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    PUBLIC ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION AGENCIES 2001–02 U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences NCES 2003–351


  • U.S. Department of Education Rod Paige Secretary Institute of Education Sciences Grover J. Whitehurst Director National Center for Education Statistics Val Plisko Associate Commissioner The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data related to education in the United States and other nations. It fulfills a congressional mandate to collect, collate, analyze, and report full and complete statistics on the condition of education in the United States; conduct and publish reports and specialized analyses of the meaning and significance of such statistics; assist state and local education agencies in improving their statistical systems; and review and report on education activities in foreign countries. NCES activities are designed to address high priority data needs; provide consistent, reliable, complete, and accurate indicators of education status and trends; and report timely, useful, and high quality data to the U.S. Department of Education, the Congress, the states, other education policymakers, practitioners, data users, and the general public. We strive to make our products available in a variety of formats and in language that is appropriate to a variety of audiences. You, as our customer, are the best judge of our success in communicating information effectively. If you have any comments or suggestions about this or any other NCES product or report, we would like to hear from you. Please direct your comments to: National Center for Education Statistics Institute of Education Sciences U.S. Department of Education 1990 K Street NW Washington, DC 20006-5651 September 2003 The NCES World Wide Web Home Page is: The NCES World Wide Web Electronic Catalog is: Suggested Citation U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Directory of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies, 2001–02, NCES 2003–351, by Lena McDowell and John Sietsema. Washington, DC: 2003 For ordering information on this report, write: U.S. Department of Education ED Pubs P.O. Box 1398 Jessup, MD 20794–1398 call toll free 1–877–4ED–Pubs, or order online at Content Contacts: Lena McDowell John Sietsema (202) 502–7396 (202) 502–7425

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    Foreword This directory is part of the continuing series of education directories of the National Center for Education Statistics. We issue this publication in order to provide a current listing of local public school systems and other education agencies to the many institutions and organizations that deal with these entities. The overseas regional offices of the U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools and the Bureau of Indian Affairs are also included in this report. Data in this publication also are available electronically on the NCES web site (

    We look forward to continued comments from the education community so our products may be increasingly useful. Jeffrey Owings Associate Commissioner Elementary/Secondary and Libraries Studies Division Lee Hoffman Program Manager Elementary/Secondary Cooperative Programs

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    Acknowledgments Common Core of Data Coordinators are designated by the Chief State School Officers as the official state liaisons with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and are the primary providers of the information presented in this document. The Directory of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies, 2001–02 could not have been developed without substantial efforts by these coordinators. There are others in each state who spent hours assisting the Common Core of Data Coordinators in providing this information to NCES.

    Although we cannot list the names of all of these people, we wish to thank them for their invaluable assistance. Below is a list of all Common Core of Data Coordinators and Chief State School Officers. A list of state education agency addresses is provided in appendix A to this directory.

    State Common Core of Data Coordinators Chief State School Officers Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine

    Brad Crawford Ethan Billings Bruce Schmitz Doris Stewart Karl Scheff Jan Rose Petro Richard Cloud Theresa Kough Linda Faison G. Lavan Dukes, Jr. Steve Gabrielson Keith Kameoka Myrna Holgate Dennis Powell Gary Tatlock Leland Tack Sara Barnes Karen Waugh Steve Marangos James E. Watkins, Jr.

    Edward R. Richardson Karen Rehfeld Tom Horne Raymond J. Simon Jack O’Connell William J. Moloney Theodore S. Sergi Valerie A. Woodruff Paul L. Vance James Horne Kathy Cox Patricia Hamamoto Marilyn Howard Robert Schiller Suellen K. Reed Ted Stilwill John A. Tompkins Gene Wilhoit Cecil J. Picard J. Duke Albanese

  • Page vi State Common Core of Data Coordinators Chief State School Officers Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

    Janice Johnson Paula Willis Carol Jones Lois Pirsig M. Francie Gilmore-Dunn Tom Ogle Vickie Thacker Pamela Tagart David L. Smith Ron LeClerc Quansheng Shen Henry Borgrink Charlene Swanson R. Engin Konanc Stephen Hiebert Kris Rao Dawn Williams Robert Jones Gerald Hottinger Ken Gu Yvonne Gladman Susan Woodmansey Anna Kniazewycz Melinda Fowler Randy Raphael Stacey Murdock Mona Mallory Gayle Hedensten J. Michael Cox Barbara Ballweg David Wilhelm

    Nancy S. Grasmick David P. Driscoll Thomas D. Watkins, Jr. Cheri Pierson Yecke Henry L. Johnson D. Kent King Linda McCulloch Douglas D. Christensen Jack McLaughlin Nicholas C. Donohue William L. Librera Michael J. Davis Richard P. Mills Michael E. Ward Wayne G. Sanstead Susan T. Zelman Sandy Garrett Susan Castillo Vicki L. Phillips Peter McWalters Inez M. Tenenbaum Karon Schaack Lana C. Seivers Felipe Alanis Steven O. Laing David C. Larsen Jo Lynne DeMary Teresa Bergeson David Stewart Elizabeth Burmaster Trent Blankenship

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    State Common Core of Data Coordinators Chief State School Officers American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Bureau of Indian Affairs Department of Defense Schools

    Russell Aab Nerissa Bretania-Shafer William P. Matson Jose Edgardo Sanchez Gloria Josiah Dalton Henry Carole Newman

    Sili K. Sataua Rosie R. Tainatongo Rita H. Inos Cesar A. Rey Hernandez Noreen Michael Joseph D. Tafoya

    Credit is due to Julia Naum of the Census Bureau for her assistance in the development of this directory. Michael Freeman of the Census Bureau is responsible for the computer applications used in the production of this directory. Our thanks go to Mike Planty, Education Statistics Services Institute, for his technical contributions and to Marilyn Seastrom, Chief Statistican, National Center for Education Statistics.

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    Contents Foreword ............................................................................................ iii Acknowledgments ............................................................................ v Introduction........................................................................................xi Using the Directory ......................................................................... xiii Types of Agencies.......................................................................... xvii Abbreviations Used in the Directory ............................................xix Summary Tables..............................................................................xxi Tables 1. Number and percentage of public elementary and secondary education agencies, by type of agency and by state: School year 2001–02.………………………..xxiv 2. Distribution of regular public school districts and students, by district membership size: School year 2001–02.………………………………….……….……………xxv 3. Number of regular public school districts, by grade span and by membership size: School year 2001–02…….…..…xxv

    4. Number of regular public school districts, by grade span and by state: School year 2001–02………………………..xxvi 5. Number of regular public school districts, by membership size and by state: School year 2001–02………….…………….xxvii 6. Distribution of regular public school districts providing instruction, by membership size and by state: School year 2001–02………………………………………………………..xxix Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies: Fall 2001 Alabama through Virgin Islands…………………………………………..1 Appendix: State Education Agency Addresses.. ......................…421

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    Introduction One of the major responsibilities of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is to report on the condition of public elementary and secondary education in the United States. In support of this mission, NCES collects from state education agencies selected data items about all public elementary and secondary schools and education agencies in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five outlying areas: American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Information is also provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) on its dependents schools. Information on the universe of public schools and education agencies is collected annually through the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) surveys. The CCD survey forms are completed (using state education agency administrative records) by CCD coordinators who were designated by their chief state school officers as the official state liaisons to NCES. The five CCD surveys are: (1) “Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey,” (2) “Local Education Agency Universe Survey,” (3) “State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education,” (4) “National Public Education Financial Survey,” and (5) “School District Financial Survey.”

    For more information on public elementary/secondary education agencies and access to the 2001–02 CCD “Local Education Agency Universe Survey” file, visit the CCD web site at The information for this publication comes primarily from the CCD Local Education Agency Universe data collection of Spring 2002. Preceding the information on individual agencies are several tables providing summary information, such as numbers and percentages of agencies by type, size, and state. They are followed by the listing of education agencies, organized by state and agency type. The directory lists all reported public elementary/secondary education agencies in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, five outlying areas, BIA, and DOD. An agency cannot be designated as more than one type, and if there are no agencies of a given type in a state, the heading for that type is omitted. Definitions of agency types are given on page xvii.

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    Directory Contents — The directory provides up to 12 items of information for each listed public elementary/secondary agency. For some listings, fewer than 12 items are provided either because the missing item(s) of information is not applicable to the particular agency type or the state CCD coordinator did not provide NCES with the information. The 12 items of information are: • State • Name of Agency • Mailing Address including: Street or P.O. Box City of Mailing Address ZIP Code • Telephone Number • Name of County • Metropolitan Status Code • Grade Span • Total Student Membership • Number of Regular High School Graduates (2000–01 school year) • Number of Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) • Number of Teachers • Number of Schools

    State The state in which an agency is located is identified in the upper left-hand or right-hand corner of the page. Name of Agency This column lists the names of education agencies providing public elementary and secondary education in alphabetic and/or numeric order, grouped by type of agency within each state or state-level jurisdiction. The listed agency name is the name commonly used within the state, as supplied by the state education agency. It may differ from the legal name of the education agency. If there are no agencies of a given type in a state, the heading for that type is omitted from the listing. Street or P.O. Box The street or P.O. box is the post office box number, rural route number, or the building's block number and name of the street where mail to the agency's chief executive officer should be addressed. The address given here may not represent the physical location of the agency. An “N” in this field indicates that no street address is used by the state education agency in mailings to the education agency. City The city is the name of the city used in the mailing address of the agency's chief executive officer. If a state name abbreviation appears in this column, then the mailing address of the agency is located in the state shown rather than in the state actually served by the agency. This was true for 13 agencies in 2001–02. The street address, two-letter state code and ZIP code also follow this convention. If no address was supplied by the state CCD coordinator (as was the case for 20 agencies), this field is blank.

    Using the Directory

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    ZIP Code The ZIP code is assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to aid in the delivery of mail. The first digit is a regional identifier, the next 2 digits identify the post office, and the next 2 digits identify the block or zone. Telephone Number The entry in this column lists the 3-digit area code, 3-digit exchange, and 4-digit local telephone number of the administrative office of the agency's chief executive officer. If no number was supplied by the state CCD coordinator, this field is blank (39 agency telephone numbers were not reported). Name of County Name of county is the county where the chief executive officer of the agency maintains the agency's operational and administrative base. If county information was not provided, the field is blank. Metropolitan Status Code (MSC) This column presents a single-digit code that classifies an education agency's service area relative to one of the 355 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) determined by the Bureau of Census during the 1980 Decennial Census and updated as of 1998. The following codes are used: 1-The agency serves the central city of an MSA. 2-The agency serves an MSA but not primarily its central city. 3-The agency does not serve an MSA. Grade Span The entries of this column identify the lowest and highest grades served by the agency, as inferred from student membership data for the schools affiliated with the agency. This span is represented by a 4-character code with the general form LL–HH, where LL represents the lowest grade level offered by the agency's schools and HH

    represents the highest grade level offered. The following codes are used to describe grade span when numerical designations are inappropriate: PK = prekindergarten K/KG = kindergarten UG = ungraded Grades recognized for inclusion in the universe of elementary and secondary agencies range from prekindergarten (PK) through grade 12. Note that a district whose span is identified by grades may also include ungraded pupils. In addition, two grade span patterns are used that require further explanation: UG-UG: This category is used to indicate that all of the students of

    an agency are ungraded. This is typically the case with regional educational services agencies (RESAs).

    00-00: This resignation identifies agencies that have no

    responsibility for instructing students or that have no schools associated with them. These types of agencies are typically supervisory union administrative centers and special purpose agencies, which provide the services of a common superintendent of schools and a business manager to clusters of small agencies.

