national optical fibre network of india : a position...

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  • National Optical Fibre Network of India : A position paper

    P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan and Nalini Srinivasan

    National Optical Fibre Network of : A position paper


    March, 2014

    P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan and Nalini Srinivasan

    National Optical Fibre Network of

    P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan and Nalini Srinivasan

  • LIRNEasia is a pro-poor, pro-market think tank whose mission is through research to improve peoples lives in the emerging Asia Pacific by facilitating their use of hard and soft infrastructures through the use of knowledge, information and technology. Contact: 12 Balcombe Place, Colombo 00800, Sri Lanka. +94 11 267 1160. [email protected]

    market think tank whose mission is Catalyzing policy change peoples lives in the emerging Asia Pacific by facilitating their

    use of hard and soft infrastructures through the use of knowledge, information and

    Contact: 12 Balcombe Place, Colombo 00800, Sri Lanka. +94 11 267 1160.



    Catalyzing policy change peoples lives in the emerging Asia Pacific by facilitating their

  • 1 Contents

    Contents ................................

    List of Figures ................................

    List of Abbreviations ................................

    1. Telecommunications, Electronic Governance and Broadband in India

    2. National Optical Fibre Network

    2.1 Organization ................................

    2.2 Technology ................................

    2.3 Goals................................

    3. Present Status ................................

    3.1 Evaluation................................

    4. Discussion ................................

    4.1: Need for development of absorptive capacity

    4.2: Inclusion as part of business agenda

    4.3: Enabling the potential of private players

    4.4: Sustained political support

    4.5: Initial impetus from the government

    5. Concluding remarks ................................

    References ................................

    2 List of Figures

    Figure 1: Policy evolution of broadband in India.

    Figure 2: Concept diagram for NOFN.

    Figure 3: SWOT analysis of NOFN

    Figure 4: Broadband ecosystem & its impact on national economy




    1. Telecommunications, Electronic Governance and Broadband in India ................................

    2. National Optical Fibre Network ................................................................................................







    lopment of absorptive capacity ................................................................

    4.2: Inclusion as part of business agenda ................................................................

    4.3: Enabling the potential of private players ................................................................

    4.4: Sustained political support ................................................................................................

    4.5: Initial impetus from the government ................................................................



    Figure 1: Policy evolution of broadband in India. ................................................................

    Figure 2: Concept diagram for NOFN. ............................................................................................

    Figure 3: SWOT analysis of NOFN ................................................................................................

    Figure 4: Broadband ecosystem & its impact on national economy ................................


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  • 3 List of Abbreviations

    BBNL Bharat Broadband Network Limited

    BHQ Block Head Quarters

    BPO Base Post Office

    BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

    C&T Cabling & Trenching

    CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate

    CAL Computer Aided Learning

    CII Confederation of Indian Industry

    CO Central Offices

    CPSUs Central Public Sector Undertakings

    CSC Common Services Center

    DEITY Department of Electronics and Information Technology

    DHQ District Head Quarters

    DOT Department of Telecommunications

    DSL Digital Subscriber Link

    DTP Desk Top Publishing

    FDI Foreign Direct Investment

    FTTX Fiber-to

    G2C Government to Citizens

    GAILTEL Gas Authority of India Ltd Telecom

    GDP Gross Domestic Product

    GPON Gigabit Capable Passive Optical Network

    HRD Human Resources Department

    ICT Information & Communication Technology

    IPTV Internet Protocol Television

    ISP Internet Service Provider

    IT Information Technology

    ITU International Telecommunications Union

    KBPS Kilo Bits Per Second/Kilo Bytes per Second

    List of Abbreviations

    Bharat Broadband Network Limited

    Block Head Quarters

    Base Post Office

    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

    Cabling & Trenching

    Compounded Annual Growth Rate

    Computer Aided Learning

    Confederation of Indian Industry

    Central Offices

    Central Public Sector Undertakings

    on Services Center

    Department of Electronics and Information Technology

    District Head Quarters

    Department of Telecommunications

    Digital Subscriber Link

    Desk Top Publishing

    Foreign Direct Investment

    to-the (X=Anything)

    Government to Citizens

    Gas Authority of India Ltd Telecom

    Gross Domestic Product

    Gigabit Capable Passive Optical Network

    Human Resources Department

    Information & Communication Technology

    Internet Protocol Television

    Internet Service Provider

    Information Technology

    International Telecommunications Union

    Kilo Bits Per Second/Kilo Bytes per Second


    Department of Electronics and Information Technology

  • LWE Left Wing Extremism

    MB Mega bit/Mega Byte

    MbPS Mega Bits Per Second

    MDG Millennium Development Goals

    MMP Mission mode Projects

    MOU Memorandum of Understanding

    NeGP National e

    NIC National Informatics Center

    NICNET National Informatics Centre Network

    NKN Natural Knowledge Network

    NLDO National Long Distance Operating

    NOFN National Optic Fibre Network

    NREGA National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (India)

    OFC Optic Fibre Cable

    OLT Optical Line Terminals

    ONT Optical Network Terminal

    POP Point of Presence

    PPP Public Private Partnership

    PSU Public Sector Undertaking

    RAILTEL Railways Authority Of India Ltd Telecom

    RF Radio Frequency

    rkms Route Kilo

    RoW Right of Way

    SDC State Data Center

    SHQ State Head Quarters/Sub

    SLA Service Level Agreements

    SP Service Provider

    SPV Special Purpose Vehicle

    SWAN State Wide Area Networks

    SWOT Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats

    TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

    Left Wing Extremism

    Mega bit/Mega Byte

    Mega Bits Per Second

    Millennium Development Goals

    Mission mode Projects

    Memorandum of Understanding

    National e-governance Plan

    onal Informatics Center

    National Informatics Centre Network

    Natural Knowledge Network

    National Long Distance Operating

    National Optic Fibre Network

    National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (India)

    Optic Fibre Cable

    Optical Line Terminals

    Optical Network Terminal

    Point of Presence

    Public Private Partnership

    Public Sector Undertaking

    Railways Authority Of India Ltd Telecom

    Radio Frequency

    Route Kilometers

    Right of Way

    State Data Center

    State Head Quarters/Sub-Divisional Head Quarters

    Service Level Agreements

    Service Provider

    Special Purpose Vehicle

    State Wide Area Networks

    Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats

    Telecom Regulatory Authority of India


  • UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

    USD United States Dollars

    USOF Universal Service Obligation Fund

    UT Union Territories

    VAS Value Added Services

    VOD Video on Demand

    VSAT Very Small Aperture Transmission

    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

    United States Dollars

    Universal Service Obligation Fund

    Union Territories

    Value Added Services

    Video on Demand

    Very Small Aperture Transmission


    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • National Optical Fibre Network of India:

    The present paper discusses the national optical fibre

    policy evolution of telecom within the country and the international arena in the context of

    Millennium Development Goals, an

    organizations using the universal service obligation fund.

    panchyats, a local administrative region for group of villages and aims to deliver ICT based goods and

    services to the rural households in partnership with private service pro

    pilot implementation of the project

    service players are yet to actively participate

    project is delayed by more than two years due to

    of the private players. The paper suggests that the absorptive capacity needs to be developed and

    private players require aggressive goading, but without ignoring the idea of social in

    should be sustained political support till the final implementation of the project, with

    impetus coming from the government in the initial phases.

