“

In the case of a VWE, the difficulty of starting the journey is imagining the right path and destination.

Steps in Nation Building

Missionary Phase Convincing a segment of the population to accept a paradigm shift.

Infrastructure Construction Assure basic utilities are operational and reliable.

Environment Stabilization Create training for key players – police, teachers, hospitals, etc

Self Sustainment Identify, and facilitate creation of core processes – economic cycles – making

money, buying services, etc Shared Values

Start building National Consensus that is inclusive not divisive. Political/leadership

Identify leaders, build connections between leaders, and model appropriate traits for roles

External Catalysts Leave Establish an exit strategy that dissolves relative to success of other steps.

Steps in Knowledge Management / Virtual Work Environment (VWE)

Missionary Phase Convincing a segment of the population to accept a paradigm shift to KM.

Infrastructure Construction Assure basic utilities are operational and reliable.

Environment Stabilization Create training for key players – Facilitators, Cyberians, etc

Self Sustainment Identify, and facilitate creation of core processes – economic cycles – “What’s

in it for Me” (WIIFM), etc Shared Values

Start building Enterprise consensus that is inclusive not divisive. Political/leadership

Identify leaders, build connections between leaders, and model appropriate traits for roles – KM Networks - CoPs, CoIs, etc

External Catalysts Leave Establish an exit strategy that dissolves relative to success of other steps.

KM Nation Building Model







Political /Leadership


Bottom Up

Top Down

Steps for VWE

Commit resources to establish path to success -surge operations.

Real-time iteration – Process improvementJust-in-time training – Learning OrganizationLocal control to provide local solutions.Qualified facilitators Passionate leads, or sponsorsSolve important problems or points of pain

Points to Consider


•Technology should match Organization’s Skills•Technology reliability/performance will strongly influence adoption

•Technology is the support tool for the three main pillars

Risks: Counter Offensive

Those biased by their vision of solution “What is an old Gunfighter like me caring

about KM” “I never heard of anyone dying from lack of


Those that are cynical that this is just another fad (25/50/25)

Those that do not want more efficient processes

Sabotage Approaches

Lip ServiceProlonged argumentHijackingScarcity creationDirect conflict

“A Multidimensional View of Resistance to Organizational Change”Szabla, 2007

Fatal Barriers

Lack of a stabilized, reliable, operationally sustainable, cyber environment – Servers, applications, firewalls, etc.

Insufficient resources for a surge operation. Need for broad PME to create shared vision

and values. Perceived lack of Command interest. Major cultural resistance.

Agile Commands


Tacit Networks

Fringe Service

Paradigm Shift

Basic Ingredients for a High-Performing VWE

Commit resources to establish path to successReal-time iteration – Process improvementJust-in-time training – Learning OrganizationLocal control to provide local solutions.Qualified facilitators Passionate lead, or sponsorSolve important problems or points of pain

Lessons Learned

People Focus on changing behaviors not cultures Executives are not top priorities There must be a WIFFM for each individual

Process Do not spend a lot of time building sophisticated solutions Process development should be quick build cycles Process has two meanings – KM Process & Business Process

Lessons Learned

Technology Technology should match Organization’s Skills Technology services/support will influence adoption Technology reliability/performance will also influence

Training Training of the KM principles are critical for adoption Training of VWE practices is also critical Provide ‘just-in-time’ support (VWE help desk)

After the Tipping Point

Guides are not needed.People infrastructure is self sustainingVWE becomes the Organizational culture. VWE can bring efficiencies to business

processes.VWE can enhance telework and together

provide the natural infrastructure for COOP.