    Total Student Membership Student membership is defined as the unduplicated count of students on the roll of the agency (excluding any formerly enrolled students who withdrew) taken on the school day closest to October 1, 2001. Various conditions exist in which student membership may not be reported for an agency. Some types of agencies, such as supervisory union administrative centers or RESAs, typically do not report students. Some regular school districts contract with other agencies to provide services for a portion of their students rather than operate schools for these students themselves. In these cases, student membership is not reported for the receiving district in order

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    to avoid duplication of student counts. Conversely, in cases where all students are sent to a contracting agency, no membership is reported for the sending, or "nonoperating" district. Missing and not applicable responses are represented by an em-dash (—). Additionally, data will be missing and represented by a dagger (†)for the remaining variables in the agency listing because the variables are not applicable to districts and agencies that do not serve students. Number of 2000–01 Regular High School (HS) Graduates This variable is the number of students who received a diploma from a regular high school program under the jurisdiction of the agency during the period September 2000 through August 2001. Not included in this count are other high school completers such as graduates of adult education programs, GED certificate recipients, and completers of educational programs for which a certificate other than a diploma is awarded. Number of Special Education Individualized Education Programs (IEP) This is a count of all students under the jurisdiction of this agency who have an Individualized Education Program on file under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-Part B). (These students are also included in the Total Student Membership field.)

    Number of Teachers This variable represents the number of classroom teachers reported in the schools associated with each agency. The source of this number is the 2001–02 CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey. Teachers who are not assigned to schools, such as teachers of the homebound or itinerant teachers who serve pupils in several schools, may not be included in this count in all cases. This number is reported in full-time equivalents rather than head counts. It is reported to one decimal place at the school level but, the sum for each agency, as reported in this directory, is rounded to the nearest whole number. Virginia did not report teachers on the Local Education Agency Universe Survey in 2001–02. Number of Schools This variable is the number of schools operated by the agency. Because of space constraints, this is abbreviated as “Sch’s” in the listings.

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  • Page xvii There are seven different types of agencies that operate public schools or provide administrative, research, or other supporting services to these schools. This section defines the seven types of agencies reported in the directory. • Regular school districts are agencies responsible for providing free public elementary and secondary education for school-age children residing within their jurisdiction. These agencies may include special and vocational education in a comprehensive educational setting. In some cases, these education agencies contract with other agencies to provide services rather than operating schools themselves. • Supervisory union components are regular school districts that are connected to supervisory unions for administrative services. They are listed with regular school districts. • Supervisory union administrative centers are agencies that provide administrative services for a group of small school districts. Terminology varies among reporting state education agencies. For example, in Nebraska, each county superintendent provides administrative services to all school districts within the county having fewer than seven teachers. In that state, the supervisory unions are called “county–administered systems.” Although supervisory union administrative centers generally do not report student membership, there are some exceptions to this rule.

    • Regional educational service agencies (RESAs) are agencies that provide special services, such as regional vocational/technical or special education to other public elementary and secondary education agencies. • State-operated agencies are any elementary, secondary, or combined education programs operated by a state agency (such as state schools for the blind or deaf) reported by the CCD coordinator. • Federally operated agencies are any elementary, secondary, or combined education programs operated by a federal agency (such as Bureau of Indian Affairs) reported by the CCD coordinator. • Other agencies are any elementary, secondary, or combined education programs that cannot be appropriately classified using another CCD designation and that have been reported as such by the state's CCD coordinator. Districts having student membership include all regular school districts for which membership of one or more students was reported by the state's CCD coordinator for the 2001–02 school year.

    Types of Agencies

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    Abbreviations Used in the Directory STATES AK Alaska AL Alabama AR Arkansas AS American Samoa AZ Arizona CA California CO Colorado CT Connecticut DC District of Columbia DE Delaware FL Florida GA Georgia GU Guam HI Hawaii IA Iowa ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana MA Massachusetts MD Maryland ME Maine MI Michigan MN Minnesota MO Missouri MP Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands MS Mississippi MT Montana NC North Carolina ND North Dakota

    NE Nebraska NV Nevada NH New Hampshire NJ New Jersey NM New Mexico NY New York OH Ohio OK Oklahoma OR Oregon PA Pennsylvania PR Puerto Rico RI Rhode Island SC South Carolina SD South Dakota TN Tennessee TX Texas UT Utah VA Virginia VI Virgin Islands VT Vermont WA Washington WI Wisconsin WV West Virginia WY Wyoming OTHER TERMS A Agency AC Academic ACM Accommodation AD Adult ADM Administration, Administrative AG Agriculture

    AR Area ATC Area Technical Center AVTS Area Vocational Technical School B Board BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services BL Blind BOR Borough BOY Boys C, CORP Corporation CAR Career CLD Child CLDN Children CMN Common CMP Computer CMSN Commission CMTE Committee CNSM Consortium CNT Central CO, CY County COM Community COMM Unit, CU Community Unit CON Consolidated COOP Cooperative COR Correction(s) CS Central School CSD Community School District CTR Center CTY City CUR Curriculum D, DI, DIS, DIST District

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    DEP Department DF Deaf DOD Department of Defense DVL Developmental ED Education EDL Educational EL Elementary ES Education School/Service District EX Exempted EX VILL Exempted Village FAM Family FRE Free GRL Girl(s) H High HLT Health HM Home HND Handicap, Handicapped I, IND Independent IEP Individualized Education Program IMP Improvement IN Indian INS Institutions INT Intermediate ISD Independent School District IU Intermediate Unit JCT Junction JR Junior JT Joint JTR Jointure JVSD Joint Vocational School District L Learning LOC Local

    M Metropolitan MSD Metropolitan School District MUL Multi MUN Municipal MVR Maine Vocational Region NNOP, NON-OP Nonoperating NRS Nurse OP Operating OR Organization P Public PAR Parish PLT Plantation PRO Program R Reorganized RE Resource RGN Region RGNL Regional RGT Regents RNH Ranch ROP Regional Occupational Program RU Rural S, SCH School(s) SAD School Administrative District SAU School Administrative Union SEC Secondary SEP Separate SERRC Special Education Regional Resource Center SOC Social

    SP Special ST State SUP, SUPT Superintendent SUPV Supervisor SVCS Services T, TECH Technical TER Territory TERL Territorial TRD Trade TRN Training TWN Town TWP Township U Union UG Ungraded U, UNF, UNIF Unified UHS Unified High School UHSD Unified High School District UF, UFS, UFSD Union Free School District UNIV University UNOR Unorganized USD Union School District UT Unit UTD United V, VOC Vocational VIL Village VLY Valley YTH Youth


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    Summary Tables

    This section provides six summary tables. The tables provide summary descriptive statistics on the characteristics of public elementary/secondary education agencies which cannot be gained simply from reading the directory listing. For more information on public elementary/secondary education agencies and access to the 2001–02 CCD Local Education Agency survey data file visit the CCD web site at Table 1 shows the number and percentage of public elementary/ secondary education agencies, by type of agency and by state. In all but six states and the outlying areas (excluding BIA and DOD Dependents Schools), some educational services are provided by agencies other than regular school districts. These agencies take many forms and serve varied purposes, but they generally provide special educational services, such as special or vocational education programs, to a cluster of school districts in a specified jurisdiction. Table 2 reports the distribution of regular public elementary and secondary school districts and students by district membership size (e.g., 100,000 or more students). This table shows what proportion of students are served by what proportion of districts. For example, the three largest district categories (i.e., student memberships of 10,000 or more) comprise 5.7 percent of all regular school districts in the country, yet they serve 51.4 percent of all public elementary and secondary students in the country. Table 3 provides a breakdown of regular school districts by grade span and district membership size. It can be seen from this table that elementary/secondary unified school districts (those with a combined elementary/secondary grade span of PK or K or 1 to 12) represent 73.0 percent of all regular school districts.

    Table 4 reports the number of regular public elementary and secondary school districts by grade span and state. The majority of regular school districts include the full range of grades PK, K, or 1 through 12 (see table 3). However, some states (see California) establish separate administrative units for elementary and secondary education. Table 5 shows the number of regular school districts in each size category by state. It can be seen from this table that small school districts are more prevalent than large school districts, although the distribution of districts across membership size categories varies somewhat among states. Table 6, in addition to showing the number of regular school districts having student membership in each state, indicates the number of students in membership in school districts at selected percentile intervals on an ascending size scale. A total of 228 regular school districts did not report students in membership and an additional 102 regular school districts reported zero students and therefore do not appear on this table. In the United States, the median school district has 1,064 pupils in membership; the average, or mean, number of pupils in a district is 3,297. In the 2000–2001 Directory, the median was 1,033 and the mean was 3,210 pupils.

  • Table 1. — Number and percentage of public elementary and secondary education agencies, by type of agency and by state: School year 2001–02

    Regional educationservice agencies &

    Regular supervisory union State operated Other Total school districts1 administrative centers agencies agencies2

    State agencies Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

    United States 17,085 14,559 85.2 1,302 7.6 158 0.9 1,066 6.2

    Alabama 131 128 97.7 0 0 3 2.3 0 0Alaska 55 53 96.4 0 0 2 3.6 0 0Arizona 513 323 63.0 6 1.2 2 0.4 182 35.5Arkansas 338 312 92.3 15 4.4 3 0.9 8 2.4California 1,056 986 93.4 58 5.5 12 1.1 0 0

    Colorado 200 178 89.0 22 11.0 0 0 0 0Connecticut 197 166 84.3 6 3.0 7 3.6 18 9.1Delaware 30 19 63.3 1 3.3 0 0 10 33.3District of Columbia 34 1 2.9 0 0 0 0 33 97.1Florida 73 67 91.8 0 0 1 1.4 5 6.8

    Georgia 180 180 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hawaii 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Idaho 115 114 99.1 0 0 1 0.9 0 0Illinois 1,060 893 84.2 162 15.3 5 0.5 0 0Indiana 326 294 90.2 28 8.6 3 0.9 1 0.3

    Iowa 386 371 96.1 15 3.9 0 0 0 0Kansas 304 304 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Kentucky 196 176 89.8 18 9.2 2 1.0 0 0Louisiana 88 66 75.0 0 0 8 9.1 14 15.9Maine 325 282 86.8 39 12.0 3 0.9 1 0.3

    Maryland 24 24 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Massachusetts 479 350 73.1 86 18.0 1 0.2 42 8.8Michigan 799 554 69.3 57 7.1 4 0.5 184 23.0Minnesota 485 417 86.0 63 13.0 5 1.0 0 0Mississippi 162 152 93.8 0 0 10 6.2 0 0

    Missouri 530 524 98.9 0 0 2 0.4 4 0.8Montana 531 452 85.1 77 14.5 2 0.4 0 0Nebraska 671 555 82.7 111 16.5 5 0.7 0 0Nevada 18 17 94.4 0 0 1 5.6 0 0New Hampshire 257 178 69.3 79 30.7 0 0 0 0

    New Jersey 665 603 90.7 12 1.8 0 0 50 7.5New Mexico 89 89 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0New York 787 703 89.3 38 4.8 0 0 46 5.8North Carolina 212 121 57.1 0 0 2 0.9 89 42.0North Dakota 263 222 84.4 38 14.4 3 1.1 0 0

    Ohio 817 662 81.0 60 7.3 3 0.4 92 11.3Oklahoma 566 543 95.9 0 0 0 0 23 4.1Oregon 221 198 89.6 21 9.5 2 0.9 0 0Pennsylvania 695 501 72.1 101 14.5 15 2.2 78 11.2Rhode Island 41 36 87.8 0 0 1 2.4 4 9.8

    South Carolina 103 89 86.4 14 13.6 0 0 0 0South Dakota 199 176 88.4 18 9.0 5 2.5 0 0Tennessee 138 138 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Texas 1,254 1,040 82.9 20 1.6 14 1.1 180 14.4Utah 46 40 87.0 4 8.7 2 4.3 0 0

    Vermont 354 292 82.5 60 16.9 1 0.3 1 0.3Virginia 199 137 68.8 38 19.1 23 11.6 1 0.5Washington 305 296 97.0 9 3.0 0 0 0 0West Virginia 57 55 96.5 0 0 2 3.5 0 0Wisconsin 452 433 95.8 16 3.5 3 0.7 0 0Wyoming 58 48 82.8 10 17.2 0 0 0 0 Outlying areas, DoD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian AffairsDoDDS: DoDs Overseas 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 100.0DDESS: DoDs Domestic 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 100.0Bureau of Indian Affairs 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 100.0American Samoa 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Guam 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Northern Marianas 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Puerto Rico 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0Virgin Islands 1 1 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 01Regular school districts include those that are components of supervisory unions.2DoD and BIA agencies are federal agencies, as is one additional agency in Virginia. Charter school agencies make up 960 of theother agencies. For example, the District of Columbia reports each charter school as a separate agency.NOTE: Detail may not sum to total because of rounding. U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local EducationAgency Universe Survey," 2001–02.