    1. Telecommunications, Electronic Governance and

    Broadband in India

    The Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and has

    been hailed as a success story like no other. In the last two decades since its liberalization in

    the early 90s, the Indian telecom sector in general, and mobile telephony

    witnessed significant growth. India now is the worlds second largest telecommunications

    market, with 915 million subscribers as of December 2013 (TRAI, 2014), with CAGR of 32

    percent in 2000-2010, much higher than world average, 17.

    growth can be easily attributed to the increasing network coverage and a competition

    induced tariff structure that is touted to be the lowest in the world. The sector's revenue

    grew by 13.4 per cent to reach US$ 64.1 billion in

    National Optical Fibre Network of India:

    A Position Paper


    The present paper discusses the national optical fibre network (NOFN) in India. As a continuation of

    policy evolution of telecom within the country and the international arena in the context of

    an NOFN is being implemented in India, largely by the public sector

    g the universal service obligation fund. The NOFN will be connecting 250000 gram

    panchyats, a local administrative region for group of villages and aims to deliver ICT based goods and

    households in partnership with private service providers by December 2012.

    pilot implementation of the project was able to connect only the government offices, and private

    service players are yet to actively participate. Despite support from the top political leaders, the

    an two years due to bureaucratic hurdles and lack of excitement

    the private players. The paper suggests that the absorptive capacity needs to be developed and

    aggressive goading, but without ignoring the idea of social inclusion. There

    should be sustained political support till the final implementation of the project, with

    impetus coming from the government in the initial phases.

    1. Telecommunications, Electronic Governance and

    Broadband in India

    ndian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and has

    been hailed as a success story like no other. In the last two decades since its liberalization in

    the early 90s, the Indian telecom sector in general, and mobile telephony in particular, have

    witnessed significant growth. India now is the worlds second largest telecommunications

    subscribers as of December 2013 (TRAI, 2014), with CAGR of 32

    2010, much higher than world average, 17.3 percent (TRAI, 2012). This

    growth can be easily attributed to the increasing network coverage and a competition

    induced tariff structure that is touted to be the lowest in the world. The sector's revenue

    grew by 13.4 per cent to reach US$ 64.1 billion in FY12 and is expected to witness up to US $


    network (NOFN) in India. As a continuation of

    policy evolution of telecom within the country and the international arena in the context of

    NOFN is being implemented in India, largely by the public sector

    NOFN will be connecting 250000 gram

    panchyats, a local administrative region for group of villages and aims to deliver ICT based goods and

    viders by December 2012. The

    able to connect only the government offices, and private

    Despite support from the top political leaders, the

    bureaucratic hurdles and lack of excitement on part

    the private players. The paper suggests that the absorptive capacity needs to be developed and

    clusion. There

    should be sustained political support till the final implementation of the project, with the largest

    ndian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and has

    been hailed as a success story like no other. In the last two decades since its liberalization in

    in particular, have

    witnessed significant growth. India now is the worlds second largest telecommunications

    subscribers as of December 2013 (TRAI, 2014), with CAGR of 32

    2012). This

    growth can be easily attributed to the increasing network coverage and a competition

    induced tariff structure that is touted to be the lowest in the world. The sector's revenue

    FY12 and is expected to witness up to US $

  • 56.3 billion in investments and an expansion in size to US $ 101 billion in the next five years

    (TRAI, 2012).

    Since the early 2000s, the deployment of information and communication technologies (ICT)

    infrastructure by several public and private players saw its rapid absorption by several

    sectors through private or public investments.

    services on economic development

    compelled to accelerate the growth of Broadband services in the country

    necessary outreach. The government is at present implementing an ambi

    infrastructure plan through an optical fiber network connecting gram panchayats, a local

    administrative region for group of villages. The present paper attempts to analyze the

    ongoing process, its objectives, possible challenges it can face


    Like banking and other sectors, the Government of India too saw ICT as an effective and

    efficient means of delivering Government to Citizen (G2C) services. Consequently, electronic

    governance policies and initiatives saw

    Governance Plan (NeGP), comprising 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 10 components

    was approved by the Union Government on May 18, 2006. E

    from mere computerization of departmen

    transparent offering at the citizens doorstep. Implementation of the NeGP involved setting

    up of public IT platforms such as: State Wide Area Networks (SWANs), State Data Centres

    (SDCs), Common Services Centres (C

    Public Private Partnership model to increase outreach, NeGP was designed to be a citizen

    centric centralized initiative with decentralized implementation at the state level while

    Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) would facilitate

    interoperability and catalyse the efforts of several ministries and state governments to build

    the e-governance ecosystem.

    NeGP took a holistic view of e-Governance initiatives across the country, i

    into a comprehensive vision. In March 2005, the Government approved the Scheme for

    establishing State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) across the country, at a total outlay of 666

    56.3 billion in investments and an expansion in size to US $ 101 billion in the next five years

    Since the early 2000s, the deployment of information and communication technologies (ICT)

    infrastructure by several public and private players saw its rapid absorption by several

    or public investments. Observing the impact of telecommunications

    services on economic development elsewhere in the world, the Indian Government

    to accelerate the growth of Broadband services in the country and achieve the

    The government is at present implementing an ambitious broadband

    optical fiber network connecting gram panchayats, a local

    administrative region for group of villages. The present paper attempts to analyze the

    ongoing process, its objectives, possible challenges it can face and offers some

    Like banking and other sectors, the Government of India too saw ICT as an effective and

    efficient means of delivering Government to Citizen (G2C) services. Consequently, electronic

    governance policies and initiatives saw endorsement in policy circles. The National e

    Governance Plan (NeGP), comprising 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 10 components

    was approved by the Union Government on May 18, 2006. E-Governance was set to evolve

    from mere computerization of departments into a service oriented, seamless and

    offering at the citizens doorstep. Implementation of the NeGP involved setting

    such as: State Wide Area Networks (SWANs), State Data Centres

    (SDCs), Common Services Centres (CSCs) and Electronic Service Delivery Gateways. Using a

    Public Private Partnership model to increase outreach, NeGP was designed to be a citizen

    centric centralized initiative with decentralized implementation at the state level while

    ics and Information Technology (DEITY) would facilitate

    interoperability and catalyse the efforts of several ministries and state governments to build

    Governance initiatives across the country, integrating them

    In March 2005, the Government approved the Scheme for

    establishing State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) across the country, at a total outlay of 666


    56.3 billion in investments and an expansion in size to US $ 101 billion in the next five years

    Since the early 2000s, the deployment of information and communication technologies (ICT)

    infrastructure by several public and private players saw its rapid absorption by several


    the Indian Government felt

    and achieve the

    tious broadband

    optical fiber network connecting gram panchayats, a local

    administrative region for group of villages. The present paper attempts to analyze the

    Like banking and other sectors, the Government of India too saw ICT as an effective and

    efficient means of delivering Government to Citizen (G2C) services. Consequently, electronic

    he National e-

    Governance Plan (NeGP), comprising 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 10 components

    Governance was set to evolve

    offering at the citizens doorstep. Implementation of the NeGP involved setting

    such as: State Wide Area Networks (SWANs), State Data Centres

    SCs) and Electronic Service Delivery Gateways. Using a

    Public Private Partnership model to increase outreach, NeGP was designed to be a citizen

    centric centralized initiative with decentralized implementation at the state level while

    interoperability and catalyse the efforts of several ministries and state governments to build

    ntegrating them

    In March 2005, the Government approved the Scheme for

    establishing State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) across the country, at a total outlay of 666

  • million USD1 to be expended by the DEITY under a Grant

    period of five years. Under this Scheme, technical and financial assistance was to be

    provided to the States/Union Territories (UT) for establishing SWANs to connect all State/UT

    Headquarters (SHQ) up to the Block Headquarters (BHQ)

    Headquarters (DHQ), in a vertical hierarchical structure with a minimum bandwidth capacity

    of 2 Mbps per link. Each of the State / UT could enhance the bandwidth up to 34 Mbps

    between SHQ and DHQ and up to 8 Mbps between

    utilization. Steps were initiated to integrate all SWANs using the National Knowledge

    Network (NKN). SWAN was envisaged as the converged backbone network for data, voice

    and video communications throughout a State/UT.