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  • K K K 1

    Percent 100.0 3.4 16.4 0.1 73.0 0.8 3.1 1.4 1.7

    Survey," 2001–02.

    Table 2. — Distribution of regular public school districts and students, by district membership size: School year 2001–02

    Number of Percentage PercentageDistrict membership size districts of districts of students

    United States 14,229 100.0 100.0

    100,000 or more 25 0.2 12.525,000 to 99,999 218 1.5 20.210,000 to 24,999 573 4.0 18.77,500 to 9,999 342 2.4 6.35,000 to 7,499 725 5.1 9.42,500 to 4,999 2,031 14.3 15.22,000 to 2,499 801 5.6 3.81,500 to 1,999 1,071 7.5 4.01,000 to 1,499 1,557 10.9 4.1800 to 999 790 5.6 1.5600 to 799 954 6.7 1.4450 to 599 897 6.3 1.0300 to 449 1,118 7.9 0.9150 to 299 1,435 10.1 0.71 to 149 1,692 11.9 0.2NOTE: Table includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and excludes330 regular school districts for which no students were reported in membership.Detail may not sum to total because of rounding.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 2001–02.

    Table 3. — Number of regular public school districts, by grade span and by membership size: School year 2001–02Grade span

    District Total PK,K,1 PK, ,1 PK, ,1 PK, , Grades notmembership size districts to 6 to 8 to 9 to 12 7 to 12 9 to 12 Other reported United States Number 14,559 490 2,391 17 10,634 113 452 209 253

    100,000 or more 25 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 025,000 to 99,999 218 0 2 0 213 2 1 0 010,000 to 24,999 573 2 31 0 523 5 9 3 07,500 to 9,999 342 5 18 0 307 3 9 0 05,000 to 7,499 725 7 41 0 657 3 16 1 02,500 to 4,999 2,031 9 126 0 1,839 3 48 6 02,000 to 2,499 801 7 41 2 726 3 20 2 01,500 to 1,999 1,071 10 78 3 942 9 26 3 01,000 to 1,499 1,557 17 142 1 1,337 10 45 5 0800 to 999 790 16 101 1 636 6 23 7 0600 to 799 954 16 136 1 760 8 29 4 0450 to 599 897 17 159 2 677 2 30 10 0300 to 449 1,118 39 232 1 799 11 25 11 0150 to 299 1,435 93 381 3 854 13 53 35 31 to 149 1,692 249 894 3 303 19 98 73 53Zero 102 3 9 0 7 16 19 48 0Size not reported 228 0 0 0 29 0 1 1 197NOTE: Detail may not sum to total because of rounding. U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Table includes districts for which no students were reported in membership.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency

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  • Table 4. — Number of regular public school districts, by grade span and by state: School year 2001–02 Grade span

    Total PK,K,1 PK,K,1 PK,K,1 PK,K,1 Grades notState districts to 6 to 8 to 9 to 12 7 to 12 9 to 12 Other reported1

    United States 14,559 490 2,391 17 10,634 113 452 209 253

    Alabama 128 0 0 0 128 0 0 0 0Alaska 53 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0Arizona 323 12 124 6 111 6 38 19 7Arkansas 312 0 0 0 311 0 0 1 0California 986 61 468 1 365 17 63 11 0

    Colorado 178 0 0 0 178 0 0 0 0Connecticut 166 16 28 0 113 5 3 1 0Delaware 19 0 0 0 15 0 3 1 0District of Columbia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Florida 67 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0

    Georgia 180 0 3 0 175 0 0 2 0Hawaii 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Idaho 114 0 6 0 108 0 0 0 0Illinois 893 1 385 1 404 1 99 2 0Indiana 294 0 1 0 291 0 0 0 2

    Iowa 371 8 13 0 350 0 0 0 0Kansas 304 1 2 1 299 0 0 1 0Kentucky 176 0 5 0 171 0 0 0 0Louisiana 66 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 0Maine 282 8 88 0 111 0 5 12 58

    Maryland 24 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0Massachusetts 350 40 17 0 175 0 1 11 106Michigan 554 7 21 0 524 0 0 2 0Minnesota 417 15 13 1 339 9 15 24 1Mississippi 152 1 0 0 148 0 3 0 0

    Missouri 524 0 72 0 451 0 0 1 0Montana 452 27 249 0 55 0 110 3 8Nebraska 555 27 243 0 267 6 12 0 0Nevada 17 0 0 1 16 0 0 0 0New Hampshire 178 24 53 0 64 3 6 14 14

    New Jersey 603 61 225 0 218 16 53 30 0New Mexico 89 0 0 0 89 0 0 0 0New York 703 25 14 1 640 10 0 11 2North Carolina 121 0 1 1 117 0 0 2 0North Dakota 222 16 30 0 165 4 1 2 4

    Ohio 662 0 1 0 610 16 18 16 1Oklahoma 543 9 103 1 429 0 0 1 0Oregon 198 0 18 0 178 0 1 0 1Pennsylvania 501 0 2 0 498 0 0 0 1Rhode Island 36 0 2 0 31 0 0 3 0

    South Carolina 89 0 1 0 86 0 1 1 0South Dakota 176 2 3 0 171 0 0 0 0Tennessee 138 2 10 2 122 0 0 2 0Texas 1,040 17 44 0 972 0 0 7 0Utah 40 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0

    Vermont 292 97 70 0 34 19 10 14 48Virginia 137 0 0 0 137 0 0 0 0Washington 296 13 26 1 245 0 0 11 0West Virginia 55 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 0Wisconsin 433 0 50 0 368 1 10 4 0Wyoming 48 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 Outlying areas, DoD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs 2DoDDS: DoDs Overseas 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0DDESS: DoDs Domestic 17 6 3 0 7 0 0 1 0Bureau of Indian Affairs 24 0 0 0 22 0 0 1 1American Samoa 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Guam 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Northern Marianas 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Puerto Rico 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Virgin Islands 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 "Grades not reported" includes 00-00 (no students).2Table includes 26 Department of Defense and 24 Bureau of Indian Affairs school districts that are technically federally operated agencies; thisis in order to report data for these agencies in this table.

    Table includes districts for which no students were reported in membershipSOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local EducationAgency Universe Survey," 2001–02.

    Page xxvi

    NOTE: U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

  • Table 5. — Number of regular public school districts, by membership size and by state: School year 2001–02

    District membership sizeTotal 100,000 25,000 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500 2,000 1,500

    State districts or more to 99,999 to 24,999 to 9,999 to 7,499 to 4,999 to 2,499 to 1,999

    United States 14,559 25 218 573 342 725 2,031 801 1,071

    Alabama 128 0 4 6 14 12 51 13 14Alaska 53 0 1 2 1 1 3 3 4Arizona 323 0 7 15 6 14 28 10 12Arkansas 312 0 1 4 3 7 27 11 24California 986 2 39 111 54 79 131 46 54

    Colorado 178 0 8 10 2 7 17 2 11Connecticut 166 0 0 7 8 20 39 17 11Delaware 19 0 0 4 1 3 6 0 2District of Columbia 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Florida 67 7 19 10 3 9 9 5 1

    Georgia 180 1 10 21 10 20 54 13 25Hawaii 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Idaho 114 0 2 3 2 4 14 4 9Illinois 893 1 2 20 10 32 104 43 79Indiana 294 0 2 17 9 25 55 33 53

    Iowa 371 0 1 6 2 2 22 12 26Kansas 304 0 2 5 2 7 18 12 14Kentucky 176 0 2 7 5 12 55 27 14Louisiana 66 0 7 11 8 8 22 3 5Maine 282 0 0 0 1 0 24 12 5

    Maryland 24 3 6 7 0 3 5 0 0Massachusetts 350 0 3 7 6 24 75 28 16Michigan 554 1 1 23 12 37 116 49 67Minnesota 417 0 4 11 8 13 37 12 33Mississippi 152 0 1 3 5 11 51 16 28

    Missouri 524 0 2 15 6 10 48 25 23Montana 452 0 0 1 1 3 5 2 6Nebraska 555 0 2 1 2 2 11 2 5Nevada 17 1 1 0 2 3 2 0 0New Hampshire 178 0 0 2 0 3 17 7 14

    New Jersey 603 0 3 13 17 33 85 43 58New Mexico 89 0 1 6 4 4 13 4 6New York 703 1 3 11 26 49 140 58 75North Carolina 121 2 5 30 13 16 31 6 6North Dakota 222 0 0 2 1 2 3 1 3

    Ohio 662 0 5 12 15 39 136 69 96Oklahoma 543 0 2 8 1 9 19 12 24Oregon 198 0 3 8 4 14 24 13 11Pennsylvania 501 1 1 14 13 47 163 56 72Rhode Island 36 0 1 2 1 4 16 3 4

    South Carolina 89 0 5 14 12 10 22 5 4South Dakota 176 0 0 2 0 0 8 4 1Tennessee 138 1 5 10 6 18 42 10 11Texas 1,040 2 35 46 21 50 116 48 65Utah 40 0 6 6 1 4 9 2 1

    Vermont 292 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 5Virginia 137 1 9 16 8 14 38 16 8Washington 296 0 4 26 9 19 32 18 15West Virginia 55 0 1 6 3 9 18 5 5Wisconsin 433 0 1 10 4 12 62 15 41Wyoming 48 0 0 2 0 1 5 4 5 Outlying areas , DoD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs1DoDDS: DoDs Overseas 9 0 0 3 3 1 2 0 0DDESS: DoDs Domestic 17 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1Bureau of Indian Affairs 24 0 0 0 0 1 7 3 2American Samoa 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0Guam 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Northern Marianas 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0Puerto Rico 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Virgin Islands 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0See footnotes at end of table.

    Page xxvii

  • Table 5. — Number of regular public school districts, by membership size and by state: School year 2001–02—Continued

    District membership size1,000 800 600 450 300 150 Size not

    State to 1,499 to 999 to 799 to 599 to 449 to 299 1 to 149 Zero reported

    United States 1,557 790 954 897 1,118 1,435 1,692 102 228

    Alabama 12 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Alaska 1 1 5 7 8 10 6 0 0Arizona 21 8 6 18 23 60 73 15 7Arkansas 39 24 40 45 38 40 9 0 0California 52 43 42 49 66 80 138 0 0

    Colorado 15 8 14 12 25 27 20 0 0Connecticut 18 7 6 9 11 10 3 0 0Delaware 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0District of Columbia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Florida 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Georgia 14 2 3 2 3 2 0 0 0Hawaii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Idaho 15 5 7 13 11 17 8 0 0Illinois 132 63 94 94 79 80 60 0 0Indiana 53 24 13 3 0 5 0 0 2

    Iowa 43 38 60 61 53 31 14 0 0Kansas 35 19 36 40 54 41 19 0 0Kentucky 22 10 8 6 5 3 0 0 0Louisiana 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maine 25 22 14 12 26 43 95 1 2

    Maryland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Massachusetts 22 6 10 9 8 16 14 0 106Michigan 93 32 29 18 23 19 34 0 0Minnesota 54 31 37 36 41 42 54 3 1Mississippi 19 6 6 2 1 3 0 0 0

    Missouri 53 34 58 43 65 87 54 1 0Montana 14 6 15 20 35 78 258 0 8Nebraska 12 13 19 32 54 95 276 8 21Nevada 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0New Hampshire 20 8 11 19 11 27 25 0 14

    New Jersey 67 41 45 41 52 49 32 24 0New Mexico 3 4 7 9 7 12 9 0 0New York 134 41 38 36 38 27 24 0 2North Carolina 6 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 0North Dakota 1 4 10 7 33 60 91 0 4

    Ohio 128 47 40 15 6 0 4 49 1Oklahoma 52 27 42 51 96 126 74 0 0Oregon 15 14 11 11 13 23 33 0 1Pennsylvania 82 24 16 7 3 1 0 0 1Rhode Island 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0

    South Carolina 11 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3South Dakota 8 9 10 16 27 63 25 0 3Tennessee 17 5 7 1 4 0 1 0 0Texas 101 75 91 76 96 130 88 0 0Utah 5 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 0

    Vermont 14 13 17 12 29 62 87 0 48Virginia 11 6 2 2 1 0 0 1 4Washington 28 15 18 15 17 33 47 0 0West Virginia 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Wisconsin 67 45 53 42 48 21 12 0 0Wyoming 4 3 10 2 4 6 2 0 0 Outlying areas , DoD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs1DoDDS: DoDs Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0DDESS: DoDs Domestic 3 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0Bureau of Indian Affairs 5 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 1American Samoa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Guam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Northern Marianas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Virgin Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    District of Columbia.

    Universe Survey," 2001–02.

    Page xxviii

    1 Table includes 26 Department of Defense and 24 Bureau of Indian Affairs school districts that are technically federally operated agencies; this is in order to report data for these agencies in the table.NOTE: Table includes districts for which no students were reported in membership. U.S. totals include the 50 states and the

    SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency

  • Table 6. — Distribution of regular public school districts providing instruction, by membership size and by state: School year 2001–02

    Districts Distribution of districts by membership sizehaving

    student Standard 10th 25th 75th 90thState membership Mean school districts1 percentile percentile Median percentile percentile Maximum

    United States 14,229 3,297 14,751 123 352 1,064 2,763 6,364 1,049,831

    Alabama 128 5,675 8,135 1,409 2,240 3,179 6,085 9,480 63,846Alaska 53 2,510 7,219 125 224 477 1,744 3,698 49,767Arizona 301 2,926 7,641 70 160 374 2,177 6,689 74,808Arkansas 312 1,441 2,415 239 404 730 1,458 2,989 25,367California 986 6,160 25,387 108 365 1,712 6,130 15,005 735,058

    Colorado 178 4,165 10,869 132 292 661 2,448 8,671 88,460Connecticut 166 3,276 3,772 347 884 2,231 4,144 7,362 22,796Delaware 19 5,860 4,974 1,068 1,961 3,679 6,701 10,557 19,755District of Columbia 1 68,449 † † † † † † 68,449Florida 67 37,316 63,516 2,159 4,490 12,634 37,147 81,207 375,836

    Georgia 180 8,170 15,624 1,305 1,870 3,448 7,063 18,075 116,339Hawaii 1 184,546 † † † † † † 184,546Idaho 114 2,162 3,969 163 333 928 2,052 4,629 26,778Illinois 893 2,293 14,856 200 453 911 1,918 3,954 437,418Indiana 292 3,405 4,372 866 1,283 1,932 3,705 7,292 41,195

    Iowa 371 1,310 2,526 270 439 682 1,223 2,138 32,010Kansas 304 1,547 4,022 186 338 588 1,161 3,042 48,852Kentucky 176 3,718 7,638 700 1,246 2,382 3,824 6,848 93,516Louisiana 66 10,985 13,648 1,895 3,078 5,524 14,415 22,996 73,185Maine 279 750 1,039 15 82 320 921 2,291 7,755

    Maryland 24 35,860 41,358 3,060 6,247 16,373 43,112 107,212 136,895Massachusetts 244 3,356 5,114 241 844 2,338 4,126 6,412 62,141Michigan 554 3,001 7,716 306 909 1,678 3,222 5,915 166,675Minnesota 413 2,046 4,682 108 325 756 1,737 4,281 48,155Mississippi 152 3,238 3,526 861 1,515 2,350 3,732 6,214 31,436

    Missouri 523 1,745 3,864 139 281 651 1,491 3,722 43,969Montana 444 342 870 8 33 109 281 705 10,203Nebraska 526 540 2,676 6 14 129 373 719 45,782Nevada 17 20,989 57,718 285 774 3,616 7,046 9,847 245,659New Hampshire 164 1,261 1,995 78 209 600 1,546 2,812 17,438

    New Jersey 579 2,289 3,482 222 486 1,194 2,553 5,390 42,241New Mexico 89 3,598 9,722 142 319 802 3,451 8,137 87,201New York 701 4,064 39,667 374 883 1,585 3,278 5,752 1,049,831North Carolina 121 10,717 15,676 1,447 3,087 6,031 11,286 21,318 106,312North Dakota 218 486 1,341 27 83 190 343 661 11,269

    Ohio 612 2,936 5,054 780 1,158 1,846 3,089 5,532 72,199Oklahoma 543 1,146 3,242 124 228 416 924 1,935 42,302Oregon 197 2,790 5,855 70 250 879 2,881 6,385 52,908Pennsylvania 500 3,533 9,144 985 1,443 2,412 3,769 6,321 197,083Rhode Island 36 4,351 4,731 588 2,007 3,334 4,423 6,760 27,159

    South Carolina 86 7,839 9,414 1,153 2,345 4,523 9,198 17,004 61,268South Dakota 173 735 1,858 110 191 295 572 1,329 19,386Tennessee 138 6,505 13,097 886 1,457 3,295 6,001 10,840 115,992Texas 1,040 3,954 11,894 164 361 914 2,670 7,494 210,950Utah 40 12,013 18,693 503 1,473 4,023 13,041 38,107 73,494

    Vermont 244 408 500 63 115 223 507 974 3,643Virginia 132 8,803 17,571 1,121 2,046 3,756 8,038 19,109 160,584Washington 296 3,409 5,995 89 253 1,052 3,452 9,622 47,449West Virginia 55 5,130 4,613 1,298 2,068 4,263 5,724 11,498 28,616Wisconsin 433 2,026 5,345 323 557 987 1,926 3,677 97,762Wyoming 48 1,831 2,613 265 457 831 2,081 3,250 13,272 Outlying areas , DoD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs2DoDDS: DoDs Overseas 9 8,137 2,556 3,873 4,551 8,534 10,360 11,125 11,359DDESS: DoDs Domestic 17 1,932 1,447 321 520 1,144 3,096 4,222 4,412Bureau of Indian Affairs 24 2,021 1,217 712 1,004 1,686 2,573 3,572 5,265American Samoa 1 15,897 † † † † † † 15,897Guam 1 31,992 † † † † † † 31,992Northern Marianas 1 10,479 † † † † † † 10,479Puerto Rico 1 604,177 † † † † † † 604,177Virgin Islands 1 18,780 † † † † † † 18,780† Not applicable.1Regular school districts include those that are components of supervisory unions.2Table includes 26 Department of Defense and 24 Bureau of Indian Affairs school district that are technically federally operated agenciesthis is in order to report data for these agencies in the table.NOTE: Distributions cannot be calculated for states and outlying areas that have a single district. Table excludes agencies for whichno students were reported in membership. U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The mean is the average. If aldistricts were ranked by size from smallest to largest, half of the districts would fall below the median. For example, dividing the totanumber of students by the total number of districts yields an average district size of 3,297 students (mean), while half of the districts in the United States have 1,064 or fewer students (median). The percentile indicates what percent of cases a value exceeds; for example, 10 percent of districts have fewer than 123 students.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local EducationAgency Universe Survey," 2001–02.

    Page xxix

  • Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies: Fall 2001

  • Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    ALBERTVILLE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 1487 ALBERTVILLE 35950 256-891-1183 MARSHALL 3 KG-12 3,499 123 341 225 5

    ALEXANDER CITY CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 1205 ALEXANDER CITY 35011 256-234-5074 TALLAPOOSA 3 KG-12 3,560 191 435 232 6

    ANDALUSIA CITY SCH DIST 122 6TH AVE ANDALUSIA 36420 334-222-3186 COVINGTON 3 KG-12 1,798 98 199 118 3

    ANNISTON CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 1500 ANNISTON 36202 256-231-5000 CALHOUN 1 PK-12 2,673 108 491 167 9

    ARAB CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 740 ARAB 35016 256-586-6011 MARSHALL 3 PK-12 2,667 183 281 164 4

    ATHENS CITY SCH DIST 313 E WASHINGTON ST ATHENS 35611 256-233-6600 LIMESTONE 2 KG-12 2,807 150 320 197 7

    ATTALLA CITY SCH DIST 101 CASE AVE ATTALLA 35954 256-538-8051 ETOWAH 2 PK-12 1,814 138 343 118 5

    AUBURN CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 3270 AUBURN 36831 334-887-2100 LEE 2 KG-12 4,431 257 448 300 10

    AUTAUGA COUNTY SCH DIST 153 W 4TH ST PRATTVILLE 36067 334-365-5706 AUTAUGA 2 KG-12 8,762 394 1,043 522 13

    BALDWIN COUNTY SCH DIST 2600-A N HAND AVE BAY MINETTE 36507 334-937-0306 BALDWIN 2 KG-12 23,062 1,057 3,753 1,523 46

    BARBOUR COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 429 CLAYTON 36016 334-775-3453 BARBOUR 3 PK-12 1,573 68 243 99 7

    BESSEMER CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 1230 BESSEMER 35021 205-481-9800 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 4,642 124 527 287 9

    BIBB COUNTY SCH DIST 157 SW DAVIDSON DR CENTREVILLE 35042 205-926-9881 BIBB 3 KG-12 3,595 130 614 221 10

    BIRMINGHAM CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 10007 BIRMINGHAM 35202 205-297-9226 JEFFERSON 1 PK-12 37,154 1,800 5,201 2,307 92

    BLOUNT COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 578 ONEONTA 35121 205-625-4102 BLOUNT 2 PK-12 7,373 313 1,010 418 16

    BREWTON CITY SCH DIST 811 BELLEVILLE AVE BREWTON 36426 334-867-8400 ESCAMBIA 3 KG-12 1,339 88 137 84 3

    BULLOCK COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 231 UNION SPRINGS 36089 334-738-2860 BULLOCK 3 KG-12 1,916 86 250 120 5

    BUTLER COUNTY SCH DIST 215 ADMINISTRATIVE DR GREENVILLE 36037 334-382-2665 BUTLER 3 KG-12 3,601 186 525 217 8

    CALHOUN COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 2084 ANNISTON 36202 256-236-7641 CALHOUN 2 PK-12 9,484 518 1,340 556 20

    CHAMBERS COUNTY SCH DIST BOX 408D LAFAYETTE 36862 334-864-9343 CHAMBERS 3 KG-12 4,339 198 549 264 11

    CHEROKEE COUNTY SCH DIST 130 E MAIN ST CENTRE 35960 256-927-3362 CHEROKEE 3 KG-12 3,993 205 606 255 8

    CHILTON COUNTY SCH DIST 1705 LAY DAM RD CLANTON 35045 205-280-3000 CHILTON 3 PK-12 6,855 316 1,221 431 12

    CHOCTAW COUNTY SCH DIST 107 TOM ORR DR BUTLER 36904 205-459-3031 CHOCTAW 3 KG-12 2,198 121 282 151 8

    CLARKE COUNTY SCH DIST BOX 936 GROVE HILL 36451 334-275-3255 CLARKE 3 PK-12 3,588 203 489 226 9

    CLAY COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 278 ASHLAND 36251 256-354-5414 CLAY 3 KG-12 2,339 164 352 150 6