    As part of the larger e-governance effort, SWAN was to be a component of the core network

    infrastructure that could later be deployed for education and health services too. While

    NICNET, a VSAT based network, was already being operated by the National Info

    Centre (NIC), the SWAN was to be set up to help ministries, government departments and

    state governments to conduct business and extend services to citizens. States were asked to

    provide bandwidth of at least 2Mbps up to block level through contrac

    other operator. The Governments funding to establish a SWAN in a state was contingent

    upon it having undertaken implementation of at least three major state wide e

    projects that require such connectivity.

    Simultaneously, NICNET was to be augmented

    where feasible and state-of-the

    enhanced interstate and Centre

    had launched an e-governance programme through mission mode projects and wanted to

    utilise the "seamless connectivity" through SWAN and NICNET. Multiple technologies for

    last-mile connectivity were being looked at including wireless technologies. The setting up of

    strategic gateways was to enable inter

    organisations were urged to use dial

    connectivity at the block headquarters and at all other higher administrative levels to

    provide last mile connectivity to various local offices.

    1 An exchange rate of 1 USD = INR 50 is used in the report.

    to be expended by the DEITY under a Grant-in-Aid of 401 million USD, over a

    period of five years. Under this Scheme, technical and financial assistance was to be

    provided to the States/Union Territories (UT) for establishing SWANs to connect all State/UT

    Headquarters (SHQ) up to the Block Headquarters (BHQ) level via District/ sub-Divisional

    Headquarters (DHQ), in a vertical hierarchical structure with a minimum bandwidth capacity

    of 2 Mbps per link. Each of the State / UT could enhance the bandwidth up to 34 Mbps

    between SHQ and DHQ and up to 8 Mbps between DHQ and BHQ depending upon the

    utilization. Steps were initiated to integrate all SWANs using the National Knowledge

    Network (NKN). SWAN was envisaged as the converged backbone network for data, voice

    and video communications throughout a State/UT.

    governance effort, SWAN was to be a component of the core network

    infrastructure that could later be deployed for education and health services too. While

    NICNET, a VSAT based network, was already being operated by the National Informatics

    Centre (NIC), the SWAN was to be set up to help ministries, government departments and

    state governments to conduct business and extend services to citizens. States were asked to

    provide bandwidth of at least 2Mbps up to block level through contracts with BSNL or any

    other operator. The Governments funding to establish a SWAN in a state was contingent

    upon it having undertaken implementation of at least three major state wide e-governance

    projects that require such connectivity.

    ICNET was to be augmented -through Optic Fibre Connectivity (OFC)

    the-art VSAT technologies where needed -as a backbone for

    enhanced interstate and Centre-State connectivity. As part of the NEGP, the government

    governance programme through mission mode projects and wanted to

    utilise the "seamless connectivity" through SWAN and NICNET. Multiple technologies for

    mile connectivity were being looked at including wireless technologies. The setting up of

    c gateways was to enable inter-state connectivity. Government departments and

    organisations were urged to use dial-up, leased lines, radio frequency (RF) and wireless

    connectivity at the block headquarters and at all other higher administrative levels to

    rovide last mile connectivity to various local offices.

    1 USD = INR 50 is used in the report.


    01 million USD, over a

    period of five years. Under this Scheme, technical and financial assistance was to be

    provided to the States/Union Territories (UT) for establishing SWANs to connect all State/UT


    Headquarters (DHQ), in a vertical hierarchical structure with a minimum bandwidth capacity

    of 2 Mbps per link. Each of the State / UT could enhance the bandwidth up to 34 Mbps

    DHQ and BHQ depending upon the

    utilization. Steps were initiated to integrate all SWANs using the National Knowledge

    Network (NKN). SWAN was envisaged as the converged backbone network for data, voice

    governance effort, SWAN was to be a component of the core network

    infrastructure that could later be deployed for education and health services too. While


    Centre (NIC), the SWAN was to be set up to help ministries, government departments and

    state governments to conduct business and extend services to citizens. States were asked to

    ts with BSNL or any

    other operator. The Governments funding to establish a SWAN in a state was contingent


    through Optic Fibre Connectivity (OFC)

    as a backbone for

    State connectivity. As part of the NEGP, the government

    governance programme through mission mode projects and wanted to

    utilise the "seamless connectivity" through SWAN and NICNET. Multiple technologies for

    mile connectivity were being looked at including wireless technologies. The setting up of

    state connectivity. Government departments and

    up, leased lines, radio frequency (RF) and wireless

    connectivity at the block headquarters and at all other higher administrative levels to

  • The establishment of CSCs in rural areas was one among the many mission mode projects.

    The CSC program was a cornerstone of the National e

    approved by the Government in

    Common Minimum Programme to introduce e

    were to provide high quality and cost

    the areas of e-governance, education, health, telemedicine, entertainment as well as other

    private services2. In addition to G2C services, the CSC guidelines envisaged a wide variety of

    content and web enabled e-services that could be offered from each CSC which included

    agriculture services, education & training services, health services (telemedicine, health

    check-ups, medicines), rural banking & insurance services (micro

    entertainment services (movies, television), utility services (bill payments, online

    and commercial services (DTP, printing, Internet browsing, village level BPO).

    initial plan, 100000 CSCs were to be established in a public private partnership (PPP) mode.

    While several CSC were established with VSAT connectivity from

    the state owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was catering to the call of the

    Government to connect its administrative layers.

    had already been rolled out.

    As part of its thinking on electronic governance,

    broadband. The Broadband Policy was introduced in 2004. According to the preamble of the

    policy3, the government recognize

    of GDP and enhancement in the

    education, tele-medicine, egovernance,

    way of high speed access to informati

    The international policy climate for broadband also served as an impetus for ushering

    broadband in India. In May 2010, the ITU and UNESCO set up the

    Digital Development as part of efforts to meet th

    The Commission underlined that expanding broadband access in every country

    2 For more details, please see

    The establishment of CSCs in rural areas was one among the many mission mode projects.

    The CSC program was a cornerstone of the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and was

    approved by the Government in May 2006, as part of its commitment in the National

    Common Minimum Programme to introduce e-governance on a massive scale. The CSCs

    and cost-effective video, voice and data content and services, in

    ducation, health, telemedicine, entertainment as well as other

    . In addition to G2C services, the CSC guidelines envisaged a wide variety of

    services that could be offered from each CSC which included

    education & training services, health services (telemedicine, health

    ups, medicines), rural banking & insurance services (micro-credit, loans, insurance),

    entertainment services (movies, television), utility services (bill payments, online bookings)

    and commercial services (DTP, printing, Internet browsing, village level BPO). As per the

    100000 CSCs were to be established in a public private partnership (PPP) mode.

    While several CSC were established with VSAT connectivity from private telecom players,

    the state owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was catering to the call of the

    Government to connect its administrative layers. By August 2013, 82% of the 1,53,098 CSCs

    electronic governance, the government was also looking at

    Broadband Policy was introduced in 2004. According to the preamble of the

    , the government recognized the 'potential of ubiquitous Broadband service in growth

    the quality of life through societal applications including tele

    medicine, egovernance, entertainment as well as employment generation by

    way of high speed access to information and web-based communication'.

    ate for broadband also served as an impetus for ushering

    broadband in India. In May 2010, the ITU and UNESCO set up the Broadband Commission for

    as part of efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

    ommission underlined that expanding broadband access in every country was The roll out status is here:

    ttp:// polices/broadband-policy-2004


    The establishment of CSCs in rural areas was one among the many mission mode projects.