    CLEBURNE COUNTY SCH DIST 93 EDUCATION ST HEFLIN 36264 256-463-5624 CLEBURNE 3 KG-12 2,571 117 421 160 8

    COFFEE COUNTY SCH DIST 400 REDDOCH HILL RD ELBA 36323 334-897-5016 COFFEE 3 KG-12 1,906 86 253 114 4

    COLBERT COUNTY SCH DIST 1101 HIGHWAY 72 E TUSCUMBIA 35674 256-386-8565 COLBERT 2 KG-12 3,338 144 514 219 9

    CONECUH COUNTY SCH DIST 100 JACKSON ST EVERGREEN 36401 334-578-1752 CONECUH 3 PK-12 2,061 92 356 134 8

    COOSA COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 37 ROCKFORD 35136 256-377-4913 COOSA 3 KG-12 1,704 74 269 99 6

    COVINGTON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 460 ANDALUSIA 36420 334-222-7571 COVINGTON 3 PK-12 3,163 148 482 197 8

    CRENSHAW COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 72 LUVERNE 36049 334-335-6519 CRENSHAW 3 KG-12 2,397 127 275 148 4

    CULLMAN CITY SCH DIST 222 2ND AVE SE CULLMAN 35055 256-734-2233 CULLMAN 3 KG-12 2,629 218 326 155 6

    CULLMAN COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1590 CULLMAN 35056 256-734-2933 CULLMAN 3 PK-12 9,480 444 1,189 580 26

    DALE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 948 OZARK 36361 334-774-2355 DALE 2 KG-12 2,649 149 368 163 7

    DALEVILLE CITY SCH DIST 626 N DALEVILLE AVE DALEVILLE 36322 334-598-2456 DALE 2 KG-12 1,654 87 236 104 4

    DALLAS COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1056 SELMA 36702 334-875-3440 DALLAS 3 KG-12 4,721 247 624 306 14

    DECATUR CITY SCH DIST 302 4TH AVE NE DECATUR 35601 256-552-3000 MORGAN 1 KG-12 8,863 441 1,126 603 17

    DEKALB COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1668 RAINSVILLE 35986 256-638-6921 DE KALB 3 KG-12 7,932 353 1,096 514 14

    DEMOPOLIS CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 759 DEMOPOLIS 36732 334-289-1670 MARENGO 3 PK-12 2,341 117 190 144 4

    DOTHAN CITY SCH DIST 500 DUSY ST DOTHAN 36301 334-794-1407 HOUSTON 1 PK-12 8,671 463 1,290 504 19

    ELBA CITY SCH DIST 131 TIGER DR ELBA 36323 334-897-2801 COFFEE 3 KG-12 986 56 138 70 3

    ELMORE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 817 WETUMPKA 36092 334-567-1200 ELMORE 2 PK-12 9,991 428 1,276 618 15

    ENTERPRISE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 311790 ENTERPRISE 36331 334-347-9531 COFFEE 3 KG-12 5,116 309 588 333 10

    ESCAMBIA COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 307 BREWTON 36427 334-867-6251 ESCAMBIA 3 PK-12 4,738 245 611 316 14

    ETOWAH COUNTY SCH DIST 3200 W MEIGHAN BLVD GADSDEN 35904 256-549-7578 ETOWAH 2 PK-12 8,429 453 1,306 525 22

    EUFAULA CITY SCH DIST 420 SANFORD AVE EUFAULA 36027 334-687-1100 BARBOUR 3 PK-12 2,981 158 352 190 5

    FAIRFIELD CITY SCH DIST 6405 AVE D FAIRFIELD 35064 205-783-6850 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 2,322 100 204 151 7

    FAYETTE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 599 FAYETTE 35555 205-932-4611 FAYETTE 3 KG-12 2,741 175 361 172 6

    FLORENCE CITY SCH DIST 541 RIVERVIEW DR FLORENCE 35630 256-768-3015 LAUDERDALE 1 PK-12 4,324 285 494 306 9

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001 ALABAMA / Page 1

    Mailing Address

  • Page 2 / ALABAMA

    Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    FORT PAYNE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 681029 FORT PAYNE 35968 256-845-0915 DE KALB 3 KG-12 2,679 157 275 159 4

    FRANKLIN COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 610 RUSSELLVILLE 35653 256-332-1360 FRANKLIN 3 KG-12 3,045 161 408 198 7

    GADSDEN CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 184 GADSDEN 35902 256-543-3512 ETOWAH 1 KG-12 5,419 243 883 356 17

    GENEVA CITY SCH DIST 505 PANTHER DR GENEVA 36340 334-684-7757 GENEVA 3 KG-12 1,340 66 156 88 3

    GENEVA COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 250 GENEVA 36340 334-684-5690 GENEVA 3 KG-12 2,665 154 320 172 9

    GREENE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 569 EUTAW 35462 205-372-3114 GREENE 3 KG-12 1,778 63 223 125 5

    GUNTERSVILLE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 129 GUNTERSVILLE 35976 256-582-3159 MARSHALL 3 PK-12 1,826 98 200 120 4

    HALE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 360 GREENSBORO 36744 334-624-8836 HALE 3 PK-12 3,272 148 363 220 8

    HALEYVILLE CITY SCH DIST 2011 20TH ST HALEYVILLE 35565 205-486-9231 WINSTON 3 PK-12 1,685 90 227 113 3

    HARTSELLE CITY SCH DIST 305 COLLEGE ST NE HARTSELLE 35640 256-773-5419 MORGAN 2 PK-12 3,065 167 387 196 6

    HENRY COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 635 ABBEVILLE 36310 334-585-2206 HENRY 3 PK-12 2,713 139 354 169 7

    HOMEWOOD CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 59366 HOMEWOOD 35259 205-870-4203 JEFFERSON 2 PK-12 3,221 186 367 253 5

    HOOVER CITY SCH DIST 100 MUNICIPAL DR SUITE 200 HOOVER 35216 205-439-1015 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 10,304 643 878 728 14

    HOUSTON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1688 DOTHAN 36302 334-792-8331 HOUSTON 2 KG-12 6,184 303 786 397 9

    HUNTSVILLE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 1256 HUNTSVILLE 35807 256-428-6810 MADISON 1 PK-12 22,762 1,390 2,963 1,541 48

    JACKSON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 490 SCOTTSBORO 35768 256-259-9500 JACKSON 3 PK-12 6,146 304 688 392 19

    JACKSONVILLE CITY SCH DIST 123 COLLEGE ST SW JACKSONVILLE 36265 256-782-5682 CALHOUN 2 KG-12 1,696 81 206 99 2

    JASPER CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 500 JASPER 35502 205-384-6021 WALKER 3 PK-12 2,583 181 327 168 6

    JEFFERSON COUNTY SCH DIST 2100 18TH ST S BIRMINGHAM 35209 205-379-2000 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 40,396 2,429 5,481 2,477 62

    LAMAR COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1379 VERNON 35592 205-695-7615 LAMAR 3 KG-12 2,643 140 284 169 4

    LANETT CITY SCH DIST 105 N LANIER AVE LANETT 36863 334-644-5900 CHAMBERS 3 KG-12 1,143 76 127 79 3

    LAUDERDALE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 278 FLORENCE 35631 256-760-1300 LAUDERDALE 2 KG-12 8,781 473 921 539 13

    LAWRENCE COUNTY SCH DIST 14131 MARKET ST MOULTON 35650 256-905-2400 LAWRENCE 2 KG-12 6,024 355 693 389 16

    LEE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 120 OPELIKA 36803 334-745-9770 LEE 2 PK-12 9,113 375 825 590 12

    LIMESTONE COUNTY SCH DIST 300 S JEFFERSON ST ATHENS 35611 256-232-5353 LIMESTONE 2 KG-12 7,944 373 925 512 12

    LINDEN CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 480609 LINDEN 36748 334-295-8802 MARENGO 3 KG-12 630 30 126 45 4

    LOWNDES COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 755 HAYNEVILLE 36040 334-548-2131 LOWNDES 3 KG-12 2,608 126 431 163 9

    MACON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 830090 TUSKEGEE 36083 334-727-1600 MACON 3 PK-12 3,767 173 426 237 8

    MADISON CITY SCH DIST 4192 SULLIVAN ST MADISON 35758 256-464-8370 MADISON 2 KG-12 6,328 349 671 367 8

    MADISON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 226 HUNTSVILLE 35804 256-852-2557 MADISON 2 PK-12 16,075 795 1,738 937 24

    MARENGO COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 480339 LINDEN 36748 334-295-4123 MARENGO 3 KG-12 1,729 91 198 115 4

    MARION COUNTY SCH DIST 188 WINCHESTER DR HAMILTON 35570 205-921-9319 MARION 3 PK-12 3,804 198 524 233 11

    MARSHALL COUNTY SCH DIST 12380 US HIGHWAY 431 S GUNTERSVILLE 35976 256-582-3171 MARSHALL 3 PK-12 6,919 306 815 410 18

    MIDFIELD CITY SCH DIST 417 PARKWOOD ST MIDFIELD 35228 205-923-2262 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 1,162 64 173 75 4

    MOBILE COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1327 MOBILE 36633 334-690-8227 MOBILE 1 PK-12 63,846 3,391 9,645 4,043 102

    MONROE COUNTY SCH DIST BOX 967 MONROEVILLE 36461 334-575-2168 MONROE 3 PK-12 4,446 285 467 275 13

    MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1991 MONTGOMERY 36102 334-223-6710 MONTGOMERY 1 PK-12 33,140 1,305 4,027 2,145 61

    MORGAN COUNTY SCH DIST 1325 POINT MALLARD PKWY SE DECATUR 35601 256-353-6442 MORGAN 2 PK-12 7,447 359 1,184 509 17

    MOUNTAIN BROOK CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 130040 MOUNTAIN BROOK 35213 205-871-4608 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 3,996 246 386 313 6

    MUSCLE SHOALS CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 2610 MUSCLE SHOALS 35662 256-389-2600 COLBERT 2 KG-12 2,434 127 140 151 7

    ONEONTA CITY SCH DIST 27605 STATE HIGHWAY 75 ONEONTA 35121 205-625-4106 BLOUNT 2 KG-12 1,279 62 130 75 2

    OPELIKA CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 2469 OPELIKA 36803 334-745-9700 LEE 2 KG-12 4,370 229 478 291 9

    OPP CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 840 OPP 36467 334-493-3173 COVINGTON 3 PK-12 1,409 85 153 94 3

    OXFORD CITY SCH DIST 310 E 2ND ST OXFORD 36203 256-831-0243 CALHOUN 2 PK-12 3,194 203 396 192 5

    OZARK CITY SCH DIST 928 EAST ANDREWS AVE OZARK 36360 334-774-5197 DALE 2 KG-12 2,844 203 415 187 8

    PELL CITY CITY SCH DIST 25 WILLIAMSON DR PELL CITY 35125 205-884-4440 ST. CLAIR 2 KG-12 3,905 155 651 230 6

    PERRY COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 900 MARION 36756 334-683-6528 PERRY 3 KG-12 2,250 100 340 140 4

    PHENIX CITY CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 460 PHENIX CITY 36868 334-298-0534 RUSSELL 2 KG-12 5,005 268 556 290 9

    PICKENS COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 32 CARROLLTON 35447 205-367-2080 PICKENS 3 KG-12 3,668 180 437 221 10

    PIEDMONT CITY SCH DIST 502 HOOD ST W PIEDMONT 36272 256-447-8831 CALHOUN 2 KG-12 1,028 71 154 65 3

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001

    Mailing Address

  • Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    PIKE COUNTY SCH DIST 101 W LOVE ST TROY 36081 334-566-1850 PIKE 3 KG-12 2,193 103 391 138 6

    RANDOLPH COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 288 WEDOWEE 36278 256-357-4611 RANDOLPH 3 KG-12 2,257 108 277 137 6