    Governance Plan (NeGP) and was

    May 2006, as part of its commitment in the National

    governance on a massive scale. The CSCs

    effective video, voice and data content and services, in

    ducation, health, telemedicine, entertainment as well as other

    . In addition to G2C services, the CSC guidelines envisaged a wide variety of

    services that could be offered from each CSC which included

    education & training services, health services (telemedicine, health

    credit, loans, insurance),


    As per the

    100000 CSCs were to be established in a public private partnership (PPP) mode.

    private telecom players,

    the state owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was catering to the call of the

    1,53,098 CSCs

    was also looking at

    Broadband Policy was introduced in 2004. According to the preamble of the

    the 'potential of ubiquitous Broadband service in growth

    quality of life through societal applications including tele-

    entertainment as well as employment generation by

    ate for broadband also served as an impetus for ushering

    Broadband Commission for

    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

    was vital to

  • accelerating progress towards these MDGs by the target date of 2015

    commitments from all member countries to effect such plans. As a continuation of this, the

    Office of Adviser to the Prime Minister, Public Information Infrastructure & Innovations

    under the leadership of Mr. Sam Pitroda released

    'Broadband to Panchyats' (PIII, 2010). This paper

    Broadband services to 250000 Gram Panchayats


    Gram Panchayats are the local self

    in India. A population of 500 is required to have a gram panchayat. Sometimes two or three

    villages are combined to form a panchayat, hence the size varies from sta

    more details, see Buch, 2012). Gram Panchayats have been at the core of the governance

    structure in rural India. The panchayats are key interface points for administrative programs

    and are vital channel for pushing the inclusive growth age

    India through delivery of beneficial public services and entitlement programmes such as

    food security, financial inclusion, agriculture, health, education etc. To meet th

    agenda, services such as e-medicine, e

    to be reached to illiterate and semi literate

    the country. Hence multimedia

    needed. Since such multimedia applications have intensive bandwidth requirements, both in

    terms of capacity and speed, the need to build a high speed broadband network across the

    nation came to be recognized as a priority

    The white paper reinforced the need for a strong information infrastructure and the

    associated administrative machinery at the Panchayat level to discharge the duties. It also

    listed three objectives to meet this vision. To quote (PIII, 2010; p.5):

    i. Establish Optical Fibre cable (OFC) based high capacity broadband connectivity at

    every Panchayat in the country to benefit from convergence of voice, data, and video

    for improving training, education, service delivery and governance

    ii. Develop relevant applications, p

    meet local, state, central government and public needs

    accelerating progress towards these MDGs by the target date of 2015 and sought

    commitments from all member countries to effect such plans. As a continuation of this, the

    Office of Adviser to the Prime Minister, Public Information Infrastructure & Innovations

    under the leadership of Mr. Sam Pitroda released a 15 pages white paper entitled,

    'Broadband to Panchyats' (PIII, 2010). This paper outlined the need to extend high speed

    Broadband services to 250000 Gram Panchayats in the country through an optic fibre

    local self-government body at the village or small town level

    . A population of 500 is required to have a gram panchayat. Sometimes two or three

    villages are combined to form a panchayat, hence the size varies from state to state (for

    Gram Panchayats have been at the core of the governance

    structure in rural India. The panchayats are key interface points for administrative programs

    and are vital channel for pushing the inclusive growth agenda of the government in rural

    India through delivery of beneficial public services and entitlement programmes such as

    food security, financial inclusion, agriculture, health, education etc. To meet this inclusive

    medicine, e-education, e-commerce and geospatial planning are

    illiterate and semi literate people scattered across the vast geography

    . Hence multimedia applications that are enabled by Internet technologies are

    . Since such multimedia applications have intensive bandwidth requirements, both in

    terms of capacity and speed, the need to build a high speed broadband network across the

    nation came to be recognized as a priority.

    white paper reinforced the need for a strong information infrastructure and the

    associated administrative machinery at the Panchayat level to discharge the duties. It also

    listed three objectives to meet this vision. To quote (PIII, 2010; p.5):

    Optical Fibre cable (OFC) based high capacity broadband connectivity at

    every Panchayat in the country to benefit from convergence of voice, data, and video

    for improving training, education, service delivery and governance

    Develop relevant applications, processes, programs and standards for Panchayats to

    meet local, state, central government and public needs


    commitments from all member countries to effect such plans. As a continuation of this, the

    Office of Adviser to the Prime Minister, Public Information Infrastructure & Innovations

    paper entitled,

    outlined the need to extend high speed

    optic fibre

    the village or small town level

    . A population of 500 is required to have a gram panchayat. Sometimes two or three

    te to state (for

    Gram Panchayats have been at the core of the governance

    structure in rural India. The panchayats are key interface points for administrative programs

    nda of the government in rural

    India through delivery of beneficial public services and entitlement programmes such as


    commerce and geospatial planning are

    people scattered across the vast geography of

    Internet technologies are

    . Since such multimedia applications have intensive bandwidth requirements, both in

    terms of capacity and speed, the need to build a high speed broadband network across the

    white paper reinforced the need for a strong information infrastructure and the

    associated administrative machinery at the Panchayat level to discharge the duties. It also

    Optical Fibre cable (OFC) based high capacity broadband connectivity at

    every Panchayat in the country to benefit from convergence of voice, data, and video

    rocesses, programs and standards for Panchayats to

  • iii. Build Infrastructure and institutional mechanisms to includ

    computer hardware, software, trained human resource, management, organ

    etc, to assure utility, scalability and sustainability

    For such an all encompassing ICT platform to be operationalized at the Gram Panchayat

    level, both speed and capacity were

    connections were being provided using Digital Subscriber Link (DSL) technology with 60% of

    the subscribers and 75% of such connections existing in the top 30 cities in the country (PIII,

    2010). DSL connectivity was nonexistent in rural India due to low penetration of copper

    cable pairs. State owned players too had thus far not invested in high speed infrastructure

    beyond the district headquarters as part of the SWAN initiative.

    In 2010, only 0.53% of Indias broadband connections were working on optical fibre. The

    country had close to 1 million routes Km (rKm) of optical fibre network available and of this

    nearly 650,000 belonged to the state owned BSNL.

    significant costs and challenges involved in acquiring the Right of Way (RoW)

    cable and installing the associated equipment. The white paper estimated a cost of 2.66

    billion USD and 24-30 months for the complete deployment through creation of

    purpose vehicle (SPV) of a group of

    25 October 2011 the Government of India approved the setting up of

    Fiber Network (NOFN). The timeline of this evolution from telecom sector growth to the

    approval of NOFN is captured in

    Figure 1: Policy evolution of broadband in India.

    1990s Liberalization in Telecom Sector


    National Broadband Policy

    Build Infrastructure and institutional mechanisms to include OFC connectivity,

    computer hardware, software, trained human resource, management, organ

    etc, to assure utility, scalability and sustainability

    For such an all encompassing ICT platform to be operationalized at the Gram Panchayat

    were required. In 2010, 86% of Indias broadband

    rovided using Digital Subscriber Link (DSL) technology with 60% of

    the subscribers and 75% of such connections existing in the top 30 cities in the country (PIII,

    2010). DSL connectivity was nonexistent in rural India due to low penetration of copper

    pairs. State owned players too had thus far not invested in high speed infrastructure

    beyond the district headquarters as part of the SWAN initiative.

    2010, only 0.53% of Indias broadband connections were working on optical fibre. The

    ose to 1 million routes Km (rKm) of optical fibre network available and of this

    nearly 650,000 belonged to the state owned BSNL. The deployment of optical fibre involves

    significant costs and challenges involved in acquiring the Right of Way (RoW) for layi

    cable and installing the associated equipment. The white paper estimated a cost of 2.66

    30 months for the complete deployment through creation of a special

    a group of relevant public sector stakeholders and departments. On

    25 October 2011 the Government of India approved the setting up of a National Optical

    Fiber Network (NOFN). The timeline of this evolution from telecom sector growth to the

    approval of NOFN is captured in Figure 1.

    roadband in India.