    ROANOKE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 1367 ROANOKE 36274 334-863-2628 RANDOLPH 3 KG-12 1,494 93 183 90 4

    RUSSELL COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 400 PHENIX CITY 36868 334-298-8791 RUSSELL 2 PK-12 3,861 109 402 231 11

    RUSSELLVILLE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 880 RUSSELLVILLE 35653 256-332-8440 FRANKLIN 3 KG-12 2,327 134 212 146 4

    SAINT CLAIR COUNTY SCH DIST 33205 US HIGHWAY 231 ASHVILLE 35953 205-594-7131 ST. CLAIR 2 PK-12 7,084 309 892 428 16

    SCOTTSBORO CITY SCH DIST 906 S SCOTT ST SCOTTSBORO 35768 256-218-2100 JACKSON 3 PK-12 2,730 153 365 179 6

    SELMA CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 350 SELMA 36702 334-874-1600 DALLAS 3 PK-12 4,074 196 475 247 13

    SHEFFIELD CITY SCH DIST 300 W 6TH ST SHEFFIELD 35660 256-383-0400 COLBERT 2 KG-12 1,378 51 198 101 4

    SHELBY COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 429 COLUMBIANA 35051 205-682-7000 SHELBY 2 KG-12 20,768 1,012 2,844 1,374 34

    SUMTER COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 10 LIVINGSTON 35470 205-652-9605 SUMTER 3 PK-12 2,711 137 365 169 7

    SYLACAUGA CITY SCH DIST 605 W 4TH ST SYLACAUGA 35150 256-245-5256 TALLADEGA 3 KG-12 2,229 151 275 148 6

    TALLADEGA CITY SCH DIST 501 SOUTH ST E TALLADEGA 35160 256-315-5600 TALLADEGA 3 KG-12 2,978 144 411 188 9

    TALLADEGA COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 887 TALLADEGA 35161 256-315-5100 TALLADEGA 3 KG-12 7,736 402 885 442 18

    TALLAPOOSA COUNTY SCH DIST 125 N BROADNAX ST RM 113 DADEVILLE 36853 256-825-1020 TALLAPOOSA 3 KG-12 3,447 137 567 218 7

    TALLASSEE CITY SCH DIST 308 KING ST TALLASSEE 36078 334-283-6864 ELMORE 2 KG-12 1,864 87 236 113 3

    TARRANT CITY SCH DIST 1318 ALABAMA ST TARRANT 35217 205-849-3700 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 1,387 61 210 86 5

    THOMASVILLE CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 458 THOMASVILLE 36784 334-636-9955 CLARKE 3 KG-12 1,657 78 163 110 3

    TROY CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 529 TROY 36081 334-566-3741 PIKE 3 KG-12 2,302 142 292 143 6

    TUSCALOOSA CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 038991 TUSCALOOSA 35403 205-759-3530 TUSCALOOSA 1 PK-12 9,569 454 1,367 636 22

    TUSCALOOSA COUNTY SCH DIST PO DRAWER 2568 TUSCALOOSA 35403 205-758-0411 TUSCALOOSA 2 PK-12 15,653 755 1,768 960 28

    TUSCUMBIA CITY SCH DIST 300 E 7TH ST TUSCUMBIA 35674 256-389-2900 COLBERT 2 KG-12 1,350 93 134 88 6

    VESTAVIA HILLS CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 660826 BIRMINGHAM 35266 205-402-5100 JEFFERSON 2 KG-12 4,544 304 380 304 6

    WALKER COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 311 JASPER 35502 205-387-0555 WALKER 3 KG-12 8,063 363 1,284 527 24

    WASHINGTON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 1359 CHATOM 36518 334-847-2401 WASHINGTON 3 KG-12 3,630 206 364 222 8

    WILCOX COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 160 CAMDEN 36726 334-682-4716 WILCOX 3 PK-12 2,511 136 304 168 7

    WINFIELD CITY SCH DIST PO BOX 70 WINFIELD 35594 205-487-4255 MARION 3 KG-12 1,282 84 119 78 4

    WINSTON COUNTY SCH DIST PO BOX 9 DOUBLE SPRINGS 35553 205-489-5018 WINSTON 3 KG-12 2,808 149 475 185 10

    State-operated Agencies

    AL INST FOR DEAF AND BLIND P O BOX 698 TALLADEGA 35161 256-761-3200 TALLADEGA 3 KG-12 † — 525 — 4

    ALABAMA SCH OF MATH AND SCI 1255 DAUPHIN STREET MOBILE 36604 334-441-2100 MOBILE 1 00-00 † † † — 1

    ALABAMA YOUTH SERVICES PO BOX 66 MT MEIGS 36057 334-215-3850 MONTGOMERY 2 03-12 624 — 72 — 4

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001 ALABAMA / Page 3

    Mailing Address

  • Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    ALASKA GATEWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 226 TOK 99780 907-883-5151 SOUTHEAST FAIRBANK 3 PK-12 500 25 78 33 8


    ALEUTIANS EAST BOROUGH SCH DIS P.O. BOX 429 SAND POINT 99661 907-383-5222 ALEUTIANS EAST 3 PK-12 324 21 53 38 7

    ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 196614 ANCHORAGE 99519 907-742-4312 ANCHORAGE 1 PK-12 49,767 2,441 7,272 2,813 98


    BERING STRAIT SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 225 UNALAKLEET 99684 907-624-3611 NOME 3 PK-12 1,744 76 254 171 15

    BRISTOL BAY BOROUGH SCH DIST P.O. BOX 169 NAKNEK 99633 907-246-4225 BRISTOL BAY 3 PK-12 255 17 23 22 3

    CHATHAM REGION SCHOOLS P.O. BOX 109 ANGOON 99820 907-788-3302 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-AN 3 KG-12 224 10 3 21 5


    COPPER RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 108 GLENNALLEN 99588 907-822-3235 VALDEZ-CORDOVA 3 PK-12 730 27 109 43 9

    CORDOVA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 140 CORDOVA 99574 907-424-3265 VALDEZ-CORDOVA 3 PK-12 467 28 66 33 2

    CRAIG CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 800 CRAIG 99921 907-826-3274 PR WALES-OUTER KET 3 PK-12 700 20 78 32 5

    DELTA GREELY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 527 DELTA JUNCTION 99737 907-895-4658 FAIRBANKS NORTH ST 3 PK-12 1,018 47 76 41 7

    DENALI BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 280 HEALY 99743 907-683-2278 YUKON-KOYUKUK 3 PK-12 290 31 40 25 3

    DILLINGHAM CITY SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 170 DILLINGHAM 99576 907-842-5223 DILLINGHAM 3 PK-12 555 23 61 42 2

    FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BORO S/D 520 FIFTH AVENUE FAIRBANKS 99701 907-452-2000 FAIRBANKS NORTH ST 3 PK-12 15,385 802 2,108 891 34

    GALENA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 299 GALENA 99741 907-656-1205 YUKON-KOYUKUK 3 PK-12 3,698 139 92 60 4

    HAINES BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1289 HAINES 99827 907-766-2644 HAINES 3 KG-12 379 18 54 29 5

    HOONAH CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 157 HOONAH 99829 907-945-3611 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-AN 3 PK-12 217 18 23 22 2

    HYDABURG CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 109 HYDABURG 99922 907-285-3491 PR WALES-OUTER KET 3 KG-12 101 5 15 11 2

    IDITAROD AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 90 MCGRATH 99627 907-524-3033 YUKON-KOYUKUK 2 PK-12 575 29 73 30 10

    JUNEAU BOROUGH SCHOOLS 10014 CRAZY HORSE DRIVE JUNEAU 99801 907-463-1700 JUNEAU 3 PK-12 5,608 357 679 336 13

    KAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 450 KAKE 99830 907-785-3741 WRANGELL-PETERSBUR 3 KG-12 173 9 14 14 2

    KASHUNAMIUT SCHOOL DISTRICT 985 KSD WAY CHEVAK 99563 907-858-7712 WADE HAMPTON 3 PK-12 321 12 31 24 1

    KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH SCHS 148 N. BINKLEY ST. SOLDOTNA 99669 907-262-5846 KENAI PENINSULA 3 PK-12 9,971 612 1,228 616 42


    KLAWOCK CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 KLAWOCK 99925 907-755-2220 PR WALES-OUTER KET 3 PK-12 177 11 34 17 2

    KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SCH DIST 722 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK 99615 907-486-9210 KODIAK ISLAND 3 PK-12 2,825 146 379 184 17

    KUSPUK SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 49 ANIAK 99557 907-675-4250 BETHEL 3 PK-12 435 22 62 47 11

    LAKE AND PENINSULA SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 498 KING SALMON 99613 907-246-4280 LAKE AND PENINSULA 3 PK-12 477 28 61 50 16

    LOWER KUSKOKWIM SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 305 BETHEL 99559 907-543-4800 BETHEL 3 PK-12 3,696 124 502 275 28

    LOWER YUKON SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 32089 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE 99632 907-591-2411 WADE HAMPTON 3 PK-12 1,962 60 193 139 11

    MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH SCHS 125 WEST EVERGREEN PALMER 99645 907-746-9272 MATANUSKA-SUSITNA 3 PK-12 13,410 785 2,111 769 36

    NENANA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 10 NENANA 99760 907-832-5464 YUKON-KOYUKUK 3 PK-12 1,899 26 29 33 2

    NOME CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 131 NOME 99762 907-443-2231 NOME 3 PK-12 746 43 71 51 6

    NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH SCH DIST P.O. BOX 169 BARROW 99723 907-852-5311 NORTH SLOPE 3 PK-12 2,165 96 199 193 10

    NORTHWEST ARCTIC SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 51 KOTZEBUE 99752 907-442-3472 NORTHWEST ARCTIC 3 PK-12 2,223 80 207 166 13


    PETERSBURG CITY SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 289 PETERSBURG 99833 907-772-4271 WRANGELL-PETERSBUR 3 PK-12 658 43 108 45 3


    SAINT MARYS CITY SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 9 SAINT MARYS 99658 907-438-2411 WADE HAMPTON 3 PK-12 153 3 21 12 1

    SITKA BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 179 SITKA 99835 907-747-8622 SITKA 3 PK-12 1,646 85 271 103 6

    SKAGWAY CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 497 SKAGWAY 99840 907-983-2960 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-AN 3 KG-12 125 13 11 13 1

    SOUTHEAST ISLAND SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 19569 THORNE BAY 99919 907-828-8254 PR WALES-OUTER KET 3 PK-12 245 17 38 24 11

    SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DIST P.O. BOX 90 DILLINGHAM 99576 907-842-5287 BRISTOL BAY 3 KG-12 762 29 96 65 9

    TANANA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 89 TANANA 99777 907-366-7207 YUKON-KOYUKUK 3 PK-12 69 5 8 7 2

    UNALASKA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 570 UNALASKA 99685 907-581-3151 ALEUTIANS WEST 3 PK-12 374 22 44 31 3

    VALDEZ CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 398 VALDEZ 99686 907-835-4357 VALDEZ-CORDOVA 3 PK-12 883 63 140 57 3

    WRANGELL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P. O. BOX 2319 WRANGELL 99929 907-874-2347 WRANGELL-PETERSBUR 3 PK-12 464 30 59 32 3

    YAKUTAT CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 429 YAKUTAT 99689 907-784-3317 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-AN 3 PK-12 167 7 20 18 2

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001 ALASKA / Page 5

    Mailing Address

  • Page 6 / ALASKA

    Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    YUKON FLATS SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 359 FORT YUKON 99740 907-662-2515 YUKON-KOYUKUK 3 PK-12 321 13 63 34 9


    YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. BOX 51100 AKIACHAK 99551 907-825-4428 BETHEL 3 PK-12 447 10 62 36 3