    2005 -6





    White Paper on Broadband


    OFC connectivity,

    computer hardware, software, trained human resource, management, organization,

    For such an all encompassing ICT platform to be operationalized at the Gram Panchayat

    rovided using Digital Subscriber Link (DSL) technology with 60% of

    the subscribers and 75% of such connections existing in the top 30 cities in the country (PIII,

    2010). DSL connectivity was nonexistent in rural India due to low penetration of copper

    pairs. State owned players too had thus far not invested in high speed infrastructure

    2010, only 0.53% of Indias broadband connections were working on optical fibre. The

    ose to 1 million routes Km (rKm) of optical fibre network available and of this

    deployment of optical fibre involves

    laying the

    cable and installing the associated equipment. The white paper estimated a cost of 2.66


    d departments. On

    National Optical

    Fiber Network (NOFN). The timeline of this evolution from telecom sector growth to the


    Approval for NOFN

  • 2. National Optical Fibre Network

    2.1 Organization

    In December, 2010, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released a report

    containing recommendations on

    articulated many guidelines for establishing the broad policy

    framework and strategies for deciding the most optimal investment model for

    deployment of a core, middle mile and access broadband infrastructure in the country. It

    also echoed many suggestions or options listed by a study (Analysys Mason, 201

    sponsored by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), a major trade association in India.

    The report stated that in September 2010, the penetration of broadband

    0.8% as against a tele-density5 of 60.99. The number of broadband connections was only

    10.3 million as against a target of 20 million

    establishment of a National Broadband Network connecting all habitations with population

    of 500 and above.

    In Oct 20116, a committee headed by Mr

    suggested setting up of an SPV comprising Central public sector undertakings (CPSUs) which

    had already deployed optical fibre cable networks for their internal use. The propo

    suggested Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), RAILTEL,

    Railways, Gas Authority of India Ltds telecom arm GAILTEL and Power Grid Corporation

    made part of the SPV. Finally on Oct 25, 2011, the Union Cabinet

    set up the NOFN, which would primarily be used to provide broadband connectivity to

    village-level bodies. In Jan 2012, the government formed a

    Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) and incorporated as a Public Sector U

    (PSU) in 25 February 2012. BBNL was to be a wholesale bandwidth provider who would

    provide non-discriminatory access to the NOFN


    Broadband is defined as minimum download speed of 256 kilo bits per

    subscriber from the Point Of Presence (POP) ( The limit has been

    increased to 512 kbps in July 2013.5 Teledensity is the number of phones (wirelss + wireline) in use for every 100 individuals.

    2. National Optical Fibre Network

    In December, 2010, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released a report

    recommendations on the growth of broadband in India (TRAI, 2010). This report

    articulated many guidelines for establishing the broad policy, with the associated re

    deciding the most optimal investment model for the

    middle mile and access broadband infrastructure in the country. It

    also echoed many suggestions or options listed by a study (Analysys Mason, 2010)

    Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), a major trade association in India.

    September 2010, the penetration of broadband4 in the country was

    of 60.99. The number of broadband connections was only

    10.3 million as against a target of 20 million set for the year 2010. It recommended

    National Broadband Network connecting all habitations with population

    a committee headed by Mr. Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister,

    suggested setting up of an SPV comprising Central public sector undertakings (CPSUs) which

    deployed optical fibre cable networks for their internal use. The propo

    anchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), RAILTEL, the telecom arm of the Indian

    Railways, Gas Authority of India Ltds telecom arm GAILTEL and Power Grid Corporation

    part of the SPV. Finally on Oct 25, 2011, the Union Cabinet approved the sch

    , which would primarily be used to provide broadband connectivity to

    level bodies. In Jan 2012, the government formed an SPV for the same, called as

    Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) and incorporated as a Public Sector Undertaking

    (PSU) in 25 February 2012. BBNL was to be a wholesale bandwidth provider who would

    discriminatory access to the NOFN infrastructure to all Service Providers. BBNL

    Broadband is defined as minimum download speed of 256 kilo bits per second (kbps) to an individual

    Presence (POP) ( The limit has been

    increased to 512 kbps in July 2013. Teledensity is the number of phones (wirelss + wireline) in use for every 100 individuals.


    In December, 2010, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released a report

    growth of broadband in India (TRAI, 2010). This report



    middle mile and access broadband infrastructure in the country. It


    Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), a major trade association in India.

    in the country was

    of 60.99. The number of broadband connections was only

    the year 2010. It recommended the

    National Broadband Network connecting all habitations with population

    Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister,

    suggested setting up of an SPV comprising Central public sector undertakings (CPSUs) which

    deployed optical fibre cable networks for their internal use. The proposal

    the telecom arm of the Indian

    Railways, Gas Authority of India Ltds telecom arm GAILTEL and Power Grid Corporation be

    approved the scheme to

    , which would primarily be used to provide broadband connectivity to

    for the same, called as


    (PSU) in 25 February 2012. BBNL was to be a wholesale bandwidth provider who would

    infrastructure to all Service Providers. BBNL

    second (kbps) to an individual

    Presence (POP) ( The limit has been

  • was granted a National Long Distance Operating (NLDO) license by DOT w

    April 2013. The funding for the project

    Fund (USOF).

    In 2009, the existing fibre optic infrastructure deployed by various operators was

    approximately 1.1 million Rkms and covered the enti

    presence in rural India. BSNL accounted for most of the existing fibre infrastructure (~60% of

    the total) and had Points of Presence (PoP) in all the districts / cities and 28,000 villages.

    These PoPs were mainly installe

    were connected through fibre. Apart from

    deployed fibre infrastructure for their internal use and for leasing out excess capacity to

    other companies, but this infrastructure was primarily deployed along the railway and main

    utility lines, and was thus not optimized to reach a large number of remote rural areas. The

    existing infrastructure of private operators such as Airtel, Reliance Communications and Tat

    Communications was restricted to the top 150 cities. It was estimated that additional OFC of

    301,000 route kilometers, mainly from

    the Block, were required to be deployed as part of the backhaul network


    The final deployment plan was

    POWERGRID and RAILTEL. Gram Panchayats

    POWERGRID, RAILTEL in the ratio of

    was to be completed in 24 months

    POWERGRID was asked to deploy the network in the four states of Andhra Pradesh,

    Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Orissa. R

    Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar Havelli, Daman and Diu, Gujarat, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,

    Nagaland, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu and Tripura.

    deployments in the 18 territories of Andaman and Nicobar, Assam, Bihar, Chandighar,

    Chattisgarh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshwadeep, Madhya

    Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West


    was granted a National Long Distance Operating (NLDO) license by DOT with effect from 1

    The funding for the project was to come from the Universal Service Obligation

    In 2009, the existing fibre optic infrastructure deployed by various operators was

    approximately 1.1 million Rkms and covered the entire urban area but had only limited

    . BSNL accounted for most of the existing fibre infrastructure (~60% of

    the total) and had Points of Presence (PoP) in all the districts / cities and 28,000 villages.

    These PoPs were mainly installed at the existing 38,302 telecom exchanges of BSNL which

    were connected through fibre. Apart from BSNL, RAILTEL, POWERGRID and GAILTEL had also

    deployed fibre infrastructure for their internal use and for leasing out excess capacity to

    this infrastructure was primarily deployed along the railway and main

    utility lines, and was thus not optimized to reach a large number of remote rural areas. The

    existing infrastructure of private operators such as Airtel, Reliance Communications and Tat

    Communications was restricted to the top 150 cities. It was estimated that additional OFC of

    mainly from every Block headquarters to the Gram Panchayats

    the Block, were required to be deployed as part of the backhaul network (Mason Analysys,

    based on utilizing the existing optical fibre network of BSNL,

    POWERGRID and RAILTEL. Gram Panchayats to be reached were allocated to BSNL,

    in the ratio of 70%, 15% and 15% respectively and this deployment

    24 months.

    asked to deploy the network in the four states of Andhra Pradesh,

    Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Orissa. RAILTEL was allocated the 11 regions of Arunacha

    Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar Havelli, Daman and Diu, Gujarat, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,

    Nagaland, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu and Tripura. While BSNL was asked to handle

    in the 18 territories of Andaman and Nicobar, Assam, Bihar, Chandighar,

    isgarh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshwadeep, Madhya

    Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West


    ith effect from 1

    Universal Service Obligation

    re urban area but had only limited

    . BSNL accounted for most of the existing fibre infrastructure (~60% of

    the total) and had Points of Presence (PoP) in all the districts / cities and 28,000 villages.

    d at the existing 38,302 telecom exchanges of BSNL which


    deployed fibre infrastructure for their internal use and for leasing out excess capacity to

    this infrastructure was primarily deployed along the railway and main

    utility lines, and was thus not optimized to reach a large number of remote rural areas. The

    existing infrastructure of private operators such as Airtel, Reliance Communications and Tata

    Communications was restricted to the top 150 cities. It was estimated that additional OFC of

    Gram Panchayats in

    (Mason Analysys,

    fibre network of BSNL,

    to BSNL,

    and this deployment

    asked to deploy the network in the four states of Andhra Pradesh,

    allocated the 11 regions of Arunachal

    Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar Havelli, Daman and Diu, Gujarat, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,

    in the 18 territories of Andaman and Nicobar, Assam, Bihar, Chandighar,

    isgarh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshwadeep, Madhya

    Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West

  • The NOFN was to be rolled out in a phased manner at a cost of 4 billion USD and was

    for completion in December 2012. The Telecom Commission approved a 3

    implementation of the NOFN. The first 100000 Gram Panchayats

    first phase up to March 31, 2014 and an additional 100000 Gram Panchayats

    reached by March 31, 2015. The rest

    was to be accorded to villages in the north east region of the country and 88 districts in the

    heart of the country affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE). Upon the completi

    NOFN roll out, Gram Panchayats were expected to get broad band connectivity with speeds

    of up to 100 megabits per second. The concept diagram of the NOFN is presented in



    Figure 2: Concept diagram for NOFN.

    to be rolled out in a phased manner at a cost of 4 billion USD and was

    for completion in December 2012. The Telecom Commission approved a 3-phase

    NOFN. The first 100000 Gram Panchayats were to be covered in the

    first phase up to March 31, 2014 and an additional 100000 Gram Panchayats were

    hed by March 31, 2015. The rest were to be covered by September 30, 2015. Priority

    was to be accorded to villages in the north east region of the country and 88 districts in the

    heart of the country affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE). Upon the completion of the

    NOFN roll out, Gram Panchayats were expected to get broad band connectivity with speeds

    of up to 100 megabits per second. The concept diagram of the NOFN is presented in


    iagram for NOFN.


    to be rolled out in a phased manner at a cost of 4 billion USD and was slated

    to be covered in the

    were to be

    to be covered by September 30, 2015. Priority

    was to be accorded to villages in the north east region of the country and 88 districts in the

    on of the

    NOFN roll out, Gram Panchayats were expected to get broad band connectivity with speeds

    of up to 100 megabits per second. The concept diagram of the NOFN is presented in Figure

  • As part of the project, the State Governments

    providing free Right of Way (RoW) for laying Optic Fibre Cable (OFC).

    the signing of a tripartite MoU for free Right of Way (RoW

    State Governments and Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL).

    the MoUs on 26 October 2012. These states and UTs were Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal

    Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Manipur, Mizo

    Pradesh, Uttarakhand and 3 Union Territories viz. Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and

    Puducherry. Under the MoUs, 140727 gram panchayats will be

    Fibre Network in these States and UTs. Tripartite M

    Minister of Communications & IT with 10 other states and UTs on 12 April 2013. These

    states and UTs were Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir,

    Maharashtra, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab and Andaman & N

    UTs, 85731 gram panchayats will get covered by

    commence work in these states and UTs

    pilot projects, the tariff for 100 mbps bandwidth i

    gram panchayat per annum (exclusive of taxes) for the purpose of providing government


    2.2 Technology

    According to BBNL (2013), NOFN will

    (GPON)8. This technology reduces the amount of fibres

    (CO) as compared to a point-to-

    split into several subscriber lines by

    inexpensive and do not use electronics and no maintenance and power supply is required.

    They can be kept at any convenient location in the network.

    At the provider's end, there is an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) in the CO and at or near the

    customer premises there is an Optical Network Terminal (ONT). This Optical Fibre in the

    access network is capable of providing high bandwidth throughput for services (even upto

    100 Mbps) such as high definition IP Television (IPTV), video on demand (VoD) etc.

    7 For further details, please see

    8 For further details,

    , the State Governments have been given the responsibility for

    providing free Right of Way (RoW) for laying Optic Fibre Cable (OFC). The project envisaged

    a tripartite MoU for free Right of Way (RoW) between the Union Government,

    State Governments and Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL). 16 States/UTs signed

    . These states and UTs were Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal

    Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Manipur, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uttar

    Pradesh, Uttarakhand and 3 Union Territories viz. Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and

    Under the MoUs, 140727 gram panchayats will be connected via an Optical

    Fibre Network in these States and UTs. Tripartite MoU were signed in the presence of Union

    Minister of Communications & IT with 10 other states and UTs on 12 April 2013. These

    states and UTs were Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir,

    Maharashtra, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. In these states and

    UTs, 85731 gram panchayats will get covered by the Optical Fibre Network. BBNL will

    work in these states and UTs to deploy OFC to the Gram Panchayats. For the

    pilot projects, the tariff for 100 mbps bandwidth is fixed as USD 1333 per 100 mbps per

    gram panchayat per annum (exclusive of taxes) for the purpose of providing government

    According to BBNL (2013), NOFN will use Gigabit Passive Optical Network Technology

    his technology reduces the amount of fibres required from the Central Offices

    -point system. SA fibre pair from the CO in the network is

    split into several subscriber lines by the use of passive optical splitters. These splitt

    inexpensive and do not use electronics and no maintenance and power supply is required.

    They can be kept at any convenient location in the network.

    At the provider's end, there is an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) in the CO and at or near the

    r premises there is an Optical Network Terminal (ONT). This Optical Fibre in the

    access network is capable of providing high bandwidth throughput for services (even upto

    100 Mbps) such as high definition IP Television (IPTV), video on demand (VoD) etc.

    For further details, please see


    responsibility for

    The project envisaged

    ) between the Union Government,

    16 States/UTs signed

    . These states and UTs were Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal

    ram, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uttar

    Pradesh, Uttarakhand and 3 Union Territories viz. Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and


    oU were signed in the presence of Union

    Minister of Communications & IT with 10 other states and UTs on 12 April 2013. These

    In these states and

    BBNL will

    For the

    s fixed as USD 1333 per 100 mbps per

    gram panchayat per annum (exclusive of taxes) for the purpose of providing government

    Gigabit Passive Optical Network Technology

    from the Central Offices

    fibre pair from the CO in the network is

    use of passive optical splitters. These splitters are

    inexpensive and do not use electronics and no maintenance and power supply is required.