    State-operated Agencies

    ALYESKA CENTRAL SCHOOL 3141 CHANNEL DRIVE #100 JUNEAU 99801 907-465-2835 JUNEAU 3 KG-12 1,017 47 0 20 1

    MOUNT EDGECUMBE HIGH SCHOOL 1330 SEWARD AVE. SITKA 99835 907-966-3200 SITKA 3 09-12 331 42 11 14 1

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001

    Mailing Address

  • Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    ACADEMIC PREP SCHOOLS N TUCSON 85749 PIMA 2 00-00 † † † 0 0

    ACADEMY OF HOPE, THE P.O. BOX 435 ASH FORK 86320 928-637-0456 YAVAPAI 3 06-12 0 0 0 0 1

    ACCELERATED LEARNING CENTER 4101 E. SHEA BLVD PHOENIX 85028 602-485-0309 MARICOPA 1 09-12 199 144 17 0 1

    ACCELERATED LEARNING CTR (LAB) 5245 N. CAMINO DE OESTE TUCSON 85745 520-743-1113 PIMA 1 KG-08 320 † 4 0 1


    ACCLAIM CHARTER SCHOOL 5350 W INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD PHOENIX 85031 623-691-0919 MARICOPA 1 KG-08 301 † 19 0 1

    ADVANCED ED SRVS - SOLON ACAD P.O. BOX 848 COLTON, CA 92324 909-370-1866 MARICOPA 2 KG-06 141 † 0 0 1

    AGUA FRIA UNION HIGH S D 750 E RILEY DR AVONDALE 85323 623-932-7000 MARICOPA 2 09-12 2,777 425 209 121 2

    AGUILA ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 218 AGUILA 85320 928-685-2222 MARICOPA 2 KG-08 183 † 17 10 1

    AJO UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 68 AJO 85321 520-387-5618 PIMA 2 PK-12 529 17 51 34 1

    ALHAMBRA ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 4510 N 37TH AVE PHOENIX 85019 602-336-2920 MARICOPA 1 PK-08 14,149 † 1,294 695 15

    ALPINE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 170 ALPINE 85920 928-339-4570 APACHE 3 KG-08 37 † 7 3 1

    ALTAR VALLEY ELEM DIST HCR 1 BOX 130 TUCSON 85736 520-822-1484 PIMA 2 PK-08 852 † 126 47 3

    AMERICAN HERITAGE ACADEMY 2030 E. CHERRY ST. COTTONWOOD 86326 928-634-2144 YAVAPAI 3 KG-12 242 14 4 0 1

    AMPHITHEATER UNIFIED DISTRICT 701 W WETMORE TUCSON 85705 520-696-5130 PIMA 2 PK-12 16,985 947 2,293 867 22

    ANTELOPE UNION HIGH S D 9168 S AVE 36 E WELLTON 85356 928-785-4041 YUMA 2 09-12 355 64 46 22 1

    APACHE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 16435 PORTAL 85632 520-558-2364 COCHISE 3 KG-08 12 † 3 0 1

    APACHE JUNCTION UNIFIED DIST 1575 W SOUTHERN AVE APACHE JUNCTION 85220 480-982-1110 PINAL 2 KG-12 5,646 242 666 300 8

    ARETE SCHOOL 5702 N 35TH AVE PHOENIX 85017 602-249-2645 MARICOPA N KG-05 0 † 0 0 0

    ARIZONA CAREER ACADEMY 4700 S. MCCLINTOCK DRIVE,SUITE TEMPE 85282 480-755-8222 MARICOPA 1 09-12 541 200 23 0 3

    ARIZONA MONTESSORI CHRTR SCHS 10620 N 43RD AVE GLENDALE 85304 602-978-0011 MARICOPA 2 KG-08 127 † 20 0 2

    ARIZONA SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS 1313 N 2ND ST PHOENIX 85004 602-257-1444 MARICOPA 1 06-12 329 18 4 0 1


    ASH CREEK ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 6460 EAST HIGHWAY 181 PEARCE 85625 520-824-3340 COCHISE 3 PK-08 50 † 16 5 1

    ASH FORK JOINT UNIFIED DIST P O BOX 247 ASH FORK 86320 928-637-2561 YAVAPAI 3 KG-12 254 18 23 17 3

    AVONDALE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 235 W WESTERN AVE AVONDALE 85323 623-772-5000 MARICOPA 2 PK-08 3,773 † 322 170 6

    AZ-TEC HIGH SCHOOL 2330 SOUTH 28TH STREET YUMA 85364 928-726-2831 YUMA 1 09-12 94 2 19 0 1

    BAGDAD UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 427 BAGDAD 86321 928-633-4101 YAVAPAI 3 PK-12 349 23 71 22 2

    BALL CHARTER SCHOOL (HEARN) 1055 E. HEARN RD PHOENIX 85022 602-896-9160 MARICOPA 1 KG-08 340 † 36 0 1

    BALSZ ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 4825 E. ROOSEVELT PHOENIX 85008 602-629-6400 MARICOPA 1 PK-08 3,473 † 326 184 4

    BEAVER CREEK ELEM DIST P O BOX 190 RIMROCK 86335 928-567-4631 YAVAPAI 3 KG-08 289 † 34 17 1

    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CHARTER SCH 13732 E WARNER GILBERT 85296 480-497-8822 MARICOPA 2 KG-08 1,334 † 68 0 3

    BENSON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 360 S. PATAGONIA STREET BENSON 85602 520-586-2213 COCHISE 3 PK-12 1,012 86 133 69 3

    BICENTENNIAL UNION HIGH S D P O BOX 519 SALOME 85348 928-859-3453 LA PAZ 3 09-12 144 21 25 12 1

    BISBEE UNIFIED DISTRICT 100 OLD DOUGLAS ROAD BISBEE 85603 520-432-5381 COCHISE 3 PK-12 1,061 90 110 59 4

    BLUE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT BOX 80 BLUE 85922 928-339-4346 GREENLEE 3 KG-08 0 † 0 0 1

    BLUE RIDGE UNIFIED DISTRICT 1200 W WHITE MOUNTAIN BLVD LAKESIDE 85929 928-368-6126 NAVAJO 3 PK-12 2,378 145 322 144 4

    BONITA ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 18008 S. FT GRANT RD BONITA 85643 928-828-3363 GRAHAM 3 KG-08 89 † 9 8 1

    BOUSE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX S BOUSE 85325 928-851-2213 LA PAZ 3 PK-08 25 † 7 5 1

    BOWIE UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 157 BOWIE 85605 520-847-2545 COCHISE 3 KG-12 106 8 18 12 2

    BRYAN CHARTER SCHOOLS 221 LOS ALTOS DR RAWLINS 82301 307-324-2017 MARICOPA 2 KG-03 0 † 0 0 0

    BUCKEYE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 210 S 6TH ST BUCKEYE 85326 623-386-4487 MARICOPA 2 PK-08 1,409 † 137 64 1

    BUCKEYE UNION HIGH S D 902 EASON AVE BUCKEYE 85326 623-386-9703 MARICOPA 2 09-12 1,284 206 27 58 2

    BULLHEAD CITY ELEM DIST 1004 HANCOCK RD BULLHEAD CITY 86442 928-758-3961 MOHAVE 2 KG-08 3,774 † 278 214 7

    C. I. WILSON ACADEMY 2019 E. SOUTHERN AVE. PHOENIX 85040 602-268-4508 MARICOPA 1 KG-06 427 † 7 0 1

    CALLI OLLIN ACADEMY CHRTR SCH 200 NORTH STONE AVENUE TUCSON 85701 520-882-3029 PIMA 1 09-12 117 18 5 0 1

    CAMP VERDE UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 728 CAMP VERDE 86322 928-567-8000 YAVAPAI 3 PK-12 1,445 76 206 78 3

    CANON ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 89 BLACK CANYON CITY 85324 623-374-5588 YAVAPAI 3 KG-08 209 † 56 13 1

    CAREER PATHWAYS ACADEMY 4941 W UNION HILLS GLENDALE 85308 602-978-8838 MARICOPA N 09-12 0 0 0 0 0

    CARTWRIGHT ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 3401 N 67TH AVE PHOENIX 85033 623-691-4000 MARICOPA 1 PK-08 19,451 † 2,273 954 22

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001 ARIZONA / Page 7

    Mailing Address

  • Page 8 / ARIZONA

    Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    CASA BLANCA MIDDLE SCHOOL P.O. BOX 10885 BAPCHULE 85221 480-403-8594 PINAL 2 05-08 236 † 58 0 1

    CASA GRANDE ELEM DIST 1460 N PINAL AVE CASA GRANDE 85222 520-836-2111 PINAL 2 PK-08 5,490 † 779 298 10

    CASA GRANDE UNION HIGH S D 1362 N. CASA GRANDE AVE. CASA GRANDE 85222 520-316-3360 PINAL 2 09-12 2,642 0 306 145 3

    CATALINA FOOTHILLS UNF DIST 2101 E RIVER RD TUCSON 85718 520-299-6446 PIMA 2 PK-12 5,001 431 504 293 8

    CEDAR UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 367 KEAMS CANYON 86034 928-738-2366 NAVAJO 3 KG-08 501 † 61 37 1

    CHANDLER UNIFIED DISTRICT 1525 W FRYE RD CHANDLER 85224 480-812-7000 MARICOPA 2 PK-12 23,383 1,021 2,133 1,171 25

    CHESTER-NEWTON CHRTR & MONTESS P.O. BOX 2166 CAMP VERDE 86322 928-567-2363 YAVAPAI 2 KG-06 133 † 3 0 4

    CHEVELON BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT P O BOX 1574 FOREST LAKES 85931 928-535-4729 COCONINO 2 00-00 † † † 0 0

    CHINLE UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 587 CHINLE 86503 928-674-9630 APACHE 3 KG-12 4,326 222 446 266 8

    CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 225 CHINO VALLEY 86323 928-636-2458 YAVAPAI 3 PK-12 2,552 144 396 137 4

    CHLORIDE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 248 DOLAN SPRINGS 86441 928-767-3350 MOHAVE 2 KG-12 281 2 31 21 1

    CLARKDALE-JEROME ELEM DIST P O BOX 248 CLARKDALE 86324 928-634-5035 YAVAPAI 3 PK-08 374 † 31 21 1

    CLASSICAL KIDS ACADEMY 2015 NORTH DOBSON ROAD CHANDLER 85224 480-753-0000 MARICOPA 1 01-12 36 0 0 0 1

    CLIFTON UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 1567 CLIFTON 85533 928-865-2752 GREENLEE 3 PK-12 211 18 26 17 2

    COCHISE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 1088 COCHISE 85606 520-384-2540 COCHISE 3 KG-08 42 † 7 9 1

    COCHISE PRIV INDUSTRY COUNCIL 650 E WILCOX DR SIERRA VISTA 85635 520-458-4200 COCHISE 3 KG-12 399 102 35 0 3

    COLORADO CITY UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 309 COLORADO CITY 86021 928-875-9000 MOHAVE 2 PK-12 353 7 100 17 3

    COLORADO RIVER UNION HIGH S D P O BOX 21479 BULLHEAD CITY 86439 928-768-1665 MOHAVE 2 09-12 2,038 320 232 78 2

    CONCHO ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 200 CONCHO 85924 928-337-4267 APACHE 3 PK-08 166 † 34 14 1

    CONGRESS ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 68 CONGRESS 85332 928-427-9850 YAVAPAI 3 KG-08 115 † 21 7 1

    CONTINENTAL ELEM DIST P O BOX 547 GREEN VALLEY 85622 520-625-4581 PIMA 2 PK-08 287 † 40 19 1

    COOLIDGE UNIFIED DISTRICT 221 W. CENTRAL AVE. COOLIDGE 85228 520-723-2045 PINAL 2 PK-12 2,847 138 423 168 8

    COTTONWOOD-OAK CREEK ELEM DIST 1 N WILLARD ST COTTONWOOD 86326 928-634-2288 YAVAPAI 3 PK-08 2,512 † 206 133 4

    CRANE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 4250 W 16TH ST YUMA 85364 928-373-3400 YUMA 1 PK-08 5,315 † 678 275 7