    At the provider's end, there is an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) in the CO and at or near the

    r premises there is an Optical Network Terminal (ONT). This Optical Fibre in the

    access network is capable of providing high bandwidth throughput for services (even upto

    100 Mbps) such as high definition IP Television (IPTV), video on demand (VoD) etc.

  • 2.3 Goals

    It is expected that various services or goods for the rural population could be delivered

    through broadband, especially through public service institutions. As the numbers indicate

    (TRAI, 2010) leisure activities music and video downloading, sear

    especially education related, are

    Internet usage in rural India. As compared to urban areas music / video on Internet was

    more popular among the rural users with 67% of rural

    purpose as compared to 45% in urban areas. In addition to this, rural users were also

    increasingly using the internet for email, text chatting and general information search. This

    increasing absorption of ICT in rural

    to play in the future and the consequent impact of the same

    Another area where broadband is expected to play

    2010). Various initiatives of the Government for increasing the use of ICT in education are

    already in progress (for instance, Sarve Shiksha Abhiyan, Education for All programme has a

    component of Computer Aided Learning (CAL), wherein a provision of 5 million USD per

    district had been made as an innovation fund.

    and Communication Technology [ICT] in School was launched in December 2004, to provide

    opportunities to secondary stage students to develop ICT skills and also for IC

    learning processes to be adopted. Many states ha

    policies for encouraging the use of IT in schools/ colleges/ education institutes. Based on this

    it was clear that there would be a considerable demand for broad

    sector and at least 2 Mbps of connectivity would be required for each such educational


    The health sector too had been plagued by the near absence of infrastructure and a dearth

    of trained staff especially in hard to re

    health infrastructure, manpower (including the qualified consulting doctors practice) and

    other health resources were concentrated in urban areas, 23% in semi

    only 2% in rural areas; where as 70% of population lived in the rural areas. Hospital beds per

    is expected that various services or goods for the rural population could be delivered

    through broadband, especially through public service institutions. As the numbers indicate

    (TRAI, 2010) leisure activities music and video downloading, searching for information

    are gaining in popularity and showing considerable increase in

    Internet usage in rural India. As compared to urban areas music / video on Internet was

    more popular among the rural users with 67% of rural users accessing the Internet for this

    purpose as compared to 45% in urban areas. In addition to this, rural users were also

    increasingly using the internet for email, text chatting and general information search. This

    increasing absorption of ICT in rural areas, signals a significant role that broadband

    and the consequent impact of the same.

    Another area where broadband is expected to play a notable role is e-education (TRAI,

    initiatives of the Government for increasing the use of ICT in education are

    already in progress (for instance, Sarve Shiksha Abhiyan, Education for All programme has a

    component of Computer Aided Learning (CAL), wherein a provision of 5 million USD per

    istrict had been made as an innovation fund. The Centrally Sponsored Scheme Information

    and Communication Technology [ICT] in School was launched in December 2004, to provide

    opportunities to secondary stage students to develop ICT skills and also for ICT aided

    learning processes to be adopted. Many states have already made provisions in their IT

    encouraging the use of IT in schools/ colleges/ education institutes. Based on this

    it was clear that there would be a considerable demand for broadband from the education

    of connectivity would be required for each such educational

    The health sector too had been plagued by the near absence of infrastructure and a dearth

    specially in hard to reach rural locations. As per the TRAI (2010), 75% of the

    health infrastructure, manpower (including the qualified consulting doctors practice) and

    other health resources were concentrated in urban areas, 23% in semi-urban (towns) and

    where as 70% of population lived in the rural areas. Hospital beds per


    is expected that various services or goods for the rural population could be delivered

    through broadband, especially through public service institutions. As the numbers indicate


    popularity and showing considerable increase in

    Internet usage in rural India. As compared to urban areas music / video on Internet was

    users accessing the Internet for this

    purpose as compared to 45% in urban areas. In addition to this, rural users were also

    increasingly using the internet for email, text chatting and general information search. This

    roadband is likely

    education (TRAI,

    initiatives of the Government for increasing the use of ICT in education are

    already in progress (for instance, Sarve Shiksha Abhiyan, Education for All programme has a

    component of Computer Aided Learning (CAL), wherein a provision of 5 million USD per

    The Centrally Sponsored Scheme Information

    and Communication Technology [ICT] in School was launched in December 2004, to provide

    T aided

    already made provisions in their IT

    encouraging the use of IT in schools/ colleges/ education institutes. Based on this

    band from the education

    of connectivity would be required for each such educational

    The health sector too had been plagued by the near absence of infrastructure and a dearth

    ach rural locations. As per the TRAI (2010), 75% of the

    health infrastructure, manpower (including the qualified consulting doctors practice) and

    urban (towns) and

    where as 70% of population lived in the rural areas. Hospital beds per

  • 1000 people were 0.10 in rural as compared to 2.2 in urban areas.

    medical advice, monitoring, diagnosis and training

    in bridging these gaps.

    Deployment of ICTs by small and medium enterprises or ICT based enterprises, especially for

    the rural population or run by them

    the e-commerce market. E-commerce is tipped to be the next growth sector for business in


    3. Present Status

    The NOFN was to be rolled out in a phased manner and was

    December 2012. It was subsequently pushed back to

    reports say that implementation

    Chairman of TRAI in a public function summarized the implementation status more aptly,

    We have done a terrible job in broadband. We are nowhere near to meeting

    NOFN and unless it is done, internet penetration cannot happen at the desired pace'

    The Cabling and trenching (C & T) work by BSNL, POWERGRID and RAILTEL ha

    delayed, as their initial funds to deploy manpower and pay salaries of exec

    to be cleared by the cabinet as of

    two years. The above three players are supposed to subcontract the C&T work to multiple

    vendors as a part of implementation

    even the tenders for C&T were not finalized.

    not giving the necessary clearances.


    broadband-network-ltd 10

    penetration-rahul-khullar-140211 11


    1000 people were 0.10 in rural as compared to 2.2 in urban areas. The TRAI felt that

    edical advice, monitoring, diagnosis and trainings delivered through broadband could help

    Deployment of ICTs by small and medium enterprises or ICT based enterprises, especially for

    by them would with the availability of Broadband help to expand

    commerce is tipped to be the next growth sector for business in

    was to be rolled out in a phased manner and was slated for completion in

    December 2012. It was subsequently pushed back to December 2013 and recent new

    reports say that implementation has been further delayed at least by four years.9 The

    Chairman of TRAI in a public function summarized the implementation status more aptly,

    e have done a terrible job in broadband. We are nowhere near to meeting the target of

    NOFN and unless it is done, internet penetration cannot happen at the desired pace'

    The Cabling and trenching (C & T) work by BSNL, POWERGRID and RAILTEL have been

    delayed, as their initial funds to deploy manpower and pay salaries of executive staff are yet

    as of Feb 201411. This has pushed the first phase itself back by

    two years. The above three players are supposed to subcontract the C&T work to multiple

    vendors as a part of implementation plan which has so far not been done. As in Jan 2014,

    even the tenders for C&T were not finalized.12

    On the other hand, BSNL has blamed BBNL for

    clearances. Acquiring RoW too has been a major hurdle.



    The TRAI felt that

    delivered through broadband could help

    Deployment of ICTs by small and medium enterprises or ICT based enterprises, especially for

    help to expand

    commerce is tipped to be the next growth sector for business in

    slated for completion in

    ecent news paper


    Chairman of TRAI in a public function summarized the implementation status more aptly, '

    target of

    NOFN and unless it is done, internet penetration cannot happen at the desired pace'10


    utive staff are yet

    . This has pushed the first phase itself back by

    two years. The above three players are supposed to subcontract the C&T work to multiple

    Jan 2014,

    blamed BBNL for




  • Delays and budget overruns notwithstanding, the Government has constituted a joint

    working committee with Indian

    been appointed as its chairperson

    trying to define and create an enabling ecosystem. Various confidence building measures

    are being looked at. The need to strike the right balance

    has the right response from the other stakeholders has become apparent

    BBNL has also formed an alliance with the Ministries of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj,

    HRD, Health and family welfare and women and child development so that the demand

    aggregation will optimize the utilization of the NOFN infrastruct


    3.1 Evaluation

    BBNL embarked upon pilot projects in three blocks covering 58 Gram Panchayats in three

    different states. All participating PSUs (i.e. POWERGRID, R

    execute a pilot project in one Block each within 90 days. These Blocks were Arian in Ajmer

    district (Rajasthan), Parvada in Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Panisagar in North

    Tripura district (Tripura). The target date for completing the Pilot Projects was 15/10/2012,

    and the same has been achieved with fibre laid out to all the Gram Panchayats in the Pilot

    Blocks and Electronic Equipment (OLT and ONT)

    pilots brought home ground realities to the participating PSUs and helped the c

    government departments plan the template for pilot testing of G2C services. It also helped

    to address the interfacing of NOFN with access operators at

    related to coordination between the three organizations for better ex

    In its annual report, BBNL (2013) offers a SWOT analysis of NOFN. Though not detailed, the

    analysis lists out all the possibilities (reproduced in

    There are undoubtedly great strengths in the NOFN that is being implemented. Its cause

    was espoused and supported by the highest offices in the country i.e. the President and the


    Delays and budget overruns notwithstanding, the Government has constituted a joint

    Indian industry and Mr. Kiran Karnik, a reputed administrator,

    its chairperson13. This committee has been entrusted with the task

    trying to define and create an enabling ecosystem. Various confidence building measures

    are being looked at. The need to strike the right balance and to see that the infrastructure

    has the right response from the other stakeholders has become apparent to policy makers.

    BBNL has also formed an alliance with the Ministries of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj,

    HRD, Health and family welfare and women and child development so that the demand

    aggregation will optimize the utilization of the NOFN infrastructure from an e-Governance

    BBNL embarked upon pilot projects in three blocks covering 58 Gram Panchayats in three

    different states. All participating PSUs (i.e. POWERGRID, RAILTEL, and BSNL) were asked to

    in one Block each within 90 days. These Blocks were Arian in Ajmer

    district (Rajasthan), Parvada in Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Panisagar in North

    Tripura district (Tripura). The target date for completing the Pilot Projects was 15/10/2012,

    e same has been achieved with fibre laid out to all the Gram Panchayats in the Pilot

    Blocks and Electronic Equipment (OLT and ONT) having been tested for offering services. The

    pilots brought home ground realities to the participating PSUs and helped the c

    government departments plan the template for pilot testing of G2C services. It also helped

    to address the interfacing of NOFN with access operators at Gram Panchayats and issues

    related to coordination between the three organizations for better execution.

    In its annual report, BBNL (2013) offers a SWOT analysis of NOFN. Though not detailed, the

    analysis lists out all the possibilities (reproduced in Figure 3).

    There are undoubtedly great strengths in the NOFN that is being implemented. Its cause

    was espoused and supported by the highest offices in the country i.e. the President and the


    Delays and budget overruns notwithstanding, the Government has constituted a joint

    Mr. Kiran Karnik, a reputed administrator, has

    . This committee has been entrusted with the task of

    trying to define and create an enabling ecosystem. Various confidence building measures

    to see that the infrastructure

    to policy makers.

    BBNL has also formed an alliance with the Ministries of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj,

    HRD, Health and family welfare and women and child development so that the demand


    BBNL embarked upon pilot projects in three blocks covering 58 Gram Panchayats in three

    and BSNL) were asked to

    in one Block each within 90 days. These Blocks were Arian in Ajmer

    district (Rajasthan), Parvada in Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Panisagar in North

    Tripura district (Tripura). The target date for completing the Pilot Projects was 15/10/2012,

    e same has been achieved with fibre laid out to all the Gram Panchayats in the Pilot

    having been tested for offering services. The

    pilots brought home ground realities to the participating PSUs and helped the concerned

    government departments plan the template for pilot testing of G2C services. It also helped

    anchayats and issues

    In its annual report, BBNL (2013) offers a SWOT analysis of NOFN. Though not detailed, the

    There are undoubtedly great strengths in the NOFN that is being implemented. Its cause

    was espoused and supported by the highest offices in the country i.e. the President and the

  • Prime Minister. When in place, it will be

    social development through the creation of new types of economic activity, employment

    opportunities and the enhancement of networking and participation while taking to fruition

    the inclusion agenda of the government.

    like the CII has created a comprehensive plan to roll out this network. The three pilots

    envisaged have been completed and as many as 22 states and 4 Union territories have

    agreed to provide Right of Way for

    government and private sector establishments have been carried out and studies have been

    conducted to ascertain their viability, scalability and replicability across the country.

    Though the mission and intenti

    in this grand plan. As stated earlier the project is already behind schedule and is now to be

    completed only in September of 2015 or later. Many argue that the plan to lay fibre to every

    one of the 250000 Gram Parishads was only meant to utilize the USOF funds which as

    stipulated by law can be used only for telecom related purposes. These detractors further

    claim that while the government has delivered the supply push little has been done to

    create a demand pull. In the e-Governance space, many of

    deliver the services are themselves not ready at the back end.

    In essence a national capacity building plan has not been defined and neither has a single

    nodal agency been identified for creating and supporting a cohesive all encompassing

    broadband enabled ecosystem.


    Strong Commitment and funding from the Government

    Collaborative approach leveraging CPSUs strength

    Little competition in the rural area of operatio

    Legacy baggage


    Weak demand may affect the viability of the project

    Prime Minister. When in place, it will be a powerful enabler for advancing economic and

    social development through the creation of new types of economic activity, employment

    opportunities and the enhancement of networking and participation while taking to fruition

    the inclusion agenda of the government. The government with the help of industry bodies

    like the CII has created a comprehensive plan to roll out this network. The three pilots

    envisaged have been completed and as many as 22 states and 4 Union territories have

    Right of Way for this NOFN. Several pilots of e-services by both

    government and private sector establishments have been carried out and studies have been

    conducted to ascertain their viability, scalability and replicability across the country.

    Though the mission and intentions are indeed creditable, several weaknesses are apparent

    in this grand plan. As stated earlier the project is already behind schedule and is now to be

    completed only in September of 2015 or later. Many argue that the plan to lay fibre to every

    250000 Gram Parishads was only meant to utilize the USOF funds which as

    stipulated by law can be used only for telecom related purposes. These detractors further

    claim that while the government has delivered the supply push little has been done to

    Governance space, many of the line departments that have to

    deliver the services are themselves not ready at the back end.

    In essence a national capacity building plan has not been defined and neither has a single

    n identified for creating and supporting a cohesive all encompassing

    broadband enabled ecosystem.

    Strong Commitment and funding from the Government

    Collaborative approach leveraging CPSUs strength

    Little competition in the rural area of operations

    Weak demand may affect the viability of the project


    enabler for advancing economic and

    social development through the creation of new types of economic activity, employment

    opportunities and the enhancement of networking and participation while taking to fruition

    government with the help of industry bodies

    like the CII has created a comprehensive plan to roll out this network. The three pilots

    envisaged have been completed and as many as 22 states and 4 Union territories have

    services by both

    government and private sector establishments have been carried out and studies have been

    conducted to ascertain their viability, scalability and replicability across the country.

    ons are indeed creditable, several weaknesses are apparent

    in this grand plan. As stated earlier the project is already behind schedule and is now to be

    completed only in September of 2015 or later. Many argue that the plan to lay fibre to every

    250000 Gram Parishads was only meant to utilize the USOF funds which as

    stipulated by law can be used only for telecom related purposes. These detractors further

    claim that while the government has delivered the supply push little has been done to

    the line departments that have to

    In essence a national capacity building plan has not been defined and neither has a single

    n identified for creating and supporting a cohesive all encompassing

  • Problems of rural areas like power, theft etc. may strain the performance of the


    Health of existing fiber network may impact the SLAs

    Complexities of the project may

    Dependence on the three PSUs may affect the performance of the company


    Low broadband penetration means huge untapped demand

    Growing demand for data and video will spur demand for high bandwidth

    Connectivity provided by NOFN

    Business imperatives in rural areas will favour proliferation of B2C services


    Ecosystem is not mature which may result in low uptake threatening the viability of

    the project

    Operators not having connectivity at Block level will have to depend upon others,

    leading to inter-connect and competitive issues

    Low purchasing power in rural areas may put pressure on revenues