    CREIGHTON ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 2702 E FLOWER ST PHOENIX 85016 602-381-6000 MARICOPA 1 PK-08 8,549 † 865 400 10

    CROWN KING ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 188 CROWN KING 86343 928-632-3326 YAVAPAI 3 KG-08 5 † 1 0 1

    D.W. HIGGINS INSTITUTE 1805 EAST ELLIOT TEMPE 85284 480-413-0829 MARICOPA 1 KG-08 207 † 24 0 1

    DAVIS EDUCATION CENTER P.O. BOX 11039 TUCSON 85734 520-722-8130 PIMA 1 KG-08 180 † 0 0 1

    DEER VALLEY UNIFIED DISTRICT 20402 N 15TH AVE PHOENIX 85027 623-445-5000 MARICOPA 1 PK-12 28,678 1,320 3,428 1,525 29

    DESERT SPRINGS ACADEMY 10355 E. 29TH ST. TUCSON 85748 520-546-9966 PIMA 1 KG-08 233 † 13 0 2

    DESTINY SCHOOL, INC. 22 PRICKLY PEAR DRIVE GLOBE 85501 928-425-0925 GILA 3 KG-12 324 0 32 0 1

    DIMENSIONS ACADEMY 9201 N. 7TH AVE PHOENIX 85331 602-896-0232 MARICOPA N KG-03 0 † 0 0 0

    DISCOVERY PLUS ACADEMY P.O. BOX 1089 PIMA 85543 928-485-2498 GRAHAM 3 KG-08 72 † 11 0 1

    DOBSON ACAD - A BALL CHRTR SCH 2207 N. DOBSON RD. CHANDLER 85224 480-855-6325 MARICOPA 2 KG-08 409 † 36 0 1

    DOUBLE ADOBE ELEM DIST 7081 N CENTRAL HWY MCNEAL 85617 520-364-3041 COCHISE 3 KG-06 66 † 15 4 1

    DOUGLAS UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 1237 DOUGLAS 85608 520-364-2447 COCHISE 3 PK-12 4,531 226 431 221 12

    DUNCAN UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 710 DUNCAN 85534 928-359-2472 GREENLEE 3 PK-12 558 44 70 41 3

    DYSART UNIFIED DISTRICT 11405 N DYSART RD EL MIRAGE 85335 623-876-7002 MARICOPA 2 PK-12 6,918 189 790 332 7

    EAGLES AERIE SCHOOLS 17019 S GREENFIELD ROAD GILBERT 85297 480-988-3212 MARICOPA 2 KG-12 285 0 15 0 1

    EAST VALLEY ACADEMY 910 N. 85TH PLACE SCOTTSDALE 85257 480-834-3485 MARICOPA 1 KG-06 18 † 0 0 1

    EAST VLY FAM & YTH SUPPORT CTRS 367 N. 21ST AVE. PHOENIX 85009 602-258-6060 MARICOPA 1 KG-09 243 † 30 0 3

    ECOTECH AGRICULTURAL CHRTR SCH 12221 E. PECOS RD. CHANDLER 85225 480-814-9007 MARICOPA 2 KG-10 72 † 0 0 1

    EDGE SCHOOL INC. THE 2555 E FIRST STREET TUCSON 85716 520-881-1389 PIMA 2 09-12 160 19 9 0 4

    ELFRIDA ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 328 ELFRIDA 85610 520-642-3428 COCHISE 3 PK-08 189 † 22 10 1

    ELOY ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 1011 N SUNSHINE BLVD ELOY 85231 520-466-2100 PINAL 2 PK-08 1,249 † 182 77 4

    EMPIRE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 114 SONOITA 85637 520-455-5043 PIMA 2 UG-UG 0 0 0 0 0

    ENTERPRISE ACADEMY 415 W GRANT STREET PHOENIX 85003 602-254-1844 MARICOPA 1 KG-08 183 † 10 0 1


    ESPIRITU COM DEVELOPMENT CORP. 4848 SOUTH 2ND STREET PHOENIX 85040 602-243-7788 MARICOPA 2 KG-12 533 20 5 0 2

    FLAGSTAFF ARTS & LEADRSHP ACAD 3100 NORTH FORT VALLEY FLAGSTAFF 86001 928-779-7233 COCONINO 1 09-12 139 27 16 0 1

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001

    Mailing Address

  • Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's

    Street or P.O. Box City ZIP Number Status Span Membership Grads IEP

    Regular School Districts

    FLAGSTAFF JUNIOR ACADEMY 306 W. CEDAR AVENUE FLAGSTAFF 86001 928-774-6007 COCONINO 1 KG-08 174 † 30 0 1

    FLAGSTAFF UNIFIED DISTRICT 3285 E SPARROW AVE FLAGSTAFF 86004 928-527-6000 COCONINO 1 PK-12 11,349 741 1,692 755 21

    FLORENCE UNIFIED S D P O BOX 2850 FLORENCE 85232 520-868-2300 PINAL 2 PK-12 1,660 78 180 96 4

    FLOWING WELLS UNIFIED DISTRICT 1556 W PRINCE RD TUCSON 85705 520-690-2212 PIMA 2 PK-12 6,006 363 702 302 11

    FOOTHILLS ACADEMY P.O. BOX 4229 CAVE CREEK 85327 480-488-5583 MARICOPA 2 06-12 154 12 7 0 1




    FOWLER ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 1617 S 67TH AVE PHOENIX 85043 623-707-4500 MARICOPA 1 PK-08 2,184 † 249 107 3

    FREDONIA-MOCCASIN UNIFIED DIST P O BOX 247 FREDONIA 86022 928-643-7333 COCONINO 2 KG-12 394 18 64 25 3

    FT THOMAS UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 28 FT THOMAS 85536 928-485-9435 GRAHAM 3 KG-12 574 26 70 44 2

    FUTURE DVL ED & PERF ARTS ACAD 1522 E. SOUTHERN AVE. PHOENIX 85040 602-276-1223 MARICOPA 1 KG-08 0 † 15 0 1

    GADSDEN ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 6870 SAN LUIS 85349 928-627-1301 YUMA 2 PK-08 3,635 † 124 151 5


    GANADO UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 1757 GANADO 86505 928-755-1088 APACHE 3 KG-12 2,177 133 155 125 4

    GATEWAY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL 108 NORTH 40TH STREET PHOENIX 85034 602-392-5237 MARICOPA 1 09-12 270 100 5 0 1

    GENERAL HLT CORP AZ YTH ASSOC 4242 N. 19TH AVENUE PHOENIX 85015 602-861-0625 MARICOPA 2 KG-12 208 3 32 0 2

    GENESIS ACADEMY 640 NORTH 1ST AVENUE PHOENIX 85003 602-223-4200 MARICOPA 1 UG-UG 108 13 9 0 1

    GILA BEND UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX V GILA BEND 85337 602-258-1445 MARICOPA 2 KG-12 536 39 88 34 2

    GILBERT UNIFIED DISTRICT 140 S GILBERT RD GILBERT 85296 480-497-3452 MARICOPA 2 PK-12 31,276 1,817 3,042 1,709 33

    GLENDALE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 7301 N 58TH AVE GLENDALE 85301 623-842-8100 MARICOPA 2 PK-12 12,648 0 1,278 599 16

    GLENDALE UNION HIGH S D 7650 N 43RD AVE GLENDALE 85301 623-435-6000 MARICOPA 1 09-12 13,955 2,609 1,240 669 12

    GLOBAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION 210 EAST BROADWAY BLVD TUCSON 85701 520-882-9144 PIMA 1 01-09 185 † 9 0 1

    GLOBAL REN ACAD OF DISTINGD ED 5801 SOUTH RURAL ROAD TEMPE 85283 602-433-9964 MARICOPA 2 06-12 15 0 2 0 1

    GLOBE UNIFIED DISTRICT 455 WILLOW GLOBE 85501 928-425-3211 GILA 3 PK-12 2,198 105 314 111 4

    GRAHAM COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICES P O BOX 488 PIMA 85543 928-485-2759 GRAHAM 3 PK-KG 79 † 69 7 2

    GRAND CANYON UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 519 GRAND CANYON 86023 928-638-2461 COCONINO 2 PK-12 362 17 53 31 2


    GREENLEE ALTERNATIVE S D P.O. BOX 1595 CLIFTON 85533 928-865-2822 GREENLEE N 09-12 0 2 0 0 0


    GREENLEE CO ACCOMMODATION DIST P O BOX 1595 CLIFTON 85533 928-865-2822 GREENLEE 3 KG-12 0 0 15 1 1

    HACKBERRY SCHOOL DISTRICT HC 30 BOX 101 KINGMAN 86401 928-692-0013 MOHAVE 2 KG-08 57 † 5 4 1

    HAYDEN-WINKELMAN UNIFIED DIST P O BOX 409 WINKLEMAN 85292 520-356-7876 GILA 3 KG-12 559 27 64 42 4

    HEBER-OVERGAARD UNIFIED DIST P O BOX 547 HEBER 85928 928-535-4622 NAVAJO 3 PK-12 576 43 73 34 4

    HERMOSA MONTESSORI CHARTER 12051 E FORT LOWELL TUCSON 85749 520-749-5518 PIMA 2 KG-08 215 † 11 0 1

    HIGLEY UNIFIED DISTRICT 15201 S. HIGLEY ROAD HIGLEY 85236 480-279-7000 MARICOPA 2 PK-12 3,381 129 331 113 15

    HILLSIDE ELEMENTARY DISTRICT HC 01 BOX 3056 HILLSIDE 86321 928-442-3416 YAVAPAI 3 KG-08 13 † 4 0 1

    HOLBROOK UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 640 HOLBROOK 86025 928-524-6144 NAVAJO 3 KG-12 1,981 139 215 127 4

    HOPI JR/SR HS, VOC ED DEPT P.O. BOX 337 KEAMS CANYON 86034 928-738-5111 NAVAJO 3 07-12 742 98 12 0 1

    HUMBOLDT UNIFIED DISTRICT 8766 E. HWY 69 PRESCOTT VALLEY 86314 928-759-4000 YAVAPAI 3 PK-12 5,286 281 769 318 9

    HYDER ELEMENTARY DISTRICT P O BOX 3001 DATELAND 85333 928-454-2242 YUMA 2 KG-08 210 † 13 11 1

    INDIAN OASIS-BABOQUIVARI U DST PO BOX 248 SELLS 85634 520-383-6721 PIMA 2 PK-12 1,323 43 234 82 7

    INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ACADEMY 4744 W. GROVERS AVENUE GLENDALE 85308 602-547-8806 MARICOPA 1 07-12 212 20 15 0 1

    ISAAC ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 3348 W MCDOWELL RD PHOENIX 85009 602-455-6700 MARICOPA 1 PK-08 8,667 † 885 451 12

    J O COMBS ELEMENTARY DISTRICT 301 E COMBS RD QUEEN CREEK 85242 480-987-5300 PINAL 2 PK-08 367 † 49 24 1

    JOSEPH CITY UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 8 JOSEPH CITY 86032 928-288-3307 NAVAJO 3 PK-12 498 26 105 34 2


    KAYENTA UNIFIED DISTRICT P O BOX 337 KAYENTA 86033 928-697-2012 NAVAJO 3 PK-12 2,547 188 225 155 5


    KINGMAN ACADEMY OF LEARNING 2299 BEVERLY AVE. KINGMAN 86401 928-681-2400 MOHAVE 2 KG-09 897 † 143 0 4

    Universe of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies - Fall 2001 ARIZONA / Page 9

    Mailing Address

  • Page 10 / ARIZONA

    Total 2000-01

    Name of Agency Telephone Name of County Metro Grade Student Reg HS Spec Ed Teachers Sch's
